Admiral German Ugryumov biography. Vyacheslav Morozov - Admiral of the FSB (Hero of Russia German Ugryumov)


Photo: Monument to Admiral German Ugryumov in Novorossiysk. Installed in 2002 in the area of ​​the 5th Brigade


It so happened that in the “new” Russia, people from the KGB turned out to be the only force that, having entered into power, began to really strengthen the state. Of course, not from a good life.
All the rest - politicians, “strong business executives”, and economists of various schools - they all demonstrated their inability to defend the national interests of the country. To defend - taking into account the realities of a lost ideological war.

One of the people of “Putin’s call” was FSB Admiral German Ugryumov: not a “leaven”, but a true patriot of Russia, who gave his life in the fight against terrorism. In Chechnya he was called the “Black”, “Mountain” admiral.

The name of this man began to be mentioned especially often at the top when in November 1999 he headed the specialized structure of the FSB - the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and the Fight against Terrorism. This was Deputy Director German Ugryumov. Subordinate to him was the FSB Special Purpose Center, which included the Alpha and Vympel groups. In January 2001, he was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. Wherever fate directed him, German Alekseevich was at the forefront of the struggle

Wherever fate directed him, German Alekseevich was at the forefront of the struggle

His name is associated with the purge of “field” commanders, the establishment of intelligence work and the conduct of “targeted” special operations in the North Caucasus. Yes, there are only a handful of such people in Russia. But while they are in service, Russia has a real chance to make a breakthrough into a new quality of Russian civilization.

In 1984, German Alekseevich headed a special department of the KGB of the Caspian Flotilla. It was there that he, one might say, formed as a professional. He joined the flotilla in 1972 as a lieutenant after graduating from the Caspian Higher Naval School in Baku. The command and representatives of military counterintelligence drew attention to a conscientious, disciplined young officer who was distinguished beyond his years by an analytical mind and broad erudition...

One of German Alekseevich’s friends said that the scale of his personality is comparable to the scale of the map of the country, in serving the state interests of which he saw his destiny. The Caspian region, Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, the Pacific Ocean, the Barents Sea, Moscow... These are just some of the marks on the map of the Fatherland, where Ugryumov had to carry out important missions. It is still not possible to talk about all of them...

…Recently, the Moscow House of Cinema hosted the premiere of a documentary film dedicated to the “mountain admiral” of the FSB G. A. Ugryumov. Director: Sergey Lomakin. His documentary film “The Devoted Peacemaker,” which tells the story of the fate of General Anatoly Romanov, received first prize at the X International Film Festival “We Won Together,” which took place from May 10 to 14 in Sevastopol.

The presentation at the House of Cinema, which gathered a full hall, was attended by those who knew German Alekseevich well at different stages of his life.

Among the guests of honor are Hero of the Soviet Union Gennady Zaitsev, Colonel General Valentin Sobolev, Hero of Russia Lieutenant General Oleg Dukanov, First Deputy Chairman of the FSB Veterans Council, Lieutenant General Valentin Andreev (Alpha commander in 1999-2003), Vice President International Association "Alpha" Sergey Polyakov and many others.

The film was shot by order and with the active participation of the National Unity Charitable Foundation for Social Initiatives, headed by Alexander Rapoport.


Ten days after the appearance of the “mountain admiral” in the North Caucasus (as Ugryumov was called behind his back), the bandits realized that he would not let him live in peace. “This one needs to be soaked first!” - rushed on the air. There is nothing surprising about this. German Ugryumov did not conduct operations from a warm office in Lubyanka. In 2000, when the war was still in full swing and the foothills had not been liberated, the “mountain admiral”, at the head of flying squads, crisscrossed the length and breadth of Chechnya

The base minesweeper BT-244 "German Ugryumov" in parade formation on the occasion of the celebration of Russian Navy Day. Astrakhan

When bandits captured three military counterintelligence officers in Ingushetia, German Ugryumov showed extraordinary ingenuity to help out his comrades. I myself have traveled and walked many mountain paths. And all because he never did anything halfway - he devoted himself to his work to the end. All his life, with all his behavior, he seemed to say: do as I do. But life decreed that he was not responsible for Chechnya through his department for long. However, even in this relatively short period of time, the “mountain admiral” managed to do as much as other generals did not manage to do during the entire war.

It was thanks to Ugryumov that Gudermes, the second largest city in Chechnya, was taken without a fight. It was under his leadership that FSB officers carried out a brilliant operation to capture Salman Raduev, the leader of the Dzhokhar Dudayev Army. They captured her beautifully: they lured her to the village and took her “warmly”, right in her mistress’s bed.

Many specialists participated in the development of the operation to capture Arbi Barayev, one of the most brutal Ichkerian field commanders. First of all, employees of the FSB Special Purpose Center, which Alpha has been structurally part of since October 1998.

Two special forces detachments of the Internal Troops also took part in that operation: the 8th detachment “Rus” and the 12th detachment “Nizhny Tagil”. Fire cover was provided by the reconnaissance battalion of the 42nd division. Actions such as the capture of Barayev and the destruction of Abu-Umar are the result of enormous work by teams and specialists of various profiles.

For these and a number of other complex operations, German Alekseevich Ugryumov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Lieutenant General Alexander Alexandrovich Zdanovich:

“Even from the photographs it is clear that he was overweight: apparently, something was wrong with his metabolism. But there was also an old sore: even during his service in the Caspian Flotilla, it happened that during some emergency work, a cable whipped his leg. After that, his leg hurt constantly. At times it was clear how difficult it was for him to climb into the helicopter, how difficult it was to throw his sore leg onto the step. Nevertheless, he was so mobile - and this, given his build, and the pain that he experienced - most did not even suspect it. While in Chechnya, he constantly flew and traveled to different areas: all of Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Pyatigorsk, Moscow. Or he could have sat - and no one would have blamed him for it.

