What to wear on your feet during childbirth. Why are compression stockings needed during childbirth - choice, application

Currently, it has become popular to use special compression stockings for childbirth. Sometimes they are replaced with bandages, but this method is less convenient and is used only in exceptional cases. Gynecologists have a positive attitude towards this decision and are increasingly recommending the wearing of medical underwear to their patients. But women often learn about such a necessary thing from their friends who have already given birth, from reviews on the Internet or from their own experience.

The main purpose for which pregnant women are prescribed compression stockings is to minimize the risk of thrombophlebitis or varicose veins. If the disease is already developing, stop this process. For the same purposes, compression hosiery is recommended to be worn before childbirth. They are much more effective than leg bandaging, and they can also be worn after the birth of a child for further treatment of varicose veins or simply for prevention.

Why do you need special underwear?

A woman's body experiences enormous stress during the birth of a child. At the same time, pressure on the vessels increases. For this reason, the popularity of compression garments is increasing. Please note that it is not knee socks that are needed, but stockings for childbirth, since the latter will reduce the load on the hips - the maximum will be on the lower leg area.

Compression underwear is designed to protect the legs from stress at different periods: it will help not only during childbirth, but also during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.

Fatigue and pain in the legs, the appearance of venous nodes are a reason to consult a phlebologist. A specialist will help you choose stockings with the desired degree of compression (there are 4 of them in total). Compression garments have been found to be good for cramps and swelling. Other problems may be indications for the use of compression garments:

  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • age from 35 years;
  • blood clotting is impaired.

Compression stockings may be needed for labor even if you have a caesarean section. The reason is simple: cesarean is an abdominal operation and is associated with a large load on the blood vessels, can cause disruption of blood flow and provoke the formation of blood clots. If the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins, the consequences can be serious - up to the separation of existing blood clots or blockage of the arteries.

Prolonged stay in one position simultaneously with significant dilation of the veins can cause thromboembolism. Do not forget about the administration of anesthesia, since some components of the drug usually have a negative effect on blood vessels.

For these reasons, compression stockings are needed for childbirth, even for caesarean sections. Moreover, it is not recommended to remove them for several days after the operation. During this period, the drug has not yet been completely eliminated from the body and has a negative effect on blood vessels. In addition, women in labor after surgery are not allowed to get up for at least 2 days, so the muscles and blood vessels of the legs could use some help. It is allowed to remove compression garments only 3-5 days after cesarean section.

Benefits of using medical tights

Medical underwear allows you to reduce the load on the blood vessels of the legs, which is especially important during pregnancy. Therefore, the indication for its use is the presence of vascular diseases: vascular lesions, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Compression underwear - tights and stockings are needed to reduce various unpleasant symptoms that appear during pregnancy:

  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • fatigue;
  • spider veins.

The use of medical underwear will help to avoid violations and complications and significantly complicate the process of bearing a fetus. During pregnancy, situations do not always arise when constant use of such underwear is necessary. But even in such cases, it is recommended to purchase it only for childbirth.

Compression garments cannot completely protect against the appearance of varicose veins or problems during childbirth. But they significantly increase the chance of maintaining health during this period.

Many people are deterred from buying compression garments by the price; stockings for childbirth are not cheap. But it is worth considering that (subject to the correct choice of product) they will last a long time and will be useful not only during pregnancy and childbirth. In the future, compression underwear will come in handy, especially in cold weather, and is quite suitable for the prevention of varicose veins.

Another common opinion is that medical underwear looks unaesthetic. Looking beautiful is important for any woman. But at the same time, it is quite clear that during childbirth there will be no time for aesthetics, neither for the patient herself, nor for the medical staff, and especially for the child. The main purpose of compression garments is to reduce stress and help ease the pregnancy process. Although today there are models on sale that do not differ in appearance from the corresponding types of ordinary underwear.

Types of compression stockings

Compression hosiery for childbirth differs from other similar products primarily in that the compression is carefully adjusted. When wearing such stockings, 40% of the load falls on the thighs, which reduces the risk of vascular disruption, normalizes blood flow, and prevents blood stagnation and the formation of blood clots. Women wonder how to choose the right compression garments for pregnancy and childbirth. A specialist can give advice on how to choose the right underwear.

