Is androgel with testosterone effective for external use? Reduced testosterone levels in women

Among the drugs that differ high degree effectiveness in the treatment of diseases caused by low level Testosterone, a gel designed and created specifically for external use, is in great demand among both male and female patients. Before you start therapeutic activities aimed at getting rid of various manifestations illness, you must carefully study the characteristics of the drug Androgel, the instructions for use of which contain complete and detailed information about the composition of the product and the rules for its use, possible side effects and existing restrictions in application.

Androgel is a gel composition created for external use, the main active ingredient of which is testosterone. The developers created the drug using as additional components in its preparation:

  • 96% alcohol;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified (distilled) water;
  • carbomer 980;
  • isopropyl myristate.

The presence of the listed ingredients ensures the effectiveness of the gel and its androgenic effect. The substance is transparent with a slight odor of ethanol.

Testosterone and other endogenous androgens are responsible for the full development of the organs of the reproductive system and the formation (preservation) of secondary sexual characteristics.

In addition to the fact that androgens are responsible for moderate hair growth, changes in voice timbre, the emergence and continued existence of sexual desire (libido), they ensure high-quality, complete and timely development of muscles, skeletal bones, changes (enlargement) of the mammary glands, and distribution of fatty tissue.

Excretion from the human body in urine depends on the production of androgens:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • sodium and other significant elements.

Lack of androgens leads to the fact that a woman suffers from excess body hair, speaks in a rough voice, and has overdeveloped muscles. In such a patient, the gait changes noticeably, and the mammary glands do not enlarge (do not develop).

A man whose production and content of testosterone is impaired differs in appearance from other representatives of the stronger half of humanity. There is practically no hair on his body, significant fat deposits are noticeable in the hip area, and his mammary glands are enlarged. His voice is too gentle, his movements are feminine, and in addition, some men in such a situation have poorly developed primary sexual characteristics.

Androgel, as the instructions for its use indicate, when applied to the skin, ensures gradual absorption of testosterone and its entry into the systemic bloodstream. Regular correct application gel provides a stable concentration of the active substance in the blood.

Already an hour after the first use, a certain concentration of testosterone is determined in the blood serum, which is maintained at a relatively constant level throughout the day.

If differences in the concentration of the active substance in the patient’s blood are observed, they are insignificant and can be comparable to natural ones.

Androgel is used as effective composition in the treatment of diseases associated with impaired levels of testosterone production and content. It is an excellent tool for events replacement therapy. Application to the surface of the skin in certain areas is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the attending physician.

Failure to comply with the rules for using the gel composition causes side effects from the procedures performed. They are accompanied by:

  1. Redness of the dermis where the gel is applied.
  2. Unbearable itching on small areas of the body.
  3. Skin irritation.
  4. Erythema.
  5. Dry skin.
  6. The appearance large quantity pimples (acne).

But that's not all. Incorrectly performed procedures can provoke a deterioration in the patient’s health from:

  1. Hearing organs. Doctors know of cases where patients (women) who began a course of therapy using Androgel turned to medical institutions for qualified help due to hearing impairment. With timely treatment and quick determination of the cause of development pathological condition patients stopped complaining about the quality of hearing 3-4 days after stopping the drug.
  2. Organs of vision. Complaints about decreased quality of vision are quite rare. In most cases, they are associated with the presence of an allergic reaction to one of the components included in the composition. medicine.
  3. Of cardio-vascular system. When testosterone enters the blood, a side effect may develop in the form of rapid heartbeat or changes blood pressure(level decrease).
  4. Reacts to arrival active substance into the human body and its circulatory system. This reaction is determined based on the results of a laboratory study. A clear change in lipid levels is detected in the patient's blood.
  5. Nervous system. Side effect as a result misuse Androgel, - dizziness, general weakness or sharp changes moods. The patient may be too irritable, whiny or, conversely, funny (without any apparent reason).
  6. Organs gastrointestinal tract. If inadequate treatment is carried out using Androgel, diarrhea may occur.
  7. As negative reaction on the dermis side, urticaria was recorded, which became a kind of manifestation of an allergic reaction or the result of irritation on the skin in those places where Androgel was applied to its surface.

It is possible that a violation of the Androgel dosage regimen can cause general malaise, weakness and dizziness.

Before deciding on the need for therapy with a drug such as Androgel, it is necessary to obtain the advice of a competent specialist with extensive experience and work experience. Only a highly qualified doctor will be able to determine the extent to which the use of the gel is necessary to achieve positive result in treatment.