Lieutenant General Oleg Mikhailovich Dukanov, Hero of Russia:

— German Alekseevich had severe pain in his legs during his stay in Chechnya, but he was forced and considered it his direct duty to be in the North Caucasus. Even if he was placed here in Moscow in a hospital to carry out preventive measures, at least to alleviate suffering, he ran away from there and flew to the Caucasus. The director of the FSB, Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev, in order to force him to undergo procedures, was forced to fly to the Caucasus, took him to the Dagestan sanatorium and forced him to undergo procedures in the sanatorium. Worked simultaneously

Opening of the monument to Admiral Ugryumov in the city of Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory, October 14, 2013

The “violent” procedures were supposed to last ten days. However, Patrushev himself stayed there for a week - and as soon as he flew to Moscow, German Alekseevich also returned to Khankala that same evening. Ran to work. I later met with the head of the sanatorium, Natalya Nikolaevna - she was very worried and complained that the patient was so undisciplined. This was in February-March 2001.

Vladimir Ivanovich Petrishchev:

“We all prepared very thoroughly for the second Chechen campaign, because we understood perfectly well that a second war could not be avoided. How did you prepare? And plans were developed, and a base was created, and people were trained. From the executive point of view, initially German Alekseevich was doing this there, on the spot. That’s why he was later appointed deputy director of the FSB and “thrown” into Chechnya, where he remained almost forever. It is unlikely that anyone was in better control of the situation than he. In Chechnya, Ugryumov became a noticeable, recognizable, influential figure: he could organize a case and solve it.

In Chechnya, we have many departments of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate, their work needed to be coordinated: meeting on the ground, implementing specific plans, organizing interaction on the spot - he knew everything and was able to do this at a high level. I met with local authorities, the prosecutor's office, the police, with bodies of other subordination, with our territorial bodies. We worked very substantively on slave traders, and German Alekseevich dealt with this issue.

Speaking from a general point of view, we tried to create a system of operational measures. The problem was that the operational positions of the gangs were weak. We tried to strengthen this system and bring it to a common denominator, so that it operates according to a single plan, under a single leadership. And when the “Brownian” movement turns into a purposeful one, then there will be results.

Ugryumov was also entrusted with Chechnya because his agents remained there from the time of his service in the Caspian Flotilla. Maybe a little, but it remains. And then - knowledge of the people of the Caucasus region, adjacent territories and, most importantly, the ability to work in extreme conditions, make quick and effective decisions and implement them.

Alexander Vladislavovich Zhardetsky:

— When preparations were underway for the second Chechen campaign, the question arose: where is the information? I needed Aslan Maskhadov and people from his circle - where to look? Without agents you cannot answer many questions. They remembered about German Alekseevich, about his knowledge of the East, his ability to work with the population, about his agents. He was transferred to Moscow and “assigned” to Chechnya. There was no mistake in choosing a candidate, since with him things started going right away. With his arrival, the shooting of one, two, and three field commanders began, intelligence connections were restored (I doubt that there were many of them left at that time), and new ones were established.

Arkady Arkadyevich Dranets:

— Why did “sources” trust him? It’s impossible to do all the work with agents on one person, but he had a good team. The peculiarity of his style of work is that he implemented any message to the end - and the “source” saw the result, and understood that there was his merit here, that he did not take risks in vain by supplying us with information. “Sources” come in different “weight categories” - from those who can warn: a gang of so many people has entered our village, the field commander is such and such, armed with such and such - to “deeply buried” agents embedded in the environment the very top of the insurgents.

In Astrakhan, a street and a square bear the name of Admiral Ugryumov, and on September 14, 2006, a monument was unveiled

During the first Chechen war we had a lot of helpers among the Chechens. Dudayev's robbery was already in everyone's throats, intelligent, educated people in particular, so they made contact with us... until unjustified movements began on the part of the federal troops. Before this, many civilians expected that the Russians would come and free them from Dudayev’s “independence.”

Although, if we compare the first and second Chechen military campaigns, in the first it was much more difficult to acquire a source of information among the Chechens.

Viktor Alekseevich Smirnov:

“Knowledge of the national characteristics of the mountain peoples and personal qualities, which have already been discussed, allowed him to stand out sharply among other counterintelligence officers in the Chechen campaign. My words may seem strange to some, but I testify: he loved the Chechen people. Where he visited Chechnya (and he traveled the length and breadth of it!), he knew everyone by name with whom he had the opportunity to meet. And the Chechens knew him and treated him extremely well. German Alekseevich was deeply affected by the tragedy of the Chechens, that their leaders allowed the people to be drawn into bloody events, and did the maximum possible and useful for them.

He enjoyed love and authority among ordinary people; among others, he was listed as “enemy of the Chechen people No. 1.” But this was their enemy, not the Chechen people.

He took great care of his people in Chechnya. Before sending for surgery, I calculated everything that could be calculated. I think this nervous tension at that time greatly undermined his health: he was a caring person, with a “naked”, naked heart. He treated himself mercilessly. The time of day did not exist for him - he worked to the point of exhaustion.

Oleg Mikhailovich Dukanov:

— Heading the Regional Operational Headquarters for Counter-Terrorism Operations, starting in January 2001, and before that being the organizer of this work, he, as Deputy Director of the FSB, I believe, did quite a lot. And this also happened because he knew Chechnya well, had many personal friends among the Chechens, and he treated this republic and its people with great respect and love.

German Alekseevich very clearly assessed the balance of power that took place at that time. Therefore, our troops were able to conquer territories and occupy populated areas in one direction or another without losses and without resistance from militants or the population. Gudermes taken without a fight is, I’ll tell you, a particular thing, not the largest conquest, but simply one of the episodes that, perhaps, is most indicative of how intelligence officers can work. Preliminary work with authoritative people, who then allowed the troops to enter the populated area without resistance, was carried out precisely under the leadership of German Alekseevich.

