How to take Escusan tablets and drops: instructions, reviews, effective analogues and price in pharmacies. Unusual features of aescusan

The human body is penetrated various vessels, which supply blood to all its parts. But over time, they spend their resources, which is why they lose their elasticity and strength. As a result, various diseases associated with cardiovascular system. For their treatment and prevention, special medications are taken, one of which is Aescusan.

The drug Escusan is used for therapy various violations blood circulation It has an angioprotective and anti-edematous effect, providing a persistent anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. But the effectiveness of this drug depends on how it is taken.

Aescusan is manufactured in several types, having different content main component and prescribed for various degrees gravity

Now there are 6 forms of release of the drug:

The last two forms are used for external use and prevention of diseases affecting skin. The rest are taken orally according to the instructions.

Dragees and tablets also differ in the content of the main component in one dose of the drug. This active ingredient is escin, which is extracted from chestnut fruits and provides the main properties of Aescusan.

In the form of dragees, the share of this component is 5 mg, for regular tablets (hard shell) - 20 mg of escin.

For long-acting tablets used in, the proportion of escin is 50 mg. This is higher than a single dose, but the release form reduces the rate of absorption of the component.

Any form of the drug has the same effect aimed at treating venous circulation disorders. But each of them has its own characteristics, such as speed of action, power and course duration.

The drug Aescusan has 6 release forms. These include dragees, two types of tablets, a solution, a gel and a cream. Among them, only hard-shell tablets have a separate name (Eskuzan 20), the rest are determined by the form of release. All drugs have the same effect and main component- escin.

We invite you to learn more about the treatment of varicose veins from the proposed video.

Aescusan drops: instructions

Escusan drops are sold as a yellow or red-brown solution packaged in a special solution. It has a specific smell and comes complete with a dropper plug.

The volume of one bottle is 20 ml, which contains 75.6 mg of escin.

Escusan drops are taken in the following cases:

  • IN different forms venous insufficiency
  • With stagnation of blood circulation
  • Against calf cramps
  • Against swelling in the legs
  • For phlebitis

Sometimes the drug is taken to prevent pain and heaviness in the lower extremities.

Main active ingredient is escin. It is extracted from horse chestnut and tones blood vessels due to hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. These are natural processes of the body that normalize vascular walls, which ensures high strength of veins and capillaries.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory, decongestant, venotonic and antioxidant effect, reduces the manifestations of venous stagnation and improves the conductivity of impulses.

Among the properties of Aescusan there is also anti-aggregation, which reduces the chance of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.

Among the contraindications for use are individual sensitivity to the components of the drug (in the 1st trimester), lactation, as well as diseases. The drug is not recommended for children, these clinical studies were not carried out.

The composition of Aescusan is exclusively natural, so the body easily absorbs them. This allows you to take long courses of the drug without health consequences.

Among the disadvantages are noted:

  • Unpleasant bitter taste
  • Unpleasant smell
  • Reception frequency
  • Feeling of nausea when taking

Patients note the complex effect of the drug. It treats not only the legs, but affects all the vessels of the body. The pelvic area, head, arms - all veins and capillaries tighten their walls and restore elasticity.

The drug is used in the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, phlebitis and edema, but is also used to prevent other diseases.

Reviews of Ekuzan drops are mostly positive. The drug has a complex effect on the body, relieves swelling and is used in the treatment of many vascular diseases. It is very low, and among the shortcomings there is only a bitter taste and bad smell. Therefore, the drug is used in treatment and prevention various diseases, which is safe for the body.

The medicine Aescusan for hemorrhoids is taken orally. It is not injected into the rectum, like most drugs for this disease, but is perfectly absorbed through the digestive tract. This makes regular use of Aescusan simple and effective.

When treating hemorrhoids, Aescusan is taken together with other drugs, since its effect is not strong enough for self-treatment. It is prescribed as support or prevention.

The advantage of Aescusan in the treatment of hemorrhoids is its safety. The dose taken may be twice the recommended dose, but that doesn’t matter. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not have any negative effects, and the overdose threshold is very high.

Taking the drug for hemorrhoids is long-term. It is used for at least two months to obtain a lasting effect. Anticoagulants are often prescribed along with it, enhancing the effect of Aescusan.

