Almost the main question in life: “Is it worth getting a kitten?” What to do if you get a kitten When you get a cat

You should carefully prepare for the arrival of a furry pet in your home. Before getting a cat, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and also soberly assess your capabilities. If you are practically never at home or you do not have the financial means to take care of a cat, then it is better to hold off on purchasing one.

What should you prepare for after purchasing a kitten?

Kittens are small children who need extra attention and care, because they are more often than adults susceptible to any viruses and diseases. In addition, these kids are clumsy and not yet fully experienced, and in your absence they can somehow harm themselves.

Moral preparation

Before you bring a kitten into your home, you should understand that in a couple of months this creature will turn into an adult creature with its own character and temperament, which will share its shelter with you for many years. Cats, like people, quickly get used to good things. Therefore, if you decide to let your cat outside, realizing that you have taken on too much, the animal will simply die there. His hunting instincts will be weakened, and getting food will become a real test of survival for him. Not to mention the fact that a lot of other dangers will await him on the street.

Every morning the cat will wake you up, reminding you that it is time for breakfast. In the evenings, the cat will go wild, sometimes even preventing you from falling asleep. If you are not mentally prepared for obligations and responsibility for the one you have tamed, then it is better not to get a kitten.

Tray and scratching post

Cats are clean creatures, so their litter box should always be in good condition. You should understand that you will have to clean the cat litter at least 3 times a day. In addition, due to the fact that cats instinctively bury the results of their activities, the litter can be scattered throughout the bathroom. These animals physically need to sharpen their claws, because over time they become overgrown with scales, which the cat strives to get rid of as quickly as possible.

To prevent your cat from scratching the wallpaper and damaging the furniture, you should purchase the right scratching post. Which in both size and material will be ideal for your pet. However, purchasing a scratching post is not a panacea, so it is better to initially be prepared for the fact that the repair will still have to be updated.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

Cats need their own secluded and warm corners in which they can relax and restore their vitality. If you find such a place for your pet and arrange it comfortably, then your cat will probably be happy with it.

Be sure to provide him with his own ottoman or bedding, on which the animal can also rest.
Cats are freedom-loving creatures, so personal space is very important to them. You shouldn’t constantly touch them and take them out of their “holes”; you need to give them at least a little freedom.

It has been a tradition for many centuries that the first thing you should do is let a cat into a new home. And following it, almost no one thinks about where this belief came from and what preceded its appearance.

Meanwhile, there are many versions of the origin of this tradition. Moreover, some of them even contradict each other. Therefore, everyone decides for himself which one to believe in, and whether to believe at all.

"Cat Diplomat"

In ancient times, the Slavs firmly believed that spirits live everywhere and that they surround a person almost always. Among the spirits there are evil and good. Residents, invisible to the eye, exist in every house, even if it is completely new. Therefore, when entering the house first, the cat “conducts reconnaissance”, she gets acquainted with the local spirits, makes friends with them, thereby ensuring a good attitude of the spirits towards the new owners of the house.

There is also a version that when moving, the owners take their brownies with them to their new home. And since the main function of these creatures is to protect the peace and prosperity of those who live in the house, they must be in a good disposition towards the owners. Otherwise, the brownies will misbehave.

The relationship of the cat with the world of spirits and its friendship with brownies (as the ancients believed) led to the fact that not a single housewarming party was complete without a cat. It was believed that a brownie, invisible to the human eye, entered a new territory riding a cat, bringing wealth into the house ahead of its new residents.

Energy version and ancient signs

Parapsychologists know for sure that subtle energies are perfectly felt by cats. Therefore, it is not difficult for the animal to identify those areas in the apartment where the energy is not the best. But then the opinions of experts differ.

Some argue that the places that the furry favorite of the family avoids are not suitable for long-term stays by people, and where the cat goes to sleep is the best place for the bed. Others believe that an energetically strong animal takes on all the negativity that has accumulated in the home, cleansing it, so in no case should you put a bed where the pet liked to lie.

For many years there has also been a belief that since the character of the brownie in the new home is unknown, it may turn out to be quite nasty. That is, if he doesn’t like the arriving residents, he will take out his anger on them by pulling various tricks. Usually all his negativity was directed at the one who enters the house first. Thus, this “honorable duty” was assigned to the cat.

Based on this sign (and in the absence of a cat), some people moving were the first to let the oldest ones into the house, as if sacrificing them, because they already had little left. Even taking into account the fact that this was just a sign, such an act looked quite cruel.

