Is it possible to constantly use mouthwash? Mouthwash is an effective, safe means to protect teeth and gums.

Proper oral hygiene includes the use of mouth rinses. If a person follows all the principles of hygiene, he visits the dentist only for preventive purposes. The choice of rinses is currently huge, and it is important to choose the right product, understanding its composition and scope of application.

What are the benefits of mouth rinses?

You should consult your dentist about the benefits and necessity of using mouthwash. Most often they are used to solve certain problems, for example, with increased stone formation, plaque, diseases of the gums and teeth. In these cases, only a specialist can choose the optimal treatment.

The advisability of using cosmetic and hygiene products is questionable. Of course, rinsing your mouth after eating helps prevent the development of caries and unpleasant odor (), but for these purposes it is better to use plain water, tea or a homemade mouth rinse based on healthy herbs.

The benefits of hygienic rinses are low; they simply eliminate the unpleasant odor, but do not solve the problem of its appearance. It is worth considering that only the correct use of rinses is beneficial. Alcohol-containing products can destroy microbes and prevent the formation of tartar, but they can also cause irritation of the mucous membranes and dry mouth.

The main beneficial properties of rinses include:

  • Additional cleansing of the oral cavity;
  • Removing food particles and germs from hard-to-reach places;
  • Fresh breath.

There are two main types of remedies that are beneficial:

  • Aimed at relieving inflammation;
  • Resisting the appearance and development of caries.

The first group includes substances that have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the gums and microflora; they are able to relieve swelling and heal small wounds. They often contain chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect, and neovitin, which helps relieve inflammation and pain and destroy microbes.

Anti-caries rinses often contain fluoride and calcium; they help strengthen the enamel and improve the mineralization of teeth. Their use differs from usual; rinsing is done for at least 2-2.5 minutes so that all fluoride and calcium compounds are absorbed.

A rinse with cetylpyridinium chloride has an excellent effect; it is a broad-spectrum product that reduces the likelihood of plaque and inflammation, has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and prevents bleeding gums.

Compositions containing listerine and triclosan have a beneficial effect. They destroy bacteria, prevent the development of inflammatory processes, the appearance of stone and plaque, and improve the condition of the gums.

What to look for when choosing

Each type of rinse aid is designed to solve a particular problem, since it has a certain complex of active substances. When choosing a product, you should focus specifically on a specific problem that requires a solution. It is best to buy products from the same series that will complement each other.

The following groups of medicinal drugs are distinguished:

  1. Elixirs for gums. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve the microflora of the oral cavity and increase blood circulation, reduce swelling, and heal wounds. Use before brushing your teeth.
  2. Antifungal. They contain iodine and are indicated for people with thyroid diseases. The product is absorbed into the gums up to 4 times a day.
  3. Dry. Used for purulent inflammations. Available in powder form, diluted in water before use. Not suitable for daily use.
  4. Against caries. This balm has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the development of caries, strengthens enamel and promotes mineralization of teeth.

Most often, drugs can be used to prevent diseases, increased sensitivity of enamel, and gum disease. For dental problems, it is recommended to choose anti-caries agents with amino fluoride or sodium fluoride. Antiseptics can only be used for 14-21 days in case of urgent need; it is better not to purchase them for constant use.

For regular use, it is better to buy rinses based on plant extracts. You should pay attention to the composition, if it contains ethyl alcohol, this product is not recommended for children and drivers.

The most famous brands

According to reviews, the following brands are the most popular among mouth rinses.


The Italian remedy contains non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances - methyl salicylate, thymol, eucalyptus extract, sodium fluoride and alcohol. Listerine mouth rinse is used for periodontitis, it perfectly eliminates gum disease and unpleasant odor.

Listerine mouth rinse protects teeth and mucous membranes, creates a light whitening effect, and is easy to use. The disadvantages of the product include a not very pleasant sharp taste and a burning sensation in the mouth. Listerine mouth rinse is used according to the instructions.


