Antiviral drugs for infants. Effective antiviral drugs for children

They cause a lot of anxiety for both young and experienced mothers. All children are at risk for ARVI, but they are especially susceptible to colds and suffer them most severely children under 3 years old. If preschoolers and schoolchildren, according to statistics, get sick on average 3-6 times annually, then For children of the first years, the average incidence is already 4-12 times a year. Today, these figures are considered the norm by pediatricians, for whom acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections are the most common diagnosis in their practice.


Choosing a safe and effective antiviral drug for the baby, You can, of course, completely trust your pediatrician or, after trying a dozen remedies, find your best option. But this is a risky path, and it may well have a negative impact on the well-being of the little patient. The best solution is to carefully read the instructions for the medications, immediately putting aside those that are in doubt. Let us dwell on some important points that will help responsible parents thoroughly understand the issue and make the right choice.

Caution - allergies! Special requirements for drugs for children

Unfortunately, there are very few antiviral drugs that are ideal for children. Such medications are usually subject to increased requirements: In addition to effectiveness in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the absence of side effects, safety of use in childhood, compatibility with other medications, these drugs must have another important quality - have a minimum of additives and components that can provoke an allergic reaction , i.e. be hypoallergenic.

Allergies to new foods in young children are common. This is due to the fact that in the first years of life, the child’s immunity is just developing and, by mistake, may not recognize an unknown substance. In this case, he perceives it as a “foreign agent” and begins to fight it, spending a lot of effort and resources that are so necessary to fight the virus. Externally, this manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction: nausea, itching and redness, runny nose, loose stools, etc.

Let's look at the composition. Thickeners, leavening agents, emulsifiers...

It is important to understand that the fewer auxiliary ingredients (not to be confused with), the better for the child’s body. The table below shows the most popular additives in children's antiviral drugs.

Among the pharmacies presented on the shelves Tsitovir-3 powder has the smallest composition of excipients. Fructose (a noble form of sugar) is added to it to give it a sweetish taste. Also, some of its types contain flavoring (orange, strawberry, cranberry). However, the neutral taste of Cytovir-3 powder today remains almost the only hypoallergenic antiviral drug developed specifically for atopic children. Another undoubted advantage of this medicine is its compatibility with all symptomatic drugs. However, some other drugs can boast of this (Anaferon, Anaflubin, Viferon and others).

Let's look at the composition. Synthetic interferons – benefit or harm?

Allergies can be triggered not only by the excipient, but also by the active substance. For example, so beloved in Russia interferon-containing drugs(Viferon, Grippferon, Kipferon - see yellow table) contain special artificial proteins, analogues of molecules that the body produces for protection - α, β, γ interferons.

This is a very serious weapon in the fight against viruses. However, according to experts, introduced into the child’s body synthetic interferons, are a strong allergen. And, under certain conditions, they are capable of damaging not only foreign antigens, in particular viruses, but also healthy cells.

In general, it is better to leave such potent drugs as a last resort and not to take them without consulting a pediatrician. Also, when taking them for the first time, we recommend that you monitor the baby’s condition very carefully due to the possible and unpredictable reaction of the child’s body.

Let's look at the composition. Homeopathy or NON-medicines

Some other drugs ( see gray table), both registered as a medicine (Anaferon, Aflubin) and dietary supplements (Otsilokoklioum), belong to the category of homeopathic. Worldwide homeopathy is recognized as ineffective and insufficiently scientifically substantiated. Indeed, it is difficult to call a drug a drug that consists almost 100% of sugar and additives, with a proportion of the active substance of 1/10 15 or less.

Scientists explain some of the improvements that patients sometimes note when using such “medicines” by self-hypnosis or, scientifically, by the “placebo” effect. However, it is impossible to observe this effect in children, due to the lack of opportunities to influence their own perception of reality. Therefore, we recommend that you do not experiment on your own children and do not waste money, but immediately "sweep" everything aside homeopathic remedies.

Age restrictions. It’s impossible - it means it’s impossible!

Some antiviral drugs available in pharmacies are simply not suitable for young children - they it is forbidden to prescribe to children under the age of 2, 3 and even 4 years (see red table). Why? Most often - due to security reasons. Children's metabolism is accelerated, babies react much stronger and more sharply to medications. Perhaps the drugs contain an exceeded dose of the active substance permissible for this age, or their effect on the child’s body has not been sufficiently studied.

Another possible reason is the form of the drug, tablets, that is unsuitable for the child. Due to their anatomy, children have a narrow larynx, and with ARVI, swelling is added to this. Children from 1 to 3 years old find it difficult to swallow tablets and capsules and even thick syrups. When taking them, a gag reflex and cough often occur. In addition, tablets, for the sake of their shape and consistency, use many fixing additives and emulsifiers.

Antiviral drugs. Looking for the ideal candidate...

There are only four drugs left on our list ( see green table). Two of them (Tamiflu, Orvirem) act exclusively on the influenza virus,Imunal, and the previously mentioned Cytovir-3 powder is used for any ARVI, because stimulate the baby’s immunity, helping the body cope with various viruses on its own. A little information about each of the drugs.

Unfortunately, it was once very popular Remantadine(the first on our list is an exclusively anti-influenza drug - Orvirem) for several years now cannot cope with new mutated strains of the virus. Today, both experts and many parents question its effectiveness.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) fights the flu virus well. It has been proven that when used, the duration of the disease is reduced by half a day (from 7 to 6.3 days). However, due to frequent and quite serious “side effects” (nausea, vomiting, headache, renal and psychiatric disorders), doctors recommend being as careful as possible when prescribing it to small children.

