Dentistry. Abscess, Oral abscess, Palate abscess, Cheek abscess, Tongue abscess, Alveolitis, Jaw dislocation, Chronic odontogenic sinusitis, Gingivitis, Bad breath, Toothache, Tartar, Caries, Jaw cyst

A palatal abscess is a formed abscess localized under the mucous membrane hard palate. In essence, this is acute purulent periostitis from the palatal surface.

This pathology It is extremely rare; with the development of purulent inflammation of the periosteum, the process most often spreads to the vestibular (buccal or labial) surface.

The main cause of palate abscess is odontogenic infection. At the same time, its foci are located in the area of ​​the palatine roots of the upper chewing teeth– first and second premolar and molar.

Thus, previous diseases are serous, purulent, granulomatous or granulating periodontitis.

Clinical picture

Patients complain of severe throbbing pain in the palate, as well as its swelling, which appeared several days ago. Chewing food and touching with the tongue causes increased painful sensations, discomfort often occurs when swallowing. At the same time, pain in the causative tooth is not always observed, which is explained by the release of infection from periodontal tissues under the mucous membrane of the palate.

The general condition of the patient is often not disturbed. Swelling of the soft tissues of the face is usually absent. Sometimes facial asymmetry is observed if the process is localized on both the vestibular and palatal surfaces.

Often the submandibular muscles react to this pathology. lymph nodes– they are enlarged and painful on palpation.

There is swelling in the palate, the mucous membrane is painful on palpation, swollen, and hyperemic. The smoothing of the palatal folds is determined; if they spread significantly, the mucous membrane of the soft palate and the palatine arches are involved in the process.

Treatment tactics

Despite the fact that a palatal abscess often opens spontaneously within 5-7 days, immediate treatment is necessary, which consists of:

  • Opening the abscess with subsequent drainage of the wound to create a good outflow of purulent discharge. The patient should rinse the wound with a solution of salt water for several days and show up to the surgeon every day for dressings, where the doctor washes the wound and changes the drainage.
  • Deciding the fate of the causative tooth. If the tooth is severely damaged, there are large foci of destruction bone tissue in the area of ​​the root tips (according to the x-ray), it must be removed. Otherwise, therapists try to save the tooth and seal the canals in them (a few days after opening the abscess).
  • Drug therapy – the use of antibiotics and antihistamines is mandatory. For pain, painkillers are prescribed. The patient should rinse the wound with antiseptics or saline solution within 4-5 days.


In order to prevent the occurrence of this pathology, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene, visit the dentist twice a year for examinations, and promptly treat caries and its complications.

There are many health problems that can be dealt with modern man constantly encounters throughout life. Purulent inflammation This is by no means a rare occurrence. And if suppuration on the skin may not entail much negative consequences, then, for example, an abscess in the mouth that is not treated in time threatens to develop into more complex diseases that carry serious complications.

An oral abscess is wound surface soft tissues that have become infected. Over time, it begins to develop, the level of leukocytes in the body increases, aimed at fighting harmful bacteria, as a result of which the body’s immune system, as it were, drives the infection into a limited space, where it begins to diligently destroy it. The result of such a struggle is the formation of pus, consisting of dead tissue, bacteria and blood serum.

Thanks to this process, the abscess oral cavity takes the final form of a pronounced inflammation of a round shape with clearly defined boundaries. Most often, an abscess in the mouth forms due to problems with teeth, but boils in the mouth can also be a source of infection. maxillofacial area, and mechanical damage to the oral mucosa, and streptococci with staphylococci, causing sore throat. Let's look at the most common cases of inflammation.

Tongue abscess

Perhaps one of the most dangerous is an abscess of the tongue, as it develops rapidly, causing a sharp increase in the size of the tongue, which can lead to a lack of oxygen and suffocation. When infection gets into microcracks and an abscess forms in the thickness of the tongue, the patient begins to experience severe pain. The tongue swells, swallowing and chewing becomes difficult; these symptoms are especially pronounced in the presence of an abscess of the root of the tongue. The closer the source is to the nasopharynx, the sooner the patient is indicated for hospitalization and surgical intervention by a doctor.

