Fish oil and fish oil: the difference, which is healthier? The benefits of fish oil, indications for use – who benefits from fish oil and how? Which company is the best fish oil?

Fish oil is valuable only because of the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which improve memory, normalize brain function, and simplify the functioning of the hormonal and cardiovascular systems. Moreover, omega-3s normalize weight loss in “difficult areas” in the presence of a calorie deficit, and increase the effectiveness of training when taken systematically. That is why under the USSR children in schools and kindergartens were given a spoon fish oil. However, even then physiologists and nutritionists made typical mistake, which has survived to this day.

Raw fish oil does not contain omega-3 and omega-6 acids in any significant amount. Only fish meat can boast a large number omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Therefore, there is no benefit from drinking tasteless raw fish oil.

EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA - docosahexaenoic acid are two essential elements of omega-3 fats. They overfill the meat of the fish, not the fish itself fish oil.

Fish oil capsules, which one is better to buy?

The process of making these supplements is not what you imagine. The production involves either fish meat or its liver, and not the fat itself. If it is used, then only in minute quantities to improve bioavailability and stabilize the capsule. The manufacturer makes a concentrate of DHA and EPA, and if we see the declared amount of such acids in the composition, they can be safely consumed.

The fat in the capsule is only needed for bioavailability. EPA and DHA concentrate is not a fish oil concentrate. It is extracted from fish tissue. People are often skeptical about fish oil supplements. It is believed that evil corporations are deceiving customers, and the capsules are not at all what is stated on the packaging. In practice, everything is a little simpler. Of course, ordinary local manufacturers may disrupt the production process or use low-quality fish oil, but global giants have long established themselves not only by their many years of presence on the supplement market, but also by open research protocols.

If EPA and DHA are the same, then why do different supplements have different prices? The answer lies in the raw materials. Omega-3 can be obtained from fish meat and liver. The liver contains exactly the same EPA and DHA, but in this case fatty acids chemically bound to impurities and toxins processed by the liver. Therefore, real high-quality fish oil in capsules is represented only by omega-3 fats from fish meat, and this is more expensive in terms of production.

How to find such a supplement? It's quite simple. If the package says COD LIVER OIL, then this is an inexpensive option where the source of EPA and DHA is fish liver. Try to avoid such additives. They are not harmful, but it is better to pay a little more.

An important nuance: when choosing supplements, make sure that a single serving contains at least 50% EPA and DHA, and even better, 70% of the total serving weight. That is, if the total mass of omega-3 fats in a single serving is 1000 mg, then a total of at least 500 mg, or even better, 700 mg should be allocated to EPA and DHA.

Raw fish oil

Absolutely useless, and even harmful. It contains virtually no EPA and DHA, that is, neither omega 3 nor omega 6 fats. Forcing yourself to drink raw fish oil is stupid in terms of benefits. And if you force children to do this, you are doing yourself and them disservice. A stable psychological cause-and-effect relationship appears: everything that is healthy is tasteless.

Don't do this. It’s better to fry or boil red fish for your children, prepare some delicious pasta for them and top them with homemade cheese sauce. And if you count calories along the way, you can even lose weight on such healthy and tasty dishes.

Style Summary

What is the best quality fish oil? Consume fish or fish oil capsules (supplements) - these are important elements of a balanced diet. It doesn't matter which cooking method you choose. The amount of EPA and DHA remains unchanged, since studies in 2006-2007 proved their safety during heat treatment of varying degrees.

Pure fish oil from fish is useless, don’t drink it, it’s not lemonade. Note that canned food is an excellent source of omega-3 fats. Here, the content of EPA and DHA also remains unchanged, and in some cases increases relative to the initial weight, because water and simple triglycerides are washed out.

For those who want to delve into this issue in more detail -

Updated: 06/27/2018 17:25:19

The phrase “fish oil” probably makes the blood run cold in many people: this drug used to be drunk by everyone, young and old, because it contains a storehouse of vitamins and polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids, vitamins A, D, E, which are important for the body, which are today synthesized in including artificially and produced in other forms. Fish oil in its original form is an oily substance with bad aftertaste, which is often eliminated in production through filtration and flavorings. Raw materials - sea meat and liver large fish, including mackerel, cod, herring, salmon.

About usefulness

Fish oil is concentrated large number fatty acids that are rarely found in foods other than fish:

  1. Palmitic;
  2. Docosapentaenoic acid;
  3. Oleic;
  4. Eicosapentaenoic acid;
  5. Arachidonic;
  6. Linoleic;
  7. Docosahexaenoic acid.

The preparation contains vitamins A and D, and wide range. The concentration of these components in a portion of the drug can cover a person’s daily need for these microelements; it is difficult to do this with a normal meal.