Echinacea preparations (Immunal) widely used in North America and Europe for the prevention and treatment of colds. Three main components have also been well studied and have long been used in medicine: Cytovir-3 powder (sodium thymogen, bendazole and ascorbic acid). It is their combination in a certain dosage that ensures the effective complex therapeutic effect of this medicine for any ARVI.

Interestingly, in 2013, scientists conducted a comparative randomized study of the effectiveness and safety of drugs Tsitovir-3 And Immunal with ARVI in children. It turned out that both drugs can effectively stop a viral infection within 2-3 days. At the same time, the results of dynamic monitoring of the infectious process indicate the advantage of Cytovir-3 powder. The scientists’ conclusions are quite consistent with the opinion of the majority of practicing pediatricians, based on the results of the professional Russian Pharma Awards 2016 (open voting by doctors on the Doctor at Work portal).

Antiviral drugs. The choice of responsible parents!

Often parents do not pay attention to another important aspect - the duration of taking the antiviral drug. But some of them cope with the disease in 3-4 days, while others need to be taken for 7 or even 10-14 days. You should always strive minimize the drug load on the baby’s body. Remember, the faster the medicine gets the child back on his feet, the less we will “stuff” him with both antiviral and symptomatic drugs.

  • age and dosage restrictions,
  • possible allergenicity of the drug,
  • compatibility with other drugs,
  • recommended period of admission,
  • quantity and composition of excipients.

Our children often suffer from viral infections. More often than we would like, and less often than many drug manufacturers would like. Usually, during the season of general rise in incidence, about 90% of all colds in children are caused by viruses.

The immunity of growing babies is several orders of magnitude weaker than that of an adult, so babies are more susceptible to seasonal “infections.” The task of parents and doctors is to protect the child as much as possible.

Will the numerous antiviral drugs that are freely available in any pharmacy today help with this? What is more of them - benefit or harm? To answer these questions, you need to understand in detail what antiviral agents are and how they work.

Medicines for viruses

Antiviral drugs are a huge group of special drugs that, when entering a child’s body, are capable of destroying the structure of the virus, preventing its reproduction or destroying it. By definition, antibiotics are not capable of this, because their target is bacteria, rods and atypical pathogens.

Antiviral agents act in two directions. Some drugs stimulate a person’s immune system to fight the invading virus, while others destroy the virus on their own.

Antiviral drugs are most effective when taken to prevent influenza and ARVI, when they are given to the child in advance, without waiting for a massive epidemic of the raging virus.

Antiviral drugs help the child’s body produce interferon, a specific protein that can activate the body’s fight against pathogens. Typically, the interferon protein is produced independently when the body sounds an “alarm signal” after the virus has penetrated. But children’s still immature immunity in some cases requires reasonable and competent support with drugs.

What happens after the virus hits?

The child's body will have two stages of reaction. During the first, the immune system will detect the “saboteur”, identify him and attack the macrophages and lymphocytes that feed on such “pests”. In the second stage, special cells called cytotoxic lymphocytes will begin to destroy the infected cells. And their colleagues B-lymphocytes, with the help of the immunoglobulin protein, will begin the final stage of the “operation” - destroying the virus.

Classification of antiviral agents

All antiviral agents differ in the main active ingredient aimed at combating a specific type of virus:

  • Antiherpetic agents (effective for chickenpox, herpes, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, etc.).
  • Anticytomegalovirus drugs (effective for cytomegaly).
  • Anti-influenza drugs (used for influenza of almost all known strains and types). These medications can belong to one of two groups: M2 channel blockers (Remantadine, Amantadine) and neurominidase inhibitors (Tamiflu, Relenza).

  • Antiretroviral drugs (used for HIV conditions).
  • Antiviral agents with an extended spectrum of action. This is the largest group of drugs that “target” the majority of known viruses. These include drugs - interferons (Viferon, Grippferon, Lokferon), which transport natural or human immune compounds obtained by genetic engineers into the child’s body. Such compounds deal well with viruses, but, unfortunately, cause a lot of side effects .
  • Inducers of endogenous interferons. These drugs help the child’s body synthesize its own interferon protein, which will suppress viruses. The most famous representatives of this group include Cycloferon, Kagocel, Lavomax.

Homeopathic drugs are also used against viruses - “Ocillococcinum”, “Aflubin”, “Influcid”, etc., as well as preparations of plant extracts.

In addition, all antiviral agents are conventionally divided into three types according to the method of biochemical action:

  • Vaccines. Small doses of pathogens that, when administered, form immunity to a specific virus.
  • Immunostimulants (responsible for activating the production of protective cells) and immunomodulators (balancing immune defense processes) for a short time enhance the body’s natural defenses.
  • Virus suppressive substances. Drugs that destroy the virus block its ability to multiply inside the cell and release copies of the virus outside the cell.

Release forms

Antiviral drugs are available in various forms that are convenient for use at different ages. Most often these are ointments, tablets, nasal drops, sprays, syrups and rectal suppositories, as well as injection solutions in ampoules (for medical use only).

Manufacturers are trying to make children's antiviral drugs tasty - with fruit and berry flavors, attractive even to the youngest patients.

