Black Collie. Collie

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)










Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Security and guard qualities


In the fifties of the twentieth century, the series “Lassie” was released. Main role A collie dog (Scottish Shepherd) played in the film. Millions of people who watched the series fell in love with this dog. This caused the popularity of the breed to soar to the highest level.

Everyone wanted to have their own Lassie at home. Collie(collie, scotch collie, scottish collie) belongs to the herding breeds. She is extremely devoted to all family members, very smart and sensitive. In a word, the collie is a real find for those who value the listed qualities in pets.

History of the breed

The history of the Scottish Sheepdog begins in the distant past in the highlands of Scotland. In ancient times, owners of herding sheepdogs called them “coels” and “collis”. After some time, the name “collie” appeared. According to some assumptions, it is believed that translated from Saxon it sounds like “dark”. The fact is that the Scottish sheep, which were guarded by collies, had a black muzzle, hence the name.

There is a second translation option with the subsequent appearance of the name. "Collie" literally means "helpful". This is what the owners decided to call the pet, who helped in everything, and whose main purpose was to work as a shepherd.

About two thousand years ago, Roman occupiers brought dogs with them to the islands of Britain, which became the founders of the Scottish Sheepdog. At first, representatives of the breed were similar in size to today's border collies; the main color of the animals was black. Over time, as a result of breeding work, collies became ideal shepherds, grazing and protecting herds of goats, sheep and other livestock. Their appearance has also changed for the better.

How the popularity of the Scottish shepherd breed grew not only in its homeland, but also in other countries, can be traced by dates:

  • 1860 - Queen Victoria, during her stay in Scotland, was extremely pleased with the beautiful, intelligent dogs with a luxurious mane on their necks; these were Scottish Sheepdogs. The ruler brought several collies home with her and ordered them to be bred. This is where work began on improving this breed in England. In the same year, collies participated for the first time in a dog show in Birmingham.
  • 1879 - The Scottish Sheepdog became a pet in America.
  • 1886 - The first American Collie Club was created.

Breed standard

There are two types of Scottish Sheepdogs, distinguished by their coat type. There are long-haired collies and medium-length collies. Long-haired representatives of this breed are considered more popular and widespread.

The ancient ancestors of modern Scottish Sheepdogs, who had to work on farms in their homeland, were more seasoned, hardy and strong. Today's collies are more graceful and pampered. Adult height 55-65 cm. with weight 25-35 kg.

A muscular, long, beautifully curved neck holds a head in the shape of a clearly defined cone. The outline of the head is smooth, the skull is flat. Triangular ears are not large. When the dog is calm, they are pressed back; if he is alarmed by something, the ears are raised and tilted forward. The almond shape of the eyes creates the appearance of a cunning expression on the muzzle. There should not be the slightest hint of aggression in your gaze. Eye size is average. Nose is black. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.

The body is long, the back is straight, the chest is low. The legs are quite long, straight with muscular thighs. The step is long, light, movements are smooth. The tail is fluffy, long, saber-shaped. If the collie is in a calm state, the tail is lowered down, but if the dog is in excited state, raises it to the level of the back.

The coat is thick and hard. There is a dense undercoat. A distinctive feature is the luxurious mane and collar. According to the standard, the following colors are allowed:

1. Tri-color - the main color is black, there are red tan marks.
2. Sand – there are shades from light golden to mahogany. Straw and cream shades are not welcome.
3. Blue – light colors should be the main ones.

Any color should have large white spots. The Scottish Sheepdog has a beautiful white collar, white markings on the muzzle, white tip of the tail and white “socks”.

In addition to long-haired collies, there is an American type of Scottish Sheepdog with short hair. It is worth noting that the FCI does not recognize the short-haired collie as a separate breed. These dogs are distinguished by a wider muzzle and larger, more powerful size. Shorthaired collies come in a variety of colors. For example, a dog with a white coat and small markings of any color on the head and body looks very beautiful.

The Scottish Shepherd feels comfortable when kept in an apartment. Collies can also be kept outside, but such an affectionate and friendly dog ​​deserves to live next to its beloved owners. Give her a place in the house to sleep and rest, buy toys, a bed, bowls for water and food. An active herding dog also needs to release pent-up energy. Therefore, walk her every day, giving her the opportunity to run around as much as possible. You need to walk twice a day, morning and evening.

At the first glance at a long-haired Scottish Shepherd, it becomes clear that the coat of such a pet must be carefully cared for. The daily combing procedure takes at least 15 minutes. For this you will need combs: a comb with small teeth and a standard brush. You need to comb it carefully, lifting the long hair up so that the teeth of the comb reach the roots of the hair.

The lush mane, tail and “pants” of the collie require special attention and time. In these places, tangles most often form due to the owner’s oversight. For smooth-haired representatives of the breed, it is enough to brush them once a week.
In addition to hair care, hygiene procedures are required, thanks to which not only the beauty of the dog is maintained, but also its health:

  • Bathing. The Scottish Shepherd needs to be bathed once every two months. In cases heavy pollution Swimming is not planned. For water procedures, it is recommended to purchase a softening shampoo from veterinary pharmacies.
  • Ears. Once a week we treat the ears with a special solution. During the procedure, we inspect for injuries, inflammation or excessive accumulation of secretions.
  • Teeth. To prevent your dog from having an unpleasant odor from his mouth and to reduce the risk of tartar formation, you need to brush your pet’s teeth regularly.
  • Claws. Nails need to be trimmed as they grow. Otherwise, they will interfere with the pet’s movement. Usually, a collie, being an active dog, wears its claws off on the road surface.
  • Eyes. If discharge from the eyes accumulates, they should be carefully removed using a napkin soaked in boiled water or chamomile solution. If such accumulations appear regularly, it is worth taking your dog to the vet, as this may be a symptom of infection.

What to feed your Scottish Sheepdog quality products or premium dry food. If you choose a natural feeding method, keep in mind that the collie’s diet should include fish. At least once every 30-40 days, such a pet needs seafood. If you want to please him with treats, treat him with a slice of cheese or biscuits. It is strictly forbidden to feed collies lard, legumes and flour products.


