Using tar soap for acne on the face. Tar soap for acne, properties and uses, homemade recipe

Tar soap, as a remedy for comedones, pimples, acne and blackheads, has long been used by folk healers. The popularity of this product in the fight against skin problems is due to its high effectiveness for all skin types and low cost.

Does tar soap help with acne?

Alternative medicine recommends using tar for acne and other skin problems. The most convenient for use on the skin of the face is tar added to soap. The main property of this soap is its antibacterial effect. In order for the first improvements in the health of the skin to appear, it is recommended to use soap with tar for two weeks. To obtain lasting results, soap must be used for 2-3 months. Systematic use of soap with tar helps improve the condition of the skin and get rid of rashes and blackheads.

Soap with tar - benefits and harms

Soap with tar is a product in which 90% laundry soap is combined with 10% birch tar. Tar soap for acne and blackheads has beneficial properties due to the healing properties of each component. In alternative medicine, laundry soap is used as a means to help fight harmful bacteria by alkalizing the environment. Tar soap has a lot of useful properties, but one drawback is a pungent odor that disappears after washing after a short time. The beneficial qualities of birch tar include the following:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • fights harmful bacteria and fungi;
  • dries out oily skin;
  • negatively affects mites that cause demodicosis;
  • increases microcirculation of the epidermis, which leads to improved skin condition;
  • reduces the number of acne, .

Tar soap for acne - how to use?

Tar soap is often sold in the form of bars, but you can also find tar soap in a liquid version. To improve skin health, cosmetologists recommend using this soap in the following ways:

  1. Washing. Before using tar soap for acne, wash the skin with warm water. The soap is foamed in the palms and the foam is applied with massaging movements to the skin of the face. Leave for 2-3 minutes and then remove with warm water. Complete the procedure with cold water and applying a moisturizer to avoid drying out the skin. Washing with soap is done twice a day for normal and oily skin, and every other day for dry skin. This is done until the symptoms of inflammation disappear.
  2. Spot use. For large single rashes, spot treatment is used. To do this, wash your face and apply pieces of softened tar soap to the pimples. After 20 minutes, wash off the soap with warm and then cold water to improve blood circulation.
  3. Mask. A tar soap mask for acne is applied once a week for normal and oily skin and once every two weeks for dry skin. To prepare the mask, soap is diluted with water and other ingredients are added: honey, cinnamon, decoctions of medicinal herbs, cream. Apply a tar mask to the face using a brush and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mask using warm and cool water.

Tar soap for acne on the face

Tar soap helps with acne, improves the condition of the skin, and gets rid of pustular infections, however, it may take time and systematic effort to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect. To get rid of skin problems, you can use any of the methods described above. Daily washing with tar soap for acne does not require much time, but has a guaranteed effect. Masks will take longer, but you shouldn’t do them every day. 20 minutes a week spent on a face mask will have the most positive effect on skin health.

Tar soap for back acne

Inflammatory pustules can also appear on the skin of the back. In this case, you can also use tar soap against acne. To do this, you need to apply soap with tar on a washcloth, wipe your back with it and leave the foam in the form of a mask for a quarter of an hour. If the inflammations are large and there are not many of them, then you can apply a piece of tar soap to the abscess and fix it with a band-aid overnight. Improvement occurs after 3-4 applications. The full course includes, depending on the condition, 1-3 months.

Tar soap for acne on the head

Getting rid of acne on the scalp is not an easy task, but even in this case, you can use the help of soap with tar. If you have a lot of acne, you can make a mask with tar soap:

  1. Apply wet soap to the scalp.
  2. Wrap in a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Remove the mask with warm water.
  4. It is recommended to moisturize dry hair with conditioner after the mask.

It is not recommended to cleanse your hair with tar soap instead of shampoo, so as not to dry out your hair.

For spot rashes, you can use tar soap for acne at night. To do this, apply a thick layer of wet soap onto the inflamed area and leave overnight. In the morning, soap must be removed under running warm water. The course of treatment for inflammation can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. During the treatment process, it is worth monitoring the condition of the hair: if the hair becomes faded and looks bad after using soap, you should add moisturizing masks.

Acne appeared after tar soap

Soap with birch tar fights acne caused by a bacterial infection. If acne begins to appear after using soap with tar, you can suspect the presence of internal problems with hormones, liver, and infections. Sometimes the cause of rashes is an excess of sweets in the diet. In this case, no external means will be able to lead to lasting results until the main problem causing skin diseases is removed. Tar soap is not always effective; in this case, it is better to use a different method of treatment.