A well-known Russian herbal antibacterial agent with a whitening effect, has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect, and counteracts the formation of stone and plaque, respectively, periodontitis. Does not contain fluorine and alcohol.

Splat mouthwash can be used to prevent diseases. It has a pleasant aroma and is inexpensive. The disadvantages include a specific taste and high concentration.


An excellent product for protecting enamel without alcohol or antiseptics, can be used for daily use, approved for children from 6 years of age. Perfectly freshens breath and cleanses the oral cavity. The disadvantages include high cost.

Elmex Sensitive Plus is more affordable, large bottle size, suitable for the whole family.

St 12

The use of this drug provides fresh breath for 12 hours, the alcohol content is minimal, which allows it to be used by drivers and children over 14 years of age. The active components of St. 12 mouthwash destroy volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad breath.


An Italian preparation based on medicinal herbs, without alcohol, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the sensitivity of enamel, and reduces the risk of tartar formation. It has a pleasant taste and smell, but its cost is quite high.


The unique Colgate Total Pro formula does an excellent job of fighting harmful oral bacteria, helping to reduce gum inflammation and bleeding, and freshens breath. It has a pleasant taste and is suitable for daily use by all family members.


The German drug is effective against bleeding gums, has an astringent effect, and perfectly protects teeth. Used in courses of 21 days, does not contain alcohol, has a pleasant taste and aroma. The disadvantages include its high cost.


The Russian-made drug contains two antiseptic substances, thanks to which it has an antibacterial and analgesic effect. It is used for inflammation of the gums, but is used for no more than two weeks. Otherwise, dysbiosis may develop.

The rinse has a pleasant, slightly minty taste, which is achieved using natural additives. But there is a rapid consumption of the product and a high price per package.


The product is used to saturate the enamel with minerals, reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes. The natural components of the drug allow it to be used for prevention; it does not contain fluoride, antiseptics, or alcohol.


The Russian alcohol-containing drug contains licorice root, Mexidol and a complex of amino acids. It can be used periodically to prevent the development of periodontal disease and stomatitis. Recommended for people wearing hair that can cause inflammatory processes.

It perfectly moisturizes and heals the mucous membrane, is affordable, but is not suitable for daily use, and is prescribed by a doctor for certain diseases.


The alcohol-containing product, produced in the UK, has a pleasant aroma and is highly effective. It should not be used for more than 21 days; it is prescribed by a dentist for bleeding gums.

The disadvantages of its use include high cost, the possibility of developing allergic reactions and other side effects. According to reviews, it simply has a nuclear taste.


Contains fluoride compounds and disinfectants. It has the ability to reduce tooth sensitivity, but does not have herbal components designed to reduce inflammation and pain.


Prevents the appearance and development of caries and plaque. The composition does not contain alcohol or dyes; it includes antibacterial components and potassium chloride, which help relieve inflammation.

How to use rinse aids correctly

When using medications for the oral cavity, you must adhere to certain rules that will allow you to get maximum benefit and prevent negative consequences.

  1. In most cases, mouthwashes are used after eating and brushing teeth with toothpaste. There are exceptions, which can be read in the instructions for a specific product.
  2. The product should be kept in the mouth for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on what requirements are specified in the instructions. Exceeding the dosage and exposure time is not recommended.
  3. Before use, you should study the instructions, since some drugs are available in concentrated form and should be diluted with water.
  4. Medications should not be used uncontrolled. Their use is prescribed by a doctor, the duration of treatment is no more than 14-28 days. Their use is possible up to 3 times a day. After rinsing, you should not eat for half an hour.
  5. You should not swallow products, especially those containing alcohol or fluoride. When using a fluoridated drug, you should choose a toothpaste with calcium. Children are recommended to choose special children's rinsing products.

Mouthwash is an excellent complement to oral hygiene. But by no means the main thing.

Is it possible to replace brushing your teeth?

It is especially worth noting that the procedure of rinsing the mouth with various means does not replace proper dental care with toothpaste. Despite the high effectiveness of the drugs, mechanical cleaning of teeth with floss and brush is a prerequisite for maintaining the health of the oral cavity, teeth and gums.