The main advantage of fish oil over synthetic drugs with a similar composition is natural origin: important components are recognized by the body and absorbed in the right quantities with maximum efficiency. Substances removed artificially are absorbed worse, and if there is an abundance of them in the body, you can get oversaturated. Organics are often much more expensive than complex synthetic preparations due to the higher complex process production.

What diseases does consuming fish oil prevent?

  1. Removing inflammation from tissues;
  2. Prevention of cancer;
  3. Improving cell regeneration and slowing down the aging of the body;
  4. Prevention of hypertension, stroke and other problems of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Stimulation of muscle activity;
  6. Help in maintaining normal weight;
  7. Improving calcium absorption and preventing bone problems (with sufficient consumption of calcium-rich foods);
  8. Improving the performance of men and women reproductive system;
  9. General strengthening immunity.

And it’s true: at the end of the last century, children and adults drank fish oil without exception and were much less likely to get sick than modern humanity.

An absolute contraindication to consuming fish oil is poor blood clotting, as well as taking medications that affect this indicator. With caution: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to components.

  1. Manufacturer location. The best product is produced near the fishing grounds, that is, in Norway, the US coast, and northern Russia. These raw materials are as fresh as possible.
  2. Release form. Today it is a liquid oil in a dark bottle, often flavored and free of an unpleasant aftertaste, or a capsule in a soft or gelatin shell. You should choose based on ease of use: for children, manufacturers offer small capsules, for babies and people with swallowing problems - neutral-tasting syrups, for adults - solely according to preference.
  3. Compound. In addition to the main components, the drug can be additionally enriched with vitamins and acids. The doctor will help you make a choice by analyzing the condition of the patient’s body.
  4. The shelf life should not expire - it is better if the drug is purchased closer to the production date, so it will retain more useful components and the effectiveness will be highest.

Experts from EXPERTOLOGY magazine compiled their own ratings of fish oil from different manufacturers based on the composition of the drugs, their effectiveness and consumer reviews.

Rating of the best fish oils

Nomination place product name price
Best Fish Oil Manufacturers for Adults 1 568 RUR
2 1 100 ₽
3 650 ₽
4 420 ₽
5 1,650 RUR
6 890 ₽
7 1 150 ₽
8 1,610 ₽
9 1,440 RUR
10 RUB 3,810
11 179 ₽
12 990 ₽
The best manufacturers of fish oil for children 1 1,050 RUR
2 1,480 RUR
3 950 RUR
4 184 RUR
5 166 RUR
6 250 ₽

Best Fish Oil Manufacturers for Adults

For adults, the dosage of active substances is high, but in different drugs The concentration of individual elements differs, so the use of the drug is possible only according to the instructions or as prescribed by a doctor.

Release form – soft gelatin capsules in plastic packaging. They are easy to swallow and leave no aftertaste. A high concentration of acids and fats helps prevent coronary heart disease, this has been proven by studies conducted including at Madre Labs.


    High concentration of useful elements;

    High EPA/DHA ratio – 80%;

    No cholesterol;

    Soft capsules for easy swallowing;


  • Relatively high price– about 570 rubles for 30 capsules.

It is no coincidence that Solgar Omega 3 fish oil concentrate gelatin capsules took second place in the rating: their composition is as close to ideal as possible, the balance of EPA and DHA is maximum, the raw materials are thoroughly purified from heavy metals such as mercury and lead. The drug has been produced since 1947, using deep-sea fish from cold seas and oceans: under such conditions, the necessary fats with polyunsaturated acids are concentrated in its body.

Solgar Omega 3 fish oil concentrate is tested for maximum purity and distilled at the molecular level. This most valuable source of Omega-3 acids, with all its advantages, is relatively inexpensive: about 1090 rubles for 240 capsules, which is enough for 40 daily doses of 2 capsules 3 times.

BSN offers a natural food supplement containing essential Omega-3 fatty acids and organic oils. The fish oil concentration of 1000 mg (1 g) includes 300 mg of EFA, this is the daily requirement for maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system of an adult.

The drug is recommended for use during active physical activity, in the process of losing weight and getting healthy. Capsules should be taken one up to 3 times a day according to the body's needs, which is best determined by a doctor or nutritionist. Thus, a package of 100 capsules is enough for a month, its cost is about 550 rubles.

California Gold Nutrition fish oil capsules are an improved version of the Madre Labs rating leader: an improved acid ratio of 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA, enhanced extraction and distillation, normalized free cholesterol.

The drug contains daily norm Vitamin E is naturally similar to D-Alpha Tocopherol, which is found in anchovies, sardines, mackerel and tuna. The product is completely free of gluten, traces of crustaceans, dairy, egg components and other allergens.

Fish oil is tested at all stages for purity and compliance with international quality standards and the customs union.

It is recommended to take 2 capsules per day, so a package of n100 will last for 50 days. However, the drug has many contraindications; the dosage can be adjusted by the attending physician, because the concentration of active substances is slightly lower than in Madre Labs Omega 800. The cost of the drug is also lower - about $7 or 430 rubles for 100 pieces. Therefore, only fourth place in the rating.