First we negotiated and prepared the population, and then the troops entered. This idea belonged to German Alekseevich, this task was the main one for him: to preserve civilians, preserve populated areas and preserve the lives of federal troops.

— After the death of German Alekseevich, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian President in the Southern District Nikolai Britvin quite correctly said that “the main thing that German Ugryumov managed to do in six months in the republic was to thwart the ambitious plans of terrorists to seize cities, carry out counter-offensives and large-scale sabotage. It was under him that mid-level field commanders were thoroughly cleaned up.”

That's right, that's what happened. And here we need to talk about an integrated approach to solving the problem - which German Alekseevich has always been a supporter of. Yes, it is certainly important for us to decapitate the top. It is clear to everyone that this will not work right away: on the other side we are fighting with professionals who graduated from the same military universities as our officers. It also happened when an incident brought together two former classmates at the KGB Higher School... So the Frenchman Jean Rostand was right when he said that “among the hated qualities of the enemy, not the least place is occupied by his virtues.”

There is a second way - a parallel one: eliminating those who represent the link between the top and the rank and file members of gang groups. While the top is not cut down, let's cut off the branches. And the tree will begin to dry out. This is a common tactic of war. This is the task of armed struggle. The FSB solves it with its own specific forces and methods, the army with its own.

Vladimir Mirsaitovich Gainutdinov:

— How much German Alekseevich’s life was valued by Chechen extremists is not the point. The mentality of the East is such that calling small sums for the life of a big person is not entirely decent. It's in their blood, and they know it.

Sometimes we think that when an Eastern person lies, he is telling a lie, but in his understanding, he is speaking politely and flowerily. Therefore, you should not be perplexed and take it for rude flattery, for example, when he calls an ensign a lieutenant general: he wants to please the person.

And the hunt for German Alekseevich was constant. In these situations, he used the main factor - surprise. You can always launch a pre-emptive strike if you have the information. And here it is important not to repeat ourselves. And he appeared where he needed and where he was not expected at all

Once he shocked one field commander with his appearance. He was so discouraged that he could not contain his amazement, which he reported to German Alekseevich. This happened in territory densely occupied by militants. He flew there with a minimum number of people. Chechen shook his head:

- Well, you are an unexpected person!.. You have a handful of people, the territory is not controlled by you...

To which German Alekseevich calmly answered him:

I don’t yet have the right to say about the task with which he came there, but take my word for it: his daring appearance in that village occupied by militants saved hundreds of soldiers’ lives.

It has been said more than once that German Alekseevich had an amazing operational sense. But it is always based on experience, because instinct itself does not exist in nature, it is a continuation of experience, that very “sixth sense”. I was present many times when Ugryumov made decisions on the conduct of operations. Sometimes he would light up, give a command, then stop with a gesture, think and suddenly say: “Stop! It can wait." Why? There is no explanation. Only he knew why.

He said that every operation should have a twist. Take a closer look at each development: what is new there - something that has never happened before. Aimlessly, at random, driving people around, putting them at risk - he did not allow this.

Alexander Ugryumov, son:

“In the last year, when he flew home from Chechnya for a short time, it was noticeable how tired he was. All the chairs in the house creaked, because his favorite position was to sit, lounging, as if in a chair. He sits down and dozes. But at the same time, what’s interesting! For example, we have some kind of meeting at home (and he always knew how to combine a party with solving work issues), it’s already the end of the feast, everyone is talking, but he’s sitting there, nodding off - he seems to have passed out. And suddenly in the middle of a conversation he interjects

- Oleg, you’re wrong, it wasn’t like that. You did not take into account one subtlety, and it is very significant...

- German Alekseevich, it was as if you were sleeping! Maybe I took this subtlety into account!..

He immediately conveyed the essence of the dispute, as if he himself had participated in it. Or maybe he really didn’t sleep, but rested like this. Lately I've been napping in the car. During his nomadic life, he developed a sleeping position - sitting.


The sudden death of German Alekseevich gave rise to not just ridiculous speculation, but also revealed completely purposeful misinformation. War! Hot or informational, that’s not the point...

“Lethal outcome. On May 31, 2001, the head of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, deputy director of the Russian FSB, Vice Admiral German Ugryumov early in the morning entered his office at the military base in Khankala.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon German Alekseevich answered phone calls. I spoke with the Chairman of the Government of Chechnya, Stanislav Ilyasov, and the Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian President in the Southern District, Nikolai Britvin.

At 13.00 a man in civilian clothes entered the vice admiral's office. German Alekseevich asked not to connect him with anyone. About half an hour later, the man left Ugryumov’s office, and 15-20 minutes later a shot rang out outside the door.

The military doctors on duty at the office literally immediately entered Ugryumov’s office and declared the admiral’s death from... a stroke. The body was sent to the Mozdok military hospital on the same day, and from there by plane to Moscow (...)

By January 2001, Ugryumov apparently solved the problem assigned to him. From the moment he headed the North Caucasus anti-terrorist headquarters, not a single penny passed by Ugryumov. He had the last word in financial, economic and political matters. All intelligence work in Chechnya was focused on Ugryumov. He had direct unofficial contacts with Basayev, Khattab and Maskhadov.

For such a person to shoot himself, something extraordinary had to happen in Chechnya.”

The rest of the essay by a certain Sergei S. is devoted to the “failed” policy of President Putin in the North Caucasus. Actually, the entire essay is written on a given topic.

Alexander Ugryumov, son:

“Later they told me about a visit to him by a certain mysterious “man in civilian clothes” shortly before his death, and they named him. He came with a reproach: they say, why are you, German Alekseevich, ordering oil wells to be blown up and “moonshine” oil refineries. Come on, we’ll give you N-amount of money, and you cancel your order: people still need fuel... Dad boiled and threw him out of the kung. This nervous stress probably became fatal.

