Cancer woman characteristics from a to z. Cancer (woman): characteristics of the sign, external features, career and family

A woman with cancer has many positive characteristics. This representative of her sign is unusually gentle and romantic. She amazes men with her mystery and modesty: it is very difficult to guess what is going on inside her. She is characterized by such qualities as loyalty, obsequiousness, compassion.

She is an excellent wife and housewife. He loves to improve his home and has good culinary skills. She likes to spend her free time at home: noisy parties are not for her at all. In life, this woman is quite shy. She is very vulnerable and afraid of criticism: she can think about each of her actions for a long time, weighing how it would be better to act.

A Cancer woman may dwell on the past, remembering failures and defeats, and lose confidence in the present. But she, like no one else, needs attention and care: she is ready to give all of herself to someone who truly loves her.

Her mood is often changeable. If she becomes sad, those around her will involuntarily be imbued with the same feelings. During periods of melancholy, it is better to leave a Cancer woman alone, as a gloomy mood is quickly transmitted to others. And it’s almost impossible to pull her out of the pool of sadness and regrets: it’s better to give her time to think about everything.

The Cancer woman is a wonderful friend: she knows how to keep secrets, and will always come to the rescue. But if you offend her, she will remember it for a long time. Making peace after a quarrel with a representative of this sign will not be easy, unless you are friends from youth.

Relationships with men

A love relationship with a Cancer woman should be built on mutual understanding and respect. Vulnerable by nature, she will look for a companion who can appreciate her modesty and will maintain faith in herself. Such a woman always attracts men with her mystery: all feelings are hidden deep inside.

But in fact, this mystery is due to shyness. The Cancer woman is afraid to openly show her emotions. She will never take the first step herself and will observe how her admirer behaves: how much care he gives, whether he listens attentively. A Cancer woman can give her heart to someone who truly loves her.

The representative of this sign does not like to flirt too much. She is capable of remaining faithful to one single man, provided that he extols her virtues and assures her of his love. Sometimes her affection may seem tiresome: the Cancer woman needs constant spiritual intimacy. She is not jealous, but control over the life of her chosen one will be constant.

Men should know how to win her heart: relationships need to be built gradually, without pressure or pressure. She loves successful and purposeful people. Although the money issue is not so important, the Cancer woman still pays attention to the leaders.

The man of her dreams:

  • Constantly gives her love and care;
  • Interested in her inner world;
  • Successful and self-sufficient;
  • Well dressed and well groomed;
  • Showers her with compliments, talks about her virtues;
  • Restrained, does not rush things.

At the same time, a Cancer woman always pays attention to a man’s appearance. She does not like unkempt young people: every detail of the wardrobe will be inspected by her. The education of the interlocutor also plays a special role. Since the Cancer woman herself is an excellent storyteller, she prefers to talk with witty and well-read people. Also, the high status of her lover is important to her, because she herself is very unsure of herself.

The Cancer woman is not touchy, but if her chosen one neglects her, then the feeling of betrayal will remain with her for a long time. Subsequently, you will have to work hard to understand how to return her love: forgiveness is possible only in the case of a long-term relationship.

If the romance was short-lived, then you can’t count on the return of your chosen one.

What kind of men are suitable

Cancer women are often attracted to strong and confident men. She looks for in her chosen one what she herself lacks: courage, self-sufficiency, optimism. Often people of the same sign can evoke different feelings in her depending on the individual.

For example, she may not like a successful and hardworking Capricorn precisely because of his undeniable merits. The representative of this sign cannot be called envious, but still internally she regrets some traits that she does not have.

Cancer woman compatibility with other signs:

  • Fish. An ideal pair with similar characteristics. They suit each other perfectly and are able to motivate their partner to any achievement. Both of these signs have innate intuition and a rich inner world. The two of them are interested, their views are similar. They are able to understand each other perfectly and will lovingly take care of their partner until old age;
  • Taurus. A successful combination of signs. For a fickle Cancer woman, a balanced and calm Taurus would be the best match for her husband. He will look condescendingly at her mood swings, and she will decorate his life with bursts of emotions. Although many minor disagreements may arise, such a couple can live together all their lives. But on the condition that any dissatisfaction will be immediately expressed and discussed;
  • Scorpion. Favorable combination of signs. The completely opposite characters of this couple will complement each other in everything. Sexy and charming Scorpio will help shy Cancer open up (in communication, in sex and at work). While Cancer will teach Scorpio to be more reserved and circumspect. A faithful Cancer woman will be able to turn a blind eye to her chosen one’s flirting with others for many years, while maintaining deep feelings for him;
  • Virgo. This man is able to give her everything she dreams of: care, attention, love. The union of these signs will be strong due to their similarity. They both strive for stability and balance, do not like noisy parties, and need support and attention. A practical Virgo will be able to provide funds for improving everyday life, and Cancer will create an ideal family refuge. Despite the changeability of their characters, they are able to live together for more than a year.

