Valerian is a sedative of plant origin. Valerian extract - instructions for use of tablets

Valerian tincture has been the most accessible sedative for many years. It is prepared from the rhizomes of the plant infused in 70% ethyl alcohol. If taking the tincture is prohibited due to intolerance to the components, you can purchase tablets with valerian extract at the pharmacy. These medicines available without a prescription and have affordable price for most citizens. The product has calming effect and helps with severe overexcitation nervous system. The medicine brings tangible benefits to poor night sleep and increased anxiety.

Composition of the drug and release form

The active ingredient of the product is the rhizomes of Valerian officinalis. Ethyl alcohol 70% is used as an additional substance. For 1 liter of tincture there are 200 grams of crushed herb root.

Tablets are produced based on valerian root extract. One tablet contains 20 mg active substance. Magnesium carbonate, primelose, potato starch, calcium stearate, and gelatin are used as additional components. The tablets are coated with a yellow or brown coating.

Valerian is available in the form of drops for oral administration and tablets. The tincture is sold in glass bottles from 15 to 100 ml. Tablets are also produced in glass containers of 10 and 50 pieces. Both forms of the drug are packaged in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Instructions for use of valerian infusion

Faced for the first time with disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular system, people do not always carefully read the instructions for using valerian tincture. The patient also does not know what contraindications may arise during treatment. In fact, all the recommendations are simple, and for wellness the dosage should be observed.

Adults are recommended to take 20-30 drops up to 4 times within 24 hours. The infusion can be used in children after the first year of life. The dosage is calculated according to the child’s age: one drop is added for every whole year. IN exceptional cases Your doctor may prescribe a different dosage.

In case of overdose, children and adults may experience:

  • General weakness of the body.
  • Lethargy.
  • Feeling depressed.
  • Increased sleepiness.
  • Decreased performance.

With the simultaneous use of other sleeping pills or sedatives, the effect of valerian may be enhanced.

Indications for use

Valerian tincture is prescribed for certain conditions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems:

  • In cases of overexcitation.
  • In hysterical conditions.
  • For sleep disorders and poor night sleep.
  • In case of neuroses and migraines.
  • For spasms gastrointestinal tract.
  • For mild disturbances in the functioning of the cardiac system.

  • In children in the first year of life.
  • In women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects may occur in case of intolerance to the components of the tincture and in cases of non-compliance with the dosage.

Instructions for use of valerian extract

It is recommended to drink valerian extract in tablets three times a day after meals, 1-2 tablets.

The course of treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

The doctor may prescribe a different dosage or prescribe a second course of therapy. It is important to take into account existing liver and kidney diseases, which may be negatively affected by taking pills.

Depending on the disease, the doctor may prescribe individual scheme taking the drug.

Indications for use

  • High degree of nervous excitement.
  • Frequent insomnia and problems with night sleep.
  • Migraine.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Cardiovascular system disorders. In this case, use valerian extract in the composition complex therapy.
  • With spastic syndrome of the gastrointestinal tract. Used in complex treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Valerian tablets are prohibited for use by patients:

Negative effects may occur while taking the pills:

  • Decreased performance and drowsiness.
  • Lethargy and general weakness of the body.
  • Constipation. May occur with prolonged use of the product.
  • Allergic reactions. May occur due to intolerance to valerian or excipients.

If the dosage of the medication is not observed, the following may occur: tachycardia, bradycardia and arrhythmia. In this case, you should immediately give the patient an enterosorbent and call a doctor.

Valerian analogues

Among similar means, prescribed as sedatives, you can find the following drugs:

All of these drugs have similar effects on the body.. Adverse reactions may occur due to personal intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Most widely used in folk and official medicine. It was used for treatment back in Ancient Greece. Modern pharmacology produces various drugs based on it, including valerian tinctures, extracts, teas that do an excellent job with nervous disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Chemical composition of the plant

The stems and rhizomes of the plant contain huge amount useful substances. These are polysaccharides, multiple list organic acids- among them are apple, formic, acetic, palmitic and others. In addition, valerian contains a unique essential oil, which includes valerian-borneol ester, isovaleric acid, proazulene and other substances.