Despite strong body, Scottish Shepherds are predisposed to certain diseases:

  • – accompanied by attacks, convulsions, involuntary urination.
  • Dermatitis– accompanied by itching and inflammation of the skin.
  • Vitiligo– disruption of melanin production.
  • Entropion- turn of the century. Requires surgery.
  • Collie eye syndromehereditary disease, which is characterized by abnormalities in the development of the dog’s eyes.
  • Ectopic ureters– a congenital, often hereditary, disease in which the flow of urine into the bladder is impaired.
  • Pemphigus foliaceusautoimmune disease skin.
  • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes)– a developmental anomaly in which an additional row of eyelashes appears behind normally growing ones.
  • Deafness– most often it is congenital.
  • – joint deformation.
  • Elbow dislocation.
  • Aspergillosis– infectious pathology of a fungal nature.
  • Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia– a disease of the immune system when it destroys its own red blood cells.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders– diarrhea, volvulus, bloating.

The owner of a collie should be aware that such dogs are extremely sensitive to medical drugs. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended; before giving your pet any medicine, be sure to consult a veterinarian.


You cannot find a more loyal dog than the Scottish Shepherd. She is ready to protect the life of not only the owner, but also all family members, even if it may cost her life. The collie strives to imitate its owner in everything, adapting to his image. This dog is sociable, friendly, and it’s hard for him to be alone. The shepherd's instinct leads to the fact that the collie always tries to gather all the household members in one place. In the company of people or pets, the Scottish Shepherd feels happy.

Treats children with love and care. Collie is an ideal nanny who is not only ready to play with children for days, but also to protect them and protect them from dangers. He is wary of strangers, but when he sees that they do not pose a danger, he willingly plays with them and behaves as if he were old acquaintances.

Little puppies are very inquisitive, so you need to make sure they don't get into trouble. The activity of collies knows no bounds; they are ready to play, participate in competitions, and go for morning runs with their owner. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, they have excellent memory and acting talent. Aggression is not inherent in Scottish Shepherds.

Training and education

Collies are smart, so training them is not at all difficult. Sometimes, having noticed a weakness in the owner, the pet can be stubborn, cheat and pretend that he does not understand the trainer’s requirements. Such tricks need to be stopped, but not with rudeness and physical punishment, but with calm persistence, consistency and rewards for excellent academic results.

From the age of two months we begin to teach the puppy the simplest commands. Having mastered the basic, basic requirements, the dog is ready for a more complex training course. Including agility. Dog handlers recommend spending one week studying one command. Of course, each dog is individual; when choosing a sequence, you must be guided by the abilities of your pet.

  • The first mention of collies dates back to the fourteenth century and belongs to the poet Chaucer.
  • A collie named Dick earned military glory by detecting 12,000 mines during his service. Including a huge land mine under the Pavlovsk Palace in Leningrad. Despite three wounds, the dog lived to a ripe old age and was buried with full honors.
  • The lack of aggression in Scottish Shepherds is explained by the fact that British Isles wolves were exterminated. Therefore, unlike other herding dogs, the duties of the collie did not include fighting predators; the dogs only herded livestock.
  • Collie wool is medicinal; products made from Scottish Shepherd wool (socks, belts...) not only save you from the cold, but also relieve pain and heal from illnesses.
  • During the Russo-Japanese War, collies were used as orderlies, and during the Great Patriotic War they delivered secret documents.
  • Lassie's female role famous series Collie boys always played about a collie dog named Lassie.

Pros and cons of the breed

A pet in the form of a Scottish Shepherd is suitable for almost everyone. Despite this, before buying a collie puppy, you should familiarize yourself with the main pros and cons of the breed.


1. Intelligence and intelligence.
2. Beauty.
3. Devotion.
4. Love for children.
5. Ability to withstand heat and cold.
6. Lack of aggressiveness.


1. Difficult care.
2. Requires daily long walks.
3. Hypersensitivity to medications.

A large herding breed native to Scotland. They showed themselves excellently as a detective, shepherd, guard dog. After a special training course, he becomes a professional guide for blind people. The film “Lassie” brought great popularity to colia, about a faithful and reliable friend, a dog who was able to find the owner she loves after overcoming a difficult path.

Interesting fact: According to the script, Lassie is a girl, but her role was always played by collie boys. The first of them was called Pel, which means “Friend”. Pel's descendants took part in the following films. So, all 9 Lassies were males, but played a female role.

The reason is simple, the collie - the girl sheds at least once a year, shedding almost completely her fur coat. For this reason, she does not participate all year round. Males are larger, more resilient, and take longer to film.

Description of the collie breed and the FCI standard

The collie is amazingly beautiful, from the group of large herding dogs. Her proud posture expresses strength and activity.

Divided into two types:

  1. long-haired
  2. smooth-haired

  1. Body type: regular, proportional. When viewed in profile, the top line of the skull and muzzle look like parallel straight lines, equal in length, separated by a stop. The length of the body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  2. Construction type: dry, strong.
  3. Personality: affectionate, calm, loyal, cheerful, friendly.
  4. Head: Wedge-shaped, considered in relation to size. When viewed from the front or side, it resembles a blunt, clean wedge with smooth outlines. The point midway between the inner corners of the eyes is the center of balance of the head along its length.
  5. Skull: flat. The lateral lines gradually taper from the ears to the tip of the nose. The depth of the skull from the eyebrows to the lower jaw is not deep.
  6. Stop: light but noticeable. The center of a correctly positioned stop transition is the midpoint between the inner corners of the eyes.
  7. Nose: black.
  8. Muzzle: long, but not pointed, the end is rounded, blunt. Not rectangular.
  9. Jaws and teeth: regular scissor bite. Lower jaw strong, clearly outlined with black lips. The jaws are strong and strong.
  10. Cheekbones: The zygomatic arches are almost not pronounced.
  11. Eyes: medium, almond-shaped, dark (in blue merle color, there are blue eyes or with blue splashes). The look is lively, slightly slanted, mysterious.
  12. Ears: small, pointed, set high.
  13. Back: strong, medium length, slightly arched.
  14. Lumbar: with a slight rise.
  15. Chest: Deep, wide behind the shoulders. Ribs with a clearly visible bend.
  16. Tail: long, reaching to the hock when carried down. When at rest, it is lowered down, the end is slightly bent upward.
  17. Forelegs: straight, muscular, moderately boned round shape, are located close to each other.
  18. Shoulders: sloping, well angulated.
  19. Elbows: set straight, neither turned in nor out.
  20. Hind limbs: strong, sinewy.
  21. Thigh: muscular.
  22. Knees: at the correct angle.
  23. Hock joints: powerful.
  24. Paws: oval. Fingers clasped together. The hindquarters are less arched.
  25. Coat: straight, thick. The guard hair is straight and hard, the undercoat is soft and dense. The collar and ruff are abundant, the covering on the muzzle is smooth and even. The tips of the ears are covered with smooth hair; the coat is longer at the base. The front legs are feathered, the hind legs above the hocks are heavily feathered, the lower part of the leg is covered with smooth hair. The tail is shrouded in lush fur.

Collie color

Collie full length - Scottish Shepherd stance

There are three officially recognized colors:

  1. Sable with white (light golden to rich mahogany, dark sable. Light straw or cream are not desirable)
  2. Tri-color (black with red markings on the legs and head. The rusty shade of the guard hairs is undesirable).
  3. Blue Merle (pure silvery blue, spattered with dark spots, reminiscent of marble. Bright red tan marks are preferred, their absence is acceptable. Large dark markings, slate or rusty tint to the guard or undercoat are undesirable).

All colors may have white markings.

The most common: a white collar in whole or in part, a white chest, socks on the paws, a white tip of the tail. A dent on the muzzle, on the forehead or along the head.

Character of the Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

By character, collies can easily be considered one of the most loyal, beautiful and kindest breeds in the world. She is very smart, sensitive and loyal.

It is a pleasure to train her; by nature, she is very inquisitive; she will try to get praise from her owner by any means. With constant training and persistence of the owner, with the help of treats and encouragement, amazing results can be achieved. She is a wonderful companion for jogging, cycling, and a regular walk in the park and forest.

Does not tolerate punishment or coercion. Never shout or hit your collie, this will make her cowardly and unsure of herself. The Scottish Shepherd is an irreplaceable friend for children. She will be a wonderful nanny for them, showing her care and attention. She loves to play and frolic, and never misses a chance to run around and play active games with the children.

But remember, regardless of trust, never leave small child alone with her.

Photo of a collie with a good character

Gets along well with any pets. Collie is playful, temperamental, and remains so throughout life. It requires constant movement and new experiences.

The main advantage is that she will never leave home.

The collie is suitable for keeping in city apartments, the main condition is long and active walks. fresh air. Despite the thick coat, it tolerates heat well; the dense undercoat is able to retain air under the fur, thus helping the animal cool down.

With good heredity, there are practically no problems with the health of the Kolia; this is a generally healthy breed. The only most common diseases are retinal atrophy and joint dysplasia. Choose a place in the house for your collie in a secluded corner where there will be no drafts or a nearby radiator. There should be fresh water in the bowl at all times.

Collie care

Scottish Shepherd baby photo

Collies are divided into two types: long-haired and smooth-haired. The coat is thick with a dense undercoat and sheds, a process that occurs for many reasons.

There are several forms of molting:

  1. Seasonal, takes place twice a year, spring - autumn. If kept in an apartment with dry, warm air, it can last all year round. Please note that if the coat is dry and constantly shedding, consult a veterinarian and be sure to use a humidifier.
  2. Age (junior coat change occurs before the age of 1 year)
  3. Shedding in bitches after estrus and childbirth (this is due to hormonal fluctuations. After giving birth, bitches shed heavily, and during the period of nursing the litter they continue to shed hair for some time. The process is natural, you should not be afraid of it. The new regrown coat is more luxuriant than the previous one)
  4. Health problems ( poor nutrition, food allergies, bad heredity)

Photo of collie face close up

In order for your collie to look neat, well-groomed and attract the admiring glances of passers-by, you must provide her with proper care, regardless of the length of her coat.

Combing: Give sufficient hours and effort. You should purchase combs, combs and a powder brush. With their help, the coat will always have a neat and well-groomed appearance. An experienced breeder will accurately determine the state of health by the type of coat. A healthy coli has smooth, shiny, thick fur, depending on its age and season. The breed does not have an unpleasant “dog” smell; only when wet, a slight smell of “wet wool” may appear.

It is recommended to brush your collie 3-4 times a month; too frequent brushing will damage the coat. During the molting period, you will have to comb it more often. The beauty of the hard guard hair is that it does not get tangled, but the hair behind the ears, on the paws, on inside thighs, armpit area soft as feathers. Accordingly, it needs to be combed more often.

To care for the coat you will need:

  1. comb with metal non-sharp teeth (3.5 - 4 cm)
  2. comb with frequent thin teeth for combing during shedding (slicker)
  3. massage type brushes, without balls at the ends of the bristles, with metal, artificial or natural bristles
  4. regular hairdressing scissors (for trimming hair on paws and behind ears)
  5. thinning scissors
  6. sprayer (when combing the coat must be moistened)
  7. shampoo according to coat type
  8. air conditioner
  9. Anti-matt spray for combing tangles

When combing, the skin is massaged, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening and improving the nutrition of guard hairs. The wool is first sprayed with water or conditioner. Use a slicker brush to comb out the front and hind legs. Behind the ears we use a comb with sparse teeth, blunted at the ends with a round cross-section. Using a massage brush, comb the fur on the chest and back, carefully strand by strand, according to the growth of the fur. During the shedding period, the collie sheds most of its hair and the grooming process takes longer.

The photo shows a collie mother and puppies in different colors near the forest.

