Aspartame: what is it, how is it harmful and how severe is its harm? Aspartame is a dangerous sugar substitute.

Aspartame - what is it?

This substance is a sugar substitute, sweetener. The product was first synthesized in the 60s of the 20th century. It was obtained by the chemist J.M. Schlatter, the substance is by-product production reactions , his dietary properties were discovered by chance.

The compound is approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar. Despite the fact that the sweetener has a calorie content (about 4 kilocalories per gram), to create a sweet taste of the substance you need to add much less than sugar. Therefore, when used in cooking, its calorie content is not taken into account. Compared to sucrose , this compound has a more pronounced but slower-developing taste.

What is Aspartame, its physical properties, harm of Aspartame

The substance is methylated dipeptide , which consists of the remainders phenylalanine And aspartic acid . According to Wikipedia, its molecular weight = 294.3 grams per mole, the density of the product is approximately 1.35 grams per cubic centimeter. Due to the fact that the melting point of the substance is from 246 to 247 degrees Celsius, it cannot be used to sweeten foods that are subject to heat treatment. The compound has moderate solubility in water and other bipolar solvents.

Harm of Aspartame

On at the moment the product is actively used as a flavoring additive - Aspartame E951 .

It is known that after entering the human body the substance decomposes into methanol . Methanol is toxic in large quantities. However, the amount of methanol that a person normally receives during food intake significantly exceeds the level of the substance resulting from the breakdown of Aspartame.

It has been proven that methanol is constantly produced in fairly large quantities in the human body. After eating one glass fruit juice is formed more of this compound than after drinking the same volume of a drink sweetened with Aspartame.

Countless clinical and toxicological studies, confirming that the sweetener is harmless. In this case, the recommended daily dosage means. It is 40-50 mg per kg of body weight per day, which is equivalent to 266 synthetic sweetener tablets for a 70 kg person.

In 2015, a double randomized placebo-controlled trial , in which 96 people took part. As a result, no metabolic or psychological signs adverse reaction of the body to an artificial sweetener.

Pharmacological action


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Aspartame, what is it, how does its metabolism proceed?

The product is found in many proteins in regular foods. The substance is 200 times sweeter than regular sugar, its calorie content is much lower than that of sugar. After ingestion of food containing this compound, it is rapidly absorbed into small intestine. Metabolized drug in liver tissue through reactions transamination . As a result, 2 amino acids and methanol are formed. Metabolic products are excreted through the urinary system.

Indications for use

Aspartame is used to reduce the calorie content of drinks and food during or. By using this tool You can control your weight and blood sugar levels.


The product is contraindicated:

Pregnant women and children should be careful.

Side effects

Aspartame is enough safe remedy, which rarely leads to the development of any unwanted side reactions.

Rarely may occur:

  • headaches, including;
  • paradoxical increase in appetite;
  • skin rashes, other non-severe allergic reactions.

Aspartame, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The substance is taken orally. Regardless of your diet or medications.

Aspartame, instructions for use

The maximum amount of sweetener that can be consumed per day without harm to the body is 40-50 mg per kg of weight.


There is no evidence of an overdose of the drug. There is an opinion that daily use of large doses of the substance can lead to the development malignant neoplasms or diabetes.


The substance does not interact with various drugs.

Terms of sale

No prescription required.

Storage conditions

Special instructions

During prolonged heat treatment, the substance decomposes and loses its sweet taste.

For weight loss

E951 often included in drinks for dietary nutrition. Using this product you can control your weight.

During pregnancy and lactation

Drugs containing (Analogs)

The substance is registered as follows trade names: Sugarfree, AminoSweet, Spoonful, NutraSweet, Canderel .

The second half of the 20th century was a magical time when we discovered an amazing product - sugar substitutes. The love of sweets is in a person’s blood (it’s not for nothing that we are so drawn to plump apples, juicy strawberries and warm August honey), but how much trouble this sugar creates... And although sweet substitutes were given to us unique opportunity enjoy delicious tea without harm to the figure and thyroid gland, the number of attacks on these supplements is growing every year. Here is aspartame - how is it harmful and is there any benefit? Scientists and nutritionists, chemists and ordinary people are still arguing about this...

