Multivitamins alphabet composition. Vitamins alphabet how to take: the right choice by color, dosage and time of administration



The Alphabet contains vitamins and minerals, the composition and dosage of which varies depending on the name of the drug.

Composition of the basic Alphabet:
1 tablet (white) includes: vitamins and microelements (B6 1 mg, PP 20 mg, copper 2 mg, iodine 150 mcg, molybdenum 250 mcg, ferum 18 mg, B1 1.5 mg).
1 tablet (pink) includes: vitamins and microelements (B2 1.7 mg, B6 1 mg, B12 3 mcg, folic acid 200 mcg, pantothenic acid 5 mg, K1 25 mcg, calcium 100 mg, chromium 25 mcg, biotin 30 mcg , D3 100 IU).
1 tablet (blue) includes: vitamins and microelements (C 80 mg, A 3333 IU, E 10 IU, zinc 15 mg, selenium 25 mcg, magnesium 40 mg, manganese 2.5 mg).

Pharmacological action

Alphabet is a multivitamin and polymineral preparation. His pharmacological action determined by the effect of the constituent parts.
Vitamin A - ensures normal growth, takes part in growth and renewal of structure bone tissue, dentin, skin, participates in the biosynthesis of retinal pigment.
Vitamin B1 – participates in contractile function myocardium and normalizes function nervous system.
Vitamin B2 – activates reparative regeneration processes in body tissues.
Vitamin B5 – ( pantothenic acid) regulates metabolic processes, participates in the oxidation of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Vitamin B6 - takes part in the growth and renewal of the structure of bone tissue, dentin, gums, participates in erythropoiesis, and has a neurotropic effect.
Vitamin B12 - is involved in erythropoiesis and normalizes the function of the nervous system.
Vitamin C is the most versatile vitamin that is involved in the function of cellular respiration and maintains a sufficient level of immunity.
Vitamin D3 is responsible for the balance of calcium and phosphorus, regulating the absorption of these minerals in the intestines and timely mineralization of bone tissue.
Vitamin E is responsible for the biosynthesis of hemoglobin, is a natural antioxidant, and is involved in the production of female sex hormones.
Vitamin H – (biotin) regulates metabolic processes and is involved in the oxidation of proteins.
Folic acid - participates in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin.
Vitamin PP – participates in protein metabolism, has a neurotropic effect, regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin K1 is the main factor of the blood coagulation system, exhibits a myotropic effect, takes part in the Krebs cycle (intracellular oxidation), regulates the function of the heart and liver.
Calcium is the main element in the mineralization of bone tissue and dentin; calcium ions activate the blood coagulation system
Magnesium is an element of bone tissue mineralization, takes part in neuromuscular transmission impulses.
Iron - makes up central part heme, a change in the valency of iron during the transfer of oxygen, is the basis of tissue respiration.
Manganese is an element of bone tissue mineralization.
Copper – is involved in cellular respiration and iron metabolism.
Zinc is central part about 70 enzymes, participates in the biosynthesis and metabolism of hormones (glucocorticosteroids), as well as in leukopoiesis.
Molybdenum is a central part of enzymes and coenzymes that participate in metabolic processes in the body.
Iodine is a basic element of hormones thyroid gland regulating intensity metabolic processes in the body.
Chromium – together with insulin, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, normalizes blood pressure.
A special feature of the drug Alphabet is the biochemical compatibility of elements and vitamins, which are presented in one tablet. Due to the separation of vitamins and elements, it is eliminated simultaneous administration active substances, which have a mutually inhibitory effect, thereby achieving greater bioavailability of Alphabet in comparison with similar drugs.

Indications for use

Increased need for microelements and vitamins (intense physical and mental stress, long-term treatment antibiotics, chemotherapy, insufficient and poor nutrition, pregnancy, infectious diseases, postoperative period and others). Prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and lack of microelements of various etiologies.

Directions for use

The alphabet is taken per os (orally) during meals with a tablet. sufficient quantity liquids. A special feature of using the Alphabet is the separate administration of tablets different colors, which contains daily norm vitamins and minerals. A total of 3 tablets are taken per day different colors, with an interval of more than 4 hours. Failure to comply with dosage intervals leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect.
The course of treatment for most Alphabet drugs is 1 month, followed by a 2-week break and a repeat course. Selected drugs Alphabet (for example, Mom's Health), taken under supervision and in dosages recommended by the doctor.

