Self-massage of the tongue. Speech therapy self-massage presentation on speech therapy on the topic

Many modern parents are faced with speech development disorders in their children. Speech therapy massage activates the child’s articulatory muscles, increases the strength of the voice, improves speech breathing, forms the correct bite. It has a complex effect on muscles, nerve endings, blood vessels and tissues speech apparatus.

Speech therapists often use articulation massage for hypotonicity or hypertonicity, which has a beneficial effect on speech development, eliminating deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Possible contraindications for the following diseases:

  • viral colds;
  • eye infections (conjunctivitis);
  • skin diseases;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

A specialist’s massage, like speech therapy massage for children at home, must meet hygienic requirements.

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to ventilate the room. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the child in the room.

Duration depends on individual characteristics child's health. It is recommended to start with 1-2 minutes, towards the end of the course maximum duration one session can be 15-25 minutes.

Scheme of session durations by age:

  • 0-3 years – 10 minutes;
  • 4-7 years – 15 minutes;
  • 7-10 years – 25 minutes.

The course usually consists of 10-30 daily sessions, which can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

To carry out the procedure, it is important to place the child in a comfortable position. This is either a lying position with a bolster under your head or a semi-sitting position in a reclining chair.

Main types of logomassage

The following types of speech therapy massage are distinguished:

  • Manual, called classic, is performed next to the problem area or directly on it using stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. When conducting manual massage The speech therapist uses a spatula, pacifier, and toothbrush.
  • Acupressure is an effect on active points associated with speech problem areas.
  • Hardware massage involves the use of special vibration devices.
  • Probe massage was introduced by the famous speech therapist E.V. Novikova, who developed special probes.
  • Self-massage involves the child performing the procedure independently.

Method E.V. Novikova

For dysarthria, a speech therapist usually prescribes a probe speech therapy massage. A set of probes developed by E.V. Novikov, are eight devices in the form of forks, hatchets, etc.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves the use of probes if the parents have undergone special training. If you have doubts or have any questions after learning speech therapy massage, it is strongly recommended that you clarify them with specialists in your field - speech therapists, and not try to experiment on your child

It is important to remember that probe massage of the tongue is carried out only by an experienced specialist who has undergone vocational training!

Probe speech therapy massage allows you to correct speech and achieve the following results:

  • normalization of speech breathing,
  • sound pronunciation correction,
  • increasing the strength of the voice,
  • improvement of condition nervous system.

The sequence of exposure to problem areas with probes is determined by a specialist. The child should not experience painful sensations. Probe procedures are contraindicated for children under 6 months.

Probe massage of the tongue is carried out using the following techniques:

  1. The fork probe is used to pierce the tongue, which leads to rhythmic contraction muscle fibers. After this, oscillatory and rotational movements with a probe placed at a certain point on the tongue for 5 seconds.
  2. A figure-eight probe is used to press on the tongue.
  3. Sled probes (3 different types of devices) allow you to apply pressure to the tongue, stimulating muscle fibers.
  4. Using a hatchet probe, pressing and sliding movements are performed.
  5. The cross probe, by pressing on the tongue and pushing back, promotes muscle contraction.
  6. The pusher probe allows you to apply pressure on the tongue for 5 seconds, then relax.

Probe speech therapy massage is used in a course for 2-3 weeks. Each exercise is performed 30 times. Sometimes one course of treatment is enough for children. Logomassage can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

Logomassage at home

Facial massage for children for speech development can also be done at home. Parents should definitely consult with a specialist about how to do speech therapy massage, paying attention special attention possible contraindications.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves massage of the face (using fingers and teaspoons) and tongue, including relaxing, gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus

Speech therapy facial massage is based on rubbing, stroking, kneading. It is necessary to take into account that the child should be comfortable.

Facial massage for children for speech development is carried out in stages:

  1. Forehead. First, strokes are used from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from the eyebrows to the hair. After stroking light movements warm up the forehead.
  2. Cheeks. Kneading and stretching movements are performed from the corners of the mouth to the temples along the cheeks, from the cheekbones to the lower jaw.
  3. Nose. The wings of the nose are stroked, gently stretched, after which strokes are applied from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  4. Mouth. The upper and lower lips are alternately stroked and stretched towards the corners of the mouth.
  5. Chin. Stroking and kneading are performed from the middle of the mouth to the corners.
  6. Neck. Stroking and kneading movements are performed in the neck area.

Speech therapy facial massage can be performed using teaspoons.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is one of the modern effective methods for children's speech development. It is important to use smooth spoons to avoid hurting your baby's face.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is performed using the following techniques:

  1. Stroking the child's temples with spoons.
  2. Stroking the eye sockets.
  3. Stroking the cheeks.
  4. Rubbing your temples with heaps of spoons.
  5. Rubbing the area between the eyebrows with heaps of spoons.
  6. Rubbing the nasolabial area with the end of a spoon.
  7. Stroking the top and lower lip with light pressure.
  8. Kneading the chin and cheekbones.

To make the procedure easier, you need to prepare 4 teaspoons in advance.

Tongue massage for speech correction

Speech therapy tongue massage for children is prescribed for dysarthria, characterized by the presence of a short sublingual frenulum.

Before you start massaging your child’s tongue, you need to do relaxing gymnastics:

  1. The tongue is turned first to the right, then to the left, slightly pulling it, taking it with your fingers: thumb lies on top, middle and index - below.
  2. The tongue is slowly curled forward onto the index finger.

Effective speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is impossible without relaxing the neck muscles, collar area and jaw, because they directly affect the functioning of the speech apparatus.

