Safe positions for sleeping together with a baby. Co-sleeping with an infant

Dad lovingly chose a crib, grandmother gave the new parents hand-embroidered linen for little pillows and blankets - everyone tried to arrange the bed of the new family member so that he could sleep comfortably and happily there. With trepidation, you laid the baby down where he would spend his first night in his life, but after a while it became clear that he had his own opinion on this matter. The baby wants to sleep with his mother.
Even if the child is healthy and does not experience any particular difficulties in adapting to life in new conditions - problems with digestion and the nervous system, in his mother’s arms he is both calmer and simpler. A situation familiar to many: a seemingly fast asleep baby is placed in a crib, but not even half an hour has passed before he is awake again and requires attention. What to do if it is almost impossible to let go of the child - he cries. During the day you can lie down and relax with him, but what to do at night? Should I sleep with my child or separately? Some argue that a child should be taught to have separate rest from the very beginning, while others, on the contrary, will argue that sleeping together is the best way to get closer. Perhaps there is no definite answer to this question and cannot be. Because, as with everything else related to children, each mother makes a decision individually, having familiarized herself with different opinions and studies before doing so.

We are together

1. The first and very significant “pro” is that you won’t have to wake up and get up many times. Every mother knows that getting up in the middle of the night and walking somewhere to feed the child is very tiring! While sleeping together, you can simply tuck your baby into your chest and sleep safely. This, by the way, also applies to cases with children who are bottle-fed. All babies, regardless of whether the mother has milk or not, are determined to sleep together. Look at baby animals, for example. After all, they, like people, do not have obsessive ideas: what should be done, how and why. They simply obey their instincts. Our babies, regardless of the type of feeding, retain the sucking reflex.

3. Famous American pediatricians William and Martha Sears, a married couple who raised eight children, believe that “sharing sleep,” as they call it, is simply necessary for parents and children. And special attention should be paid to this by those whose babies are growing poorly and gaining weight. To solve this problem, doctors recommended putting such children in bed with their mother back in the last century. Pediatric practice also shows that children sleeping with their mother do not have abnormal levels of oxygen in the blood or breathing problems.

4. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of milk, is produced mainly at night. Night sucking maintains good lactation.

By the way, among many peoples, co-sleeping is not even discussed. Basically, of course, these are different ethnic groups: Indians, Africans, Indians, Balinese. Closer to us are the Mongols and Uzbeks. Maybe because they are not spoiled, like Europeans, by the fruits of civilization and are still guided by the instincts inherent in nature. After all, if you think about it, why do children sleeping in their cribs fall asleep hugging plush toys? Yes, because they simply need to rely on someone when falling asleep! Of course, it’s better if it’s mom, but if she’s not there, then at least let it be a toy.

Of course, these are not all positive aspects, and every mother can add to this list a couple more reasons why she and her child should sleep together. For example, the happiness of both when waking up.

Mom, get up!

Now let's look at the disadvantages of co-sleeping. Today he has much fewer opponents. But there are circumstances in which, despite all the obvious benefits of sleeping with a child, it does not bring the desired results or does not justify itself.

1. You quickly get used to good things. Of course, it can be difficult to teach your baby to rest in his crib later. However, by the time parents begin to “move” the baby away from them, many children are already ready for this and move to a separate sleeping place without much protest.
2. Mothers whose babies are bottle-fed, unfortunately, still have to get up at night. You need to prepare a bottle, and sometimes you need to wake up the baby. All we have to do is wait until the baby learns to sleep through the night without snacking.
3. It is better to decide whether you leave the baby with you at night or not as early as possible. If you resort to this remedy after having already tried all other ways to improve his sleep patterns, it will not work.
4. Naturally, when a miracle is snoring nearby, parents have to solve the issue of intimate life somehow differently. From the practice of family psychotherapists, it is known that the presence of a baby in the parents’ bed harms the adults rather than the child. For couples whose relationship suffers after the birth of a child, this is the first question asked at the reception. To feel comfortable and not worry about the baby's reactions, it is best to move marital sex to a separate place, take care of soundproofing and use the time when the baby sleeps the deepest.

There are also worries that are more far-fetched than based on real dangers. You can often hear from mothers: “the child will grow up spoiled and not independent” or “what about the possibility of crushing the baby in his sleep?” A child grows up spoiled if mistakes were made in his upbringing, but not because of co-sleeping. By the way, the same Dr. Spock who strongly recommended separate sleep, by the end of his life, abandoned many of his views on the development of children, including this one. As for the fear of suffocation in a dream, this is also largely a myth. If the mother is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then her instincts and reflexes work well. And even in her sleep she is able to respond to the baby’s movements.