And his last day was like this. In the morning, as usual, a report. For breakfast, he drank a cup of coffee and ate Viola cheese. They didn’t buy food in Chechnya; their man brought it from Makhachkala. The coffee was brewed and poured by Andrey O-ko. Then until lunchtime it’s business as usual. Andrei reported that lunch was ready. The father said: “Let’s wait a little with lunch. I want to sit in the air." They put a chair on the porch, he sat for a while, stood up, turned to face the entrance to the trailer - and suddenly, quietly saying “Oh!”, he began to fall on his back. Captain 1st Rank Gainutdinov stood nearby; he didn’t let him fall, he caught him.

This was the “warning shot” that allegedly sounded in the trailer without the presence of witnesses...


— On Thursday, May 31, there was no hard work, the sun was warm, it was a gentle day. No operations were planned, there was a period of slight calm, no acute emergency events occurred that day. Before lunch, he needed some kind of document for a report to the director of the FSB and the government about something related to the economy of Chechnya. While I was running and looking for the document, he was sitting on a bench next to his trailer. The cryptographer, Sasha Kirichenko, a midshipman from the Northern Fleet, also came up and brought another batch of documents. I gave German Alekseevich the required document, bent down to sign the cryptographer’s journal - and at that very second I noticed German Alekseevich falling on top of me. President of the National Unity Charitable Foundation Alexander Rapoport at the presentation at the House of Cinema

President of the National Unity Charitable Foundation Alexander Rapoport at the presentation at the House of Cinema

Two assistants jumped out of his trailer - Arthur Bn and Andrey O-ko. We, as best we could, unfastened the collar, moved it to the grass, someone brought a mattress... I may not remember small details - there was no time for that. I could have screamed. And he was probably yelling something, because Arthur and Andrey appeared almost instantly. I ran to the headquarters, the chief of staff Vladimir Fedorovich Kondratenko instantly called doctors from the special operations center. Dima Zverev, an excellent doctor, was nearby within a minute, and the resuscitation team came running. They tried to revive him for some time, did everything possible, but doctors are not gods.

Alexander Ugryumov, son:

— The guys put father on the grass. They began to perform artificial respiration and start the heart. The Alpha doctor, a major two meters tall, came running and gave a direct injection of adrenaline into the heart. The ambulance arrived. After some time, the heart “started”, but not for long. The doctor pronounced him dead. Doctors were forced to work more. In total, they tried to revive my father for more than an hour and a half, then the major doctor stood up, raised his hand and said: “That’s it. Sorry guys, medicine won’t help.”

My father had a favorite T-shirt with the inscription “I’ll give up everything, I’ll go to Uryupinsk!” Now it is kept in the Chechen Directorate of the FSB.

He had a dream: to build his own house. Among his working papers, I found a plan, drawings - in fact, a project. The consumption of materials was calculated and an estimate was drawn up. When we started talking about the dacha, he said: “If we manage to build a dacha, then there won’t be any cucumbers or tomatoes there! Only flowers. In the middle of the yard there is a gazebo for drinking tea, and around there is a whole field of daisies. Can you imagine how beautiful it is?”

Alexander Ugryumov remembers his father’s last “stay” at home. One day, German Alekseevich sat his family down at the table and talked about a Chechen orphan girl who, in order to somehow earn a living, cleaned soldiers’ shoes in Khankala. He said that when he flew to Moscow, he ordered her to be looked after and fed.

“He talks, and he looks expectantly, first at my mother, then at me,” recalls Alexander. “But he didn’t have to look for long—my mother reacted almost immediately:

- Okay, Herman, take the girl. I understand you. And my father had tears in his eyes.”

...Everyone’s life is priceless and unique, and German Ugryumov, who personally led many operations and participated in some, took the death of his comrades and subordinates very hard. They really were for him, first of all, comrades in arms and only then subordinates. That is why, when, on the initiative of Hero of the Soviet Union Gennady Zaitsev, a monument-chapel to fallen special forces officers was opened at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in the summer of 2000, Admiral Ugryumov led this ceremony. Now there is a Memorial in this place. ■

On this day:

September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


On September 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This event - the birth of the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ from the righteous parents Joachim and Anna - is described in Church Tradition.
This is one of the twelve Orthodox holidays. The twelfth holidays are dogmatically closely connected with the events of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God and are divided into the Lord's (dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ) and the Theotokos (dedicated to the Mother of God). Dormition - Theotokos feast.
The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is based on Church Tradition. There is the so-called Proto-Gospel of James, written in the 2nd century. In it we read that Mary was born from pious parents, Joachim and Anna. Joachim came from a royal family, and Anna was the daughter of a high priest. They lived to an old age and were childless. This was a source of grief for the couple and caused public censure.
One day, when Joachim came to the Temple, the high priest did not allow him to make a sacrifice to God, saying: “You have not created descendants for Israel.” After this, the inconsolable Joachim retired into the desert to pray, but Anna stayed at home and also prayed. At this time, an angel appeared to both of them and announced to each: “The Lord has heeded your prayer, you will conceive and give birth, and your offspring will be talked about all over the world.” Having learned the good news, the couple met at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem.
After this, Anna conceived. As the Protoevangelium of James writes, “the months allotted to her passed, and Anna gave birth in the ninth month.” The righteous made a vow to dedicate their child to God and gave their daughter Mary to the Jerusalem Temple, where she served until she came of age.

September 21 is World Russian Unity Day. It has been celebrated since 2010 as an unofficial holiday, but the idea has already been supported by 24 countries. The initiator was the Russian Unification Union of Compatriots (ROSS) in Kyrgyzstan, which created the International Committee of the “World Day of Russian Unity” in the fall of 2009.

World Day of Russian Unity

September 21 is World Russian Unity Day. It has been celebrated since 2010 as an unofficial holiday, but the idea has already been supported by 24 countries. The initiator was the Russian Unification Union of Compatriots (ROSS) in Kyrgyzstan, which created the International Committee of the “World Day of Russian Unity” in the fall of 2009.