The procedure is performed in the direction from the root to the tip of the tongue using fingers, a plastic or wooden spatula or a soft toothbrush.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is performed in a strict sequence:

  1. Spatula or index finger The longitudinal lingual muscles are stroked 9-10 times.
  2. Use a spatula to press rhythmically along the entire length 5-6 times.
  3. Using an index finger or a toothbrush, perform transverse strokes 5-6 times.
  4. The lateral muscles of the tongue are stroked with the thumb and index finger.
  5. Use your fingers to warm up the entire area of ​​the tongue for 7-9 seconds.
  6. The fingers perform movements in the form of rubbing.
  7. Use your fingers to gently shake the tip of the tongue, followed by light and vigorous pressure with a spatula.
  8. Use your fingers to lightly squeeze the lateral muscles of the tongue, holding for 1-2 seconds.
  9. Lightly pinch the tongue with your fingers, then pat with a spatula for 10 seconds.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria at home must meet hygiene requirements. The rooms should be ventilated and warm.

Effective speech therapy massage for children at home means strict compliance with the specialist’s requirements. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times a day in combination. You cannot skip sessions, because... Only painstaking regular work can lead to positive changes in a child’s speech development.

Relaxation of speech muscles

Relaxing speech therapy massage is used for spasmodic conditions speech muscles(muscles of the face, lips and tongue). Increased muscle tone is relieved with gentle stroking and light pressure.

The procedure begins with relaxation of the neck muscles, for which smooth rotational movements of the head are performed. Next, stroking movements are carried out for the facial muscles, then for the labial muscles. The session ends with light rotating and tapping movements of the fingers on the lips.

Relaxation of the facial and neck muscles helps reduce hypertension and improve speech activity child.

Speech therapy massage for children at home is effective together with articulatory gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics is performed in front of a mirror. As a rule, the child repeats the movements after the speech therapist or the parent if speech therapy massage is used for dysarthria at home.

Gymnastics for a child’s articulatory apparatus includes the following exercises for the tongue and lips:

  • shows his tongue, stretching it out as much as possible,
  • pulls it gently towards the chin and nose,
  • shakes to relax muscles,
  • pulls aside
  • collects lips with a tube,
  • stretches, fixing with fingers in the corners of the mouth,
  • raises upper lip
  • lowers his lower lip
  • squeezes,
  • licks.

Speech therapy massage for children at home also includes gymnastics to develop the child’s proper breathing.

In speech therapy, there are many exercises aimed at developing the child’s correct breathing in a playful way:

  • « Get the ball into the goal" Smiling, blow so that the stream of air goes in the middle of the tongue lying on the lower lip. You need to blow the cotton wool onto the edge of the table.
  • « Blow away a snowflake" Place a small paper snowflake on the tip of your tongue and try to blow it away. The mouth should be slightly open and the tongue should stick out.
  • « Soap bubbles" You need to blow a big soap bubble. Or arrange a competition among children to see who can blow up the most soap balls.
  • « Inflate the toy" You can arrange a competition for children to see who can inflate the toy faster.

For a child with speech problems, especially stuttering, it is useful to buy toy wind instruments to correct breathing.

Work on correcting a child’s speech is necessarily accompanied by learning tongue twisters. Constantly learning tongue twisters will allow you to cope with complex words that are difficult to pronounce. These may be difficult to pronounce sonorant sounds “R”, “L”, hissing “Shch”, “Sh”, etc. In addition, the child masters the tempo-rhythms of speech, because he not only needs to pronounce the “insidious” sounds correctly, but also do it as quickly as possible.

Thus, speech therapy massage for children at home includes probe and relaxing massage of the face (using fingers and spoons) and tongue, as well as gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus. To carry out the procedure with probes at home, parents must undergo special training. Experts recommend using several types of influence on the articulatory apparatus to effectively correct speech in children.

Speech therapy massage refers to techniques used in speech therapy to improve the pronunciation and psycho-emotional state of people with speech defects.

If you are skeptical about this treatment method speech disorders, considering it labor-intensive and ineffective, then in this article we will try to convince you otherwise.

Why do you need speech therapy massage?

Speech therapy massage is a special technique for influencing areas of the body that are in one way or another connected with speech activity.

This procedure changes the condition of muscle tissue, nerve fibers, blood vessels, skin, thus solving the problems for which, in fact, it is carried out.

The benefits of logomassage

Thanks to speech therapy massage, a number of changes occur in the body:

  • normalization of hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles in facial and articulatory muscles;
  • reduction of pathological involuntary muscle movements;
  • activation and increase in strength contractility muscles of the speech apparatus;
  • improving the quality of articulation, including clarity, volume, speed;
  • perception of movements of speech-producing organs.

So what's the result? As a result, massage of the speech areas of the face brings the following benefits:

  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and general condition body;
  • stimulates lymph and blood circulation, regulates tissue metabolic processes, promotes blood saturation with oxygen and improves cellular nutrition;
  • increases the elasticity of muscles and the strength of their contractions, helps them recover after exercise, improves performance;
  • reduces tone during spasms and raises it when the organs of articulation are weak, engages inactive muscle areas;
  • forms coordination of movements of the speech organs, stimulates their perception;
  • increases volume and range of motion;
  • strengthens muscles and prepares the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds as quickly as possible.

Indications and contraindications

It is thanks to this spectrum of action that this method is actively used for dysarthria, dyslalia, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, stuttering, voice defects, delay speech development, as well as in all cases where the muscle tone of the speech apparatus is impaired.

There are also contraindications. These are common infectious diseases, diseases of the skin, mucous membrane of the eyes, oral cavity, enlarged lymph nodes, as well as a negative emotional reaction of the child to the procedure.

Now let's touch on the technical side of this method.