There are 4 types of medical underwear, differing in the degree of compression. This indicator affects the effectiveness of the underwear and allows you to normalize blood flow in the veins of the legs. Therefore, the main point in choosing stockings is to determine what degree is needed in a particular case.

First of all, you need to consult a phlebologist. If the examination does not reveal vascular disorders and there are no other indications for wearing medical underwear, the patient is most often recommended to purchase stockings with a compression degree of 0 or 1.

Such products are aimed only at the prevention of varicose veins and are usually recommended for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle - or, conversely, stand on their feet for a long time (hairdressers, salesmen). In appearance, stockings with a low degree of compression differ little from regular stockings, so they can be used after childbirth.

Stockings with grade 2 are recommended for patients diagnosed with venous insufficiency or varicose veins. They are often prescribed for pathologies of pregnancy, after a leg injury, or when there is a significant load on the muscles.

Medical underwear with grade 3 during pregnancy are prescribed less frequently, as they are intended for those who have undergone surgery on the legs, an open fracture or a trophic complication of varicose veins.

Special stockings are available for childbirth. They have some differences in cut. In these stockings, the compression is distributed very precisely and there is a stretchable insert that does not put pressure on the stomach. In such models, the toe is usually open - it allows you to determine the correct blood circulation by the appearance of your fingers.

Anti-embolic stockings during pregnancy are prescribed for serious treatment or after a difficult birth. You can wear them for a week without taking them off even in the shower. This type of product can be washed and even boiled without fear. In this case, the permissible temperature is 75 degrees.

Stages of choosing linen

Having decided to purchase stockings for childbirth, many are faced with the question of which to choose.

An important point when choosing stockings is size. If the stockings are not the right size, they will have no effect.

Before buying underwear, you need to take measurements: take measurements of the foot, shin, knee and hip. To obtain the most accurate measurements, it is recommended to take measurements immediately after waking up in the morning, preferably in a lying position. If it’s difficult to take measurements yourself, it’s better to ask someone close to you to help. The hospital can help take measurements. Having received the measurement results, the size can be selected according to the table. The color code helps determine the size. It is located on the stockings themselves, in the heel area.

Compression stockings should be comfortable, seamless, and hypoallergenic. The latter is achieved due to the fact that the product does not contain synthetic fibers. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the material of manufacture when choosing. The best option is stockings made of natural cotton with the addition of rubber threads. This combination will create a double weave, and the skin will breathe.

It is important to pay attention to the duration of use. High-quality stockings should last at least 10 months. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the relevant instructions (should be on the packaging).

A special marking—the RAL quality mark—allows you to distinguish high-quality stockings from counterfeits. This mark guarantees the quality of the product and the healing effect.

Another important point is the choice of place of purchase. It is not recommended to buy compression hosiery in pharmacies; they often do not have the necessary information and will not be able to help with the choice. It is preferable to purchase stockings in specialized stores where you can get advice.

Rules for using knitwear

Unlike regular tights, when putting on medical stockings you need to follow certain rules.

If open-toe stockings are used, the slip-on sock is put on first. Then assemble the tights themselves with an accordion. Then insert your palms inside the stockings and put them on your foot, taking into account the location of the heel. Next, the stockings are straightened, distributing them evenly along the leg. After this, the sliding sock can be removed.

It is important to act carefully and avoid excessive tightening or twisting. It is worth putting on stockings in the morning, immediately after waking up, since at this time your legs are not yet swollen. It is often recommended to wear rubber gloves before putting on stockings or any other compression garment. You can do without them, but in this case your nails should be cut short. It is necessary to remove rings and rings so as not to accidentally damage the stockings.

You need to be careful when using compression stockings. And it's not just the high cost. Even a minor defect can cause a violation of the correct load distribution. Therefore, if defects are noticed or holes appear in the stockings, it is better to consult a doctor. It is possible that you will have to buy new ones.