Ears: inspect, once a week, or when dirty, wipe with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Be sure to trim the hair on the ears, this gives the collie a neat appearance.

Nails: trim once a month using a nail clipper for large breeds.

Paws: after a walk, wipe with a damp cloth and inspect for cracks or other damage. IN winter period Make sure that your pet does not lick the reagent or salt that is sprinkled on the snow from its paws, this is dangerous for its health. Helps prevent cracks from appearing vegetable oil(olive, corn, flaxseed) include 1 tsp in your diet. daily and, if possible, rub it into the collie's pads. It is recommended to trim and trim the fur on the paws; less dirt will stick and they will look beautiful.

Eyes: check regularly; a healthy colia has a cheerful and shiny look, without tears. In case of excessive souring of the eyes, rinse them with a weak brew of black tea or chamomile decoction. This procedure will remove dust, but will not help with serious illness. If you suspect inflammation, severe redness, or tearing, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Deworming: be sure to carry out two to three times a year (therapeutic - prophylactic procedure, rids the body of worms and larvae).

The drug comes in different forms:

  • Suspension
  • Pills

The dose is given in one dose, the veterinarian calculates it by weight, and the procedure is repeated after 10 days.

Ticks and fleas on collies

Ticks are carriers dangerous disease piroplasmosis, which, unfortunately, can be fatal. But this can only happen if the necessary treatment is not provided on time.

You shouldn’t be scared right away; fortunately, not all ticks are carriers of the disease, but to protect your pet from them, be sure to treat it with the necessary drug (Advantix, Frontline, etc.). Apply the product to the withers area, do not bathe for 10 days.

Always monitor your collie's health, activity and appetite. In case of lethargy, refusal to eat and drink, pay attention to some symptoms, and if you notice them, immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

  • Vomit
  • Dark urine(brown, brown or red)
  • Yellowing of visible mucous membranes and whites of the eyes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness
  • Difficulty walking (falling on hind legs)
  • Temperature 40 - 42 C or higher (norm 37.5 - 39 ° C, small breeds up to 39.5)

The photo shows a Scottish Shepherd puppy on a walk.

There are two types of collie food:

  1. Natural food
  2. Dry or wet prepared food.

If you are a busy person, option with ready-made feed will be ideal for you, but transferring koli to another menu in the future will not be so easy. Menu from natural products should include necessary products, don't forget about vitamins and mineral supplements.

Healthy foods for collies:

  • Beef meat (boiled)
  • Boiled sea fish (without bones)
  • Liver
  • Seaweed
  • Seasonal vegetables (boiled zucchini with carrots, pumpkin).
  • Green
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Unpeeled tripe is the most delicious thing for dogs (the smell, however, is mind-blowing, but they adore it).
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat).
  • Turkey, chicken, rabbit
  • Apples, pears

Prohibited foods for collies:

Approximate diet for a collie with 2 feedings a day

  • Cottage cheese - 300g, or meat - 100-200g.

Evening feeding:

  • Porridge with meat, vegetables and herbs, or porridge with fish, vegetables and herbs (1/3 porridge to 1/3 vegetables to 1/3 meat scalded with boiling water).

Showing care and love, he will always remain energetic and cheerful.

Remember, collies have a loving and trusting heart, so they cannot tolerate betrayal and give themselves completely to their owner.

Collie diseases

  • Pemphigus foliaceus
  • Vitiligo
  • Ectopic ureters
  • Congenital collie eye syndrome
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes)
  • Yeast dermatitis
  • Epilepsy
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Congenital deafness

Collie photo

Video collie

Dimensions:Weight 25 - 35 kg, height 55 - 65 cm
Character:Friendly, playful, active, smart
Where used:Companion, guide, search
Lives:10 – 14 years
Color:Tricolor, sable, marbled blue

The graceful, friendly Scottish Sheepdog is a favorite of many. From a simple shepherdess she turned into a pet of royalty. The Scottish dog can be an affectionate, loyal friend and a formidable protector.

Origin story

No one can name the exact date of appearance of the first representative of this breed. According to one version, the collie dog is a descendant of the oldest Celtic breed. Another says that these animals were brought to Scotland in the seventeenth century from Iceland. And the third hypothesis connects their appearance in Europe with the Roman conquerors.

What is known for sure is why dogs came to be called “collies.” According to their original purpose, they were shepherds, protecting flocks of sheep from predators. It is from the Scottish sheep “colley” that the name of the sheepdogs from Scotland comes from the same name. However, the collie breed became famous only in the nineteenth century, when it was noticed by Queen Victoria. After the appearance of these dogs at court, attention to them increased many times over.

Breed characteristics

According to the description of dog breeders, the Scottish Shepherd is a very calm, friendly animal. If you add to this a noble appearance and beautiful color, you get the perfect pet. Many appreciate these beauties for their wonderful character, lively mind, and active, cheerful disposition.

Appearance and standards

The very first standard for this breed was established back in 1981. The Scottish dog is distinguished by a harmonious, strong physique and light, graceful movements. These dogs have the so-called dry type of constitution, a narrow long head with almond-shaped eyes. The ears are small, triangular, erect, and the tail is saber-shaped.

The description of the standard contains an indication of two varieties of the breed: long-haired and short-haired. Regardless of coat length, the following colors are allowed:

  • sable;
  • marble blue;
  • tricolor.

Any color can be diluted with white markings. The preferred option involves a white collar, white socks on the paws and a white tip of the tail.


The collie puppy is an incredibly cute creature. Healthy babies active, playful, inquisitive. Separated from their mother, they really need care and affection. In order to raise a strong, smart, beautiful dog, you need to devote a lot of time to raising it from an early age.

Good nutrition, active walks and a kind attitude are important for a collie puppy. It should be remembered that the character and basic skills are formed in a small four-legged friend between the ages of one month and six months. It is during this period that you need to give him special attention.


The Scottish Shepherd is considered one of the calmest, most patient and friendly breeds. Their intelligent, noble appearance, intelligent, kind look and easy-going nature contribute to their popularity among dog breeders. They are not prone to aggression and are good with other pets.