All procedures related to application medicinal composition on the skin surface should be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations received and only in the indicated dosage. Compliance with the rules of the gel is also considered mandatory:

  1. The drug is applied only to a clean, dry surface of the dermis, to those areas where there is no damage in the form of scratches, burns, wounds. Apply the gel to the upper arms, shoulders, and abdomen.
  2. The procedure is performed daily at the same time (preferably in the morning after a shower).
  3. Required quantity The composition is squeezed out of the bag or taken out of the pack into the palm of your hand and immediately evenly distributed over the surface of the skin.
  4. After application, the product is allowed to dry. This requires no more than 5-7 minutes, after which the patient can easily get dressed.

After the procedure is completed, you must wash your hands thoroughly using soapy water or warm water and detergent.

It is prohibited to apply the composition to the genitals and mammary gland area. This is due to the content of ethyl alcohol in the drug, which can cause irritation, itching, and pain on the skin.

The procedures are continued for no more than 7-8 days, after which laboratory test, the purpose of which is to determine the level of testosterone content (concentration) in the blood serum. Based on the test results, the daily allowance is adjusted and single dose medicinal composition.

The dosage regimen in accordance with the instructions allows the use of Androgel in a single dosage of 5 g. This corresponds to 50 mg of testosterone. To get the required amount of medicine you need (using a bottle with gel), holding the container vertically, perform 5 presses to fill the pump-reservoir. The resulting amount of gel is discarded. Next time, one press will be enough to get 1.25 g of gel into the pump.

The number of presses performed depends on the dose of medication prescribed by the attending physician: 50 mg of testosterone - 4 presses, 75 mg - 6 presses, and so on. The specified dosage should not be exceeded. This will reduce the risk of side effects.

Doctors' opinions and special instructions for use

According to qualified doctors, therapy using Androgel allows short time achieve a positive result. What is the effect of using Androgel according to patients, you can find out the reviews of those who have already achieved the desired healing. To avoid unwanted manifestations and side effects, it is necessary to follow existing special instructions related to the procedures:

  1. First of all, it should be remembered that Androgel therapy is necessary and permitted only if the cause of the disease is testosterone deficiency. This medicine is not used to treat erectile dysfunction, infertility and impotence, if these pathologies are not related to testosterone levels and are caused by other reasons.
  2. This drug should not be used by patients who have been diagnosed with malignant neoplasms, heart failure, severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
  3. Patients diagnosed with obesity (any degree) or chronic respiratory diseases It is forbidden to use Androgel, as the composition can provoke sleep apnea.
  4. When carrying out procedures using Androgel, you need to take care of the health of your partner, contact with whom is inevitable. We are talking about spouses and small children whom parents press against their bodies. Hugs are possible only if the patient is wearing clothes or the patient has taken a shower, having washed off the remaining gel from the surface of the skin. This will help prevent testosterone from being passed on to your partner or baby.
  5. Patients and their loved ones should pay close attention to changes in mood. If symptoms such as sudden causeless irritability, tearfulness, nervousness, it is necessary to report changes to the attending physician, who will conduct an analysis and decide on the need to adjust the daily dose.

Treatment may be discontinued if the patient develops severe local allergic reaction.

The attending physician, monitoring the progress of therapy and its dynamics, can make a decision according to which Androgel will successfully replace at least effective analogue. The following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Nebido. This is a drug that ensures a positive result in the treatment of both primary and secondary forms of hypodynamism. Price of this product quite high, and therefore it is not in such high demand as other analogues.
  2. Aquatest enjoys the well-deserved trust of doctors and patients who have undergone a course of therapy and achieved the desired cure.
  3. Sustanon attracts the attention of patients and qualified specialists because its quality is combined with cost, thanks to which the medicine can safely be called affordable for the majority of patients in need of quality therapy.

Androgel does not have many analogues, but its effectiveness has been proven by a large number of positive feedback patients and their doctors.

It is important to remember the need for examination, which patients undergo before starting treatment in conditions modern clinic. Only test results can be a reason to prescribe a drug such as Androgel.

Job human body regulate hormones. If they are in sufficient quantity, the organs work correctly and in full force. When there is a deficiency of substances, disorders occur that lead to the development of diseases. One of the most important species sex hormones - androgens.

Their deficiency will be filled by the drug “Androgel”, the name of which comes from this species.

Hormonal synthesis is mostly provided by the gonads, also not large quantities it is secreted by the adrenal glands. If the amount of androgen in the body is not enough, secondary gender characteristics in a male person are “erased” and give way to female ones. Steroids are necessary for beautiful hair, strong nails and bones, the health of many depends on their quantity internal organs.