Types of speech therapy massage

In modern speech therapy, various technologies of speech therapy massage are used:

  1. Classic, when with the help of special techniques, parts of the body are stroked, rubbed, kneaded, and also created vibration.
  2. Acupressure, in which biologically active points are stimulated or relaxed, requires special knowledge and skills.
  3. Hardware, which is done using special devices.
  4. Self-massage, in which you massage your face with your hands or bite your tongue with your teeth.
  5. Probe speech therapy massage, when with the help of probes the activity of individual areas of the articulation organs is activated.

The strength and duration of the effect determines whether it will be a relaxing or energizing massage. Light pressure and sliding strokes reduce excitability. Conversely, deep and energetic touches have a tonic effect.

Tools for speech therapy massage of the tongue can be probes, spoons, a toothbrush, a wooden or plastic spatula.

It is not carried out remotely, because this method involves direct mechanical action on the human body.

Features of speech therapy massage at home

Speech therapy massage for a child can be done both in the clinic and at home, and this is even preferable because home environment and close surroundings eliminate anxiety and excitement for the baby.

First of all, parents need to create conditions and follow the rules:

  1. Work in a ventilated area.
  2. Use a protective mask and gloves when massaging in oral cavity.
  3. Wash your tools thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Treat your clean hands with an alcohol-based solution.
  5. Do not perform logomassage immediately after eating or if your baby is not feeling well.
  6. Increase the duration of sessions gradually.
  7. The child should lie on his back, place a cushion under his neck. A half-sitting position is also acceptable if it provides muscle relaxation and freedom of breathing.
  8. Encouraging words and praise at the end of the procedure will create a positive attitude and a desire to continue the exercise next time.

When performing a massage, consider the age of the child. Infants, children under 3 years old - 5-10 minutes, preschoolers - 15-20 minutes, children over 7 years old - 20-30 minutes. Frequency 2-3 times a week. Course 10-15 sessions.

To do speech therapy massage for children at home, you need to consult a doctor who will draw up individual plan classes, prescribe influence techniques and coordinate your work.

Giving a massage to your small child at home, actively communicate with him. This is necessary to relieve tension. Tell him a story, turn on calm music or sing a song - help him relax.

If you want to do children's speech therapy massage yourself, let's learn.

Logomassage techniques

There are certain techniques and techniques for each type of massage:

Speech therapy facial massage for children

Perform the manipulations sequentially, moving from top to bottom. Don't tense up. Remember - your hands heal.

This method of influencing speech zones is a type of facial massage. Prepare a few clean teaspoons. Please ensure that their surface is smooth to avoid injury to the baby's delicate skin. Repeat each movement 6-8 times.

Articulatory tongue massage for speech development

Speech therapy massage of the tongue at home is carried out using a spatula, toothbrush, or hands wearing medical gloves. You will need a sterile wipe to remove saliva. At pain the child's procedure is stopped.

Before the session, try to relax with massaging movements. collar area, neck muscles and jaws, because they directly affect the functioning of the speech apparatus.

Finger logomassage for speech development

Finger massage has no contraindications and age restrictions. It can also be performed on children under one year of age. It affects the nerve endings of the fingers and thus activates the speech areas of the brain. Massagers and rubber balls with spikes enhance the effect. By developing fine motor skills through massage, you contribute to your child's speech development.


Teach your baby the movements of self-massage. Do it together while playing. It will tone your facial muscles and create a radiant smile.

Self-massage exercises are also simple and accessible.

To perform massage with probes, professional training is required. This correction method is prescribed to children after six months. During manipulations, the child should not be in pain. The course lasts 15-20 days.

It should be noted that any of the above techniques gives real results:

  • sound pronunciation is corrected;
  • correct speech breathing is formed;
  • the voice becomes strong;
  • is stabilizing emotional state.

Mood is the main assistant of logomassage

If you supplement speech therapy massage and breathing exercises, studying and pronouncing tongue twisters, games for large and fine motor skills, reading children's literature, active emotional communication, you will achieve impressive results.

When giving your baby a massage at home, do not forget about the main thing - your mood. The warmth of your hands, calm and confident movements, a friendly smile, a loving look - these are the best helpers in overcoming any illness!

Speech therapy facial massage is a procedure that allows you to correct pronunciation, improve muscle tone of the speech apparatus, and allow the patient to relax. It is necessary for children who have complex problems with the speech apparatus: dysarthria, alalia and others.

Types of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage has several different types:

  • traditional;
  • hardware;
  • point;
  • probe massage;
  • Dyakova massage;
  • self-massage

Main ways traditional massage are stroking, rubbing, moving the damaged areas or near it. To relax the muscles involved in articulation, light stroking movements are used. To acquire active muscle tone and strengthen it, you need to use fast and energetic movements.

Hardware massage performed using devices designed for this purpose (vibration, vacuum, and more).

Acupressure has a stimulating and relaxing effect on the child, separately influencing biologically active points that have greatest number nerve endings and blood vessels.

Probe massage is a type of massage, the principle of which was developed by E. V. Novikova. It is recommended for use by children with speech motor impairment. Using probes, areas of the oral cavity such as the soft palate, tongue and lips are massaged.

Dyakova massage is one of the most popular techniques used to correct speech disorders in children.

Self-massage. The name of this species speaks for itself. These are actions that the child does independently. It consists of exercises in which it is necessary to perform hand movements and massage the tongue with the help of teeth.

It is necessary to take into account that when using one type of massage in isolation, its course will be longer than when using a complex one. In addition, it is advisable to use speech therapy massage together with other types of treatment: fairytale therapy, sound production, aromatherapy.

Technique for performing speech therapy tongue massage

When performing speech therapy massage, key attention is paid to the cheeks, lips, tongue and soft palate. His technique includes several stages.