    Low price;

    Pleasant to swallow capsules;

    High nutritional activity with improved composition;


    You need to consult a doctor to clarify the dose;

    Many contraindications.

Barlean's, Omega Swirl

In Barlean's, Omega Swirl, the absorbent formula has been increased due to enhanced proprietary processing to absorb beneficial components up to 100%. The concentration of EPA/DCA acids is 720 grams, which covers the daily need for them.

This is not a capsule, but a syrupy fish oil with a delicate fruity taste, so no discomfort does not occur when used. The manufacturer suggests taking the drug both in pure form and as a salad dressing in an individual cup to maintain dosage.

There is no sugar in the composition, the sweetened taste is the result of the introduction of a xylitol substitute. The drug is suitable for use by children and adults in quantities of up to 2 teaspoons per day. Of course, you need to check the dosage with your doctor.


    Pleasant consistency and taste;

    Suitable for the whole family;

    Natural composition;

    Vitamin D included at a concentration of 400 IU per serving;


    High price, for 454 g. you will have to pay about 1,400 rubles;

    Expanded composition with flavors, dyes and sweeteners, fortunately they are of natural origin.

Fish oil has an increased dosage of fatty acids - 1200 mg in each capsule, Omega-3 - 600 mg, and the ratio of DHA and EPA - 500 mg. They should be taken 1 piece once a day during meals. Thus, a package of 30 soft gels will last for a month, and 100 - for more than 3 months. At the same time, the cost of a small bottle of n100 starts from 1,400 rubles; the manufacturer and sellers often organize generosity promotions, offering additional packaging of n30 when purchasing a can of n100.

The food supplement Carlson Labs, Wild Caught Super Omega-3 Gems improves the functioning of the body in a comprehensive manner; the product contains no preservatives or allergens, and there is no fishy taste. The raw materials used are mined in the northern seas of Norway.

The dosage of fish oil is conditional: one soft gel from one to five times a day. Due to the rich dosage, before using the food supplement, it is recommended to undergo examination and consult with a doctor so that the use is effective and does not cause oversaturation of the body or, conversely, a lack of necessary components.


    Effective composition with an optimal ratio of acids and fats;

    The raw materials are fish bred in the cold sea, which have accumulated a lot of fat under the skin.


    Relatively high price;

    Difficulty in independently determining the dosage.

Nature's Way, Fisol

A drug with a high content of fatty acids EPA and DKG in an amount of 50% of the volume (30 and 20%, respectively) in a fat-soluble shell is ideal for maintaining the tone of the cardiovascular system, joints and skin without a fishy taste. The raw materials undergo molecular distillation and are completely purified from bottom impurities and metals accumulated in the body of the fish off the coast of Alaska, where the raw materials are extracted.

The composition does not contain allergens, and the high degree of purification deprives the capsules of the taste of fish and unpleasant belching after consumption.

An interesting feature of the capsules: their shell is resistant to acidic environment stomach and dissolves directly in the intestines, where absorption of the components occurs. Frequency of use: 1 capsule 1-3 times a day as needed.


    Optimal amount of fatty acids;

    Casing resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach;

    Relatively low price for 180 capsules - about 1560 rubles;

    High degree of purification of raw materials;


  • Inaccurate dosage.

Now Foods, Ultra Omega-3, 500 EPA/250 DHA

Capsules Now Foods occupy eighth place in the ranking of fish oil for adults due to the optimal amount of essential fatty acids EPA 500 mg and 250 g. DHA in one capsule. This is enough to maintain cardiovascular health, brain health and good condition the body as a whole.

In addition to Omega-3 acids, the preparation contains form-forming gelatin, which carries the capsule with an almost unchanged structural composition into the intestines, where fat absorption occurs. Also includes complex vitamin E of natural origin.


    Economical packaging;

    Relatively low prices per capsule;

    Balanced composition;


  • There are contraindications.

It is no coincidence that the Jarrow Formulas fish oil product was included in the rating: the manufacturer highlighted one of the important functions of the biological additive - stimulation of brain activity and maintenance of the cardiovascular system, which is provided by 600 mg of Omega-3 and an EPA/DHA ratio of 2:1. Capsules are indicated for use by students and people with active brain activity: teachers, engineers, management workers, as well as athletes. Jarrow Formulas EPA-DHA balance is gluten-free, and the concentration of active ingredients is high thanks to ultra-fine filtration of raw fish oil with the addition of natural flavors and formative gelatin, glycerin and water.

The drug is manufactured in the USA and complies with CRN (USA), GMP (international practice) standards. The manufacturer recommends taking 1 capsule 1-2 times a day; the schedule and amount can be adjusted by your doctor. Thus, a package of n240 will last for at least six months, and you will have to spend approximately 1,300 rubles.