  • Nasal drops, According to parents, they are the most convenient and effective to use for viral infections accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion. They have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, which is important for a runny nose and cough.
  • Rectal suppositories- the shape is comfortable even for very young children. And although they began to produce medicines in this form relatively recently, this method of treatment has more and more fans - after all, rectal suppositories act in a short time, are inexpensive, are quickly absorbed into the blood and have a pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.
  • Sprays with antiviral medicine effective for laryngitis of viral origin and useful for a sore throat with influenza and ARVI, because they have not only an antiviral effect, but also an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

Some application features

The use of immunostimulants raises many questions among parents.

They act at the biochemical level, and the mechanisms of immunity are still being studied.

Immunologists warn parents not to give their child antiviral drugs uncontrollably and frequently. Because the child’s own immunity is suppressed by artificial stimulation, and the baby’s body becomes more and more vulnerable. In addition, stimulation of the immune system can lead to immune aggression - the appearance of inflammatory processes in healthy organs and tissues.

If a child has close relatives with immune diseases (such as diabetes) or cancer, the child should not use immunostimulants.

In order to choose the right antiviral drug, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​what virus is causing the disease. The most common influenza and ARVI are dangerous viruses that can be complicated by serious diseases. Therefore, such ailments cannot be treated by selecting a medicine. A doctor should prescribe antiviral drugs for influenza. Considering that anti-influenza drugs act more aggressively and harshly, it is not advisable to take them for acute respiratory viral infections. Most often, for acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, simple blockers are prescribed that prevent the virus from entering the cells of the body.

The use of homeopathic medicines is generally a rather controversial issue. Homeopathy does not sleep, and every season it produces new medicines. Patients almost never complain about them, because no side effects from taking such medications have been noticed, nor, indeed, much benefit. The clinical effectiveness of homeopathic remedies has not been proven, and, according to many doctors, this is a placebo effect.

Taking antiviral drugs for prevention is an issue that requires separate consideration. Prevention of influenza and ARVI is necessary in certain situations:

  • If one of the family members falls ill with the flu or ARVI, that is, the source of infection is in close proximity to the child.
  • If a child undergoes serious changes in life during the period of illness: he will go to kindergarten or start attending a section.
  • If in a group - at school or kindergarten - more than 10% of children suffer from viral infections. When the number of cases reaches 30%, this is the basis for Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health to declare quarantine. But why wait until every third child around you gets the flu?

Taking antiviral drugs to prevent illness does not provide a 100% guarantee that the child will not get sick, but it significantly increases his chances of staying healthy.

Doses of medications taken for preventive purposes should be half the dosages prescribed for the treatment of an already established disease.

When antiviral drugs do not work:

  • For bacterial infections, diseases caused by microbes. There are antibacterial drugs to treat this group of ailments.
  • For headaches without signs of a cold
  • In case of severe pain syndrome for the purpose of pain relief.

Problems of drug selection

Medicines produced by Russian pharmacists are usually several times cheaper than their foreign counterparts. Therefore, when choosing a medicine, you should not think that a good remedy = an expensive remedy.

Antiviral products for children

When choosing antiviral drugs for children, you need to remember that the benefits must outweigh the potential harm from taking the drug. “Children’s” antivirus products must have a minimal list of contraindications and side effects. The fact is that many drugs with proven effects in clinical trials have a large list of contraindications. By the way, to date only neuraminidase inhibitors and M2 channel blockers have proven effectiveness.

Due to the abundance of undesirable consequences, Adapromine, Amantadine, Neovir, Ribavirin, Triazavirin are not recommended for children.

The drug must be approved for use in children in a particular age group. In relation to antiviral agents, this is a very important detail.

You can learn about various antiviral agents by watching Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Age characteristics

The immunities of a newborn baby and a baby after a year differ from each other. And it’s significant. The older a child gets, the greater his chances of defeating a viral infection on his own. The composition of many antiviral agents for a specific age group of children is based on knowledge of this feature. What can be used at a certain age?

For babies from birth

  • Panadol." Russian drug with analgesic and antipyretic effects. It is not an antiviral agent, but is often used to treat very young children with colds and viral diseases with fever during therapy. Panadol does not affect the immune system. For children it is available in the form of rectal suppositories and sweet syrup.

  • "Viferon". An effective domestic antiviral medicine. This immunomodulator exists in the form of rectal suppositories, as well as gel and ointment. The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin for herpes; the gel is excellent for preventive purposes.

  • "Efferalgan". This is an imported antipyretic drug with an analgesic effect. The drug is not an antiviral drug, but is often prescribed to young children for symptomatic treatment. The product is available in syrup, rectal suppositories, and in the form of effervescent, easily dissolving tablets.

  • "Anaferon for children". It is an antiviral immunoboosting agent. Actively stimulates the second stage of immune defense – cellular response. Used to treat different strains of influenza, ARVI. Suitable for children with mononucleosis, chickenpox, herpes. Included in complex treatment for enteroviral infections and coronavirus. Sold in the form of easily dissolving tablets under the tongue.

  • "Aflubin." This is a homeopathic remedy with an immunomodulatory effect. Together with antiviral medications, it is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI, relieves the child’s condition with pharyngitis, runny nose, and moderately relieves pain in muscles and joints. Available in the form of a nasal spray, drops under the tongue (great for babies) and in the form of sublingual tablets.

  • "Viburcol." A homeopathic remedy that is often used as an adjuvant in antiviral therapy. Available in the form of rectal suppositories.

