White chicken pox. Dermatotropic products LLC "Tula Pharmaceutical Factory" zindol

Good day, friends!

Today I will tell you about a miracle product from a domestic manufacturer, which literally saved us a couple of months ago.


My son (4.6 years old) exactly on the eve New Year's holiday got chickenpox. The treatment was as follows: I gave her a lot of fluids, applied brilliant green to the rashes, and gave her antihistamines. Everything would be fine, but my son was bothered by a terrible itch. But you can’t scratch, otherwise the pockmarks will remain for life. The itching was especially worse at night; the parent’s heart simply sank in pain, looking at the crying child. All familiar and unfamiliar specialists were interviewed - how to relieve itching from chickenpox. Everyone kept saying one thing - endure it... I read on one of the forums that the drug Tsindol can be used in children to treat chickenpox and relieve itching...

About the drug Tsindol.

Tsindol is an antiseptic drug containing zinc oxide. Available in the form of a suspension (chatter), before use the suspension must be shaken, then the drug will become evenly white. Used for external use. The list of indications is wide and can even be used in newborns and pregnancy.


Tsindol is used for treatment and drying various manifestations on the surface layer of the epidermis:

  • Diaper rash in newborns
  • Miliaria in children
  • Ulcerative lesions
  • Streptoderma
  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • Acne and pimples
  • Varicose veins with trophic ulcer
  • Labial herpes virus
  • Acute eczema
  • Rashes on the face
  • Chickenpox.
  • Manufacturer: Russia.
  • Price: about 100 rubles.

The effect of Tsindol treatment of chickenpox in a child and relieving itching.

Use of Tsindol for chickenpox relieves itching well. The child stopped complaining of itching immediately. Dries out the rash very well. Big bubbles are already on next morning become dry and small in diameter (brilliant green did not have such an effect). Easily washed off the skin.

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Use of zindol for chickenpox in a child, sequence of actions:

1. if the temperature is below 37, 3- washed the child with a warm shower and gently blotted with a towel(the towel should be washed immediately, you can use paper towels). This procedure also relieved the itching somewhat.

2. I applied cindol to the rash. Get ready, the application process is long, the baby is spinning, there are a lot of rashes.

LIFE HACK No. 1 It is better to apply cindol for chickenpox with a brush - it is more convenient and faster.

3. LIFE HACK No. 2 I dried the applied cindol with a warm stream of a hairdryer (if the temperature is below 37.3*).

4. Dressed in pajamas. Be prepared for the tindol to crumble. Bed sheets will have to be changed every day. But this is also a plus, because... There are no traces left on the skin after applying the product.

The first day (2nd day of illness) I applied cindol twice - before nap and at night.

On the second or third day, I applied it once in the evening before bed. Then no more was needed. There were no new rashes; the treated lesions were dry and small.

Treatment of herpes with cindol in adults.

Just yesterday my husband developed herpes on his lip. Apply several times a day, as needed. Doesn't accept anything else. It’s too early to talk about a cure, but I can note that the product localizes (limites) the area of ​​the herpetic rash well. Usually (during treatment with brilliant green or fucorcin) the lip swells greatly, the process spreads to the entire lip, and sometimes to two. When using cindol, the process is localized, the lip is not swollen. Plus, if you need to go to an important meeting, the product can be washed off without a trace, and then reapplied.


To summarize, I will say: Tsindol is a very good drug, it helps children survive chickenpox easily and painlessly, and it alleviates the plight of adults with herpetic rashes. Tsindol is an easy-to-use drug, has a wide range of indications, and can be used in pregnant women and infants. I recommend!

Thank you for your attention! Be healthy!

Increasingly, in the fight against chickenpox, traditional brilliant green is giving way to more modern drugs. To avoid variegated coloring with green dots, you can use Tsindol.

This suspension will help relieve itching and prevent scratching of the skin. The drug does not leave any traces and treats inflammation quite effectively. And the price of Tsindol is not bad at all.

The product copes well with many other skin pathologies - from acne to eczema.

For what other diseases can the medicine be used, what is included in its composition, what are its medicinal properties? How do those who have used this product speak about Tsindol?

The medicine fights inflammation skin and makes it easier severe itching, which is almost always present in skin diseases.

