Excessive sweating appeared. Excessive sweating: causes

What is hyperhidrosis, what are the causes of its occurrence in men and women, how does this disease manifest itself, methods of treating excessive sweating in the summer, dietary rules for the disease.

The main reasons for increased sweating in summer

Sweat contains 99% water. In addition to it, there are also trace elements, salts, urea, amino acids, and organic substances. Sweating is a natural process by which thermoregulation is carried out and maintained. water balance skin, and the body gets rid of waste and toxins. In summer, this process intensifies and is not always balanced.

Causes of sweating in men

With local sweating in men, areas such as the armpits, palms, feet, inguinal folds, chin and head (mainly in bald men) are affected. When the sweating process exceeds the norm, doctors talk about a disease such as hyperhidrosis. It is very important to find out in the first stages of the disease whether hyperhidrosis is primary or secondary. And then you should choose treatment methods.

The primary stage of the disease is not a rare case today. This type of hyperhidrosis affects approximately two percent of the population aged 16 to 37 years. It is also worth noting that primary hyperhidrosis can occur even in completely healthy people. Another name for this disease is idiopathic sweating, which occurs even without any obvious pathologies.

The features of this stage of the disease are as follows: a person experiences normal sweating at night, but during the day its level increases noticeably. Moreover, the body and skin react normally to temperature changes around. Sweat production depends on emotional state: the more stressful the situation, the more profuse sweating.

There are several reasons for the appearance of the primary stage of the disease. Firstly, the number of sweat glands increases sharply. Secondly, their number is normal, but they produce excessive sweating. Nervous conditions, allergy to food products or exposure to external factors - the reasons that a person may experience idiopathic sweating.

A man may begin to sweat heavily during emotional experiences. Along with the process of sweating, the level of adrenaline in the blood also increases. Patients may also experience irritability and depression, constant feeling dissatisfaction.

If you suspect that your sweating is due to such factors, you need to consult a neurologist. After all, if the level of sweat production increases during nervous tension and irritation, then, after the neurosis is cured, the problem of hyperhidrosis will also disappear.

Reactions to foods may occur during meals. Large drops of sweat may appear on your face, and you will feel psychological discomfort. This reaction is very individual and can be caused by certain foods. To solve the problem, you should simply refuse to take these products, at least if there are other people at the table with you, and this bothers you.

Causes of severe sweating include shoes made of non-natural materials, synthetic clothing, heavy sports activities, and hot weather. Obese men are especially affected.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is usually a symptom of some more serious disease. If you identify it in time and begin comprehensive treatment, then sweating will become much less, and soon the problem will disappear altogether.

Causes of the secondary stage of sweating in men:

  • If there are disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Such failures interfere with the normal functioning of the skin's thermoregulation system.
  • Diabetes mellitus, as well as reduced level Sahara.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system, in which a person may even have asymmetrical sweating (for example, one palm or armpit sweats a lot).
  • Excessive sweating affects people who are overweight. Indeed, in this case, the thermoregulation of the skin and metabolism are disrupted, and even simple actions require much more energy expenditure.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system. If you have profuse cold sweats and feel severe pain on the left side of the body, then perhaps this is a pre-infarction condition.
  • With tuberculosis, the state of the body is very weak, the person loses a lot of weight, sleeps poorly at night and sweats. Moreover, sweat has a characteristic unpleasant odor.
  • If a person is diagnosed with lymph tissue tumors, then the main symptoms of the disease are heavy sweating during sleep.
Increased sweating at night is not always a sign of a serious illness; it may be associated with colds or acute respiratory viral infections. And if during this period a man sweats profusely, this good sign as recovery begins.

Causes of increased sweating in women

Women, as a rule, suffer less from hyperhidrosis than the stronger sex. Among the most common causes of increased armpit sweating in women in summer are the following:
  1. Excess weight. A thick fat layer prevents the skin from effectively giving off unnecessary heat. Even ordinary household chores are difficult for obese women to do, and they sweat several times more intensely. The result is severe sweating and overweight- things are interconnected. To solve the problem, you should take care of your figure and health.
  2. Disruption thyroid gland . With this disease, not only the armpits sweat, but the whole body. You may also experience the following symptoms: weight loss for no reason, although your appetite, on the contrary, increases and is felt severe weakness in the muscles, arms or legs may tremble. Such people become sensitive and irritable, and may cry or become nervous for no reason. Women also note that during the disease the menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  3. Puberty. In adolescents, apocrine glands begin to actively develop. Therefore, heavy sweating at this stage is considered normal. You should take good care of personal hygiene in order to avoid unpleasant odor. You need to pick up special cosmetic products at the pharmacy.
  4. Excessive sweating during pregnancy. Hyperhidrosis can bother women throughout the entire nine months. There is a huge amount of specific hormones in the blood of the expectant mother, which actively increase every day. And this leads to the fact that the process of metabolism and heat transfer increases several times.
  5. Postpartum period . Also, severe sweating can occur in the period after childbirth, because at this time physical activity increases, unstable hormonal levels, the body is trying to adapt to a new rhythm and lactation.
  6. Climax. By a certain age, the amount of hormones in a woman’s body decreases. As soon as this period begins, sudden hormonal changes may cause concern, palpitations, feeling hot or cold. All this is accompanied by sweating in summer and other seasons of the year. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed as treatment.
  7. Infection in the body. If you experience a cough, high temperature, sweating, especially at night, general weakness and insomnia, loss of appetite, you have an infectious disease.
  8. Emotional turmoil. Intense sweating begins if you often experience psychological stress, irritation. During a consultation with a doctor, you may be prescribed sedative homeopathic medications for treatment.
  9. Clothing or bedding made from non-natural fabrics. It is synthetic materials that do not properly absorb excess moisture and do not allow the skin to breathe normally. It is highly not recommended to wear things made of nylon or nylon in hot weather, because this not only causes profuse sweating, but can also be harmful to health. Also, do not wear clothes that are too tight; your body needs good air circulation. Give preference to cotton items in summer.
  10. Alcoholic drinks. Often it is their consumption that leads to a person starting to sweat a lot. After all, the effect of alcohol leads to stimulation of blood flow to the skin. In this case, even an ice-cold cocktail will make you sweat profusely before you feel drunk.
  11. PMS. Before the start of the cycle, the level of hormones in the blood is minimal. On day 14 level female hormones increases, the growth of progesterone is activated. During ovulation, the background is unstable. Typically, heavy sweating during this period should not cause panic or anxiety. Sweat production depends on the amount of luteinizing hormone in the body. This especially applies to women who regularly train and perform various kinds power loads.