  • "Immunoflazid". Antiviral syrup, which is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza, including pandemic strains, ARVI and prevention of bacterial complications.

  • "Interferon". This is an antiviral mixture of interferons obtained from leukocytes of donor blood. This rather serious drug is prescribed for hepatitis B and C, and malignant melanoma. As a prophylactic against influenza and respiratory viral infections, only nasal drops are used. In pharmacies you can buy a dry solution for preparing drops.

  • "Nazoferon". This is a combined drug with antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Prescribed for prolonged colds, for the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. The product is available in the form of a nasal spray and nasal drops. Drops are a more suitable form for infants.

  • “Oxolinic ointment” is a well-known and popular way of protecting against the flu. It protects cells from virus penetration. A less concentrated ointment of 0.25% is intended for lubricating the inside of the nose, a more concentrated ointment of 3% is for external use. For stomatitis, “Oxolinic ointment” can be used to lubricate ulcers in the mouth.

  • "Oscillococinum". Another well-known homeopathic remedy, often used as a means of preventing influenza and ARVI. Available in the form of homeopathic soluble granules.

  • "Timogen". This is an immunomodulatory drug that improves cellular metabolism in the second stage of immune defense. It is used in the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI, and is prescribed as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases, for example, bronchitis. Available for children in the form of a cream for external use and a nasal spray.

  • "Ergoferon". This is a drug containing antibodies in small doses, for this reason it is often classified as homeopathic. Active against many viruses, often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, chickenpox, herpes zoster and herpes simplex, mononucleosis. It is available to children in the form of homeopathic tablets under the tongue, which dissolve well and quickly.

Children from 1 year to 3 years

  • "Algirem". Sweet syrup with a powerful antiviral effect. Particularly effective against influenza A virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, and herpes. Has an immunomodulatory effect.

  • "Cytovir-3". This is an immunomodulator that stimulates the production of its own interferon. In pharmacies for children you can buy powder for preparing the solution and ready-made syrup.

  • "Ingavirin". An antiviral agent that has very high activity against influenza A and B viruses, swine flu, and adenovirus infection. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Available in capsules. It is permissible for children to dilute the contents of the capsules with water.

  • "Tamiflu". This is a foreign drug, a selective neuraminidase inhibitor. Inhibits the growth of the virus and prevents its exit from the affected cell. Intended for the prevention and treatment of influenza. For children it is available in the form of a powder for preparing a suspension.

  • "Engystol". Homeopathic medicine of foreign origin with immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Used as an adjuvant in complex treatment of fever, viral infection, and influenza. Available in the form of homeopathic pills, which are placed under the tongue and quickly dissolve.

  • "Immunal". An immunostimulating agent based on plant extracts – Echinacea purpurea. Promotes an increase in the number of leukocytes. Activates phagocytosis. Available in tablets, as well as in the most suitable form for children - in solution, including a solution with the addition of vitamin C.

  • "Imupret." This is an antiviral drug containing medicinal herbs and plant components (chamomile, horsetail, oak bark, etc.). The product is mainly used to relieve symptoms of respiratory tract diseases that accompany viral infections. “Imupret” is available on pharmacy shelves in the form of a solution and in dragees.

  • "Orvirem". This antiviral medicine based on Remantadine does not allow the virus to multiply inside the cell it has affected. Particularly effective against influenza A virus. Available in the form of a sweet, pleasant syrup.

Children from 3 to 6 years old

  • "Arbidol". An antiviral agent that suppresses influenza A and B viruses, coronaviruses. Reduces the likelihood of developing complications from a viral infection. Prescribed for the treatment of influenza, even if it is accompanied by pneumonia or bronchitis. Used as an auxiliary medicine in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and herpetic infections. Available in capsules and tablets.

  • "Alpizarin." Antiviral agent in the form of ointments and tablets. The drug acts as an immunomodulator. It is obtained from plant raw materials - kopeck herb.

  • "Hyporamine." This is a herbal antiviral agent. Available in the form of suppositories, tablets, ointments, and aqueous solution for inhalation. It is often recommended for the treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, herpes zoster, and herpes.

  • "Influcid". It is not an antiviral drug, although many people think so, since the medicine is quite common in the treatment of colds. This is a homeopathic remedy with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps strengthen the immune system during illness. Available in solution (drops) and soluble homeopathic tablets.

  • "Flacoside". Antiviral agent of plant origin. Effective for acute hepatitis A and B, herpes, measles, chickenpox. Available only in tablets.

Children from 6 to 12 years old and older

  • "Ridostin". This is an immunostimulating interferon inducer used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and inflammatory diseases caused by viruses. Available in the form of a dry substance for the preparation of injections.

With the onset of the first cold weather, the season of respiratory viral diseases “opens.” Everyone gets sick, from young to old. That's why our magazine decided to analyze the market of modern antiviral drugs and tell your readers everything you need to know about this group of drugs. We also compiled TOP of the best budget funds for different age categories of patients.

The main thing in the article

Which antiviral drugs are most effective?

Viruses enter the human body through inhalation through the upper respiratory tract. Antiviral drugs block their spread. To understand the principle of action of antiviral agents, let us turn to biological processes. The virus, entering the body, invades the cell and actively multiplies in it. Its specific proteins (neuraminidases) inhibit the cell’s ability to produce a protective substance interferon , so the affected cells lose the ability to resist the virus. As for antiviral drugs, these drugs are divided into groups, and 4 of them can be considered the most effective in the fight against colds.