In addition to dislocation at the root, the development of a sublingual abscess is possible. Although it is less dangerous for breathing, it also needs to be opened as soon as possible in order to avoid breakthrough and purulent intoxication of the body.

When this type of inflammation occurs, the patient usually experiences pain while eating and talking. In any case, a tongue abscess, no matter what area it forms, is a very dangerous thing, since all nearby people are at risk soft fabrics, organs and primarily the brain. The first signs of inflammation:

  • painful sensations;
  • headaches;
  • hyperemia;
  • loss of sleep and appetite;
  • general malaise.

Periodontal abscess

The causes of gum abscess (periodontal) are most often the gaps between the gum and teeth, the so-called periodontal pockets, into which the infection gets. Externally, the source of infection resembles a small red ball, painful when touched. Pockets may form due to various reasons, in particular due to diseases of the oral cavity, permanent injury from incorrectly installed dentures or fillings, mechanical damage (trauma, bruises, burns).

A gingival abscess that is not drained in a timely manner can damage one or even several teeth, which subsequently leads to their loss. Among other things, periodontal inflammation grows quite quickly and can increase to the size walnut, which not only deforms the jaw and oval of the face, but also leads to severe intoxication of the body.

Treatment for this type of inflammation is standard: the abscess is opened with a scalpel, the pus is drained out, the cavity is drained and cleaned. Sutures are rarely used during such operations, since the size of the incision is usually quite small. However, if the tumor has reached an impressive size before the operation, the process of drainage and further recovery may be delayed. In some cases, doctors prescribe a number of physiotherapeutic procedures to speedy recovery patient.

Cheek abscess

The main danger of a cheek abscess is that it can spread to neighboring organs and parts of the face. Such an abscess can appear both on the outside and on the inside cheeks. In addition to redness and hyperemia of the inflamed area, the swelling can be expressed by moderate pain, which intensifies when opening the mouth.

When formed on the inner mucous membrane of the cheek, such inflammation, in case of spontaneous opening, can infect the oral cavity in the presence of microcracks. In any case, you should not delay visiting a doctor, since even an open abscess can lead to many negative consequences.

Self-medication in similar cases dangerous, but before visiting a specialist, rinsing will help relieve pain and stop the development of inflammation antiseptic solutions, herbal decoctions room temperature, as well as applying a cold bandage to the inflamed area. It is important not to overheat the source of infection to avoid its further spread.

Abscess of the palate

Another type of inflammation in the oral cavity is a palatal abscess. Most often it is a consequence of periodontitis of the maxillary teeth (premolars, canines and incisors). This type of inflammation begins with redness and pain in the area of ​​the hard palate. As the focus of inflammation increases, the pain intensifies, making it difficult to chew food. If the abscess spontaneously opens, the risk of infection spreading to the entire area of ​​the hard palate increases, as well as the development of osteomyelitis.

According to the source of formation, it can be divided this type tumors into two subtypes: inflammation of the hard palate and soft palate:

Abscess of the hard palate

  • The patient complains of a palpable throbbing pain in the palate ( upper jaw), which intensifies when talking and trying to chew food;
  • foci of infection - periodontal pockets of the maxillary teeth, wounds on the mucous membrane of the hard palate;
  • may spread in the absence of timely treatment to the soft palate and peripharyngeal space.

Abscess of the soft palate

  • complaints of painful swallowing, sore throat, aggravated by talking. The affected area greatly increases in size;
  • sources of infection - damaged lacunae of the tonsils during chronic tonsillitis, microcracks in the mucous membrane of the soft palate, places where local anesthesia was administered;
  • further spread leads to damage to the peritonsillar and peripharyngeal space.

When faced with the problems described above, it is important to remember that timely consultation with a doctor will not only keep you healthy, but will also allow you to avoid a lot of complications.

Canker sores, or mouth ulcers, are a fairly common medical ailment that affects almost every seventh person on the planet. In general, oral ulcers are characterized by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips and gums. These sores come in different colors. There are white ulcers in the mouth, yellowish and red. Very often, this disease quite seriously spoils a person’s life, preventing him from speaking normally and eating food.