    Optimal balance of fatty acids;

    Complex effect on the body;

    Pleasant taste of soft capsules;

    Low price;


  • Not defined.

Synthesized from oily fish Omega-3 acids EPA and DHA are concentrated in capsules in a ratio of 1:25, which, according to the developers, is considered optimal for fully saturating the body of a modern person. The drug helps reduce blood cholesterol, prevents inflammatory processes and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, promotes a good mood, but is not a medicine and is taken as a dietary supplement to food. Can be used in complex therapy diseases of cancer, allergies and obesity.

The price of a package of 90 capsules starts from 590 rubles; with the recommended use of 1 capsule 3 times a day, the jar is enough for a month's course.


    Increased content of Omega-6 acids;

    Complex effect for the body;


  • Sold mainly in sports supermarkets.

Salmon fish oil BIAFISHENOL SALMON is the first Russian-made product in our rating. In addition to Omega-3 40 mg, one capsule contains vitamin A in the amount of 0.012 mg, vitamin D - 0.47 mg, these are the daily requirements for an adult.

The peculiarity of the drug is the use of only salmon living in the Arctic as a raw material - in northern conditions, the fish accumulates a maximum of Omega group fat and vitamin E, which can neutralize harmful radicals.

Fish oil improves the quality of blood vessels and improves immunity, stimulates adrenal function, reducing the risk of kidney stones and gallbladder. Capsules BIAFISHENOL SALMON - a budget product for general maintenance immunity: a pack of 100 capsules can be purchased for 200 rubles, but with the recommended dose of 4 capsules 3 times a day, it will last for 8 days. The dose can be adjusted by your doctor.


    Inexpensive drug;

    Satisfied daily requirement in fatty acids and vitamins of groups A, D, E;

    Availability in pharmacy chains;


  • Ineffective capsule dosage.

The Hungarian brand TEVA offers fish oil with a concentration of 500 mg in one tablet, this is considered the optimal dosage for an adult when taking 1-2 gelatin capsules 3 times a day.

Teva fish oil is a vitamin supplement for stabilizing calcium-phosphorus metabolism. The drug can be used in complex therapy of other diseases. The capsules are a gelatin shell of neutral taste with liquid content without flavoring with a characteristic odor, so it is not recommended to bite into it.


    There are no flavors or chemical additives;

    The drug is available for purchase in retail pharmacy chains;

    High dose of Omega-3 in one capsule;


  • High price, a pack of 100 capsules will cost 984 rubles.

The best manufacturers of fish oil for children

Fish oil for children is an essential supplement necessary for the full development of the brain, body, intelligence and calcium absorption. The drug is well absorbed and practically harmless, but for ease of taking, manufacturers make its taste and smell pleasant, not always through natural ingredients. We have made a selection the best drugs fish oil for children in terms of effectiveness and safety.

Vitamin D for babies is a vital nutrient that improves the transport and absorption of calcium in the body. Extracted from fish oil, this vitamin is absorbed better than synthesized vitamins. Dissolving agent – ​​fractionated coconut oil, completely safe for the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. In addition, drops are the only one suitable for very young children. Rating leader liquid vitamin Ddrops – the most effective in terms of concentration active substance: 400 IU (microunits) contained in just one drop. It’s not for nothing that the drug received an award in the “Moms’ Choice” category.

Please note: vitamin D is necessary only for children who are breastfed or partially bottle-fed: infant formula already contains this component and does not need to be added to the diet.


    Highly concentrated drug, one drop is enough for a daily dose;

    Bottle volume 2.5 ml – duration of use 90 days (90 drops);

    Natural composition;


    Relatively high price from 992 rubles per 2.5 ml bottle.

    Allergic reactions are possible.

Nordic Naturals Children's DHA Syrup 530 mg Strawberry Flavor is intended for children ages 2 to 6 years. One 5 ml serving contains 530 mg of Omega-3 from wild cod, the triglyceride formula (chain of fatty acids) has been improved for more effective absorption of components, iodine, vitamins A and D are present.

Nordic Naturals Fish Oil, DHA for Children, Strawberry, 530 mg is the best-selling product in the United States, rich in fatty acids, due to the high quality of the products and compliance with American and international standards. The use of capsules promotes improved development of the brain, muscle and bone tissue of children. The raw material used is only triglyceride extracted from cod, distilled and tested for the absence of heavy metals and harmful impurities. The manufacturer will provide data from these analyzes upon request.

A 237 ml bottle will cost approximately 1,419 rubles; it will last for 47 days with a one-time daily dose.

Chewable capsules Kusalochka are a unique type of fish oil in terms of presentation: children simply love delicious candies! There are no unpleasant sensations when chewing, and if you don’t like the taste, since there are still notes of fish in it, the capsules can be swallowed with water, their effectiveness will not decrease.

IN vitamin complex contains fatty acids, vitamins of groups A, D, E. the drug does not contain allergens and, remarkably, helps fight allergic reactions to other irritants, as well as bronchial asthma in complex therapy.