Aescusan is used to treat hemorrhoids. This easy drug, which reduces venous stagnation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the size of veins, which is effective for this disease. Therapeutic effect Aescusana is weak, so it is taken with others.

Drops for varicose veins Escusan

Escusan drops are effective against varicose veins. This disease is characterized by venous insufficiency, which affects the well-being and appearance legs Women who have had or are suffering from varicose veins are more likely to suffer from overweight. In men it occurs less frequently.

The cause of varicose veins is a large load on the vessels in the legs. IN human body most of the blood is below the level, which puts more strain on the veins and capillaries. Their inner walls experience enormous pressure from the inside, and contractions of the muscles of the foot and lower leg cause it to circulate. Therefore, predisposition, weakness of the body and increased loads on blood vessels leading to varicose veins.

The main purpose of Aescusan is to strengthen blood vessels. These drops have a complex effect, improving the strength of the walls, increasing their elasticity and eliminating the already manifested consequences of varicose veins. It relieves fatigue and pain in the legs - the first symptoms of varicose veins.

The main component of Aescusan is horse chestnut, which has long been used for varicose veins.

A mixture of various components reduces the effects of this disease, having a complex effect on blood vessels throughout the body. Oral drops are easy to use and have high level compatibility with the body and are quickly absorbed by the digestive tract.

To treat severe forms of varicose veins, a complex of drugs is used, among which Escusan drops provide support and prevent the development of the disease in the future.

They are also used for prevention, strengthening blood vessels and improving their elasticity. Aescusan is often prescribed after lactation in young mothers.

Aescusan (drops, tablets, ointment, gel) – instructions for use, analogues, prices and reviews

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Medicine Aescusan contains an active substance - escin, obtained from horse chestnut fruits. Aescusan belongs to the group of so-called angioprotectors, that is, drugs that strengthen blood vessels. In addition to the angioprotective effect, Aescusan improves blood flow at the level of the microvascular bed.

Today, the drug Escusan is available in the following pharmaceutical forms:
1. Dragee (escin 5 mg).
2. Film-coated tablets (20 mg escin).
3. Long-acting tablets (escin 50 mg).
4. Solution (drops).
5. Gel for external use.
6. Cream for external use.

Film-coated tablets are called Escusan 20. Other forms of release of the drug are simply called Escusan, with the latter indicated on the packaging under the name of the drug.

Any form of the drug Aescusan is used to treat various disorders of venous circulation. In this case, the choice of the form of the drug depends on the severity of the disease, tolerability of the components, the presence of contraindications, as well as other individual factors that must be taken into account. Dragees, tablets and solution are intended for oral administration (by mouth or intravenously), while gel and cream are used externally.

Effects of Aescusan

Let's consider the effects active substance the drug Aescusan - escin. These effects will be the same for any form of Escusan, since they all contain the same active ingredient.

In various experiments, it was shown that Aescusan has a pronounced tonic effect on the veins, and actively prevents the release of fluid into the tissue with the formation of edema. This action is associated with inhibition of the breakdown of mucopolysaccharide molecules, which strengthen the wall of the blood vessel.

Together with the angioprotective and anti-edematous effect, Aescusan has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Increasing the strength of the vascular wall prevents capillary fragility, swelling and stagnation of blood in the veins. In addition to preventing swelling, Aescusan helps eliminate existing ones.

Active anti-inflammatory effect allows you to accelerate the healing processes of various organs and tissues, as well as significantly improve microcirculation.

Escin helps smooth out and reduce the severity of symptoms of venous insufficiency, such as fatigue, swelling and heaviness in the legs, tension, itching and pain.

Absorption, distribution and excretion from the body

Escusan tablets and drops (solution) are absorbed primarily from the intestines. After entering the blood, 84% of Aescusan binds to proteins that transport the drug to organs and tissues. Excreted in the form of metabolites, which are formed in the liver under the influence of enzymes. Metabolites of Aescusan enter the intestines along with bile and are excreted in feces. Only less than 1% of Aescusan is excreted unchanged by the kidneys in the urine.