The main causes of the disease

Basically, the main reasons for the development of ulcers in the oral cavity are general or specific diseases oral mucosa, as well as a number of other diseases associated with impaired proper operation body.

Aphthous stomatitis

This type The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes, the course of which is chronic. With this disease, small abscesses appear in a person’s mouth, causing him pain. acute nature. When aphtha appears in a place where the force of friction constantly prevails, then after treatment the patient may be left with scars. Most often, pustules in the mouth in such cases are formed as a result of various inflammatory processes that affect the patient’s intestines. Also, sores in the oral cavity may be evidence that a person has psychological problems such as depression emotional stress and others. Also white sores in the mouth when aphthous stomatitis appear as a result women's problems with menstruation.

Ulcers in the oral cavity can heal quite quickly, in a maximum of six days, but there are cases when ulcers do not heal for a long time, up to one month.

Herpetiform stomatitis

If a person has this disease, then soon he will begin to develop ulcers on the mucous membrane, which are small papules, somewhat reminiscent of a herpetic lesion. These ulcerative-type sores in the mouth have a grayish tint and can appear anywhere in the oral cavity. Their healing occurs approximately 7–10 days after the first appearance.

At simple stomatitis in humans, ulcers on the oral mucosa have white. In young children, they are most often formed as a result of damage to the oral cavity by fungal microorganisms of the Candida family.

Acute form of gingivostomatitis

This disease develops as a result of damage to the mucous membrane various viruses and infections. With this disease, a person develops ulcers that are localized on the tonsils, soft palate, gums and inner parts of the cheeks. Their occurrence occurs as a result of a violation immune system, as well as as a result of injury to the mucous membrane, weakening of the body in a chronic form and hypothermia. Sometimes the development of the disease is preceded by allergic reaction. Men are especially susceptible to the disease. In such cases, pain appears in the mouth of an adult when eating, saliva begins to be produced many times faster, a temperature appears and bad smell from the oral cavity. Changes occur in the mucous membrane in the form of swelling and bleeding.

Necrotizing periadenitis of recurrent form

With this disease, a person experiences hardening of the oral mucosa, and then an ulcer in the mouth appears on the tissues. A little time passes and a second, third, or more occurs. These wounds in the oral cavity extend slightly beyond the mucous membrane, that is, they are located slightly above it. They have an infiltrate coating and are quite painful.

This type of ulcerative wound is most often localized on the inner labial surface, inner surface cheeks and along the edges of the tongue. A purulent sore in the mouth is very painful, so many people even deprive themselves of food during its exacerbation, as this begins to feel unbearable. painful sensations. Also in such cases it is very difficult to talk. The course of the disease is chronic, and the duration of exacerbation can last up to several months.

Afta Bednara

This disease only affects young children who do not perform hygiene rules and those who are constantly exposed mechanical damage mucous membrane.
When a patient suffers from this disease, the abscess in the mouth has a yellowish color and is most often localized on the palate.


A traumatic mouth ulcer occurs after any trauma to the oral cavity. Often injuries occur due to improperly performed hygiene procedures for brushing teeth. Less commonly, a traumatic wound in the mouth occurs during treatment of gums and teeth in the dentist’s office. Also, the appearance of sores can occur due to an incorrectly installed implant.

Traumatic lesions heal within a few weeks. Often, such an ulcer can be removed without the use of special medical therapeutic procedures. The ulcers do not cause any particular inconvenience to a person, as they are painless and small in size.

Oral tuberculosis

This disease occurs as a complication of pulmonary tuberculosis. This happens when the pathogen enters the mucous membrane. With this disease, ulcers appear in the mouth, which are small in size and light in color. First, tiny elevations develop, after which they disappear, and in their place white ulcers appear, which soon grow, spreading over all possible areas of tissue in the mouth. A tuberculous ulcer can be distinguished from others by the fact that it is very small, and bleeding epithelial cells form at its bottom. The person experiences severe pain, and soon he begins to lose weight, his tongue becomes loose, his temperature rises and sweating occurs.