It is possible to determine who is suitable based on zodiac compatibility, but this will not always mean the ideal option. Sometimes there are completely incompatible couples who continue to live happily together for many years. Nevertheless, astrologers, having compared the characteristics of the signs by date, warn Cancer women against unions with Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Libra.

How to behave with this sign

To understand how to behave with a woman with cancer, you need to know some of her character traits. The representative of this sign is unusually romantic and feminine, she has a well-developed sense of intuition: men should be honest with their chosen one.

She is unusually vulnerable and quite self-critical, which forces her to look for a partner who can appreciate her merits. The best way to win her attention is to shower her with sincere compliments. But don’t be too flattering: she will immediately sense the pretense and suspect the admirer of lying.

Men looking for a way to seduce this girl should choose long-term courtship tactics. Because of her natural shyness and indecisiveness, the Cancer woman is looking for a reliable and loving man as a companion. She needs someone who will constantly tell her about her feelings and promise an alliance until death. Fleeting connections and hopeless novels are not at all interesting to her.

When choosing a life partner, a Cancer woman is looking for someone who can give her a reliable rear: support in difficult situations, help in resolving issues, and an optimistic attitude for the future.

Men should also pay attention to how to win her sympathy: the representative of this sign loves decent and gallant fans. She will not look at a sloppily dressed or unshaven young man, much less maintain a relationship with an insolent and rude person. In her idea of ​​the ideal, the chosen one looks like a decent, successful and romantic man.

Tips for men on how to make a Cancer woman fall in love with them:

  • Dress neatly and tastefully;
  • Be decent and kind, don't be rude;
  • Shower her with compliments;
  • Be interested in her inner world;
  • Keep the conversation going: the Cancer girl loves to talk about various topics;
  • Listen carefully;
  • Don’t rush things, but don’t stop there either: she loves decisive and confident men;
  • Always be honest with her: she will easily expose any deception;
  • Don't hide your feelings, be open. She does not like unpredictable men: all emotions and plans must be voiced.

You should also know that in a relationship she needs someone who strives to create a strong family. She will be attracted to a man who wants not only to get married, but also to have children. Wealth is not a priority for her, but still the chosen one must be quite successful in order to be able to create a cozy home.

In the family

A Cancer woman in marriage can be called an ideal wife. She enjoys arranging the house, keeping it clean and knows how to cook deliciously. There is always an extra dish in her refrigerator in case someone gets hungry.

Her relationship with her husband is excellent: she is not jealous, is always attentive to her husband and is ready to support him in any situation. But she demands the same from the chosen one: he must be everything to her. Sometimes men suffer from the excessive affection of their wives: total control is established over them. Such a woman constantly needs spiritual intimacy and support: her husband must give her confidence in every day.

In family life, Cancer loves constancy and cannot tolerate unplanned surprises. She always leaves the solution to the main issues to her significant other: it is too difficult for her to make any choice.

The Cancer woman finds her calling in children. The birth of offspring is the greatest happiness in her life. She is ready to give all of herself to her children: her husband may remain on the sidelines. For many years, such a mother monitors the lives of her children. This often prevents sons from building normal relationships with women, as she tries to control their lives.

In sex, Cancer is unusually sensual and tender. Such a lover is capable of giving her chosen one extraordinary pleasure: love is her element. She will not do this hastily, but will prefer gentle caresses in a cozy bedroom.

Work and business

In work, the Cancer woman seeks stability. She has difficulty changing jobs and is always worried about relationships in the new team. Due to frequent mood swings, she does not always manage to get along with all her colleagues. She simply does not know how to maintain her authority among other people. But what saves her is that she doesn’t like to gossip and knows how to keep secrets. Every employee at the place of duty knows that they can rely on her.

Due to lack of self-confidence, Cancer does not move up the career ladder very quickly. Promotions happen due to certain circumstances, but are almost never her merit. The bosses appreciate the Cancer woman for her punctuality and ability to complete assigned work on time. She will never be late submitting a report: everything will be prepared on time.

Professions that suit a Cancer woman:

  • Historian, local historian;
  • Explorer, traveler;
  • Art critic, writer, artist;
  • Artist, musician, writer;
  • Sales agent, salesman, waitress;
  • Teacher, doctor, teacher.

It is noteworthy that representatives of this sign do not strive for promotion. They practice their specialty to perfection, bringing their skills to perfection.

Useful information

The Cancer woman is a rather complex and multifaceted personality. Sometimes completely opposite characteristics coexist in her, but this makes her even more mysterious. Here are some qualities that give the answer to how to understand her subtle nature:

  • An excellent conversationalist, she knows how to listen and is an interesting storyteller herself;
  • Able to keep secrets;
  • vindictive;
  • Seeks praise and support, in relationships with a man she is gentle and caring;
  • In bed, unusually relaxed and sensual;
  • She can be very generous and never skimp on gifts, she can lend money;
  • Inventive, open to learning something new;
  • Compassionate;
  • Always remains on the side of her loved ones, ready to help;
  • Dreams of a strong family and a cozy home;
  • In love, she is ready to give all of herself in exchange for tenderness;
  • Has a changeable mood;
  • In moments of bad mood she prefers to be alone;
  • Clever and insightful.