Sweet dreams

As you can see, there really is no answer to the question “sleep with your child together or separately.” Oh, this “mother’s” lot is to always make decisions for herself! It is worth accepting it, having studied all the pros and cons, based on observations of your child - children do not always fit into generally accepted rules. Based on his individual needs and listen to what your heart tells you. Have you decided to sleep together? Then follow these simple rules:

1. Practice basic hygiene. If the baby is still very small, put him in a separate diaper. And if he sleeps in the same underwear as you, change it as often as possible, without using harmful additives when washing.
2. Get rid of odors that prevent your baby from feeling you around. It is advisable not to use products with strong scents. Perfume, eau de toilette, dad's perfume and shaving products, not to mention heavy tobacco spirit - not the best atmosphere for a restful child's sleep. Another great reason for dad to quit smoking.
3. Children under about two years old do not need pillows. In the first years, their spine is formed and strengthened. When the time comes, the baby will reach the pillow himself. And, of course, a baby blanket or bedspread should only be made from natural, not hot fabrics.
4. Mom’s nightgown should also be made from natural fabric and without buttons: with a large slit to make feeding convenient.
5. If you decide to keep your baby with you when he starts to grow up and out of infancy, keep in mind: children perform an incredible amount of acrobatic tricks in their sleep. There is even a selection of photographs on this topic somewhere on the Internet: a sleeping family was photographed every half hour, and each time the child found himself in different places and in different poses. He crawls, rolls over from his stomach to his back and back to his stomach again, but in the other direction. He sits down and, unfortunately, falls... To avoid falling out of bed, place the child between you and the wall, and cover the places from which escape is possible with pillows or bolsters.
6. We adults have not paid attention to this for a long time, but the correct temperature and humidity are very important for a child. The correct temperature is 16-18 degrees (yes, it may seem too cold, but sleep is healthier in a cool room) and humidity 50-70%. When a child appears in the family, buying a humidifier is very helpful.

That's probably all. Well, each of us can supplement this with our own experience gained in practice. Have a pleasant and happy sleep for you and your babies!

Yulia Solnechnaya
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Co-sleeping with a baby. We humans are so created that we spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. Scientists have been racking their brains for a long time, trying to uncover all the secrets of this condition.

Night sleep for a small child

Thanks to modern equipment, it was possible to penetrate into the deepest structures of the brain.

Experiments are carried out, bold hypotheses are put forward. You don’t have to be an academic to come to the conclusion: how well a person sleeps depends on his activity and mood. And a full night’s sleep for a child not only puts him in a great mood, but also makes his parents a little happier.

The baby sleeps, snoring sweetly, allowing mom to do urgent things or just relax. This is how many people imagine a harmonious relationship between mother and baby.

But not all families can boast of such an idyll. Often a baby’s sleep is sensitive, restless, and there is a desire to play at night.

Night sleep at 4 months

Only the feeling of hunger makes them wake up briefly. This is a feature of the nervous system at this age.

Everything changes quite quickly, by the age of one month the child makes attempts to take an interest in the surroundings, fixing his gaze on bright objects and faces. He willingly takes part in communication, and in response to his mother’s affectionate touches, the first charming smile appears. The period of wakefulness gradually increases.

It is important that it occurs during the daytime. By the age of six months, the baby is put to bed 2 or 3 times during the day, and during the breaks he plays for at least two to three hours. By the age of one year, only two naps a day remain.

Everyone needs rest at night: both parents and children. In the dark, the baby is supposed to sleep for at least 5-6 hours without a break.

Night sleep at 7 months

Children weighing more than 3.5 kg can easily withstand such an interval between feedings, but it is difficult for babies with insufficient body weight to skip a night meal, so their mothers should not strive for this. Parents should not forget that night is the diametric opposite of day, therefore communication with the baby during these hours should be structured somewhat differently.

In sunlight, you will chirp over your baby, do massages, stretches; at night, limit yourself to quickly changing diapers or diapers and feeding, try not to turn on bright lights. These precautions will help avoid a very common childhood problem when babies suddenly confuse day with night.

How to make your child's sleep as comfortable as possible? A newborn baby does not know how to roll over on its own; many mothers have probably seen that after a long sleep in one position, characteristic folds appear on the baby’s body. Sometimes you can still find families in which, on the advice of all-knowing grandmothers, they swaddle their children tightly, straightening their arms and legs along the string.

Parents sincerely believe that this is more comfortable for the child, and, thanks to this old method, their child will sleep soundly and his legs will be straight. Fortunately, modern pediatrics refutes these misconceptions.

Convenience is out of the question; the fetal position that the fetus took in the womb is much more familiar. Many babies desperately resist attempts to “tame” them and do not fall asleep until their hands miraculously end up on top of the diaper. And don’t try to argue with them, they feel more comfortable that way.

With hip dysplasia, tight swaddling can even harm babies. But there are very “shy” babies, as their parents characterize them. Doctors call this high neuro-reflex excitability.