When does it end incubation period syphilis, a person develops an ulcer in the mouth that multiplies quickly and after a few days there are enough of them to cause discomfort to the carrier. Scarring occurs only after complete cure diseases. This type of ulcer can be recognized by its shape. As a rule, a sore with syphilis has an ellipsoidal or rounded shape. It is scarlet in color, has a smooth surface and does not cause pain. The circumference of the sores swells and acquires a bluish tint. After 5-10 weeks, the ulcers disappear, leaving behind scars in the form of small stars.

Ulcers in a child

If you small child White ulcers appeared in his mouth, then most likely he has stomatitis. Also, the sores may have a red tint, and the child’s tongue swells. Often there is nothing wrong with the appearance of these manifestations, but they contribute to the deterioration of the baby’s general condition. He begins to refuse food and is constantly capricious.

Most susceptible to stomatitis are weak children who have a tendency to allergic manifestations. IN in rare cases illness is a sign of the development of a serious illness.

To get rid of mouth ulcers in a child, parents should make an appointment with pediatrician- pediatrician.

It is imperative to take your baby to medical institution, If:

  • a rash in the mouth began along with the generation of transparent blisters on the body;
  • elevated temperature (from 39 degrees);
  • inflammation of the genitals or eyes occurs;
  • the appearance of lesions began after taking any medications;
  • the baby constantly has a headache and itching, and it is also difficult for him to breathe;
  • in the presence of sores measuring more than one centimeter;
  • if available large quantity sores;
  • at frequent appearance rashes;
  • when the rash does not heal for more than three weeks.

Quite often in children, the cause of the development of ulcerative rashes is various traumatic effects on the oral mucosa. It is also worth noting that ulcers appear due to certain foods. The most common foods that provoke the appearance of ulcers are:

  1. fruits (pineapples, apples, oranges);
  2. tomatoes;
  3. chocolate;
  4. berries (strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries);
  5. seafood;
  6. seasonings;
  7. cereals (buckwheat, peas);
  8. figs

Before starting treatment for mouth ulcers, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance and eliminate it. Required components health activities is and proper nutrition. During the period of illness, the patient should eat more foods such as:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • chicken meat;
  • eggs, especially whites;
  • nuts;
  • white cabbage;
  • sorrel and spinach.

The surface of the lips must be covered vegetable oil or special medication based on vitamin E.

So, how to get rid of oral ulcers? Today there are a lot of tools that give good result. The most common and in effective ways treatments are the following:

Baking soda. This product is used for rinsing. For the solution, you need to take 200 ml of warm water and add one small spoon of soda, mix thoroughly and gargle up to 10 times a day. If baking soda is used to brush your teeth, then this procedure follows until the symptoms disappear. Also, only the emerging abscess can be treated with soda.
Change your old toothbrush. If for some reason this cannot be done right away, it is recommended to boil the brush in a soda solution.
Zelenka. Many people become frightened when they develop large, very painful sores. But there is no need to be afraid. The most simple means against this infection is brilliant green, which will cope with any ulcer. She has only one minus. When applied to the location of the sores, it causes severe pain in a person.

So, the methods described above are only the most common, but there are many others that you can resort to if, if you have sores in your mouth, treatment with soda and brilliant green does not help. So how to treat a mouth ulcer if treatment with soda does not work? positive results? The following methods exist:

  • treatment of sores with lidocaine gel;
  • perform oral irrigation with special medicinal antiseptic solutions;
  • treat ulcers with dexamethasone gel;
  • start taking medications such as desensitizers or antihistamines. From the former you can take fenkarol, and from the latter tavegil, loratodine or suprastin;
  • If you have rashes on your lips, you should lubricate them with Acyclovir ointment or any other ointment that helps with herpes.

In addition, a solution based on nystatin, dexamethasone and vitamin B12 is good for eliminating ulcerative rashes. Small pieces of medical cotton wool are moistened with the solution and applied to the affected areas. They should be kept for up to fifteen minutes for a week, five times a day. The first results appear on the very first day.