Signs of excessive sweating in summer

Local hyperhidrosis is observed in certain areas of the body - for example, in the armpits or inguinal folds. If the disease manifests itself on the soles or palms, the process is accompanied by severe rash (in the form of blisters) and itching.

One of the forms of local sweating is hyperhidrosis on the facial skin. It may be a consequence of mumps or mumps suffered in childhood.

Often diseases of the nervous or endocrine system are accompanied by the development of universal hyperhidrosis, in which the whole body sweats profusely. In the process of this, the human body loses a lot of salts, there is a decrease in performance, weakness and unreasonable irritability.

In this case, a violation of the water-salt balance of sweat occurs (previously it served as a protective barrier for the skin and did not allow pathogenic microbes to develop). This leads to the fact that the alkaline qualities of sweat are reduced, and pathogenic microbes can enter and develop on the skin.

The process is accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor, and sometimes pustular inflammation occurs in the area of ​​the glands. Diaper rash and fungus can also form on the skin.

Features of the treatment of excessive sweating in summer

Hyperhidrosis can be a sign that there is something wrong with the body that can lead to serious illness. But, before you start fighting sweating, you need to go through comprehensive examination.

How to get rid of sweating with medications

A product called Formidron has proven itself well. It perfectly dries the skin, forming an invisible protective film on problem areas, which serves as a barrier against excessive sweating.

But doctors do not advise abusing the drug - it should be used infrequently and extremely carefully, since Formidron contains formaldehyde. With frequent use, it can disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and adversely affect the mucous membranes. Penetrating through the skin into the body, the product can accumulate for a long time. As a result, they may begin to develop malignant formations.

Another effective medicine- Dry-Dry. Its consistency is liquid and colorless, and has no characteristic odor. Deodorant should be applied to clean, dry skin before bed. The drug dries quickly and has a long-lasting effect - up to seven days. The application procedure can be repeated every week if necessary.

Dry-Dry deodorant tightens pores, thereby preventing excessive sweating. You can be sure that your armpits will always be dry. It is also worth noting that under the influence of the product the work of the sweat glands will not be disrupted; all sweat is simply redirected to other areas.

Beautiful antiseptic medicine, which fights heavy sweating well - Lassara Paste. The composition of the drug includes zinc oxide, petroleum jelly and starch. The course of treatment is a month. The paste should be applied to the skin in a thin layer. The product has no side effects. The only thing worth noting is that it cannot be used by pregnant women and women during breastfeeding.

Another drug that will help solve the problem of excessive sweating in summer is Galmanin. It contains salicylic acid, talc and zinc oxide. This is a combined local application. Salicylic acid has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and zinc oxide gently dries the skin. This powder is an effective remedy for excessive sweating.

Salicylic-zinc ointment will help solve the problem of armpit hyperhidrosis. The product is available in the form of paste and powder for sprinkling on the problem area. It has an antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. The drug should not be applied to large areas of the skin, as this will only increase sweat production. Not recommended for use during pregnancy, anemia, poor blood clotting and stomach diseases.

Folk remedies for excessive sweating

To reduce profuse sweating, doctors advise taking special baths. The most effective means for reducing sweat are soda, vinegar, salt and mint. Also effective are lotions with a decoction of St. John's wort and oak bark. For best result you can alternate components. Do the procedure in the evening, before going to bed.

Recipes for therapeutic baths:

  1. Soda bath. Three tablespoons needed baking soda dilute in a container with water and pour into the bath.
  2. Vinegar bath. Two hundred milliliters of six percent vinegar should be diluted with a liter of water and poured into the bath.
  3. Bath with sea ​​salt . Required quantity bath salts - three hundred to four hundred grams. You can also add a couple drops of tea tree essential oil if desired. This remedy helps well with hyperhidrosis.
  4. Baths with herbal infusions. They use mint, St. John's wort and oak bark. Brew a tablespoon of plants in a liter of boiling water. After this, the mixture must be infused for an hour. Next, strain and add the broth to the bathtub.

How to get rid of excessive sweating using homemade deodorant

To solve the problem of hyperhidrosis, you can prepare a homemade deodorant to replace the usual cosmetic stick from the store. You can use a stick from a used store-bought product as packaging.

Homemade deodorant is a natural and safe product, which is also absolutely hypoallergenic. It is also good because it will not leave unsightly streaks and stains on your clothes.

To create a remedy for hyperhidrosis, you will need the following ingredients: two teaspoons of soda, any cosmetic clay and corn starch, 40 grams of beeswax, one tablespoon of cosmetic shea and cocoa butters and about 15 drops of any essential aroma oil in combination with oil tea tree.

To prepare deodorant, you need to follow these instructions:

  • Mix the clay, soda and starch well.
  • Melt the wax and oils in a steam bath.
  • Mix the prepared ingredients with essential oils.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle of already used antiperspirant.
  • After the product has hardened, store it at room temperature - ingredients such as wax and cocoa will prevent it from melting.
The deodorant is dry and not greasy. In addition, it is very economical: with daily use it will last for two to three months. Thanks to the active ingredients, the product will prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors, will care for the skin of the armpits, and will provide antibacterial effect.

Treatment of excessive sweating with Botox

Botox has long been used not only for “beauty injections”. Women often inject botulinum toxin type A into their armpits to combat the problem of hyperhidrosis. Botox is injected pointwise with thin needles. Thus, after the injection, conductivity nerve impulses is blocked and the activity of the sweat glands is significantly reduced. The injection lasts for six months, after which the procedure must be renewed.

It is important to remember: if you decide to have a Botox injection, you should not take any antibiotics or sedatives two weeks before the procedure and two weeks after it. It is also not recommended to visit a sauna or bathhouse.

How to get rid of hyperhidrosis using iontophoresis

The problem of increased sweating can also be solved using a hardware method - using iontophoresis. The essence of the procedure is that the skin is exposed to a weak electricity, which is absolutely harmless to health, but at the same time it will help sweat glands It is better to regulate your work and fluid secretion.