Side effects

Sometimes they watch allergic reactions to the components of the Alphabet.


Hypervitaminosis and excessive mineralization of the body by substances included in the Alphabet. Thyrotoxicosis. Child's age is up to 1 year.


The Mother's Health alphabet is intended for use by pregnant women. Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Drug interactions

Complicates the absorption of fluoroquinolone and tetracycline derivatives. Potentiates therapeutic effect and side effects of sulfonamides. When taken together, the white Alphabet tablet and antacids containing calcium, magnesium and aluminum reduce the absorption of iron. When taken together pink pill Alphabet and diuretics, increases the risk of hypercalcemia.


Alphabet overdose manifests itself acute poisoning or hypervitaminosis and hypermetallosis, in case of chronic overdose.
In the first case, gastric lavage, forced diuresis are performed, saline laxatives and symptomatic treatment are prescribed.
In the second case, Alphabet is immediately discontinued and therapy is carried out aimed at quickly removing excess components of the drug from the body.

Release form

Today, 16 varieties of the Alphabet are produced, which are recommended for use under certain conditions. pathological conditions(Alphabet Diabetes), in certain age groups, for men, women and other patient groups.
Release form of 15 types of Alphabet:
Tablets No. 60 in blisters.
Tablets No. 120 in blisters.
Tablets No. 210 in jars.
Alphabet Our baby, for children under 3 years old, is available in powder form in sachets No. 45 per package (for 15 days).

Storage conditions

The alphabet is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius, in a dark place away from children. Humidity below 75% is acceptable.

Active ingredients:

vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamin E, biotin, Vitamin K, folic acid, iodine, copper, molybdenum, iron, calcium, chromium, zinc, Selenium , Magnesium, manganese


The range of Alphabet series products includes the following drugs:
Basic Alphabet, Alphabets: Schoolchild, Kindergarten, Our baby, Teenager, Mom’s health, 50+, Energy, During the cold season, Biorhythm, Diabetes, Effect, Optikum, Cosmetics, For men, Diet, Fruity flavor.
Application of Alphabets with therapeutic purpose, requires consultation with a doctor.



  • Official instructions for the drug Alphabet.
Description of the drug " Alphabet"on this page is a simplified and expanded version official instructions by application. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Vitamins Alphabet Classic is unique drug, which has a fairly wide spectrum of action. It quickly replenishes the deficiency of microelements and vitamins in human body. Poly vitamin complex Another good thing is that it is equally useful for patients of all ages, but there are still some nuances in its use.

Alphabet Classic is available in tablets of three colors: pink, white and blue. One cardboard package may contain 60 or 120 tablets in blisters. The drug is also available in jars containing 210 tablets.

The pills contain approximately 65-80% of the biologically active substances that the body needs. The rest of the microelements comes with food. In general, Alphabet Classic is a complete nutritional supplement.

The composition of the tablets depends on the color. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

White pill contains the following substances:

  • vitamin D3 – 5 mcg;
  • – 100 mcg;
  • calcium pantothenate – 5 mg;
  • – 100 mcg;
  • – 3 mcg;
  • chromium – 50 mcg;
  • – 50 mcg;
  • vitamin K1 – 120 mcg.

Included blue pills contains:

  • – 10 mg;
  • vitamin A – 0.5 mg;
  • – 1.8 mg;
  • vitamin C – 35 mg;
  • manganese – 2 mg;
  • - 2 mg;
  • – 50 mg;
  • – 20 mg;
  • molybdenum – 45 mcg;
  • – 7-mcg;
  • – 15 mg;
  • – 150 mcg.

Included pink pill There are the following useful elements:

  • vitamin C – 35 mg;
  • vitamin B1 – 1.5 mg;
  • vitamin A – 0.5 mg;
  • folic acid – 100 mcg;
  • copper – 1 mg;
  • – 14 mg.