Putting on compression stockings during pregnancy can be quite difficult due to the enlarged belly. Therefore, it is better to put on stockings before going to the maternity hospital. If you can’t do it on your own, you can and should ask your family for help. Immediately before giving birth, it will be even more difficult to cope with this task, since not only the stomach will interfere, but also periodic contractions. Moreover, there may not be time left for this.

Since compression hosiery can be worn from the beginning of pregnancy, and not just during childbirth, we list the requirements for caring for it. You can wash low-density stockings by hand using hypoallergenic baby soap instead of powder. Machine washable only for items with RAL markings. You should not hang the stockings to dry, as this may cause deformation of the product. Avoid exposure to sunlight or contact of knitwear with a heat radiator. It is not recommended to heat the material too much or iron it.

During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman's body experiences enormous stress. The mother’s circulatory system becomes especially vulnerable during this period, so in the last trimester, phlebologists advise the use of compression garments. Many mothers wonder why they need knitted stockings with compression properties and which brands are best for women carrying a baby.

What are compression stockings and what types do they come in?

During pregnancy, a woman gains weight, which can cause blood vessel diseases. Significantly increasing in size, the uterus begins to put pressure on the arteries, which contributes to the formation of congestion in the large vessels of the lower extremities.

Compression stockings are recommended for women to wear during pregnancy and childbirth to reduce the risk of damage to large and small vessels and prevent vein thrombosis. Anti-varicose stockings help distribute pressure evenly over the entire surface of the legs.

To make this kind of underwear, natural and synthetic materials are used. Most models of stockings are made of medical knitwear with high compression characteristics.

Compression, anti-embolic, hospital - is there a difference?

Compression garments are knitted products that, due to their tight fit, provide compression to the legs, supporting the fibers of the muscle tissue. They help eliminate swelling and distribute blood flow evenly.

These stockings are intended for pregnant women. They are recommended to be worn in the last months of pregnancy to prevent the development of diseases of the vascular system. With the help of such therapeutic underwear, the load on the legs is correctly distributed, and the abdominal area is not compressed.

Anti-embolic, or hospital, stockings are called stockings for childbirth or surgery, characterized by a high level of compression near the ankle. This allows you to stimulate the flow of blood to the heart when a woman has a natural birth or abdominal surgery (caesarean section) and the mobility of the lower extremities is limited.

The level of compression (pressure on the walls of the veins) gradually decreases from the ankles to the thighs, accelerates the outflow of blood and prevents reverse flow. As a result, when using anti-embolic stockings, the risk of vein blockage is reduced, swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs are reduced.

Compression garments for pregnant women

Elastic stockings during pregnancy should be worn not only when symptoms of diseases of the vascular system appear, but also for preventive purposes. When the load on the veins is distributed evenly due to different levels of compression, their elasticity increases significantly.

As the fetus grows, the mother's blood becomes more viscous, which leads to impaired blood flow. Compression stockings help eliminate congestion in the legs and also improve blood movement through the veins, which leads to better saturation of biological fluid with nutrients and oxygen.

Stockings for women in labor

Compression stockings for childbirth are needed to improve blood circulation and maintain muscle tone during the birth of the baby. Redistribution of the load in the lower extremities greatly facilitates the task of the mother in labor.

Anti-embolic stockings are recommended to be worn for some time after childbirth or surgical delivery in order to quickly restore health, as well as to avoid varicose veins and inflammation of the venous walls. It should be remembered that the positive effect of underwear will only be if you put it on and wear it regularly for a certain period of time.

How to choose suitable stockings for childbirth?

The maximum effect from compression underwear can be obtained only if the model is chosen correctly and the size corresponds to the parameters of the expectant mother. Before purchasing stockings for pregnant women, a woman should consult a phlebologist who will help you choose a knitwear product. If stockings are chosen incorrectly, wearing them will lead to discomfort and pain.

How to determine the size?

Before buying lingerie, a pregnant woman needs to measure her legs. This should be done in the morning - before swelling appears. Using a measuring tape you should measure:

  • Ankle circumference above the ankle.
  • Girth of the upper calf below the knee.
  • Thigh circumference in an area located 25 cm above the knee joint. If the expectant mother’s height is more than 180 cm, this gap increases to 30 cm.
  • Leg length equal to the distance from the hip (at the level where the measurement was taken) to the foot.