The idea of ​​a new holiday was made public and presented on November 25, 2009 by the chairman of the committee, Alexander Ivanov, at the II International Youth Forum “St. Petersburg and Young Compatriots: Bridges of Cooperation in the 21st Century.” Participants were asked to support the initiative and sign a Declaration on the proclamation of this day. Representatives of 24 countries of the world became members of the International Initiative Committee and signed the Declaration, becoming co-founders of the World Day of Russian Unity: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, USA, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia. The World Day of Russian Unity was established in order to preserve the ethnocultural identity of the Russian people, positive national self-identification, the unification of Russians, the entire Russian world, interaction between the Russian community and Russia, to preserve ethnic, historical and cultural values, development, popularization of the Russian language and literature as part of the world cultural heritage, as well as further consolidation in the interests of creating a powerful intellectual, economic, spiritual and cultural Russian-speaking space in the world. The World Day of Russian Unity is marked by a number of the most important historical events in the life of the Russian people and Russia: 1. Day of the founding of Russia - the day the Varangians were called to Rus' - the unification of Russian tribes, the beginning of the reign of Rurik (862). 2. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the main holidays celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church. 3. The day of the founding of the city of Veliky Novgorod in 859. In 2009, the 1150th anniversary of the founding of the “father” of Russian cities was widely celebrated. 4. Day of military glory of Russia - Victory Day in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380) - the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the Tatar-Mongol yoke, initiated by the great Russian prince Dmitry Donskoy. The International Initiative Committee calls on other community organizations - associations of Russian compatriots around the world - to join in signing the Declaration.

On September 21, 1973, Lidia Andreevna Ruslanova, the great Soviet singer, performer of folk songs, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1942), who was nicknamed the “soldier’s mother” during the Great Patriotic War, died.

"Soldier's Mother" Lidia Ruslanova

On September 21, 1973, Lidia Andreevna Ruslanova, the great Soviet singer, performer of folk songs, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1942), who was nicknamed the “soldier’s mother” during the Great Patriotic War, died.

On August 24, 1945, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov signed the order: “For the successful completion of command assignments on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage shown, for active personal assistance in arming the Red Army with the latest technical means, award the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, to RUSLANOV Lidia Andreevna."
It was a well-deserved reward. That's just a few facts.
One day, near Vyazma, three soldiers entered the actor’s dugout. They went on reconnaissance and asked to sing on the track. And at night one of them was brought on a stretcher.
“He moaned in unconsciousness,” Lidia Andreevna later said. - And he kept calling his mother. I sat down next to him, took his hand and quietly sang a lullaby. I sing, I can’t hold back my tears: it seems to me that it is my son who is dying. I so wanted to breathe the power of life into him with a song! He stopped thrashing about, and his hand kept getting colder... Soon they took him away... I often thought about him, but for a long time I could not find out if he was alive...
Time has passed. The concert brigade was already on another sector of the front. Performed outdoors. As soon as Ruslanova began to sing, a fighter with a Golden Star on a tunic rushed towards her. He shouts: “Mom! Mom! I found out, I remember, it was you who sang to me when I was dying.” And then, in the Sukhinichi area, Lidia Andreevna again met “her” fighter, again wounded.
“And again I stroked his bloody wound,” she recalled, “and he said that he would live to see victory if he found Ruslanova...
This is the end of the war. The last military concert.
“I’m singing the Russian song “Wide Steppe,” Lidia Andreevna continued the story, “and I see that someone is pushing people aside, making their way closer and closer to us. And suddenly he rushes straight onto the steps. I recognized him immediately, even though he had matured and become an officer, with orders all over his chest. Survived. She raised his hand and shouted: “Look! Here is a Russian soldier! Dying, he believed in Victory. And he reached Berlin. He won.”
In this amazing story, almost a legend, everything is true. And a three-time meeting. And the final joy.
But not only Ruslanova’s song “fought” at the front next to the soldiers. At the end of 1943, Lidia Andreevna, as part of a concert brigade, arrived in the Second Guards Cavalry Corps under the command of Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Kryukov. At this time, a meeting was held in one of the regiments, at which a letter from a collective farmer was read out - she transferred her savings to the state so that with this money they could make a cannon for her artillery son. Then Lidia Andreevna spoke and said that she was donating her funds for the construction of two Katyusha batteries. Three months later, Ruslanova again arrived at the unit and solemnly “presented” her gift to the soldiers.

People's Defense

On September 21, 2004, spouses Anna and Vladimir Sergeev announced the creation of the Orthodox human rights organization "People's Defense". Today it is one of the substructures of the People's Council, specializing in legal assistance to patriotic organizations and ordinary people.

People's Defense

On September 21, 2004, spouses Anna and Vladimir Sergeev announced the creation of the Orthodox human rights organization "People's Defense". Today it is one of the substructures of the People's Council, specializing in legal assistance to patriotic organizations and ordinary people.

Members of the People's Defense Council:

Petrov V.B - journalist, Russian Public Information Center

Varfolomeeva E.D. - co-chairman of the movement "For the release of political prisoners against state extremism"

Sergeev V.S. - head of the army hand-to-hand combat section “This way win!”, altar boy of the Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhi.

Kassin O.Yu. - Chairman of the public association "Preobrazhenie", member of the organizing council of the public movement "Together for One".

Skatov S.V. - journalist, member of the organizing council of the public movement “Together for One”.

The most famous action of the organization is blocking the activities of the anti-Orthodox, anti-Russian exhibition “Beware of Religion!”, the exhibits of which, according to many experts, had a satanic orientation. On March 28, 2005, the Tagansky Court of Moscow found the director of the Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center Yuri Samodurov and the center’s employee Lyudmila Vasilovskaya, the organizers of the exhibition, guilty of inciting national and religious hatred. By the way, on April 11, 2008, the body of one of the organizers and participants of the exhibition, Anna Mikhalchuk, was found in the Spree River (Berlin); according to the police, she committed suicide. And on March 16, 2013, the body of the second of the exhibition participants, Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, was found on the island of Bali; according to a preliminary version, he drowned in the pool.