A long time ago, a person first took water into his mouth to cleanse it of food debris. It was then that the first mouthwash appeared.

Centuries passed, the water was transformed into an infusion of mint, lemon balm, and lemon. Then they began to add alcohol to the infusion. The effect of this “deodorant” improved, but it did not eliminate the main cause of the odor - bacteria.

Currently, antiseptic substances are added to rinses to remove plaque and care for sensitive teeth. They are an addition to brushing: they get into the interdental spaces, strengthen, and also extend the life of the toothpaste.

A rinse aid is simply necessary if:

  • you constantly take care of your teeth and want to strengthen your tooth enamel;
  • your gums are prone to inflammation and bleeding;
  • teeth are very sensitive to temperature changes, and the enamel is thinned;
  • you wear braces or dentures, or have implants installed in your mouth;
  • you have irregularities on your teeth that are very difficult to clean with a regular brush;
  • you have chronic oral diseases;
  • your teeth often come into contact with staining drinks such as coffee or wine, as well as tobacco smoke;
  • It is very important for you to have fresh breath when talking with people;
  • For example, you recently had artificial teeth installed.

Types and composition

There are two main types of rinses depending on the purpose of use for treatment and prevention. The latter are used only to freshen your breath.

Types of medicinal:

  • against inflammation;
  • sensitive;
  • strengthening hard tooth tissues;
  • whitening darkened plaque;
  • complex.

There are several types of mouthwashes based on their intended purpose:

  • deodorant. This product usually contains extracts of lemon balm (freshes breath), mint, chamomile (an excellent remedy for inflammation) and sage (antibacterial effect);
  • for sensitive enamel. To neutralize the effects of hot, sour and cold, the rinse includes potassium nitrate, medicinal extract of chamomile or linden.
  • bleaching. To combat dark plaque and tartar, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate and triclosan are added to the product;
  • antibacterial. For better disinfection of the oral cavity, echinacea extract, sage extract and chlorhexidine are used.

Typically, a rinse that fights the formation of tartar consists of the following components:

  1. Chlorhexidine. An antibacterial agent that adheres to teeth and gums and has a bactericidal effect.
  2. Listerine. Affects the gums and gently cares for them, removing inflammatory processes.
  3. Triclosan. A disinfectant that prevents the formation of plaque on teeth.

The mouthwash that contains ethyl alcohol does an excellent job of removing microorganisms, but also dries out the oral mucosa.

Please note: It is forbidden to swallow mouthwash - you can get poisoned. After rinsing, you should not eat or drink for half an hour so that the active ingredients benefit your teeth.

Rinse aids can be divided into 4 types:

  1. Antifungal. This product should be rubbed into the gums four times a day. It contains iodine, so it is contraindicated for those who suffer from thyroid disease.
  2. Anti-caries balm. It usually contains calcium and fluoride ions. You should rinse your mouth with this rinse only after brushing your teeth and for at least two and a half minutes.
  3. Elixir for rinsing gums. The elixir is used before brushing your teeth. Its main purpose is to heal wounds, relieve swelling and improve the microflora of the mouth. If it contains chlorhexidine, the product will soften tartar.
  4. Dry powder. Before use, the powder must be diluted with water. This remedy is very effective for purulent formations and is not intended for daily use.

Selection rules

People with sensitive enamel or bleeding gums should carefully choose a product to relieve symptoms.

It must be remembered that only a dentist can cure any oral disease.

In order to make the right choice, below is a rating of the best mouth rinses from different brands.

Protection against caries

Excessive consumption of sweets can cause tooth decay. To avoid brushing your teeth after every meal, you can simply rinse your mouth. In this case, the following oral fluids will help:

  1. Elmex. Contains sodium fluoride and amino fluoride, which restore tooth enamel. The rinse covers the teeth with a protective film, which strengthens and heals wounds. Alcohol-free, therefore suitable for children.
  2. President. Also contains sodium fluoride and xylitol, which prevents the development of bacteria, renews enamel and gives a sweet taste. Peppermint extract, chamomile lemon balm soothe irritation and eliminate stale odors.

