Color of urine of a 2 month old baby. Why does my child have dark urine? Reasons for changes in urine color in children

Should I be concerned if my baby has yellow urine? The color of urine is one of its indicators, which is analyzed in the laboratory. To make sure that the child's urinary system is normal, you can take a general urine test. Parents can independently assess the baby’s health by analyzing the number of urinations per day, the color and smell of urine.

Baby urine color

The color of urine depends primarily on the age and nutritional pattern of the baby. The older the child, the darker the color of his urine. Its coloring is promoted by eating certain foods and taking certain medications. If the baby is breastfed, then the mother's inclusion of beets, carrots and citrus fruits in the diet can change the color of the urine.

As a rule, the urine of a child under one year old is very light. Over time, it becomes straw yellow. If urine contains a lot of bilirubin, it becomes dark brown. This is one of the manifestations of neonatal jaundice and requires supervision by a pediatrician. You should definitely consult a doctor if your baby's urine has acquired an unusual color.

A baby's urine changes color in the first week of his life. In almost all babies, on days 7-10 of life, urine becomes brick-yellow (“infarction urine”). This phenomenon is explained by the development of the genitourinary system and is short-term in nature. At the same time, girls may experience bleeding from the genital tract.

The normal frequency of urination in a child during the first 12 months of life is approximately 25 times a day (in small portions). The standard of a healthy body is urine that has a light straw color and, therefore, a low specific gravity. In all other cases, especially if there is an unusual odor or cloudy urine, you should consult a doctor.

Salts in urine

Salts in a child’s urine indicate errors in his diet and usually appear with the introduction of complementary foods, especially meat broths, fatty meats and fish, and other products of animal origin. This phenomenon is also observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis and stomach ulcers. The amount of salts in the urine increases due to pathologies of the kidneys and bile ducts.

If your child's urine changes color or becomes cloudy, you should consult a doctor. An increased concentration of salts in it can lead to dangerous diseases and conditions, for example, diathesis, gout, ulcerative colitis, cystitis, and fever. Having identified the cause that provoked any disruption in the functioning of the body, it will be necessary to eliminate it.

Concentrated urine in an infant

In the first days of a baby's life, his urine may contain uric acid crystals. They appear as a pinkish, orange, or reddish dusty spot on the diaper. This phenomenon is called “brown dust”. In practice, it occurs quite often and is not a deviation from the norm, so it does not pose a danger to the child’s health.

With each passing day of a baby's life, his urine becomes less concentrated. It acquires normal characteristics 5-6 days after the baby is born. This is due to the fact that the baby receives enough milk, and, therefore, water. But even after this period, “brown dust” may appear on his diaper from time to time.

If this phenomenon occurs rarely, then there is no need to panic. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor. If after the 4th day of a child’s life a small amount of urine is released from his body and it is concentrated, then this indicates a lack of nutrition. The baby's mother should consult a pediatrician or check her breastfeeding technique.

Smell of baby's urine

The smell of a child's urine can say a lot about his health. If it has acquired an unusual aroma, then parents should consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of some pathology. Normally, a baby’s urine has a slight odor without a specific trail, while its color and transparency are also within the normal range.

If your urine smells like rotten apples, then it probably contains a lot of acetone. In this case, it is necessary to get tested and establish a diagnosis as soon as possible. Initially, excess acetone occurs in the liver, which significantly reduces its resistance to adverse environmental factors.

The formation of ketone bodies, which are the root cause of a large amount of acetone, is facilitated by:

If the urine smells like ammonia, this indicates cystitis. Pathogenic microorganisms provoke the decomposition of urine inside the bladder, resulting in severe inflammation in the urinary system. In this case, timely diagnosis and proper treatment are necessary.

The smell and color of a baby's urine, as well as the frequency of urination, are the most important indicators of his health. If you suspect the slightest abnormalities in the child’s urinary system, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, you will need to take a general urine test, on the basis of which a specialist will make recommendations for treating your baby.

With the birth of a child, young parents have many questions. Moms and dads, paying attention to the fact that the baby’s urine changes color, begin to worry. Babies urinate frequently at first, so asking your pediatrician about the color and frequency of urination is normal practice. The older the child, the more his urine should resemble that of an adult. Experienced parents know that color and aroma can be used to recognize deviations in time.

The color of a baby's urine may periodically change color, but do not panic prematurely.