This dog is very loyal to its owners. He is a wonderful companion, an excellent family dog ​​and a good nanny for small children. Despite its very friendly disposition, the Scottish Shepherd is not timid and can stand up for itself and its owner.

Content Features

The character and natural characteristics of this dog allow it to be kept calmly even at home. She gets along well with children and other animals in the house, without causing much trouble to anyone. Scottish beauties are neat and clean, do not have the characteristic dog smell and excessive drooling.

Dog care

Proper care for any pet includes proper nutrition, long active walks, and regular checks of the condition of the ears, eyes, teeth, and claws. The ears require careful examination because hair grows in them. If it is not removed in time, it can clog the ear canals.

Collie is long-haired, despite thick hair and dense undercoat, does not require frequent washing. Their coat has the special property of not retaining dirt, so it always looks clean. It is believed that the wool of representatives of this breed has healing properties. Various products are made from it, including socks, mittens, scarves, and sweaters. Daily brushing not only takes care of the condition and appearance of the pet, but also benefits people.

Due to their lean build and low heat loss, these shepherd dogs consume less food than many of their counterparts. It is enough to feed an adult twice a day. Collie puppies feed from three to six times, depending on their age.

Training and use

When describing a breed, attention is always paid to good mental abilities and excellent learning ability of its representatives. They have an excellent sense of smell, excellent hearing, vision, and amazing memory. If we also take into account their calm, good-natured character, then the result is an ideal specimen for training. Collies are active, hardy, can easily tolerate heat and cold, and are not afraid of rain and snow.

All these qualities make it possible to widely use dogs to help humans. They make excellent companions, guards, guides, and police bloodhounds.


At proper care, timely prevention of diseases, regular veterinarian examinations, four-legged pets feel good and look healthy. According to the description of the owners, the breed is quite healthy, but owners should pay attention to some things.

Dogs of this breed are prone to the following types of diseases.

(bearded collie) are recognized as independent breeds. There are heated debates among dog handlers about the other two varieties - long-haired (rough) and short-haired (smooth).

The international cynological organization FCI, which includes the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF), considers these two varieties to be one breed, but in the UK, short-haired collies are identified as a separate breed. Since there are separate standards for both varieties, in order to avoid confusion, we will agree that further we will talk about the long-haired collie, popular in Russia.

Collies owe their name to Geoffrey Chaucer. Whether the “father of English poetry” named them after the black-headed Scottish sheep that the dogs herded, or whether he meant the color of the dogs, in principle, does not matter. It is under this name that the Scottish herding dogs known all over the world.

The most common three versions of the origin of the Scottish Sheepdog are:

  1. Celtic. Even before the Romans came to the islands, the Scottish Celts used small shepherd dogs to herd sheep. Their ancestors were British dogs, Old Scottish greyhounds and sheepdogs.
  2. Southern or Roman. According to this version, the ancestors of the collie are the dogs that accompanied the Romans on British campaigns in the mid-1st century BC. and native Scottish dogs.
  3. Icelandic. It is believed that the dogs that served as “material” for future Scottish Sheepdogs were brought to Scotland by Icelandic settlers in the 17th century.

Each of these hypotheses has the right to exist, but with complete confidence we can only say that Scottish Shepherds have the blood of ancient wolf-like dogs that lived in the Highland region bordering England and Scotland.

Distribution of the breed in British Empire Queen Victoria contributed by bringing a collie from her Scottish residence to Windsor Palace in 1860. By the beginning of the 19th century, Scottish Sheepdogs were already performing their herding duties not only in the British Isles, but also in the pastures of New Zealand and Australia.

There are three hypotheses about the origin of the Collie (Scottish Shepherd) dog breed.

Smart, gentle dogs were liked not only by shepherds; they were increasingly used as domestic companion dogs. And already by the 60s of the 19th century, the breed was divided into working border collie dogs and long-haired collies themselves.

Collies were first shown at the exhibition in 1860, and in 1871 the red Scottish Sheepdog male Old Cockie was presented to the public, which is considered the progenitor of all modern colored breed lines.

After breeders introduced blood into the breed, collies acquired the aristocratic elongated head shape, which was reflected in the first breed standard, published in 1881. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Scottish Shepherds conquered European countries and the United States. Nowadays, collies are one of the most popular breeds in the world.

Important. Herding dogs appeared in Russia in 1904, when the government purchased 400 collie nurses, who later participated in the Russo-Japanese War. After the revolution, Scottish Shepherds were bred as working dogs. To the Great Patriotic War Hundreds of collies served at the front as orderlies, sappers, and shell deliverers.

Appearance and breed standard with photographs

Long-haired collies are classified as herding dogs without mandatory working tests. The dog gives the impression of being harmoniously built, impressive-looking, and possessing a feeling self-esteem.

Despite the great variability appearance and the exterior of a collie dog, the description of the breed, officially approved in 2011 by the FCI, lists the required breed characteristics:

Coat type and color

Scottish Shepherds are herding dogs adapted to work in harsh conditions, their water-repellent and self-cleaning coat provides excellent protection from the elements and is simply beautiful.

Their straight or slightly wavy coat follows the contours of the body. The undercoat is abundant, thick, fluffy, very soft, it lifts the straight, hard guard hairs, giving the hair additional volume.

There are six short hairs on the head, muzzle, and tips of the ears. The hair lengthens towards the base of the ears. The luxurious mane, frill, feathering on the legs, and fluffy tail add special beauty to the collie.

The Scottish Shepherd standard allows only three colors, but within each there are many variations that are difficult to describe:

Any color requires white markings (Irish spotting). White markings on the chest, collar, paws, tip of the tail, marks or stars on the forehead, nose and muzzle are typical. They can vary in size and shape.

Important. During the formation of the breed, the original black and white color without tan was considered unspectacular and was removed from the standard. But in the USA the rare white and red harlequin colors are recognized, which are classified as unacceptable in FCI partner countries.