The course of treatment includes ten procedures (this will take about two weeks). After this, you will feel that the degree of sweating has decreased significantly. The result after such exposure will last for two months. Therefore, to maintain it, doctors advise doing additional procedures.

Diet rules for excessive sweating in summer

Doctors have established a certain pattern between what a person eats and how his sweating depends on it. For example, if there are too many alcoholic drinks, fast food, coffee, and meat dishes in the diet, then the smell of sweat becomes sharply unpleasant. But eating large quantities of hot and spicy foods will only greatly increase the secretion of fluid from the glands.

If you adjust your meals, you can influence the smell and intensity of your sweat. In the summer, it is recommended to reduce meat dishes in your diet to two or three times a week (if you are used to eating meat every day). Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, drink clean, high-quality water.

To reduce the intensity of sweating, experts advise drinking Herb tea from sage. It contains a large amount of magnesium, which calms the nervous system, and those who are less nervous sweat less.

How to get rid of excessive sweating in summer - watch the video:

Although sweating is a normal phenomenon for a person, an unpleasant odor and wet spots on clothes bring only discomfort to anyone. The problem of hyperhidrosis can be solved using all sorts of means - both pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies. If the case is advanced, then the use of hardware treatment methods is not excluded.

Experts say: with this method, antiperspirants will not work effectively. How will be correct?

The floor goes to our expert, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the Center for the Treatment of Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating - Ed.) at Central Clinical Hospital No. 6 Vladimir Kuzmichev.

Evening morning is wiser

To expect the antiperspirant to work properly, it must be applied in a thin layer at night. If you still want to use it before rushing out to work, then go ahead, but then do it 2 times a day: in the morning and late in the evening.

This rule applies only to antiperspirants; it does not apply to deodorants. The fact is that in the armpits there are special mixed sweat glands– ecrino-apocrine. Ecrine - produce sweat, apocrine - the smell that seems so unpleasant to us. The deodorant will simply drown it out with its aroma.

The purpose of antiperspirants is different: to mechanically plug the ducts of the sweat glands, which do not function in the late evening and at night. If you use a stick or ball in the morning, especially immediately after a shower, the product will get on your wet armpits and simply wash off.

Some ladies complain: “My clothes get dirty from antiperspirants.” It is precisely because most of us grab the “stick” or “ball” in the morning in a hurry that trouble occurs. If you apply the product in the evening, it will instantly dry on dry skin. Now the clothes you put on in the morning will remain clean throughout the day, and your armpits will remain dry.

If you forgot to apply antiperspirant in the evening, immediately after your morning shower, thoroughly dry your armpits with a hairdryer, switching the air supply to room temperature. Just a towel is not enough! And then use a sweat remedy.

If "all wet"

You must especially strictly follow the rules for applying antiperspirants if you use special ones - aluminum chloride, which help not with normal, but with increased sweating (doctors call this problem hyperhidrosis). These are quite effective remedies and are considered medicinal because they contain aluminum chloride hexahydrate in high concentrations - up to 40%. But you can use them only at night before bed, on dry, clean armpits, when the sweat glands are not working, so that the active substance enters the ducts without interference. The strictness is justified: contact of the product with water can lead to a chemical burn.

If aluminum chlorides do not work the first time, you need to repeat the procedure 2-4 evenings in a row. And then determine the application interval. Usually once every 4-5 days is enough - traffic jams that block the path of sweat form during this period. Some pedantic patients manage to use aluminum chlorides effectively and for a long time – 3–4 years. Over time, such people experience atrophy of the sweat glands: the patient began to use the product once every 4 days, then once a week, every two weeks, and finally once a month... Increased sweating becomes normal. And you can switch to ordinary care products.

Seven sweats

The correct use of antiperspirants can be supplemented with other tricks. And then you will feel impeccable even in the thick of it.

Antiperspirants are not very suitable for those who like spicy foods. Substances contained in aromatic spices irritate not only taste buds tongue and palate, but also other areas of the skin. Getting into the sweat glands, which are closed by antiperspirant, they can cause them. severe inflammation. On the day when you go to a restaurant serving Chinese, Mexican or Caucasian cuisine, it is better not to use it.

Follow the prohibition law. Cold (but not ice-cold) water is best to quench your thirst and will replenish the fluid you lost through sweat. But alcohol stimulates blood flow to the skin, so even a cocktail with ice will make you sweat before you even feel drunk.

Avoid coffee and cola. The caffeine contained in them increases the contractions of the heart, forcing it to work as if our fiery engine was working when overheated.

Lose excess weight. An overweight person sweats more, any physical activity in the heat becomes unbearable for him - the heart cannot cope with blood circulation.

Cool down your ardor. Anxious people break out into a sweat even when a minor worry occurs. Try not to be unnecessarily nervous - resort to sedatives, auto-training, and relaxing breathing exercises.

A gene that makes a person especially sensitive to the smell of sweat has been discovered by Israeli and American scientists. It turned out that the presence of a single copy of the OR11 H7 P gene leads to the fact that a person smells sweat even in the most minimal concentration.

It is difficult to say whether OR11 H7 P brings benefit or harm to people? More likely, the latter. A person gets fixated on a problem and stresses himself out: he just has a “fad”: what do those around him smell like? And he is insanely scrupulous about the cleanliness of his own body.

By the way

If you go for a walk in the forest, be sure to use antiperspirant. And not just for the sake of hygiene. It turns out that this product is an excellent protection against ticks. Harmful insects, from whose bite you can become infected with encephalitis and borreliosis (Lyme disease), are attracted precisely by the smell of human sweat. Therefore, any antiperspirant will protect you no worse than an anti-tick repellent. Treat with your usual product vulnerabilities- the area of ​​the chest, armpits, under the knees, neck, arms and back, and in children - the places behind the ears and on the back of the head (in children it is the head that sweats the most).


Remember that sweating, which does not go away even in cool weather, is a very important symptom.

For an endocrinologist. He may suspect hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes.

For an orthopedist. Congenital flat feet can be caused by constantly wet socks.

For a gynecologist. The so-called hot flashes, when a woman feels hot and cold, almost always accompany menopause.

For the surgeon. Sticky sweat is characteristic of gastric bleeding.

For a dermatologist. Excessive sweating may be associated with hidradenitis, an inflammation of the sweat glands. Sweating often causes itchy dermatoses.