Tablets, solution and dragees have a short-term effect, since half of the administered dose is eliminated after 1 hour. Extended-release tablets have slow-release properties active substance, which allows the effect to last for 20 hours, during which half the dose of the drug is eliminated. Long-acting tablets allow you to create the maximum concentration of the active substance 2-3 hours after administration.

Escusan dragees, tablets (Escusan 20) and long-acting tablets

Since indications for use, contraindications, mode of application and side effects Since different Escusan tablets are the same, we will give a description of their properties together.

Description of Escusan (long-acting tablets, dragees) and Escusan 20

Aescusan dragees contain 5 mg of escin and are available in packs of one hundred pieces.

Enteric-coated tablets contain 20 mg of escin and are available in packs of 20 pieces.

Long-acting tablets (retard tablets) contain 50 mg of escin and are available in packs of 40 pieces.

Indications for use of Escusan (long-acting tablets, dragees) and Escusan 20

All forms of Aescusan for internal use used for therapy following states, developing against the background of venous pathology:
  • syndrome occurring after thrombophlebitis;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • leg pain;
  • tissue nutritional disorders (including trophic ulcers);
  • symptoms developing after injuries and operations (pain, swelling, dislocation, bruise, sprain, tendon rupture);
  • prevention and treatment of bruises;

Contraindications to the use of Escusan (long-acting tablets, dragees) and Escusan 20

The range of contraindications to the use of Aescusan is small. The drug should not be used in the following cases:
  • age under 12 years;
  • pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • period breastfeeding;
  • sensitivity or allergy to escin;
  • tendency to thrombosis (thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis, etc.).
Aescusan dragees contain only 5 mg of escin, so for them absolute contraindication is only renal failure.

Instructions for use of Escusan (long-acting tablets, dragees) and Escusan 20

Escusan 20 tablets during the treatment period are taken at a dose of 40-60 mg (2-3 tablets) three times a day before meals. After the course of treatment, you can continue taking the drug in a maintenance dose, 20 mg (1 tablet) three times a day.

Aescusan dragees are taken 5-15 mg (1-3 pieces) three times a day before meals.

Long-acting tablets take 50 mg (1 tablet) twice a day before meals.

Tablets and pills must be washed down copious amounts plain water. If Aescusan provokes irritation gastrointestinal tract(heartburn, flatulence, etc.), then you need to take the drug with meals, and in a lower dosage.

The course of treatment with Aescusan averages about 3 months, but can be extended if necessary. In general, there are no strict terms for the course of treatment, since the duration of taking the drug is determined by the severity of the disorders and the speed of their recovery.

The active substance Aescusan is partially excreted by the kidneys, and may have an effect on them negative impact. Therefore, during the course of treatment it is necessary to monitor kidney function.

Aescusan should be used with caution concomitantly with the following medications:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group (chloramphenicol, etc.) and cephalosporins (cephalexin, ceftriaxone, etc.);
  • anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin, thrombostop, thromboas, etc.).
Taking Aescusan should be stopped if thrombosis of the leg veins develops, the symptoms of which are the following:
  • paleness or redness of the skin;
  • feeling of pain and tension in the skin;
  • feeling of hot skin.
To date, no cases of overdose of Escusan have been identified.

Side effects of Escusan (long-acting tablets, dragees) and Escusan 20

Aescusan may cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract or immune system(any form of allergy):
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane digestive tract;
  • hives;
  • increase in temperature;
  • angioedema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Data side effects while taking Aescusan they occur quite rarely, and severe forms allergies - anaphylactic shock and angioedema, develop extremely rarely.

Aescusan drops (solution)

Aescusan in the form of drops is a solution that is used for oral administration or intravenous administration.

Description of the drop (solution) Aescusan

Aescusan solution is yellow or red-brown in color and has a specific odor. The solution may be completely clear or slightly cloudy, with sediment at the bottom. Aescusan is packaged in dark 20 ml bottles, which are equipped with a special device - a dropper stopper. A 20 ml bottle of Aescusan contains 75.6 mg of escin.

Indications for use of Escusan drops (solution)

Escusan drops are used to treat the following pathologies and symptoms:
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • complications of venous insufficiency;
  • stagnation of blood circulation;
  • phlebitis;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • pain and heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • haemorrhoids.