Cost of the drug

The price of the Alphabet Classic multivitamin complex depends on the region and the pharmacy where it is sold. A package with 60 tablets costs approximately 200-250 rubles, with 120 tablets - 320-370 rubles. A jar costs about 500 rubles. The last option is the most profitable.

Indications for use

As a rule, Alphabet Classic is prescribed to combat hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency in the diet, as well as unbalanced nutrition.

This drug is excellent remedy to maintain the body under high mental and physical stress. Most often it is prescribed to pregnant women, children over 14 years of age, athletes, as well as people whose work involves hazardous work.

In addition, it is prescribed for long-term antibiotic therapy, during chemotherapy and in the postoperative period.

How does the drug affect the body?

The white tablet has a slight tonic effect. In addition, the substances it contains help strengthen bones, improve skeletal health, have a beneficial effect on the skin and normalize blood circulation.

After taking the white pill, the body is adjusted to work, metabolic processes are accelerated and work stimulation is provided cardiovascular system. Taking it provides a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

The blue pill contains substances that enhance immunity and increase performance. They provide good support during high physical and emotional stress during the day. Thus, you can get rid of stress, fatigue, colds. The body is quite well protected.

The pink pill is responsible for the processes of restoring tone blood vessels, and is also responsible for normalizing blood circulation.

Directions for use

Many people are interested in the question of how to take vitamins, because the blister contains 3 different tablets in their composition and action.

The daily dose is 3 tablets. Take one tablet with meals at intervals of 5-6 hours. It is better to do this during breakfast, lunch and dinner, so vitamin prophylaxis will be more effective. The order in which you take the pills is not that important.

The course of treatment ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month. Do not forget to carefully study the instructions for use before taking it. You should also consult a specialist.

Contraindications and side effects

The Alphabet Classic multivitamin complex is considered safe and does not have any specific contraindications. However, if there is an individual intolerance to certain components, then you should refrain from taking it. The product is also contraindicated for children under 14 years of age.

The drug should be taken with caution during breastfeeding or with hyperthyroidism. There were no side effects observed while taking the vitamins.

Analogues of Alphabet Classic

The multivitamin complex has more than 300 analogues that have similar action. The most famous and common drugs include the following:

  1. Supradin.
  2. Vitrum.
  3. Pikovit.
  4. Tsipromed.
  5. Kaletra.
  6. Smallpox.
  7. Talcid.

The first 3 drugs are the most preferred, however, compared to Alphabet Classic, they are quite expensive. The remaining drugs cost about the same.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 20.08.2012

Filterable list


Nosological classification (ICD-10)


Tablets in combination 1 complex
1 complex consists of 3 tablets of different colors
Calcium-D 3+, tablet No. 1 (white) 1 table
vitamin D 3 5 mcg
calcium pantothenate 5 mg
folic acid 100 mcg
vitamin B 12 3 mcg
biotin (vitamin H) 50 mcg
vitamin K 1 120 mcg
chromium 50 mcg
calcium 100 mg
Antioxidants+, tablet No. 2 (blue) 1 table
vitamin A 0.5 mg
vitamin E 10 mg
vitamin C 35 mg
vitamin B 2 1.8 mg
nicotinamide (vitamin PP) 20 mg
vitamin B 6 2 mg
magnesium 50 mg
manganese 2 mg
selenium 70 mcg
molybdenum 45 mcg
iodine 150 mcg
zinc 15 mg
Iron+, tablet No. 3 (pink) 1 table
vitamin B 1 1.5 mg
vitamin C 35 mg
folic acid 100 mcg
vitamin A 0.5 mg
iron 14 mg
copper 1 mg


Vitamin-mineral complex, dietary supplement.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and macro- and microelements.

Effect on the body

Replenishes deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Contains calcium and magnesium.

Component Properties

The vitamin and mineral complexes of the ALFAVIT ® series, developed by AKVION, take into account the recommendations of scientists for both joint and separate intake useful substances. In ALPHABET ® the daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals is divided into 3 tables. Vitamins and minerals that should enter the body in different times, are in different tablets, and those that should be taken together are in one.