The course of administration is 1 month, children from 3 to 7 years old should dissolve 1 capsule twice a day, older ones - 3 times a day. A package of 60 capsules will cost an average of 175 rubles.

The only drug that closes the rating of children’s fish oil is this kind, approved for use by children from 1.5 years of age (we do not count vitamin Ddrops, the leader in the rating category). The polyunsaturated fatty acids included in the composition, as well as vitamins A and D, contribute to harmonious development child at all stages of body formation and brain activity. Brand drug Goldfish the only one does not contain fragrances, but its taste is as neutralized as possible without the participation of chemical reagents. Judging by user reviews, children do not resist taking the liquid drug, despite the specific taste of the oily syrup.

A 100 ml bottle will cost approximately 276 rubles, it will last for 22 days with a recommended dosage of 4.5 ml once a day.


    No chemicals or impurities, 100% fish oil;

    Very affordable price;

    Suitable for children from 1.5 years old;


  • The taste is still specific, which not all children like.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Good health to everyone! Finally, spring is breathing outside the window! With the long-awaited warming came many annoying problems with hair and skin, colds, pressure surges, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. I already ran to the pharmacy for vitamins and took a closer look at the assortment of golden capsules with omega-3.

But no, I’ll probably order it on the Internet again... Have you ever wondered, when buying fish oil capsules, which manufacturer is better? Or do you simply take pills based on the price/attractiveness of the package? This approach does not justify itself at all. And because almost everyone does exactly this, I decided to tell you how to choose this nutritional supplement correctly.

Why spend money on fish oil capsules from the best manufacturer

So you stopped by the pharmacy to buy fish oil. And for what? Here main question, which must be answered before purchasing. Sometimes this is prompted by a doctor’s recommendation, sometimes by conscious concern for health, but more often just by talking about the benefits of omega-3. They repeat it on TV, my friends drink, the advertising on the Internet haunts me... I have to buy it in order to keep up.

The price of a jar with golden contents fluctuates in some cosmic range. From 20-30 rubles, up to 2-3 thousand. If you don’t understand what it’s really needed for, then you’re unlikely to spend more than two hundred on the purchase. Well, really, why overpay if you can save? Let's figure it out.

About the benefits of fish oil I wrote quite recently, so I won’t repeat myself. I'll come from the other side. Our body needs omega daily, but is not able to synthesize it. Usually this problem is solved by taking the necessary substances with food, i.e., in this case, with fish. Admit it, how many people have any kind of fish in their diet at least once a week? What about fatty salmon?

Interesting! Fish grown artificially on special farms almost does not contain the fatty acids we need in their meat, which is explained by the composition of the feed, which is far from natural.

By the way, you won’t be able to eat enough fish for future use either - the extra omegas simply won’t be absorbed. So it turns out that high-quality omega-3 the required quantity can be obtained daily only in the form of dietary supplements. But why buy products from world brands if it’s easier to get by with a jar from a “no name” company, but at an affordable price? I'll explain.

Subtleties of production

  1. Extraction method. The cheap product is obtained from small fish that are not even gutted. High-quality - from the meat of cold-water fish of the salmon family.
  2. Processing method. Firms concerned about the quality of their products purify raw materials almost at the molecular level, understanding the intensity of pollution of the world's oceans. Budget dietary supplements may contain impurities of mercury, lead and other harmful substances.
  3. Omega-3 concentration. Poor quality capsules contain 15-20% of the acids we need, while a good product contains 60% or more. Unfortunately, among domestic manufacturers, few can boast of such quality.
  4. Daily norm. This criterion follows completely from the previous one. The lower the concentration of omega-3, the more capsules you need to drink per day. Cheap pills sometimes require taking 12-15 pieces. As soon as you stop “remembering” the previous batch, it’s time to drink the next one... So you have to live with this fishy taste in your mouth. High-grade capsules are taken one or two per day.
  5. Quality. We cannot ignore the fact that fish oil is a dietary supplement, and therefore control over its quality is much lower than for drugs. Certifying dietary supplements in Russia is relatively simple. The products of world-famous companies selling on all continents in dozens of developed countries have a completely different level of quality.

And just common sense says that a good concentrate of anything cannot cost a penny. Another thing is that choosing among quality goods is also not easy. These incomprehensible numbers on the label, terms... Which product to choose?

What does it mean about the quality of omega-3?

We seem to have figured out why expensive fish oil is better. But nevertheless, price is not always an indicator of quality. Even a junk product can be hidden behind marketing gimmicks and premium prices. We learn to clear the information “husk” and leave the main thing.