Tsindol is widely used in cosmetology. Skin irritation occurs unpleasant consequence shaving the armpits, legs and especially the bikini area for many women.

The suspension copes with this problem by soothing the skin. They can also use it after electrolysis.

Composition and properties

The drug Tsindol is a suspension for external use (talk). Basic active ingredient drug – zinc oxide.

Thanks to it, the medicine helps dry out rashes, acts as an antiseptic and relieves inflammation.

Additional components included in Tsindol are distilled water, glycerin, starch, ethanol and medical talc.

The chatterbox is effective against chicken pox and other skin pathologies. In addition to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, the medicine has these properties:

Doctor's reviews about the drug Tsindol:

Dosage forms

The form of release of some drugs is very diverse. The same Panthenol, for example, is available in the form of ointment, cream, gel, spray. The consumer can choose what is convenient for him to use.

But Tsindol variety dosage forms no different. Although this does not affect positive effect from drug treatment.

Suspension (mash)

Manufacturers offer Tsindol only in the form of a suspension of liquid consistency, popularly called mash.

The drug is sold in dark glass bottles of 100 and 125 ml. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard package.

Inside the bottle there is medicine in the form of a heterogeneous suspension of white or grayish-white color.


There is no such pharmaceutical form as Tsindol ointment. But you can prepare it at home:

  1. For this purpose, the bottle with the medicine is left in a warm place for some time to form a sediment at the bottom.
  2. Upper liquid part drained, and the thick substance is used as an ointment.
  3. It can be applied to the skin in its pure form or mixed half and half with baby cream.

Tsindol will not lose its medicinal properties after the suspension is converted into a thicker form.

But doctors still do not advise experimenting, It’s easier to buy ready-made Zinc ointment or Desitin cream.

Photo of the drug

Cost of the medicine: how much it costs in Russian pharmacies

Tsindol is a drug with high therapeutic effect and at the same time at a completely affordable, affordable price.

In different Russian pharmacies the cost of the medicine is slightly different - you can purchase the suspension from 70 to 110 rubles per bottle.

Unlike the popular and effective remedy– Kalamina, Tsindol are more accessible to the majority of the population.

Therefore, parents often give preference to it when the question arises - how to treat chickenpox in children.

Instructions for use of Tsindol for chickenpox

Before treating the affected areas with the suspension, the skin needs to be prepared - wash with warm water and dry, preferably without using a towel (you can blot it very carefully with a paper napkin).

Then proceed to the procedure itself:

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor– Tsindol therapy can take from several days to 2 – 3 weeks.

When treating rashes, it is important to prevent the medicine from getting on the mucous membranes. The drug is intended exclusively for the treatment of the skin.

The medicinal properties of Tsindol make it possible to use it not only in the fight against skin rashes. They successfully treat burns and wounds.

To do this, apply a bandage with a suspension to the affected area. How long it takes to replace it with a new one is determined by the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, and sometimes hormonal drugs, in addition to suspension therapy.

We talked about how else you can treat chickenpox in children and adults.

Can it be used by newborns and infants?

The demand for Tsindol is largely determined by the fact that this drug is approved for use even in the treatment of newborns.

The composition of the suspension is gentle and does not harm the delicate skin of infants.. The medicine acts only externally, without penetrating into the bloodstream.

In children infancy Tsindol talker is prescribed for diathesis, chickenpox, herpes, allergic rashes, and prickly heat.

The suspension is applied several times a day(quantity determined by pediatrician) up to full recovery normal condition baby's skin.

For newborn babies, the drug helps with diaper rash, irritation caused by diapers.

Tsindol is used to treat rashes and other skin lesions on the body, arms and legs.

The method of using the suspension in newborns is as follows::

  • bathe the child in water with the addition of potassium permanganate. The bathing solution should be pale pink in color;
  • lightly blot the skin with a soft towel, treat the affected areas with a mash using a cotton swab;
  • let the medicine dry, why keep the baby undressed;
  • The drug should be reapplied as needed - after the child has sweated, after bowel movements. Before use, the skin must be cleaned and dried.

You can read more about the characteristics of chickenpox in newborns and infants.