In response to unexpected sounds, cold, touches, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all, the child shudders, waves his arms and wakes up. Such problem children will sleep more peacefully if they are wrapped more tightly.

Some mothers put hats on their little daughters and sons when putting them to bed. Sometimes it makes sense. Immature children and those born prematurely are afraid of hypothermia; they need a little more time to adapt to new living conditions. Therefore, a hat will not hurt such a baby, for example, after bathing, and during sleep there is no need to dress him up warmer than during wakefulness.

The child's body can easily tolerate room temperatures of 18-20 degrees. Some adults shudder at such thermometer readings, but at least they care. In homes with stove heating, it gets colder in the morning in winter, so you need to make sure you always have a blanket at hand.

These days, the range of children's stores is rich. Modern mothers almost immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital dress their children in rompers. Pants and blouses that are pleasant to baby’s delicate skin are an excellent replacement for old-fashioned diapers. It is worth mentioning separately about soft overalls-slips.

This is an interesting clothing model that allows you to significantly simplify the process of dressing and fits your baby flawlessly. The main disadvantages of undershirts and rompers are considered to be that the former often swing open, and the latter regularly slide down; when using a slip, such problems do not arise. In order for your baby to have a restful night's sleep, nothing should disturb him.

When choosing clothes specifically for this, at the expense of beauty and attractiveness, you need to give preference to products made from natural fabrics without unnecessary details: appliqués, large buttons, be sure to touch the seams to see if they are too rough.

It is very important to monitor the baby’s position in the crib. In a newborn, the bones of the skull are still quite soft and pliable; they are easily deformed if the baby lies mainly on the same side. The crib is often installed against the wall, and admiring a bare wall is a dubious pleasure.

Night sleep at 10 months

Very soon the child will grow up, will begin to fix his gaze on the objects he likes, and will understand from which side he should wait for his mother to appear. This may be great, but if the baby has health problems, such as muscular torticollis or a broken collarbone, the child's fixed position in the crib can significantly aggravate the existing problems.

Do you need bumpers and a canopy for a baby crib? Beautiful, prestigious, but not very functional. The canopy serves as a good dust collector and limits the flow of fresh air. The bumpers prevent the mother from seeing the baby, and in the first months of life, when the baby is not very active, they are not needed at all. A little later, after about four months, they will be able to protect him from accidental blows.

Beauty for children's furniture is also important, but we must strive for it, not forgetting common sense.

What is the best way to sleep for these tiny lumps: on the back, on the stomach or on the side? But their safety directly depends on this. Each position has its pros and cons. Lying on your stomach is useful when you are worried about flatulence, then the colic calms down and it becomes easier.

Of course, the mattress should not sag; soft pillows and bedding are unacceptable. There is a possibility that the baby's nose may be covered with lush feather beds. On the back, the child is as relaxed as possible.

But you should not leave the baby in this position without supervision after feeding. Children who have a tendency to regurgitate will be defenseless and will not be able to help themselves. The risk of choking in this situation is very high.

To be on the safe side, after feeding it is better to lay the baby on its side. Try not to leave your treasure without proper attention, and if night falls, then go to rest only in full confidence that the baby is safe.

Strictly follow the rule: in order to avoid trouble, never leave a bottle in the mouth of a sleepy child.

Pediatricians always warn young parents that they should not take their baby into their own bed.

Firstly, it does not meet hygiene requirements.

Secondly, mom or dad may not notice their first-born and crush him. No matter how light a woman’s sleep was before her birth, several sleepless nights will quickly make themselves felt.

The ideal solution is to move the baby crib close to the parent's, you can remove the side frame. Mom and baby will always feel each other.

A baby's night's sleep is a complete rest for him and for his mother. The ritual of putting him to bed should be thought out to the smallest detail, be light and pleasant, and bring satisfaction to the baby and his parents. And falling asleep does not always go smoothly.

I hope the information presented in this article will be useful to someone. Or maybe someone obeys their own rules for putting the kids to bed and is ready to bet?

In the West, on the contrary, babies sleeping with their parents are considered something very incomprehensible and even see this as potential harm to the development of the baby. But every day the number of parents and specialists supporting the idea of ​​co-sleeping is growing. The advantages of this idea are difficult to overestimate: firstly, sleeping together makes breastfeeding easier, secondly, mother and baby get better sleep, and finally, thirdly, physical contact with the mother is a necessary condition for the normal growth and development of the child, and joint Sleep is a great way to make up for lack of communication if you can't be with your baby all day.

A newborn needs to sleep next to his mother (sleeping together) in the same way as breastfeeding and being carried in his arms. Co-sleeping is natural for a child and is a necessary condition for his full growth and development. This is a natural way to satisfy one of the child's basic needs - the need for security. Only next to the mother (parents) at night does the child feel comfortable and completely protected. Scientific research confirms that sleeping together between a child and mother is the most physiological, and practice confirms that thanks to it, the mother does not get tired when she breastfeeds the baby several times a night.