Each of the three ALFAVITA ® Classic tablets is a balanced vitamin and mineral complex that has a specific, clearly defined effect. Three tablets taken during the day provide versatile and complete support for the body.

Calcium-D 3+ tablet

Contains vitamin D 3 and calcium, which reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and help strengthen bones and teeth; biotin, also part of the complex, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, and vitamin K 1 helps to increase blood clotting and increase the stability of vascular walls.

Antioxidants+ tablet

Includes selenium and vitamins A, C, E, which strengthen the immune system and help protect the body from harmful influences environment.

Iron+ tablet

Contains iron and vitamin C, which prevent anemia; vitamin B1, involved in energy metabolism; folic acid, necessary for hematopoiesis, and other useful substances.

As an additional source of vitamins and microelements, it contains calcium and magnesium.


individual intolerance to components;

hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.


Micronutrient interactions

Micronutrient Other vitamins or minerals Nature of interaction
Vitamin A Vitamins E, C Protect vitamin A from oxidation
Zinc Essential for the metabolism of vitamin A and its conversion to its active form
Vitamin B 1 Vitamin B 6 Slows down the transition of vitamin B1 to its biologically active form
Vitamin B 12 Strengthens allergic reactions to vitamin B1; The cobalt ion in the vitamin B 12 molecule contributes to the destruction of vitamin B 1
Vitamin B 6 Vitamin B 12 The cobalt ion in the vitamin B 12 molecule promotes the destruction of vitamin B 6
Folic acid Zinc Interferes with the absorption of folic acid due to the formation of insoluble complexes
Vitamin C Promotes the preservation of folic acid in tissues
Vitamin B 12 Vitamins B1, C, iron, copper Under the influence of vitamins B 1, C, iron, copper, vitamin B 12 is converted into inactive analogues
Vitamin E Vitamin C Restores oxidized vitamin E
Selenium Strengthen each other's antioxidant effect
Iron Calcium, zinc Reduce iron absorption
Vitamin A Increases iron absorption. Hemoglobin levels are higher when taking iron with vitamin A than when taking iron alone
Vitamin C Increases iron absorption, enhances iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract
Calcium Vitamin D 3 Increases the bioavailability of calcium, potentiates the absorption of calcium by bone tissue
Magnesium, zinc Reduce calcium absorption
Magnesium Vitamin B 6 Promotes magnesium absorption, penetration and retention of magnesium in cells
Calcium Reduces magnesium absorption
Manganese Calcium, iron Impairs the absorption of manganese
Copper Zinc Interferes with copper absorption
Molybdenum Copper Reduces the absorption of molybdenum
Chromium Iron Reduces chromium absorption
Zinc Folic acid Interferes with the absorption of zinc due to the formation of insoluble complexes
Calcium, iron, copper Impairs the absorption of zinc in the intestines
Vitamin B 2 Increases the bioavailability of zinc

Directions for use and doses

Inside, while eating. Adults - 1 tablet. each type per day (in any order). Duration of treatment - 1 month.

Special instructions

ALPHABET ® Classic is recommended to be taken 3 times a day, with an interval of 4-6 hours between doses. During this time, the vitamins and minerals included in one tablet will be completely absorbed and will not interact with the components of the next one. This regimen will allow you to get the maximum benefit from taking ALFAVIT ®.

Release form

60, 120 or 210 tab. weighing 520 mg.


Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma LLC, Russian Federation, 107005, Moscow, st. Bakuninskaya, 8, building 1, room. 13 (production: Russian Federation, Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, Volginsky village).

Organization authorized to accept claims: AKVION CJSC, RF, 125040, Moscow, 3rd Yamskoye Polya Street, 28.

Storage conditions for the drug Alphabet Classic

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 4-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Alphabet Classic

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

The modern pace of life does not allow us to monitor the amount of vitamins and minerals entering the body daily. But the general condition of the body, well-being, and ability to resist depend on these indicators. respiratory infections. Therefore, to maintain health, you should choose a vitamin and mineral complex. Alphabet vitamins are rightfully considered one of the best. They are used as medicine and also for preventive purposes.