In 2006, People's Defense, together with deputy Alexander Chuev, filed a lawsuit against the publishing house Ultraculture under Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal distribution of pornographic materials and objects”). Pornographic materials meant the novels by Melvin Burgess “A Bitch Called Lady” and “Fuck”, “The Forbidden Diary” by Yuri Barkov, “Fuck Me!” Virginie Depant, “Hit the track. Satan! Satan! Satan!" Tony White and Apocalypse Culture, edited by Adam Parfray. It’s hard to believe this schizophrenia, but the literary molester Melvin Burgess visited Moscow as part of a children’s book festival (!), and the Russian editions of his books were represented by the wife of the then British Prime Minister Cherie Blair. “These books are “manuals” on the corruption of youth, they are replete with informal vocabulary and scenes of sexual perversion, drug propaganda, they are blasphemous and blasphemous,” experts gave this assessment of the “creativity” of the “children’s” writer.

Exchange of information

If you have information about any event that corresponds to the theme of our site, and you want us to publish it, you can use the special form:

FSB General Ugryumov said in the spring of 2000 after the election of Putin: “WE HAD TO BLOW UP HOUSES TO PLACE HIM IN THE KREMLIN, HOW MUCH BLOOD WILL WE HAVE TO SHEED TO GET HIM OUT OF THERE?” After this maxim, Ugryumov did not live even two months. Facts: General Lebed, presidential candidate - plane crash. General Troshev, commander in the Caucasus - plane crash. General Baranov is seriously wounded. General Romanov - seriously wounded in an assassination attempt while preparing a peace treaty. General Rokhlin was killed, his wife was convicted of murder. General Shamanov - wounded in a car accident. General Dubrov - died under an electric train on the platform. General Debashvili - body found on a Moscow street. General Gusev - died in a car accident. General Barannikov died suddenly after receiving the package. Major General Viktor Chevrizov, former head of the intelligence department of the Main Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the HORDE - was killed in Moscow. According to the official version, he allegedly shot himself in the head from an award pistol in the entrance of his own house. The list is endless... that is, there is no end in sight yet. Who's next? The shortest history of modern Russia: 1999 - the murder of V. Chernovol, the beginning of the second Chechen war (about 25 thousand people were killed in total), explosions of houses in Buynaksk, Volgodonsk, Moscow (307 people were killed), the detention of FSB officers who pawned bags with hexogen in Ryazan. 2000 – murders of A. Sobchak, A. Borovik, Z. Bazhaev, I. Domnikov, the death of the Kursk submarine (130 people died). 2002 – murders of A. Lebed, V. Golovlev, storming of the theater on Dubrovka (Nord-Ost, 130/174 people were killed), assassination attempt on V. Rushailo. 2003 – murders of S. Yushenkov, Yu. Shchekochikhin, conflict on the Tuzla Spit, defeat of YUKOS, arrests of P. Lebedev and M. Khodorkovsky. 2004 – murder of hostages in Beslan (333 people killed), murders of R. Tsepov, N. Girenko, P. Khlebnikov, Z. Yandarbiev, poisoning of V. Yushchenko, assassination attempt on E. Tregubova, poisoning of Ya. Arafat, mass beating in Blagoveshchensk (Bashkortostan), gas war against Belarus. 2005 – murders of A. Maskhadov, A. Trofimov, O. Latsis, ethnic cleansing in the village of Borozdinovskaya (12 people were killed). 2006 – gas war against Ukraine, murders of A. Politkovskaya, A. Litvinenko, hybrid war against Georgia, ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Russia, arrest and torture in custody of the terminally ill V. Aleksanyan (died in 2011). 2007 – murders of I. Safronov, Ch. Gutsiriev, Yu. Chervochkin, cyber war against Estonia. 2008 – attack on Georgia (about 1000 people were killed), murders of M. Evloev, R. Yamadayev, beating of M. Beketov (died in 2013). 2009 – gas war against Ukraine, murders of U. Israilov, S. Markelov, A. Baburova, S. Yamadaev, N. Estemirova, M. Aushev, S. Magnitsky. 2010 – murders in the village of Kushchevskaya (12 people were killed), the crash of a Polish plane near Smolensk (96 people were killed), due to the failure to provide timely assistance during a heat wave and smog in Moscow alone, the excess cost amounted to about 12 thousand people ., attempt on V. Shamanov, beating of O. Kashin. 2011 - crashes of “Bulgaria”, planes in Yaroslavl and Karelia (killed 213 people), the so-called. parliamentary elections, during which at least 17 million votes were stolen. 2012 – flood in Krymsk (171 people died), beatings, arrest, imprisonment of participants in the May 6 march on Bolotnaya Square, members of the Pussy Riot group. 2013 – the beginning of a hybrid war against Ukraine. 2014 – the beginning of a conventional war against Ukraine (the number is already in the tens of thousands), a terrorist attack against MH-17 (298 people were killed). 2015 – murder of B. Nemtsov, the beginning of the conventional war in Syria (1.5 thousand people were killed), terrorist attack against the Metrojet airliner over Sinai (224 people were killed. ), the beginning of a hybrid war against Turkey. 2016 - terrorist attacks in the EEC and Turkey, bombings with cluster and phosphorus bombs in Syria (hundreds of children, tens of thousands of civilians). War in Ukraine. Are there any doubts about what – if the current regime continues – 2017 and subsequent years will be like?