  1. Antiviral products containing antihistamines and immunomodulators (Anaferon, Arbidol). They have a chemical effect on virus replication and promote the production of their own interferon.
  2. Products containing interferon (Grippferon, Alfarona). Interferon is a natural protein structure that makes the body’s cells immune to viral cells.
  3. Interferon inducers (Kagocel, Lavomax). They activate processes in the body that awaken cells to their own production of interferon.
  4. Neuraminidase inhibitors (Tamiflu, Relenza). The drugs inhibit neuraminidases (specific proteins of the virus), which stops its further progression.

10 most effective antiviral drugs: our rating

Having studied all the market offers, based on reviews from doctors and patients, we have compiled a rating of the most effective antiviral drugs.

Antiviral drug Release form Permitted age and dosage Photo of the drug
(Price 180–220 rub.)
Pills Prescribed to children from 1 month.
Take 1 tablet 6 times a day on the first day.
On the second day, reduce the dose to 3 tablets.

(Price 280–450 rub.)
Drops and lozenges

Prescribed to children:
up to one year – 1 drop;
from one year to 12 years – 5 drops or 0.5 tablets;
children over 12 years of age and adults – 10 drops or 1 tablet.

(Price 180–260 rub.)
Available in both capsules and tablets Prescribed from three years of age. Dose:
up to 6 years – 50 mg;
6-12 years – 100 mg;
12 years and older – 200 mg.

(Price 260–340 rub.)
Suppositories for rectal use with different contents of active ingredient They can be prescribed one suppository 2 times a day from birth.
(Price 220–240 rub.)
Pills Approved for the treatment of children over 3 years of age. Take 2 tablets 3 times in the first two days. Next, two days, 1 tablet three times a day.

(Price 340–400 rub.)
Granules in special tubes For varying complexity of the disease, 1 dose per day is prescribed.
(Price 60–180 rub.)
Capsules, tablets Allowed from 7 years. The drug is prescribed:
from 7 years to 10 – 2 tablets per day;
from 11 years to 14 – 3 tablets per day;
adults – 6 tablets on the first day, then 4 tablets each.

(Price 120–250 rub.)
Pills 15 mg of the drug per 1 kg of patient weight.
(Price 1230–1500 rub.)
Capsules, powder for suspension Allowed for children from 1 year old, prescribed depending on the child’s weight. Adults are recommended to take 75 ml twice a day.
(Price 170–320 rub.)
Pills Prescribed to children from 4 years of age:
4-6 years – one tablet per day;
7-12 years – 3 tablets per day;
12 and older – 3-4 tablets per day

Immunostimulating antiviral drugs: inexpensive but effective

Immunomodulators are drugs that strengthen the body's defenses (), forcing the body to fight bacteria and viruses.

In other words, immunostimulants are the same antiviral agents, the action of which is aimed at activating the production of antibodies. This happens by influencing the body. Effective immunostimulants at a reasonable price include:

  • Ingavirin 90. Recommended for symptoms of influenza and ARVI. It is especially effective if treatment was started in the first two days. The course of therapy with Ingavirin is up to 7 days.
  • Interferon. Release forms: powder, which, when diluted, is instilled into the nose and eyes, suppositories, intramuscular injections. Acts as a prophylactic agent, and in case of illness it significantly shortens its course.
  • Amiksin. A potent drug that actively supports the immune system during acute respiratory viral infections, pulmonary infections, and influenza. The drug is prescribed only after 7 years.

As for the treatment of children, immunostimulating drugs in childhood should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

The most effective antiviral drugs for children 1–2 years old

  • Immunal. The basis of the product is echinacea, which can be found on sale in the form of drops and tablets. Children over one year of age are given exclusively drops of 1 ml three times a day for simple colds. Tablets are allowed from 4 years of age.
  • Cytovir-3. Prescribed as a prophylactic and as an addition to the main treatment for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Prescribe 2 ml three times a day. Available in the form of syrup and powder for children. At an older age, taking capsules is acceptable. The latter are allowed for children over 6 years of age.
  • Imupret. For children, use a solution of 5 drops three times a day. The drug is based on herbs and is used as a therapy for respiratory viral infections.

The most effective antiviral drugs for children over 3 years old

  • Groprinosin. Antiviral medicine for complex therapy of viral infections.
  • Hyporamine. The antiviral agent is based on sea buckthorn leaf extract. It is commercially available in tablets that need to be taken 1 twice a day.
  • Engystol. A homeopathic remedy prescribed in combination with the main treatment for colds.

Effective antiviral drugs for children 10 years old

The age of 10 years can be called transitional, as bans on solid forms of medications - capsules, tablets - are lifted.

Also at this age it is already possible to use aerosols in treatment. As for the best antiviral drugs, we should highlight:

  • Ergoferon.
  • Viferon.
  • Ingavirin 60.
  • Flucid.
  • Kipferon.
  • Orvirem.
  • Relenza.

Are antiviral drugs effective: Komarovsky’s opinion

Antiviral drugs effective for adults

As discussed above, antiviral drugs are divided into different groups. The doctor, based on the symptoms present, prescribes a certain type.

An adult diagnosed with a cold may be prescribed:

  • drugs based on interferon, who bring this component from outside - Cycloferon, Viferon;
  • immunostimulants, their effect helps to increase the production of one’s own interferon – Kagocel, Tiloron;
  • suppressing the virus itself – Ingaverin, Antigripin;
  • new generation drugsPeramivir, Relenza.