Contraindications to the use of Escusan drops (solution)

Escusan drops (solution) should not be used in the following cases:
  • sensitivity to the drug;
  • age under 12 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Instructions for use of Escusan drops (solution)

Before using the drug, shake the bottle thoroughly.

Aescusan is taken 12-15 drops three times a day before meals, washed down with water. The drug is administered intravenously, guided by the amount of escin. So, adults are administered 5-10 mg of escin per day, and for children the dose is calculated according to the following formula - 200 mcg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s initial condition and the speed of recovery, and therefore varies from 2 weeks to 2-3 months.

In case of an overdose of Aescusan, symptoms of digestive disorders may develop, which do not require special treatment.

For successful treatment of the disease, it is necessary to take Aescusan together with local therapeutic manipulations - tight bandaging of the legs, foot baths with cool water, mandatory wearing of special stockings or tights.

Side effects of Escusan drops (solution)

Application of Escusan drops in in rare cases accompanied by the development of irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Isolated cases of digestive disorders have also been reported.

Aescusan ointment, gel

Aescusan for external use is available in two forms - gel and ointment. These forms of Aescusan differ only in consistency and speed of absorption into the skin. Also, the ointment is thicker, and the gel is light, which allows it to be used when wearing stockings or tights. However, the indications, contraindications, use and side effects of Escusan gel and ointment are the same, so we present a description of these properties together.

Indications for use of Escusan ointment and gel

Aescusan gel or ointment is used externally to treat the following conditions:
  • phlebitis;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • calf cramps;
  • feeling of heaviness and tension in the legs;
  • varicose veins;
  • tissue nutritional disorders (including trophic ulcers);
  • itching of the skin of the legs due to venous insufficiency;
  • symptoms developing after injuries and operations (pain, swelling, dislocation, bruise, sprain, tendon rupture);
  • prevention and treatment of bruises.

Contraindications to the use of Escusan ointment and gel

Escusan gel and cream have only one contraindication - hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

Instructions for use ointment and gel Escusan

Before using Aescusan, it is recommended to wash the skin of your feet, then apply a small amount of gel or ointment with light massaging circular movements. The drug is applied to the skin of the legs several times a day. The duration of treatment is entirely determined by the onset of improvement, so the course of using Escusan gel or ointment can be long - up to six months.

If the skin is damaged, you should not use Aescusan gel or ointment, as this can cause severe irritation and burning.

If the gel or ointment accidentally gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, it is necessary to rinse them a large number clean running water.

For successful treatment of the disease, it is necessary to take Aescusan together with local therapeutic manipulations - tight bandaging of the legs, foot baths with cool water, mandatory wearing of special stockings or tights.

Side effects of Escusan ointment and gel

Aescusan gel or ointment can lead to the development allergic manifestations on the skin - urticaria, rash, itching.

Aescusan during pregnancy

Escusan tablets, drops and tablets should not be taken before 12 weeks of pregnancy. If necessary, eliminate swelling from the 24th week of pregnancy, you can use Aescusan for internal use, provided there is no kidney pathology.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use Aescusan orally, since there is no data on the effect on the child and the degree of penetration into breast milk.

In case of urgent need, pregnant women can use Aescusan for external use (gel or ointment).

Use of Aescusan in children

Aescusan gel or ointment can be used in children without restrictions. Escusan drops can be used for intravenous administration to children from the age of three. Children can take Escusan tablets, dragees and drops orally starting from the age of 12 years, and the doses are the same as for adults.

Escusan's analogs

Analogues of Aescusan are pharmaceuticals, which also contain escin. Such drugs include:
  • Escin;
  • Aescine;
  • Venen;
  • Dr. Theiss Venen gel;
  • Reparil-gel N.

AND escin .

Additional components: ethanol , purified water, lactose monohydrate , colloidal silicon dioxide.

Release form

Aescusan is available in the form of a solution, tablets and ointment. Drops for oral administration, packaged in 20 ml bottles with a dropper stopper.