Killer of the Kursk..."black rear admiral Gloomy"...FSB reprisal against the fleet... October 3, 2010

Rear Admiral Ugryumov. especially vile, “Astrakhan young fellow”, “the central link of the operation - “sink the boat” - study the grief - “let the fleet go to waste” ... a particularly prominent specialist in the remote influence of psychotronic weapons, ... and the creation of artificial wounds, in the minds of the population ...died in a his own toilet...
FSB ADMIRAL is buried behind "the Astrakhan FSB in a white bust for kisses, a knife in the back of the Russian Fleet" ... they were not going to save anyone, they were waiting for them to suffocate ... and carefully studied ... the death of submariners ... what this will have an impact on the population...they don’t need a fleet for a long time...they started a race along the verticals for the genetic code to make you get sick and die...according to “Putin’s” plan.”
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“FSB Admiral German Ugryumov”, and we, taking advantage of the right granted by its author, publish excerpts that give a portrait of this unique person.

Lieutenant General Alexander Alexandrovich Zdanovich:

Even from the photographs it is clear that he was overweight: apparently, something was wrong with his metabolism. But there was also an old sore: while he was still serving in the Caspian Flotilla, it happened that during some emergency work, a cable whipped his leg. After that, his leg hurt constantly. At times it was clear how difficult it was for him to climb into the helicopter, how difficult it was to throw his sore leg onto the step. However, he was so mobile - and this, given his build, and the pain that he experienced, that most did not even suspect it. While in Chechnya, he constantly flew and traveled to different areas: all of Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Pyatigorsk, Moscow. Or he could have sat - and no one would have blamed him for it.

Arkady Arkadyevich Dranets:

Why did “sources” trust him? It’s impossible to do all the work with agents on one person, but he had a good team. The peculiarity of his style of work is that he implemented any message to the end - and the “source” saw the result, and understood that there was his merit here, that he did not take risks in vain by supplying us with information. “Sources” come in different “weight categories” - from those who can warn: a gang of so many people has entered our village, the field commander is so and so, armed with such and such - to “deeply buried” agents embedded in the environment the very top of the insurgents.
“Lethal outcome. On May 31, 2001, the head of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, deputy director of the FSB of Russia, Vice Admiral German Ugryumov entered his office early in the morning at the military base in Khankala. Ingush and Chechen intelligence network... was controlled from the same “Astrakhan international terrorist center-FSB” by the “developer of Operation Caucasus Cascade”.
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from Gryumov’s son: My father had a favorite T-shirt with the inscription “I’ll give up everything, I’ll go to Uryupinsk!” Now it is kept in the Chechen Directorate of the FSB. (Challenge T-shirt)
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Dedicated to the young who choose the path.

President of the Russian Federation

On conferring the title of HERO of the Russian Federation to Vice Admiral G. A. Ugryumov.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, award the title

Hero of the Russian Federation to Vice Admiral German Alekseevich Ugryumov.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin.

Moscow, Kremlin.


Est socia mortis homini vita ingloria.

A person's inglorious life is equal to death.

Publius Sir. Maxims

Living the lives of my heroes, I thought for them.

Margarita Volina. Black romance
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Only this year, contracts related to India’s purchase of the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, converted to Indian standards, India’s purchase of 310 T-90S tanks, the establishment of their production in India itself, the creation of a sea-based anti-ship missile system, and the purchase of a new batch have been implemented or are being implemented. Russian diesel submarines "Amur", mobile missile launchers "Smerch" and "Grad" and Mi-17 helicopters, the purchase of operational-strategic bombers Tu-22M3, the creation of a national long-range radar control and warning system for the country's air defense, the purchase of fifty multi-role Su fighters -30MKI, production of 140 Su-30MKI at the HAL plants in Sunabed (Orissa), construction of three frigates for the Indian Navy. And this is not a complete list. According to experts, the value of military-technical contracts between Moscow and Delhi until 2010 is at least 10 billion US dollars.

But all this is not satisfying, since the prospects can indeed be fantastic.


Russia and India outlined the contours of joining forces in creating the North-South transport corridor and came close to implementing this major investment project. In May, the intergovernmental agreement on the international transport corridor (ITC) “North-South” officially came into force. This was officially announced on behalf of the governments by the transport ministers of India, Iran and Russia.

According to B.N. Kuzuk, General Director of the industrial holding company NPK, compared with the existing route through the Suez Canal, transporting goods along the North-South corridor will reduce costs by 15-20 percent, and delivery times will also be reduced by 15-20 days. Annual revenues from the implementation of the opportunities of the North-South corridor are estimated by experts at approximately 5-6 billion US dollars. “By the way, according to Kuzuk, today Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and Bahrain have announced their intention to join this agreement. Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, as well as the Baltic countries are considering the opportunity to become participants in this project.
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G. A. Ugryumov was born in 1948 in Astrakhan. Since 1967, he has been a cadet at the Caspian Higher Naval School named after S. M. Kirov. Upon completion of training, he was sent to serve in the Caspian Flotilla.

Since 1975, G. A. Ugryumov served in the security agencies of the army, where his organizational abilities and leadership talent were fully demonstrated. In 1999, he was appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism, and since November 1999 - deputy director - head of the department.

G. A. Ugryumov made a great contribution to ensuring the security of the state and preserving its sovereignty. In January 2001, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. With his direct participation, special events were developed and carried out
A strange grimace of fate: a sailor who died on a parachute; “Hero of Russia?”, who never wore an asterisk; an admiral who never wore admiral's shoulder straps... Maybe this is the pointing finger of fate that everything that Ugryumov was programmed for
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We are talking about the military wing of the PFA (Independent Front of Azerbaijan) and the combat groups that Nagorno-Karabakh put up. The goal was set as follows: to reveal their goals and plans, to intercept their connections with Western intelligence services and with the intelligence services of the countries of the region - Turkey and, above all, Iran. In the process of certain analysis, a decision was made: to introduce our source and begin a long-term counter-terrorism operation.

I worked on his legend and was responsible for his introduction into the deep underground. The initial stage is implementation, the second is active use to obtain information that would be of interest to the country's leadership and to units operating in the region. First of all, the information must be proactive. Of course, the operation is super secret. Only two people knew about it - German Alekseevich and 1. Our very good specialists were involved - those units that ensure our work. Three external surveillance groups arrived from Moscow, which no one knew about and should not even have guessed. Two teams of technical specialists arrived and provided us with operational equipment. All these forces ensured the operation of only one source: its operation, its safety, its verification.
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Hero of Russia German Ugryumov passed away at a combat post in Khankala in 2001. He was the only admiral in the highest echelons of state security.