For neurologist and psychiatrist. If, in addition to sweating, the patient complains of changes in blood pressure, lack of appetite, and chest tightness, then most likely this is a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For a cardiologist. The doctor may detect angina pectoris or even myocardial infarction in the patient.

On a note

The myth that aluminum chlorides and other antiperspirants cause Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer has not been confirmed by serious research. And in general, sweating has only one task - thermoregulation. Sweat glands do not remove toxins. Normally functioning kidneys must cope with this.

But during pregnancy you should not treat your armpits with aluminum chlorides - it is better to buy traditional products.

Aluminum chlorides are not suitable for those who, after using them, begin to experience irritation, itching, or hidradenitis - inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands, the so-called “bitch udder”. However, other antiperspirants may also cause problems for these people. To choose the right ones, they need to consult a dermatologist.

It's no secret that the human body has many sweat glands that produce sweat. The release of moisture is physiological feature the body and is necessary for its thermoregulation and release of waste and toxins.

The largest number of sweat glands are located in the armpits, on the feet and palms, as well as in the groin area and under the mammary glands. That is why in these areas of the body it is released maximum amount sweat.

If sweating increases due to increased temperature environment, hard work or physical activity, then it is quite understandable. But many people start sweating excessively for no apparent reason, and this pathological condition causes them a lot of inconvenience. Indeed, in addition to the fact that with increased sweating, clothes become covered with wet spots, an unpleasant smell of sweat begins to emanate from the person. Excessive sweating is medically called “hyperhidrosis.”

The article describes the reasons that cause severe sweating in both men and women, and ways to cure this ailment.

People, regardless of gender and age, can suffer from excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis causes a lot of inconvenience and suffering not only for the patient himself, but also for everyone around him.

In some cases, profuse sweat may appear as a result of physiological processes. But sometimes it signals the presence serious illnesses body.

External causes of hyperhidrosis

Increased activity of the sweat glands can be caused by a number of external reasons. This is both increased ambient temperature and unexpected stressful situation, and hard physical work, and high sports loads. But hyperhidrosis caused by these reasons is characterized by its short duration. As soon as the external factor is eliminated, sweating returns to normal.

In these cases, the main cure will be timely hygiene and the use of deodorants and antiperspirants. The action of deodorants is fundamentally different from the work of antiperspirants. Deodorants only muffle the smell of sweat due to the aromatic fragrances they contain. While antiperspirants, in which active substance is aluminum chloride or zinc salts, they affect by reducing the secretion of sweat.

To avoid excessive sweating, do not wear clothes made of synthetic materials. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through to the body and prevent the removal of moisture, therefore creating Greenhouse effect and the body begins to sweat even more. People who suffer from excessive sweating are advised to wear loose clothing made from natural materials, such as cotton, silk or fine wool, as they have the best hygienic qualities and allow the body to breathe freely.

Internal causes of hyperhidrosis

Frequently recurring bouts of heavy sweating indicate the onset of a serious illness. These may be the following deviations.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Depending on whether there are reasons that cause severe sweating or not, two types of disease are distinguished: primary and secondary.

Primary (idiopathic) hyperhidrosis

Increased sweating, called primary hyperhidrosis, is not a symptom of any disease and occurs when in full health person. Although this form of the disease affects about 1.5% of people on the planet, the causes of this pathology are up to the end has not yet been studied. Very often, primary hyperhidrosis is inherited, from the older generation to the younger. With this type of disease, one part of the body sweats, for example, the armpits, palms or feet. Less commonly, increased sweating affects the entire body.

If a person’s increased sweating is a consequence of some understandable reasons, then this type of disease is called secondary hyperhidrosis. There are many reasons for its appearance. These include various chronic diseases and emotional tension, and taking a number of medications. In this form of the disease, the whole body is severe. Having identified excessive sweating throughout the body, you need to consult a doctor, undergo the necessary examination and determine ways to treat the disease.

In addition to dividing the disease into two types, excessive sweating can differ in the surface area of ​​the skin affected by the lesion.

With this type, excessive sweating is noticeable throughout the body, including the back and chest. Such hyperhidrosis always appears as a result of taking medications or other diseases. It can develop in pregnant women, during menopause and during menstrual cycle.

Localized hyperhidrosis

In localized hyperhidrosis, sweating occurs in only one specific part of the body, such as armpits, feet, palms, neck. Most often, this type of disease is transmitted genetically and refers to primary hyperhidrosis. If the sweat itself does not carry a foreign odor, then with local hyperhidrosis bromidrosis or chromidrosis may develop.

Bromidrosis is characterized by the appearance of a fetid odor in sweat associated with eating spicy and smelly foods, as well as neglecting hygiene rules. If the patient’s diet contains a large amount of onions, garlic, and pepper, then the sweat acquires an unpleasant odor. When a person neglects personal hygiene, bacteria that inhabit the skin and decompose the protein released from the body create foul-smelling compounds with, sulfur and hydrogen sulfide.

With chromidrosis, sweat turns different colors. This disease is mainly associated with chemical poisoning.

It begins after eating hot or spicy foods. With gustatory hyperhidrosis, only the upper lip, nose and skin around the mouth sweat.

Heavy sweating during sleep

Increased sweating at night during sleep occurs the same in everyone, regardless of gender and age. Such sweating can be either primary or secondary. Moreover, in the second case, severe sweating is associated with severe infectious or cancerous diseases, especially if the patient’s weight and body temperature drop sharply with sweating for a long time remains above normal.

If, apart from night sweats, nothing else worries a person, then hyperhidrosis does not cause any concern. In this case, the disease begins against a background of fatigue or irritation. In order to eliminate this pathological condition, it is enough to make yourself a comfortable bed, create a comfortable temperature in the room, and sometimes lose weight.

Increased sweating when working

At physical work muscles produce a huge amount of thermal energy, which is removed by releasing sweat to the surface skin person. This process is completely natural and protects the human body from overheating during heat and heavy exercise. It is impossible to completely get rid of sweating when doing work, but if sweating is very bothersome, it can be reduced a little.

To cope with this problem, it is necessary to wear light clothing during heavy work or sports activities that allow the body to breathe. Knowing that you will soon have to sweat, it is advisable to treat the armpits and feet, that is, those places where sweating is most profuse, with antiperspirants. You should not treat large areas with deodorizing agents, as they impede the work of the sweat glands and can cause overheating.