How to properly bring a cat into the house

When settling into a new home, the first thing a cat does is sniff it, and if she is in no hurry to cross the threshold of a new home, then she should not be dragged or pushed over the threshold by force. The animal needs time to feel and pass through all the information received, and only then adapt to a new place. When a cat moves, it also experiences stress; gradually it will calm down and decide which areas of the house it likes and which it doesn’t.

It doesn’t matter at all how a kitten appears in your home. It's always joy and new emotions, which means it's wonderful! In this article we will talk about how to make the birth of a baby a joyful event for both parties.

First of all, you should purchase a few things to keep your animal comfortable in the house:

What you need to buy for a kitten first:


It is advisable to take enamel or metal bowls on a stand. They don't burst and are much easier to clean after each feeding. You wash the dishes, right? So the baby definitely needs to keep it clean. By the way, don't forget about the water bowl. It should be deeper than the food bowl, and it needs to be constantly filled with fresh and clean water!

Tray for cats

It is better to take a standard size tray with a removable grill on top. It will be easier to wash. Don’t forget to also choose a filler (this is a matter of taste and convenience) and a scoop to make it easier to remove the filler from the tray. Of course, the best cat litter is store-bought. It is lightweight, often contains odor neutralizers and is easily absorbed. But for the first time you can get by with sand or sawdust.

How often does a kitten need to change its litter box?

It all depends on the type of filler. If possible, of course, it is better to clean it right away. Wood pellets need to be changed at least once every 2-3 days. Otherwise, they begin to emit an unpleasant odor. The clumping filler is only partially removed, completely replaced once a week.


The food is selected based on the age of the kitten; it can be wet or dry. For babies from 2-3 months of age, premium ready-made dry diets are suitable. Several manufacturers for example: Hiils, Royal Canin, Purina, Brit, Acana, etc. Not all foods are equally healthy. Cheap food is not bad - they simply do not contain the vitamins, microelements and minerals so necessary for a growing body, and yet they are so important both in the first years of life and in the subsequent years.

Natural food is also a pretty good option, but then consider several aspects:

  • it is not the food you eat;
  • food from the table is absolutely not suitable for animals, because... contains a large amount of salt, spices, sugar - all this is not absorbed by the body and can lead to serious problems in the health of your pet;
  • food for the pet is prepared separately, strictly according to the rations for a particular breed;
  • it can spoil, especially when the house is warm and you leave the bowl and go about your business - this can lead to food poisoning.

How many times a day should you feed a kitten?

Small kittens under the age of 6 months should be fed 3 times a day, gradually reducing the portion and switching to two meals a day. Or you can follow the instructions on the food packaging.

How much dry food does a kitten need per day?

Typically, the food manufacturer calculates the rational amount of food for the weight and age of your pet. All premium or super-premium food contains the daily nutritional allowance. It was calculated by specialists, so you should not neglect their advice. Even a small amount of food can contain all the necessary nutritional elements.

It can be mounted on the wall or placed on the floor. Over time, the kitten will definitely become interested in her, especially if you stir up his interest in a playful way.


It is best if the toy is not only attractive in appearance, but also safe. Remember: the kitten’s sharp teeth will definitely find something to tear off and eat! Opt for toys that are not soft, have feathers or beads that can easily be separated from the overall item.


The animal also needs a comfortable container house for long and even short trips. Even for visiting a veterinarian, it is very useful. Traveling in such a house will not bring additional stress to the animal, and you will be sure that the animal will not run away during the trip (for example, being frightened by a loud sound). And if you travel by plane, such a portable house simply must be in your pet’s belongings.

Before the kitten appears in the house

You need to prepare thoroughly. First, remove from the “reach zone” all objects that can be chewed. A kitten can be interested in absolutely everything that can be reached with its paw or teeth. Chewed objects can be eaten, and then this will lead to surgical intervention!

So it’s better to prevent this right away. We also recommend removing decorative rugs and carpets from the floor during toilet training. Removed? Now go downstairs, squat down, and inspect everything again. Can't you eat anything from this angle? Great! This means the kitten’s home is safe! You can invite us to visit!

Kitten at home

So, the touching moment has arrived! You brought the baby home. Place the carrier in the room and give the kitten time to independently walk through new and still frightening territory. You should not force him out of the carrier or box, and if you brought him in your arms, then lay something soft on the floor and gently and carefully lower him to the floor.

At first, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to its appearance. Give the kitten time to learn.

If there are children in the house, be sure to talk to them before the cat arrives in the house. It is necessary for them to understand that for now he is a fragile and vulnerable creature who is afraid. After all, he can even defend himself (hiss and scratch) if you start squeezing him, and all parties will not like this.