Based on the measurements received, the sales consultant will be able to select a knitwear product of the appropriate size. To make an independent choice, a pregnant woman can use the existing size charts, which in most cases are presented on product packaging. Some manufacturers provide numbering of sizes in numbers (from 1 to 7), but most often the sizes of stockings are indicated in Latin letters (S, M, L, XL, XXL, Q, Q+)

Compression level

There are four degrees of compression, which correspond to knitted underwear for pregnant women and women in labor. Only a surgeon or phlebologist can determine what degree of compression a woman needs. To determine the physiological characteristics of the vascular system of the expectant mother, he will need the results of an ultrasound scan of the veins, which can be used to determine the location of large vessels, the speed of blood flow, the presence of narrowings and the size of the gaps in them.

Compression stockings 1 are recommended for pregnant women whose legs become very tired in the evening and spider veins form on the skin. The second degree of compression will benefit women diagnosed with varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

Knitwear for expectant mothers with the third degree of compression must be worn in case of severe vascular diseases and poor nutrition. Products with the highest compression class 4 will help pregnant women with severe lymph circulation disorders cope with painful symptoms.

Popular product brands

Compression hosiery underwear is represented on the market by several well-known brands:

  1. The domestic manufacturer “Intex” has been producing inexpensive, high-quality knitwear for more than 18 years, which is not inferior in its characteristics to foreign analogues. Stockings for expectant mothers have small holes in the toe section to allow observation of the sensitivity and blood circulation of the toes.
  2. The Medi company from Germany occupies a leading position in the production of compression hosiery for medical purposes. To prevent venous thrombosis in pregnant women, the “mediven thrombexin 18” series has been developed. Hypoallergenic underwear with graduated compression of this brand can be worn after childbirth until the veins are restored. The size of such products is marked on the heel in the form of a color code.
  3. Knitwear with compression characteristics of the Sigvaris brand is manufactured in Switzerland. Most professional doctors prefer this brand, since the products do not cause allergic reactions and are characterized by wear resistance, aesthetics and preservation of compression properties during the intended service life.

When and how to put on and how long to wear stockings?

Pregnant women should put on elastic knitwear immediately after waking up, without getting up, and take it off immediately before going to bed. Models with cutouts in the toe area are easier to pull onto a nylon sock, after which it can be removed. The stocking, pre-assembled into an accordion, is distributed more evenly along the leg.

Medical products made from compression material have good wear resistance. The stockings that a woman wore during pregnancy can be taken with her to the maternity hospital. If they are damaged during wear, it is better to purchase new, anti-embolic ones for childbirth.

During childbirth, knitted stockings are put on at the moment when the first contractions begin. This is quite difficult, so it is better to turn to relatives for help.

Women are also recommended to wear compression garments after childbirth, but not for too long. If the delivery went without complications, you don’t have to wear them after a week. To find out how long to wear stockings if the condition of the veins has not improved, you need to consult a specialist.

Pregnancy is a time of joyful anticipation. To prevent it from being overshadowed by health problems, it is important to prevent unwanted symptoms with preventive measures. Among other things, you should pay attention to stockings for childbirth. They protect against the development of varicose veins. You no longer need to bandage your feet, because modern products give a greater effect and are at the same time convenient to use.

Should be separated:

  • stockings for pregnant women against varicose veins;
  • for childbirth.

The former are used in the prenatal period, the latter - during and after childbirth. Both types of stockings protect against varicose veins, both those women who have already developed this disease and those who have its first signs. Maternity stockings reduce the load on the lower limbs. This is especially noticeable when walking. They protect the veins from damage during the active phase of childbirth.

How do compression stockings for childbirth work? They create special pressure on the legs. This allows you to protect the veins from stretching, normalize blood flow, and prevent the formation of nodes and blood clots.

Stockings data:

  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • aesthetic;
  • inexpensive.

The products stay on your feet well and do not fall off. They are easy to put on and secure. This distinguishes the device from an elastic bandage, the use of which requires effort.