There are several types of androgenic hormones, the main one being testosterone. He is responsible for a man’s masculinity and intimate health.

Its deficiency leads to the development serious illness- hypogonadism. Treatment of the pathology is very long and consists of taking synthesized hormonal drugs. In severe cases, therapy lasts for years, sometimes the patient is forced to fight all his life.

Hormone therapy is different, doctors include Androgel in it - convenient and effective medicine local application.


Transparent substance for external use. This is the medicine local action, but the effect on the body is complex, so you will need a doctor’s prescription to purchase it.

Independent use is prohibited; this can cause serious complications: without the supervision of a specialist, the concentration of a hormonal substance can reach critical peaks, which will lead to hyperandrogenization.

The composition includes testosterone (or rather, its ester).

Available in two types of packages - 25 and 50 mg, depending on the concentration of the active substance.

Additional components help rapid absorption and absorption into the blood system. After it, no greasy marks remain on the body, you can immediately put on underwear or other clothes. It has a faint odor of ethyl alcohol and is transparent or has a light pearlescent tint.

One package contains 30 sachets with a specific dosage, designed for a monthly course therapeutic therapy.

Pharmacological features

The instructions for use indicate that the basis of the drug is testosterone and its metabolite products. When using the product in the body, the following occurs:

  • restoration or strengthening secondary signs gender;
  • regulation of protein metabolism in the blood;
  • reducing the size of subcutaneous fat deposits and their uniform distribution;
  • increased muscle tissue growth;
  • regulation of the production of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland of the brain;
  • control of toxin removal.

Testosterone acts on the synthesis and absorption of proteins, on the preservation of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sulfur in the muscles, necessary for a strong muscle corset and bone tissue.

The only drawback is that after local application, no more than 15% of the gel and, accordingly, the active substance enters the bloodstream. This explains its high concentration in sticker bags.

The active ingredient accumulates in the body: according to data medical research, on the second day of using the drug, its concentration in the blood increases sharply. This affects the overall hormonal background of the body and blood composition.

Daily changes in the hormone level in the body no longer occur, that is, the indicators remain the same in the morning and evening. This can have a negative impact on the patient’s well-being, which once again confirms the strict indications for the use of the medication and the mandatory monitoring of treatment by a doctor.

The advantage of the pharmaceutical product is the absence of a negative effect on the liver, which cannot be achieved by using steroids in the form of injections or tablets. Metabolites are completely eliminated from the patient’s body four days after discontinuation of use.

Who is it shown to?

The main indication for use is testosterone deficiency in the body. Symptoms indicating a lack of it in the blood - unclear signs of gender, their decrease, dysfunction at work reproductive system. These men experience:

  • enlargement of the mammary glands and cessation of facial hair growth;
  • the appearance of fat in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs;
  • imbalance of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • changes in psycho-emotional state.

Treatment is prescribed only after the patient has passed all the necessary examinations and passed blood and urine tests. Diagnosis is necessary to exclude other diseases that have similar symptoms.

The gel is not intended for the treatment of potency disorders and infertility, unless they arise from a hormonal deficiency.

Since the substance promotes the recruitment muscle mass, men replace them with other anabolic steroids and steroids used in bodybuilding. This is how athletes try to burn excess fat and build muscles of steel. This is not approved by doctors because it can cause severe complications and consequences that require long-term and serious treatment. If the gel is not prescribed by a doctor under strict indications, it is impossible to guarantee its safety for health.


Androgel is a steroid, and therefore has many contraindications that must be taken into account before prescribing it. The list of pathologies prohibiting treatment includes:

  • breast carcinoma;
  • malignant neoplasms of the prostate gland or suspicion of them;
  • allergy to any components of the medication, including the androgen itself.

Patients with diseases are treated with caution and under strict control:

  • cardiovascular system (acute heart failure, ischemia, etc.);
  • oncological neoplasms, including lesions of the epidermis;
  • epilepsy;
  • migraines.

Studies show that these diseases worsen as the concentration in the blood increases. steroid hormones. Androgen has a strong effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, which does not always have a positive effect on overall health.

Women are prohibited from taking Androgel. Excess hormone leads to the appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics:

  • hair begins to grow on the face and chest;
  • increased hair growth on the legs and arms;
  • the figure loses its feminine features and becomes similar to a man’s (the waist disappears, the shoulders increase, etc.).

Severe acne, baldness, and voice changes may occur.