Where did it all start?

And it began, as it usually happens with scientific discoveries- by pure chance. Aspartame, a well-known sweetener, sugar substitute, food additive E951 on sweets labels, was born because one talented chemist, during experiments, wanted to... lick his finger.

James M. Schlatter worked on the creation of the stomach hormone gastrin, which is used to treat ulcers. Aspartame turned out to be an intermediate product in this process, and when the chemist realized that the taste of the new substance was sweet, the future legendary additive was given a start in life.

This event occurred in 1965, but only in 1981 did aspartame begin to be produced and used in the USA and Britain. It took 16 years of experiments, experiments and research - scientists had to check everything and prove that the sweetener is safe, is not a carcinogen and does not provoke terrible illnesses. And they did it.

Where can I find aspartame?

Are you as slim as a cypress and do not limit yourself to sweets? Or, on the contrary, have you given up sweets and cookies forever, and drink coffee exclusively without sugar? In any case, you are familiar with the name “aspartame” or the mysterious numbers E951 - they can be found on almost all labels with factory-made sweets and even medicines.

Do you want to check how often aspartame is used, where the additive is found and how often we are forced to eat it? Take a closer look at the list of ingredients in the following products:

  • any chewing gum;
  • different types of sweets;
  • sweet yoghurts and curds;
  • soda and some juices;
  • ready-made fruit desserts;
  • hot chocolate bags;
  • sweets for diabetics;
  • cough drops and multivitamins;
  • sports nutrition.

Aspartame is also included in a number of complex sweeteners - for example, Milford. You can buy the additive both in such sweeteners and in its pure form: for one package (350 tablets) of the sweetener aspartame the price is quite harmless - 80-120 rubles.

Myths about aspartame

In the long debate about what aspartame is for the body - harm or benefit, the main argument is chemical nature substances. It consists of three components, into which it breaks down in the body: amino acids - aspartic acid (40%) and phenylalanine (50%), as well as toxic methanol (10%).

Potential toxicity has given rise to many myths around the ill-fated sweetener. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Methanol in sweetener poisons the body and can cause temporary blindness.
  2. The additive causes a whole range of neurological disorders: insomnia, depression, problems with memory and attention, panic attacks, ringing in the ears, severe headaches and convulsions.
  3. Aspartame increases appetite and causes excess weight.
  4. During pregnancy, consuming a sweetener can cause birth defects in the fetus.
  5. Toxic substances in aspartame can provoke growth different types tumors.

But in reality?

All the comments, reproaches and calls to never go near products with aspartame in your life do not take one thing into account. There are several hundred studies and opinions from reputable global organizations that report that the sweetener aspartame is safe for everyone, including children, diabetics and pregnant women.

FDA declares aspartame to be non-carcinogenic food products and US Drug Administration (FDA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and other agencies. And in 2007, the journal Critical Reviews of Toxicology published a series of articles based on the results of more than 500 studies that studied aspartame up and down and also confirmed its harmlessness. Here doubts can only be related to how much you believe in the impartiality and objectivity of these studies: there is a lot of money involved, and doctors and biologists are people too, unfortunately, an academic degree does not guarantee honesty and high moral principles.

Most controversial issue is the methanol content in the additive. Its presence is confirmed by a chemical formula, there is no way around it, but the amount of poison in one sweetener tablet is such that methanol is not even detectable in the blood later - it is so small.

Meanwhile, many vegetables and fruits also contain methyl alcohol, but what’s up – even in the body it is produced in small quantities. So, together with pectin, we also get an imperceptible portion of methanol, but in .

Drink chilled!

If you buy aspartame in its pure form, the instructions for use will definitely tell you that the sweetener can only be consumed cold; heating is prohibited. Opponents of the sweetener claim that when heated to 30ºC, aspartame turns into formaldehyde, but this is not true - otherwise all those who like to carry a bottle of cola in the heat would regularly get poisoned. And the temperature in the body is clearly above 30 degrees - so those who like cold soda would also be poisoned.