Stockings for childbirth have a significant service life. Their quality allows them to be used during several pregnancies.

Compression stockings for childbirth hug your legs beautifully. A pregnant woman or a woman who has already given birth will not have to feel embarrassed about wearing them.

The cost of the products is higher than elastic bandages, but their purchase is still profitable. After all, you will buy them once, and the materials for bandaging will have to be updated all the time. Thus, the use of the former is inexpensive.

Where to buy quality products?

If you understand the importance of preventing varicose veins and decide to buy stockings for childbirth, then you should make a purchase from a reliable, honest supplier. The company “It’s time to go to the maternity hospital” sells products of proven quality at an affordable price. To order goods, call the indicated numbers or use the functions of the site. Delivery of products for childbirth is carried out throughout Russia, including Moscow.

Let's try to figure out why compression stockings are needed after childbirth. Many mothers suffer from varicose veins. This occurs due to increased stress on the legs in the last months of pregnancy, as well as due to the formation of blood clots during the birth process. To prevent complications, gynecologists-obstetricians prescribe medical accessories to reduce blood pressure in the veins. They stimulate blood circulation, thereby preventing the formation of swelling and blood stagnation.

For women who have never suffered from vascular diseases, this type of medical underwear is necessary for prevention. An excellent option would be simple therapeutic hosiery without strong pressure. It is allowed to replace this type of knitwear with regular elastic bandages.

Expectant mothers suffering from varicose veins or other pathologies should purchase specialized stockings that create uniform compression along the entire length of the leg. The attending doctor can choose them correctly. Representatives of the fair sex with varicose veins should wear them during pregnancy, during childbirth, and after the birth of a child.

They contribute to:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • preventing the formation of stagnation and blood clots;
  • distribute pressure evenly.

Women after a caesarean section are allowed to remove their stockings only after she is allowed to stand up and walk around the room.

How long should you wear compression stockings after childbirth? If they go without problems, they can be removed after 24 hours. If varicose veins occur - after a couple of weeks, when the doctor prescribes special medicinal knitwear.

Properties and classes

When purchasing textiles with a compression effect, you should pay attention to quality. It should not have any seams and should be made from fabric with a natural composition. To choose the right model, you should know that they are divided into classes, sizes, and types.

You can buy stockings only in specialized stores. Unlike conventional textile products, these accessories for the treatment of thrombosis and other pathologies are divided into 4 classes.

  1. The first class includes accessories that create pressure on the legs up to 23 mmHg. Art. They are used when varicose veins appear on the legs, pain and fatigue at the end of the day.
  2. In second grade - up to 33 mm Hg. Art. With their help, pregnant women treat thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  3. In the third grade, compression of the legs is up to 45 mm Hg. Art. They are prescribed by a phlebologist if the patient has severe venous insufficiency due to impaired trophism.
  4. The fourth class creates pressure up to 50 mm. rt. Art. It is used for disorders of lymph flow, eliminating severe swelling.

In stores you can also see preventive products with compression. The purpose of such underwear is to prevent the appearance of varicose veins, swelling and other problems with the vascular system.

For those who had problems with the circulatory system even before pregnancy, they should definitely wear compression stockings. It is not recommended to choose on your own. The gynecologist in charge of you should assign and select it.


There are three types of this linen:

  • golfs;
  • hosiery;
  • tights;
  • special elastic bandage.

Knee socks are designed for girls who have problems with the calf part of the leg. The downside is the inharmonious combination with a skirt or dress. They are comfortable to wear under pants.

Hosiery is almost an ideal option for an expectant mother.

They completely cover problem areas, look good on the leg and are comfortable to go to the toilet. There is a downside: they don’t hold well and when they slip, the correct, uniform compression is disrupted.

Tights are much more comfortable than stockings. They stay on your feet well, don’t slip and always provide the necessary compression. But there is a drawback - squeezing the abdomen.

Compression elastic bandage is not as popular as previous types of underwear. And doctors very rarely prescribe it.


When purchasing products to prevent the appearance of varicose veins and swelling, you need to know its size. To do this you need to take measurements:

  • girth of the upper thigh and its middle;
  • circumference of the lower leg, knee, ankle;
  • distance from foot to knee;
  • distance from the foot to the top of the thigh.