Excess testosterone is noticeable in urine and blood tests, so taking Androgel by professional athletes is strictly prohibited - it can be easily detected by doping control. For the same reason, the medicine is not used in the treatment of athletes.

Features of application

The dosage of the medication is selected based on the examination results. On average, the recommended dose is 5 mg per day; if there is a significant testosterone deficiency, the doctor can double it, to 10 mg.

If symptoms of hormonal excess appear, the selected dose must be adjusted. The prescribed treatment is reduced by 2.5 mg per day and the body’s reaction is monitored. The increase is carried out in the same stepwise manner.

The instructions for using the medicine indicate that the gel is applied daily at approximately the same time. It is advisable to do this in morning hours, after performing the morning toilet. The product is applied to dry skin until it is completely absorbed.

Although the medicine contains sex hormones, it is not applied to the groin area, but to top part bodies. Best applied to the skin of the hands, forearms or abdomen. Before application, you need to carefully examine the area into which the gel will be rubbed: the skin should be clean, free from scratches, redness, and irritated areas.

There is no need to rub in, just apply the gel evenly to the body and wait a few minutes until it is absorbed.

After the procedure, the man must thoroughly clean the skin of his hands with warm water and soap solution. Be careful with your eyes - avoid getting the product on the mucous membranes. Apply the medicine to delicate skin intimate organs strictly prohibited!

Undesirable consequences and symptoms of overdose

Frequent side effect that occurs when using external products - the appearance skin reactions. After Androgel, skin rashes, redness or excessive dryness at the site of application, burning and itching in this area.

The rash resembles acne, which occurs in adolescents with high activity sebaceous glands. The ethyl alcohol included in the composition is to blame - it negatively affects the upper layers of the epidermis. Cancellation of treatment is not required. Changing the area of ​​skin every day will help: one day apply the gel to your hand, another to your stomach, the third to your other arm, and so on.

TO general symptoms, possible with the use of Androgel and others pharmaceuticals, include:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • disorders of the brain, expressed in complete or partial loss of memory;
  • reduction in fat levels and deterioration of metabolic processes;
  • paresthesia and hyperesthesia;
  • deterioration of psycho-emotional state (irritability, tearfulness, depression, increased excitability);
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • baldness;
  • prolonged and frequent erections.

Overdoses have not been recorded, since the amount of steroid absorbed after application to the skin is very small. For such reactions to appear, it is necessary to increase the applied dose tenfold.

Great care should be taken by patients starting treatment with Androgel and already using other hormonal medications. They can complement and enhance each other’s effects, this will lead to their excess in the body. Before prescribing the gel, the attending physician must clarify whether the man is taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) and corticosteroids.

If the answer is positive, another therapy will be prescribed. The product is compatible with drugs from other groups.

Use by women

Testosterone is also produced in female body, but its quantity is very small. Its main task is to regulate proper operation male reproductive system. Therefore, its use by women is undesirable and sometimes prohibited.

Excess testosterone provoked by Androgel during the period of active development of female reproduction (in adolescence) can lead to serious developmental abnormalities that will be impossible to correct. Negative influence The gel may also have an effect on the unborn baby if it was used during pregnancy. Such severe consequences became the reason that it is only available with a doctor's prescription.

It can also cause harm to a woman. intimacy with a man using a gel to treat androgen deficiency.

Therefore, at least six hours must pass between application of the drug and sexual intercourse. Other contact with the skin of other people is also not recommended. If such a situation is unavoidable, the patient must either take a shower and thoroughly wash the area where the drug was applied, or get dressed to prevent skin contact. Any possibility of contact of the gel with the skin should be avoided. healthy person, and especially women and children.

If contact has taken place, it is important to take a shower as quickly as possible. From now on, you need to monitor the condition of your own body and if symptoms appear that indicate an excess of testosterone, immediately consult a doctor.


There are many analogues of Androgel; these are pharmaceutical products including androgens and their metabolites. They differ in the form of release, that is, they require oral administration or intramuscular administration.

The advantage of such drugs is more complete absorption of the hormone, because the active substances enter circulatory system. Due to their high dosage, injections have a good effect on the condition. hormonal levels and do not require daily use. Usually an injection once a month is sufficient. The disadvantage of such funds is considered high risk androgen overdose and the occurrence of serious complications.

Testosterone affects hair condition, nails and skin, as well as most tissues of internal organs. With a lack of testosterone, a disease such as hypogonadism can develop.

This disease is quite difficult to cure, and therefore in most cases a man has to take hormones almost all his life. And most effective means in this case it can be called “Androgel”.