Beneficial properties of valerian

This plant has excellent antispasmodic, tonic and choleretic effect. A drug such as valerian extract can reduce the excitability of the nervous system and increase secretion gastric tract, relax smooth muscles and expand coronary vessels. It is used as a primary and auxiliary remedy for many diseases. Diseases such as hypertension, migraine, tachycardia, epilepsy are among the ailments for which it is medicinal plant is an indispensable tool. has strong sedative properties and is indicated for insomnia, hysteria, and nervous excitability. This drug is also indispensable for women’s health in menopause. No less important is the importance of valerian in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Preparations from the valerian plant

For medicinal purposes, the roots of the plant are harvested, most favorable time For their collection it is the end of summer-beginning of autumn. Aqueous and alcohol infusions, soothing teas, it is included in many medications. Amazing properties has valerian extract. The price of this drug is low, but its effectiveness is high. In addition, the grass will an excellent remedy for taking baths, such procedures will help you completely relax and restore strength.


However, we should not forget that valerian extract has contraindications. It is important to comply correct dosage drug, since incorrect administration and long-term use lead to constant drowsiness, decreased performance and the appearance depressive state. You should not take the drug uncontrollably in old age, especially if there is a threat of stroke or heart attack, as well as with chronic enterocolitis, in the first three months of pregnancy and with individual intolerance. If nausea, tachycardia, various allergic reactions, or lethargy occur, you should stop taking valerian extract. It is also not recommended to use this remedy when driving a car or doing work that requires concentration.

Valerian extract based on the valerian plant with moderate hypnotic and sedative effects.

Valerian international name film-coated tablets (biconvex) yellow or brown. In Russian - valerian extract in tablets, instructions are in the package, where there are 10 or 50 pieces.


The tablet consists of auxiliary components and 0.02 g of valerian (thick extract).

Pharmacological action

A drug based on the valerian plant with moderate hypnotic and sedative effects. The effect is due to the presence of essential oil, consisting of borneol and isovaleric acid, alkaloids (chotenine, valerine) and valepotriates. Therapeutic effect observed if treated for a long time and regularly.

Under the influence of the drug, inhibition processes in the brain are enhanced.

Valepotriates and valeric acid act as antispasmodics. The drug promotes falling asleep quickly. The active substances improve the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, increase the production of bile, have a dilating effect on the vessels (coronary) and reduce the manifestations of tachycardia.

Due to one of the components of actinidin, valerian extract has a strange effect on representatives of the feline family. According to experts, the smell of actinidin is identical to the smell contained in the urine of cats.


After taking valerian extract (600 mg), its highest concentration in the blood is observed after 60 - 120 minutes.

When is Valerian needed?

  • Minor disorders (functional) of the vascular, cardiac, and digestive systems.
  • Migraine, light sleep, high excitability of nerves (as part of combination therapy).

Before taking valerian, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will recommend in what dosage and how to do it.

Drug interactions

Increases the effect of antispasmodics and sedatives.

Before taking valerian, tell your doctor about any medications you are using concurrently.

How to use

Valerian extract in tablets, instructions for use require taking 1 to 5 times a day, 2 to 4 tablets with meals. Daily dosage may be increased (if necessary) to 1000 mg in 5 divided doses. In patients with kidney and liver pathologies, there is no need to adjust the dosage.

Children over 12 years of age are prescribed 40–60 mg of the drug per day (2–3 times 20 mg).

15 – 30 days constitute a course of therapy. It may be repeated.

You need to find out from your doctor how to use other varieties of valerian (Bulgarian, brown and others).


Symptoms overuse tablets:

  • Lethargy.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Apathy.

Upon admission medicinal doses, which are 20 times higher than usual, abnormal heart rhythm and bradycardia appear.

In case of overdose, the following measures are taken:

  • Gastric lavage.
  • Reception activated carbon to remove toxic substances, as well as magnesium sulfate.

There is no special antidote.


Valerian is contraindicated for people:

  • With pathologies accompanied by depression of the nervous system.
  • In case of individual intolerance to fructose, sucrose, lactose contained in the drug.
  • Up to 3 years.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects

Individual sensitivity to valerian may result in:

  • Allergy reactions.
  • Apathy, drowsiness.
  • Decreased performance.

If the drug is taken for a long time and the recommended dosage is exceeded, heart rhythm disturbances occur, headache, agitation of the psyche, the functioning of the stomach and intestines is disrupted (digestion processes are suppressed).

Special instructions

Valerian extract in tablets, the instructions for use of which warn against abstaining from activities requiring high attention, as well as driving, is a relatively safe medicine.

The advisability of prescribing valerian to pregnant women should be decided by a doctor.

Shelf life

5 years is the shelf life of the tablets. + 25 degrees is the maximum temperature at which they are stored.

Storage conditions

All drugs, including valerian, should be stored in a place where children cannot reach.

Clinical studies

Valerian officinalis is called cat herb due to its special effect on animals. Veterinarians sometimes prescribe it to cats to improve their tone. The drug has a stimulating effect on them, not in the same way as on people. Sometimes an overdose leads to the death of animals, so the drug must be kept away from them.