You can take measurements yourself. But if they were prescribed in the last stages of pregnancy, difficulties may arise with the measurements, so it would be better if a phlebologist does this.

Why is the optimal size of knitwear that creates compression selected? Compression of the leg occurs gradually. Near the foot it is strengthened, but the closer to the thigh, the weaker it is. This promotes good blood circulation and prevents congestion in the veins. The packaging of medical underwear indicates all the parameters for the correct selection.

If a girl has long graceful legs with feet measuring 38-39 cm, she will need size S. For those with feet 34-36 cm, this size will be uncomfortable. Knitwear with open toes is practical.

Duration of use

Stockings for the maternity hospital are worn at home. It will be inconvenient for a pregnant woman to do this on her own; it is advisable for someone close to her to help her. If there are no relatives, midwives will help dress them.

Probably, many women have a question: should they take them off at night? In the lying position there is no strong pressure on the limbs, so it is allowed to take it off before going to bed. In rare cases, you can leave stockings on your legs, for example, if a girl is traveling and there is no way to undress. How long can I wear compression accessories without removing them? If there are no doctor's orders then two days, but no more.

It is impossible to specifically answer the question of how long compression stockings should be worn after childbirth, because it depends on the state of health and the duration of the recovery period of the expectant mother. Most often this happens on days 3-5, but if there are health problems then they are replaced by a class higher or lower. This results in a smooth transition without sudden pressure drops.

Is it necessary for overweight women to wear medical compression stockings? Definitely yes.

They are at risk for problems with blood vessels during the birth of the baby. The use of medical knitwear is also necessary for expectant mothers who have problems with the cardiovascular system, diabetes or blood clotting.

After the baby is born, there is no need to immediately remove compression stockings, especially for women who have had a caesarean section. They can be replaced with a product with less compression.

Many representatives of the fairer sex throw away medicinal legwear after birth. You shouldn't do this, because it may still come in handy. It can be used to prevent varicose veins. After all, this disease affects not only pregnant women, but also women who have sedentary jobs, for example, accountants, economists, technologists, and so on.

Why wear it during childbirth

So, why take accessories that create pressure with you to childbirth? Firstly, they prevent the occurrence of thrombosis during childbirth. Secondly, it prevents the appearance of edema. Thirdly, they increase the tone of blood vessels, which helps to avoid complications when the baby is born.

They should be worn to prevent pathologies:

  • before and after caesarean section;
  • to combat swelling;
  • to reduce the load on the legs;
  • to reduce seizures;
  • with spider veins.

If a pregnant woman does not suffer from vascular diseases, then stockings are needed as preventative, not therapeutic. Even when the pregnancy has passed without complications and complaints about the legs, the doctor may recommend wearing them for childbirth in order to evenly distribute the blood pressure in the vessels.

Instructions for use

For high results, pregnant women need to know several nuances of using this knitwear:

  • Before purchasing compression stockings, you need to consult a phlebologist, who will confirm or refute fears about varicose blood vessels, and also tell you how and how much to wear.
  • It is selected only according to the individual measurements of the pregnant woman. Weight and height play virtually no role. Using a centimeter, the girth of the ankle, shin, knee, middle and upper thigh is determined.
  • They don't have any seams. Made from natural material, most often cotton. It is allowed to add synthetics, but in small quantities. Pay attention to the packaging; it must have the RAL mark on it, which says that the product meets the European standard and has a certificate.

Thus, medical accessories are necessary not only before and during the birth of a baby, but also after. Now manufacturers are trying to make medical accessories more attractive so that they are practically no different from ordinary stockings. In specialized stores you can find a considerable assortment of goods that differ in color, density, and size.

Compression stockings can highlight the slenderness of your legs and hide their imperfections. Take care of yourself and your feet!

Buy compression stockings for childbirth.

A tribute to fashion or necessity?