All these qualities help Cancer women to be a good friend, wife and mother.

In order to win over a Cancer woman, you just need to show enough concern for her. The horoscope says about the representative of this sign that she is created for love and friendship: her willingness to sacrifice herself can conquer anyone.

The following tips will help you win the favor of this zodiac sign:

  • Be honest and open, do not embellish your merits;
  • Become a good friend and support. Always be interested in her affairs, listen with interest to her stories;
  • Be kind and tactful. The Cancer woman does not like rude and ill-mannered people;
  • Don't try to surprise. She values ​​predictability and stability, anything else will scare her;
  • Show your feelings, praise her and admire her;
  • Be a self-sufficient and confident person. She appreciates people with a strong inner core;
  • Never discuss her actions or qualities. The worst thing in her life is criticism;
  • Don't test her patience. A Cancer woman is able to restrain anger for a very long time, but when it breaks out, it will not be good for those around her;
  • Be prepared for constant monitoring. She always wants to be nearby, to know about everything, to guess all the emotions;
  • Share your thoughts and plans with her. The Cancer woman has increased empathy, which allows her to empathize with other people.

Winning her heart is simple: give her love, and she will reciprocate. Because of her gullibility, such a girl can easily enter into a relationship with a man, without even figuring out whether he is suitable for her or not.

She is especially often captivated by her admirer’s imaginary desire to start a family: after all, she so wants to get married as soon as possible and have children. But the most important thing for her is to feel a strong man’s shoulder and be showered with affection.

Video on the topic:

Cancer woman a sensitive, romantic, even sentimental woman. It is easy to offend her, to bring her to tears, since she is impressionable and painfully perceives any remark, even a glance or gesture.

In her imagination, pictures are drawn that may be far from reality, she exaggerates the meaning of words in which she can see some hidden intent, such words hurt her and give her a lot of anxiety.

Cancer woman is in constant longing for a better life, remembers the old, goes through past grievances, missed chances. She is afraid that now something has also been done wrong, that others will see her as not being who she is. She wants to be beautiful, always young, she wants to love someone and be loved. Sometimes she herself does not know what worries her and what she sheds tears about.

However, her mood is by no means constantly in melancholy. It is very changeable. Sometimes the Cancer woman is cheerful and carefree, sometimes she’s worried and gloomy, sometimes she’s cheerful, sometimes she’s angry and aggressive, sometimes she laughs, sometimes she cries. This is a lunar woman, and her mood changes with the changing phase of the Moon, and can change several times during the day.

Her mood is transmitted to others, and those around her should know about this so as not to succumb to melancholy in resonance with her and not fall into fits of irritability. Anyone who is close to her will take care that she has a good environment, a cozy, bright environment, a calm and friendly atmosphere that stabilizes her mood, her state of mind. You shouldn’t criticize, ridicule or scold her too much. All she needs is nothing: attention. The worst thing for her is to lose confidence that she is loved, to raise doubts about devotion to her. She is very afraid of being abandoned.

It is possible that the latter is due to her sense of ownership, which is incredibly developed in her. She can't bear the thought that she might lose something. Especially if it means deprivation of warmth and protection.

However, this is by no means a weak woman, she perfectly knows how to cope with troubles and adversity herself, knows how to defend herself and stand up for her loved ones. Without fear, she will rush into battle for her friends and loved ones, sacrifice herself in the name of their health and well-being, and will not hide or betray them in difficult times. She is very patient, especially with those she loves.

Cancer woman can be a good friend, she can be trusted with secrets, and her friends appreciate this wonderful quality in her - the ability to keep secrets. She herself prefers to remain silent, does not open up to anyone, does not expose her feelings and remains a mystery. She likes to look strong and independent.

Because of this, she stays unapproachable with those men who try to get closer to her. Under no circumstances does she allow herself to appear approachable, because this would be a defeat in her eyes. With those to whom she opens up or with whom she allows an intimate casual relationship, this woman will not continue the relationship and will try to avoid them.

In general, this is a very faithful wife, and she does not accept entertainment of this kind.

Cancer woman- an excellent mother. The strong maternal instinct of people of this sign gives her children tenderness, care, and understanding. She is so attached to her children that she is often suspicious of their youthful hobbies and reluctantly agrees to give her daughters as wives, at least until she is convinced that her future son-in-law is a worthy man. So there is a danger that her children will start a family just as late as she did in her time - because of their attachment to their mother.

Today on Horoscope Guru we bring you a guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer. Thanks to this article, you will certainly know how to conquer and slay this lady. We will also discuss her character and shortcomings so that you know what to prepare for. So read carefully!

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - the character of the Cancer girl

Representatives of the Zodiac sign Cancer are born from the twenty-second of June to the twenty-second of July. These are the most mysterious women in the entire horoscope. They are so mysterious that their behavior must be solved like some kind of clever puzzle. The most interesting thing is that these ladies are like that by nature, they don’t play some kind of game. By nature very secretive, closed. It is unlikely that you will ever be able to find out what is really going on in their head now.