  1. Initially, the massage therapist gently strokes the face in different directions.
  2. The longitudinal muscles of the tongue are massaged vertically (from the root of the tongue to its tip).
  3. Then pressure is applied to the tongue (its transverse muscles: you need to move from the center of the tongue to its edges).
  4. Various strokes are made throughout the organ of speech (in a circle and in a spiral).
  5. Patting is performed over the entire surface of the tongue.
  6. The specialist gently presses on the longitudinal muscles.
  7. The frenulum of the tongue is massaged vertically.
  8. Grinding massage movements(you need to use a gauze napkin).

The massage cycle consists of 10-20 sessions. They need to be done 2-3 times a week. It will be useful to repeat all steps after 4-8 weeks.

Technique for performing speech therapy facial massage

Forehead massage

Speech therapy facial massage begins with stroking movements, which are done from the middle of the forehead, gradually moving to the temporal region. The specialist then moves from the eyebrows to the top of the forehead. Kneading and vibration movements are made in the same direction (alternately). Vibration massage is performed with a special vibration massager.

Cheek massage

After massaging the forehead, the specialist begins massaging the cheeks. Massages with gentle kneading and stretching movements, which should start from the corners of the mouth and continue to the temples along the cheek muscles. The cheek massage ends with light strokes (from the cheekbones to the lower jaw).

Nose massage

You should perform stroking, stretching and vibration movements along the wings of the nasal muscle. After this, do a light stroking massage of the nasolabial fold from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Chin massage

The chin is massaged from the middle of the mouth to its corners, stroking it and kneading it.

Neck massage

It is performed with stroking and kneading movements on the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Logomassage can be a real godsend for those who want to cope with speech underdevelopment. Among its advantages it is worth noting the following:

  • vascular function improves;
  • the elasticity of muscle fibers increases, contractile function;
  • turns out positive influence on the muscular and nervous system;
  • simple and painless elimination of deviations in the formation of sounds;
  • availability of the technique;
  • the ability to perform at home;
  • the little patient is not given any medications from outside;
  • reducing the time required for correctional work.

But this treatment method also has disadvantages:

  • During the massage, only the muscles are affected;
  • Children feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Firstly, the room in which the session is held should not be cold. Special requirements are placed on the hands of a massage therapist. They should not be wearing jewelry, nails must be cut, and the presence of any inflammatory diseases is excluded.

Secondly, massage should not be done less than two hours after eating. The oral cavity is cleaned of possible food debris and crumbs.

Thirdly, massage is done daily, up to 20 sessions. If a child has a pronounced speech impairment, its duration should be longer. The timing of the massage is determined only by the doctor. The duration of the session depends entirely on the psycho-emotional state of the child: nervous tension, fear, mood and more. The first session should not exceed 5-6 minutes. Gradually its duration increases.

Do not immediately place the child in a horizontal position on the massage table. The best option, if for the first time all actions will be carried out while sitting. After two or three sessions, the child will get used to the actions of the massage therapist. If he has a very negative attitude towards carrying out procedures, movements should only be carried out on the face.

For severe and complex disorders, massage sessions can be used for a year or more.

Fourth, the child should feel as comfortable as possible, without experiencing fear and pain. It's best if your mother is nearby. The doctor must select an individual approach for each small patient, everything must be correct. Massage will only be beneficial when the child has complete trust in the specialist.

The child must consciously approach massage procedures, understand its necessity for normal development and improving the ability to use sounds. The goal of the speech therapist is to set the child up to positive result after the sessions. To get rid of the fear of massage, the child needs to show all the actions on another small patient who is no longer afraid of the procedures.

The massage should under no circumstances cause any pain. The areas that are most affected are not treated immediately, but closer to the end of the massage therapist’s actions. As the procedures progress, fear will decrease, and the child will accept all the specialist’s movements positively and with confidence.

To perform a massage, specialists most often use the following items:

  1. Medical gloves (sterile).
  2. Protective mask.
  3. Special massage oil.
  4. Ammonia (if medical help is needed).

For what indications does a child need logomassage?

In no case can speech therapy massage be prescribed independently. It is carried out only after a thorough examination of the muscles of the speech apparatus. During this procedure, the speech therapist makes a preliminary assessment of the work of all muscles necessary for proper operation articulation. The results of such a study help to establish the nature of the pronunciation disorder.

Children with speech disorders, especially those who need speech correction, cannot do without speech therapy massage pedagogical methods does not bring significant results. Eat the following readings to carry out this procedure:

  • unclear pronunciation of speech sounds;
  • stuttering, which has a neurotic origin;
  • violation of the tone of the muscles involved in articulation;
  • unclear origin of speech development delay up to 3 years;
  • dysgraphia (difficulty mastering writing without intellectual delay);
  • alalia ( complete absence or insufficient development of speech without deviations in mental development);
  • voice disorder;
  • accelerating the effectiveness of classes with a speech therapist;
  • involuntary salivation;
  • tension when pronouncing sounds;
  • rhinolalia (sound pronunciation defect, which is characterized by excessive or insufficient resonance in the nasal cavity);
  • dyslalia (impaired pronunciation in the absence of hearing impairment), resulting from a short hyoid frenulum.

It is easy to see significant improvements in children who attend speech therapy massage sessions:

  1. The muscle tone of the muscles involved in speech returns to normal.
  2. The amplitude of articulatory movements increases.
  3. The manifestation of muscle abnormalities is reduced.
  4. Movements are formed that are carried out by the speech organs to pronounce sounds.
  5. Improvement of those muscles of the speech apparatus in which insufficient contraction activity was observed.