Most features male body depend on how high the content of a special hormone - androgen - is in it. It is synthesized in large quantities in the gonads and small quantities in the adrenal cortex. If testosterone in a boy’s body is produced in insufficient quantities or is completely absent, then secondary sexual characteristics may develop very weakly or may never develop at all.

Description and composition of the drug

Androgel is available in the form of a viscous gel and is used only for external use. The medicine has a symptomatic effect on the body, so it is dispensed from the pharmacy Requires a doctor's prescription. This prescription is valid because if testosterone is taken uncontrolled, it can lead to the development of hyperandrogenesis. The disease manifests itself active development acne and an atypical increase in body hair growth in both men and women if they use Androgel.

The active substance of Androgel is testosterone esters. Depending on what the quantity is active remedy contained in the drug, its dosage can be as follows:

  • 2.5 g of the drug per dose, which contains 25 mg of testosterone;
  • 50 mg of the product in one dose, which contains 50 mg of testosterone.

As excipients The drug contains water, sodium hydroxide, carbopol and ethanol. This composition helps the product to be absorbed into the skin faster and does not leave greasy marks on clothes.

“Androgel” has a slight smell of alcohol when applied. Externally, the drug looks like a transparent viscous substance that has a slightly golden tint. Most often the product is packaged in small sachets with a dosage of 2.5 to 5 g. But each dose is designed strictly for one use. The number of sachets in the box is thirty pieces, which corresponds to a month's use. The box also includes detailed instructions on the use of the drug.

Pharmacology of the drug

The hormones that make up Androgel, including testosterone, have the following effects on the body:

In more understandable terms, all these actions are anabolic. They are characterized by the synthesis of protein compounds in the body. In addition, anabolic steroids help retain in the body tissues substances that are necessary for the construction of protein cells. It is these characteristics of Androgel that help significantly increase muscle mass gain.

Another effect of the gel is its ability to fix calcium in the bones.

The presence of testosterone is extremely important for the male body. "Androgel" contains in its composition therapeutic dose this hormone, which helps eliminate the lack of testosterone in the body. But here it is important to remember that no more than 14% of the medicine enters the blood through the skin. Gradually during the day the drug enters the bloodstream. Within a day after starting to use the drug, an increase in the amount of the hormone in the blood is observed. And what is very important, the concentration of the hormone in the blood does not reach high concentration during the day, which can negatively affect a man’s health.

An equally important advantage of the drug is that it does not have a negative effect on the liver. If hormones are administered by injection or orally, the amount of testosterone in the body can greatly increase in different time days. Complete removal metabolites can be achieved within four days after discontinuation of the Androgel drug.

Main indications for use of the product

The main indication for prescribing therapy with Androgel is low levels of testosterone in the blood. Signs of this disease may be underdevelopment or regression in the development of secondary genital organs.

An equally serious sign of low testosterone in a man’s body is a change in the structure of a man’s body similar to a woman’s. In addition, the patient may experience mood swings, excessive obesity, imbalance of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as frequent depression.

"Androgel" for men is prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the patient. This is done in order to determine that the patient does not have other ailments that can also lead to the symptoms listed above. And, most importantly, the drug is not prescribed to restore potency or treat infertility caused by other diseases that are not associated with low testosterone levels in the blood.

Quite often, Androgel, which most often comes in the form of a gel, is used by athletes to change the ratio of fat and muscle mass in favor of the latter. However, such use of the drug is not therapeutic and can be harmful to a man’s health. After all, such use of the gel is uncontrolled and can lead to changes in the body that will be difficult to eliminate in the future.

This is why Androgel is on sale Requires a doctor's prescription. Otherwise, no one can guarantee the absence of side effects in the body.


"Androgel" - used only as prescribed by a doctor. This is explained by the fact that the drug has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. The product should not be used if a man has:

  1. Breast carcinoma or prostate cancer;
  2. An allergic reaction to some components of the drug or testosterone.

In addition, the drug and its analogue should be used with special caution for diseases such as:

  • heart failure and ischemic disease;
  • presence of cancer;
  • migraine;
  • epilepsy;
  • high pressure;
  • chronic respiratory diseases.

Studies have shown that all these diseases can be greatly aggravated by testosterone, because it affects blood flow in the body and other functional areas.

Be careful! Women are strictly prohibited from using Androgel. It can lead to irreversible changes in the body of representatives of the fair half of humanity. Such changes include increased body hair growth male type , the appearance of acne, changes in body type towards the male type.