Also, these ladies are quite shy and modest. They very rarely boast about anything, and they also do not really like to demonstrate their talents and abilities. This is also due to the representatives’ isolation. You can communicate with them for ages without even knowing what accomplishments they are capable of and what they have achieved.

They are also very feminine girls. They have some special charm that cannot but attract the attention of others. And this is not strange: after all, Cancers are representatives, and therefore have their own specific attractiveness. There seems to be some very special halo around them.

In addition, Cancer women are very devoted and faithful. They will never let down their loved ones and loved ones. Betrayal for them is something impossible. Also, these ladies will stand up for their family and friends. If someone offends them, Cancers will show the strength of their sharp claws. Or maybe they will even turn into a real Leo! Or rather the Lioness...

Also, representatives of this sign are very thrifty and economical. They always procrastinate for later, they store things “just in case.” This is due to the fact that it is very important for Rakin to have confidence in the future. They will never spend crazy amounts of money on some of their instant desires. And it's not because they are greedy. They simply love to save money and handle money skillfully.

In addition, Cancers are very hardworking and diligent people. If they get a job, they give it one hundred percent and approach their work with full responsibility. They will never let you down. In general, it’s difficult to call Cancers careerists. It’s just that if they have the opportunity to move up the career ladder, they will definitely take advantage of this opportunity. They don't need power. They want to provide for themselves and their family.

By the way, about the family. Cancers are very family-oriented women. They are always very attached to their family and friends. This is important to them. These ladies treat their parents especially carefully. Sometimes this can result in too much attachment, almost dependence. But when her own family appears, these ladies give all of themselves for her well-being. They will try very hard to become an ideal wife, mother and housewife. These are not powerful girls, so they will not fight for leadership. On the contrary, they would like to be behind their partner, like behind a stone wall. They are terribly caring, so they will constantly look after their husband and take care of him.

Cancer girls love children very much. They make very good mothers. As soon as these women have a child, they are ready to give him all the best and move mountains for him. They will blow away specks of dust from their child. Sometimes Cancers take care of their children so much that this becomes a negative trait. After all, excessive care also does not lead to anything good.

As you already understand, Cancer women know how to love. They are not interested in all sorts of intrigues; they usually prefer serious relationships. And when they have these relationships, they seem to go blind. Cancers are ready to forgive their lover everything, even if he is a truly unbearable person. That is why representatives of this sign often suffer due to - they cannot get out of them. This is due to the fact that Cancers are incredibly afraid of being alone. They are also quite possessive, so they cannot accept the fact that someone will not belong to them.

Besides, these ladies are sentimental as hell. They seem rather cold, but inside they have a very gentle, sensual soul that is ready to endlessly give people warmth and affection. Cancers believe in true love. They are very romantic and dreamy people. They really want to meet a person with whom they will be together for the rest of their lives.

Also, representatives of this zodiac sign are very emotional and vulnerable. Outwardly they usually remain calm, but inside there is a real storm raging! Cancers often change their mood; they react very subtly to any external factors. About this Only the closest people know. It’s hard for many to believe that these seemingly balanced girls can cry, get angry, and even laugh several times in one hour! The vulnerability of these ladies often harms them, as they react to everything, well, too sensually. An unsuccessful glance can offend them so much that they will suffer for several months because of it. Here they are!

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - disadvantages of a Cancer girl

Of course, everyone has their shortcomings. The main disadvantage of Cancer women is, perhaps, their touchiness. They are terribly touchy, just terrible! And you can’t even tell it from the outside. They will continue to communicate with you, but inside they will have an all-consuming which devours them. And it will be terribly difficult to cope with it!

Rakinis also do not tolerate criticism at all. If you even say a nasty word to them, you can already pack your bags and go home. They won't forgive you for this. And if you also mock them, then it’s completely lost. Any comments cause these ladies endless melancholy, suffering and generally a complete nightmare.

It is because of their increased sensitivity that Cancers are very prone to depression. They experience a state of anxiety and melancholy much more often than everyone else. Very often these women themselves cannot explain the reason for their sadness. At such moments they really need support.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to attract the attention of a Cancer girl

Mysterious and enigmatic Rakinis are very attractive to people around them. But, of course, not all of these ladies pay attention to everyone. If you want to achieve their gaze, then you should compliment them as much as possible, admire them and smile. Be friendly and good-natured, but don't forget to keep some intrigue.

You should also remember the sensitivity and romance of these ladies. That is why you will need to create such a melancholic aura around yourself with a touch of slight sadness. It doesn't hurt to complain a little about your broken heart, but don't get carried away with it. Complain about the imperfections of this world, but do it in such a way that Cancers do not think that you are just some kind of loser. Of course, don't forget to communicate that you want to meet your true true love.

It will also be nice if you show how much you love animals. Cancers value such things very much, since they themselves are incredibly prone to compassion. It is quite possible that it is the attention to the homeless cat that will melt the hearts of these women.

Also remember that these are very shy young ladies. You must do everything to make them feel their strength, so that they feel comfortable around you.