Tar soap is a natural product with many advantages. Its antiseptic and bactericidal properties are known to many, so the cleanser is successfully used to care for problematic facial skin. As you know, acne appears for various reasons:

  • unhealthy diet
  • hormonal disorders,
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine and digestive system,
  • bad habits, etc.

If skin problems are caused by internal pathologies, then tar soap for acne is unlikely to help. In such situations, the underlying disease should first be correctly diagnosed and treated. But if the appearance of rashes is caused by errors in care or dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which produce excessive amounts of sebum, tar soap will help improve the condition of the skin.

Currently, many are accustomed to using expensive cosmetic innovations, forgetting that there are simple and affordable products that will help reduce the number of rashes on the face without harming the body. Let's find out whether tar soap helps against acne and how to use it correctly to care for problem skin.

Birch tar in the product improves blood circulation in the skin, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue, dries out acne well, reduces inflammation and sebum production. As a result, the pores are cleared of sebaceous plugs, which serve as an excellent breeding ground for pathogens that cause acne.

The bactericidal properties of tar soap help protect the skin from fungal and bacterial infections. The natural composition of the product perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities and dead skin particles, removes excess oil well and quickly heals minor damage.

Tar soap is widely used to combat pimples and acne. The natural product does not dry out or irritate the skin; it can be used even on particularly sensitive and delicate facial skin. The detergent is produced by soap and cosmetics companies (for example, Nevskaya Kosmetika, Vesna) or made by hand by amateur soap makers. The range of such soaps is quite wide. Thus, the Nevskaya Cosmetics brand produces tar soap not only in the form of the usual hard bars, but also in the form of a thick gel, which is perfect for body and hair care.

Soap can be stored for a long time without losing its medicinal properties. At home, it is recommended to keep it in a soap dish with the lid closed. This way the detergent will retain its positive qualities longer, will not crack, and will not emit a characteristic odor.

Useful properties

We list the main advantages of a cosmetic product when caring for problem skin:

  • This is a safe and natural product that does not contain harmful chemicals and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Birch tar is an antiseptic; it relieves inflammation, dries out acne and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  • The product reduces sebum production and removes oily shine.
  • The absence of synthetic additives prevents premature skin aging.
  • Has a powerful antimicrobial effect. The use of tar soap for acne helps create an alkaline environment in which bacteria and pathogenic fungi die.
  • The active substances in the soap disinfect wounds and help rapid healing and restoration of damaged skin.
  • The product eliminates flaking and does not irritate the skin.
  • After washing with soap, the sebaceous glands begin to work properly.
  • Clears pores of sebaceous plugs and gets rid of blackheads.
  • Relieves redness and inflammation, improves complexion.

In order for the effect to be maximum, it is necessary to combine the use of soap with other activities.

  1. Skin should be kept clean. For the slightest contamination during the day, use lotions, preferably without alcohol.
  2. If you carry out treatment with tar soap in the summer, you must protect your facial skin from sunbathing.
  3. Fried, salty, spicy foods should be excluded from the diet, and the consumption of sweets and starchy foods should be limited.
  4. Avoid smoking and alcohol, which adversely affect the structure of the skin.

Additionally, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination and determine the true cause of acne formation. If it turns out that the appearance of rashes is associated with a disease of the internal organs, it is necessary to first eliminate health problems.

For oily, problem skin, it is recommended to wash your face with tar soap in the morning and before bed for two weeks. If the skin is very dry and irritated, then the frequency of use should be reduced to several times a week. For normal skin type, one application per day is sufficient. In addition, soap is recommended for use in case of increased oil content and when single pimples appear.

Positive reviews of tar soap for acne confirm its effectiveness. Users note that inflammation decreases, irritation and flaking disappear. Pimples dry out and their number is noticeably reduced. The complexion is evened out, the skin becomes smooth and soft. Another advantage of the cosmetic product is its very affordable price and wealth of choice. In any specialized store selling cosmetics and detergents you can find tar soap to suit your taste.

Remember that all procedures using tar soap require subsequent moisturizing of the skin. For these purposes, use a high-quality moisturizer with intense action, this will help prevent possible drying of the skin.