Quite often, Androgel is used by athletes who engage in strength sports. But only non-professional athletes can afford this, because testosterone is detected in the blood during examination. And this is strictly prohibited by doping control.

Correct use of the product

The therapeutic dose of the drug is determined individually after full examination patient. But most often it is prescribed applying 5 g of product per day, 10 g of Androgel is used much less frequently.

If during the use of the drug there is a need to increase or decrease the dosage of the drug, then this is done in stages and only after consulting a doctor: the dosage is gradually reduced by 2.5 g per day.

If there are injuries on the body in the area where the product was applied, then the drug should not be applied to the damaged areas. There is no need to rub the product in; it will absorb into the skin on its own. within three minutes from the moment of application. Under no circumstances should the product be applied to the genital area.

After using the drug you need wash your hands thoroughly to avoid contact with the skin of another person.

Overdose and side effects

"Androgel", reviews of which say that it is well tolerated by the body, still has a number of contraindications. It is not advisable to use it if you have a rash or other damage. skin. You should also stop using the drug if you notice dryness, redness or acne-like rashes on your body. A similar result can occur under the influence of alcohol, which is part of Androgel.

While taking the drug, the following may occur: side effects:

  • headache;
  • memory impairment;
  • decreased blood lipid levels;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • weight gain;
  • frequent and prolonged erections;
  • diarrhea.

No overdose of the drug was detected during the studies. This is due to the fact that only 14% of the testosterone from the gel is absorbed, and therefore it is impossible to obtain an excessive dose. If some body functions are impaired, they are restored when the drug is discontinued.

"Androgel" for women - is it dangerous?

Testosterone is male hormone , which is responsible for the proper functioning of the male body. If we remember the anatomy, then no one will deny the fact of the presence of this hormone in a woman’s body. But here he is present in minimum quantity. That is why women do not need to increase this hormone in the blood. It has been scientifically proven that if testosterone in a woman’s body exceeds acceptable standards, then they can begin irreversible changes. It is especially important to monitor this process during pregnancy.

Before prescribing Androgel to a woman, the price of which is quite low, the doctor must inform the patient about what contraindications there are and the risks of using the drug. It is imperative to follow your doctor's recommendations.

To begin with, you should completely avoid contact of the drug from your hands or skin with other people. If you have to similar action, then you need be sure to take a shower or at least cover those parts of the body on which the gel is applied.

If a woman has been in contact with a man who had Androgel on his body, then she should take a shower as soon as possible and thoroughly wash the product off her skin. If after using the gel or being in contact with it for some time, acne or increased body hair growth, you should definitely consult a doctor.

In the treatment of hypogonadism, topical medications, such as ointments, are sometimes used. Good cream based on testosterone with a pronounced androgenic effect is Androgel.

This gel is used in the treatment of androgen deficiency. In terms of its effectiveness, the medicine is somewhat inferior hormonal drugs, which are available in the form of an injection solution and tablets for internal use.

The average price for Androgel gel is about 2500-3000 rubles. The price is indicated for a package containing 30 sachets. The manufacturer of the medicine is pharmaceutical company Besins International Belgique (Belgium).

Is the drug effective?

Of course, injectable and oral products are more effective than testosterone-based gels. However, practice shows that testosterone gel can also be used, and such treatment will be very effective.

Moreover, testosterone-based gels have fewer contraindications and side effects. The absorption rates of such drugs are also quite high.

The drug Androgel consists of 50 mg of testosterone (active component), isopropyl myristate, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, water. The active substance of the drug stimulates the development of the genital organs and prostate gland. Testosterone also helps:

  1. Increase libido.
  2. Improve potency.
  3. Reduce fat deposits.
  4. Suppress the secretion of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland.

More active substance Androgel helps build muscle mass and retain in the body the components necessary for protein synthesis (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, K+).

A priori scientific sources indicate that the effect of testosterone occurs after its conversion to estradiol, which in turn binds to the testicular Leydig cells, brain, adipose tissue and pituitary gland.

After external application, about 14-15% of Androgel is absorbed. Testosterone enters the systemic circulation in about a day. Testosterone concentration is maximum after 2 days of treatment. There are fluctuations in testosterone levels. Active components substances are eliminated from the body through the kidneys and intestines.

To summarize, we can say that Androgel is an effective drug, but its effectiveness is somewhat inferior to injectable and oral testosterone-based medications.

Moreover, dietary supplements can be used even by athletes. The drug is excellent for accelerated muscle gain.