Well, don't forget about your appearance. They are very refined and neat, they always look good. You must conform. The most important thing is, of course, neatness. But your clothes should be chosen with taste.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - what kind of guys a Cancer girl likes

Cancers look for stability in their partner. They don't need any ardent romantic adventures. They want a serious relationship. So show them that you are that kind of person.

You must also prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to fight for the hearts of these ladies for a long time. They need time to begin to trust a person and open up to him. During this period, you should take good care of her and pay as much attention as possible. Prove to her that she is the only one for you. Don't mince your words. After all, they love beautiful dates! Just approach this matter outside the box. Well, compliments should flow from you like a river, of course.

It is also very important that these ladies feel safe with you. Sometimes treat her like a small child. Such girls need to be pampered, their whims indulged, consoled and supported. Show her your ability to protect.

Be sure to show some care to these girls. Meet them from work, walk them home, bring them food, treat them, throw a jacket over their shoulders when it’s cold outside. Cancers value this attitude much more than the most expensive gifts.

Remember that these women love to have heart-to-heart conversations. They simply love such conversations, lively conversations. In addition, they will listen to you very carefully.

And, of course, be honest. You should not try to play any games with them - they do not understand this. It's better to just be sincere. This will definitely work.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to understand that a Cancer girl likes you

It is very difficult to figure out Cancer girls. They are incredibly secretive and rather silent, so it will not be easy to guess their feelings. In addition, they rarely demonstrate their experiences in principle. Cancers are also terribly sensitive individuals inside, who try to look and act as if they are made of flint. That is why they are unlikely to take the initiative or take any steps toward a meeting. It's up to you.

There are, of course, several signs of sympathy for Cancers. For example, you can ask her about her personal life or family. If a girl starts telling you about this, it means she likes you. After all, she definitely wouldn’t tell anyone such intimate things!

In any case, be decisive. Don't give up and continue to woo these ladies, even if they show complete indifference.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to keep a Cancer girl

Their partners try to unravel the mysterious Cancers all their lives. These girls are so mysterious that even the closest people sometimes cannot understand the motives for their behavior. But if you want to keep a representative of this zodiac sign, then you won’t have to perform any special magic tricks.

First, you must show concern at all times. The more you care about a Cancer girl, the less she will doubt her choice.

Secondly, do not stop admiring your beloved. Constantly compliment her, praise her, admire her. She will appreciate this. She must understand what is most important to you in life.

Third, support and protect her. She really needs strong support, a helping hand. Only with a person capable of this will she feel comfortable.

Well, try to avoid conflicts. Cancer endures even the smallest quarrels with great difficulty. After each such trouble, this girl experiences a real mental catastrophe.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to make a Cancer girl fall in love with you: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo


You are a very temperamental and strong person, and the Cancer girl will definitely appreciate this. But your constant “passions” may frighten her, so you need to settle down a little and lead a calmer lifestyle.


You have a lot in common with Rakinya. You equally value family, so it will not be difficult for such a girl to please you. The main thing is to show less selfishness and temper.


Your worldviews are too different to build a romantic, serious relationship. But You'll both make great ones. You will be comfortable together.


It's unlikely that anything will work out. You both need strong support and a helping hand, so you will most likely just suffer together. There are chances only if you become a really strong and determined person.


Praise her often and show her your good qualities: protectiveness, reliability and generosity. But you need to tone down the pressure a little - you can scare her.


For you, the Cancer girl is just a treasure. Only she will be able to appreciate your prudence and attention to detail. The main thing is not to criticize her and do more romantic things.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Cancer - how to make a Cancer girl fall in love with you: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces


A Cancer girl will definitely like you, as you are a very polite and courteous person. But if you want to build a serious relationship with her, you will have to lead a more sedentary lifestyle.


Your compatibility is excellent! You will become exactly the person who will save Cancer from bouts of depression, protect her and encourage her. Just curb your jealousy first!


At first, you may interest this person with your brightness and energy. But over time, it will become clear that you have completely different views on life, so your relationship is unlikely to be serious.


If you show a representative of the Cancer zodiac sign your willingness to support her and take care of her, then you will definitely be able to build strong together. Just tell her words of love more often.


It is unlikely that you will succeed. You are as different as possible, you have almost nothing in common. If you want to win the heart of a Cancer girl, then you will have to change your whole life.


Just be yourself and she will be yours. You don't have to put in any effort at all. All your character traits are the standard for Cancers. By the way, this girl will also satisfy your needs, and to the maximum.

As you already understand, Cancer girls are very gentle and sensitive people. Even if they try to prove the opposite with their appearance and behavior. They need care, understanding and support. If you can give this, then the heart of these women can be in your hands.

A spiritually rich maiden with a fine spiritual organization. So thin that she herself cannot always feel it. She is prone to mystical thinking: she believes in horoscopes, karma, transmigration of souls and a fair universal boomerang, which does not at all prevent her from being a devout Christian, for example. Totem animal - Malvina: not a single wooden Pinocchio will leave the tenacious claws of Cancer hungry and unreformed. Life credo - “Who else if not me?” Motto: “No matter how bad things get, eh?”