Contraindications for massage

Like any procedure, speech therapy massage has its own factors under which it cannot be done:

  • inflammation and rashes on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • stomatitis (damage to the oral mucosa) or gingivitis (inflammation of the gums, accompanied by swelling, redness and bleeding);
  • fungus on the skin;
  • bruises on the massaged area;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • diseases of capillaries and blood;
  • acute stage of urticaria;
  • presence of cancer;
  • cuts or abrasions that are infected;
  • furunculosis (disease hair follicle or connective tissue that is located near the follicles);
  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive sensitivity of the child.

Video instructions

Check out the following video for details on the use of speech therapy massage and the principles of its implementation. From it you will learn what speech therapy massage is intended for. Visually familiarize yourself with the principles of its implementation.

The second video will allow you to familiarize yourself with the technique light massage to stimulate articulatory muscles. You will learn about exercise techniques that stimulate your child's muscles in a playful way.

The use of speech therapy massage will achieve high results in ridding the child of disorders associated with the speech apparatus. It is important to choose an experienced specialist for sessions who will not only professionally perform all procedures, but will also be able to establish emotional contact with the child. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the massage therapist and take into account existing contraindications.

Unfortunately, statistics show that every year the number of children with delay mental development growing. This delay, in turn, provokes impairment of speech and mental functions. Classes on speech development will help to cope with speech development disorders. special techniques: massage of the earlobes, massage of the tongue for the development of the child’s speech, articulation gymnastics. All of them are aimed at one goal - to help the baby develop his speech.

Speech therapy massage – what is it?

Speech therapy massage is a popular method of correctional and pedagogical intervention. It is based on a mechanical effect on the speech apparatus. With proper intervention, speech normalization occurs.

This technique has been in use for a long time, but continues to evolve every year. Speech pathologists, teachers, and speech therapists are constantly developing new methods and tactics for massage. There are classes like professional level, and home (performed by parents or the child himself).

What goals do specialists pursue when prescribing speech therapy exercises?

  • Tone the facial muscles.
  • Normalize the work of sedentary muscles.
  • Reduce pathological movements in muscles (cramps, hyperkinesis, etc.).
  • Increase the amplitude of articulatory movements.
  • Form voluntary articulatory movements.
  • Correct the condition of paresis and muscle paralysis.

Effective types of logomassage

The following types of speech therapy massage are recognized as the most popular.

  1. Classic or manual massage. It is carried out by a specialist using hands and various devices (toothbrush, spatula). Patting, stroking, rubbing, and light vibration are used.
  2. Probe massage according to Novikova. This type of influence was proposed by speech therapist Elena Viktorovna Novikova. This is done using tools (hatchets, forks, etc.).
  3. Acupressure, during which the specialist acts on points associated with the speech apparatus. Stimulation of these points promotes speech activation.
  4. Massage with vibration devices.
  5. Self-massage, during which the baby massages his own facial muscles.

All types of massage (except the last one) are carried out qualified specialists. If it is not possible to regularly conduct classes with a specialist, parents can do logomassage. To do this, they need to undergo training in the necessary massage techniques.

Depending on ultimate goal massage is divided into 2 types:

  1. calming (for hypertension, paresis);
  2. activating (for cerebral palsy).

Indications for use

Massage for speech development has clear indications for:

  1. all types of stuttering;
  2. various speech defects (aphasia, dyslalia, bradyllia);
  3. loss of voice (partial);
  4. minor voice disturbances;
  5. uncontrolled salivation;
  6. Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  7. pronunciation pathology caused by severe tension in the facial muscles;
  8. hypertonicity of the facial muscles;
  9. problems with the development of articulatory muscles;
  10. dysarthria (limited mobility of the tongue, palate, lips).

Indications for speech therapy massage are determined by the doctor. The baby's parents are given a referral to visit a massage therapist or speech therapist in the children's medical institution. If parents do not want to visit government specialist, they can turn to the private. In this case, it is definitely worth checking his qualifications (diplomas and certificates).


Logomassage has a number of contraindications:

  1. stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity;
  2. conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other eye diseases;
  3. infectious diseases general type(chickenpox, flu, measles and others);
  4. herpetic infection;
  5. pulsation of arteries and veins;
  6. swollen lymph nodes;
  7. skin diseases (dermatitis, lichen);
  8. exacerbation of any somatic disease;
  9. violation of the integrity of the massaged skin(abrasions, cuts);
  10. bruises on the face;
  11. violations vascular wall, thrombosis;
  12. oncological diseases;
  13. fungal infections of the skin;
  14. the child’s fear of the specialist or devices;
  15. hypersensitivity of the baby's skin.

The local neurologist must issue parents a certificate stating that there are no contraindications for speech therapy massage. An experienced and qualified speech therapist will definitely require this document from parents.

Features of logomassage

Carrying out exercises to correct speech in children is a serious action that requires special training specialist, parents and children. Therefore, it is important to know certain preparation rules.

The speech therapist’s preparation before the session consists of drawing up an individual exercise plan for each child and observing sanitary and hygienic standards:

  • clean individual clothing (gown or suit), medical gloves, mask;
  • disposable or disinfected instruments;
  • frequent hand washing or use antiseptic solution;
  • the use of an antiseptic solution for the baby’s oral cavity (“Miramistin”, “Hexoral”);
  • use of sterile wipes.

Preparation of parents and baby is also important.

  • If the session is held at home, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  • The child should not be hungry. But you shouldn’t feed him immediately before the specialist arrives.
  • If the baby is not in the mood, is capricious and cries, you should postpone the logomassage.
  • If the baby is not feeling well ( headache, nausea, other symptoms), you should postpone the session.

The duration of one massage session depends on the age of the child. The smaller the baby, the shorter the work with a speech therapist.