Can it be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, women can use the drug Tsindol without fear for the health of both their own and their unborn child.

The active components of the medicine act only externally, eliminating skin problems. Penetrations active ingredients does not enter the bloodstream, so there is no threat of developing any abnormalities in the fetus.

Pregnant women often experience pimples on the skin, allergic rashes, dermatitis, prickly heat. Skin lesions can be treated with Tsindol at any stage of pregnancy, but after consultation with your doctor.

The drug is not dangerous even in the first trimester of gestation, when the formation of organs and systems of the fetus occurs.

The expectant mother can treat various skin irritations, scratches, cuts, and insect bites with Tsindol. The suspension forms a protective layer that prevents infection of damaged areas and promotes speedy healing.

To avoid dry skin while using the mash, it is recommended to use a moisturizer, preferably hypoallergenic.

Nursing mothers can use Tsindol for skin problems, but not in the area of ​​the mammary glands and especially the nipples.


On pharmaceutical market There are many preparations containing zinc oxide. They, like Tsindol, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, drying and adsorbing effects:

Similar to Tsindol therapeutic effect also have:

  • Zinc paste;
  • Zinc oxide liniment;
  • Poksklin;
  • Bepanten;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • brilliant green solution.

Best before date

Tsindol has a relatively short shelf life– the drug retains its medicinal properties for 2 years. Storing the medicine for longer does not make sense - it loses its therapeutic effect.

There are no special instructions on how to store the suspension; the requirements are traditional - the bottle should be kept in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.

It is important that children do not have access to the storage location of Tsindol (as well as any other medicines).

Contraindications and side effects

Tsindol has practically no contraindications as such; the drug should not be used mainly if there is an individual intolerance to its components.

An allergy to the components of the drug is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • skin redness;
  • rashes in the treated area.

If such symptoms appear, use of Tsindol should be stopped and consult a doctor.

If intolerance to zinc oxide is established, then all medications that contain it should not be used in the future.

You can determine sensitivity to the components of the drug in this way: small quantity Apply Tsindola to the elbow area. If after 20 minutes no irritation appears, then the drug can be safely used.

There are no age-related restrictions on the use of the product. Tsindol has been successfully used to treat chickenpox and others skin pathologies in children from birth.

A side effect of repeated application of Tsindol during chickenpox treatment may be that the skin is too dry and flaky.

Sometimes after application the skin feels as if it stings slightly. But this does not cause much discomfort; this sensation is easily tolerated even by children and passes quickly.

Our publication will tell you how it is transmitted, how to treat it and how it can be dangerous.

The causes, main symptoms, photos, treatment of neurodermatitis in children and adults are discussed in detail in the material.

Chicken pox, or chickenpox, causes a lot of inconvenience: the skin becomes inflamed and covered in a rash, itching occurs. How to help a patient in this situation? The manifestations of the disease can be dealt with by the remedy Tsindol, suitable for the treatment of children and adults.

Composition of the drug and its properties

The active component of the medicine is zinc oxide. It also contains additional substances:

  • purified water;
  • glycerol;
  • starch;
  • medical alcohol;
  • talc.

Zinc oxide has an anti-inflammatory effect. Penetrating into the site of inflammation, the drug prevents the development pathological process and the addition of a secondary infection.

The medicine Tsindol is poorly absorbed through the skin and does not contain aggressive substances, so it does not harm the patient’s body.

As a result of treatment, the following results are achieved:

  • pathogenic microorganisms die;
  • harmful substances are removed;
  • scars soften and resolve;
  • wounds heal and dry;
  • inflammation disappears.

Indications for use of the product

The medicine is prescribed only by a doctor when inflammatory process on the skin caused by the development of chickenpox. Its use is also indicated if:

  • cuts and abrasions;
  • different types of dermatitis;
  • streptoderma;
  • eczema;
  • burns;
  • herpes;
  • Diaper rash.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to the use of the product is increased sensitivity to its components. The drug is not dangerous for women during pregnancy, so it can be used after consultation with a doctor.

The use of Tsindol rarely leads to undesirable consequences. Adverse reactions more often appear with hypersensitivity. In this case, after using the drug the following symptoms occur:

  • irritation;
  • rash;
  • burning;
  • redness of the skin.