Positive qualities

Woman-Mother. The mother of all living things. Cancer surrounds with truly maternal care everyone she considers close, but those whom she does not consider as such can also count on her care. Even if they do not need any care and fight off with their arms, legs and tail. As a rule, she is very talented and dreams of becoming famous, but business comes first, then entertainment! If there is still time left for “entertainment,” he achieves success, but never suffers from star fever. He has truly endless patience and the ability to forgive to the last. True, it never says where that final limit is. A real superhero: The Stability Woman.


Negative qualities

She is terribly afraid of any changes and stubbornly follows traditions, and forces everyone who is somehow involved in her life to follow them. She is sincerely convinced that she is endowed with the gift of foresight, and therefore predicting the future is her sacred duty. The problem is that Cancers always attack the same thing: pestilence, famine, plague, chronic diarrhea and the apocalypse. They make the only exception for family and friends. In the sense that they convey the same things to their family and friends, but in triple volume. It is impossible to over-stubborn Cancer: she simply hides in a shell through which you cannot reach. She is touchy, like a small child whose candy has been taken away: she sucks up any careless word from all sides, thinks out the hidden meaning, puts on a mask of insulted innocence on her face and sulks for another three days. To the question “What happened?” always answers “Nothing!” in such a tone that you want to immediately fall through the ground.


Cancers are afraid of love, because who knows, this love will turn the whole calm little world of Cancer upside down, who needs that? Cancer doesn't need it. Cancer needs everything to be the same as always, only a little better. Therefore, Cancers actually do not trust their own feelings, much less the reciprocal feelings of their partner. They just begin to care about him intensely. Bake him pies, iron his shirts and listen to complaints about life and about his tyrant boss. And if in the end love does not arise, Cancer does not suffer too much. Just think! But there was something to do.


Sex with Cancer can be completely described in three words: long, expensive, awesome. Long in the sense that Cancers really love long and gentle sex, but, in general, it will take a long time to achieve it. At this stage, the impatient ones are eliminated. Expensive, because sex with Cancer is expensive, but, sorry, you have to pay. Cancer does not accept money or gifts, only with his hand and heart. At this stage, those who are afraid of losing their freedom are eliminated. Well, the heroes who complete this quest will get awesome sex. May be. Sometimes. If Cancer is in the mood. If not, swim, uncle, to the starting position: first it’s a long, long time, then it’s expensive...


It is not so easy to persuade a Cancer young lady to get married, but if she succeeds, she will show herself in all her glory: smart, beautiful, and a hostess. She runs the house perfectly, raises her children flawlessly, and is friends with her husband’s relatives. She will always support her loved one, she will always please him. Because family is the main thing. The main thing is that she said it! And whoever skimps on family responsibilities, she will take him with a steel claw for some place. And here, of course, one could regret that he did not marry some Scorpio, but... one cannot regret. Click-clack.


Cancer + Aries

All. Very. Badly. Fortunately, Cancer's intuition allows her to understand that her shell will very quickly crack under Aries' hooves, so Cancer does not look at Aries as a man. He looks like a cute but weak-minded cat.

Cancer + Taurus

A wonderful union! Cancer bakes a pie with one claw, writes an immortal novel with the other, Taurus hangs all base material tasks on one horn, and gently scratches Cancer under the neck with the other, managing not to violate her personal boundaries. Peace, happiness and prosperity in the air.

Cancer + Gemini

A rare union: the instinct of self-preservation tells both to stay away from each other. Cancer feels that all the way they will have to silently endure constant grievances and endure betrayals. Gemini calculates the far from zero probability of being squeezed by a powerful claw, like a bear trap, without the opportunity to flutter at least the most laden subpersonality. Actually, if these two meet, then this is what happens.

Cancer + Cancer

Be careful, dangerous moment! In general, they are suitable for each other, but there is a risk of living a long and unhappy life if something goes wrong: both will be able to unclasp their claws and release what they have acquired through backbreaking labor only when it becomes not just bad, but Very Bad. Coffin, coffin, cemetery. And that’s not a fact.

Cancer + Leo

Not a bad union: Cancer enthusiastically plays the role of a submissive husband’s wife, Leo is happy with the role of a household king. But we must keep in mind that Leo will never stop poking his claw into the crustacean’s shell, and Cancer tends to overestimate the lion’s stupidity. No, he is, of course, an idiot, but not that much of an idiot!

Cancer + Virgo

An ideal union, full of tender care for each other. Both will enthusiastically check whether the tea in their partner’s cup is hot enough and whether he forgot to put on his hat. And they never suffer from their partner’s criticism: they enjoy it. You can criticize to your heart's content in response!

Cancer + Libra

Everything is very good: Cancer will receive a tender and delicate partner, Libra will receive a caring and faithful keeper of the hearth and his fragile ego at the same time.

Cancer + Scorpio

Nothing will come of it: they will knock on each other’s chitinous shell a couple of times and peacefully disperse in different directions. And all because both have excellent intuition, and both understand: even if you poke the tip of living flesh out of the shell, you will be stung. Well, or they’ll grab you with their claws and drag you under a snag.