Alphabet Features

This vitamin complex is unique, since its creation took into account the effectiveness joint reception certain vitamins and microelements. It has been proven that the presence of some substances in food stimulates or blocks the absorption of others. Multivitamins of other brands contain the entire complex of useful substances in each tablet, which does not contribute to complete absorption. In the Alphabet, all substances are divided into 3 groups, each of which contains only synergists. Due to the lack of antagonistic action, all elements included in the composition are absorbed in full.

The drug Alphabet has a lot of advantages:

  • good both in the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies;
  • designed taking into account the latest scientific discoveries(separate intake of useful compounds);
  • the composition of vitamins and dosage correspond daily requirement;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • has different preparative forms;
  • Alphabet individual multivitamins are designed for people different ages located in different physiological conditions.

The line of vitamin complexes of this brand is available in almost all pharmacies. You can pick up individual remedy, suitable for gender and age, or limit yourself to the universal vitamin and mineral complex Alphabet Classic.

Release form

The prophylactic agent is available in three formulations:

  1. Powders are for the little ones.
  2. Chewable candies – for children over 3 years old.
  3. Multi-colored tablets - for adults and elderly people.

The Alphabet vitamin complex in the form of powders is packaged in cardboard packs, each of which contains 45 sachets. Every day the baby is given 3 different powders. Tablets and chewing candies are sold in plastic cans (210 or 120 pieces) or blisters (60 pieces), packed in cardboard packs.

Each preparative form is presented in three variations, which differ from each other in the composition of vitamins and minerals.


The manufacturer did not begin to make “venigret” from beneficial substances, given their antagonistic nature. The composition of each tablet is maximally balanced, the components are neutral in relation to each other or have a synergistic effect.

We will analyze the composition of the vitamin complex based on the drug Alphabet Classic.

  • tablet white combines trace elements Ca and Cr with vitamins K, B12, B9, B5, D, H;
  • blue tablet includes vitamins with antioxidant effects (E, C, A, PP, B6, B2) and mineral elements I, Se, Mn, Zn, Mo, Mg;
  • tablet Alphabet pink color contains a complex of iron and copper, as well as vitamins A, B9, B1, C.

The drug Alphabet Classic is considered universal for both sexes and people of all ages. But it is still better to select an individual remedy for replenishing vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiencies, developed taking into account age-related characteristics.

List of drugs Alphabet

The line of dietary supplements is gradually being replenished, but today the following drugs exist.

Children's multivitamins

Norms of daily requirement for useful compounds lower in children than in adults. Therefore, the creators of the Alphabet complex came up with a children's series, where each drug takes into account the characteristics of a child of a certain age:

  1. "Our baby." Powders, soluble in water. Designed for toddlers from 1 to 3 years old. Hypoallergenicity is achieved by replacing some vitamins (instead of A, the composition contains beta carotene). Dietary supplement promotes proper development baby, maintaining his immune system.
  2. "Kindergarten ". Chewable candies for preschool children (3-7 years old). They have a pleasant fruity taste that children like so much.
  3. "Schoolboy ". A product in the form of chewing candies, intended for children 7-14 years old. Helps improve health, make it easier to cope with emotional shocks and physical activity.
  4. "Teenager". Tablets for teenagers puberty. Reduces the manifestation of aggression provoked by hormonal changes, helps to cope with stress caused by mental and physical stress (exams, sections, etc.).

The use of Alphabet vitamins is especially recommended in the spring and autumn to strengthen the body's resistance to infections. There is a special drug with increased level ascorbic acid, which is called the Alphabet “During the cold season for children.” These tablets can be given to children over three years of age.

Thus, this series of multivitamins is designed for children aged 1 to 18 years. Once you reach adulthood, you can start taking Alphabet vitamins for adults.

Vitamin and mineral complex for men and women

In addition to the Alphabet complex “In the cold season,” intended for adult men and women, there are other dietary supplements. The purpose of their creation is to support the health of people in various physiological states (pregnancy, menopause, muscular and emotional stress etc.).

We have compiled a list to let you know what vitamins there are.