A few facts about co-sleeping:

  • sleeping together promotes and facilitates breastfeeding (for the successful establishment of breastfeeding, night feedings of the baby are very important, and it is much easier for the mother to feed the baby and continue to sleep without getting out of bed);
  • gives the mother the opportunity to rest normally at night and get a good night's sleep, instead of having to get up several times to see the child lying in a separate crib;
  • the mother’s body acts on the child as a thermostat (that is, it helps maintain optimal body temperature);
  • sleeping together is an excellent prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and various health problems, since the child sleeps calmly near the mother, breathing is uniform, which has a positive effect on the development of the nervous system and brain;
  • the presence of the mother during night sleep protects the child from many other dangers - the mother can quickly calm the child down, instantly respond to his crying or screaming, can protect him from other adults or aggressive pets, etc., which would be difficult to do if the child, for example, slept in a separate bedroom;
  • sleeping together promotes rapprochement, establishing emotional contact between mother and child; the child feels that he is loved, cared for, that he is safe, and this is also a necessary condition for normal growth and development;
  • Children who sleep next to their parents have much less fear and grow up to be more independent.

The baby falls asleep and sleeps in the parents' bed at least as long as breastfeeding lasts, although he may want to sleep near mom and dad for much longer. Most often, children move to a separate bed or room at the age of 3-6 years, when the “I am on my own!” period begins. The main thing is not to push the child to sleep separately until he is ready for it, but also not to interfere with his desire to sleep separately if he already wants it (or at least is not against it).

The parents themselves have known for a long time that it is better for a child to sleep with their parents, but the scientific basis for the benefits of sleeping together is still unknown to a wide range of people.

American pediatrician William Sears and his wife Martha, who works with him as a nurse, also write about the benefits of co-sleeping in their books, citing earlier studies. In addition to twenty years of experience in pediatrics, the Sears couple also have extensive personal parenting experience - they are the parents of eight children.

In a sick or weakened child, disturbances in breathing and heart rhythm are potentially dangerous to his health and life. They did not harm a healthy child, but aren’t the results of these studies a serious reason to think that separate sleeping is not as safe as previously thought? At the same time, one should also take into account the fact that for the baby it does not matter whether he has no contact with his mother at night or during the day - for him this is an equally dangerous and alarming situation. The child needs his mother nearby both day and night.

If one of the parents categorically does not want (or is afraid) for the child to sleep in the same bed with him, then you can organize joint sleep using a crib in which one side is lowered, and the crib itself leans against the parent’s bed on this side. In this way, the child can fall asleep at his mother’s side, and then the mother, without waking him up, can transfer him to the crib next to him. And everyone will be happy: the child will sleep in his own crib, but in close proximity to his mother. Such a dream can be considered joint, and most importantly, safe.

Safety of co-sleeping with your baby

Many parents doubt the safety of co-sleeping, but statistics show that sleeping separately from parents (when the child sleeps in a separate crib or room at night) is more dangerous for the life and health of the child. During the daytime, the child can sleep alone, but under the supervision of his mother. You should not move far or for a long time from a sleeping child and leave him alone in the room. Moreover, you cannot put a child to sleep on the balcony without adult supervision.

To ensure the safety of co-sleeping, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • do not smoke in front of your child and do not use nicotine patches;
  • do not put the child to sleep near a parent who is intoxicated with alcohol, drugs, under the influence of medications, or is excessively tired;
  • In the first few months of life, it is safer to put the baby to sleep next to the mother, on the edge of the bed, and not between the parents;
  • if two children sleep in a bed, an adult should sleep between them;
  • the mattress should be hard, the bed should be large (wide) and low;
  • if one of the parents is overweight, then it is better to put the child to sleep in a separate crib, in which the side is removed;
  • It is better not to place the bed against the wall, and if it is there, it should touch the wall so that there is no hole between the bed and the wall;
  • it is desirable that the headboard of the bed is tight, without holes into which the child’s head can fit;
  • You should use light blankets and bedspreads, not thick duvets, and under no circumstances use feather beds (a child, tangled under the feather bed, will not be able to breathe);
  • If possible, it is better not to use pillows or use ones that are low (stuffed toys should also be removed from the family bed);
  • it is worth making sure that the room in which the child sleeps, regardless of where he sleeps, is safe for the child and there are no objects potentially dangerous to him (laces, electrical sockets, etc.);
  • If one of the parents has long hair, then while the child is very small, it is better to tie it up at night.