Based on valerian extract, several similar drugs, which differ in volume (300, 200, 150 mg), number of tablets, manufacturer and price. Valerian is also available in other dosage forms: alcohol tincture, aqueous extract, capsules, rhizome juice.

To calm the nervous system and normalize sleep, valerian extract in tablets is prescribed. Instructions for using the popular sedative are outlined in this post. The official name is Valerian extract film-coated tablets, […]

To calm the nervous system and normalize sleep, valerian extract in tablets is prescribed. Instructions for using the popular sedative are outlined in this post. The official name is Valerian extract film-coated tablets, 0.02 g, Latin version - Tabulettae Extracti Valerianae obductae 0.02 g.

Composition of yellow valerian tablets

Active ingredient in tablets

One yellow tablet contains 20 mg active substance, it is represented by a thick extract of the valerian plant.

Excipients in tablets

The drug also contains additional components, we list them below:

  • magnesium carbonate,
  • beeswax,
  • potato starch,
  • Aerosil,
  • yellow quinoline dye,
  • food gelatin,
  • sunflower oil,
  • refined sugar,
  • paraffin,
  • titanium dioxide,
  • talc.

How many valerian tablets are in one package?

For the convenience of consumers, preparations containing 10, 20 and 50 coated tablets are produced. Usually issued yellow pills in a glass bottle under a plastic cap. A small bottle is packed in cardboard box, it contains instructions. Valerian is also sold in cell packaging.

Indications for valerian tablets

Most often, valerian is used to correct conditions for these disorders:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (improper functioning of the autonomic nervous system, manifested by a whole range of ailments),
  • excessive nervous excitability,
  • insomnia,
  • headache in the form of migraine,
  • functional disorders in the cardiovascular system,
  • gastrointestinal spasms.

As a rule, valerian is taken as part of complex therapy.

Effect of valerian tablets on humans

Properties of valerian

It is known that the drug in tablets:

  • has a sedative effect,
  • eliminates increased anxiety,
  • makes it easier to fall asleep,
  • improves sleep quality.

This is what happens in the body under the influence of active phyto-substances:

  • inhibition of certain centers of the nervous system,
  • vasodilation,
  • slow heartbeat,
  • relaxation of muscles in the digestive and urinary system.

With long courses, in addition to the listed actions, the following are observed:

  • copious secretion of bile,
  • drop in blood pressure.

Pharmacological effect of valerian

When taking the drug orally plant origin A sedative effect is noted, it is usually moderate. The tablets help you fall asleep easily.

A significant role in the effect of valerian on the body is played by the presence of a special essential oil, consisting of:

  • isovaleric acid,
  • borneol.

In addition, a mild sedative effect occurs due to alkaloids and valepotriates, for example:

  • Khotenin,
  • valerine

When observing patients taking valerian, you may notice a slow increase in sedative effect, over time it appears steadily.

How much do valerian tablets cost?

The well-known yellow coated tablets can be purchased at an affordable price. A herbal preparation without additives costs from 40 to 60 rubles, depending on the region.

How is valerian extract taken?

It is better to use any medications strictly according to the recommendations of the manufacturer or attending physician, without deviating from the prescribed doses. Usually good effect gives a proven regimen, according to which you need to take valerian 1-2 tablets three times a day, orally, after meals, with water. Before using valerian extract in tablets, the instructions for use should be carefully studied, as they contain important requirements for consumer safety.

One of our site visitors believes that you need to take Valerian tablets (20 mg) according to the following regimen: take 2 tablets 4 times a day for 6 weeks. This scheme was suggested to him by a pharmacist. Perhaps she is also correct. As you can see, the dosage regimen may be different. Therefore, it is advisable to take the drug as recommended by your doctor.

What are valerian tablets Evening?

Inexpensive pills are designed to improve sleep disorders. The harmonious combination of valerian root, peppermint oil and hops gives an excellent sedative effect, helps to get out of stress and improve health. heart rate. Also biologically active additive Evening is available in the form of motherwort with valerian.

Valerian tablets for children

Experts prescribe valerian for children with:

  • neurasthenia,
  • neuroses,
  • hyperactivity,
  • insomnia,
  • tachycardia,
  • poor appetite,
  • headaches,
  • increased nervous excitability,
  • allergies,
  • hysteria.

Children under 1 year of age are prohibited from using any form of the drug. Drops are given as many drops as the child is old, diluted with water. For tablets there are the following frames:

  • children 3-5 years old - half a tablet three times a day,
  • children 5-7 years old - 1 tablet no more than 3 times a day.