What is the most effective antiviral drug for the elderly?

ARVI and influenza are quite dangerous diseases for older people. Therefore, long sleep and timely balanced meals are so important for them. A doctor should select an antiviral drug for an elderly patient, taking into account chronic pathologies, possible problems with and Most often, they resort to the help of herbal medicines, since they have the smallest range of side effects. Also, one should not forget about vitamins and microelements, since a “worn-out” elderly body needs them especially urgently.

For therapy, as well as as a prevention of colds, the elderly are prescribed:

  • Arbidol;
  • Amiksin;
  • Altabor.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

As you know, pregnant women are not recommended to take medications, but what should you do if you have flu or cold symptoms? Then you cannot do without specific antiviral drugs, since these diseases are a direct threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

You cannot self-prescribe an antiviral drug. This should be done by a specialist, taking into account the period and characteristics of gestation.

Most often, pregnant women are prescribed Tamiflu or Zanamavir.

Domestic antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

Domestic drugs aimed at fighting viruses are in no way inferior to their “foreign” counterparts, but their price is much lower. The most popular and widely prescribed domestic drugs include the following:

We also advise you to pay attention to the table below; it shows analogs of expensive antiviral agents that cost much less.

Antiviral drugs effective for prevention

If we talk about antiviral drugs that can act as preventive drugs, then the truly effective ones include:

  • Anaferon.
  • Orvirem.
  • Grippferon.
  • Viferon.

90% of people who take antiviral drugs during an epidemic do not encounter influenza and ARVI. And for those who do get sick, the contagious period is shortened.

The most effective preventive measure is vaccination, which is done before the outbreak of an epidemic. Do not forget about maintaining immunity with the help of a healthy lifestyle, food, and immune-strengthening traditional medicine.

Antiviral drugs effective against influenza

Truly effective remedies for influenza include the so-called new remedies that have been on the market for no more than 10–15 years. Viruses have not yet developed immunity to the active substance of such drugs. These include:

  • Rimantadine. Capable of stopping the virus reproduction process. It is most effective when taken in the first days of the disease.
  • Relenza. This is a powder intended for inhalation; it comes with a Diskhaler for inhaling the powder. Relenza works well against influenza viruses of groups A and B.
  • Tamiflu. Targets viruses that cause influenza groups A and B, as well as swine flu.

Antiviral drugs effective against ARVI

Autumn is a “favorable” time for the development of colds. In the autumn-winter period, up to 85% of people get sick with ARVI in one form or another. To avoid and minimize the manifestation of the disease, you can use the following antiviral agents:

  • Cyclic amines:Remavir, Rematadine.
  • Herbal remedies : Immunoflazide, Altabor, Flavazide.
  • Interferons:Grippferon, Viferon.
  • Neuraminidase inhibitors:Zanamivir, Oseltamivir.
  • Interferon inducers:Arpeflu, Immusstat, Arbivir.

The most effective antiviral drugs for angina

Sore throat can also be cured with antiviral medications. For this purpose, drugs with an extended spectrum of action are chosen. In most cases, doctors prescribe interferons, as they have pronounced antiviral activity. Thanks to this property, painful flora cannot penetrate deep into the soft tissues of the larynx. Effective antiviral drugs for sore throat include:

  • Relenza.
  • Viburcol.
  • Neovir.
  • Immunal.

Antiviral drugs for herpes

Almost all people have a latent herpes virus in their body. For some, under the influence of certain reasons, it is activated, and antiviral drugs come in handy. Drugs that can “fight” the herpes virus include:

  • Galavit. It is an immunomodulator that relieves inflammation while stimulating the body's defenses.
  • Isoprinosine. Prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by a virus. Prevents the virus from multiplying.
  • Valtrex. Capable of blocking the proliferation of viral cells.
  • Famvir. Mainly prescribed for herpes zoster.

Effective antiviral drugs: reviews, forum

Here's what people write on forums about antiviral drugs:

Viral infections affect people of any age, regardless of gender and social status. Children especially often suffer from diseases caused by viruses. In such cases, the doctor recommends taking children's antiviral drugs. What medications are indicated for use in childhood against rotavirus and other infections? How often can they be used, and how to make a choice, taking into account the age of the baby? Let's figure it out together.

During periods of exacerbation of ARVI and influenza, doctors recommend giving children antiviral drugs

Should I use antiviral drugs?

Antiviral drugs actually show high effectiveness in treating diseases that are included in the list of indications for their use. If a child has caught a viral infection (including intestinal, rotavirus), then his body needs help to cope with the disease.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that you cannot prescribe medications on your own - you must definitely consult a pediatrician. In addition, before using any drugs, you need to read the instructions - many antiviral drugs have strict age restrictions and a long list of contraindications. For example, if a child has a history of an autoimmune disease, then using immunostimulants without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited.

What medications are prescribed for children?

If a baby catches an acute respiratory viral infection or an intestinal infection, parents strive to quickly alleviate his condition and go to the pharmacy to find the best and fastest-acting medicine. Of course, the majority are interested in inexpensive yet effective remedies, but if a positive result is guaranteed, a caring mother or father is ready to pay literally any money for the drug.

A group of drugs based on interferon

Interferon is a type of protein that is produced by cells of the human body as part of a natural protective response to inflammatory processes, including those accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The main effect of interferon is that it does not allow viruses to penetrate into cells, as a result of which pathogens that do not have their own metabolism do not reproduce.