What color is considered normal?

The coloring of urine is affected by the foods the child eats, medications taken, and what the mother eats.

Each age has its own urine color. At first, the newborn's urine is clear. Starting from the 2nd week of life, newborns become brick-colored. This is explained by the fact that from the 7th day the children's genitourinary system actively develops. This transformation with the baby’s urine does not last long. Over time, yellowish (straw) urine becomes a normal indicator. However, if the baby or mother (applies to breastfeeding) ate beets, the masses will darken to a pale purple color, and when she eats a lot of carrots, to light orange. When these foods are limited, the urine turns yellow again. These facts are not aberrations. The following colors of baby urine are considered abnormal:

  • saturated: yellow, orange;
  • dark: brown, green;
  • bright: pink, red;
  • pale: transparent, white.

What can you tell by the color of a baby’s urine?

If the color is yellow

Yellow urine is a normal visual indicator in a healthy baby.

The reference shade of baby urine is yellow, closer to light straw. Other colors of children's urine should alert parents. Dark yellow urine is caused by increased accumulation of bile pigment in the child’s body. Saturated yellow urine appears in a baby due to dehydration due to intestinal infections or a stomach disorder, as well as an infectious liver disease. When such urine appears in children, you should immediately seek help, because in some cases there is a threat to life.

Is dark urine a cause for concern?

It happens that in children the color of urine changes from light to dark. This happens because the bilirubin level in the excreted masses increases. Such manifestations indicate an increased concentration of bile pigment. The baby may have neonatal jaundice. Brown-red discoloration of urine indicates kidney problems. Therefore, if a child produces such urine when urinating, consult a doctor and remain under his supervision until recovery.

Orange urine

A change in a child's urine should raise alarm bells for parents. If bright yellow, pink or dark urine appears, children are experiencing inflammation or infection. This is a direct threat to the child's life.

If orange urine appears, this indicates excessive salt content in the child’s body or dehydration. With hyperthermia, stool upset and vomiting, children also produce saturated urine. This coloration is bad and requires immediate treatment from a pediatrician. But sometimes such a transformation in the color of children's urine is the norm. After all, the color of a baby’s urine changes depending on the food. The excreted urine also becomes orange if the baby ate carrots the day before. The same rule applies to the mother if the child is breastfed. This change in shade is not dangerous for the health of babies.

Colorless urine in infants occurs during breastfeeding or in the presence of diabetes.

What if it's transparent?

Colorless urine is typical for young children. Also, if the baby is older and is breastfed, clear urine indicates that the mother is eating a lot of foods that are high in water content. Clear urine occurs in patients who have diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, renal failure, or who have used diuretics.

What other staining can be seen?

If the shade of urine in children turns green, this indicates obstructive jaundice. Babies under one month of age can also have pink urine. As soon as the baby is born, uric acid crystals come out when he urinates. Such dust-like spots are common in newborns. They should not be considered deviations, since the crystals are not dangerous to the baby’s life. If a child’s urine is bright, closer to a red hue, then the baby may produce a large number of red blood cells: a heart attack, kidney injury.

The color of urine is highly informative. Many years ago, when there were no tests yet, experienced doctors made a diagnosis based on the color of urine. Adults should pay special attention to children.

Normally, a child’s urine, like that of an adult, is straw-yellow in color. This color of this biological fluid is given by a special substance that is produced in the liver, bilirubin. Entering the intestine, it undergoes metabolism, as a result of which it breaks down to urobilin. So it gives the normal yellowish color to urine.

Also involved in this is the pigmenting compound urobilinogen, which is formed when urobilin reacts with oxygen. Sometimes there are situations when urine changes its color. Why does my child have bright yellow urine and what can I do about it?

Urine color and nutrition: is there a connection?

Lemon-colored urine has a direct connection with the foods that the child eats. If we are talking about infants, then in an older child the bright yellow color of urine depends to a large extent on the foods that he directly consumes.

At the moment, most products contain artificial colors (soda, marmalade, candies). Their consumption can turn urine a bright yellow color.

Also, many vegetables and fruits have the same effect. Among them are citrus fruits, pumpkin, carrots, and currants. The list of these food products contains natural pigment substances. It is for this reason that the doctor always asks what the child ate the day before?