Character and temperament

Scottish Sheepdogs were originally selected for herding qualities. They were not required to be aggressive, like larger wolfhounds; preference was given to dogs with a balanced type nervous system. The shepherds instilled in their helpers an instinct that did not allow them to be the first to attack animals and people, but, at the same time, they cultivated in the collie the character of a guard, capable of standing up for himself, his charges and his owner in case of danger.

When collies began to be used as companion dogs, they tried to preserve innate qualities: gentleness and balanced character. In modern descriptions of the breed and character, dogs are characterized as calm, moderately friendly, and reserved.

Collies are balanced, calm and non-aggressive dogs.

Such qualities, coupled with high trainability, make it possible to use Scottish Shepherds as guides, orderlies, and companions for the elderly. Thanks to their built-in protective instincts, they make vigilant, but not evil watchmen.

Collies are oriented toward their owner and his environment. He is a wonderful companion for children who are cared for with care. Often, when living in an apartment with children, some of the responsibilities are removed from the adults, becoming a kind of nanny for the child.

If there are other animals in the house, they also fall into the dog’s “herding” circle. Scottish Shepherds are reserved and somewhat wary of strangers.

In modern realities, collies rarely perform their direct duties of herding livestock, so they are not required to have great endurance and physical activity. However, without active exercise, walks, games with the owner or relatives, dogs become depressed. This often manifests itself in loud barking, irritability, etc. If the dog is given enough attention, it does not bother its owners, adapting to the rhythm of family life, and feels equally at home both in a rural house and in a city apartment.

Scottish Shepherds have innate cleanliness, accuracy and delicacy. They are full of dignity and proud, so a sharp shout or a jerk with a leash may be perceived as undeserved punishment and they may be offended.

Collie dogs take care of all family members, including other pets.

Subtleties of education and training

Scottish Shepherds are highly intelligent and trainable. Thoughtful, correct, consistent education makes it possible to raise a pet that understands its owner perfectly, is devoid of bad habits, and follows the rules of behavior at home, on walks, and at exhibitions.

Accustoming to order and observance of the rules of the hostel begins from the first minutes of the puppy being in the house. To begin with, the pet is accustomed to its name and its place. For every correctly performed action, the baby is rewarded with a word, stroking, a toy, or a treat.

Important. When training collies, they rarely resort to physical punishment (slap, jerk with a leash). In order to let the dog know that it has made a mistake, a stern tone is enough.

After the baby firmly grasps the nickname, they begin to develop the skill of cleanliness:

  • at the first sign that the puppy wants to go to the toilet (sniffs the floor, spins around in one place, whines), he is taken outside;
  • The puppy is taught a routine: taken for a walk in the morning, after meals and in the evening.

It is advisable to punish a dog for puddling only if you caught it directly at the crime scene. Delayed punishment doesn't work. The dog simply does not understand why he is being punished.

Raising a long-haired collie puppy begins at 1.5-2 months.

Once the puppy reaches 1.5-2 months, he is taught to be patient when washing his paws, cleaning his ears, teeth, eyes, combing, and blow-drying.

Training begins with the simplest commands (, “walk”,). To, “stand”, “cannot” begin when the puppy is at least 2 months old. At the same age, the baby needs to be socialized - to provide him with the opportunity to contact other dogs. Otherwise, he will not develop the skills to communicate with his own kind, which can lead in the future to improper sexual behavior, cowardice, excessive caution, and unjustified aggressiveness.

Upon reaching the age of 13-16 weeks, the puppy begins to make claims to leadership. By not placing the dog at the lowest hierarchical level in the family during this period, the owner risks many problems in the future.

By the age of six months, a collie puppy should firmly grasp basic commands. After this, you can begin serious training. Scottish Shepherds have access to all its types, with the exception of guard and guard. You can choose a general training course (GTC), a companion dog course (VN), a guided course city ​​dog(UGS), obedience, sports herding, dancing with dogs (freestyle), frisbee, search and rescue service (SRS) course, coursing.

Collie dogs can be used for agility and other sports.

In the case of collies, we have to agree with the saying that beauty requires sacrifice. If care and maintenance are quite simple, then maintaining the luxurious coat of a Scottish Shepherd in proper order will require a lot of effort.


One of the problems collie owners face is shedding.

Hair change occurs for various reasons:

To avoid matting of the fur, go over it daily with a massage brush. Start in the direction of hair growth, then scratch against. The fur behind the ears, inner thighs and underpants should be combed with special care.

The dog is combed more thoroughly on “bath” days. The collie's coat does not require frequent washing; the Scottish Sheepdog is usually washed in cases of heavy soiling, during shedding and before shows.

The dog is combed before and after bathing:

  1. Use a metal comb to comb the hair on the entire dog, starting from the head. Supporting the top layer of wool with one hand, comb the undergrowth and the bottom layer of wool, and then proceed to the upper layers.
  2. The procedure is repeated using a slicker brush.
  3. Using scissors or a clipper, cut off excessively long hair on the stomach, inner thighs, at the base of the tail, around anus, on the paws.
  4. Pluck the fur with your fingers ears and on the tips of the ears.
  5. The dog is washed using shampoo, which is then thoroughly washed off.
  6. Apply lanolin to the coat, allow the dog to shake it off well, and wipe it off.
  7. Direct the warm jet of a hairdryer at the dog and style the fur with a massage brush.
  8. Allow the dog to dry completely and repeat the entire brushing procedure from the beginning.
  9. The coat is powdered with talcum powder, thus removing the yellow tint on the face and paws.

The thick, luxurious coat of the Scottish Shepherd requires regular grooming.

Important. After walking in the rain, snow, or swimming in a pond, the wool must be dried with a hairdryer and sprinkled with talcum powder.

Hygiene procedures

In addition to caring for your dog's coat:

Fleas, lice, and lice can cause serious damage to the rich coat of a collie; in addition, from spring to autumn there is a threat of tick attacks.