  1. "Energy". Helps to recover more easily after hard working days. The tablets are designed for mental workers and people with an average level of physical activity.
  2. "Effect". A prophylactic product developed specifically for athletes and those whose work involves serious physical activity. The components help remove muscle tension, pain after training.
  3. "Anti-stress". These Alphabet vitamins for adults help maintain the functional activity of the nervous system. In addition to mineral compounds and multivitamins, it contains valerian extract, which helps to relax and calm down. The use of Alphabet vitamins can be done for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.
  4. "Diabetes". The drug was developed taking into account the needs of diabetics and helps increase the body's tolerance to glucose.
  5. "Cosmetician". Contains antioxidant vitamins and youth coenzymes that affect the structure of the skin, nails and hair. This vitamin and mineral complex was created specifically for beautiful ladies.
  6. "Mom's health." For nursing women and expectant mothers. The composition includes large doses of vitamin D and Ca, since during pregnancy and breastfeeding a woman’s need for these components increases significantly.
  7. " ". The tablets help replenish calcium deficiency, which after 50 years begins to be actively washed out of the body. The drug is prescribed as prophylactic(osteoporosis, fractures).
  8. "For men." Dietary supplement helps prevent diseases genitourinary system men, stimulates the motor system.

Such wide choice drugs will allow you to choose a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that is right for you.

Who is the drug prescribed for?

Considering different composition Tablets and vitamins can be taken by all people over 1 year old, but each person needs their own type of drug. The key point When choosing a dietary supplement, age is a factor, but activity level and the presence of diseases are also important.

For example, a multivitamin complex is prescribed to prevent colds, but it will also be useful during treatment, as it will significantly speed up the healing process. You should pay attention to Alphabet vitamins for adults if:

  • you have nervous work, constant stress, high fatigue;
  • diagnosed with diabetes;
  • torment muscle pain after work or training;
  • there are problems with urination or in the intimate area;
  • you are preparing to become a mother or are already breastfeeding your baby;
  • your child grows up, becomes irritable, breaks down;
  • age is approaching old age.

How formerly man begins to “feed” your body with the missing useful components, the higher the chance of avoiding serious illnesses.


When choosing dietary supplements, many people wonder: how to take vitamins and is it worth doing it at all? Of course, there are a number of contraindications.

Here are the cases in which you do not need to take any drug from the series:

  1. If you get enough vitamins from food, when additional intake An overdose of the vitamin-mineral complex may occur. Remember that hypervitaminosis is also harmful to the body! Reception vitamin remedy may provoke side effects (allergic rash etc.).
  2. Allergy to individual components (carefully study the composition!).
  3. Thyroid dysfunction.

If you have previously been diagnosed with allergic reactions, then taking vitamin and mineral supplements should be discussed with your doctor. Expectant mothers and patients suffering from hormonal diseases. The doctor should study the medical history and tell you how to take Alphabet and whether it is necessary to do so.

And one more prohibition that applies to everyone: if a therapeutic and prophylactic product has expired, it is prohibited to take it!

Instructions for use of vitamins Alphabet

Each package comes with instructions for using the vitamin complex, which must be carefully studied. From it you will learn how to take a specific medicine correctly. But the general principles of application are as follows:

  1. The prophylactic drug is taken orally, along with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. The order of the colors does not matter: take them in any order.
  3. The drugs should be taken in a course that lasts on average 30 days.
  4. Total courses - 2-3 per year.
  5. The interval between course doses should be about 2 weeks.
  6. The method of administration differs for different preparative forms: tablets must be washed down with water and swallowed, candies for children must be chewed, and powders for children must be dissolved in water (30 ml) and given to drink immediately.

In case initial stage hypovitaminosis, the course needs to be adjusted. To do this, you need to ask your doctor how many days you can take the dietary supplement.

Thus, vitamin and mineral supplements help eliminate deficiency conditions, improve resistance to infections, and prevent the development of serious diseases. Multivitamins and microelements help resist stress and improve cellular regeneration and strengthen bones.

Each vitamin complex has its own instructions for use. Vitamins Alphabet - especially unique complex, designed for clear interaction of the components included in its composition with each other. Taking a vitamin complex can be a single dose, but in this case, the effect of the medicine will not differ from regular multivitamins. The ideal course of taking the drug Alphabet is to take each tablet or powder a few hours after the previous one. Vitamins Alphabet are suitable for use for various areas actions.