Some features of urinary fluid in infants

A newborn baby has its own characteristics regarding the shade of urine. In a state of absolute health, it has a very light shade, one might even say that it is transparent. As the baby grows older, this biological fluid becomes yellow in color. This occurs as a result of the start of work of all organs.

After about a week, this biological fluid turns brick-yellow, a phenomenon called urine infarction. This is explained by the development of the urinary and reproductive systems. In female newborns, bloody discharge from the genital opening is possible.

If the urine is dark brown in color, the baby usually has neonatal jaundice, which will disappear over time. A one-month-old baby already has a relatively stable urine color.

When introducing new food products and drinking water into the baby’s menu, the color of urine depends on the baby’s diet

Reasons for changes in urine color

The most common explanation for why urine is bright yellow is because it is highly concentrated. This is explained by the following factors:

  • improper use of liquid, namely: in small quantities;
  • high physical activity and low drinking volume;
  • acute intestinal infections and other poisonings accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and profuse sweating;
  • diseases that lead to the formation of edema;
  • use of laxatives and diuretics;
  • infectious diseases that affect the liver;
  • high content of oxalate salts in the urine;
  • viral diseases that are accompanied by profuse sweating;
  • diseases accompanied by increased breakdown of hemoglobin;
  • use of certain medications;
  • congestion in the kidneys;
  • pathology of the biliary tract.

When a small amount of water enters a child’s body, intense reabsorption of water occurs in the kidney system. As a result, urine becomes concentrated due to its small amount, so it acquires a too intense yellow color. That is why a child must be taught from a very young age to drink water, and not just teas and juices.

For the same reason, the color of the urinary fluid changes to a more intense one during physical exertion, as well as with profuse sweating. This could be a situation that involves an infectious disease, such as influenza. Against the background of high body temperature, a large amount of fluid is lost. In the absence of its compensation, dehydration occurs in the body. It is important to know that parents should provide water to a child with a high body temperature.

Adequate fluid intake is a step in preventing bright yellow urine

Intestinal infections are also common causes of abnormal urinary fluid. Indeed, in addition to sweating, fluid loss also occurs due to diarrhea and vomiting.

It often happens that children have problems with bowel movements, and adults prescribe laxatives to children without the recommendation of a doctor. So, it is these drugs that can provoke bright yellow urine in a child. It is necessary to understand that most laxatives are prohibited for children. Lactulose is relatively safe, however, its use should be agreed with a doctor.

Unfortunately, infectious liver diseases in the little ones should not be overlooked. We are talking about hepatitis of a viral nature. In newborns, it most often has a placental nature, i.e. infection occurs through the mother's placenta.

Common symptoms for this infection are yellowness of the sclera and visible mucous membranes, as well as the skin, weakness, drowsiness of the child, and a high temperature may be present. And, of course, urine takes on a yellow tint.

Sclera of a child with viral hepatitis C

As for taking medications and vitamin complexes, it’s worth saying right away that they very often provoke the appearance of a yellow color in the urinary fluid. Of the antibacterial drugs, it is worth noting the nitrofuran group - Rifampicin. Of the vitamins, A and C, as well as B vitamins, have this ability.

An important group of factors leading to the pathology discussed in this article are diseases that are accompanied by intense death of red blood cells. Among them are hemolytic, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, Gilbert's disease.

Gilbert's disease usually manifests itself in children from the age of five; it manifests itself in the fact that the child develops diffuse jaundice and is characterized by the appearance of granulation on the upper eyelid, the so-called xanthelasma. And of course, the urine turns bright yellow.

A child suffering from hemolytic anemia (the figure clearly shows the yellowness of the skin)

With hemolytic anemia, against the background of high destruction of red blood cells, the urine contains a large amount of pigmenting substances, it becomes yellow. In addition to this symptom, jaundice, pain in the left hypochondrium and an enlarged spleen are characteristic.

Urolithiasis in children is rare, but it can also cause the problem under discussion; the main clinical manifestation of this pathology is renal colic. It starts in the lower back and spreads to the abdomen and groin area. Possible fever and blood in the urine.

The cause of salts in the urine is usually the introduction of complementary foods, namely too fatty broths from meat, fish products with a high fat content. Also, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, gastritis) can be a trigger for the formation of salts.