The fact is that during heat treatment the substance is destroyed and loses all its sweetening properties. And the dish will simply be unsweetened. So if you want to bake healthy but tasty buns and jam, choose other sweeteners - for example. By the way, aspartame is slightly less sweet than sucralose - only 200 times sweeter than sugar.

Contraindications to aspartame

Evidence of aspartame safety does not indicate that the supplement has no contraindications. All medicines and even the healthiest products(remember at least bran and whole grain bread).

What is aspartame and whether it is harmful is important to know for one category of people - those with the rare disease phenylketonuria (in Russia, 1 baby out of 7,000 is born with it). With this disease, the synthesis of the amino acid phenylalanine is disrupted, and it should be reduced to a minimum in the diet. Therefore, on any aspartame lollipops, sweets and chewing gum you will definitely read: “Forbidden for patients with phenylketonuria.”

About the importance of the permitted daily dose

To prevent all possible side effects from taking aspartame, scientific world established the permissible daily dose of aspartame – 50 mg/kg. This is the portion that should not be exceeded - and then no problems will arise. side effects(promised insomnia and migraines), with the exception of the rarest allergies, when you just need to give up the product.

When scary posts on blogs, forums and websites try to convince us of the dangers of aspartame, they are usually talking about excessive, long-term use aspartame - that is, above the permissible daily dose. And now - attention!

To consume the permitted portion of the supplement per day, you need to eat about 300 tablets (each sweetness is equal to a teaspoon of sugar), drink 26 and a half liters of cola, or chew an incredible amount of sweetened sweets.

It is very difficult to imagine how this can be done physically. How difficult it is to imagine a mother who would allow her child to eat all this. Or a teenager who won’t feel disgusted by the third liter of cola and won’t want ordinary vegetables and meat.

Aspartame for pregnant women and children

The main test for the safety of any product or medicine is its “approval” during pregnancy and lactation. With the E951 supplement, everything is complicated - aspartame during pregnancy is surrounded by a lot of rumors and speculation.

On many forums and even in online instructions for the drug, you can read that during pregnancy it is a real poison. And although there is not a single study that has proven the danger of a sweetener for the fetus and for the expectant mother, it is better to play it safe. And during pregnancy, give up extra buns with sweets and aspartame.

Sweetener E951 can be found in many medicines, but the main stumbling block is aspartame in vitamins for children. It’s worth going to any forum for mothers - and you will come across a bunch of angry messages from mothers who are ready to deprive their children of vitamins, just so as not to feed them this terrible aspartame.

You can prove the harmlessness of the sweetener as much as you like, but everyone decides for themselves how to treat themselves and their children. If you want to keep your baby as safe as possible, consult your pediatrician about which vitamins are best. The easiest choice is to buy a multivitamin complex with regular sugar - it won’t bring any unpredictable side effects.

Modern people try to use the dietary supplement Aspartame instead of sugar to lose weight, suppress appetite, or have diabetes, but is the product really safe? Sweetener is found in many foods and drinks; when it enters the body, the substance breaks down into components, some of which are very toxic, so doctors have doubts about the safety of its use.

What is Aspartame

The food additive E951 or aspartame (L-Aspartyl, L-phenylalanine) is also known under the names Nutrasvit, Sladex, Aspamix is ​​the most popular synthetic sweetener and sugar substitute. How chemical element L-phenylalanine is a methyl ester of a dipeptide that contains the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid. By taste qualities The sweetener is much superior to sugar, and the sweet taste of the additive is felt longer, but develops more slowly. L-Aspartyl is odorless and highly soluble in water. Chemical formula– C14H18N2O5.

L-phenylalanine is destroyed at temperatures above 30°C, so the drug can be used in the production of those products that are not subject to heat treatment. The main purpose of E951 is the production of sugar substitutes and sweet soft drinks. The sweetener can be found in many food products: confectionery, chewing gum, and candy. After administration, the substance quickly enters the bloodstream. The breakdown occurs similarly to amino acids. Excretion is carried out by the kidneys.

Release form

Sugar substitute Aspartame is available in crystal form white, odorless. L-Aspartyl is produced both on an industrial scale and in the form of an independent sweetener for use in food industry. The sweetener can be found on pharmacy shelves in the form of white tablets of 18 mg each.