In all cases, take half an hour before meals. Valerian is also used in children in the form of phytopackets.

Valerian tablets during pregnancy

It is not advisable for pregnant women to take valerian. This is done according to indications and under the supervision of a doctor. IN best case scenario From the tablets you can get:

  • sedative effect,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • relieving uterine hypertonicity.

True, the drug always acts after some time; there is a so-called cumulative effect. A course lasting at least 1 month is required. The tablets are taken after meals, twice or thrice a day. Possible side effects, therefore, a problematic pregnancy can be included in the list of contraindications.

Valerian tablets during breastfeeding

Indications for the use of valerian for breastfeeding

Typically, nursing mothers resort to valerian for:

  • sleep disorders,
  • nervousness,
  • headaches due to stress,
  • depressive states,
  • loss of strength, general decrease in tone,
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • feelings of anxiety and fear,
  • tachycardia, arrhythmias.

In any case, you should not take valerian tablets during breastfeeding without consulting a doctor. The doctor will help you choose the dosage and protect yourself from side effects.

How does valerian act on breastfeeding women?

In most cases, women are satisfied with the effect of valerian. If you take these pills correctly and monitor yourself and your child, you will notice the following positive changes:

  • sleep improves, insomnia disappears,
  • anxiety decreases, signs of stress decrease,
  • coronary vessels dilate,
  • pressure decreases,
  • spasms are relieved.

Overdose of valerian in women during breastfeeding

Symptoms of overdose or individual intolerance in women during lactation are the same as in other cases:

  • constipation and itching;
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • increased blood pressure,
  • overexcitation of the central nervous system,
  • sleep disorders.

How does valerian act on infants?

At best, valerian has no effect on the child; at worst, he develops allergic reaction, it manifests itself as urticaria. Concerned about redness of the skin, itching. Stomach upsets and increased gas formation, lethargy or overexcitement.

How to replace valerian in tablets for breastfeeding?

Alcohol tincture is not suitable for women with breastfeeding, it is better to use tablets or herbal decoction. You can also place the herb in your pillow or place it on your windowsill. This aromatherapy is beneficial for mother and child. Sometimes it is advisable for nursing mothers to take instead of valerian:

  • motherwort preparations,
  • Persen,
  • Tenoten,
  • Glycine,
  • Novo-Passit.

Features of taking valerian during lactation

If a mother plans her day incorrectly, does not have the support of relatives, cannot allocate time for rest, or simply does not know how to properly relieve stress, then caring for a newborn baby is associated with lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, increased irritability, constant drowsiness or insomnia. When choosing sedatives, you should pay attention to the fact that many substances penetrate into breast milk, which means they fall into children's body. In this regard, valerian tablets are considered relatively safe.

Valerian often helps nursing mothers cope with postpartum depression and balances the condition. True, you should not completely rely only on pills. In the case of constant fatigue and lack of sleep, you need to act comprehensively - involve relatives in caring for the child, look for suitable relaxation methods. For example, it is useful for women during pregnancy and lactation to practice yoga. If the body is exhausted, then in addition to sedatives, you need to take vitamin and mineral supplements. complex drug. Below is a photo of valerian tablets.

Valerian (extract tablets): sedative vegetable origin

Contraindications for Valerian tablets

It is believed that you should not drink valerian:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy,
  • with fructose intolerance,
  • children under 1-3 years old (according to various sources),
  • people with a lack of sucrase and lactase enzymes in the body.

Contraindications include the state of glucose-galactose malabsorption. You cannot take pills if an individual intolerance is identified; it manifests itself in the form of an allergy to this particular drug. For example, sneezing and coughing, watery eyes, itchy skin and rashes on the body may bother you.

According to official instructions, the main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Possible harm of valerian tablets

The over-the-counter drug must be used with extreme caution. You can seriously harm your body if you self-medicate, take pills for too long a course, or constantly exceed the generally accepted dosage. In particular, there may be:

  • drowsiness,
  • arrhythmia,
  • state of oppression
  • loss of ability to work,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • excessive excitement,
  • muscle weakness,
  • allergic reaction,
  • constipation,
  • slowing heartbeat.

Most often, the drug causes harm when misuse and non-compliance with contraindications.

Side effects when taking valerian tablets

The above-mentioned harmful aspects may occur when taking medications indiscriminately. And then there is the spectrum side effects, which are often detected even with correct use of the drug. These include:

  • constant debilitating drowsiness,
  • severe decrease in muscle tone,
  • low ability to work,
  • slower thinking and speech,
  • various problems with stool, for example, with a long course, constipation is possible.