  1. The Classic complex is designed for adults and children over 14 years of age to maintain the level of vitamins and nutrients in the blood, increasing immunity in certain time year.
  2. Vitamins Kindergarten, aimed at growth and development child's body, increasing the child’s stress resistance during the first social adaptation.
  3. The drug Alphabet Cosmetic is useful for women who want to preserve their beauty.
  4. The Shkolnik vitamin complex is characterized by improved mental and physical activity in children school age, increased energy and brain activity.
  5. Vitamins for men increase potency and function of the sex glands, activate mental and physical activity, increase endurance.
  6. The Mom's Health complex is necessary for planning and pregnant women, as a source of all the necessary vitamins and microelements for successful conception and gestation.

Each tablet of the complex includes active ingredients that are relevant for a specific time of administration. Ideally, the dose should be divided into three parts per day. So the action active ingredients between themselves, does not carry any neutralization of beneficial substances. All of them are digested and absorbed into the intestinal walls in a timely manner.

Alphabet Kindergarten

Vitamins Alphabet Kindergarten, include three chewable tablets different colors, as a daily dose. Correct instructions according to application, it consists of taking tablets three times at different times. If taken correctly, Alphabet Kindergarten vitamins guarantee an increase in benefits active ingredients, by 30-50%, compared to the use of any other standard multivitamin complex. The Kindergarten complex is designed for children 3-7 years old, as an additional source of nutrients and minerals necessary for the child’s body at this age. There is another series of vitamins for infants, as well as breastfeeding, the mother can use the Mommy's Health complex.

  • The red tablet of the Kindergarten complex is enriched with iron, necessary for normal hematopoiesis and the functioning of the child’s cardiovascular system. It contains B vitamins, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid. Contains copper, which actively interacts with iron. Has cherry flavor.
  • The green tablet of the Kindergarten complex has the function of antioxidant protection of the child’s body. Active Ingredients- B vitamins, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene. Excipients: selenium, magnesium, manganese, iodine and zinc. Has a pear taste.
  • The yellow tablet of the Kindergarten complex is an additional source of calcium and vitamin D3, necessary for normal height and development of the child’s bones, formation cartilage tissue. Contains a large dose of calcium and chromium. Has an apricot taste.

All tablets included in the Alphabet “Kindergarten” complex can be taken at any time and in any order. The interval between taking tablets should be at least 4 hours. The course of taking the drug is 20 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after maintaining a time period of 10-15 days.

Alphabet Schoolboy

Vitamins Alphabet Shkolnik are a necessary additional source for deficiency of useful microelements in children of primary and secondary school age. The complex activates mental and physical activity, is necessary for schoolchildren as an additional source of energy when attending sports sections and physical education lessons. Alphabet complex Schoolboy strengthens immune system during epidemiological periods, increases performance and regulates the functions of the nervous system, necessary for schoolchildren during social adaptation. Like the Kindergarten complex, Alphabet Shkolnik vitamins are produced in the form of chewing candies that have different taste, and identical instructions for use.

  • The red tablet of the Shkolnik complex has a cherry flavor and is enriched with iron, copper and folic acid. Best time for reception - in the morning, before classes. Contains two main components that enhance immunity - vitamin C and beta-carotene.
  • The green tablet has antioxidant properties and includes B vitamins, tocopherol, and ascorbic acid. Enriched with molybdenum, iodine, zinc, magnesium and manganese. Perfect time for reception - lunch. Has a melon taste.
  • Yellow tablet of the schoolchild complex, contains B vitamins, calcium pantothenate, vitamin D3. Contains calcium in large quantities- 110 mg for one tablet. Provides for a growing body essential vitamins and microelements, strengthens bones and teeth. It has a pineapple flavor and is most suitable for use in evening time days.

The order in which you take each tablet is not very important. The course is 20 days. The ideal solution is to conduct the course 2-3 times, with intervals of 2 weeks between each subsequent one.

Children's vitamins are consumed as chewable candy after the main meal. There is no need to wash them down with water.