Pharmacological action

The drug exhibits antiexudative And venotonic action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Aescusan drops contain horse chestnut extract and thiamine, known as. This drug is characterized by antioxidant, decongestant, antiexudative, capillary protective And venotonic effect. It should be noted that its action is ensured by the components of the drug.

Main component escin is an extract of horse chestnut, which is part of the group of triterpene glycosides. The substance has venotonic and capillary protective properties due to stimulation of the production of the adrenal cortex and an increase in the number of prostaglandins F-2 in the vascular wall. Also normalized contractile functions smooth muscles walls of blood vessels, as their fragility decreases, tissues improve, and are restored normal condition capillaries. The manifestation of capillary protective properties is ensured by inhibiting the activity of lysosomals, or rather by blocking the breakdown of mucopolysaccharides in vascular walls. This medicine can stimulate the release of the transmitter into the synaptic cleft, improving the conduction of impulses in the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, venous congestion is reduced, which has a positive effect on the condition of the vascular lumens and venous valves.

Anti-edematous effect medicine manifested by the ability of escin to reduce permeability in the plasma-lymphatic barrier, reduce lymph flow, increasing the dry residue of lymph.

What rocks thiamine , then this substance provides antioxidant the effect of the drug by preventing lipid peroxidation.

It has been established that Aescusan drops can reduce the yield electrolytes , liquids and low-molecular compounds into the intercellular space. The manifestation of the antiexudative effect is ensured by increased synthesis and increased release of prostaglandins.

The anti-inflammatory effect causes a decrease in the permeability of vascular walls and a decrease in migration, and with the help of sterol compounds the intensity of inflammatory manifestations is reduced.

The antiaggregation activity of the drug, if taken regularly, can significantly reduce the incidence of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots on the vascular walls.

When treated with this drug, inactivation occurs active form oxygen and hydroxyl groups, reducing the destructive effect directed towards cell membranes.

Once inside the body, the drug undergoes good absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, entering into full contact with plasma proteins. Metabolism occurs mainly in the liver. It is excreted from the body in bile and a small part unchanged in urine.

Indications for use

The main indication for use of the drug is the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, especially with manifestations of:

  • lower limbs;
  • muscle cramps;
  • pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • dilated veins, hematomas and spider veins.

Drops are also prescribed for:

  • postthrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • trophic changes, for example, ulcers of the extremities;
  • postoperative and post-traumatic swelling and inflammation of soft tissues;

The drug can be used in complex treatment and prevention , trophic changes soft tissues.


The drug is not prescribed for:

  • increased sensitivity to it;
  • first trimester ;
  • children under 12 years of age.

Side effects

Treatment with Aescusan sometimes leads to irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, dyspeptic manifestations . In rare cases they develop nausea, hot sensations, , for example, itching, rashes, swelling, and so on.

Escusan drops, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

As the instructions for use of Aescusan show, take 12-15 drops orally, 3 times a day before meals. In this case, the medicine can be washed down or dissolved in liquid. Shake the bottle with drops well before taking it.

If necessary, the dosage of the drug is doubled. The average therapeutic course lasts 3 months, but at the discretion of the attending physician it can be increased.


In cases of overdose, signs of alcohol intoxication may appear.

According to legend, the healing chestnut was called horse chestnut because horses were treated with its seeds. The medicinal potential of this tree was discovered by the Greeks, who have been using extracts of chestnut fruits and flowers to prepare medicines for several centuries.

So that every step is not a test due to heaviness and pain in the legs, phlebologists recommend taking Aescusan - a medicine for plant based, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and relieving discomfort. All types of medication are effective for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, neuralgia, diseases genitourinary system. The drug increases the strength of blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and accelerates the resorption of blood clots. Escusan drops, ointments and tablets strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, accelerate blood flow in the system, restore tissue, improve the elasticity of veins, and relieve inflammation of the vascular wall.

Aescusan release form and composition

To achieve maximum effectiveness, the medicine is presented by the manufacturer in different types. All of them are used to treat disorders of venous blood flow. In this case, the choice of the form of the medicine depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the body’s reaction to the medicine, contraindications and others. individual characteristics, studied by a phlebologist.