According to some recommendations, it is safer to put a child to sleep on his back, rather than on his tummy, and according to others, it is better to put him to sleep in the “side” position. An older child can be put to sleep in any position that is convenient for him, however, a child at this age can choose a comfortable position for himself, which he does with pleasure.

The press has written a lot about cases where co-sleeping led to the death of a child, but it is very important to note that babies also die in cradles. Any place to sleep can be potentially dangerous, and experts believe that properly managed sleep in a parent's bed is no more dangerous than sleeping in a crib. Even if you don’t plan to sleep with your baby now, it’s very possible that after he’s born you’ll change your mind. No matter how much you tell yourself that you will “never in your life” take a baby into your bed, once you walk around the house half the night with a screaming baby in your arms and wait until he falls asleep, and then try to put him in the crib and see that nothing worked out for you, and the baby screams again and asks to be held, how all your plans can go wrong. And it may very well be that you both end up falling asleep peacefully, cuddled under your family blanket. In any case, the parent's bed should have an area that is safe for the child, because you never know in advance whether you will want to take the baby with you - even if only for one night or for a short nap during the day.

Here are some points to consider to make your bed safe for your child:

  1. The surface of the bed should be smooth and flat. Water mattresses and beds that are too soft are unsafe.
  2. The sheets should be pulled tight and the corners should be tucked tightly under the mattress. If a corner breaks out from under the mattress, it can cover the baby's head.
  3. The bed should be moved against the wall or fenced with a special mesh fence so that the baby cannot fall in his sleep.
  4. Pillows and blankets should be kept away from the baby's head. Mom and dad should have separate blankets. A child can sleep in a “sleeping bag” - this is a combination of pajamas and a blanket. (It's also great for crib sleeping.)
  5. Only the mother should sleep next to the baby. A large-scale study led by Dr. James McKenna at the University of Notre Dame found that mothers and babies have the same rhythm of breathing and movement during sleep, and their sleep cycles also begin and end at the same time. This means that mothers instinctively sense how their baby is feeling when he sleeps next to them. Other adults - even fathers! - they cannot always feel that something is wrong with the baby.
  6. If the mother is under the influence of alcohol or medications that cause drowsiness, you should not sleep next to the baby.
  7. If you want to keep your baby close, but you don’t feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed with him (or you think your bed is not safe enough for the baby), consider buying a crib that attaches to the parent’s bed (to do this, just remove one side in a regular crib). This way you can easily reach your child at any time, but at the same time both you and he will have his own space.

Even if you plan to sleep in the same bed, you will need a safe place for your baby to sleep during the day. For these purposes, you can use a crib or basket. Or maybe you’ll like the option of a portable playpen bed, which, by the way, will be convenient for going to grandma’s for the weekend.

Probably since the beginning of time, children and parents around the world have slept together in what might be called the “family bed.” Recently, especially in industrialized countries, a tendency has begun to develop for babies to sleep separately from birth. Whatever you choose, make sure that common sense prevails in your choice. If your baby is unsafe, restless, or unable to get a good rest in the place you've chosen for him to sleep, it's probably time for a change. As you explore your options, we'd like to offer you one possibility: Your choice of sleeping environment today shouldn't be turned into something long-term, but it certainly could become one. If you have no intention of bed sharing in the future, then we would advise you to seriously think about how long you plan to sleep with your newborn getting used to and comfortable in the family bed - will it be just a few weeks, many months or many years.

  • Family bed. Perhaps due to lack of space, cultural traditions or the strong belief that co-sleeping is an integral part of motherhood, parents have been co-sleeping with their babies for thousands of years. In many parts of the world, many babies still sleep in bed with their parents at least occasionally, despite the current trend to sleep separately. Followers of "tight parenting" seem to strongly believe that parents and children greatly benefit from a closer bond. In addition, they claim that sleeping in the same bed makes breastfeeding easier - the new mother is quicker to respond to the baby's "subtle hints" before he starts screaming, demanding to be fed. Much less effort is spent on feeding.
  • Sleep alone. There is now a noticeable shift in industrialized countries towards infants sleeping separately - whether in a crib, cradle or playpen. This is partly because co-sleeping is considered a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome. Other practical reasons why parents choose to sleep separately are: Parents feel that separate sleeping is safer, more relaxing (for baby and parents) and less intrusive on their adult time.

Convenience of co-sleeping. For those of you who find the convenience of having a newborn close to you appealing, but aren't too keen on the idea of ​​sharing a bed with them, a coslipper may be the answer. If you ask us, we think these specially designed cribs are quite unique. This is something like a playpen, usually located at the same height as a standard adult bed, having a drop-down (or no) side wall adjacent to the adult bed, and therefore can be placed in close proximity, along the adult bed, which Provides easy access to the child. Some coslippers even have additional benefits such as a carrier, playpen and changing table.