The use of Androgel is justified in the treatment of androgen deficiency (hypogonadism) in men. The drug can be used even in cases where a man is prescribed lifelong hormone replacement therapy.

It is worth noting that the gel cannot be used to treat infertility. Also, before starting treatment, you need to take into account the fact that the physiological level of androgens in men decreases with age.

Instructions for use of the drug

Instructions are included with the drug Androgel. It tells you how to use the medicine correctly. According to the instructions, the gel should be applied externally in the morning. It is advisable to apply at the same time.

Optimal daily dosage– 5 grams. But if necessary, the dosage can be increased to 10 grams. Apply the ointment in a thin layer to the skin of the shoulders or abdomen. It is highly not recommended to apply the gel to the genitals or mammary glands. 3-5 minutes are enough for the gel to be absorbed. After using the product, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Treatment with Androgel involves periodic monitoring of the level of androgens in the blood. In some cases, the dosage is adjusted. Moreover, the amendments can be either smaller or larger. big side. The minimum course of treatment is 3 weeks.

During treatment you should not drink alcohol. In general, combining testosterone and alcoholic drinks is contraindicated, as the effectiveness of treatment will be reduced. In addition, the interaction of male androgens with ethyl alcohol may negatively affect liver function.

Taking Androgel internally is strictly prohibited. If this happens, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe symptomatic therapy.

Contraindications and side effects

You cannot use Androgel for men with prostate cancer. This is due to the fact that testosterone can accelerate the growth of malignant or benign tumors.

Also contraindications are arterial hypertension, epilepsy, acute renal failure, severe heart failure, decompensated liver failure, increased sensitivity to testosterone or auxiliary components of the drug.

Side effects of Androgel:

  • Acne, erythema, irritation at the site of gel application.
  • Increased size of the prostate gland.
  • Gynecomastia (increase mammary glands according to the female phenotype).
  • Mammalgia.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Dizziness.
  • Migraine.
  • Increased irritability and aggressiveness.
  • Paresthesia.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Reversible alopecia (baldness).
  • Long and frequent erections (spontaneous).
  • Weight gain.

It should be taken into account that Androgel enhances the effect of tableted anticoagulants, increases sensitivity to insulin, triiodothyronine and thyroxine.

The description is valid on 13.03.2015

  • Latin name: Androgel
  • ATX code: G03BA03
  • Active substance: Testosterone
  • Manufacturer: Besins International Belgique (Belgium)


In 1 sachet - 25 mg or 50 mg.

Isopropyl myristate, carbopol, ethanol, sodium hydroxide, water, as excipients.

Release form

1% gel in disposable sachets for external use.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Androgel is an androgenic agent containing testosterone . In men, it stimulates the development of the genital organs and prostate gland. Affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men, increases libido and potency and influences sexual behavior through the central nervous system. Reduces fat deposition. Testosterone does not affect development testicle : suppresses secretion gonadotropins (LH and FSH) by the pituitary gland.

Has an anabolic effect: increases muscle mass, retaining nitrogen, sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, K+ and water in the body, necessary for protein synthesis.

The effects of testosterone occur after it is converted into estradiol , which subsequently binds to receptors in target organs ( testicular Leydig cells , pituitary , brain , adipose tissue ).


After applying Androgel to the skin, 14% of the dose is absorbed, and testosterone enters the bloodstream within 24 hours.

Testosterone concentrations reach a constant value after the second day of treatment. The important thing is that the daily fluctuations in concentration are the same as those of endogenous testosterone. With this route of administration, there are no testosterone peaks in the blood that occur when injection. External use the drug is not accompanied by an increase steroids V liver , as in oral therapy testosterone, which is higher than physiological norms.

After stopping treatment, testosterone levels begin to decrease a day after the last dose and reach baseline in 3-4 days. Active testosterone metabolites ( dihydrotestosterone And estradiol ) are excreted in urine and feces.

Indications for use

(as replacement therapy for hypogonadism ).


  • increased sensitivity to testosterone;
  • prostate cancer ;
  • other localizations;
  • pronounced heart failure ;
  • hepatic And ;

There is no experience of use in children.

Side effects

  • irritation, , at the place of application;
  • , ;
  • , mood changes;
  • And mammary glands , mammalgia ;
  • increased blood pressure;

Gynecomastia occurs in patients who have previously been treated for hypogonadism .

Upon appointment high dosages: irritability, nervousness, prolonged or frequent erections, weight gain.