Against gum inflammation

If your gums are inflamed, brushing your teeth will be painful. To freshen your breath, you can only use mouthwash, and then be sure to consult a dentist.

  1. LacalutAktiv. It contains aluminum lactate and chlorhexidine, which restore enamel well. No ethanol, also not suitable for everyday use.
  2. Colgate. It carries out three possibilities at once - it reduces the pain threshold of teeth to physical, chemical and mechanical influences, and removes bacteria and restores weakened enamel. For this purpose, the composition includes sodium fluoride, cetylpyridinium chloride and potassium citrate.
  3. Forest balm. Natural rinse containing oak bark oil, fir extract, sage, St. John's wort and triclosan. It is recommended to use it after removing tartar from teeth for two weeks.

For hypersensitivity of tooth enamel

The rinse mineralizes teeth, thickening the enamel. Sensitivity decreases, so you can soon return to less gentle products.

  1. Elmex. Strengthens teeth and closes dentinal canals. A synthetic polymer protects teeth by forming films on the surface. There is no alcohol, which makes it suitable for use by children over 6 years of age.
  2. LacalutSensitive. Knits, treats bleeding gums, disinfects the mouth. It does not contain ethanol, but the product cannot be used for more than 3 weeks.

To dissolve periodontitis

Periodontitis is the same as plaque, only hardened over time. It will be much easier to clean it if you soften it first.

  1. Paradontax. Eliminates plaque and bleeding gums. It should be used for no more than 3 weeks. The disadvantages include the high price and strong taste.
  2. Sensodyne. Prevents the development of caries and tartar, relieves inflammation. Does not contain alcohol or dyes.

For braces

One of the disadvantages of wearing braces is the formation of caries next to them. This can be avoided by rinsing your mouth every time after eating.

  1. Listerine. Eliminates unpleasant odor and prevents caries around braces. Suitable for children over twelve years of age.
  2. Colgate. The drug whitens teeth and cleanses the oral cavity of food debris. The effect will last up to ten hours.

The best mouthwash is, of course, the one you make yourself. The rinse recipe consists of oak bark, walnut leaves, sage infusion and peppermint. All components must be taken in equal proportions, pour boiling water and put in a steam bath for half an hour.

After preparation, the infusion should be poured into one container and a few drops of aloe juice should be added. You can also add 5 drops of essential oil and tbsp. l. soda Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks.

Which mouthwash to choose, watch the advice of doctors in the following video:

A mouthwash is an antiseptic liquid used to cleanse the mouth of germs.

Purposes of use

Previously, rinses were used only as a deodorizing balm, so it always contained lemon balm, mint, lavender and other herbs.

But with the advent of chewing gum, mouthwash began to be produced as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

The main purposes of use are:

History of creation

The first mention of rinses for the mouth, gums and teeth dates back to 2700 BC. in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

A little later, they began to rinse the mouth with a special product in Greece and Rome. At that time, Hippocrates advised using a mixture of vinegar, alum and salt for this purpose. Before Europeans arrived on American soil, the natives made balm from various plants and herbs.

In the 17th century, microscopist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek found living organisms in dental plaque, which is now known as plaque. After this, he began experimenting by adding brandy and vinegar to samples.

The first mouthwash went on sale in the United States in 1895 under the name, but it was intended only for dentists.

It could be purchased in pharmacies in 1914.

In 1892, in Europe, Karl August Lingner introduced his product to the market - Odol.

Danish professor Harald Loe proved in the late 1960s that he could prevent plaque. From that moment on, rinses began to be sold more actively, because some manufacturers stated that their product would also reduce manifestations from the oral cavity.

Listerine still occupies a leading position in the market for the production of dental care products.

About the issue of efficiency

Dental experts are still arguing about how effective this product is. Most of them claim that the effectiveness of a balm for rinsing the mouth depends on its type.

Doctors have agreed that fluoride rinses help reduce the bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath. But some drugs leave stains on tooth enamel.