Increased sweating during menopause

During menopause, a fundamental hormonal change occurs in the female body. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that with the onset of menopause, many of the female representatives suffer from excessive sweating. Over time, when menstruation finally stops and female body will move into a new stage of functioning, and hot flashes and increased sweating will go away on their own. But this does not mean that all transition period a woman must suffer and endure inconveniences caused by the physiology of her body.

Modern pharmacologists have developed many medications that can alleviate a woman’s condition during menopause. To reduce sweating, you need to see a doctor who will select a medicine or homeopathic remedy.

Treatment methods for hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a long-standing, well-studied disease, therefore in traditional and folk medicine There are many ways and medications to combat the problem. For all types of disease, treatment agents perform the same functions. They cannot eliminate the cause of the disease, but they do an excellent job of treating the symptoms themselves, sweating and odor, the reduction of which is ensured by blocking the sweat glands. In the case when sweating is a consequence of some disease, it is necessary to treat the disease itself. Today, there are the following methods to reduce sweat.

  • Deodorants, antiperspirants.

These cosmetic anti-sweat preparations are applied directly to the skin in areas of abundant moisture and are the simplest and safest means of treating hyperhidrosis, used on early stages diseases. The effect of deodorants is limited to masking the unpleasant odor with the help of aromatic fragrances. Antiperspirants affect the functioning of the sweat glands due to the aluminum chloride found in their composition, thereby slowing down sweating.

Heavy sweating brings a lot of trouble to a person. By identifying the cause of the disease and choosing a treatment method, you can say goodbye to hyperhidrosis forever.

Sweating itself is normal function body. Sweat protects human body from overheating, but increased secretion sweating is an abnormal reaction of the body and is called hyperhidrosis in medical circles.

The cause of increased sweating is not always intense training or hot weather.

Hyperhidrosis can also occur in cold period of the year. Therefore, it is very important to determine the cause of increased sweating; perhaps it is a disease internal organs or other problems that need to be fixed.


The most common causes of hyperhidrosis are:

  • Hormonal imbalances in the body. This condition is observed in obesity, diabetes mellitus, and during puberty. young body or, conversely, during menopause.
  • Stress, all kinds of nervous disorders.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Infections of various origins that provoke an increase in body temperature.
  • Poisoning, alcohol or food.
  • Disruption of the genitourinary system.
  • Heart and blood pressure problems.

Although this is not an exhaustive list of reasons that can lead to hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating in the armpits

Most often, hyperhidrosis occurs in the axillary region, aggravation of which is observed in the summer, when it is too hot outside.

Everything seems to be fine, there should be more sweat, because it’s hot outside.

But even “summer” hyperhidrosis may indicate problems with the hormonal system and an imbalance in the functioning of other organs, because not all people sweat profusely when the temperature rises outside.

Severe sweating of the feet

Excessive foot sweating occurs much more often than axillary hyperhidrosis. The problem occurs in both sexes, that is, in both women and men. The symptoms are really bad, the feet have an unpleasant and intrusive odor, which is quite difficult to eliminate.

The problem lies in the fact that the feet contain a huge number of sweat glands and, in any unfavorable environment, begin to actively act: that is, resist the environment. Most often this is due to wearing low-quality and tight shoes.

Heavy sweating throughout the body

Sometimes, a person cannot determine the total increase in sweating. Constantly wet clothes that have an unpleasant odor.

A few common causes of whole body hyperhidrosis:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • endocrine disorders (,)

It is clear that when a person has a high body temperature, they sweat a lot, but in other cases the person should consult a doctor.

Severe sweating in the head area

Is excessive sweating noticeable on your head? Don't worry if this happens while playing sports or during intense physical activity.

In other cases, such a problem may indicate strong emotional experience and stress. Thermoregulation of the whole body is important, especially if you are overweight.

Heavy sweating at night

This problem occurs in situations where a person has problems with autonomic system, or may be evidence of a more serious problem, for example:

  • , leather, etc. (entering the body of the tuberculosis virus);
  • oncology;
  • AIDS and other immune diseases;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic problems and diabetes.

Naturally, we should not forget about hormonal disorders, clinical picture of which hyperhidrosis comes first.

Other reasons

In women, increased sweating may be caused by pregnancy or the start of the menstrual cycle. During menopause, most women experience a reason such as heavy sweating. Puberty also often characterized by excessive sweating.

General rules for combating excessive sweating

You can resort to the procedure of iontophoresis, which involves hardware cleansing of the pores on the skin. As a result, the sebaceous and sweat glands of the skin normalize their work.

There is also a procedure called “Aspiration curettage”, which allows you to almost completely destroy the sweat glands and a person will forever forget what it is to sweat.

Don't forget about nutrition. The diet should not contain too spicy or salty foods; it is better to avoid fats and give preference to vegetables and fruits.

If there overweight, then you definitely need to lose weight.

Naturally, if all of the above problems are not typical for a particular person, then you need to consult a doctor to identify the exact cause of hyperhidrosis.

Methods to combat sweating in the armpits

Naturally, you should wash well first. Deodorizing agents can also be produced in-house. Oddly enough, antiperspirant should be applied at night, and not, as is done in most cases, after a morning shower.

All clothing in the presence of hyperhidrosis should be made from natural materials, no synthetics.

Forget about constant fears. The appearance of hyperhidrosis is often associated with unnecessary worries, so when going for an interview, you don’t need to worry too much. This will help you pass the test more successfully and not sweat too much.

Give up bad habits, play sports.

You can use folk remedies to combat increased sweating. Traditional methods It is recommended to use “sour” products, more precisely citrus fruits.

How to get rid of severe sweating on your palms

Can be used zinc ointment, but if sweating of the hands is not very noticeable. Teymurov's paste is suitable when sweating is too strong and the problem is long-standing.

Formalin can also be used to solve the problem. For remedy You will need to dilute 1 tablespoon of formaldehyde in 1 liter of water and hold your hands in this solution for about 10 minutes.

If minimal signs of irritation occur, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

You can use ammonia, no more than 2 times a day. Don’t be afraid of the strong smell of the product; it disappears almost instantly.

As a last resort, you can do Botox injections.