Cancer + Sagittarius

The best thing to do is turn around and run without looking back. Hurry, before it starts! However, these are instructions for extreme cases - if a poisoned brick suddenly fell from the roof on both of them at the same time, in a normal state Sagittarius and Cancer look at each other and see the sign “Don’t get in, he’ll kill you!”

Cancer + Capricorn

A wonderful union in which everyone has their place: Capricorn is responsible for material things, and Cancer takes responsibility for the atmosphere in the house. And he quickly realizes that this very atmosphere has not fallen on Capricorn’s horns so much that you can even hang the whole house with skeletons from the closets, decay and hopelessness, he still won’t notice anything, but will only “notice” how delicious the borscht is and how beautiful little wife. Idyll!

Cancer + Aquarius

The worst possible option for both. But, unfortunately, Cancer’s claw sometimes jams, and she has to drag Aquarius along with her until the thing on which the claw is jammed falls off.

Cancer + Pisces

Cancer is the only woman capable of pushing this dead herring into socially useful feats such as making money and washing floors and dishes. Because Cancers see right through Pisces and, as a rule, rightly decide that such unobtrusive and suggestible couch potatoes are not lying around on the road, and they can bite off the extra parrot-colored fins from Pisces. There are claws.

Date of birth is an indisputable factor that influences the similarity of character traits, fates and motives of behavior among thousands of people. At the moment a person is born, the Sun is in one constellation or another. The date of birth determines what character and temperament the baby will have. No science can either confirm or refute the influence of zodiac signs. To understand the characteristics of a Cancer girl, you need to look at her as a separate person.

Character traits

Characteristics of the Zodiac sign for a Cancer woman begin with an understanding of the characteristics of her character and temperament. Cancer is a moon sign. The Cancer girl herself is the same. The beautiful representatives of this sign have a complex mental organization. Such a statement as “another’s soul is darkness” fits perfectly with them. They believe in the transmigration of souls and respect the past. And they consider themselves to be a kind of link in a chain that connects the past and the future.

As a rule, these girls are gentle, weak and timid, who need the support of their loved ones. He is very sensitive to criticism and ridicule. Cancer is thrifty, she will always have money put aside for a rainy day. But you can’t call her a stingy girl. She can happily spend a tidy sum on shopping. She is also accustomed to shopping therapy to treat mental illness. Cancers love to chat, but they will never reveal someone else's secrets. With friends and with her significant other, she is devoted.

There are so many incomprehensible things hidden in the soul of the fair sex of this sign. But not everyone will be allowed to these secrets. In public she is a confident and independent girl, but alone with her family she allows herself to be fragile, tender and a little fearful. To open the soul of Cancer, you need to show her love and care. And this applies to both relatives and significant other.

To be happy, everyone, without exception, needs to overcome their shortcomings. The Cancer woman has more than enough of them. To change your own destiny for the better, She needs to get rid of such negative character traits as:

Communication and friends

The Cancer girl’s characteristics in communication with other signs are positive. This is a pleasant person to talk to. She can support any topic of conversation. She is a wonderful storyteller. Even her most extraordinary stories are filled with life and very interesting. But this girl’s interlocutors need to remember that she is very impressionable and any wrongly spoken word or joke can completely turn her away from the person.

The mood of representatives of this sign is very changeable; it can change up to several times a day. Often has his head in the clouds. She always has some thoughts and ideas about the future or longing for the past in her head.

These girls have quite attractive appearance. They have many friends and acquaintances. Always ready to listen and help both in word and deed. There are always loyal relationships with friends. Cancers will never allow themselves to speak unflatteringly towards their loved ones, no matter what their relationship is. Before speaking, this woman will analyze every word in order to avoid tactlessness in her expressions and actions. Because he understands firsthand how the words and actions of family and friends can hurt. Like everyone else, representatives of this sign have positive and negative qualities in communicating with people:

  • "pros"- care, attention, tolerance, gentleness, tenderness, condescension, sensuality, loyalty, reliability, understanding and sympathy;
  • "cons"- isolation, vulnerability, touchiness and temper.

Love relationships and sex

To win the heart of a Cancer girl, you need to know about the principle of “three nos”:

  • no criticism;
  • no ridicule;
  • no to rejection.

Another important principle is respect for her parents. Representatives of this sign, just like others, need affection, care and love, then she will be able to completely devote herself to her loved one.

With all her external and internal qualities, this woman will never take the first step. She expects this from a man, since for her this is a certain indicator of masculinity and leadership. Cancer combines modesty and charm, which make her desirable to many young people. In love, this woman gives herself completely, and demands the same from her other half. In relation to herself, she wants to feel love and respect from her partner. He must constantly say and prove that she is the most beautiful, smartest and has no equal. Cancer will be faithful to such a person and will even forgive minor shortcomings.

It is best to feel the nature of your Cancer lover while walking under the Moon, somewhere on the seashore or river bank. This is her element. In the moonlight she will appear spiritually naked, showing all her qualities. Perhaps you will be able to capture her alien, magical charm, which is unique to this zodiac sign.