Scientists have long proven that anti-caries drugs do an excellent job of killing bacteria, while hygienic drugs do not allow plaque to form. Therefore, dentists recommend twice a day, after which use a rinse.

It is worth remembering that such a product should be used as additional care.

Therapeutic and cosmetic effect

Depending on the type of product, the use of rinse aid solves the following problems:

Before purchasing liquid, you should consult your dentist.

Top ten remedies

Based on reviews from numerous reviews, we can highlight the following TOP 10 best mouth rinses:

  1. Lacalut active. The German mouthwash consists of chlorhexidine, sodium fluoride, aluminum lactate. The composition does not contain ethyl alcohol. The product effectively fights, and. It has a pleasant taste and smell, but it is not recommended to use it for longer than 21 days.
  2. . The composition of the product of Italian origin includes sodium chloride, alcohol, methyl salicylate, thymol and eucalyptus extract. The drug effectively fights harmful bacteria and is used to prevent dental plaque and bad breath. For periodontal and gum diseases, it is used in complex treatment for two weeks.
  3. Mexidol. The mouthwash is manufactured in Russia. It contains Mexidol, amino acids, alcohol and licorice root extract. It is used periodically and is prescribed to people prone to developing other inflammatory processes.
  4. Splat complete. The Russian drug consists of polydon, nettle leaf extract and biosol. Rinse liquid prevents plaque from appearing on teeth and has an antibacterial effect. Suitable for long-term use.
  5. Elmex. Colgate mouthwash contains sodium fluoride and amino fluoride. The components promote the penetration of fluoride into tooth enamel over a long period of time. The product can be used from the age of six due to the absence of alcohol and antiseptics.
  6. President. The mouthwash is made in Italy, the main ingredients of which are xylitol, sodium fluoride and plant-based ingredients. The balm has a refreshing effect and protects tooth enamel from. It contains no alcohol, so the liquid can be used by children over 6 years of age.
  7. Parodontax. This mouthwash from the UK contains alcohol, chlorhexidine digluconate, sodium chloride and eugenol. Helps remove plaque and fights gum inflammation. The maximum period of use is one month.
  8. Glister. The mouthwash, made in Germany, contains cetylpyridinium chloride and alcohol. The product is recommended for periodontal inflammation without ulcers or wounds, as well as for unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. It should not be used for more than two weeks.
  9. . Russian-made mouthwash consists of xylitol, benzydamine and chlorhexidine bigluconate. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Applicable when. It is not recommended to use the drug for longer than 14 days, otherwise there is a risk of oral dysbiosis.
  10. Forest balm. The product from the Russian concern Kalina is available in 12 different types. Not all contain natural ingredients; some contain triclosan, fragrances and organic solvents.

People's mouthwash

Many people prefer to use homemade mouthwash. The main advantage of this product is its absolutely natural composition without chemical preservatives or dyes.

Here is the recipe for one of the most popular folk remedies that have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • oak bark(2 tbsp) pour a glass of boiling water and place in a steam bath for half an hour;
  • walnut leaves(2 tbsp) are also poured with boiled hot water, and then sent to a steam bath for 10 minutes;
  • infusion of sage and peppermint This can also be done, but a steam bath is not required; it is infused for 40 minutes.

After preparing the decoctions, you need to pour them into one container and add a few drops of aloe juice.

To keep the product longer, you will need to add 1 tbsp to the mixture. soda

At the end, add 5 drops of eucalyptus and essential oils. The product can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 3 weeks.

How to use the product correctly

Many people make the mistake of perceiving mouthwash as a complete substitute. This is not true at all, but in emergency cases this method can be used. You need to rinse your mouth with the product twice a day: morning and evening.

The procedure is carried out after brushing your teeth and 10-20 ml of the drug is enough for one time.

If a concentrate is used, it should be diluted with water in certain proportions indicated on the package. The liquid is diluted strictly before rinsing.

The oral cavity is rinsed for 30 seconds, the composition is not swallowed, but spat out. For the rinse to work better, it is recommended not to consume anything for an hour.