We also note that even if you follow the rules for taking valerian, the reaction normally slows down. First of all, those people who engage in particularly dangerous activities that require extreme concentration of attention should be careful. The same applies to drivers.

If you experience any discomfort, you should stop drinking valerian and contact your doctor to find out the reasons or change the drug.

What to do if you overdose on valerian tablets?

If a person in a stressed state has significantly exceeded the dose, then instead of the desired calm, he begins to suffer from:

  • diarrhea or constipation,
  • nausea.

The following phenomena may also be of concern:

  • pronounced apathy towards everything,
  • dizziness,
  • red spots on the face,
  • dilated pupils,
  • increased blood pressure.

In case of overdose of valerian drops similar symptoms- exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, migraine headaches, constant nausea and heartburn, irregular heartbeat. If you suspect an overdose, you should immediately call ambulance, that is, dial 03 and explain the essence of the problem. In this case, immediately stop consuming valerian tablets. While waiting for a doctor to examine you, you need to induce vomiting in the victim. This can be achieved by drinking a large volume of water, bending slightly and placing 2 fingers deep into the oropharynx, right up to the small tongue.

Effect of valerian tablets on cats

Domestic cats may behave inappropriately near valerian preparations, which is explained by the specific effect of the plant’s components on the animal’s body. Instead of a mild sedative effect like in humans, cats experience euphoria. The thing is that the aroma of the plant strongly reminds them of the smell of pheromones that are part of cat urine. Under the influence of these substances the emotional and hormonal background animals.

The nervous system of cats begins to work in a special way, the perception of reality is distorted, that’s where inappropriate behavior. Under the narcotic effect of valerian, animals begin to:

  • run away from imaginary opponents and chase them,
  • roll on the floor
  • tear curtains and wallpaper,
  • howl frighteningly
  • urinate in inappropriate places.

This effect appears almost immediately after taking the drugs. If a breeder offers an animal a valerian preparation in the form of an alcohol tincture, then he may soon encounter cat alcoholism and all the ensuing consequences, such as peptic ulcer, liver disease, kidney failure.

Valerian tincture may be harmful to animals. Valerian tablets are even worse. Everything is explained by the fact that the tablets are presented not only vegetable raw materials. They contain only a quarter plant extract of the total mass of pills. Also included are the above excipients of synthetic origin, to which the animal’s body can react severe allergies. If after several minutes of euphoria the cat begins to deep sleep and it is impossible to wake her up, you need to take her to the veterinary clinic immediately.

The reaction to the drug is different for all cats, so it has not yet been determined lethal dose. In any case, if an animal finds and accidentally consumes a large amount of medication in any form, it will have to be treated by a veterinarian.

Valerian does not kill cats in all cases. In exceptional cases, small doses are prescribed individually for the following problems:

  • heart failure,
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is prescribed only by a doctor and exclusively in liquid form. It has been noticed that not all cats react with euphoria to valerian, some ignore it, some are afraid of the smell and cannot stand it. For example, Siamese cats As a rule, they do not perceive the aroma of valerian at all.

Interaction of valerian with other substances

Valerian with other medicines

It has been noticed that valerian tablets interact in a special way with some drugs, for example, it gives:

  • enhancing the effect of sleeping pills,
  • enhancing the effect of sedatives,
  • enhancing the effect of antispasmodics.

Valerian with alcohol

It is important to know that combining valerian and alcohol is inadmissible. In combination with ethyl alcohol the drug has a pronounced depression of the central nervous system. As a result, all reactions will be greatly slowed down in a person, he will become not just lethargic, but clearly inhibited. Difficulties with concentrating and understanding others, and disturbances in the motor sphere are expected.

Valerian tablets and alcohol tincture are definitely not compatible with alcoholic drinks. Valerian is mainly prescribed for psychoses and neuroses; in these conditions it is extremely dangerous to drink alcohol. If you take these substances together, you can lose control of yourself, harm your health and lose your ability to work the next day.

How to store valerian tablets?

Like all medicines, valerian should be kept in a place where small children have no access. The optimal storage temperature is up to +15 degrees Celsius. The first aid kit should be dry and the packaging should be tightly closed. You can take the drug orally until the expiration date. You must carefully read the attached instructions and keep them with the tablets. It is better to keep their original packaging during the use of any medicine; it indicates the release date and expiration date, which is why this is important.

In order for valerian extract in tablets to work correctly, the instructions for use must be read, but the question of the duration of the course must still be discussed with your doctor. These frames different people may vary depending on the body’s reaction to the drug and other individual characteristics.

For many years, the demand for valerian in the form of tinctures and tablets has not decreased, despite the fact that many attribute a placebo effect to these drugs and today there are more modern and effective sedatives.