The opinions of Evgeny Komarovsky and his parents regarding co-sleeping differ for various reasons. The pediatrician encourages parents to decide for themselves whether they need to co-sleep with their newborn. In our article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of co-sleeping, as well as positions that are comfortable for the mother and comfortable for the child.

Once a baby is born, it requires the constant presence of its mother, so co-sleeping is an ideal solution to help provide the baby with attention. Psychologists have proven that a lack of parental warmth in infancy affects negative behavior in adolescence and adulthood. A number of advantages of a child being together with his parents during sleep:

  • both parents get enough sleep and feel comfortable, as the mother quickly responds to the baby’s hungry grunts;

Attention! Lack of joint sleep between mother and newborn is often the cause of disruption of breastfeeding.

Co-sleeping should not be practiced under the following circumstances:

Important! There is no need to be afraid that the baby will get used to the mother’s regular presence. From the age of four, most children express a desire to sleep on their own and no longer require the presence of their parents.

If in infancy the baby slept alone, most likely, when he is of school age, he will often sleep with adults.

You should not be afraid that the mother may crush the child with her body. Such cases are rare and are more often associated with a number of negative factors.

How to organize co-sleeping with a newborn?

By and large, there are no big problems with the child and his parents sleeping together in the first weeks of life, especially for mothers with older children. For new mothers, we recommend using the recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky, and then everyone will feel comfortable.

Is it dangerous to sleep with a baby? At first glance, sleeping with a baby may seem unfavorable. But we can say with confidence that if adults sleep peacefully without sudden movements, nothing bad will happen. When parents still fear a tragic event, you can purchase a positioner.

Safe poses

It is important that the postures that parents adhere to do not compromise the child’s comfort. A nursing mother can sleep half sideways, leaning on her shoulder blade. In this case, only the head is on the pillow, and one hand is under the head. This position can be taken on either the right or left side of the child.

Children's humor! - Oh, mom, what fat-bellied legs you have!

When the baby has eaten in the middle of the night, it is better to lay him on his back, not to carry him or lull him to sleep, of course, if he is not bothered by intestinal colic. In this case, mom sleeps on her back or on her side, whichever is convenient for her. At such moments it is very convenient.

Sleeping with a baby during pregnancy

This option is possible. However, if the baby sleeps restlessly, spinning and kicking, it is better to refrain from being with the baby during sleep. Many mothers manage to sleep with their baby throughout their pregnancy.

Attention! Pregnancy is not always a reason to stop co-sleeping with your baby.

Bed requirements

A small child does not need to ensure a soft bed or purchase down pillows and blankets. At this age, due to such irritants, a baby may develop symptoms of suffocation and Quincke's edema. Therefore, to organize proper sleep with your baby, use the rules below.

What is required from parents

If parents practice co-sleeping with their child, then they will have to stop smoking and taking medications without a doctor’s prescription, especially mothers. The current furniture for children provides various options that will serve as an excellent place for a child to sleep. There are special pelenators available for sale. There are cribs with the ability to remove one of the sides.

For parents! If your bed is pushed tightly against the wall, you should not place your baby near it. He may become hypothermic and get sick.

It is recommended to provide comfortable conditions for the child to sleep in the parents' room, maintaining the required temperature and air humidity. We recommend using the recommendations.

Children say! I saw a striped zebra at the Zoo:
- A horse in a vest.

For general development, we offer you to watch a video of safe baby sleep.

Finally, the long-awaited day of discharge from the hospital arrived. Happy parents watch a tiny baby snoring in a cozy crib, not suspecting that this idyll will not last long. Several nights will pass and, tired of getting up regularly, the mother will leave the baby nearby, and then he will completely “move” closer to his parents. Is this good or bad?

A couple of decades ago, pediatricians were categorical: the baby should sleep separately. The statement was justified by the risk of suffocation of a newborn and unsanitary conditions - an adult bed is full of microorganisms dangerous to fragile immunity.

Now the opinion of experts has changed. Modern doctors are sure that the benefits of sharing sleep with a child are priceless. Maternal closeness promotes harmonious development, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and stabilizes lactation. In women, postpartum adaptation occurs faster.

Many families act based on the needs of the baby himself - when he is calm, he is placed separately until the next feeding. This gives parents the opportunity to relax.

Co-sleeping in the first year of life

Opponents of family holidays argue that babies do not get enough sleep with their parents. But sound sleep in the crib is more likely caused by a stressful situation provoked by the absence of an adult. The constant presence of the mother actively stimulates the work of the newborn's respiratory center.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is much less common among babies who sleep with a loved one.

Co-sleeping between 0-3 months

Maternal attachment to the baby occurs during pregnancy. It remains long after childbirth. Both need to feel closeness, and a night's rest together for the first three months fulfills this need. However, before you move your baby to your place, you should weigh the pros and cons of sleeping together with your child.