From practical application experience

From reviews of consumers who use rinses for oral hygiene.

I have been suffering from hypersensitive teeth for a long time, so I have to go to the dentist often. My doctor recommended using Splat mouthwash. After just a few uses, I see results and now I no longer react so strongly to cold and hot foods.

Sergey, 34

I have bad breath at times and I resorted to chewing gum until I tried Listerine. Now the problem has practically disappeared and I can live normally.

Valery, 43

I have been worried since childhood, having tried different elixirs, decoctions, vitamins, I chose Lacalut mouthwash. The taste, smell, and price completely suits me.

Alina, 28

You should consult your dentist before using mouthwash regularly. Only a professional will help you choose the most effective remedy based on the patient’s individual problems.

In comprehensive care, a mouth rinse balm will help restore a healthy smile, and will also allow you to forget about dental plaque.

People have probably always felt the need to take care of oral hygiene. Descriptions of the technology of brushing teeth are found in the Torah and the Koran, in the writings of Hippocrates and in many other historical sources. Moreover, most often these are descriptions of prototypes of modern toothbrushes. Does this mean that mouthwashes are a modern invention? Not at all! And although the first specific descriptions and recipes for preparing elixirs for rinsing are found in much later sources, due to its accessibility, this method of hygiene was much more widespread than brushing teeth. The compositions of the first mouth rinses were simple. All kinds of decoctions of herbs, flowers, bark, essential oils and much more were used as a rinse.

Types of mouth rinses

The entire variety of mouth rinses on the market can be divided into two main types: hygienic (sometimes also called cosmetic) and medicinal. The first perform mainly one function - refresh. Of course, they also help remove food debris, but they cannot help remove plaque and serious dental diseases. Also among them are whitening mouth rinses, but their effectiveness is questioned by many experts. The composition of cosmetic rinses does not vary much, and they themselves differ little from each other. As for medicinal rinses, they, depending on the active components included in the composition, differ in the direction of action. Among them are the following types:

  • Mouth rinses that fight plaque and gingivitis. Such rinses reduce and slow down the formation of bacteria in the mouth. Due to the antiseptics included in the composition, most often chlorhexidine bigluconate (CURASEPT ADS 205 mouthwash or paroguard chx from Miradent) or triclosan.
  • Anti-caries and strengthening mouth rinses. Such products fight the occurrence of caries and increased sensitivity of teeth due to the content of fluoride, which strengthens teeth (rinse Strengthening and remineralization of tooth enamel from Dofeel and 4-action Mouthwash from Biorepair. Most often, anti-caries rinses are prescribed to people undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces.
  • Whitening rinses that fight the formation of plaque come with active oxygen (whitening rinse GLOBAL WHITE), various extracts and hydroxyapatite (White Shock BlanX rinse).
  • Mouth rinses that fight the formation of tartar. The main component of these rinses is usually calcium citrate.
  • Special balms for irrigators, which are recommended for use by people with problem gums and those who have various types of restorations and dentures.

Who really needs rinses, and who can they harm?

In the question of which mouth rinse to choose and whether you need it at all, as in any other matter related to oral hygiene, it is best to rely on the opinion of your doctor. If you have a specific problem: increased risk of tooth decay, increased plaque build-up, any gum disease, a lack of saliva production, or something similar, your doctor will find the right product for you and give you recommendations on how to use mouthwash correctly. Naturally, we will talk about a medicinal rinse.

As for cosmetic, or hygienic, rinses, there is actually no answer to the question of which mouth rinse is the best. As mentioned above, they are not much different from each other, and they do not bring any particular benefit; they even only mask bad breath and do not remove it. However, some of them can be harmful if the manufacturer, in pursuit of profit, did not take care of the quality of the components included.