It is better to speak gently and kindly to the kitten, call it by name and stroke it when it finally decides to come out of hiding and explore the territory. Don't yell if he "does things" in the wrong place. He is still very young and does not understand where, how and why they need to be done. Over time, your patience and praise will help him get used to this difficult task.

What vaccinations does a kitten need?

Do kittens need vaccinations? Definitely yes! Every animal, regardless of breed and age, needs vaccination.

We hope that upon reaching you, the baby will already be dewormed and vaccinated. If this is the case, then the previous owner must give you a veterinary passport with vaccine stickers and marks (stamp and signature of the doctor) of the veterinary clinic. If this is not the case, then we would not recommend taking your word for it. This is such an important stage on the path to a healthy and happy life for your pet! We talked in detail about how and when to worm kittens.

When should kittens be vaccinated?

The first vaccination for a cat should be done at 2 months of age, unless the veterinarian gives other recommendations. Before vaccination, the animal should be dewormed and after 7-10 days come to the clinic for the first vaccination in its life.

Then “fix” the first vaccine with the second one, only with rabies. Only then, after 30 days from the date of the second vaccination, can you go outside with the animal and allow contact with other animals! Your doctor will tell you about your next steps.

When should a kitten be neutered?

The kitten grows quickly, turns into a handsome cat or a beautiful cat. And then you will have to face another dilemma: look for a mate for him or her or have him or her spayed or neutered. If you do not plan to breed and adopt offspring, it is better to consult a doctor to have your pet castrated/sterilized.

We do not recommend the use of various drugs to suppress desire. All such drugs are hormonal, which means they will lead to undesirable consequences for the baby’s health in the future.

Doctors usually advise spaying and neutering upon reaching the age of 6 months (during this period, puberty occurs in cats and seals).

Parting words

At the same time, as our pets grow, so does their love and trust in the highest being for them - their owner. Yes, cats are small predators, freedom-loving and independent, but believe me, this doesn’t make their love for you any less. They may not always show it, but in moments of special warmth and love you will definitely understand it. Animals cannot lie and will never betray you. So answer them in kind!

Remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed. Don't part with your devoted eyes over trifles. For you they are a moment in life when you are their whole life!

Having a cat in the house means not only comfort, a lot of joy and fun, but also a huge responsibility. You need to consciously get a cat. And our advice should help you gain this very awareness.

So, here's what anyone planning to become a cat parent needs to know:

1. A cat adopted from a shelter is no worse than a purebred animal.

2. The average life expectancy of a cat is 13 – 17 years, but in an atmosphere of total love and mutual understanding this figure can increase to 20 years or more.

3. There is no need to cut out the cat's claws.

This is a very painful procedure, but its consequences - deprivation of the main means of self-defense - are much more terrible for the animal.

4. There are so many stray cats in the world. To save hundreds, thousands of lives, experts recommend sterilizing their animals to everyone who does not plan to breed them seriously.

Of course, kittens can be given away every time a cat gives birth, but believe me, not all people who take babies will treat them as reverently as you do. How do you think homeless people appear?

5. Before getting a cat, get everything necessary for his comfortable life.

You will need a plate, a drinking bowl, a tray, a supply of food, nail scissors, litter, a bed, toys, and a scratcher.

6. Scratching is a must because cats need to sharpen their claws.

7. Moreover, it should be high enough. Otherwise, when the cat grows up, what he will reach at that moment will become a scratch.

8. It is recommended to trim cats’ claws every 2 – 3 weeks. This way the animal will not feel infringed, will not damage furniture and curtains, and will not be able to scratch anyone.

9. It will take some time for the cat to get to know its new home. This is fine. Give the new tenant a week or two to get used to it, and he will show his true character.

10. It is ideal if the cat has its own corner where it can hide from everyone and everything and be alone with itself.

No owners, their children, other animals, problems of existence, you know...

11. A new cat should be introduced to other animals carefully so that no one gets stressed.

12. Domestic cats must have their own litter box. Otherwise, get ready to clean up after your pet throughout the apartment.

13. Most cats will never go into a dirty litter box. Therefore, you should try to clean the toilet regularly, completely changing the filler at least once a week.

14. Establish rules of conduct from the very beginning. Explain to your pet who is boss in the house and why this happened.

15. Try to feed your cat at the same time every day.

16. Check if the plants in your home are poisonous. A cat cannot determine toxicity without tasting the flower, and after that it may be too late.

17. Grapes, raisins, avocados, sweets and many other table foods are harmful. It is advisable to feed the cat with special food.

18. Milk causes stomach problems in cats.

19. Cats are clean, but extra brushing won’t hurt them. After this procedure, they will have to eat much less wool.

20. Cats communicate with each other by purring. So when your cat meows, pay attention. Thus, he addresses you specifically!