If the disease appears as a result of stomatitis, then the treatment of mouth ulcers consists of several stages. The choice of treatment regimen is based on the severity of the disease and the frequency of occurrence of sores. The dosage of drugs is selected based on the age categories of patients.

Elimination of exacerbations

There are several forms of stomatitis, which tend to worsen and return. The trigger for their occurrence may be a stressful experience, physical fatigue or disorders of the oral mucosa. Row simple tips and recommendations make it possible to make periods of remission longer.

So, to increase the duration of remission it is necessary:

  • eliminate carious cavities in teeth;
  • Brush your teeth up to three times and irrigate your mouth with warm water after eating. The toothbrush should have soft bristles;
  • do not use special antibacterial rinses for rinsing;
  • exclude from the diet all foods that act as allergens;
  • take medications based on useful minerals and vitamins;
  • don't expose yourself severe overwork and stressful situations.

If a person has mouth ulcers, treatment can also be done using a cauterization procedure. How can you cauterize the sores? The most effective means are various solutions based on furatsilin, chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

So, from everything described above, it is clear why and why ulcerative rashes appear in the oral cavity. It is also clear what the causes and treatment are of this disease. It only remains to add that any ulcers can be cured at home, but as mentioned above, for ulcers in the mouth, the causes of their appearance can be varied and in order to eliminate them it is necessary to seek help from specialists, because many diseases causing development sores are very serious diseases that require special attention.

The development of an abscess in the oral cavity is associated with infection entering the pulp and its further spread throughout its entire structure. Begins inflammatory process, leading to tissue swelling and accumulation of purulent deposits. If the infection is not stopped and not started timely treatment, then through the dental canals it will penetrate into other organs of the body, causing various diseases.

What is it and why does it happen

This disease is a local acute inflammatory process in the oral cavity, which is characterized by the accumulation of pus in the tissues of the gums, teeth or palate. Lack of timely and proper treatment may lead to a transition to chronic form or cause such serious complications as the appearance of phlegmon or sepsis.

Reasons for the appearance of this disease is the presence of problems with the gums (gingivitis), with the roots of the teeth and adjacent tissues (periodontitis), with the enamel and hard coating (caries), as well as various mechanical injuries, infection, leakage chronic diseases. People suffering from diabetes and immune diseases are in the area increased risk“acquaintance” with this unpleasant disease.

If your tooth is cracked, the roots are exposed, or deep cavities appear, do not wait for an abscess to develop - be sure to visit our doctor dental clinic in Lyublino, because untreated caries is the main reason for the development of the inflammatory process.

In our clinic you can get free consultation dentist!

Make an appointment

Bagdasaryan Armen Evgenievich dentist, orthopedic therapist, chief physician Graduated from VSMA named after. N.N. Burdenko. Internship on the basis of MGMSU named after. A.E. Evdokimov in “General Dentistry”. Clinical residency at the Moscow State Medical University named after. A.E. Evdokimov in “Orthopedics”. Work experience: more than 16 years.

Sadina Ekaterina Vladislavovna doctor dentist-therapist, surgeon Penza State University Medical Institute specialty "Dentistry" In 2016 it took place professional retraining in the specialty “Therapeutic Dentistry” at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov Work experience: more than 7 years.

Arzumanov Andranik Arkadievich dentist-orthodontist Education - Graduated from Moscow State Medical University. Internship - Moscow State Medical University at the Department of Orthodontics and Children's Prosthetics. Residency at Moscow State Medical University at the Department of Orthodontics and Children's Prosthetics. Member of the Professional Society of Orthodontists of Russia since 2010. Work experience: more than 8 years.


The main symptoms of this disease are:

  • An increase in acute, throbbing or aching toothache, intensifying with food intake;
  • Experiencing a bitter taste or unpleasant odor in the mouth;
  • Feeling of general weakness headache, apathy, insomnia, lack of appetite;
  • Increased tooth sensitivity;
  • The gums become inflamed, there is swelling, redness, a small compaction or swelling filled with pus is formed;
  • There is an increase cervical lymph nodes;
  • As the infection develops, nausea appears and body temperature rises;
  • Facial asymmetry may appear, the size of one cheek, lower or upper lip may increase.