How to get rid of severe sweaty feet

First of all, remember to wash your feet regularly, morning and evening. It is recommended to use antibacterial soap if persistent foot odor is a real problem.

After the washing procedure, be sure to wipe your feet dry. Even minimal moisture residues can provoke the development of bacteria and, as a result, the appearance of sweating and an unpleasant odor.

Don't neglect using a special foot deodorant. Choose shoes only from natural materials. Never use a pair of socks or tights twice.

At copious discharge If you have sweat on your feet, you can use vinegar to wipe your toes every morning. Vinegar should not be used when there are sores or any wounds on the feet.

You can use a folk recipe: wear socks from cotton fabric apply oak bark powder, which helps remove excess sweat from the skin of the feet.

How to get rid of severe sweating of the head

You can restore the normal functioning of the sweat glands on your head with the help of folk remedies using herbal infusions for rinsing. You need to eat right and try to be less nervous.

If none of the methods help, then you can resort to surgery.

Endoscopic sympathectomy – clamped during the operation ganglion, responsible for sweating. After the operation, sweating stops altogether.

Tracoscopic sympathectomy is similar to the operation described above, but it is performed without an endoscope, simply making an incision in the skin and muscles.

How to get rid of severe facial sweating

At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to use the most non-traumatic methods - antiperspirants. Today, many manufacturers offer a wide range of products, including hypoallergenic ones, which allow them to be used on the face.

If the first method did not work tangible results, then you can get Botox or Dysport injections. These substances, despite their high toxicity, have long been used in cosmetology and cope well with hyperhidrosis. Although the cost of such “pleasure” is quite high, and the validity of the drugs is no more than 9 months.

As in the case of problems on the head, there is the possibility of performing surgery on the face - endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy. Efficiency surgical intervention very high – 95%.

How to get rid of heavy sweating at night

Before starting treatment and other measures, you should definitely find out the reason why sweating increases at night; perhaps it is due to taking medications or it is simply hot in the room.

Methods to combat nocturnal hyperhidrosis:

  • open windows when you sleep;
  • choose a light blanket;
  • a few hours, at least 3 before bedtime, do not eat spicy and salty foods, refuse a glass of wine before bed;
  • do not pass it on under any circumstances;
  • It’s best to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed;
  • Perform hygiene procedures more often; before bed, you can take baths with natural herbs.

The same rules apply to those people who suffer from hyperhidrosis of the whole body.

Preventive actions

If you have problems with profuse sweating throughout the body or on a separate part, then try to choose things from natural materials, this rule also applies to shoes.

Be outside more often, watch your daily routine, eat on time so as not to overeat. Try to give up artificial and natural stimulants and alcohol.

Higher education(Cardiology). Cardiologist, therapist, doctor functional diagnostics. I am well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Graduated from the academy (full-time), with extensive work experience behind her. Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Functional diagnostics doctor. .

Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating. Under this term in medical practice understand profuse sweating that is not associated with increased motor activity, overheating, high ambient temperature and other physical factors.

ICD-10 R61
ICD-9 780.8
OMIM 144110
DiseasesDB 6239
MedlinePlus 007259
MeSH D006945

General information

Sweating is a natural, vital physiological process that allows the body to protect itself from overheating. This main method of thermoregulation in humans and some animals is carried out through the sweat glands. In humans, sweat glands are divided into:

  • Eccrine. In humans, they are located over the entire surface of the body (their number depends on the size of the person and ranges from 2 to 4 million). These glands consist of an excretory duct and a secretory part; they open into pores on the skin. The largest number of glands of this type (up to 600 per 1 sq.cm) are concentrated on the face, palms, feet and armpits. The secretion of eccrine glands is not accompanied by cell damage.
  • Apocrine. In humans, glands of this type are localized in the axillary and anogenital region, near ear canal and areolas. In these zones, the share of apocrine glands accounts for from 10 to 40%. Apocrine glands are much larger in size than eccrine glands, and when secretion is formed, the tip of the secretory cell is rejected. The secretion contains not only parts of cells, but also fat and cholesterol, so it can have pungent odor. These glands do not participate in thermoregulation (presumably in ancient times they played a role in human sexual behavior), but begin to function during puberty, determining individual body odor.

The apocrine glands are characterized by sympathetic adrenergic innervation, and the eccrine glands are characterized by sympathetic cholinergic innervation.

Sweating affects water-salt metabolism, since salts and water are released from the body along with sweat.

Sweating can be caused by direct irritation of the sweat glands (heat exposure, subcutaneous administration of physostigmine, acetylcholine, etc.), but normally it is of a reflex nature.

Severe sweating normally occurs when the skin's thermoreceptors are exposed to high air temperatures. Irritation of thermoreceptors also occurs during physical activity, which causes increased heat production, during emotional experiences, feverish conditions, when drinking hot liquid or spicy food.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis most often appear in people 15-30 years old. Increased sweating is not life-threatening, but it significantly impairs the quality of life due to social aspects– from 100% of respondents social adaptation is impaired in 12% of patients, 26% experience regular discomfort due to pathology, and 54% suffer from discomfort from time to time.

And only in 8% of cases, excessive sweating does not cause any obvious problems for people with this disorder.


Depending on the area of ​​the body that suffers from excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis is divided into:

  • Local, in which increased sweating is observed only in certain areas of the body. It occurs in approximately 1% of the population worldwide.
  • Generalized, in which the entire body is then covered.

Local hyperhidrosis, in turn, is divided into:

  • Craniofacial. Increased sweating with this type of disorder affects the face and sometimes the entire head. In some cases, the neck may also sweat. Hyperhidrosis can affect specific parts of the face - nose, forehead, cheeks or upper lip(in this case, perspiration appears only on these parts of the face).
  • Axillary (axillary). Since apocrine glands are concentrated in the armpit area, and bacteria and fungi actively multiply in constantly moist cavities, this type of increased sweating is often accompanied by Strong smell sweat.
  • Plantar, affecting the soles. With constantly sweating feet, the pathology is often accompanied by skin diseases.
  • Palmar (palm), in which profuse sweating is observed on the skin of the palms.
  • Inguinal-perineal, in which increased sweat production is observed in the perineum or inguinal folds.
  • Distal hyperhidrosis, in which sweating of the palms and feet occurs simultaneously.

Generalized hyperhidrosis can be:

  • a separate disease;
  • manifestation (symptom) of the underlying disease.