Interferon-based drugs can be used both in the treatment of viral infections, including as anti-influenza drugs, and as part of prevention. The use of such medications is indicated during epidemics, and is also recommended during the child’s adaptation to new climatic conditions or team (for example, when the child begins to attend a preschool, you can take a course of an interferon-based drug).

The list of stimulators α, β, γ interferons is quite wide. This category includes:

  • Viferon and Kipferon - suppositories are prescribed from birth;
  • Amiksin - this powerful drug demonstrates high effectiveness, but is prohibited for use in the treatment of patients under 7 years of age.

Viferon is a very powerful antiviral agent

Synthetic drugs

Synthetic drugs include several groups of antiviral drugs. These include the interferon-based medications mentioned above. Synthetic drugs are divided into 2 large groups - medications indicated for prevention and in the initial stages of the disease, and drugs that help cope with advanced viral infections. Synthetic drugs prescribed for the treatment of children include:

  • Remantadine. The drug, recommended for children from one year of age, shows good results in the treatment of influenza virus (group A). Efficiency has been proven by international studies. Also, when treating 1-2 year old children, an analogue of the drug, Orvirem, can be used (we recommend reading:). The latter is available in the form of a suspension.
  • Arbidol. In official international sources, information about the effectiveness of this drug is quite contradictory, but the World Health Organization recommends it for the treatment of acute rotavirus infection and influenza (groups B and A). Can be used in the treatment of children from 3 years of age.
  • Tamiflu. An effective anti-influenza drug, approved for use from 1 year. However, it is absolutely useless for acute respiratory viral infections. Since parents are unlikely to be able to distinguish ARVI from influenza on their own, it is not recommended without a pediatrician’s prescription. For young patients, a less toxic analogue of this drug called Relenza is recommended.
  • Ribavirin. In accordance with the instructions, this remedy can only be used by patients over eighteen years of age. This potent drug is rarely prescribed to children, but use is possible under the supervision and supervision of a doctor, as there is a high probability of side effects.

Tamiflu is a good remedy against flu

Homeopathic remedies

Pediatricians around the world have mixed feelings about homeopathic remedies. Some actively prescribe them as an element of complex treatment, others consider such drugs rather “dummy”, attributing to them a placebo effect, but nothing more. There is also a group of specialists who insist on the dangers of homeopathic medicines.

Currently, none of the groups has provided comprehensive evidence of their correctness, so the decision to take homeopathic remedies or refuse them falls on the shoulders of the local pediatrician and parents. The list of popular medications in this group includes:

  • Gripp-Heel;
  • Anaferon;
  • Oscillococcinum (see also:);
  • Aflubin (we recommend reading:);
  • Viburcol.

Antiviral suppositories Viburkol

Herbal preparations

Most herbal preparations, including those based on echinacea, are not approved for use in patients under twelve years of age. These include popular remedies - Echinabene and Immunal (we recommend reading:). However, there are herbal medicines that can be used by children:

  1. Bioaron S syrup – from 3 years;
  2. from one year of age, Alpizarin is prescribed for the treatment of herpes virus;
  3. Infants can take Immunoflazid and Imupret.

How to choose a product based on the child’s age?

When choosing the best antiviral drug to give to a child, you should definitely take into account the age of the little patient. A drug that can be used by an 8-10 year old child may be prohibited for use in the treatment of an infant or a 2 year old child.

Age restrictions are always indicated in the instructions for medications; you should consult your pediatrician regarding dosage.

For newborns and children up to 1 year

Treatment of newborns and babies up to one year should be carried out with extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor. The body of a child of this age is not yet able to resist viral infections, so even a seemingly insignificant illness can pose a real threat to him. Representatives of the older generation usually advise young parents to treat their baby with homeopathic and folk remedies, motivating such recommendations by the fact that homemade recipes “do not contain harmful chemicals - only healthy herbs.”

However, for a baby who eats only mother's milk or an adapted formula, plant components can pose even more danger than modern antiviral drugs. Babies up to 6 months can use the medications listed in the table.

Anaferon for children is allowed from 1 month of life
Drug nameAge restrictionsAverage price of packaging/bottle, rublesNote
Anaferon for children (we recommend reading:)From 1 month200 Contains lactose
Genferon Light (candles) (we recommend reading:)From birth245 Can be used in the treatment of premature babies
Kipferon (candles)No limits650 Enhances the therapeutic effect of antibacterial drugs when used together
Grippferon (we recommend reading:)270 When treating newborns, it is recommended to use it in the form of suppositories.
Viferon (in the form of gel, ointment, suppositories)From birth137 (ointment), 130 (gel), 300 (suppositories)It is acceptable to use in the treatment of newborns, including premature infants with a gestation period of 34 weeks or more.

The range of drugs approved for use by children from 6 months is somewhat wider. When treating a viral infection (including rotavirus) in a baby for 6-12 months, in addition to the medications listed above, you can also use Panadol, Ergoferon and Remantadine (we recommend reading:). It is better to choose drugs in syrup form.

If the doctor prescribes tablets, then infants need to grind them into powder and dilute them with milk, water or an adapted mixture.

From 1 to 3 years

The body of a 1-3 year old child is much stronger than that of an infant. However, it still needs protection and a careful, careful approach to the treatment of viral infections. For children of this age, if they have a cold, intestinal infection, or rotavirus infection, it is permissible to use stronger and more effective remedies, including tablets. The doctor often prescribes complex therapy - in such cases one should not neglect his recommendations and limit oneself only to antiviral medications.