To avoid occurrence side effects, it is recommended to apply a small amount of the medicine to the elbow - the absence of irritation for 15–20 minutes indicates the safety of the drug for the patient.

If during treatment there are indicated symptoms, then stop using the drug and consult a doctor for recommendations. If you abuse the medicine, your skin will become sensitive and dry.

Recommendations for the use of ointment for chickenpox in children and adults

To use the product you need to prepare the skin for treatment:

  • take a shower;
  • wait for 10–15 minutes for the skin to dry on its own, as it is not recommended to use towels if you have chickenpox.

Features of using Tsindol:

  • shake the drug before application;
  • use gauze or cotton swabs for processing;
  • After 10–15 minutes, the paste must be washed off with plain water.

You should not use soap to remove ointment residues, as this can lead to dry skin.

  • duration of treatment - from several days to 2 weeks, which depends on the severity of the pathology;
  • number of treatments - 4–6 times a day.
  1. Treat the entire surface of the skin covered with the rash.
  2. Wait for the product to dry.
  3. Cover the treated area of ​​the body with gauze and leave overnight.
  4. Wash off the medicine in the morning.
  5. Treat the skin with moisturizing cream.

To eliminate chickenpox rashes in children, apply the product in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Otherwise, the recommendations are similar to the features of using ointment for adults.

Pay attention! The product should not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes.

Features of the use of Calamine, Desitin, zinc ointment and other analogues of Tsindol - table

Name Release form Active ingredient Indications Contraindications From what age does it apply? Price, rub.
  • cream;
  • lotion
  • calamine;
  • zinc oxide.
  • chicken pox;
  • hives;
  • lichen;
  • herpes;
  • rubella.
individual intolerancefrom birth700–800
Desitinointmentzinc oxide
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • skin damage;
  • burns;
  • cuts;
  • scratches.
Zinc ointmentointmentzinc oxide
  • acne;
  • age spots;
  • bedsores;
  • dermatitis;

My daughter caught chickenpox, we started looking for non-staining modern means. Kalamine, made in Israel, is praised everywhere, but it costs about 800 rubles. It turns out that the Tula pharmaceutical factory has been producing similar remedy, costing 65 rubles - this is "Tsindol".

The basis of the drug is zinc oxide, which has disinfecting and drying properties - what is needed for chickenpox.

We began to lubricate the pockmarks. The suspension is like whitewash in consistency and color. Cotton swab applied, did not spread. Where the pockmarks burst, the child squeaked when lubricated, because the composition, like brilliant green, contains ethanol. Whole pockmarks under the tsindolus “fell off and dried out.”

The first two days they smeared it in the morning and evening, the pockmarks all dried up, the next two days they smeared it at night, where it was worn off. Then they stopped smearing altogether, the crusts began to fly off.

Result: they suffered for 3-4 days, and the underwear and clothes did not get dirty, the child looked good, although he was heavily sprinkled, even on the hairy part. After 10 days we were discharged.

We are very pleased with Tsindol. If you care appearance- use it, it quickly and “imperceptibly” helps against chickenpox!!!

Chickenpox is familiar to every person viral infection. There are many medical supplies, which are used in the treatment of this infection. In this article we will talk about such a drug as Tsindol, popularly known as Chatterbox. How is Tsindol used for chickenpox?

Tsindol is a pharmaceutical external agent produced in the form of a suspension. It's not exactly an ointment, although external characteristics has a certain similarity. Included this tool includes zinc oxide, which is the active substance of the drug. Zinc oxide is able to denature proteins, which gives the drug antiseptic properties. In addition, Tsindol has a drying effect and accelerates the process of regeneration of skin tissue, and also has anti-inflammatory properties.

The drug also contains excipients: ethyl alcohol, distilled water, talc, glycerin, starch.

Due to its properties, Tsindol is widely used in the field of dermatology. Indications for use are:

  • Dermatitis of any origin, including allergic and contact;
  • Prickly heat;
  • Diaper rash;
  • Bedsores, treatment and prevention;
  • Streptoderma;
  • Ulcerative skin lesions and various types skin wounds ( minor cuts or scratches);
  • Skin burns (ultraviolet or thermal);
  • Herpetic rashes on the skin caused by herpes viruses (chickenpox, herpes zoster, herpes-like rashes on the lips, etc.);
  • Eczema;

Tsindol is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug and in case of existing allergic reactions to this drug.