Chemical properties

E951 is two hundred times sweeter than sugar. The substance does not have a specific aftertaste and is easily soluble in water and alcohol. The melting point is 247 degrees. When heated, the sweet taste disappears and the substance itself is destroyed. The molecular weight of the sweetener is 294.3 g/mol, the density of the product is approximately 1.35 g per cm³. At to the same degree sweetening, one gram of product corresponds to only 0.5% of the calorie content of sugar. Main properties of L-Aspartyl:

  • does not increase the calorie content of finished products;
  • the sweetness is not felt immediately, but is felt for a long time;
  • dissolves well hot water, medium-cold, completely insoluble in fatty solvents;
  • sometimes acts as a flavor enhancer;
  • loses its sweet taste during heat treatment.

Effect on the body E951

The sweetener Aspartame is considered a non-toxic, safe substance that doctors recommend for diabetics as an alternative to sugar in their diet. Many manufacturers claim that the dietary supplement does not bring great harm body, scientists have a different point of view, arguing that E951 negatively affects the health of people who regularly consume it.

When aspartame breaks down in the body, methanol (methyl alcohol), formaldehyde, and phenylalanine are formed. These are all dangerous carcinogens that act on the body like poison. When consumed large quantity low calorie foods Intoxication may occur with a food additive. In addition, the phenylalanine found in L-Aspartyl can violently attack the brain. Under the influence of amino acid nerve cells gradually die off, the patient may lose consciousness. Acceptable daily norm E951 consumption is 40 mg per kg of weight.

Harm of Aspartame

Sweetener L-phenylalanine like others synthetic additives, tends to accumulate in the body. This fact does not pose a danger to a healthy person, but to separate groups patients (sick diabetes mellitus and those suffering from abnormal metabolism), such accumulation leads to the risk of drug overdose. The main harm of the substance to the body is that the sugar substitute breaks down into hazardous substances: methanol and formaldehyde.

In addition, consuming foods with sweetener leads to weight gain. After all, when aspartame enters the body, the brain stops producing serotonin, the person does not feel full, and therefore begins to eat more. The use of L-Aspartyl is harmful to patients with phenylketonuria - this disease is associated with a violation of amino acid metabolism. Long-term use sweetener can provoke methanol poisoning, which causes multiple sclerosis. Medicine has more than 90 negative neurological symptoms, which are caused by E 951.

Metabolism of Aspartame

L-phenylalanine breaks down in the body into methanol and two amino acids, which are integral part proteins. Small amounts of methyl alcohol are not harmful to the body; in large doses it is toxic, but getting it from food far exceeds the amount of carcinogen that is formed from L-Aspartyl. When aspartame is metabolized, only 10% of the substance is converted into methanol. When drinking one liter of a drink with a sweetener, only 50 mg of methyl alcohol enters the body, while packaged juice contains up to 160 mg of carcinogen per 1000 ml.

A single dose of L-phenylalanine in a dosage of up to 34 mg per kilogram of body weight or 70 mg/kg (8 doses) does not lead to the appearance of methanol in dangerous concentrations. After taking products containing L-phenylalanine, the substance is quickly absorbed in the small intestine. As a rule, the drug is metabolized using transamination reactions (transfer) by liver tissue. Decomposition products are excreted through the kidneys and urinary system.

Indications for use

Using the product you can control your sugar level. The sweetener is often prescribed to patients with endocrinological pathologies (diabetes mellitus, obesity) and diseases that require eliminating or limiting the consumption of sweets. In addition, the substance has a sweetening effect, so L-Aspartyl can be consumed instead of regular sugar to reduce the calorie content of food and drinks.

Directions for use and dosage

Before starting to use the drug, you should definitely consult a specialist about possible negative consequences for the body. One sweetener tablet is equal to a teaspoon of sugar. L-Aspartyl should be taken orally after meals, dissolved in a glass of water or drink (18–36 mg per 250 ml). Maximum dose use of the drug is 40 mg/kg per day. If you skip a dose, you should increase its amount only when the daily dosage is not exceeded.