  1. Raw materials. We don’t need a product made from cod liver or something else entirely. We are looking for one that is obtained from meat and fat salmon fish. On jars of foreign production such a product is designated as “fish body oil”, on ours it will be written “fish oil”.
  2. EPA and DHA or in Russian EPA and DHA. These mysterious abbreviations hide the names of two acids: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic. The higher their concentration, the better. Sometimes their number is given as a percentage, sometimes a specific value is indicated. Most of the products presented in pharmacies do not have this information at all. I think that if there was something to brag about, they would never forget to do it.
  3. Cleaning. The manufacturer is also unlikely to be ashamed to announce that the product is free of foreign impurities. The words “refined”, “obtained by molecular differentiation”, “molecular distillation” will tell you that you are on the right track.

Rating of the best fish oil capsules

Fish oil with a high concentration of omega-3 is called medical, and with a low concentration - food. The first can be used both in treatment various diseases, and as a preventive measure. Food grade is suitable for use exclusively for preventive purposes. When reading the instructions for dietary supplements, please note that most of them are approved for use only from the age of 14. This can be explained by one of several reasons.

  • Manufacturers, due to the lack of a research base, are simply hedging their bets.
  • Children have a lower daily requirement for omega-3. But this fact is relevant only for medical fish oil, one capsule of which contains the daily adult dose.
  • A marketing ploy designed to increase sales by expanding the product line with children's capsules.

Medical fish oil

Carlson Labs

An American manufacturer famous for its high-quality premium products. The freshness of fish oil is ensured by its production directly at the place of production - in Norway. A high degree of purification guarantees the absence of impurities in the finished product.

The raw material is fish caught in cold waters, the fat of which is more energy-intensive. The product line is quite wide and each jar has a different acid content (from 600 to 1600 mg), which allows you to choose best option depending on the goals pursued. There are capsules with both vitamin and flavoring additives.

Nordic Naturals

The best omega, according to most, is produced in Norway. The products of this company are most popular in America, despite a significant number of their own excellent manufacturers (Solgar, Now Foods, Nature Made). Ready-made fish oil is tested by several independent laboratories. This ensures the highest purity and a globally recognized Gold Standard quality. The line features ultra-concentrated fats containing a total of up to 3,500 mg of omega-3

Minami Nutritions

This company is based in Belgium and has existed for more than 16 years. Here fish oil is produced using a patented, special technology using carbon dioxide at high pressure and low temperature. This helps protect omega from oxidation and preserves its integrity. The finished product meets European standards qualities that are known to be the highest in the world.

You can also highlight the products of Madre Labs (Germany), Natural Factors (Canada), Enzymatic Therapy (USA). I also suggest watching this video rating of medical fish oil manufacturers, based on real reviews buyers.

Dietary fish oil

  1. Teva (Teva). This is the largest Israeli company specializing in the production of generic drugs. Its assets are located all over the world, including in Ukraine. The company produces its fish oil in Hungary. This manufacturer does not indulge in a variety of product line, does not add vitamins and extracts, but guarantees quality. Which, however, also affects the price.
  2. Mirrolla. This is a Russian manufacturer, one of the few that produces fish oil with a high concentration of omegas (at least as stated on the packaging) and informs about the content of EPA and DHA. By the way, when choosing products from this company, you can treat yourself to capsules with the addition of rose hips, sea buckthorn, kelp or vitamins.
  3. Polar Pharm. This is a large domestic manufacturer of dietary supplements, including fish oil. He produces our product under the Biocontour brand. Interestingly, this is perhaps the only Russian company, which produces fish oil. The production is located in Murmansk on the basis of the largest fish processing plant. The product line pleases with an abundance of additives, but the omega-3 content in all is only 20%.

Among the manufacturers of edible fish oil, I would also like to mention the companies Biosola (Lithuania), Biafishenol (Russia), Doppelherz (Germany).

Golden capsules for children

Manufacturers usually offer children fish oil with various flavoring additives or with vitamin D.

  1. In the Netherlands, by order of the Russian company Omega Pharma, they produce chewable capsules for children with a citrus flavor. They are called Tutti Frutti.
  2. But American manufacturer Coromega makes a fish oil gummy for children! Yes, multi-colored fruit-flavored fish-shaped gummies cannot be compared with a tablespoon of liquid fat that we were tormented with in kindergarten.
  3. Biafishenol preferred to introduce vitamins A, D and E into capsules and not take risks with aromatic additives.
  4. BioKontur, already familiar to us, offers to buy children's fish oil with lemon flavor.
  5. Natures Plus attracts children with the smell of orange, and also focuses the attention of parents on not only omega-3, but also -6 and -9.
  6. Capsules called Kusalochka from RealCaps contain tutti-frutti flavoring.

According to doctors, children need fish oil just like adults. This product in capsules is approved for use by children with three years, and until this age you will have to feed your beloved child the old fashioned way - from a spoon.

Of course, it is impossible to cover all brands, but I tried to highlight the very best. What are your preferences? Which fish oil capsule manufacturer do you think is better? If you were previously lost in the assortment, I hope I helped a little to organize the information “on the shelves”. Therefore, I leave with a feeling of accomplishment. I look forward to your feedback. See you soon!