Tar-based soap can be bought at any cosmetic or hardware store, or you can make it yourself at home. The procedure for its preparation is simple. For this you will need natural birch tar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, and hypoallergenic toilet soap without fragrances or dyes.

Homemade soap has a milder effect, so it can be used more often than store-bought soap. Treatments with it will help improve skin condition and eliminate rashes.

High-quality soap with birch tar is an indispensable product for caring for problem skin prone to acne and acne. It will allow you to quickly make your face perfectly clean and smooth without spending money on expensive medications and cosmetics. The main thing is to know how to properly use tar soap for acne.

The composition of the product under discussion is very simple: 90% of the bar is occupied by the most common laundry soap and only 10% is made up of natural birch tar. The latter includes organic acids, phenol, phytoncides, toluene, betulin resin and some other substances.

Such a rich composition allowed the tar product to affect the human body in the following way:

  • eliminate itching of the skin and stop the inflammatory process on it;
  • relieve pain;
  • improve blood circulation and accelerate the process of skin cell regeneration;
  • remove toxins, waste and other contaminants;
  • prevent the appearance of various neoplasms on the skin and generally improve its health.

Birch tar, from which soap is made, is a powerful natural antiseptic. Therefore, the product perfectly fights bedsores, accelerates the healing process of wounds, and provides first aid for frostbite.

Today you can find tar soap on sale with a more complex composition. It contains various stabilizers and fragrances that help remove unpleasant odors from the product. In fact, such manufacturer tricks worsen the quality of the product. Chemical additives with a pleasant aroma make it less safe for the skin.

Does it help with acne?

Readers who dream of ideally smooth skin are probably wondering: does tar soap help with acne? The unique composition and properties of the product allow it to cope perfectly with acne and other rashes on the face and body.

A product with tar allows you to destroy harmful bacteria on the skin, which are often the main cause of the appearance of various imperfections on it. In addition, after the first uses, it eliminates redness in the problem area, dries out pimples, and whitens the skin from blemishes after rashes.

This soap is used not only for acne, but also for furunculosis and allergic rashes. For those with oily skin, it will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate unsightly shine.

How to use tar soap correctly?

In order for tar soap to bring exceptional benefits to the skin, it is very important to use it correctly. Modern cosmetologists identify the three most effective and safe ways to use the product.


The simplest of these methods was washing. Those with oily skin should repeat the procedure twice a day. For example, in the morning after waking up, and in the evening before bed. If the skin is normal or combination, the number of washes is reduced to one per day. For dry skin, it is advisable to repeat the procedure no more than every other day. Otherwise, irritation may appear on it, because the product under discussion dries the skin very much.

When washing your face, you must follow these rules:

  • Carry out the procedure a couple of hours before going out into fresh air or going to bed;
  • rinse off the foam from this product in two steps - first with warm and then with pleasantly cool water;
  • after washing, be sure to moisturize the skin with high-quality cream or milk;
  • If irritation appears on your face or body after the procedure, you should stop using the product.

The full course of treatment with tar soap lasts 12-25 days. Next, you need to take a break for several weeks.

If using a regular lump cleanser is inconvenient, you can purchase the product in liquid form. They are absolutely identical in properties. The only differences are in the pricing policy.

Spot applications

You can also use the product in the form of spot applications. This is a current method of dealing with single pimples. It perfectly dries out ulcers and deals with subcutaneous formations.

The procedure is very simple: a small amount of soap foams well, after which it is applied to the site of inflammation using a cotton swab. The product is left on the pimples for 12-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. All that remains is to lubricate the treated area with moisturizer.

For complete disappearance of acne, the procedure is repeated daily, once a day. The full course of treatment is 14 days.


Masks from the product under discussion have a softer and gentler effect on the skin than the options described above. After all, all sorts of additional ingredients can be added to its composition, for example, with a softening and moisturizing effect.

The list of the most popular masks with tar soap includes the following:

  1. With bactericidal properties. It is prepared from 5 g of highly foamed soap, 8 g of gray clay, 3 drops of oregano essential oil. The ingredients are mixed well. First, a cloth soaked in hot (but not scalding!) water is applied to the problem area, and after 4-5 minutes you can apply the mask. After 17-20 minutes, the product is washed off with cool water. The treated area is wiped with boric alcohol.
  2. Tightens pores and eliminates sebaceous plugs. It is prepared from 7 g of foamed soap and 2 tablets of white coal. The ingredients are combined. The sorbent is first converted into flour. The face is wiped with micellar water, steamed for a couple of minutes in any herbal bath, after which the mask is distributed on the forehead, chin and nose. After 7-8 minutes, the mass is washed off with water. The liquid can be mixed with a small amount of any citrus juice to tighten pores.