Instructions for use of Androgel (Method and dosage)

Externally, preferably in the morning at the same time. A dose of 5 g of gel is applied once a day. The dose can be adjusted by the doctor, but cannot be more than 10 g. The dose is increased gradually (by 2.5 g per day).

Rules for using the drug

Immediately after opening the bag, the gel is immediately applied, and all its contents are evenly distributed in a thin layer into the skin, without rubbing. Apply to clean and dry skin of the shoulders or abdomen, let dry for 3-5 minutes. Hands must be washed with soap and water.

It is not recommended to use the gel in the genital and mammary glands due to local irritation. Instructions for use of Androgel contain schematic image places where the gel is applied and parts of the body where the gel should not be applied.

To adjust the dose of the hormone, its concentration in the blood is determined before using the drug every day for a week, starting from the 3rd day of treatment. If its content is increased, the dosage is reduced, and vice versa.


Applying the drug to the skin does not cause an overdose.


The drug enhances the effect of tablets anticoagulants Therefore, you need to monitor prothrombin time (at the beginning of treatment and at the end of the course).

Joint appointment with corticosteroids And adrenocorticotropic hormones increases the risk of edema in patients with heart and kidney diseases.

Testosterone levels decrease thyroxine binding globulin , which leads to a decrease in thyroxine concentrations and an increase in sensitivity to triiodothyronine And thyroxine .

Terms of sale

Dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.

Storage conditions

In a dry place. Storage temperature is not higher than 25°C.

Best before date

special instructions

The drug is used for testosterone deficiency with clinical manifestations. The drug is not used for male infertility . It must be taken into account that physiological levels of the hormone decrease with age.

Before starting treatment, undergo an examination to rule out cancer or prostate adenoma , because the androgens accelerate the progression of these diseases. It is necessary to conduct regular examinations of the prostate gland (PSA determination, digital examination) and mammary glands.

In patients with severe cardiac And renal failure treatment may cause complications. Therefore, caution should be used in patients with IHD , arterial hypertension .

When the physiological level of the hormone is reached during treatment, there is a possibility of increased sensitivity to insulin . Treatment is stopped when a severe local reaction occurs.

Safety precautions when using Androgel

To protect your sexual partner from the transfer of testosterone, you should cover the areas where the gel is applied with clothing, observe the interval between the use of the gel and sexual intercourse, or take a shower before sexual intercourse. Maintain an interval of 6 hours between using the gel and taking a shower.

The patient using the gel must wash his hands with soap and, after drying, cover the application site with clothing to prevent other persons, especially children, from coming into contact with the drug.

If Androgel accidentally gets on the skin of another person, it is necessary to immediately wash this area of ​​skin with soap and water. Pregnant women should avoid contact of the drug with skin. When using the drug there are no restrictions on driving.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

, Andriol TK , , , , Nuvir , . These analogues have one active ingredient.

Reviews about Androgel

Patients with hypogonadism Androgel has been successfully used for many years. Reviews about Androgel on forums indicate that it is effective drug. This was proven by determining the level testosterone in the blood during treatment - it was within physiological norm. After just 3 days of treatment, the skin is saturated with gel and testosterone is constantly released. According to those who used the gel, the effect is “ rapid restoration of sexual desire" And " restoration of erection and normal sexual relations».

There are reviews of men suffering from severe hypogonadism androgen deficiency And . They were prescribed gel for 3 months. up to 5 months At the end of treatment, pronounced positive dynamics in erectile function were noted.

Everyone notes the convenience and painlessness of use, the absence of skin reactions, even with daily use within 6 months.

Many patients who had previously used injection forms testosterone, note the inconvenience - injections must be performed in medical institutions every 2–3 weeks. Immediately after the injection on the 3rd day, the supraphysiological level of the hormone is determined, and then it decreases evenly over 2 weeks and the injection must be repeated again. Such hormone fluctuations affect the mood and well-being of patients. Some note that they have developed gynecomastia , which is associated with periodically occurring high level testosterone, which significantly exceeds physiological levels.

Negative reviews are due to the fact that men do not understand that the drug does not cure erectile dysfunction , but is a means replacement therapy . The testosterone level will be maintained, and accordingly there will be an effect, as long as the patient uses the drug.

Since Testosterone stimulates protein synthesis, muscle growth and development, all forms of the drug are used by individuals involved in fitness and bodybuilding. On forums there are often discussions on the topic of using Androgel for the purpose of gaining muscle mass. It turns out that 15 out of 20 people involved in gym. According to urologists-andrologists, the use of the drug in any form of release for this purpose is unacceptable. Available only medical indications for appointment androgens .