Fish oil - healthy food additive, used as an adjuvant in the treatment of numerous pathologies. In this natural product contains healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, they promote the production of vitamin D and strengthen the immune system. But all this is only if the fish oil is high-quality and natural. In pharmacies you can find this substance both as a stand-alone drug and as part of multivitamin complexes and other supplements. Which fish oil to choose for children and adults? What is the difference between products from different manufacturers and what indicators should you rely on when purchasing?

Previously, everything was simple: fish oil was sold in pharmacies in large bottles in the form of a solution. The liquid had a rather specific smell and not the most pleasant “fishy” taste - because of this, many remember with a shudder their first acquaintance with childhood with this extremely useful and necessary for the body substance. The fact is that the human body does not produce Omega 3 - they must come from outside. If there are not enough of them, serious metabolic disorders begin, joints, bones, skin, blood vessels, visual organs, immune system.

Fish oil is traditional remedy for the treatment of children prone to frequent infections and colds, for the prevention of rickets, vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis and others unpleasant diseases. It is recommended to take it once a year as a preventative course for all adults and children. And for those who have chronic diseases - even more often. Today you no longer need to suffer and swallow a nasty liquid, holding your nose and closing your eyes, you won’t have to endure children’s hysterics. Fish oil is produced by modern pharmaceutical companies in the form of capsules, which makes it much easier to take. medicine and its dosage. So, which manufacturer of fish oil in capsules is better and what should you definitely pay attention to when choosing?


A good supplement should contain nothing other than the main component - namely fish oil, and such excipients, like vitamins, minerals and gelatin, from which the capsule shell is made. If the composition contains fragrances and synthetic components, you should look for another product.


Everything is very simple here: the lower the dosage of the active component indicated by the manufacturer, the more capsules you will have to take at a time or do this several times a day.


If the country from which the fish oil is imported is located in an unfavorable environmental zone, there is great doubt that the fish oil will be beneficial and safe for health. If the fish from which the product is extracted swims in polluted water, it cannot be of high quality. At the moment, Norwegian cod liver oil is considered the most reliable and high-quality.

Package volume

Standardly, one bottle contains 100 capsules. If you plan to “feed” the whole family with fat, then this is clearly not enough even for a two-week course, taking into account the fact that each family member will take 3-6 capsules daily. Therefore, you will need either a larger package or 2-3 at once.

Other additives

Today you can find products containing, in addition to fish oil, additional vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. Pay attention to them, if you have several problems, perhaps a properly selected complex with vitamins and fish oil will help solve them in one go. It's still easier to take 1-2 capsules a day than a handful of tablets and powders.

Please note that it is important not only to find out which fish oil is best and buy it, big role It's how you take it that matters. Doctors advise combining the supplement with meals at least three times a day; one full course lasts at least four weeks. And if necessary, it can be extended up to three months.

Pharmaceutical companies from various countries, including Russia, are involved in the production of fish oil. The main differences lie in the types of fish from which the fat is extracted, the method of purifying the raw materials, further processing and auxiliary additives.

Depending on the country of origin, all products available in pharmacies are classified into three main categories.


The fish for the production of such additives are caught ecologically. clean waters and is carefully checked, then the raw materials are extracted from it and undergo multi-level purification. This is a very important point, since fish tissue absorbs toxins from water very well, in particular mercury and lead. You can trust the quality of American fish oil, but you will also have to pay a lot for it, considering the production method, the cost of transportation and taxes.

In our country, the most common products are Natrol, Now, Madre Labs.


  • The bulk of products are made from muscle tissue, containing more omega acids and less toxins, mercury in particular.
  • Multi-level product purification system.
  • Reliable protection of the contents by the gelatin capsule shell.


  • High cost.
  • A large number of manufacturers whose products differ in quality and composition.

Norwegian fish oil

On sale you can find a supplement called Code Liver Oil, the raw materials for which are extracts from fish of the herring, anchovy, mackerel families, caught in the cold and clean waters of the Baltic and North Seas. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in this product the active component is measured not by weight, but by the Omega 3 content in one capsule. This product is considered a leader not only in Europe, but throughout the world. But its price is impressive - from $25 per package.


  • High quality and compliance with established standards for pharmaceuticals and food products.
  • Natural purity of the waters of the Norwegian fjords.
  • Cold currents reduce the content of helminths and bacteria.
  • Variability in composition, allowing you to choose a product rich in omega acids or with certain vitamin supplements.


  • High price.
  • Relative shortage in domestic retail chains.



  • The cost is lower than that of foreign analogues.
  • Leading manufacturers have proven technology with almost a century of experience.
  • You can choose products with natural phyto-supplements.