  1. Drops. The mixture is designed for oral administration. The medicine can be purchased in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 20 and 60 ml. The yellow-red liquid may have some sediment. For exact dosage The bottle stopper is equipped with a measuring dropper. The medicine contains vitamin B1 and escin.
  2. Dragee. The concentration of active ingredients in this form is 5 mg per gram. One package contains 100 pieces of dragees.
  3. Pills. The medication is available in tablet form with dosages of 20 and 50 mg. The tablets are closed with a dark coating. With a minimum dosage in a box there can be 20,50 or 100 pieces, with a maximum - 40 pieces. The packaging can be identified by the inscription “Retard”.
  4. Gel and ointment. Medicines with rapid absorption for local use have been developed. The gel has a lighter consistency, is absorbed faster, and is convenient to use when wearing stockings. The ointment is made on a relatively oily basis and is absorbed by tissues more slowly, so it is best to use it at night.

The drug Escusan is classified as an angioprotector that improves blood supply to the veins. The medicine is effective for varicose veins.

The optimal temperature conditions for storing the medication are 16-27 °C. The shelf life of the medicine depends on its form: drops, gel and ointment - 3 years, tablets - 4 years. To purchase all types of this medicine, a prescription from a pharmacy is not required. For Escusan, the price depends on the markup of the pharmacy chain: a 20 ml bottle of tincture can be bought for 100-140 rubles. For 40 tablets you have to pay 100-160 rubles, average price gel and cream – 200 rub.


The drug is developed on the basis of thiamine and horse chestnut extract. The active ingredient in chestnut extract is escin from the class of triterpene glycosides. These substances, when increasing the secretion of hormones by the adrenal subcortex, exhibit capillary protective and venotonic properties. The capillary protective mechanism of the drug is also expressed in its ability to inhibit lysosomal enzymes. The drug in this way slows down the breakdown of mucopolysaccharide molecules in the veins. As a result, they become stronger and the exit is blocked. biological fluids into surrounding tissues ( main reason swelling).

Escin normalizes the contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the veins, this helps reduce their fragility and improve the metabolism of capillaries and tissues. Escin helps release norepinephrine and enhances nerve conduction. Reduces venotonic and signs of blood stagnation, this has a beneficial effect on the health of the venous valves that control the outflow of blood.
Proven and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect Aescusan, which manifests itself due to sterol compounds (they are contained in the raw materials from which the medicine is prepared). The fragility of capillaries, the vulnerability and permeability of blood vessels, the migration of leukocytes and stagnation of blood in the veins are reduced. With improved blood circulation, already formed swelling is eliminated, microcirculation and healing of inflammation of blood vessels and tissues improves. Fatigue, pain, discomfort and other signs of venous insufficiency are reduced.

Escin reduces the vulnerability of the plasma-lymphatic barrier and reduces lymph flow.

The release of electrolytes, water and low molecular weight components into the intercellular lumen is reduced. Increased release of prostaglandins creates an anti-exudative effect.

Aescusan is also endowed with antiplatelet properties: with prolonged use, the drug reduces the risk of thrombosis. The antioxidant effect is provided by thiamine, which prevents lipid oxidation. Another component of the formula, quercetin, inactivates active oxygen and reduces its aggressiveness towards cell membranes.


The body absorbs the active components of tablets and drops in the intestines. When the drug enters the bloodstream, it binds to 84% of their proteins, which are responsible for transporting the drug to target organs.

Under the influence of enzymes in the liver, Aescusan is transformed into metabolites. They are eliminated through the intestines, where they enter along with bile. Only 1% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys in its original form.

The effect of regular Escusan is short-lived: the half-life is only one hour.

Tablets with prolonged release release the active components gradually; half the dose of this type of medicine in a special coating that delays its absorption is eliminated only after 20 hours. The prolongation effect provides greatest content active ingredient 2-3 hours after consuming a dose of pills or tablets.

Indications for use

Contraindications, indications, undesirable consequences for all types of medication are similar, since tablets, dragees, gel and ointment contain the same active ingredients. The angioprotector is effective for many vascular diseases:

  • Soreness and muscle spasms;
  • Post-thrombophlebitis therapy;
  • Venous stagnation;
  • Discomfort in the problem area;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Tissue hypoxia;
  • Post-traumatic syndromes;
  • Hemorrhoids (acute and chronic forms).