  • Ages from 0 to 3 years – 5-10 minutes.
  • Ages from 4 to 7 years – 15-20 minutes.
  • Child school age- more than 20 minutes.

The first logomassage session should not last more than 5-10 minutes. For the first time, the baby meets a speech therapist, new experience mechanical impact. If the child reacted normally the first time, feel free to increase the duration of the work.

A massage course consists of 10-20 procedures. There are 2-3 classes per week. Sometimes, due to special needs, classes can take place every other day or alternate with others. rehabilitation measures. If a child needs several courses, then there is a break between them. The minimum duration of the break is 14 days. During this time, the baby’s body has time to readjust and prepare for new exposure.

Various logomassage techniques

Let's look at the basic massage techniques depending on the areas involved.

Speech therapy tongue massage

  • It is carried out with professional devices (probes, spatulas) or improvised materials (spoons, toothbrushes). Can be done with hands wearing sterile gloves.
  • During the procedure, dry sterile wipes are placed under the tongue to absorb excess saliva.
  • If there are complaints of pain and discomfort on the part of the child, work stops until the next time.

Speech therapy facial massage

  • It is carried out in stages, from top to bottom. The forehead is treated first, then the cheeks, nose, lips, chin and neck.
  • Impact is applied to special points.
  • Instead of manual massage, massage with teaspoons can be performed.

Speech therapy hand massage

  • Working with the hands improves fine motor skills.
  • Impact on certain points improves nervous and brain activity, gives a positive attitude.
  • The warmth of a specialist’s hands calms and relaxes.

Earlobe massage

  • First, massage the ears separately, and then together.
  • The movement begins from the lower edge of the earlobe, gradually moving upward.
  • All movements are smooth, gentle, but rhythmic.

Speech therapy massage for children at home

If it is not possible to constantly practice with a specialist, then the logomassage technique can be mastered at home. To do this, you need to take special courses or ask for help from an experienced speech therapist. Professionals in their field will teach a minimum set of techniques and exercises for proper development speech apparatus. This experience will help parents more than once in the future.

How is massage performed at home?

  1. After the diagnosis is made, an individual plan of activities with the baby is drawn up. Adults choose appropriate exercises. Thus, with hypotonicity of the facial muscles, completely different tactics will be used than with uncontrolled salivation.
  2. The room for the procedure is being prepared. It needs to be removed and ventilated.
  3. Instruments for the procedure (toothbrush, spatula, spoons) are thoroughly washed and treated with boiling water.
  4. If the procedure is performed in the oral cavity, you must wear clean medical gloves.
  5. The parent washes their hands with soap and treats them with an alcohol-based antiseptic.
  6. The child is in a semi-sitting position with a soft cushion under the neck.
  7. The best movements: stroking, rubbing, light vibration. It is necessary to monitor the baby's mood. Massage is not performed if the baby is not in a good mood. The time of logomassage is regulated according to childhood. If your baby has no signs of allergies, you can use aromatic oils(lavender oil - soothes, lemon oil - tones and triggers brain activity). For infants, it is more advisable to use powders rather than oils.
  8. At the end of the session, it is important to praise the baby and tell him nice words. You can play your favorite games with him. Such actions will form children's consciousness friendly attitude towards classes.

Let's give an example of simple massage exercises that help strengthen articulatory muscles. And it’s easy to do with your child at home.

All movements are repeated eight to ten times and carried out “from the center” to the periphery. Includes stroking, kneading, rubbing and pinching.

  1. Lightly stroking the upper part of the shoulder girdle (from bottom to top).
  2. Stroking the chin and lower part of the face (from the center to the ears)
  3. Lip massage: stroking alternately the upper and lower lips in the direction from the middle to the corners. Stroking the nasolabial folds (in the direction from the corners of the lips to the nose). Then lightly tingle the lips from the middle to the corners.
  4. Facial massage. Stroking from the middle to the temples of the forehead, then from the middle to the hair. Stroking eyebrows, cheeks. Kneading the cheek and zygomatic muscles - (circular movements in a spiral from the center to the ears). And we finish by pinching the cheeks.
  5. Tongue massage. Includes soft circular movements to knead the tongue from the tip to the middle (front and along the side edges). Then the tongue is pulled (holding the tip) - up, down, left, right. And we “comb” the tongue with a toothbrush using movements from the depths to the bottom. We finish the massage by kneading - squeezing the tongue from the sides in the direction “from the sides to the middle.”

Children's speech therapy massage at home gives good results in combination with articulation gymnastics. And if you add breathing exercises, physical therapy, learning specialized games and tongue twisters and maternal care, there is simply amazing progress in speech development. Doctors advise parents not to despair, but to study logomassage techniques. This invaluable experience will help out mom or dad more than once even during parenting. healthy baby.

Among children preschool age Speech disorders are common. They happen varying degrees complexity. Treatment of young patients is based on correcting the pronunciation of sounds, and for this they carry out speech therapy massage, which helps to achieve good results in short terms. Massaging is indicated for all types of correction. It is especially important in the first stages of treatment.

General information

Speech therapy massage is an intervention that helps correct speech defects. The massage therapist stimulates the points of nerve endings, and muscle activity appears. The tongue, skin around the lips, and cheeks are stimulated, making sounds easier to pronounce.

Initial sessions take 3 minutes. After the speech organs adapt to the load, the procedure time is increased. Whether to visit a specialist or not depends on the impairment of speech skills. The standard number of sessions is 10, but in severe cases it increases.

The speech therapist corrects pronunciation skills with massage, restores breathing rate and voice timbre. Massage actions are a condition for restoring speech skills.