During the period of fighting acne using any means containing tar, you should avoid scrubs and peels. It is also strictly forbidden to squeeze existing pimples.

Complete tar soap therapy usually lasts 15 days. But depending on the severity of the problem, the period may be extended. The main thing is not to forget to restore the skin after the action of soap with moisturizing agents.

Can it be cooked at home?

You can even prepare high-quality tar soap yourself at home. It's very easy to do.

The ingredients include:

  • 90 g of any high quality fatty soap. It should not contain dyes or flavors. It is best to use a baby product designed for sensitive skin.
  • 10 g birch tar.
  • filtered water.

You definitely need to prepare a small saucepan that is not used in everyday life. After all, it will be almost impossible to remove the smell of tar from dishes. Any suitable mold for a future piece of soap. You can take a regular yogurt box, for example.

The soap is grated on a coarse grater and transferred to the selected pan. The container is placed in a water bath. A large spoonful of filtered water is poured into the soap. The mixture must be stirred constantly so that the product is completely dissolved in the liquid.

Tar is added to soap. You need to mix the ingredients vigorously. It is important that the tar is evenly distributed throughout the soap mass.

The product should not be used by men or women who suffer from any kidney disease. You should not use it on delicate baby skin. The harm of tar soap can occur when the product is applied to areas of the skin with deep wounds and ulcerative lesions.

There are no other contraindications to the use of the drug under discussion.

) men and women, children and teenagers have suffered in all centuries. Changes in hormonal levels at any age lead to skin problems from relatively harmless single acne to pyodermatitis and serious globular acne, leaving keloid scars after healing. Alternative medicine was constantly looking for remedies that could help defeat acne. Birch tar was recognized as one of the best remedies, which disinfected the skin, dried out purulent nodes and relieved inflammation. In the modern world, at the initial stages of the disease and for prevention purposes, dermatologists actively recommend tar soap for acne on the face - a regular soap base with the addition of 10% tar.

Soap is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the following varieties:

  • solid bar of soap in cellophane packaging 20-80 rubles;
  • liquid soap in a plastic bottle with a dispenser 110-130 rubles;
  • “Black bath soap” in a plastic jar 140-170 rubles.

The healing properties of birch tar

Birch tar has long been used as an anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent, as it contains more than 10,000 substances that have a positive effect on the body.

The pharmaceutical industry uses birch tar to make medicines used in the treatment of skin diseases. Tar is included in the composition of multicomponent liniments and ointments - Vishnevsky, Wilkinson.

Areas of application of tar soap

Soap has a disinfecting and healing effect, so its use will be useful for:

  • treatment of pediculosis;
  • mycoses of the legs;
  • dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • preventive intimate hygiene, treatment of thrush;
  • diseases of the scalp (seborrhea);
  • prevention of colds (lubrication of the nasal passages);
  • (acne);
  • excessive sweating to normalize the activity of the sweat glands.

Tar soap for acne in cosmetology: how to use

Soap dries out the skin, making it indispensable for treating acne. The product is quite aggressive, so using tar soap requires following certain rules:

  1. Treatment should be carried out daily for at least 14 days.
  2. During the treatment period, it is not recommended to use scrubs and alcohol lotions.
  3. The procedure with tar soap should be completed by applying a moisturizer to the face.
  4. Do not use the product to treat thin, dry facial skin.
  5. Before initial use, do a test on the inside of your wrist - soap can cause an allergic reaction.

Tar soap for acne on the face: method of use

For prevention, it is enough to wash your face with tar soap for acne.

The regularity of washing with tar soap depends on your skin type:

  • normal and mixed type – 1 time per day;
  • oily skin – 2 times a day;
  • dry skin – 3 times a week.

The soap has a specific smell, which quickly disappears after washing off the skin.