The medication is used both in monotherapy and in a combination regimen, for example, in the treatment of cerebral edema. For preventive purposes, you can use the drug to prevent the development of strokes and atherosclerosis.

Maximum efficiency is achieved when complex application medicines - both for internal and external use. Drug treatment venous insufficiency is always supplemented related procedures: contrast shower for the legs, special gymnastics, diet, wearing compression hosiery, selected by a specialist taking into account the compression class and characteristics of the disease.

Long-term treatment requires regular monitoring of renal function. The result of treatment depends on the accuracy of following the doctor’s instructions, since the treatment is long-term and requires discipline and a serious attitude from the patient. For complex pathologies requiring surgical intervention, Aescusan can be used as additional remedy during preparation and after surgery.

Despite natural composition medications and the ability to purchase it without a prescription, self-medication with venotonic is unacceptable: experimenting with your health can provoke an exacerbation of chronic renal pathologies. The treatment regimen must be agreed with the doctor. A tincture similar pharmaceutical drops You can prepare aescusan yourself.

How to take Aescusan

Recommendations for use prescribed in the instructions are different for each form of the medicine. The doctor can make additional adjustments depending on the results of tests and examination of the patient, the stage and form of the disease, and the body’s reaction to the medicine.

  1. Drops. The drug is taken 13-15 drops 3 times a day. after eating. The medicine can be diluted with water or simply washed down with a sufficient amount of it. Before opening the bottle, shake it vigorously.
  2. Pills. They are intended for oral use. Dosage – 1-2 pieces 3 times a day. before eating. The standard course of treatment is one month. If necessary, the doctor can extend it up to two months, reducing daily dose to minimum norm(1 tablet/day).
  3. Dragee. The medication is taken according to a scheme similar to the previous one: 1-2 pieces 3 rubles / day. before eating. If drugs with prolonged release of escin are prescribed in parallel, the dosage is reduced to the minimum norm - 1 piece 2 times a day.
  4. Gel and ointment. The products are used locally, processing problem area massaging touches until the medication is completely absorbed. The gel is applied to prepared (cleaned and dried) skin along the entire length of the legs. The treatment is repeated 2-3 times/day, depending on the complexity of the disease. If there are damage to the skin - abrasions, open wounds, you cannot use cream and gel - the procedure irritates the inflamed tissues. After applying the cream or gel, your hands should be washed again.

Aescusan - contraindications

Extended-release tablets and dragees do not have many restrictions. In addition to hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the formula, the medicine is not prescribed:

  • Children under 12 years old;
  • With a tendency to form blood clots (thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis);
  • Patients with severe renal failure;
  • Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester;
  • Nursing mothers.

In jelly beans active component escin is only 5g, so this form of Escusan is absolutely contraindicated only in case of kidney dysfunction.

Aescusan for children and pregnant women

The instructions regulate strict restrictions for pregnant women only in the first trimester, but for the entire period of pregnancy the drug is prescribed only in consultation with the doctor and in mild form for external use (cream, gel).

For the period of lactation, the restrictions are similar; if there is an urgent need for such therapy, the issue of switching to artificial feeding is considered.

Children, even after 12 years of age, are prescribed the medicine with caution. The doctor calculates the dosage using the formula: 200 mcg of the drug per 1 kg of child’s weight per day. When prescribing drops to children, it is necessary to take into account that they are made on the basis of ethyl alcohol.

Drug interaction results

When drawing up a treatment regimen with Aescusan, special attention should be paid to patients:

  • Concomitantly taking antibiotics of the cephalosporin and aminoglycoside groups;
  • Which are assigned combination treatment medications that increase blood clotting and drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Those using oral contraceptives.

Help with overdose

The consequences of a slight overdose of Aescusan are not described in the instructions for use, but if the norm is doubled, violations are possible vestibular apparatus. Psychomotor reactions and self-control may also be affected. After cleansing the stomach, the victim is given absorbents to remove any remaining medication. Symptomatic therapy is also carried out.