21. Cats need to have their ears cleaned from time to time.

22. Sometimes it is desirable to brush your teeth, but, however, not many animals allow you to do this to yourself.

And yes, under no circumstances should you brush your cat’s teeth with human toothpaste.

23. The pads on cats' paws are very sensitive.

24. If necessary, rub your cat's eyes.

25. The cat should always have free access to water.

27. Check your cat for ticks and fleas regularly.

28. Talk to your veterinarian about vaccinations and get all necessary shots.

29. Regularly prevent urolithiasis.

Special food (which is called that) is perfect for these purposes.

30. If the kitten doesn't want to eat, add some warm water to his food.

31. If possible, microchip your cat.

32. Cats love to play and use anything as a toy.

33. Domestic cats do not need to be bathed.

34. Be prepared for the cat to become a separate item in your family budget.

35. If possible, insure your pet. Protect yourself and him from trouble.

36. Install reinforced bars and locks on all windows to prevent your pet from flying.

37. The number of the veterinarian and emergency services should always be at hand.

38. Get to know nearby veterinary clinics and the doctors who work there and find your doctor.

39. And of course, be tolerant. A cat is like a child who knows nothing about life, but perfectly understands love and kindness towards himself.

There is no turning back, the furball is already trying to climb onto your bed and stay here to live at least forever. After a kitten is in a new place for the first time, it may become stressed, especially after being separated from its mother cat. As a rule, in young individuals it passes quickly and lasts several days.

It is more difficult for adult animals to tolerate a change of place. They are scared, sad and lonely, they may be frightened by sharp sounds, noise, another animal (if there is one already in the house), or excessive attention from small children.

A small kitten can run away, hide, and not be picked up. Don't worry, this is normal.

You should not forcefully remove the kitten from secluded places. Be patient and create a calm atmosphere around. Do not talk to the kitten in a raised voice. Provide him with care, comfort and safety. Make sure that your pet does not get tangled in the wires, fall or crawl into the narrowest gap.

There is no need to panic too much either. Let the animal get comfortable in the space, inspect everything and make sure that it is safe. It won't be long before the cat asks to be held.

What to buy?

First of all, your pet will need bowls for food and water, a scratching post and a litter tray. Choosing a litter will take time: the pet may not like the first option that comes across, then you will have to sort through everything until you settle on the one that the cat likes. Pet stores now offer different types: wood, clumping, absorbent, silica gel. If the breeder has already accustomed the animal to any type of litter, then the easiest way is to follow his recommendations.

After a while, you can buy all the toys at the nearest pet store and choose a big house for the cat, but your pet will still prefer to chase a candy wrapper and sleep in an iron box. Therefore, we advise you not to spend too much money, but give your pet the toys yourself.

Margarita Nikitina

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, founder and CEO of the BookingCat pet hotel chain

Regardless of where you decide to buy a pet (friends, shelter, breeders, exhibition, market), you must first visit a veterinary clinic and only then bring the pet into your home.

There are often cases when kittens are purchased from expensive nurseries with a veterinary passport and a vaccination mark, and at home they find lichen for which they were not vaccinated. Infection of the whole family begins, isolation of the pet and long-term treatment.

What should I feed him?

At the very beginning, a decision is made on the animal’s further diet: dry or wet food or natural food. Yes, you saw how the cat at grandma’s dacha ate cucumbers straight from the garden and fish from a bucket, but this is not the case. Ask previous owners what they fed their pet. The choice of food depends on many factors: the breed of the cat, its age and the owner’s budget.

Natural foods suitable for a two-month-old kitten include canned baby purees for the first feeding and cottage cheese. If your new family member doesn't eat for a day or two, it means the food choices are wrong. In this case, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Margarita Nikitina

How to toilet train a kitten?

It’s like with a child: you have to put the baby in the tray and stay with him, waiting for the result. Remember: poking a cat into its own puddle is pointless. This will only make him afraid of you.

There are really effective professional detergents and disinfectants that are approved for use on animals and cope well with the problem of odors (this is especially true for small kittens and unneutered cats). If you have treated one place with a special odor neutralizer, this does not mean at all that the cat will not choose another and immediately go to the litter box.

How often do you interact with your new pet?

The younger the kitten, the more attention it requires. The ideal option is to take your pet on the weekend. This way you can calmly teach him everything important, get used to each other and no longer worry when leaving home.

Despite their wayward nature, cats often feel sad without communication. Be affectionate (but not annoying) with your pet, and he will definitely reciprocate.