The child’s oral cavity is put in order before the session. It is recommended to eat two hours before the session. The baby is washed, paying special attention to the skin around the lips. During massage, the hands of the speech therapist should be without damage, and the nails should be cut short. During the procedure, all jewelry is removed from the hands.

Massages are carried out by specialists. These include:

  • Speech therapist.
  • Defectologist.

Purposes of massage

Correcting a child’s pronunciation errors is the primary task of a speech therapist, but not the only one. In children with delayed speech development or who do not speak at all, concomitant deviations are observed. Impact on certain points of the face and tongue helps to cope with the following problems:

  • Less saliva is produced.
  • Muscle tone is normalized.
  • The coordination of the speech organs is restored.

Massage improves blood circulation and metabolic processes at the tissue level. Relieves tension in children psychological complexes due to incorrect speech.

Indications and contraindications

A specialist is involved in identifying deviations for which speech therapy procedures are indicated. The speech organs are examined to prescribe treatment. Each child receives an individual approach. Factors in the course of the disease and severity are taken into account. A personal program is being drawn up health activities, designed for one month.

Massage is prescribed for problems such as:

  • stuttering;
  • dysarthria;
  • pronunciation disorder;
  • voice defects (complete or partial loss).

The percentage of children with various speech disorders increases every year. Pathology of the development of the speech apparatus is not independent disease: it is accompanied by disorders of the central nervous system. Children must be observed by a neurologist.

Along with speech defects, the child’s attention, memory, and thinking suffer. A reluctance to communicate with peers and leave the house develops. Treatment of speech pathology is an important requirement for the future social activity of a small person.

According to statistics, up to 30% of kindergarten-age children have speech defects.

Common violations:

  • dysarthria;
  • dyspalia;
  • rhinolalia;
  • underdevelopment of phonetic and phonemic skills.

Speech therapist conducts correctional classes individually with each child. Proper massage procedures improve the motor skills of the articulatory organs. Stimulating blood vessels increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, which improves alertness and memory.

Massage is carried out when the muscles of the tongue become stronger or weaker. The specialist massages the hands, head, earlobes, and tongue.

Procedures cannot be performed if:

  • high temperature;
  • skin rashes;
  • viral diseases;
  • inappropriate mental behavior.

Child's pose during massage

The correct posture helps to achieve the greatest effect from exercise. Breathing becomes easier, and the work of the speech pathologist becomes easier.

  • The child is placed on the couch in a lying position. Place a pillow or a special cushion under your head. The head is tilted back, the arms are located along the body. Legs are bent at the knees or lie loose.
  • The child is in a semi-sitting position in a chair with a headrest.
  • Infants under one year of age are in a stroller half-sitting.
  • Children experiencing fear are allowed to sit on an adult's lap in a semi-sitting position.

The massage therapist sits behind the child’s head or to the right of him, depending on the area being massaged.

Types of logomassage:

There are special methods massaging. They are classified into separate types:

  • Acupressure.

Individual areas associated with speech disorders are massaged.

  • Classic massage.

Using rubbing, stroking, kneading, problem areas of the speech apparatus are massaged. Speech therapists use a toothbrush to achieve results.

  • Hardware massage.

Massaging is carried out using special devices.

  • Massaging based on various techniques.


The child performs self-massage at home. These are certain movements of the tongue that are learned in classes with a speech therapist and repeated at home to consolidate skills. The goal of the speech pathologist is to teach parents basic massaging techniques. The importance of classes for speech development is explained.

Speech therapy massage at home is carried out using household items. Use a spoon or toothbrush. Toothbrush selected with soft bristles. Cotton pads are placed under the child's tongue. They are changed every three minutes due to the strong secretion of saliva. Before the procedure, the tongue must be relaxed. You need to rub it with a brush carefully. The movements are circular, spiral, without strong pressure. Using a brush, make weak blows on the tongue. Massaging is recommended to be done as a game.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria at home is allowed only after consultation with a speech therapist. This is due to the specifics of the disease. Massage methods depend on the presence or absence of tongue tone.

For additional familiarization with speech correction methods, parents are recommended to study information from the book by O.I. Krupenchuk. "Lessons from a speech therapist."

Massage techniques

There are basic techniques for speech therapy massage:

  • Stroking.

The speech therapist's hand glides freely over the skin without moving it into folds. The degree of pressure depends on the area being massaged. Has a calming and relaxing effect. Performed with the palm of your hand, without tension. Used for facial and tongue massage. This procedure begins and ends the session.

  • Trituration.

The speech therapist displaces, shifts, and stretches the skin. Blood flow to the affected areas increases, oxygen supply to tissues improves, and contractile function increases. Active rubbing reduces nervous excitability. Used for massaging the face and limbs. The specialist’s movements do not depend on the direction of lymph flow.

  • Kneading.

The defectologist grabs the skin with his hands: squeezes, compresses and rolls it out. Nutrients are supplied to the tissues, muscle activity increases. Used for tongue and hand massage. The massage session is carried out carefully and smoothly. The force of impact is increased gradually.

  • Vibration.

Mechanical impact causing oscillatory movements. Performed with fingertips. Apply on the face, tongue, hands.

The head, neck, and shoulders are indirectly affected by the massage. The main emphasis is on muscle tissue speech apparatus, since the lips, tongue, cheeks and palate are responsible for the reproduction of sounds.

Massage is prescribed after visiting a neurologist. A certificate is issued indicating the degree of speech development delay. Speech therapist prescribes additional diagnostics before the massage to determine muscle tension. It is impossible to delay diagnosis and treatment.

Dysarthria is a speech disorder associated with diseases of the nervous system: it is difficult for a child to pronounce whole words. Without correction, difficulties with reading and writing appear in the future. Constructing sentences is difficult. The disease occurs in five percent of children. Pronunciation is difficult due to the inactivity of the palate, tongue, and lips.