  • High dependence on a specific manufacturer, where the products of the Murmansk fish factory remain the most valuable, due to its favorable natural location.
  • Unscrupulousness of some manufacturers who produce food grade, rather than medical grade, goods. You need to pay special attention to the packaging.

Russia is not the last place in the list of countries producing fish oil. Mostly cod fish are used in production; they are used for fat extraction and processing. traditional methods, proven over the years and improved today.

In principle, all products have approximately the same effect; the choice depends on your region and financial capabilities. Before choosing fish oil for yourself or your child, be sure to consult your doctor - remember that this drug, even the highest quality and most expensive, can cause allergic reactions and side effects. Below is an overview of several products that, according to reviews from doctors and patients, have proven to be the best.

Rating of the best fish oil supplements in capsules

Fish oil is a product, when choosing which, first of all, you need to focus on the manufacturer, his fame and authority. It is risky to purchase a product of an unfamiliar brand from a factory of unknown location - after consuming such products, all sorts of “horror stories” appear about how, after a course of taking fish oil, children developed terrible allergies, intestinal disorders, helminthiasis and other “delights”. Therefore, if you want to heal and strengthen your body, do not try to save money and purchase a proven, high-quality supplement. Rely on the rating below the best manufacturers and products.

Rating #1 #2 #3
Pleasant taste
Ease of use Feeling better Promotion protective function body Manufacturer popularity

This is a real Norwegian fish oil, as mentioned above, produced by Carlson Labs. Norway is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world, as are its coastal waters. They are home to cod, herring, anchovies and mackerel, which are caught to produce healthy and essential fish oil. There is practically no industrial production, because fish meat is not contaminated with chemicals and toxins. There are also almost no harmful bacteria and helminths in it. This means that the processing process is minimized, due to which the maximum of useful substances is retained in the hood.

  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • High concentration of Omega3.
  • Wide range of products - you can choose fish oil in capsules, in solution, with various vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • Fully complies with international standards for the quality of pharmaceutical and food products.
  • Doesn't have strong smell and taste, capsules of a convenient shape and optimal size, even a small child can easily swallow them.
  • Cost - if you need to fight pathologies such as osteoporosis, rickets, acute vitamin D deficiency with the help of fish oil, then full course treatment can significantly undermine the family budget.
  • There is a fairly high risk of paying a large sum for a non-original product - unfortunately, like any foreign-made drug, this one can also be counterfeited.

Solgar specializes exclusively in producing high-end products, which naturally affects the price. The fish oil concentrate contained in gelatin capsules is an extract from Alaskan salmon that lives in the cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. Why is there such an emphasis on habitat? Because those fish that live in cold waters accumulate more fat. This is an important point in fish processing: those parts of the carcass that go to waste are not processed to obtain a few more drops of a valuable product, but are actually disposed of. And thus the end result is a high-quality, uncontaminated product. But the advantages of Solgar’s products do not end there. Fish oil undergoes additional purification - molecular distillation, during which impurities of lead, mercury, arsenic and other harmful substances that may be present in ocean waters are removed.

  • Raw materials undergo high-quality and multi-level cleaning.
  • To obtain raw materials, only salmon are used, which live in cold waters and accumulate more pure and healthy fat.
  • High efficiency - after a month's course, the state of the immune system, joints, blood vessels noticeably improves, vitamin deficiency is eliminated, skin, nails and hair become healthier.
  • High cost.

The drug from the Teva company is called that way, and everyone immediately understands what they will get from one capsule. This supplement is a food supplement, not a medicinal one, that is, it will not help with serious, long-term vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis and other already progressive pathologies. But preventing their development, strengthening the immune system, and improving well-being is quite possible. It is also an excellent remedy for the prevention of myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis.

And this supplement was developed by Realcaps technologists specifically for young patients. Today it is almost impossible to find a baby who would not suffer to a greater or lesser extent from a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D - two substances that are consumed especially actively during the period of intensive growth of the child. The difficulty is not only in feeding children calcium (that is, dairy products and fish), but in the fact that without vitamin D and fats it will still not be fully absorbed. The bite can easily solve these problems.

  • Pleasant candy-fruit taste that even capricious kids will appreciate.
  • Convenient form– chewable capsules.
  • In addition to omega 3, this drug contains vitamins A, E and D.
  • Allowed for children from three years of age.
  • You can pour the capsules into another package and treat a capricious child under the guise of candy.
  • Contains synthetic fragrance.
  • Sometimes causes allergic reactions.

This is an American-made product from the pharmaceutical company Forever. This manufacturer has been specializing in products and cosmetics for weight loss, health improvement, face and body care. The Arctic Sea is not a medical supplement, but only a food supplement. But at the same time, it can fully satisfy a person’s needs for the Omega 3 he needs.


Nutritional and medical supplements containing fish oil and vitamins cost a lot, and the better and more effective the product, the higher its cost. There is no point in trying to save money – it’s your health. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the optimal drug so that the money is not wasted.