How to use tar soap for acne

Tar soap mask for acne

The procedure is recommended for profuse acne with purulent contents. In a non-metallic bowl, beat a small amount of thick soap foam and apply to the face for 5 minutes, without touching the orbital area of ​​the eyes. As the foam dries, you may experience a feeling of “tightening” of the skin - this is a normal reaction of the body to the healing components of tar. After leaving the mask for the required time, rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

Mini-applications for single acne

For small rashes or single acne on dry or normal skin, it is not necessary to cover the entire face with foam so as not to dry out healthy skin. In this case, you can make applications separately for each acne. To do this, you need to cut a thin strip of dry soap, apply it to the desired area, and then use foam soap to secure the dry strip on your face. You can seal it with a piece of napkin and leave it overnight. It is good to apply such applications to acne that has just appeared, then by the morning they usually disappear and the redness decreases.

Foam treatment for body acne treatment

To treat acne on the body, it is enough to use tar soap foam instead of regular shower gel. To do this, use a soapy washcloth to treat areas of the body with acne in a circular motion. You can leave the foam for a few minutes, then rinse off the soap and take a contrast shower.

Mask “Clean Skin” for comedones (blackheads)

1 tsp. edible gelatin pour 1 tbsp. l. hot water, leave for 15 minutes to swell. 1 tsp. Add liquid tar soap to the gelatin solution, mix carefully, without foaming if possible. The consistency of the mask should be thick. Apply to face, leave for 10 minutes. If the mask is completely frozen, it must be carefully rolled up using upward movements. If the mask does not roll off, it can be washed off with water at room temperature. To narrow the pores, cleared of comedones, you should then wash your face with cold water.

The mask should not be used for pustular nodules and inflamed papules.

Making anti-acne soap at home

It is not difficult to make tar soap yourself. Such a product will have a less aggressive effect on the skin, while maintaining its healing effect. When using homemade soap, there is no overdrying of the epidermis and no peeling.

To make a homemade product you will need:

  • a piece of unscented soap;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical birch tar.

Grate the soap, place the shavings in a water bath and melt. Pour 50 ml of water into the liquid mass, stirring. Over low heat, bring the soap mass to a sticky state, pour in 2 tbsp. l. tar, mix. To soften and aroma the soap, if desired, you can add 1 tsp to the hot mass. honey, 0.5 tsp. peach oil or herbal decoction instead of water. Cool to room temperature, pour into molds - silicone or children's for sand. Leave until completely hardened at room temperature for 2-3 days. The soap is ready!

The only drawback of the home remedy is that it doesn’t lather well. But this problem can be solved simply - when soaping, you should use a cosmetic facial sponge.

Contraindications to the use of tar soap against acne

The product has virtually no contraindications except for individual intolerance. Even women during pregnancy can use soap, since the medicinal properties of tar do not affect the development of the fetus.

The effectiveness of treating acne with tar soap

Among the many expensive modern acne medications, tar soap is a natural product that can be used to deal with acne on a budget. But we should not forget that soap only treats the external manifestations of the disease. If the internal cause of the disease is not eliminated, then acne will appear in new lesions. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and, if necessary, undergo tests to determine the cause of the disease. This could be a hormonal imbalance, an excess of testosterone or estrogen in the body, taking hormonal medications, lack of sulfur, or taking steroids. Having adjusted the internal balance in the body, it will not be difficult to remove residual external manifestations of acne with the help of inexpensive medicated soap.

The benefits of laundry soap for the skin have long been known, but it turns out that you can easily enhance its beneficial properties by using tar soap instead of ordinary soap for washing. Tar soap helps get rid of excess oily skin, cleanse pores and reduce the number of acne on the skin. In addition, this product is considered one of the most affordable and safe, because tar soap does not contain harmful components and can be purchased at any pharmacy for very little money.

Tar soap - composition and properties

Tar soap is a mixture of natural wood tar and laundry soap.

Wood tar is obtained by dry distillation of birch, juniper, oak, beech or pine bark. The amount of wood tar in tar soap does not exceed 10%, but it is they that provide the anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect of the soap.

The remaining 90% is ordinary laundry soap, consisting of fatty acids and alkalis.

Tar soap not only cleanses the skin, but at the same time disinfects and dries it, reducing the inflammatory process and accelerating tissue regeneration.

Tar soap has a complex effect on the skin. Alkalies change the acid-base balance of the skin from neutral 5.5 to 11, and in such an aggressive environment it becomes much more difficult for bacteria to survive. Fatty acids break down oil on the skin, freeing pores from accumulated sebum, which is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms.

Tar has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. By drying the skin, it helps reduce the inflammatory process, and due to irritation of nerve endings, blood flow to the sites of inflammation increases, which accelerates the recovery and renewal of epidermal tissue.