Pathological processes in the kidneys and biliary tract contribute to an increase in the amount of salts in the urine. Salts in a child’s urine indicate errors in his diet and usually appear with the introduction of complementary foods, especially meat broths, fatty meats and fish, and other products of animal origin. This phenomenon is also observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The amount of salts in the urine increases due to pathologies of the kidneys and biliary tract

If the urinary fluid suddenly changes in color, smell and transparency, then you should immediately visit a doctor. After all, a high concentration of salt in it can lead to inflammation of the bladder, gout, and colitis.

Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis) can also provoke a change in the color of urine to a brighter one.

You should not lose sight of congestion in the kidneys, for example, hydronephrosis. In this case, there is a clear pain syndrome, simulating renal colic. If there is a large volume of fluid in the kidney, the diseased organ can even be detected by touch.

Another factor is cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia. Both of these diseases are more typical for the older age group of children. With cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) and with dyskinetic disorders of the pathways that excrete bile, a very intense yellow color of urine may be observed.

In addition, there is pain in the right hypochondrium; with cholecystitis, there may also be high body temperature, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. With dyskinesia, jaundice may occur, stools may become light-colored, and itchy skin may occur.

What to do?

First of all, if the urine has become too yellow in color, you need to monitor the child’s nutrition, if we are talking about children who eat anything other than milk (breast or artificial). You should be on the lookout for foods and drinks that may change the color of your urine. In addition, it is worth remembering whether the child has recently taken medications or vitamins.

It is also necessary to monitor his drinking regime, here we are talking about infants. According to WHO recommendations, a breastfed baby does not need to be given extra water, but an “artificial baby” should be given water between meals without fail. For children from one to three years old, the water consumption rate is calculated using the formula 50 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight.

Children from three to seven years of age should receive from 1.3 liters to 1.7 liters, and from the age of seven from 1.7 liters to 2.5 liters per day. Of course, this scheme is relative. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child. Preference in terms of drinking should be given to clean water, fruit drinks, and herbal teas. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks, juices and nectars with added sugar.

You should give your baby a drink according to his wishes; if he doesn’t want to drink, then you shouldn’t force him

If all of the above factors are excluded, and the urine is still bright yellow, then you should consult a doctor. He will definitely conduct a detailed survey regarding the child’s lifestyle and nutrition. If necessary, prescribe laboratory and instrumental studies. The most common among them is a general urine test. As a rule, it is given twice. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic and abdominal organs is also used.

There are situations in which you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. If a child’s change in the color of the biological fluid is accompanied by cloudiness and an unpleasant odor, temperature, bloody impurities, yellowness of the skin, or pain, then you should immediately seek medical help.


Yellow urine in a child should not be a cause for panic, but this phenomenon requires close attention from parents. In most cases, such changes are caused by factors that do not pose a threat to the child’s health, but we should not forget about serious illnesses. Be careful.

Normally, urine has a color range from pale to deep yellow. It depends on your diet and consumption of various drinks. But color changes also often signal the development of a disease in the human body. A baby's urine can change color throughout the year, as all its organs adapt to life in the environment. In an older child, it becomes an indicator of problems within him, so parents should pay more attention to this detail.

It happens that the fluid secreted by the kidneys becomes brownish, reddish or cloudy, but not every mother knows what this indicates. Therefore, let's look at the situation in more detail.

There are quite a few reasons why urine turns into one color or another. It is affected by metabolism, the amount of metabolites, and the volume of fluid excreted. In children, the color of urine depends on age. For example, a newly born baby has it, and in the first few weeks a reddish tint is possible. Infants pee with a light yellow liquid. An older child's urine is different from that of an adult; it is much lighter.

Products can also change the color of fluid excreted from the body. Carrots make it o, beets – pink or red, asparagus – green. And these are not all vegetables that are capable of staining urine. When the urine changes color during the treatment period, then this is the effect of the drugs. This property of them is always indicated. Regular vitamins often make urine bright yellow.

But in most cases, such changes can characterize pathological processes and diseases in the body. Each color means a different disease:

  • Dark yellow urine comes out as a result of burns or dehydration. It may also indicate an infectious disease and congestion in the kidneys;
  • lack of color is a sign of diabetes mellitus, kidney failure;
  • practically possible with alkaptonuria or malnosarcoma;
  • red color indicates blood has entered the urine. This phenomenon occurs with tumors of the urinary system, kidney infarction or urolithiasis;
  • when jaundice activates, it may change to a green-yellow color;
  • the formation of kidney stones can cause yellow urine with sediment;
  • liver and “scream” about their illness through brown discharge from the kidneys;
  • urine mixed with flakes indicates cystitis, urethritis, and kidney inflammation.