Undesirable consequences

Medicines developed from drugs plant origin, are less likely to be bothered by unforeseen events (compared to most synthetic analogues). But no one has canceled increased individual sensitivity to any drug, therefore, in case of dyspeptic disorders, changes in body temperature, skin allergic reactions and even more so anaphylactic shock, treatment should be stopped.

Stop treatment with Aescusan in case of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, which can be recognized by the following symptoms: pale or reddened skin, pain and tension of the skin, burning sensation on the skin.

For any for unknown reasons discomfort associated with taking Escusan, you should inform your doctor to adjust the dose or replace the drug.

Additional symptomatic treatment may be required.

What can replace the medicine?

In case of individual intolerance or other contraindications, Aescusan can be replaced complete analogues with the same basic component:

  • Aescin;
  • Aescin;
  • Venen;
  • Dr. Theiss Venen gel;
  • Reparil-gel.

Regardless of whether pharmacies offer an analogue with a doctor’s prescription or it can be purchased freely, a replacement should only be selected by a doctor who takes into account all the features of the course of the disease in a particular patient.

What do consumers think about Escusan?

Judging by the reviews, most users with venous insufficiency have accumulated positive experience with the use of drops, tablets, gel and ointment. The drug relieves well the condition of the legs with varicose veins, especially in initial stage. Negative reviews about Escusan are associated with unsatisfactory treatment results due to the use of the medicine not according to indications, as well as when trying to treat varicose veins V advanced stage requiring surgical methods.

Zhaidari, 48 years old, Astana“They bring me Aescusan in capsules from Spain, I don’t know where they can be bought in Kazakhstan. This is not the first time I’ve taken it; in principle, it doesn’t cure my legs, but it alleviates the condition significantly. I’m satisfied with the dietary supplement; I didn’t expect anything more with my “experienced” varicose veins.”

Ruslana, 36 years old, Krasnodar“Aescusan is a good old medicine, which, in my opinion, no one is trying to counterfeit. After reception hormonal drugs I thought that because of the swelling I would never wear shoes again. The doctor suggested various veinotonics, but due to allergies she could not use them for a long time. And the pressure was constantly jumping. Aescusan was perfect: the condition of my legs improved, and my mood too.”

Doctors note that Aescusan has been used for a long time, its effectiveness and safety have been confirmed by many years of clinical practice.

Boyarkov A.V., general practitioner, Moscow“Like other venotonics, the effect of the drug develops gradually, after a course of taking and complex treatment concomitant diseases. The medicine is non-toxic, has a minimum of contraindications, as it is created from plant materials. Due to triple consumption and a specific taste that not everyone likes, compliance suffers (the patient’s exact adherence to the doctor’s recommendations).”

Composition and release form
Oral solution:
1 g contains dry horse chestnut fruit extract, incl. escin 10 mg, thiamine chloride 5 mg,
excipients: ethanol, purified water,
20 ml in a dropper bottle in a package..

Pharmacological action
Aescusan is a herbal medicine used for venous circulation disorders. Contains horse chestnut fruit extract, has an anti-exudative, venotonic effect. It has been established that horse chestnut fruit extract reduces the concentration of lysosomal enzymes, as a result of which the breakdown of mucopolysaccharides in the area of ​​capillary walls is reduced. Aescusan reduces vascular permeability, preventing the filtration of low molecular weight proteins, electrolytes and water into the intercellular space. In randomized, double-blind and crossover studies, a decrease in transcapillary filtration and a significant decrease in edema, a decrease in the feeling of heaviness, fatigue, tension, itching, and pain were noted.

Chronic venous insufficiency of varicose and post-thrombotic origin and its complications, incl. diseases associated with functional impairment blood supply: swelling, cramps in calf muscles, pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Directions for use and doses
Prescribed orally 12-15 drops (2-3 tablets) 3 times a day.
The drug should be taken before meals with a small amount liquids.
Average duration treatment 3 months If necessary, the course can be continued.
Before taking the drug, the contents of the bottle should be shaken.

Side effect
Rarely: irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Drug interactions
The effect of thiamine, which is part of the drug Escusan, decreases when used simultaneously with sulfite-containing infusion solutions.

Storage conditions
Store in a place protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Shelf life - 3 years.