Allergic reactions may be as follows: the appearance of red spots on the skin after applying the drug, itching. When allergic reactions It is recommended to discontinue use of the drug.

How to smear? The drug is applied in a thin layer to the skin areas affected by the rash, without rubbing. A superficial application of a sterile gauze bandage is possible.

How many times a day should I apply it? Application of this medicine can vary from 2 to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.


Tsindol is a cheap product and costs about 80 rubles per bottle. At different pharmacies the price can vary from 60 to 100 rubles.

It is noteworthy that active substance Cindola is used in many medicinal and cosmetics, therefore there are a great many analogues of this drug on the market.

As you noted, the price of Tsindol for chickenpox is many times lower than its value in treating this infection.

Reviews of Tsindol for chickenpox

Lyudmila, Ryazan.

My daughter contracted chickenpox in kindergarten. We were 4 years old then. The disease was severe, rashes appeared on the face, body and even in intimate area. At the same time, everything itched very much, and she constantly tried to do it. I often watch Dr. Komarovsky’s program and in one of the episodes he noted that brilliant green does not relieve itching. And this problem had to be solved urgently.

I went to the pharmacy and found two similar drugs- Tsindol and Calamine lotion. Calamine cost about 700 rubles, and Tsindol only 75 rubles. Of course, I’m not greedy, but after reading the ingredients, I decided to try something cheaper.

After the first treatment of the rash with this remedy, my daughter noted that it began to itch less. At night, we lubricated ourselves again, and the child fell soundly asleep and slept peacefully all night. Treatment of chickenpox with this drug became much easier and faster, the rash began to go away faster, and my daughter no longer tried to scratch the pimples. Now I recommend this wonderful drug to all my friends.

Ivan, Novosibirsk.

I am 38 years old. I got chickenpox last year. It was tough, to be honest. The temperature was 39 degrees, the rash was literally everywhere. At the same time, everything itched unbearably. One friend advised me to buy Tsindol, since the brilliant green did not relieve the itching at all. I asked my friend to buy this product at the pharmacy, since I didn’t want to leave the house, and I couldn’t. When she brought me this bottle, I asked how much I owed her, to which she replied that it was worth a penny and that I would get well soon. At first I doubted the effectiveness of such a cheap product, but after the first application to the rash, after literally 20-30 minutes I noticed that it began to itch less. In general, I was treated for quite a long time, but I could sleep peacefully, and the rash bothered me much less. I don’t know how everything would have turned out if I hadn’t bought Tsindol.

Vasily, Moscow.

While still a student, I was 21 at the time, I got chickenpox. I met a girl, and she just infected me. I called my mother and said that I was coming home to be treated for chickenpox. It was hard, a rash even appeared, excuse me, in the groin. It was so itchy that words couldn’t describe it. The temperature was 38.8 degrees. It never dropped below 38 degrees for a while. Mom brought some kind of bottle, as I later found out, Tsindol. She smeared this product on me, and within a few minutes I fell asleep, since before that I could not sleep properly the whole night because of the itching. I slept all evening and all night, and in the morning I went to the kitchen and took this product out of the refrigerator and applied it.

Every day, 3 times, I used this drug, and at the same time my mother gave me some pills. Literally on the 5th or 6th day I felt much better, and after another 2 days I stopped smearing altogether, since a new rash did not appear, and the old one no longer itched and was covered with crusts. Good remedy, helps with wounds. Now I always have it in my home and car first aid kit.

In conclusion

In this article we have noted the most important, in our opinion, information about Tsindol for chickenpox. What to choose for treating the rash, Tsindol or Zelenka? Diamond green doesn't carry therapeutic effect when treating a rash, and a product based on zinc oxide can greatly alleviate the course of the disease. Which is better - Calamine or Tsindol? Perhaps, Calamine lotion will still be more effective, but it is also 10 times more expensive.

Does Tsindol help with chickenpox? As we found out, it helps and is very good. Whether you use it or not is up to you.