The cause of the disease is the difficult course of pregnancy and trauma during childbirth. These include:

  • Rhesus conflict in a pregnant woman.
  • Fetal hypoxia.
  • Premature birth.
  • Toxicosis.

The nervous system of the fetus is affected during gestation due to complex course pregnancy. Dysarthria can be acquired.

Transferred to infancy diseases cause deviations in speech development. These include:

  • Brain infections.
  • Head injuries.
  • Hydrocephalus.

The risk of dysarthria after illness increases. The child's condition is monitored by the parents and pediatrician. The first symptoms of the disease appear at an early age. These include:

  • Quiet voice.
  • Confused pace of speech.
  • Indistinct pronunciation of sounds.
  • Hesitant breathing.
  • Not the child's emotionality.
  • Spasm or hypotonia of the tongue muscles.

An infant with dysarthria does not produce age-appropriate sounds. There is no babbling, sucking is difficult. The baby often gags and spits up.

After identifying the disease, speech therapy massage is prescribed. It helps to change the pronunciation of sounds and correct speech errors. The defectologist selects a massage complex of measures to normalize the motor skills of the speech organs and restore swallowing. With the help of massage procedures, combined muscles with low contractility are stimulated.

Logomassage has a general healing effect on the body, and not only eliminates speech defects. The massage therapist activates the nervous and muscular system, increasing their work output.

Corrective massage for dysarthria is divided into two types:

  • Spot. Certain biological points are affected.
  • Segmented. It is carried out near problem areas.

Before the session, the child is calmed down and relaxed to avoid stress. Infectious or skin diseases are not allowed during massage. Therapy is postponed until recovery.

Massage procedures are divided into periods. Up to 20 sessions are performed every other day. Then they take a break for one month and continue treatment as indicated. Very rarely, when the speech apparatus is damaged, the number of procedures is increased. Initial sessions last up to six minutes, and final sessions take 20 minutes. Duration depends on age and degree of speech defects.

Do not cause pain during massage. Forceful massaging aggravates the disease. If children are afraid and anxious, then the session time is reduced. Gentle treatment methods are used. Use the technique of stroking the facial muscles and stretching the fingers. Children adapt to massage techniques and stop feeling discomfort. Distractive techniques are used: the speech therapist reads fairy tales and poems, showing his good disposition.

Dysarthria involves massaging only areas with excited muscle tone.

Massage for different forms of dysarthria

For a deep impact, we have developed special massage programs for different forms of the disease.

  • Spastic dysarthria.

Muscle contraction increases, blood flow normalizes. Use a stroking technique in the direction of the lymphatic ducts. Rubbing is done pointwise. Vibration and kneading are eliminated. Massaging is carried out by a specialist with good knowledge of muscle anatomy.

  • Hyperkinetic dysarthria.

Applicable lung technique stroking. Before the session, breathing exercises are performed. The treatment regimen is drawn up by a speech therapist individually for each patient.

A toning massage is performed to reduce muscle excitation, creating primary pronunciation skills. Movements are carried out along the eyebrow line and head. Then the direction is changed - from the forehead to the neck and shoulders. The last step is to relax the muscles around the lips. After the manipulations, they begin to train the tongue.

A toning massage forms the gradual pronunciation of sounds. Good results treatments appear on early stages corrections.

Massage for spasms of the vocal apparatus

Pronunciation defects are associated with imperfections in the nervous system. They are manifested by the inability to control the jaw and pronounce syllables. Severe cases cause paralysis of the facial muscles.

Children have problems:

  • The chewing process is disrupted, which is associated with disorders of the systems responsible for jaw movement.
  • Due to spasm, the mouth takes on unnatural shapes.
  • Speech is impaired.
  • The child is unable to keep his mouth open.

The muscles responsible for jaw movement are massaged. The cheeks are massaged from the inside and outside, temples, and oral cavity. Then the procedures are extended to the muscles that are indirectly responsible for the motor ability of the jaw.

The facial muscles are subject to spasms: the emotional state is not reflected on the face. The group muscles of the mouth are massaged. The treatment method is developed by a specialist, taking into account the degree of damage to muscle tissue.

Language has a unique muscle structure. Because of this specificity, massaging occurs using a special method.

The root of the tongue is deep and is not subject to massage. The speech therapist draws up a program for massaging those muscles that suffer the most. Massaging techniques are associated with stimulation of the tongue muscles. The tongue turns in an arc when there is excessive tension. Touching causes vomiting. The massage begins from the cavity under the tongue. After relaxation, they move on to massaging it.

Weak tone of the tongue muscles requires starting massage from them. After performing manipulations on the affected area, move on to the indirect muscles. The result of the correction depends on the sequence of actions.

Speech therapy hand massage

It has been proven that hand motor skills affect speech development. The massage therapist stimulates the fingertips and palms. The methods of stroking and kneading are used. Massaging the palms is carried out using a ballpoint pen. The child rotates the pen between her hands and fingers. At the end of the procedure, exercises are performed for the limbs.

Massage with probes

The massage technique using probes was developed by speech therapist E.V. Novikova. Probes are devices for massaging the tongue. There are 8 of them in total, and they are used strictly according to the established order. Each device develops a specific zone. The procedure is performed for dyslalia. This disease is characterized by a severe speech defect in the child.

Principles of using speech therapy massage

A specialist who uses the corrective method of influence must have a good understanding of the methodology of massage procedures, the physiology and anatomy of the speech apparatus, and competently draw up a program massage techniques. It takes into account the state of muscle tone. On this basis, a sequence of manipulations is developed. Compliance with the principles of treatment allows you to achieve restoration of pronunciation.