Special instructions

With prolonged heat treatment, the substance decomposes and loses its sweet taste. The drug is not recommended for physically healthy persons. Aspartame is included in food products that are widely used by the population. Even children's vitamins cannot do without this component, but there is no clear opinion about the benefits of the substance. The presence of the additive in finished sweet drinks and packaged products must be indicated by the manufacturer on the label; this should be noted special attention patients with phenylketonuria.

Aspartame during pregnancy

According to research by American scientists, consuming aspartame during breastfeeding and pregnancy in recommended doses does not cause harm. Although gynecologists do not recommend taking the sweetener Aspartame due to the lack of its energy and nutritional value, and pregnant women especially need calories and nutrients.

You cannot use food sweetener yourself, because... any change chemical composition a woman's body affects the development of the fetus. The consequences of such an effect have not yet been studied, so it is better to refuse to take a dietary supplement; this will not lead to restrictions on the woman’s lifestyle, but at the same time will create a feeling of peace in relation to the health of the unborn baby.

E951 for weight loss

The nutritional supplement is included in diet drinks and food products. Many people believe that artificial sweetener is the best remedy for weight loss, because it has no calories. Although this is not at all true, because after drinking drinks containing the E951 additive, a sweet aftertaste remains in the mouth, which cannot be removed by saliva. This condition stimulates the appetite, which leads to the appearance of extra pounds. In addition, one liter of a drink sweetened with the substance contains 56 mg of methanol, which is also harmful to health.

A sugar substitute often causes a feeling of hunger, which continues for several hours after use, which also does not contribute to weight loss, but only additional weight gain. Sweeteners are found in diets, for example, Dukan, where the author insists on the need to take a supplement to trick the brain. Although water sweetened with aspartame increases the desire to eat. The right diet only a specialist can prescribe weight loss, and uncontrolled use of E951 has negative impact on the patient's health.

Drug interactions

Food additive E 951 does not interact with medications.

Side effects

Aspartame is a safe drug that, when used in the correct dosage, rarely leads to unwanted side effects. If a person uncontrollably takes or exceeds permissible norm drug, you may experience:

  • skin rashes (urticaria);
  • headaches (migraine);
  • increased appetite;
  • thirst;
  • irritability;
  • weight gain;
  • sclerosis;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • memory loss;
  • numbness of the legs;
  • causeless anxiety.


Daily intake of large doses of the substance can lead to the formation of malignant tumors . It is believed that an increase in the amount of the drug can cause the development of systemic lupus erythematosus. In case of an overdose of the drug, the following undesirable consequences may occur.

Sweetener aspartame ( Aspartamum, L-Aspartyl-L-phenylalanine) is a food additive under the code "E951" and also medicine to combat overweight. It is the second most popular sweetener and is found in various foods and carbonated drinks. When ingested, it breaks down into several components, some of which are toxic, which raises doubts about its safety.

Aspartame– a sweetener that is many times (160-200) greater than the sweetness of sugar, which makes it popular in the food industry.

On sale can be found under trademarks: “Sweetly”, “Slastilin”, “Nutrisvit”, “Shugafree”, etc. For example, “Shugafree” has been supplied to Russia since 2001 in the form of tablets.

Aspartame contains 4 kcal per 1 g, but usually its calorie content is not taken into account, since very little of it is required to sense the sweetness in the product. Corresponds to only 0.5% of the calories of sugar at the same degree of sweetening.

History of creation

Aspartame was accidentally discovered in 1965 by chemist James Schlatter, who was studying the production of gastrin, intended for the treatment of stomach ulcers. Sweetening properties were discovered when the substance came into contact with the scientist's finger.

E951 began to be used in 1981 in America and Great Britain. But after the discovery in 1985 of the fact that it breaks down into carcinogenic components when heated, debate began about the safety or harm of aspartame.

Since aspartame during the production process allows you to achieve a sweet taste in much smaller dosages than sugar, it is used to produce more than 6,000 thousand trade names food and drinks.