Based on the cause of sweating, hyperhidrosis is divided into:

  • Primary (essential), which is not caused by other diseases. Most often it is local. It is assumed that this type increased sweating is associated with hereditary factors, since in half of these patients sweating was observed in one of the parents. This is the most common form of hyperhidrosis.
  • Secondary. This form is a consequence of any disease (damage to the central nervous system, endocrine disorders, etc.) or taking certain medical supplies. Usually of a generalized nature.

Depending on the current pathological process secrete excessive sweating:

  • seasonal, which is present only in certain time of the year;
  • constant, which is observed at any time of the year in any weather;
  • intermittent, which is paroxysmal in nature.

According to the severity of hyperhidrosis, they are divided into:

  • a mild form of pathology that does not create social problems for the patient and is not perceived by the patient as a violation;
  • a moderate form of pathology, in which sweating creates some discomfort;
  • severe form, in which, as a result of almost constant increased sweating, the patient has severe social problems.

Domestic reasons

Excessive sweating can occur:

  • under the influence of household factors;
  • as a result of health problems.

Household factors such as:

  • Incorrectly selected clothing (out of season, tight-fitting to the body or made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through well).
  • Poor nutrition, in which the diet includes a large amount of hot, spicy or fatty foods, sweets (especially chocolate), coffee and highly carbonated drinks. Alcohol also causes sweating.
  • Excess weight. Sweating with a well-developed fat layer increases, since the heat generated in the body in overweight people accumulates in large quantities, and sweating is the only natural method cooling.
  • Poor hygiene, which is often associated with improper use of hygiene products (deodorants and antiperspirants are applied either to damp skin after a shower, or to an already sweaty body immediately before leaving the house). In such cases, hygiene products are simply washed off from wet skin, staining clothes. Deodorants that block the activity of bacteria temporarily eliminate the smell of sweat, but are not able to influence sweating. Antiperspirants that block sweat glands are only effective when applied to clean, dry skin in evening time(at this time the activity of the sweat glands is minimal).
  • Stress. With an easily excitable nervous system, strong emotions (fear, excitement, etc.) cause excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, as a result of which the activity of the sweat glands is activated.

Medical reasons

According to scientists, the development of primary hyperhidrosis is influenced by a hereditary factor. However, excessive sweating usually occurs during stress and nervous overstrain(emotional hyperhidrosis). Exposure to high temperatures and physical exercise also provoke increased sweating in such patients, and the right side of the body suffers more. This type of hyperhidrosis occurs more often in women than in men.

Generalized increased sweating can be affected by a large number of infectious and hereditary diseases, as well as minor, non-life-threatening disorders. The secondary form of hyperhidrosis can be observed with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acromegaly, which is caused by increased production of growth hormone (observed with a pituitary tumor or damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system);
  • hormonally active, usually benign tumor adrenal cortex (pheochromocytoma);
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis);
  • carcinoid syndrome - a condition that occurs under the influence of hormones that secrete hormonally active tumors.

Heavy sweating can also occur with:

  • severe general infectious diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, malaria, brucellosis);
  • malignant tumors lymphoid tissue(lymphogranulomatosis, lymphomas);
  • mental disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, depression, withdrawal syndrome);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurological disorders (Parkinson's disease, neurosyphilis, stroke);
  • poisoning with chemicals and organic poisons (mushrooms, etc.).

Some medications also cause increased sweating (sweating is side effect). Leads to increased sweating long-term use antitumor drugs, antibiotics, antidepressants and some other medications. Among women night sweats may be caused by taking oral contraceptives (sometimes increased sweating at night can be observed when these drugs are discontinued).

Increased sweating when eating in the facial area can be influenced by:

  • Lucy Frey auriculotemporal syndrome (also called gustatory sweating). The name of the syndrome largely speaks for itself - increased sweating occurs when eating hot food. In addition, an attack can be triggered by overheating, emotional stress and physical activity. Sweating is accompanied by redness of the skin and paroxysmal pain, which can be felt in the ear, temple area and lower jaw. This condition is pathological, as it develops as a complication of mumps or surgery affecting the parotid gland. Also, gustatory sweating can be a consequence of facial trauma and damage to the auriculotemporal nerve.
  • Corda tympani syndrome, which develops after surgical trauma. Increased sweating in this case occurs due to taste irritation in the chin area.

Excessive sweating of the palms, feet and armpits can occur when:

  • Blue spongy nevus is a type of hemangioma, which in most cases is located on the arms and torso.
  • Erythromelalgia. This paroxysmal dilation of the small arteries of the legs, arms and sometimes the face can be observed on its own (the reasons for this phenomenon are still unknown) and as a symptom of frostbite, myxidema, hypertension and other diseases. Vasodilation is accompanied by swelling and pain in the hands and feet, redness, increased skin temperature and increased sweating.
  • Cassirer's acroasphyxia is a paroxysmal cardiovascular disorder of unknown origin.
  • Polyneuropathy, in which neural regulation The activity of the sweat glands is disrupted as a result of changes in the nerve fibers.

Heavy sweating is often associated with hereditary diseases. If there is excessive sweating of the palms and feet, which is accompanied by other disorders, the cause may be a hereditary disease:

  • Brunauer syndrome, in which the skin on the palms and soles is thick and the palate is very high (gothic).
  • Beech syndrome, in which small molars are absent from birth, the skin of the extremities thickens, and early gray hair appears.
  • Hamstorp-Wohlfahrt syndrome, which is characterized by constant muscle twitching and constant tension, a decrease in muscle volume and the transformation of muscle tissue.
  • Congenital dyskeratosis, in which the skin has a gray-brown tint with small pale areas and an excessive stratum corneum. There is also nail atrophy, impaired hair growth and damage to the mucous membranes.
  • Jadasson-Lewandowski syndrome, in which thickened nails and skin on the palms are accompanied by rashes in the thigh area and buttocks, as well as lesions of the oral mucosa.

Generalized sweating of a familial nature occurs with Riley-Day syndrome (familial dysautonomia). This syndrome is characterized by a variety of symptoms that are caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system. Severe excessive sweating may be accompanied by decreased or absent tear production, emotional imbalance, low pain threshold and etc.