Pros of co-sleeping with your baby:

  1. Stabilization of lactation. Feeding on demand at night promotes milk production.
  2. Women's mental health.
  3. Stabilization of the newborn's breathing.
  4. Young children often wake up during the night. A woman has to constantly get up, which prevents her from recuperating.


  1. The baby will quickly get used to sleeping in an adult's bed. These inconveniences can be avoided if he sleeps without his mother during the day.

Baby 3-6 months: should he be put to bed separately?

Having crossed the three-month mark, the baby becomes more active. Now he doesn't sleep all the time, he can roll over, and many toddlers try to crawl. Leaving him alone on the bed is dangerous, so a crib will be useful for daytime rest. If your baby cannot fall asleep on his own or cries for a long time, give him some time. Attention to children's needs is one of the main contributions to their harmonious development.

Benefits of co-sleeping for up to six months:

  1. comfortable night feeding;
  2. attachment formation;
  3. rare awakenings at night.

Disadvantages of a child sleeping in an adult bed:

  1. Unsafe if the child is already crawling;
  2. For intimate meetings between spouses, you will have to choose another place.

Co-sleeping with a baby aged 6-12 months

The baby is growing, night feedings occur more out of habit, and not from hunger. Mom's breasts serve as a good sedative, antidepressant, and a means of falling asleep. It is impossible to explain to a sleepy baby that breastfeeding every hour and a half is no longer necessary. After six months, the baby's diet will be varied with complementary foods. During this period, co-sleeping with a child becomes uncomfortable. How to wean a child is the main question that faces parents.

Children's rest in their parents' bed after six months. Advantages:

  1. a way to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible;
  2. the opportunity for a quiet rest for the mother;
  3. the baby falls asleep faster;
  4. feeling of security.


  1. frequent awakenings at night;
  2. a baby can climb over a sleeping parent or fall out of bed.

Objective pros and cons of co-sleeping

The work of the famous American pediatrician Benjamin Spock had a great influence on the opinion of children's doctors. His 1946 book, The Child and Its Care, was a huge success. Experts around the world unconditionally agreed with B. Spock's judgments, accepting them as undeniable truths.

Spock states: “From birth to six months, the baby should sleep separately, but in the parents' bedroom. After six months he can be moved to a nursery.” The doctor warns about the possibility of harming the child, lack of hygiene, and violation of the intimate life of parents.

Modern psychologists insist: sleeping together has a beneficial effect on the newborn. The likelihood of pinching a baby is reduced to zero if he sleeps on his mother’s side.

And it’s never too late to teach your toddler to sleep in a crib. He's sure to love his cozy little nest when he's ready. Up to what age is it appropriate to co-sleep with a child? As the child approaches two years of age, he begins to show individuality and value his own space. During this period, he is mentally ready to sleep separately.

Arguments for co-sleeping

Nowadays, parents approach any issue related to education more consciously. The undeniable “truths” of the past are being questioned; more and more married couples are supportive of having a baby in their bed.

The following are in favor of this decision:

  • supporting lactation in women;
  • breastfeeding “on demand” without having to get up every time;
  • common biorhythms between the newborn and the mother;
  • reduced risk of sudden infant mortality;
  • the child does not experience stress, and in the future does not suffer from insomnia or nightmares;
  • maternal warmth is the best cure for colic, pain in the gums during teething, anxiety, and childhood fears.

Arguments against co-sleeping

  • feeding on demand at night leads to overeating;
  • a woman cannot fully rest because she is forced to monitor the child’s safety all night;
  • fear of harming the baby;
  • obstacle to intimate relationships between spouses;
  • unhygienic (according to some pediatricians, an adult’s bed is a source of bacteria dangerous to a child’s fragile immune system).

Each family is free to independently decide whether co-sleeping with a child is acceptable and until what month. The main thing is that the interests of all its members are taken into account. If parents decide to sleep together, you should take care of the comfort and convenience of everyone.

How to organize co-sleeping?

Staying with the mother all the time is natural and comfortable for the newborn. But a woman will need from several nights to a month to learn to rest next to a tiny baby, sleep on one side all the time, and feed without getting up.

The success of co-sleeping largely depends on a woman’s ability to feed her baby while lying down. Women with small breasts do not have problems. For lucky owners above size 4, it is better to seek advice from a breastfeeding specialist.

What to consider when organizing co-sleeping:

  • the presence of a hard orthopedic mattress;
  • regular change of bed linen;
  • for the child a special sleeping bag or diaper under the head;
  • the baby’s place is between the mother and the wall or protective edge;
  • Parents' pillows and blankets should be located away from the child's face;
  • intimate marital meetings are moved to another territory.

Safety rules

Even if from the first days of life a newborn sleeps with his mother, he must have a crib. You can leave him in it during the day, especially when he has already learned to roll over and crawl. A separate bed is a solution for parents whose children toss and turn too actively. The front cover is removed from it, and the cradle itself is placed next to the adult bed.