E951 is also used as a sugar alternative for diabetics and obese individuals. Areas of use: production of carbonated drinks, dairy products, cakes, chocolate bars, sweeteners in the form of tablets for adding to food and other items.

The main groups of products that contain this additive:

  • chewing gum “sugar-free”;
  • flavored drinks;
  • reduced-calorie fruit juices;
  • water-based flavored desserts;
  • alcoholic drinks with strength up to 15%;
  • sweet pastries and low-calorie candies;
  • jams, preserves with reduced calorie content, etc.

Pay attention! Aspartame is used not only in drinks and confectionery, but also in vegetable, fish, sweet and sour preserves, sauces, mustard, dietary bakery products and many other products.

Harm or benefit

Since a series of studies beginning in 1985, which showed that E951 breaks down into amino acids and methanol, much controversy has arisen.

According to the current standards SanPiN, aspartame is allowed for use in food as a sweetener and flavor enhancer.

It is often used in combination with another sweetener - acesulfame, which allows you to quickly achieve a sweet taste and prolong it. This is necessary because aspartame itself lasts a long time, but is not immediately felt. And with an increased dosage it exhibits the properties of a taste enhancer.

Important! Please note that E951 is not suitable for use in cooked foods or hot drinks. At temperatures above 30 °C, the sweetener breaks down into toxic methanol, formaldehyde and phenylalanine.

After ingestion, the sweetener is converted to phenylalanine, aspargine and methanol, which are quickly absorbed in the small intestine. When they enter the systemic bloodstream, they participate in metabolic processes.

Much of the hype surrounding aspartame and its harm to human health is due to the small amount of methanol it contains (safe at recommended dosages). It's interesting that small quantity methanol is produced in the human body when consuming the most common foods.

The main disadvantage of E951 is that it cannot be heated above 30 °C, which leads to decomposition into carcinogenic components. For this reason, it is not recommended to add it to tea, baked goods and other foods that require heat treatment.

According to Mikhail Gapparov, professor at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, you need to be careful when choosing a sweetener and take it according to the instructions. In this case, there is no reason to worry.

Most often, danger comes from products whose manufacturers provide false information about the composition of their product, which can cause side effects.

What does he think? chief physician Endocrinology Clinic of the Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov, Vyacheslav Pronin, sugar substitutes are intended for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. Their use is not recommended for healthy people, as they do not provide any benefit other than a sweet taste. In addition, synthetic sweeteners have choleretic effect and other negative effects.

According to scientists from South Africa, whose research was published in 2008 in the Journal of Dietary Nutrition, the breakdown elements of aspartame can affect the brain by changing the level of serotonin production, which affects sleep, mood and behavioral factors. In particular, phenylalanine (one of the breakdown products) can disrupt nerve functions, change the level of hormones in the blood, negatively affect the metabolism of amino acids and may contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Use in childhood

Products containing E951 are not recommended for children. The sweetener is widely used in sugary soft drinks, the consumption of which can become difficult to control. The fact is that they do not quench thirst well, which leads to exceeding safe dosages of the sweetener.

Aspartame is also often used in combination with other sweeteners and flavor enhancers, which can cause allergies.

During pregnancy and lactation

According to research by the American Food Administration (FDA), consuming aspartame during pregnancy and breastfeeding in recommended dosages is not harmful.

But taking a sweetener in this period not recommended due to lack of food and energy value. And pregnant and lactating women especially need nutrients and calories.

Is aspartame good for diabetics?

For people with poor health, E951 in moderate amounts does not cause significant harm, but its use should be justified, for example, in case of diabetes or obesity.

According to the American Diabetes Association, taking a sweetener allows diabetics to add variety to their diet without adding sugar.

There is a theory that aspartame may be dangerous for such patients because blood sugar levels become less controllable. This, in turn, contributes to the development of retinopathy (impaired blood supply to the retina with a subsequent decrease in vision up to blindness). E951 communication data and visual impairment not confirmed.

And yet, despite the obvious absence real benefit For the body, such assumptions make one think.

Contraindications and rules of admission

  1. It is allowed to take E951 no more than 40 mg per 1 kg of weight per day.
  2. The compound is absorbed in the small intestine and is primarily excreted by the kidneys.
  3. For 1 glass of drink take 15-30 g of sweetener.