The cause of increased sweating in women and men can be climacteric syndrome. Sweating during menopause is associated with a change in the balance of sex hormones and a decrease in their production (estrogens and progesterone in women and testosterone in men). Since sex hormones influence the functioning of the hypothalamus, where the temperature center is located, low level hormones, the body reacts with an increase in temperature. At this time, the person feels hot ("hot flashes"), after which profuse sweating begins.

In women, the decrease in hormone production occurs more sharply than in men, so severe sweating (night sweats are more common) very often accompanies the onset of menopause. In men, in most cases, hormonal changes occur gradually, so pathological phenomena in the form of “hot flashes” are not observed. However, if there is hormonal imbalance a man develops day and night sweats, no different from such manifestations in women.

Night sweats in women can also occur during PMS (premenstrual syndrome), during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Hyperhidrosis in young children, in the absence of diseases associated with excessive sweating, can be a consequence of:

  • immaturity of the sweat glands (up to 5-6 years, an inadequate reaction to temperature changes is possible);
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • lymphatic diathesis.


Generalized hyperhidrosis, which in most cases is a symptom of another disease, is manifested by increased sweating throughout the body. At the same time, in places of concentration large quantity sweat glands (armpits, inguinal folds), sweat production occurs more intensely.

Night sweats, in which profuse sweating occurs primarily during sleep, is characteristic of hormonal disorders and lung infections.

Night sweats can also be a consequence of cancer.

In infectious diseases, sweating is usually accompanied by fever, enlarged lymph nodes and catarrhal symptoms.

Local hyperhidrosis is characterized by constantly cold and wet extremities.

A sign of local hyperhidrosis is also sweat protruding on the face or constantly wet axillary area.

Depending on the degree of hyperhidrosis, increased sweating may occur:

  • Light perspiration with a mild form of pathology. In such a situation, most patients consider this to be the norm.
  • Formed drops of sweat in moderate and severe forms of pathology. This sweating creates serious problems the patient, since wet spots remain on things, due to the moisture of the palms, small objects often slip out of the hands, and physical contact with other people becomes impossible (shaking hands, etc.).

Heavy sweating can provoke the development of fungal skin infections and erythrasma (tinea versicolor).


Initial examination of patients suffering from increased sweating, is carried out by a therapist, and based on the results of the examination, he refers you for consultation with specialized specialists.

The therapist clarifies with the patient the nature of the complaints, the time of their onset, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

A person suffering from excessive sweating needs to undergo a blood test (for sugar and total sugar), a urine test, a venous blood test for syphilis, a test for thyroid hormones and fluorography.

If the doctor is not satisfied with the results of these tests, an additional glucose test is performed, a sputum test is performed (to exclude tuberculosis) and 24-hour urine collection, a CT scan of the head and an X-ray of the skull.

In addition, it is possible to:

  • tevametry or evapometry, which determines the rate of evaporation of sweat from the skin;
  • gravimetry, with which you can determine the amount of sweat formed over a certain time.

Depending on the test results, the therapist refers to a neurologist, cardiologist, oncologist, somnologist, or.


Treatment for excessive sweating often involves eliminating the cause that causes excessive sweating. Effective treatment underlying disease, correction of hormonal disorders, etc. in such cases leads to the disappearance of the pathology.

To reduce sweating, during treatment adults are recommended to use antiperspirants containing up to 20% aluminum chloride. Pregnant women are recommended to use organic deodorants.

Enough effective means for sweating feet are Teymurov's paste, Benzoyl peroxide lotion and deodorizing creams (Lavilin, SyNeo, etc.).

Severe sweating of the feet and other parts of the body is quite effectively eliminated with the help of talc. Powders and powders containing talc absorb moisture well, eliminate the smell of sweat and do not disturb acid-base balance skin.

Since severely hereditary hyperhidrosis is quite common, treatment in such cases is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, not the cause.

Symptomatic treatment for sweating includes:

  • Application of iontophoresis (used for local type of hyperhidrosis). During this painless procedure, the patient immerses his limbs in water and for 20 minutes, a weak electric current is passed through this water to block the sweat glands. Iontophoresis has a temporary effect, so the procedure should be repeated after a few weeks.
  • Botox injections into the problem area. Botox, when injected under the skin, blocks the nerve endings of the sweat glands, so the glands are unable to function for six months or more.

Physiotherapeutic methods help eliminate sweating:

  • hydrotherapy that strengthens the nervous system, which includes the use of contrast showers and pine-salt baths;
  • electrosleep, which improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and enhances inhibition processes through the use of low-frequency pulsed current;
  • medicinal electrophoresis, which, due to the resulting dehydration of the problem area of ​​the skin, reduces sweating (the effect lasts up to 20 days).

If primary hyperhidrosis is diagnosed, treatment also includes:

  • psychotherapy, which helps increase stress resistance and eliminate sudden emotional surges that provoke sweating;
  • drug therapy, which involves the use of sedative (calming) medications and drugs containing atropine (belladonna preparations and other drugs containing atropine suppress the secretion of sweat).

Since these methods are not able to permanently eliminate hyperhidrosis, treatment for severe forms of pathology includes low-traumatic surgical methods:

  • Liposuction of the axillary area, which is performed if there is excess weight. During the operation, excess fat is removed and the nerve endings going to the sweat glands are destroyed.
  • Closed curettage, which is performed for axillary hyperhidrosis. During the operation, not only the nerve endings are destroyed, but also the sweat glands in the problem area are removed.
  • Excision of the skin, which gives good effect, but is rarely performed, as it causes some stiffness in movements after surgery.

An equally low-traumatic operation (performed endoscopically), but which subsequently causes dry skin, is sympathectomy. The operation, carried out under general anesthesia, is aimed at complete or partial destruction of the work sympathetic trunk(not carried out if there is a threat of developing compensatory hyperhidrosis).

If the patient is diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, treatment with surgical methods is carried out only if ineffective conservative therapy and only in severe cases of pathology.

Which doctors should I contact if I have excessive sweating?

Many patients who suspect they have hyperhidrosis do not know which doctor to see.

To find out the cause of hyperhidrosis and choose the appropriate treatment method for a particular situation, the patient is recommended to contact:

  • a therapist who will rule out infectious diseases;
  • narrow specialists (and a neurologist) who will identify or exclude pathology in their field;
  • , cosmetologist or plastic surgeon, which will help cope with the problem in the absence of an obvious cause of increased sweating.