It is important to know that an abscess that begins on one tooth, if left untreated, can spread to the next. If the outer shell cannot withstand and ruptures, the pus comes out, it becomes easier and the pain goes away, but there is a risk of purulent masses getting into healthy tissues and teeth, and recurrence sad story. Ignoring purulent seals in the oral cavity can lead to such severe consequences: tooth loss, death of jaw tissue, development of respiratory diseases (pneumonia, sore throat) and vision. It can also lead to paralysis. facial nerves, and the entire body is exposed to acute intoxication.

What types are there

Depending on the location of the source of inflammation in the oral cavity, abscesses can be localized to:

  • Desnakh
    One of the most common types, it forms around the inflamed soft tissues of a certain tooth and becomes chronic without proper treatment. During an exacerbation, bad breath appears, accompanied by the discharge of pus and general weakness;
  • palate
    Usually occurs with periodontitis located in the teeth of the upper jaw, quickly spreads to other tissues, and can cause the development of osteomyelitis (bone necrosis);
  • Cheeks
    Very dangerous look inflammation, if left untreated, there is a risk of inflammation spreading to the skin of the face. Affects the internal part, damage is possible and outside cheeks. Possible reason appearance - infection gets into the smallest wounds when biting the mucous membrane with teeth.
  • Floor of the oral cavity
    Located under the tongue, characterized severe pain while eating or talking. An abscess that spontaneously opens can further spread the infection through the throat to other organs of the body;
  • Language
    The surface becomes compacted and swells. There is redness, it hurts to eat, talk and even just breathe. This type of inflammation causes a feeling of suffocation and lack of air, and therefore requires urgent hospitalization.


To get a complete picture of the disease, dentists use modern methods diagnostics, on the basis of which the optimal solution to this problem is selected. These include radiography, ultrasound, sampling of purulent mass and their analysis, visual examination of the condition of the pharynx (pharyngoscopy). Based on the results obtained and studying the history of the disease, appropriate therapy will be prescribed.

Before visiting a doctor, you can alleviate your condition a little by taking painkillers and warm antiseptic solutions, but you should not put off visiting the dentist for long, because the process develops very quickly and does not go away on its own.

Treatment of an oral abscess is usually carried out using two methods:

  1. Surgical intervention
    Allows you to avoid most of the complications possible due to unauthorized breakthrough of a purulent sac. The operation is performed under local anesthesia dental surgeon, with the help special tools the site of the abscess is opened, the wound is cleaned and drainage is placed, antibiotics are prescribed after the operation, antihistamines, vitamins and immunomodulators;
  2. Medication
    Medicines (Fluocinonide gel, Chlorhexidine solution, Ibuprofen) are prescribed only in initial stage, timely access to a doctor and timely appointments medicines allow you to avoid surgical intervention.

When the pus comes out, relief comes: there is no more pain, the temperature returns to normal, and the swelling disappears. The course of treatment ends with the necessary physical procedures: electropharesis with the addition of an antiseptic on the gums, UHF heating, and the procedure for silvering teeth affected by caries. Until the wound in the mouth completely heals, the patient must abandon hard vegetables and fruits in favor of soft cereals and liquid soups.


In general, the effectiveness of treatment depends on what stage of the disease the patient applied for medical care and him general condition health. It is very important to follow all doctor's instructions and medical procedures immediately after their appointment. Conducted on time surgery and the absence of complications after it is a guarantee of healing the abscess within one to two weeks.

Preventive measures to prevent this disease are very simple:

  • Maintain hygiene that includes quality and proper care taking care of your teeth and gums (brushing your teeth and tongue at least twice a day, cleaning interdental spaces with dental floss after meals, regularly using mouth rinses);
  • Treat carious teeth and other oral diseases in a timely manner;
  • Protect the jaws and oral mucosa from injury;
  • Have complete diet, including vitamins and vital microelements.

Simple tips, the implementation of which depends only on your desire, will help you avoid severe consequences caused by an abscess. And remember: oral health directly affects the beauty and charm of your smile.