At the first meeting, aspartame can cause an increase in appetite, allergic manifestations, migraine. These are the most common side effects.


  • phenylketonuria;
  • sensitivity to components;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood.

Alternative sweeteners

Common alternatives to aspartame sweetener: synthetic cyclamate and natural herbal remedy– stevia.

  • Stevia– made from the plant of the same name, which grows in Brazil. The sweetener is heat-resistant, contains no calories, and does not cause an increase in blood sugar.
  • Cyclamate– an artificial sweetener, often used in combination with other sweeteners. Recommended daily dose is no more than 10 mg. Up to 40% of the substance is absorbed in the intestines, the rest accumulates in tissues and organs. Experiments on animals revealed a tumor bladder with long-term use.

Admission should be carried out as needed, for example, in the treatment of obesity. For healthy people The harms of aspartame outweigh its benefits. And it can be argued that this sweetener is not safe analogue Sahara.

Aspartame is a genetically engineered chemical marketed and marketed as a food additive. Aspartame is considered an alternative to sugar and is available under various brand names. It allows you to avoid gaining weight and is not a carcinogen, like the previously used artificial sweetener - saccharin.

Most often found in mixtures of sweeteners. And also in a huge number products (more than 6,000 items), including lemonade, hot chocolate, chewing gum, candies, yoghurts, vitamins, cough tablets, and many other goodies. Especially those that are labeled “sugar-free” or “low-calorie.”

The US Federal Food Administration has received thousands of consumer complaints about aspartame - that's 80% of all complaints about food additives.

Harm of aspartame

Numerous independent experiments have established that long-term use of aspartame can cause headaches, tinnitus, allergy, depression, insomnia, and even brain cancer (this disease was observed only in animals on which aspartame was tested).

Its manufacturers and government bodies claim that it is safe, but a number of scientists and some facts confirm that this is not entirely true.
Tellingly, the research for or against aspartame seems to be closely tied to who paid for the research.

One online analysis found that 100% of industry-funded studies concluded that aspartame is safe, while 92% of independently funded studies and reports determined that aspartame is a potential source of harmful effects.
Firstly, aspartame reduces intelligence if expectant mother consumed aspartame during pregnancy, then the child’s intelligence will be reduced by 15%, secondly, he has a whole scattering of side effects such as headache, nausea, depression, stomach pain, blurred vision, causeless anxiety, unsteadiness of gait, speech impairment, joint pain.
At the same time, aspartame can safely be called biological weapons. In addition to its sweet taste, aspartame is a source of phenylalanine. In the human body, phenylalanine leads to hormonal imbalance, which is especially dangerous for children, pregnant women, overweight people, diabetics, and other patients with metabolic disorders. Phenylalanine can accumulate in the body for years and only then cause disease.

When aspartame enters the body, the brain stops producing serotonin, the person does not feel full, and the fight against excess weight does not give results.

In an analysis published in April of this year by the European Journal of Dietetic Nutrition, South African scientists assessed the potential effects on the brain of not only one of the components of aspartame - methanol, but also other elements (phenylalanine and aspartic acid). The analysis is long and detailed and supported by more than 50 references to scientific papers.

In their analysis of the effects of phenylalanine, the authors detail the substance's ability to disrupt brain chemistry, including its ability to reduce levels of key brain chemicals. chemical compounds, for example, serotonin (which may adversely affect various areas including mood, behavior, sleep and appetite).

The authors note that phenylalanine also has the ability to disrupt amino acid metabolism, nerve function, and hormonal balance in the body. They claim that aspartame can destroy nerve cells and that it may even cause Alzheimer's disease.

Turning their attention to aspartic acid, the authors highlighted its ability to stimulate, or “excite,” the nervous system.

In an analysis of the effects of methanol on the body, the authors describe the substance's ability to form formaldehyde and the carcinogen diketopiperazine, as well as "a number of extremely toxic derivatives."