Name of medicineRelease formAge restrictionsspecial instructions
Cytophyr-3SyrupFrom 1 yearMonitoring of blood glucose levels is required if a child undergoes several courses of treatment with the drug
TamifluPowder for preparing suspensionFrom 1 yearIn children 6-12 months of age, the risk of side effects is high, so it is recommended not to use the medicine for up to a year, replacing it with safer analogues
ImupretDropsFrom 1 yearThe product contains ethanol - can be given to children after dissolving in tea

Imupret can be given to children from 1 year of age

From 3 years and older

When treating a viral infection in a child over three years old, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations and carefully study the instructions for each medication that you plan to give to the little patient. It should be borne in mind that the cost of an antiviral drug is not an indicator of its effectiveness, since the reaction to the effects of the drug is individual for each person. Sometimes medicines that cost less help better than their more expensive counterparts.

Immunomodulatory drug Groprinosin

How often can a child be given antiviral medications?

Antiviral drugs, when used correctly, can quickly and effectively cope with the disease. However, they should not be given to children too often and uncontrollably - for example, for a simple cold. Ideally, a child should take medications only as needed, when recommended by the attending physician. Taking an antiviral drug too often significantly increases the risk of developing allergies or adverse reactions.

The ability of viruses to change and develop resistance to drugs should also be considered. For this reason, it is not advisable to use antiviral drugs for prevention - it is better to get vaccinated (if possible). By the way, this property of viruses explains the gradual decrease in the effectiveness of drugs that have been on the market for a long time.

Another nuance that needs to be taken into account is the risk of addiction to the drug and disruption of the process of formation of the child’s natural immunity. Herpetic infections, severe forms of ARVI and influenza are the main indications for taking these medications. In all other cases, it is recommended, if possible, to avoid the use of potent drugs, including antiviral agents.

When a child gets sick, many parents have a desire to immediately empty all the pharmacy shelves and buy a mountain of antiviral drugs that will immediately help the baby and relieve his runny nose and cough. And not all fathers and mothers know that a special approach is required when choosing antiviral drugs for a child. Not all medications that adults use to fight ARVI are suitable for children.

Antiviral drugs are drugs used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of viral etiology. Based on their mechanism of action, they can be divided into two groups:

  1. Some drugs specifically fight the virus itself, inhibiting the reproduction and division of microorganisms,
  2. others activate the immune system, due to which the body itself begins an active fight against enemy agents.

But how can one understand whether antiviral drugs will help a child and whether such outside intervention will harm his immunity? Should we trust advertisements for various drugs, including inexpensive ones, which promise to rid a child of a disease with lightning speed, and at the same time without harm to his body?

To answer these important questions, you must first understand what a virus is, how it behaves when it enters the body, how the immune system reacts to the invasion, and how antiviral drugs can help it.

How does the disease develop in a child?

When a child becomes infected with a virus, which most often happens when communicating with a carrier of the disease, the DNA or RNA of the virus immediately attacks the cells using special enzymes. Having settled, the virus produces the synthesis of new viral particles, which accumulate in the cells and over time, having exhausted all resources, destroy them. After cell death and cell membrane rupture, the virus comes out and captures new, still healthy cells. Thus, the infection progresses, causing unpleasant and familiar symptoms.

Find out more about the development of ARVI

With ARVI, including influenza, the child’s body temperature rises, a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, body aches, loss of appetite and problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may appear. In very young children, newborns and infants, ARVI symptoms can develop at lightning speed. Intoxication quickly increases, the baby shudders, vomiting appears, and hyperthermia is pronounced. In such cases, the doctor recommends starting treatment immediately to avoid possible complications. When infected, the child’s immune system does not stand aside. Immediately after infection, the body begins to produce interferon, a protective protein that tries to prevent the pathogen from penetrating into cells. In a nonspecific immune response, immunocompetent cells attack and devour viral particles. And with a specific immune response, lymphocytes enter the fight and create antibodies that can defeat the virus.

Unfortunately, the body’s efforts are not enough, and when the disease does develop, a good antiviral agent is required.

Antiviral drugs with three principles of action

Currently, there are drugs that fight viruses, which can be divided into three groups.

  • Vaccines that are administered to a child for preventive purposes allow the body to “get to know” a possible enemy in advance and learn to respond to a possible enemy invasion with a specific immune response.
  • Preparations containing interferon and its inducers replenish interferon reserves in the patient’s body or stimulate the patient’s own cells to produce it, that is, they enhance the nonspecific immune response.
  • Etiotropic drugs block the activity of viruses both at the very beginning of the disease, preventing them from entering cells, and afterwards, when viruses try to multiply in cells and come out.

Based on their composition, children's antiviral drugs can be divided into the following categories:

  • Interferons
  • Inducers of endogenous interferons
  • Neuraminidase inhibitors
  • M2 channel blockers
  • Specific hemagglutinin inhibitor
  • Homeopathic medicines
  • Plant extracts

Table of antiviral drugs by age


Antiviral drugs for children under 1 year of age

General doctor

Reference and information material

  1. Nesterova I.V. “Interferon drugs in clinical practice: when and how,” “Attending Physician,” September 2017.
  2. Chebotareva T.A., Mazankova L.N., “The effectiveness of Viferon in the treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children,” 2010.