To eliminate the threat of helminth infection:

  • worm the bitch and the dog 14 days before mating;
  • the dog that has given birth is given anthelmintic drugs again;
  • according to a scheme that can be suggested at a nursery or clinic;
  • deworming of dogs is carried out 7-10 days before each scheduled vaccination;
  • To prevent infection with helminths, dog bowls are washed after each feeding, raw meat is given only after freezing for at least 3 days, the dog is not allowed to communicate with stray dogs, or eat food picked up from the ground during a walk.

Feeding collie dogs

Scottish Shepherds are unpretentious eaters. Their menu may consist of natural products or industrial feed. The main thing is that the diet meets the dog’s needs for fats, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral salts and vitamins.

Collie dogs are fed raw meat, cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

With a natural feeding scheme, the menu includes:

  • beef, lean lamb, meat poultry, offal;
  • cottage cheese, fermented milk products, hard cheese;
  • stale black bread, cereals, eggs;
  • ready-made soybean pastes;
  • fruits (large apricot pits, drains removed first);
  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli);
  • vitamin and mineral supplements (Polidex, Calcidee, Brewers Yeast).

Collies must be limited in fatty foods.

In addition, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • raw pork meat and lard, which can cause infection with incurable Aujeszky's disease;
  • raw river fish, often affected by helminths;
  • sea ​​fish with small bones;
  • tubular bones;
  • legumes;
  • potato;
  • smoked products;
  • sweets.

The diet is limited to pasta, wheat, pearl barley and barley porridge.

The daily portion of Scottish Shepherd meat or offal is 300-500 g. Meat can be replaced with fish and cottage cheese 1-2 times a week.

When feeding dry food and industrial canned food, pay attention to the composition. For collies, choose food containing no more than 26% protein (proteins) and 15% fat. It is better to choose premium and super-premium food (, Egle Pak,).

The food packages always indicate the dog’s age, lifestyle and calculation of the daily diet. Premium food is balanced and does not require vitamin and mineral supplements to be added to the diet.

Collie dogs can be fed ready-made dry food of at least premium class.

With any feeding regimen, the dog must have constant access to fresh water. With a diet consisting of dry food, the daily volume of water is increased.

Feeding mode

During the first days of the puppy’s stay in the house, they adhere to the feeding regime and diet established by the previous owners.

Then they are gradually transferred to a scheme convenient for the owner, adhering to the frequency:

  • up to 3 months of age - 5-6 times a day;
  • from 3 to 5 months - 3-4 times;
  • from 6 to 8 months - 3 times;
  • from 9 to 12 months - 2 times;
  • after a year - 1-2 times.

Important. Puppies are fed from a bowl placed on a stand to avoid spinal curvature.

Health and Diseases of Scottish Sheepdogs

Collies are active, energetic dogs, average duration Their lifespan, like that of all shepherd dogs, is 12 years; rare individuals live up to 15 years.

Unfortunately, in the process of formation, the Collie breed acquired a predisposition to genetic diseases:

Collie dogs with congenital deafness are not allowed for breeding.

Important. A number of medications (derivatives of ivermectin and loperamide) often cause severe allergic reactions in Scottish shepherds. Hypersensitivity to antibiotics, oncology drugs and cardiac glycosides is less common.

Cost and rules for selecting a puppy

The cost of collie puppies can vary greatly. If the future owner’s plans do not include a desire to participate in competitions and exhibitions, then you can buy a middle-class puppy. Their cost varies from 17,000 to 50,000 rubles.

It should be noted that prices for Scottish Shepherd puppies not intended for exhibitions with a pedigree and a veterinary passport, purchased “from hand”, practically do not differ from the prices of the kennel. The price of puppies without documents starts from 5,000, but there is no certainty that some crossbreed will not be sold as a collie.

Elite puppies with excellent pedigree, champion parents, and show prospects cost significantly more - from 50,000 rubles.

When buying a puppy you should definitely:

  • check pedigree, veterinary passport;
  • examine the puppy, compare its appearance with the requirements of the standard;
  • observe the puppy’s behavior, check his hearing by clapping his hands loudly;
  • find out the diet and feeding regime.

The long-haired collie is one of the most beautiful and is also called Scottish Sheepdogs. These are good and kind dogs, which are liked by many people, especially children. In this article we will look at the history of this breed. The character of the dogs, their appearance and much more will also be described.

History of the Scottish Sheepdog

Collie has always been considered Although it is called 400 years ago, it was brought from Iceland to Scotland. Therefore, by right the breed should be called Icelandic.

Even earlier, a long-haired collie was needed to guard the herd. And indeed, these dogs did the job very well. Therefore, today many parents are not afraid to entrust their child to a collie, especially if she is trained.

In 1860, the fortunes of the Scottish Sheepdogs changed. From England I went on a trip. When she was in Scotland, she noticed a collie there that was very beautiful and noble in appearance. The queen returned home with several shepherd dogs.

Everyone in the royal residence fell in love with this breed. Moreover, the excellent qualities of the collie were noted: intelligence, kindness, tenderness, delicacy, good upbringing. To this day, collies have many fans, from young children to old people.

The Longhaired Collie became more popular after the famous, interesting film called "Lassie" was released. Then they released a series where they showed a collie that was not only educated, but also devoted to its owner. By the way, it is worth noting that in the film the dog was not idealized, but was shown as it really is.

Collie: description and color

The Scottish Sheepdog is loved by people all over the world. Dogs are very beautiful colors. Collie can be marbled gray-blue color, tricolor and red and white.

In the marbled version, the dog's chest and head are painted light gray, and the back and tail have a blue tint. The tricolor collie is predominantly black. There are very few beige and white colors, but they exist.

Sable is a color that contains red and white colors. There is much more of the first than of the second. Collies with this color can be found more often in Russia than, for example, in England or Scotland.

The coat of Scottish Shepherds is not only beautiful, but also very long, double-layered. Only on the face and lower parts The paws have very short hair.

These dogs do not live as long as we would like. Typically, life expectancy is no more than 12 years. However, these are just statistics. As is known, when good care they can live for 15 or even 17 years.