Below are the conclusions drawn at the end of this analysis:

Aspartame disrupts amino acid metabolism, protein metabolism and structure, integrity nucleic acids[which are the building blocks of DNA], nerve function, endocrine [hormonal] balance, and also causes changes in the concentration of catecholamines [substances in the brain such as norepinephrine and dopamine, which can affect mood, among other things].

Aspartame and its breakdown products cause nerves to become overexcited, which indirectly results in very high neuronal depolarization [which basically means that aspartame is able to “excite” nerve cells].

The energy systems for some necessary enzyme reactions are compromised, which indirectly results in the inability of enzymes to function optimally.

The stores of ATP [adenosine triphosphoric acid - the main source of energy in the body] in the cells are depleted, indicating that the concentration of glucose in the cells is low, and this, in turn, indirectly reduces the synthesis of acetylcholine, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid[these substances play a role in the functioning nervous system and brain].

The cellular uptake of calcium changed, as a result of which the functioning of glutamate as an excitatory neurotransmitter was suppressed.

Mitochondria [the miniature "engines" that produce energy in the body's cells] were damaged, which could lead to cell loss and infertility in men, as well as a decrease in oxidative metabolism, thereby reducing the concentration of the neurotransmitter glutamate and the synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Cell walls were destroyed; As a result, the cells [capillary endothelium] became more permeable, which is why the blood-brain barrier (between the blood and cerebrospinal fluid) [structure, in in good condition preventing certain substances from penetrating from the bloodstream into the brain]. Thus, there was an extraordinary oxidative stress and destruction of nerve cells.

Taking into account the adverse effects causedaspartame, it is suggested that further research be conducted to clear up any controversy surrounding this compound.

If you read this study in its entirety (or even this short summary), you can easily see that aspartame can cause serious health harm.

There is a common misconception that aspartame helps you lose weight, since this “sweetness” contains 0 calories. However, in reality the effect may be completely opposite: studies have shown that E951 increases appetite.

In the body, aspartame breaks down into methanol and two amino acids: aspartic and phenylalanine. The last component can adversely affect various departments brain, responsible for mood, behavior, sleep and appetite, as well as disrupt nerve function and hormonal balance in the body. Aspartame slowly but surely destroys nerve cells, which, as we already know, do not have regenerative ability, i.e. ability to recover, which can even lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Aspartame also causes blood sugar levels to become uncontrollable, making it extremely dangerous for diabetics.

Aspartame is not allowed during pregnancy

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, aspartame (a sweetener found in carbonated drinks) is very dangerous during pregnancy. A study of 60,000 pregnant women found a link between preterm birth and aspartame in the diet. For example, one can of soda with aspartame per day increases the risk of premature birth by 38% compared to those who never drink such drinks. Drinking more than 4 cans of soda a day means a 78% increased risk of preterm birth.

The most big problem is that aspartame is chemically unstable!

After heating aspartame to 30 degrees Celsius, the bulk of aspartame in sparkling water breaks down into formaldehyde, methanol and phenylalanine.
Ingested methanol (methyl or wood alcohol, which has killed or blinded thousands of drinkers) is converted to formaldehyde, then to formic acid (red ant poison). Formaldehyde is a substance with pungent odor, a class A carcinogen. That is, formaldehyde, according to the classification, belongs to the same group of substances as arsenic with hydrocyanic acid - deadly poisons! In small doses, formaldehyde causes the development of neurological diseases.

Now it’s clear that the inscription on a bottle of cola “Drink chilled” is not a concern for our taste sensations! This is a vital warning. When heated, aspartame breaks down into chemical compounds that are hazardous to health!

Drinking drinks with aspartame does not quench your thirst.

Saliva does not remove residual sweetener from the oral mucosa poorly, so after drinking drinks with aspartame it remains in the mouth. unpleasant feeling a sweetness that you want to remove with a new portion of the drink. As a result, drinks with aspartame become thirst-exciting drinks rather than thirst-quenching drinks. Therefore, to relieve the feeling of thirst, drink Cola with plain water.

In addition to aspartame E951, dangerous food additives includes sugar substitutes such as: acesulfame K (E950), saccharin, cyclamate (E952), fructose, sorbose (sorbitol or sorbitol), xylitol (E967)


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