Some statistics: 1 woman out of 750 women in labor experiences pulmonary embolism* (blockage of a pulmonary artery by a blood clot)

Today, it is recommended for ALL WOMEN to have stockings for childbirth, even if they did not suffer from venous diseases before giving birth. During labor, blood clots may occur in the deep veins of the legs due to the enormous load. They can clog the vessel and lead to thrombosis. This is a serious complication that threatens a woman’s life. Buy to compression stockings for childbirth necessary for both natural childbirth and cesarean section. The presence of such stockings is a prerequisite in maternity hospitals in large cities of Russia. If you can reduce the risk of complications, why not take advantage of this opportunity? Ideally, a pregnant woman would wear prophylactic compression tights or maternity stockings during pregnancy to minimize stress on her legs, especially in the later stages.

When is it time to buy maternity stockings?

Let us remind you that these are not ordinary stockings, but compression ones, that is, they exert a certain level of pressure. And they don’t fit like regular hosiery, they’re a little heavier. That's why:

  • We recommend purchasing compression stockings for childbirth in about a month and practice putting it on at home. There are very frequent cases when a woman simply could not or did not have time to put on maternity stockings during labor.
  • Much in advance you shouldn’t look for stockings 3-4 months in advance. The leg circumference may increase due to swelling, and the required stocking size will increase accordingly.
  • Anti-embolic stockings for class 1 childbirth are indicated for all women in labor, regardless of the method of delivery, and can be purchased independently without a doctor’s prescription.

What compression class is needed for childbirth?

  • For most healthy women, it is enough to have 1st class maternity stockings(18-23 mmHg)
  • If a woman already had vascular diseases of the lower extremities before giving birth, was observed for this, or during pregnancy she was prescribed class 2 compression stockings, then she may need anti-embolic stockings for childbirth class 2(23-32 mmHg), which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

How long to wear stockings after childbirth?

  • Usually after natural childbirth stockings are worn for 1-2 days, taking off at night. As soon as you return to physical activity and start walking along the corridor, you will no longer need stockings. If the general condition does not allow you to return to activity in the first days after childbirth, then the stockings can be used for a longer time. In any case, the maternity hospital staff will definitely tell you what to do specifically in your case.
  • If a woman has had a caesarean section, she will be able to remove the stockings only after the doctor's permission. They will need to be worn during delivery and for some time after the baby is born.

Although, judging by the reviews of our customers, many women even I like the compression effect of birthing stockings, feeling of lightness in the legs,and they keep wearing themat home. Le soft compression class 1 do no harmon the contrary, it will helpget rid of pastiness and swelling of soft tissueslegs But the appearance of hospital white allows them to be worn only at home or under clothing.

How to choose stockings for childbirth?

Preference should be given to products that:

  • Therefore they do not contain latex will not cause an allergic reaction
  • Can be washed or even sterilized at t-95 degrees to ensure hygiene when exposed to secretions.
  • They have a loose knit for easy donning
  • They have an open toe section so that the doctor can control microcirculation based on the color of the toes.
  • Made from to breathable fiber

We answer your questions.

Question:During pregnancy I wore class 1 anti-varicose stockings, can I use them during childbirth, since the compression class is the same?

Answer: If we consider the therapeutic effect, then yes, it is possible. But...we still recommend purchasing special anti-embolic stockings for childbirth, because:

  • Unlike classic compression hosiery, they are easier to put on
  • They have holes in the fingers, and this is very important so that the doctor can react quickly if necessary
  • And if discharge gets on your beautiful stockings, will it be possible to wash them at T-30 degrees?
  • If there is a need to stay in postpartum stockings for several days in a row, then you will simply “cook” in anti-varicose stockings, while anti-embolic stockings allow air to pass through well.
  • The cost of postpartum stockings starts from 900 rubles, anti-varicose stockings are more expensive.

Only high-quality stockings for childbirth can protect your blood vessels and provide your legs with the highest comfort. In the Venocomfort online store you can buy compression stockings for childbirth German company medi, whose effectiveness has been proven in clinical studies. Or more budget and very popular stockings for childbirth from the Ergoforma company. Do not risk your health at such a crucial moment. Buy the best! Our store’s medical consultants are always ready to answer any questions you may have.

Choose. Buy it. Have an easy birth!

Your VenoComfort.