The Longhaired Collie is a wonderful, kind, sympathetic dog. She is easy to train and quickly becomes a friend and family member. This breed is irreplaceable for children. As a rule, the child is not afraid to play with the dog, and the parents are calm about their baby, since he is under good supervision.

The Scottish Shepherd is kept not only in their own homes, but also in apartments. After all, these dogs are wonderful both as guards and as nannies for children.

The Longhaired Collie is a wonderful family dog. These dogs cannot be kept in an empty apartment or country house, as they cannot stand being alone. Even if there are cats, birds or other animals in the family, the collie easily gets along with everyone and even looks after the kittens, which is very interesting to watch.

A collie has no idea that it has one owner. She treats each family member equally. He loves everyone, waits for them from work, from school, and is very happy that finally everyone is home and doesn’t have to wait for anyone. This is why they love the collie breed. Her characteristics are only positive. No one has anything bad to say about this breed.

Predisposition to diseases

In fact, collies are very healthy dogs, they rarely get sick. However, like any living creature, they have a predisposition to certain diseases.

  • Congenital collie eye syndrome. This is a hereditary disease that affects vision. The dog doesn't see dark time days, as the retina of the eyes is destroyed. Over time, if sick, the collie begins to see poorly during the day.
  • Entropion. This is a disease in which the edge of the eyelid and all eyelashes are turned to the side eyeball. From this the dog constant irritation and redness of the eyes.
  • Distichiasis. This is an abnormality in which an extra row of eyelashes grows. They affect some parts of the eyelid, causing not only eye irritation, but also gradually loss of vision.
  • Yeast dermatitis. This is a fungus that multiplies quickly, causing your dog to itch.
  • Congenital deafness can be inherited. This disease does not appear on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dog’s heredity.
  • Epilepsy. This is a neurological dysfunction. This disease is extremely rare in dogs, and not only in purebred dogs.

To avoid the above diseases, it is necessary to get all vaccinations and, at the slightest suspicion, contact a veterinarian, who will immediately find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Choosing a collie puppy

These cute fluffy lumps will not leave any person indifferent. Collie puppies are sold in markets. However, remember that they can be half-blooded. Therefore, always ask the sellers for pedigree.

Most right choice is a certified kennel where collie puppies are sold with all necessary documents. Here you will be shown the parents, their pedigree and given advice on care and upbringing. In no other market will you receive such comprehensive information as in a nursery.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its build and jaw. The body should not be too massive, nor should the jaws. The collie is very gentle and graceful, so it cannot have rough limbs. The puppies' paws are straight, without curvature, and the tail is moderately long.

Wool is an important aspect when choosing. Even in puppies it is straight, bright, long and smooth, but not curly or dull. The coat of small dogs is very pleasant, and the color is rich. White color in puppies may indicate mixed type. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to both pedigree and color.

The puppy from a real purebred Scottish Shepherd is very kind, affectionate, and playful. He has no aggressiveness. Pay attention to friendliness. After all, this is a very important factor in a dog. The friendlier she is, the faster she will become a member of your family. Very beautiful collie puppy. The photo above shows what color they come in.

What nickname to choose for a collie puppy

It is described above what it is service dog. Therefore, it is more acceptable to give short nicknames so that the dog reacts quickly. It is important that the letter “R” is present in the nickname. After all, then the name is more sonorous, which is important for a dog.

Dog handlers recommend the following nicknames for collies: Arnes, Astra, Kirka, Cedric, Lycra, Mink, Laura, Frant, Laur, Lard, Dark, Roy, Bravo, Curry, Sarri, Freda, Madeira, Gerka, Rona. These names will help you name your puppy something that the whole family will like.

Many people name their dogs based on their color scheme. If a collie's color is predominantly black, then it is called English- Black. When there is more red color, the dog is called Orange. Many owners use this method to make it easier to choose a name for the dog.

Collies need a calm atmosphere. They love to bask on the mattress. Long walks are not for her. For this breed, it is enough to get out into the forest once a week. The rest of the time the collie will be happy to walk near the house. Two walks are enough for her (in the morning and evening).

Collie hair is required regular care. It needs to be combed every evening to avoid tangled hairs. Infrequent brushing is bad for the coat. It becomes dull and ugly.

For hair care you need to use special shampoo, which maintains color and shine. If on the paws or on the stomach there is very long wool, trim it, trim it so that the silhouette becomes more harmonious.

Collie food

Puppies up to six months old need to be fed 6 times a day. Then you can gradually switch to three meals a day. Closer to 12 months, the dog is fed 2 times a day. The water needs to be changed every morning to keep it clean.

Collies need to be fed diet food. This is beef, lean chicken, milk, egg, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables. Porridge is the basis of nutrition; you need to add meat, offal, milk, vegetables, fish, and vitamins to it.

Do not overuse dry food, as it is harmful to health. Try to alternate it with cereals. Frequent feeding of dry food becomes addictive, and the dog refuses other food.


The Scottish Shepherd dog easily follows any command. They grasp everything very quickly. The main commands that a collie should know are “fu”, “fetch”, “near”, “to me”, “bring”, “place”. After training, your pet will easily learn to fetch slippers or a newspaper, stand on hind legs, ask to go outside and much more.

A collie will not make a vicious guard, since she has no aggression at all. Therefore, she will not be able to attack the enemy. However, if he sees danger, without any training he will sacrifice himself for the sake of his owner.

Pros and cons of the Longhaired Collie

Scottish Shepherds are very good and friendly dogs. However, there are both positive and negative aspects to such breeds. The advantages include the dog’s kindness, devotion, and lack of aggression. Therefore, you can safely leave your children with a collie, and you will be sure that the kids are under reliable supervision.

The disadvantages of this breed, although insignificant, still exist. Scottish Sheepdogs have very long hair that requires regular grooming. It is not very convenient to keep such a dog in an apartment. After all, fur is hard to get rid of. People with allergies should not own collies. Plus, these dogs have a very hard time being separated from their owner, even for a few hours.

Look at the collie puppies. The photo shows what a kind and gentle look they have. Is it possible to refuse such a beautiful dog?