Cancer girls come in two types: some are modest and feminine, others are very clingy. If a couple has been in a relationship for a long time, then the second type of Cancer will not cause much inconvenience. But if the relationship is only at the stage of conception and development, then such behavior and persistence can push away the person. Cancers of the second type do not bother much about the fact that their persistence does not suit someone. They cling as if it will forever and it will be difficult to escape from these claws. Fortunately, this type of Cancer girl is quite rare.

In love, a representative of this sign is subject to fears and doubts. Constantly looking for flaws in himself. Her loved one must get used to this and constantly convince her otherwise. Cancer will never agree to an easy and free relationship. She needs seriousness, not simple flirting and sexual pleasures.

This woman will let a man into bed if she has feelings for him. In sex, she loves tenderness, affection and showering with compliments. If the partner takes into account all the wishes of Cancer, he will be able to get great pleasure.

Girls of this sign love comfort and romance. They will have sex slowly, enjoying their partner and the situation as a whole. Since Cancer is a lunar zodiac sign, everything related to the night and the moon will be more important than ever for them. For example, sex at night on the beach is what you need.

Also, candles, an aromatic lamp with oils, and relaxing music will set the Cancer woman in an erotic mood. Her favorite position is “man from behind,” because then you don’t have to worry about what her facial expression will be like during orgasm. If this girl’s loved one always takes into account her wishes, then the time spent together will be unforgettable.

Compatibility and marriage

In family relationships, representatives of this sign are maximalists. A long period of meetings is not for them. After six months or at most a year of relationship, these girls give an ultimatum: marriage or separation. Cancer women are an example of those wives who never leave, even if her life partner is a womanizer. This is due to the fact that representatives of this sign are endowed with all-forgiving love. She simply cannot live any other way. She has a fear that she might be left completely alone.

In the compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope, the characteristics of a Cancer woman have a number of positive and negative aspects. Good compatibility will be with the following zodiac signs:

But the Cancer girl will not develop strong and long-term relationships with all signs of the Zodiac. Poor compatibility with men of the following signs:

  1. Excessive sensitivity and tenderness in a relationship will irritate the representative Gemini. Cancer simply cannot get along with a person who treats everything with frivolity.
  2. Man Aquarius cannot satisfy the Cancer woman's need for stability. But these zodiac signs can coexist perfectly as friends.
  3. Scales They can charm a woman, but they cannot provide stability and security.
  4. Compatible with Capricorn below average, since with such a sign there is no confidence in the need for this person.
  5. Charmed the girl at first sight Sagittarius Over time, it will become annoying and bring discomfort to your life together.

For this woman, family is a world where its own rules and traditions reign. For her, her parents will always come first, and then her own family. She is ready to sit late and wait for her husband to get home from work. During the day she will call him and find out how he is doing and whether he had lunch today. She will never dare to raise her voice against her husband first or start a scandal. She characterizes all this as a manifestation of weakness, which is completely unacceptable for her.

As for children, Cancer is a kind and caring mother who cherishes and supports her child in every possible way. Having become a mother, she does not forget about her husband. Her love, warmth and care are enough for both. The disadvantage of such mothers is that their excessive love develops selfishness in the child. Growing up, such children bring difficulties to the family. They cannot decide anything for themselves; it is difficult for them to escape from under their mother’s wing.

For such a housewife, a house is a refuge where you can hide from the outside world and be alone with yourself. These women are very economical. This housewife always has a full refrigerator. Their house is a full bowl. Love, comfort and coziness always reign here.

Health and Cancer talismans

The health of this sign can be called satisfactory. The weak link is the stomach and intestines. This sign needs to watch what he has for breakfast. It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the lungs, since this lady often catches colds. A representative of this sign can be let down by such a character trait as suspiciousness. Because of her, the girl’s nervous system often malfunctions. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact a specialist. This is no joke!

The Cancer girl has magical helpers - talisman stones. According to ancient beliefs, the strongest and most effective for her are:

  1. Moonstone (selenite). This stone is a symbol of the magical power of the Moon. Selenite is recommended to be inserted into wedding rings to preserve love and care for many years. Also, this stone in a silver frame will help those who suffer from nervous diseases.
  2. Emerald- stone of the patroness of the hearth. According to legend, this bright green stone ensures a strong family life. It is also useful for those who have vision problems.
  3. Cat's eye (chrysoberyl). This stone brings good luck to those who love gambling. A good helper for colds and asthma. Chrysoberyl brings mental peace, tranquility and excellent sleep.

Briefly about the main thing

Astrologers study the movements of celestial bodies every day and compile horoscopes for each zodiac sign. These signs help to understand the essence of a person, his inherent character traits, and what talents he possesses. Even a person himself can know himself better, choose the right profession, learn about his strengths and weaknesses. Such knowledge will help you take a step in the right direction in life. Understanding the signs of the Zodiac will help a person decide on friendship and love. With their help, you can find out the compatibility of your character with the other sign you like.