Alphabet Classic

The Classic complex is designed for use by adults and children over 14 years old, to strengthen the immune system, maintain general condition health, and replenishment of missing vitamins and microelements in the body. Vitamins Classic should also be distributed over several doses. IN the best option, the time interval between doses should be 4-6 hours.

  • The white tablet is intended to be taken in the morning. Tones the body, awakens it after sleep, strengthens tissues bone skeleton, normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body. Contains B vitamins, calcium, chromium and biotin. The best time to consume is between 8 and 10 am.
  • The blue tablet of vitamin Classic is taken at lunchtime and provides effective protection body and strengthening the immune system for the whole day. Contains B vitamins, tocopherol, retinol and ascorbic acid, enriched with magnesium and zinc. Helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system, reduces physical and emotional fatigue, produces effective prevention diseases and stress.
  • The pink tablet is most suitable for use in the evening; it contains components that normalize blood pressure and calm the brain. The tablet replenishes the energy expended during the day.

Although the timing of doses is not as important as the interval between them, the recommendations should be followed, since this is how the Classic vitamin complex will produce the maximum positive effect. The course of taking tablets is 20 days. It can also be repeated after consulting a doctor.

Alphabet Cosmetics

The Cosmetics complex is specially designed for women who want to preserve their youth and beauty. The composition of Alphabet Cosmetics includes 13 vitamins and 10 minerals necessary to maintain skin tone, strengthen hair and nails. Alphabet Cosmetics protects feminine beauty from harmful environmental influences, mechanical and chemical damage. The Cosmetic complex is taken three times a day, each tablet has its own properties. The time of administration does not matter, and the interval between taking the drug should be at least several hours. The Cosmetic complex can be taken once a day, however, to achieve better effect, you need to take the pills at least twice. Alphabet Cosmetics contains daily dose vitamins distributed in three tablets of different colors.

  • Yellow tablet of the Cosmetic complex - antioxidant protection for the whole day, contains plant bioflavonoids. The best time for use is in the morning.
  • Green tablet Alphabet Cosmetic - replenishes calcium reserves, strengthens teeth, hair and nails. It is better to take it at lunch.
  • The red tablet, enriched with iron, inulin and para-aminobenzoic acid, is taken in the evening.

The course of application is 20 days. To achieve best result, it can be repeated.

Alphabet for men

The complex, intended for men, includes vitamins and microelements necessary to increase the body's endurance, maintain its tone, stimulate mental and physical performance, and normalize the functioning of the male gonads and genitourinary system. Vitamins for men have a strict dosage regimen.

  • Red (morning) tablet of the complex for men, contains B vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract. Tones the body after sleep, increases brain and physical activity.
  • Blue (day) tablet of the complex for men, contains carotenoids and essential fatty acids. Maintains strength throughout the day, has a beneficial effect on the male sex glands.
  • Green (evening) tablet of the complex for men, enriched with L-carnitine, folic acid and calcium. Renders restorative effect on the body, relieves fatigue.

Before use this drug, an in-person consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Alphabet Mom's health

The Mom's Health complex is designed for use during planning, pregnancy and lactation. The Mother's Health alphabet provides a woman with all the necessary vitamins and microelements in preparation for pregnancy and childbirth, and regulates the supply of nutrients to the fetus. The instructions and regimen for using the drug Mom's Health should be discussed with your doctor. Self-administration of multivitamins is not recommended. The vitamins include three tablets designed for use at different times of the day.

  • The white tablet of the drug Mom's Health is enriched with calcium, which is necessary to preserve the integrity of women's teeth during pregnancy and ensure the normal construction of fetal bone tissue. It is better to take in the morning.
  • Blue tablet of vitamins Mom's Health contains antioxidants, selenium, iodine and B vitamins, especially necessary during pregnancy. It is better to take during the daytime.
  • Pink tablet Alphabet Mom's health, includes iron, copper and organic acid- taurine. Taken before bedtime.

It should be borne in mind that deviations from the norm in the supply of vitamins are an individual concept, and their excess during pregnancy is just as harmful as a deficiency. Therefore, for a specific course prescription, you should consult a doctor. The blister of the drug contains 60 tablets. Course - 20 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after waiting a certain time interval.