When one or both parents are intoxicated, under the influence of sleeping pills or other sedatives, or suffer from infectious diseases, co-sleeping is strictly prohibited. It is safer for the baby to spend the night separately.

If a woman cannot fully rest when a baby is nearby, it is more advisable to transfer him to a crib after falling asleep.

Children's pediatrician, the first assistant to many parents, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, is rather against co-sleeping with a child. In this matter, the doctor advocates reasonable flexibility. In his opinion, each child is individual, just like any family. Therefore, if it is more convenient for mother and baby to sleep together, and dad is not against it, resting together will only be beneficial.

The doctor notes that children staying in their spouse's bed at night often causes divorce in many families. Returning from the maternity hospital, a woman completely devotes herself to the child, but not every man is able to endure this. The marital bed remains the only place where the husband can claim the care of his wife, so the presence of the baby causes extreme dissatisfaction.

How to wean a child from co-sleeping?

Komarovsky notes deep maternal affection. It is natural for mother and baby to be together around the clock. But such a connection limits the interests of the mother herself. Her lifestyle is completely adjusted to the child, and her own needs fade into the background. The first months may suit this state of affairs, but soon the woman will feel the restriction of freedom. This can cause nervous breakdown and depression.

According to Evgeniy Olegovich, keeping a baby in the parent’s bed has more disadvantages than advantages. What is the cost of one excommunication, which sooner or later will have to be resorted to? The child will quickly get used to sleeping in an adult bed, but you should not flatter yourself with the hope that he will ever want to leave it. More often, co-sleeping is practiced in single-parent families, when the mother raises the baby alone or the parents sleep separately.

“If a baby is placed separately from birth, he will quickly adapt, which means parents will not have to rack their brains about how to wean him from sleeping together,” says Komarovsky. A well-fed, dry baby sleeps well until the next feeding in a ventilated room.

Age at which a baby can share a bed with parents

By about one and a half years, the need for mother's milk is reduced to a minimum; the child eats “adult” food during the day. The breast becomes larger as a “sedative” or a way to put the fidget to sleep. When the baby stops waking up at night to drink his mother’s milk, this is a signal that it’s time to move to the crib. Now the task of parents is how to wean their baby from co-sleeping?

The separation of the crumbs should be carried out gradually, without categorical prohibitions and notations. Don’t be intimidated by the dark, old jokes, or other horror stories. Explain to your baby that adult children sleep separately, tell a story, sit with him until he falls asleep. If a child often wakes up at night and cries bitterly, do not be categorical, take him with you. Gradually, the nightly hysterics will stop, and the baby will know that his mother is friendly and understands his fears.

When to stop sleeping separately:

  • adaptation to kindergarten;
  • illness, teething;
  • change of place of residence;
  • divorce, quarrel between parents;
  • the birth of a brother or sister.

If such situations happened after the parents set out to wean the child from co-sleeping, you need to be prepared that he will again ask to return. It’s better to give in and let the baby stay with his mother for some time. You should not leave him alone with his experiences, fears or pain.

Note to mom

For the first three months of life, spending time together with your parents is as natural as breastfeeding. The postpartum period is often called “gestation” - the newborn needs to feel the mother’s warmth and hear her heartbeat. But soon the baby will begin to explore the world, become inquisitive and active. Development occurs quickly: now he is already turning over on his tummy, carefully studying the toy, and reaching for it with his hand.

When children's leisure time is organized correctly, both parents pay enough attention to the baby, talk to him, help him explore the world, the little one falls asleep calmly and can sleep alone for several hours.

Note to moms:

The breast is not the only way to soothe your baby. Try to figure out the reason for the crying and neutralize the problem. If something hurts a child or requires attention, it is wiser to relieve the pain using other means, hold him in your arms, and talk. Spend enough time on fine and gross motor skills, teach your baby to music, sing nursery rhymes, and do exercises. This approach will ensure harmonious development.

When is the best time to stop co-sleeping?

  • smoking of one or both parents (according to the Ministry of Health, parental smoking can trigger SIDS);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking medications that affect memory or cause deep sleep;
  • excessive fatigue, malaise;
  • apnea syndrome;
  • prematurity;
  • there is underweight for medical reasons.

List of used literature:

  • Giedd JN, Rapoport JL; Rapoport (September 2010). “Structural MRI of pediatric brain development: what have we learned and where are we going?” Neuron
  • Poulin-Dubois D, Brooker I, Chow V; Brooker; Chow (2009). “The developmental origins of naïve psychology in infancy.” Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Advances in Child Development and Behavior.
  • Stiles J, Jernigan TL; Jernigan (2010). “The basics of brain development.” Neuropsychology Review