Tar soap for acne: application

Tar soap is a product that has long been familiar to cosmetologists and dermatologists. It is advised to always keep it in the first aid kit for people whose face and body skin is often irritated and covered with acne. Tar soap helps reduce irritation and “dry” the skin of the face and body with purulent pimples, blackheads, and blackheads, and it is also used as an aid for psoriasis, lichen, eczema, scabies and other skin diseases.

But to make your face clean and get rid of acne, simply washing with tar soap will not be enough. To quickly and effectively cleanse your skin, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Do not overdry the skin - tar soap dries out the skin very much, so if your skin is very dry and thin, then it is better to avoid using this cleanser. And if your skin is normal and oily, then it is recommended to wash your face with it at least 2 hours before bedtime or soften your skin with lotion or nourishing cream after washing;
  • Do not use other cosmetics - tar soap dries the skin very much, so it cannot be used together with other acne products, scrubs and peels. If you decide to use tar soap, refuse other procedures until the skin restores its protective layer - about a week after the last use of soap;
  • Do not squeeze pimples - when washing your face with tar soap or using it to prepare masks, you should never squeeze pimples - soap makes the skin dry and easily damaged, and after squeezing you can not only spread the infection, but also damage the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which causes scars and red spots will remain on the skin;
  • Do not expect quick results - tar soap is an effective remedy for acne, but you should not expect quick results from its use. Usually the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, sometimes more, and to completely get rid of acne, the course of treatment must be repeated regularly.

How to use tar soap for acne:

  • Spot application– the most gentle way to use tar soap for acne. Spot application can be used for single pimples or for very dry, delicate and sensitive skin. To treat, just moisten a bar of soap with water and apply soap foam to the pimple, leaving it until completely dry. After this, you need to wash your face with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to it;
  • Washing– Suitable for people with very oily skin and a lot of acne. To wash, you need to lather a bar of soap well and wash your face with soap foam, it is better to rinse off the foam with warm running water, and to enhance the effect, you can wash your face with water of contrasting temperatures for 5-10 minutes or wipe the skin with pieces of ice. Wash with soap 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 2-3 weeks in a row;
  • For subcutaneous acne– the most difficult thing to deal with is subcutaneous acne; small red bumps under the skin hurt with every touch, and their contents cannot find their way out. Such pimples can break out for several days, but it is not at all necessary to wait for them to “ripen”. Tar soap helps speed up the process of pus coming out or reduces inflammation, due to which pimples “resolve.” To combat subcutaneous acne, thick soap foam is applied to the area of ​​inflammation and left for 3-6 hours, or better yet, overnight. In the morning, carefully wash off the soap with a cotton pad soaked in water;
  • From blackheads– tar soap is used not only to fight purulent acne, but also to get rid of blackheads on the nose and chin. The soap has an excellent exfoliating effect, due to which the upper layers of the skin are removed and the contents of the pores, in the form of blackheads, come to the surface. To do this, it is enough to apply tar soap foam to your face once every 2-3 days and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, the foam is washed off with warm water and the skin is moisturized with a nourishing cream or lotion.
  • Masks with tar soap– if there are a lot of acne on the skin, and the skin itself is uneven and inflamed, you can prepare a mask with tar soap. To prepare the mask, grate a small piece of soap and add 1-2 tablespoons of white or green cosmetic clay to it, pour a little warm water into the mixture so that a homogeneous thick mass is obtained and apply it to the face for 15-20 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water, after the mask you need to let the skin rest for 3-4 hours, without using decorative cosmetics or any other cosmetics. You can enhance the effect of the mask by adding 1-2 drops of tea tree, rosemary or eucalyptus oil.

How to make tar soap at home

Tar soap can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy or prepared yourself. Such soap will be 100% safe and natural, since now various synthetic components are often added to tar soap to reduce the unpleasant odor and increase the amount of foam.

The simplest recipe for making tar soap is to mix a bar of baby or laundry soap with birch tar. The soap needs to be grated, in a water bath with a small amount of water - heat 1-2 tbsp until the soap dissolves and add tar to it, at the rate of 1 tbsp per 300 grams of soap. The mixture must be mixed well and poured into molds. After hardening, the soap is ready for use. Making soap at home is easy and simple, but you need to remember that the smell of tar does not disappear for a long time and the dishes where the soap was made are unlikely to be used after this.