Some mouth rinses can stain enamel and even cause plaque. The mouthwash may contain alcohol, including ethanol, which can cause serious problems if it enters the body. Even if you do not swallow mouthwash (and you should not swallow any of them, even those containing alcohol), ethanol still enters the blood in microscopic quantities, since it is absorbed in the oral cavity. If you do accidentally swallow a mouthwash, be sure to check its label: if it contains ethanol or fluoride, it is better to consult a doctor. By the way, children under 12 years of age should use mouth rinses strictly under the supervision of adults.

especially useful during the period of wearing braces, when the risk of caries occurrence and development increases.

How to use mouthwash correctly?

So, if you are advised to use mouthwash as an additional means for oral hygiene, then remember a few rules:

  • First of all, study the label and, if possible, still consult with your doctor to determine whether this product is right for you and in what order it should be used - before or after brushing. The fact is that some rinses soften plaque and are therefore more effective before standard brushing, while others have a whitening or refreshing effect and are advisable to use at the end of the hygiene procedure.
  • The standard “portion” for one rinse is about 50 grams (two tablespoons), duration is on average 1 minute. But for medicinal rinses, this time can be increased to 3 minutes.
  • Never swallow mouthwash!
  • It will be useful to use a mouthwash in combination with a dental irrigator.

Mouthwash "Guava and Green Tea" Twin Lotus performs a disinfecting function, freeing the oral cavity from remaining food particles, and also strengthens tooth enamel and reduces gum inflammation. It’s especially nice that its use is not accompanied by dry mouth..

Do you think mouthwash is necessary? What can it give that toothpaste and brush cannot give? What to look for when choosing a rinse aid. In the review I tried to figure it out and find answers to these questions, using the example rinse aid SPLAT "Ultracomplex"

Brief information:

Volume: 275 ml

Price about 130 rubles.

You can buy it in city stores or on the manufacturer’s website Splatprofcare. com

Mouthwash in a convenient bottle with protection against the first opening. The protection is not very reliable, but it is there, and this is important:

Color almost transparent.

Consistency liquid.

Aroma It is tart and smells of cloves and anise.

Information from the manufacturer:

I respect the Splat company for its friendly attitude towards nature:

the products are not tested on animals, and the rinses are produced in biodegradable packaging, which is safe for humans and nature. And of course, for the absence of aggressive components in the composition.

Ultracomplex mouthwash does NOT contain:

fluorine, triclosan, chlorhexidine, parabens, saccharin, SLS, synthetic flavors and dyes.

Active ingredients are 98% natural:

This rinse provides comprehensive oral care and is suitable for sensitive teeth and gums. Gives freshness to breath.

Application. After brushing your teeth or after eating, pour the mouthwash into the cap, rinse your mouth for 1 minute, then spit it out.

Consumption: a full cap is too much, personally, half is enough for me!

The taste of the mouthwash is quite strong, sharp for me. Therefore, I dilute it with warm water, just a little bit, literally a few drops. This is much more pleasant for me personally, and I think that it does not come at the expense of efficiency.

I use it 2 times a day: at night after brushing your teeth and during the day, just after eating. It’s very convenient: you eat, rinse your mouth with water, and then with mouthwash. And immediately there is gorgeous freshness and at the same time there is an invisible fight against bacteria on the teeth (look at how many antibacterial components are in the composition!)!

I consider one of the advantages of the mouthwash to be that it is able to penetrate into hard-to-reach interdental spaces where a toothbrush cannot penetrate.

What did I get from using the mouthwash?

  1. First of all, indescribable freshness! This feeling is much brighter than after using toothpaste alone.
  2. Good gum care! If there are minor problems or inflammation, the rinse quickly returns the gums to normal, returning them to an even color. I think this is due to the presence of natural active ingredients (oils and plant extracts) that have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.
  3. I didn’t notice any whitening, and I would never buy a mouthwash to whiten my teeth; there are other ways to do this.
  4. Sensitive teeth do not react to it with painful sensations. By the way, it contains anise essential oil, which can reduce toothache!
  5. Less plaque formation (teeth stay clean longer).

Main advantages:

+ Contains 98% natural active ingredients (!!)

+ No fluoride, triclosan, chlorhexidine, parabens, saccharin, SLS, synthetic fragrances or dyes