This is not the entire list of diseases that change urine. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor if there are any deviations in its color. After conducting a full examination and tests, he will be able to find out the true cause.

Change in urine color in a child

The color of urine in newborns can range from yellow to rich straw. In children, its shade may also indicate various symptoms of disease, but this is not necessary. Very often, bright yellow urine in a child indicates an insufficient amount of fluid in the body.

If your baby’s urine has a bright yellow color for a long time or has completely changed color, it is better to play it safe and visit a pediatrician so as not to cause harm and not cause the disease. Color changes in the fluid leaving the kidneys in children mean the same diseases as in adults.

What should I do?

When bright yellow urine appears, the first thing you should do is find out whether the child drinks enough fluids per day, eats foods containing dyes, and whether he overdoes it with physical exercise (this applies to older children). If during this period the baby was treated for any infection, it is advisable to read the instructions carefully. If this side effect is listed there, you don't have to worry or stop giving the medicine.

The main thing is not to panic. If you find out why the urine has changed in color, then you can rule out the sources of this and expect the color to normalize. When the reasons have not been clarified, and the urine continues to come out with an incomprehensible color, immediately consult a doctor.

In cases where a change in the color, smell and consistency of urine is accompanied by high temperature, pain, a feeling of fever, frequent urge to urinate, as well as nausea and vomiting, immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Otherwise, serious consequences are possible.

Correct drinking regime

To ensure that urine does not emit a bad odor and that it is of normal consistency and color, establish a drinking regime. Normally, it is recommended to drink up to 9 glasses of water per day. This does not include soups, tea, coffee and other things. But each person is individual, so the norm is different for everyone. When a child has already drunk 9 glasses, there is no need to prohibit him from drinking more. If he wants, let him drink. And, of course, there is no need to force water in.

It is enough to stick to a certain amount of liquid you drink per day so that your urine is of a good bright yellow color and odorless.

Yellow urine appears in infants after one year. During this period, all vital organs have adapted to a comparative degree to the surrounding world, and the baby eats quite a varied diet. When a child has abnormalities in his urine, his diet and drinking regime need to be analyzed. This is also possible due to taking medications.

When there is no reason for this phenomenon, you should consult a pediatrician. He will conduct an examination, send you for tests, and after all this he will tell you whether it is caused by a disease or whether there has simply been a malfunction in the digestive system. The most important thing that a parent should remember is that it is forbidden to panic in any situation. You need to think soberly and judiciously. Do not make a diagnosis yourself.

Breastfed baby urinating changes during the first week of life. In the first few days, baby receives a limited amount of milk, so he will have less urine and fewer wet diapers. As the amount of milk increases, the amount of urine increases. Thus, by the extent to which the diaper or diaper is wet, one can and should judge the amount of milk that the child receives.

A newborn baby pees for the first time 12 to 24 hours after birth. During the first few days of life, if exclusively breastfed, he may require at least two diapers a day. After the sixth day, your baby should wet at least six to eight diapers in 24 hours, but maybe more.

The baby has a small bladder that can hold about one tablespoon (15 ml) of urine, so babies pee very often. Some children can urinate up to twenty times a day. You should not wake a sleeping baby to change a diaper. It is enough to change the diaper before and after each feeding, i.e. approximately every two to three hours.

When using diapers it is very difficult to determine how much urine does a baby produce?. The problem can be easily solved as follows:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of water (30 ml) onto a dry, clean diaper and assess its moisture level.
  2. To make it easier to see urine in a diaper, place a cloth diaper in the diaper that easily absorbs urine, or use a diaper instead of a diaper.
  3. Take the used diaper apart and check for moisture under the gel layer.

Orange, pink and red spots on newborn diapers

Very concentrated urine during the first few days of life is orange in color and may contain crystals of uric acid and urate. These crystals produce pink, red or orange powdery spots on baby's diapers. Colored uric acid crystals on diapers are called brick dust. The sight of brick dust stains is scary for parents, but it is a common occurrence for many newborns. After milk comes to the mother - on the fifth or sixth day - the baby's urine is no longer concentrated, its color is colorless to pale yellow, and there is no smell.