Because of his generosity of soul, his colleagues gave him the call sign “Ocean”, which was combined with the impressive appearance of the admiral - tall, dense figure. But Ugryumov did not live up to his last name - he was the life of the party: he sang with a guitar, recited poetry by heart.

He began his military career in the Caspian Flotilla. And he returned to Baku again after graduating from the KGB Higher School. Two sons of German Alekseevich will be born here. And here he will almost lose his family, when they start slaughtering and burning Russians and Armenians alive on the streets of Azerbaijani cities. The city of Sumgait will be “famous” for the first pogroms, and then posters will appear in Baku: “Russians, don’t leave! We need slaves and prostitutes!”, “War of Armenia!”. The Russians, who managed to get to the airport in Baku, could not fly to Moscow - civilian planes were loaded with boxes of nails. The flower trade season has not been cancelled.

Then Ugryumov saved hundreds of families by organizing evacuation by military aircraft and by sea. But several years before the tragic events, he sent reports to Moscow that nationalist sentiments were brewing in Azerbaijan and that Turkish and Iranian intelligence services were working. But the center responded: Azerbaijan will sort it out themselves.

The crime understood everything

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Ugryumov was sent first to Novorossiysk and then to Vladivostok, where he had to communicate with local criminals. Bandit groups attacked officers in broad daylight. The target is a military weapon. “The father met one-on-one with representatives of criminals. And the attacks stopped. All stolen weapons were returned. He had a rare gift of persuasion. And he still could not allow women, children and the elderly to be insulted in his presence. Once, at the Vladivostok market, he saw a racketeer knock over a box of greens from an old woman - she did not pay him a bribe. He forced the extortionist to pick up the greenery and said that every day he would check how he was protecting his grandmother, he says Admiral's son Alexander. - My father went to serious meetings without security or weapons. But with a grenade. In Baku, when he was taking out women and children and had to meet with armed militants from the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, he took a grenade with him for the first time.”

Ugryumov never parted with a grenade in Chechnya either. In the late 90s, German Alekseevich was transferred from Vladivostok to Moscow to the central office of the FSB leadership. After the invasion of Chechen gangs into Dagestan and the start of the second Chechen campaign, Ugryumov was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. Under his command were “Alpha” and “Vym-pel”. He developed operations that led to the elimination of iconic militant commanders one after another. And one of them - Salman Raduev- managed to be taken alive. Ugryumov personally delivered Raduev to Moscow.

The militants promised a reward of $16 million for the admiral’s head. “Conversations were intercepted on air more than once in which terrorists were indignant that they again failed to blow up German Alekseevich, although he was right under their noses,” AiF said. FSB reserve colonel Alexander Ladanyuk, who worked as an assistant to German Ugryumov for more than 10 years. “My father was saved by his rare professional intuition,” says Alexander Ugryumov. - Having already set off on the road, he often changed the route. Sometimes he later sent me to check the previous one. And it always turned out that there was either a landmine or an ambush. When he escorted Alpha or Vympel employees to their next operation in Khankala, he made sure to make the sign of the cross over them. And I couldn’t find a place for myself until they returned.”

"Ocean" is bad

Colleagues, remembering German Alekseevich, unanimously repeat that he was a scout from God. In the most difficult situation, he made the only right decision. The way he could turn a seemingly hopeless situation around was admirable. “Whoever fights can lose, whoever doesn’t fight has already lost,” said Ugryumov.

The admiral never directed operations from his Moscow office. Always went to the place. This happened when a sailor on watch in the Northern Fleet, having shot his colleagues, barricaded himself in the torpedo compartment of a nuclear submarine. He threatened to blow up the nuclear-powered ship, which would lead to a terrible disaster. When the persuasion of his mother, who was urgently brought from St. Petersburg, did not work, Ugryumov came up with a combination that is still kept secret. Result: the insane sailor was eliminated, despite the fact that he was in a sealed torpedo compartment.

The liquidation of the criminal was a last resort for German Alekseevich. We must try to work with any terrorist - that was his credo. The admiral put the lives of civilians and soldiers first. Thanks to his agreements with the Chechen elders, the stronghold of the militants, the city of Gudermes, was bloodlessly taken. Ugryumov met with Akhmat Kadyrov, who then went over to the side of the federal troops. Only one fact speaks about the admiral’s attitude towards the Chechen people. “A month before his death, my father visited home. At a family council he asked if we would be against the adoption of a Chechen girl, a six-year-old orphan whom he met in Khankala. Of course we agreed. Then they tried to find this girl. It didn't work out."

German Alekseevich passed away in his “office” (field trailer) in Khankala on May 31, 2001. “Ocean” is feeling bad,” they radioed. First aid was immediately provided by a doctor from Alpha. He “started” the admiral’s heart twice within 40 minutes, but it refused to work. After an autopsy, doctors discovered that the admiral, at 52 years old, had 7 scars on his heart from microinfarctions suffered on his legs. During his farewell to German Ugryumov, the President Vladimir Putin asked him widow Tatyana how you can help your family. “We should get a registration,” she said. The admiral did not earn any dachas or apartments. At the same time, even in the most crisis years, he managed to get housing for his subordinates. It was not for nothing that they called him “Father” behind his back. The family was provided with registration. And the admiral himself, despite his professional reticence, received a residence permit in the history of the Russian state - streets in Astrakhan, Novorossiysk, Grozny and Vladivostok were named after him. And the patrol boat “German Ugryumov” goes out to the sea that he loved so much.

Vladimir Putin and Nikolai Patrushev at the funeral of G. A. Ugryumov. Photo: