Is Kagocel effective for delayed treatment? Release forms and composition

Interferon titer in serum increases gradually and reaches maximum numbers 48 hours after using the tablets. IN intestines the dynamics of accumulation of antiviral proteins is much higher - maximum interferon production observed after 4 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the effectiveness of the drug by examining the contents of the lumen of the digestive tube and the activity of its cellular structures.

Therapeutic effect characterized as long-lasting, since the interferon response persists for 4-5 days , during which protective proteins continue to circulate in the bloodstream of the main and small vessels. Due to this property, the greatest effectiveness in conservative treatment with a pharmaceutical drug is observed when it is prescribed no later than the 4th day from the onset of the acute course of the infectious process.

Indications for use

  • prevention of colds ;
  • simple in adult patients.


  • increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical product;
  • period and ;
  • hereditary or acquired intolerance medicine;
  • age category of patients up to 3 years;
  • enzymatic disorders digestive system– lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Side effects

Adverse effects from the use of the drug are extremely rare and, as a rule, are limited . However, if the patient experiences any side effects of the active components of the pharmaceutical drug, he should immediately seek the advice of a qualified physician.

Instructions for use of Kagocel (Method and dosage)

Kagocel tablets, instructions for use

In the annotation, the manufacturer indicates that the drug should be used orally , without chewing the tablet, but swallowing it whole. You can take a sufficient amount of liquid, but do not keep it for a long time. oral cavity. The dosage and duration of treatment, as a rule, are selected individually empirically, but there are also general therapeutic regimens that should be considered by the attending physician as practical recommendations.

How to drink for adults?

For therapeutic purposes for acute respiratory viral infections , or influenza-like illnesses, 2 tablets 3 times a day are prescribed in the first 2 days, and for the next 2 days, 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course dosage is 18 tablets, and the duration of treatment is 4 days. How to take it - before or after meals - has no practical significance for an adult body, since the absorption abilities of the biologically active components of a pharmaceutical drug do not change with the entry of food into the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug can also be used as preventive , preventive rehabilitation , which is carried out in 7-day cycles. The course is divided into two phases. The first, active, when 2 tablets are prescribed once a day for 2 days, and the second, passive, is a 5-day break (the time during which the active ingredients are able to realize their therapeutic effects). Then, if necessary, you can repeat the preventive course of treatment.

Instructions for use for children

In age category from 3 to 6 years – 1 tablet 2 times a day in the first 2 days, and in the next 2 days 1 tablet 1 time a day. The total children's therapeutic course for the smallest is 6 tablets for 4 days.

Aged more than 6 years Prescribe 1 tablet 3 times a day in the first 2 days, and in the next 2 days - 1 tablet 2 times a day. Accordingly, the duration of conservative treatment has not changed and is 4 days, and the dosage of the pharmaceutical drug has increased to 10 tablets.

The medicine can be used for preventive purposes and in pediatric practice. The two-phase regimen for taking the drug remains the same, but the dosage is reduced to 1 tablet once a day for the first 2 days.

How to take Kagocel for herpes?

Since the pharmaceutical effect of Kagocel extends to viruses and the immune system, the drug can accordingly be used by adult patients not only to treat colds of viral etiology, but also to eliminate unpleasant herpetic eruptions. How to take tablets for herpes - 2 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day for 5 days. Course dose – 30 tablets.


Like the side effects, clinical condition overdose is observed very rarely and is accompanied by attacks of nausea and pain in the upper abdomen. In case of specified symptoms It is recommended to clear the gastrointestinal tract of Kagocel tablets using artificially induced vomiting. Next, plenty of fluids and some other elements are prescribed. detoxification therapy .


Clinically significant interactions have not yet been identified or described in the medical literature.

Terms of sale

The annotation for the drug states that the tablets are freely available in pharmacy kiosks, that is, you can purchase the drug without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep the tablets out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

Special instructions

Is Kagocel an antibiotic or not?

The drug has strong antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulatory therapeutic effects, which makes the tablets perceived by ordinary people as. But from the side of clinical pharmacology this is not entirely true, because in the definition of this group pharmaceutical products The key is the natural or semi-natural origin of the active ingredients. Kagocel, in turn, is synthetic derivative herbal components, which allowed researchers to combine the best qualities of anti-cold medications in one tablet.

Kagocel's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Also, many pharmaceutical drugs are considered as analogues of Kagocel, which do not have identical therapeutic effects, but are similar in the end result to the anti-cold antiviral drug.

Which is better: Kagocel or Ingavirin?

is a pharmaceutical drug popular in winter, characterized by a pronounced antiviral effect against the most common causative agents of acute respiratory diseases, such as influenza virus types A and B and influenza parasites, respiratory syncytial group of viruses, and many others. Its mechanism of action is based on the ability of biologically active components to influence reproduction processes and resumption of malicious agents. Also, the drug in capsule form is credited with a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the human body.

Undoubtedly, the pharmaceutical drug is effective in the conservative treatment of colds with a confirmed origin of the causative agent, but as no specific therapy When it is not possible to establish the etiological component of the pathology, the use of Ingavirin is not rational. Kagocel also wins on another point, namely preventive measures , because the drug is actively used to prevent the development respiratory infections in winter, which, unfortunately, Ingavirin cannot boast of.

Which is better: Kagocel or Arbidol?

, like Kagocel, is an antiviral drug, the therapeutic feasibility of using which lies in increasing the production of natural interferon, which counteracts the invasion of pathological agents. In addition, the active components of the drug stimulate cellular and humoral immune responses, which has a positive effect on the body’s resistance to viral respiratory infections.

List side effects Arbidol is as short as Kagocel, but unlike the latter, the pharmaceutical drug is included in list B (registry medicines, the prescription of which should be made with extreme caution, since the development of unforeseen complications is possible when they are used without careful medical supervision), which in itself is alarming. If the decision is made to undergo conservative therapy or preventive sanitation “on your feet” (without issuing an official sick leave), then you should definitely choose Kagocel.

Which is better: Kagocel or Amiksin?

It is an effective synthetic interferon inducer, that is, the mechanism of action is similar to Kagocel tablets, since the drug increases the formation of an active antiviral agent by intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, and some fractions of lymphocytes. A distinctive feature of Amiksin is the speed of attack therapeutic effects , a mild immunomodulatory effect is observed within 4-24 hours after taking the drug. Accordingly, its use is more rational in urgent conservative rehabilitation adult patients.

IN pediatric practice the pharmaceutical drug has not gained such wide popularity, since the annotation contains a contraindication for the use of tablets Amiksin up to 7 years. This means that when treating children of the younger age segment, preference should be given to Kagocel, the use of which can begin as early as 3 years.

Kagocel or Ergoferon - which is better?

Ergoferon is a drug with an unusually wide spectrum of therapeutic action, which, in addition to selective antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, includes antihistamines And anti-inflammatory components. The clinical rationality of using a pharmaceutical drug has been proven on many points. For example, the list of pathogens of respiratory infectious diseases that are defeated after using Ergoferon tablets is much longer than that of Kagocel.

Separately, it should be noted that Ergoferon can be used both in therapeutic practice for adult patients and in pediatrics, starting from the age of 6 months. Based on these facts, the pharmaceutical drug can be considered better than Kagocel, but the price of analogues of this level is, of course, higher.

Kagocel for children

The pharmaceutical drug is actively used in pediatric practice, since its therapeutic spectrum covers one of the widest parts of pediatric nosology. Acute respiratory diseases of infectious, bacterial or some other origin occur all the time, which is why Kagocel is prescribed to children from the age of 3 years. The annotation for the drug assures the safety of such early use of the drug, and grateful reviews from parents only confirm this fact.

How to take it for children can be found in the instructions section, which indicates the exact dosages of the pharmaceutical drug for different ages. You should also pay attention to the possibility of prophylactic use of the drug to prevent the development of colds and acute respiratory diseases, which are found everywhere in childhood.

Kagocel and alcohol

According to the mechanism of action and pharmacokinetic abilities of the active components of Kagocel, the drug does not directly interact with the components alcoholic drinks. But endogenous interferons , produced under the influence of antiviral tablets, have a negative, inhibitory influence to the central nervous system. That is, immune agents can provoke the development of certain psychological and neurological disorders (especially often - retinopathy , neuropathy , protracted and so on).

As a rule, such adverse effects of conservative treatment appear asthenic disorders – excessive fatigue, weakness, decreased attention, decreased ability to concentrate , however, against the background of an acute respiratory disease, such side effects are not noticed, because they are similar to the clinical symptoms of almost any cold nosological unit.

If you mix alcohol and Kagocel, then such manifestations are mutually enhanced (the effect of alcoholic beverages on the human central nervous system is characterized by an inhibitory effect), therefore at least 5 days must pass between the end of conservative treatment and the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

During pregnancy and lactation

There have been no reliable clinical studies on the effect of the active components of a pharmaceutical drug on the body of a woman and the child developing in her womb, therefore the decision to use the drug is made on an individual basis. Most medical practitioners are inclined to replace tablets with other antiviral drugs during pregnancy and inclusion this state female body as contraindications to the use of Kagocel. Similar opinion qualified specialists and regarding breastfeeding - if possible, the use of this drug should be avoided.

Reviews about Kagocel

The antiviral pharmaceutical drug is widely popular among patients in pulmonology and therapeutic departments. The reason lies in the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of Kagocel and, of course, in its clinical effectiveness, because in a relatively short conservative course of treatment of 7 days, the drug can completely eliminate acute respiratory disease and significantly improve the quality of life in the winter.

Separately, it is worth noting the reviews of doctors about Kagocel, since qualified medical specialists recommend using these tablets primarily for preventive sanitation bronchopulmonary system. Active Ingredients They allow you to increase the production of interferon several times, that is, they supply the body with methods to combat viruses and other harmful agents, which is what has such a significant therapeutic effect of using a pharmaceutical drug.

Tablets are used not only for adult patients, but also for children; reviews of Kagocel on forums dedicated to pediatric topics should also be taken into account when we're talking about about this medicine. Reviews from parents are usually full of positive emotions and grateful words, because Kagocel is used from the age of 3 years, so the child can safely go to kindergarten or primary school without fear of another respiratory infection or viral invasion.

Kagocel is approved by most parents and due to the absence of severe side effects. Conservative treatment the drug is almost painless, if you do not take into account possible minor allergic reactions . Also, the release form does not have unpleasant smell or taste, that is, you won’t have to make any special efforts to sanitize even the youngest children.

Kagocel price, where to buy

Like the cost of antiviral analogues, the price of Kagocel may vary depending on where the pharmaceutical drug is purchased. The Russian Federation can boast of lower price category medicine, because it is produced in its factories. The price of Kagocel in St. Petersburg is indicative, which is about 180 rubles. In the capital you can buy it for 200 rubles.

The price of Kagocel in Ukraine is much higher, because there is a need to transport the drug over long distances. A variation of the pharmaceutical drug for adults can be purchased in the range from 150 to 180 hryvnia. But it is recommended to find out in advance how much children’s Kagocel costs at the nearest pharmacy, since its use in pediatric practice is somewhat narrower, which may adversely affect the price.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Kagocel tablets 12 mg 10 pcs. Nearmedic Plus

    Kagocel tablets 12 mg 20 pcs. NearmedicNearmedic PHARMA LLC

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    Nearmedic Plus LLC, Russia

    Nearmedic Plus LLC, Russia

  • Nearmedic Plus LLC, Russia

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PLEASE NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Kagocel, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Love | 21:45 | 22.01.2019

Razvodilovo, zero effect

Anastasia | 19:14 | 26.06.2018

Antiviral drug Tiloram. I will share my experience about this drug, maybe it will help someone. Due to my age, I’m probably 54 years old, I have a rather weak immune system and I often, especially in the cold season, get sick with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, of course I was treated with a lot of things, from expensive to more budget ones: Kagocel, Arbidol, Ingoverin and others, some helped quickly, some were not very good, one might say they went away on their own. I constantly change the products so that there is no addiction; any drug helps more effectively if you use it for the first time. Once again, when I was sick, I bought a new drug at the pharmacy; I hadn’t used it before, with an average price category... not very cheap, but not too expensive either. It is produced by our domestic company Ozone. There are only six tablets, medium in size, in a small plastic jar that closes tightly with a cotton ball inside. The dosage regimen is not complicated, sometimes you need to take a tablet every 6 hours, but here it’s not... one a day for the first two days and then generally one every two days. I took these tablets according to the instructions, I felt better already on the third day, this is quite fast for my body compared to other similar drugs, but of course there was also a lot of warm drinks and bed rest. The overall impression is that I'm satisfied. As winter and cold weather approaches, I will definitely use Tiloram for prevention purposes, I will definitely write back.)

Ira | 12:41 | 18.06.2018

I’m not a fan of taking medications, but during periods of epidemics I take Kagocel and give it to my family! Apparently, it really stimulates the body and immunity to fight the virus and be protected, because in my son’s kindergarten almost the entire group fell ill and at my work every second person sneezed the last time the virus hit. I recommend it in general. Then, when you get sick, you will spend much more health, money and energy. It’s easier to drink for prevention and live healthy.

Ekaterina | 14:42 | 24.12.2017

Just before my vacation, I managed to catch the virus. Mountains and forests awaited me ahead, but in the end I got watery eyes, a sore throat and weakness. I had neither the time nor the desire to go to the doctor, so I decided to rely on the opinion of the pharmacist, who advised me to take Kagocel. I bought it. I came home. I took the first 2 tablets at once and went to bed. In the morning next day, I felt much better. As a result, I was treated for four days, as the summary suggests. So viruses didn’t manage to ruin my vacation!

Tonya | 16:51 | 19.12.2017

MISS, what were you doing there??? Pills or candy? Marketing department, aren’t you ashamed to write such texts?

Tonya | 16:50 | 19.12.2017

Tatyana, these are different things. Paracetamol is symptomatic - it brings down the temperature. Kagocel stimulates the immune system to fight the virus. acts on the cause, not the consequences.

Tonya | 16:49 | 19.12.2017

MISS, Haha! The antiviral should not remove, but treat or stimulate the body so that it fights the disease itself. You would be better off trying Kagocel than ergoferon, which only relieves symptoms. Drink Kagocel and in 4 days you will be like a cucumber.

Tatiana | 20:58 | 22.11.2017

I read the reviews and I’m shocked...))) How can you compare paracetamol and other antipyretics with Kagocel... People, don’t be stupid already...

MISS | 8:43 | 18.11.2017

Last year I had a viral infection and didn’t receive any special treatment, so then I had a cough all winter. This year I also managed to get sick, I don’t know where I caught it, but I was treated according to my mind, I took ergoferon. So I recovered faster and without complications.

Alisa Muravskaya | 23:51 | 10.11.2017

Kagocel is a very reliable drug in the treatment of all kinds of colds and viral diseases. I treat my entire large family with it as needed. It helps both during illness and as a preventive measure, if you remember to start taking it. Plus it relieves symptoms.

Anastasia | 20:03 | 16.10.2017

For the first time I took Kagocel as therapeutic agent at the height of the epidemic last winter. I recovered in a matter of days, while my colleagues with exactly the same symptoms spent 10 days on sick leave. And this fall I took kpgocel for preventive purposes. The therapist assures that the method is proven and effective. I have no reason to distrust him.

Nikitina Anna | 20:48 | 07.09.2017

I was overall satisfied. Last winter it happened that everyone got sick and it was Kagocel that helped us recover. Relief came very quickly, the temperature dropped and did not rise again. True, they started taking it with the appearance of the first symptoms, which did not give the virus a chance to run wild.

Anna | 14:10 | 23.08.2017

Kagocel helped us survive the winter without colds. In the spring I missed preventive measures, but God has been merciful until we get sick. Now we are intensively relying on vitamins, vegetables and fruits, while everyone is healthy pah-pah... I won’t risk it for the winter, we’ll start taking it with the whole family. I hope we will winter safely again.

Katerina | 10:30 | 09.08.2017

I started taking Kagocel exactly 5 days ago, when I caught a cold, I had everything - a fever, and all the accompanying symptoms of ARVI. And now I haven’t been sick at all, and all because I started taking it with the first symptoms. So my opinion about him is positive.

Lyudmila | 21:12 | 06.07.2017

Previously, I didn’t trust antiviral drugs; I believed that the body itself should cope with the disease. But as it turned out, my conclusions were wrong. My inaction led to me ending up in a hospital bed with bronchitis. It was there that I first learned about Kagocel from the doctor. Since then, with the first symptoms, I always start taking it. It relieves bad symptoms in a couple of days and now there are no complications.

Antonina Kovaleva | 13:00 | 26.06.2017

Despite the fact that the winter this year was fierce and the spring cold and protracted, thanks to Kagocel, I never got sick. Even during epidemics, I managed to survive. Those around me, who were skeptical about my prevention, said that they would carry out the next one with me. And this is further confirmation that the drug is truly effective.

Innochka | 14:29 | 17.06.2017

I'm taking it for the third day. I happened to get sick just before leaving for the seaside. Therefore, I decided to undergo the full program in order to get back to normal faster. I already feel much better. In combination with vitamin C and warm drinks, it works just fine.

Romanova Vika | 12:43 | 18.05.2017

Of all the drugs I've tried recent years, last year I settled on Kagocel. Opinions about it vary, I rely solely on my experience. My colds go away much faster with it.

Nina Bondar | 20:54 | 13.05.2017

I have been using Kagocel for several years now and it has never let me down. Well, or rather how I am treated, lately I have been taking it as a prophylactic. Works flawlessly. Even when everyone around me is sick, viruses don’t bother me. That is why I don’t get sick, I’m sure I won’t, because Kagocel has already shown itself as a drug that can protect against viral infection.

Natalia | 11:55 | 30.04.2017

This winter we have not been able to avoid viruses. But we were able to quickly deal with them and Kagocel helped us with this. Honestly, we did not expect such effectiveness from the drug; it managed to get rid of bad symptoms in just 4 days. I think if I had not endured the disease on my legs, the result would have been achieved even earlier.

Mira Kuznetsova | 14:42 | 21.04.2017

I am also satisfied with its effect on the body. There are no side effects, it gets you back on your feet in a few days, if you use it in complex treatment, the effect is even better. It’s just that my husband drank only Kagocel, and I also did some procedures at the same time, I felt better earlier than him, but still we had no fever and practically no runny nose.

Vita | 10:59 | 10.04.2017

Many people take Kagocel with the first symptoms; my mother, as soon as she feels a sore throat, immediately gets it. I don’t do this, because often the disease goes away on its own without reaching acute stage, so I drink it after the fact of illness and it still goes away quickly and easily. And this scheme suits me best.

Irina Chaika | 22:10 | 21.03.2017

Last year we took Kagocel for the first time for prevention. As a result, it’s spring outside, and no one here has gotten sick until now. True, now my daughter has started to snot, but I didn’t give her Kagocel, she’s still little, she won’t be 3 years old until this summer. In general, we were satisfied with the antiviral agent; Kagocel did not disappoint and met all expectations.

Olga | 21:24 | 16.03.2017

Personally, this drug always helps me, in vain some people write here that this is a “placebo” effect - nothing like that! You just really need to know the nature of the disease - what kind of infection. After all, this is an antiviral drug and bacterial infection- it’s not a helper. It was recommended to me by a doctor who is a very good specialist. And, indeed, Kagocel significantly alleviated the symptoms of a cold. And I managed to recover faster than before, when I didn’t know anything about Kagocel.

Anna | 17:13 | 12.03.2017

I like treatment with Kagocel, I don’t understand why people suffer and get sick for weeks, if you can take it at the very beginning of the disease and mild form If you endure everything, you will be cured quickly and without complications. With mine home first aid kit it does not disappear, in my personal list of vital and essential drugs it is in the top ten.

Vlad | 3:46 | 26.01.2017

Stop misleading people. ...this concerns the smart people who write nonsense here. Kagocel is not an antipyretic, but an antiviral drug. And a really good one. Paracitamol, Rinza... are antipyretic drugs. These are drugs of different directions. Before you write anything, figure it out first.

Olga | 12:15 | 25.01.2017

I’ve seen Kagocel on pharmacy shelves for a long time, but there was no need to buy it, I didn’t have it until this winter. Before the New Year, I became very ill, my temperature rose sharply, I felt unwell, they called a doctor, he prescribed Kagocel and other drugs for symptomatic treatment. Surprisingly, but with this in serious condition I recovered very quickly, on the fourth day the only thing that reminded me of my illness was a runny nose. I wouldn’t want to get sick like that again, but if I’m unlucky, I know what I’ll drink first.

Arefieva Irina | 13:37 | 21.01.2017

For the first time I took Kagocel as an antiviral drug. The overall feeling from the reception is very positive. I managed without fever, the runny nose did not turn into sinusitis as usual for 4-5 days. At home I didn’t even lie sick and at least did something, even though I was on sick leave.

Sanya | 17:20 | 13.01.2017

Kovalev is absolutely right, and Natalya is a typical loser (better drink some water). The doctor prescribes something that will earn a small kickback. Continue to further enrich fat-bellied marketers. I don’t think they have come up with anything better than paracetamol yet.

Galla | 19:58 | 17.12.2016

Previously, I was treated with another antiviral drug, but recently it has become difficult to tolerate, various side effects began to appear (dizziness, nausea, headache), so I switched to Kagocel, this does not happen with it. On the contrary, after 1-2 days I feel much better, and after 3-4 I recover.

Zhanna | 16:00 | 11.11.2016

More than once he helped me not to get sick or to recover in record time. The most effective remedy for acute respiratory viral infections, no matter how much I tried or experimented with other drugs, I still come back to it.

Rosalia Sverdlova | 13:06 | 18.10.2016

For a long time I tried to protect my daughter from taking honey. drugs. Often traditional medicine helped out, but when one day a common cold turned into pneumonia, I realized that I had made a mistake. Now, as soon as I notice the first symptoms of flu or ARVI in a child, I immediately start giving Kagocel and the child’s body easily copes with the illness. With it, viruses are not scary for us.

Antonina | 15:24 | 13.10.2016

I used to think that curing a cold in 3 days was something out of science fiction, but with Kagocel I realized that it is possible. By the way, if you start taking it with the first symptoms, you can do it even faster, in a day or two, without bringing the disease to the acute phase.

Anastasia | 13:44 | 19.09.2016

Kagocel is a good antiviral; at the moment I haven’t taken anything more effective. I have already recommended it to many people and not one has refuted my positive opinion about the drug.

Alla | 15:04 | 25.08.2016

I became acquainted with Kagocel last year, when for no apparent reason my temperature rose, my runny nose began to bother me, plus an annoying sore throat and aching joints forced me to see a doctor for help. The treatment was started on the same day and the next morning I woke up in a more or less normal state. And on the 4th day of treatment, the bad symptoms completely disappeared. Now, when I have a cold, I no longer run to the doctor; as soon as I feel unwell, I go to the pharmacy and buy Kagocel, because I know: only it can help the body overcome the virus.

Shvareva Alla | 21:05 | 27.06.2016

I recommend taking a closer look at the drug Kagocel to all those who really care about their health and the health of their loved ones. It helps to put the body in order literally in a matter of days and at the same time not ruin the body by taking a lot of various not very harmless drugs for both colds and intestinal infections. A pediatrician friend recommended it to me

Nikitina | 20:21 | 06.06.2016

But with the onset of above-zero temperatures, I begin to sniffle, sneezes and coughs become my faithful companions. I can't find the answer to this question. This year I took Kagocel for prevention and you know, spring passed without “surprises”. I’m going to start taking it again so that at least this year I can be healthy like everyone else on vacation.

Albina | 12:35 | 05.06.2016

Recently I developed a cold and went to the pharmacy to get some medicine. In addition to everything I asked, the pharmacist also offered Kagocel, I had only heard about it, but had never tried it. I started taking it as soon as I got home, I drank according to the instructions, and the next day I felt better. This is the first time this has happened so quickly, so I’m sure it’s thanks to Kagocel. And I generally recovered in 3 days, now this drug will be first on my list next time.

Marina Khromova | 16:38 | 06.05.2016

In winter, I used Kagocel to treat my husband’s flu. I gave it as the doctor ordered, according to the instructions, for 4 days. Within a day he felt better, his eyes stopped watering and he began to sneeze an order of magnitude less, his body no longer “broke.” In short, I relieved the symptoms very quickly. So with Kagocel he was ill for only a few days, instead of two weeks, as we had before.

Inga Savitskaya | 20:05 | 18.04.2016

Our family often uses Kagocel for both prevention and treatment (this is the case when prevention was not carried out for some reason). Helps great. The chances of catching the virus are much lower with it. I don’t want anyone to rate my review as a call to action, I’m just sharing my experience and expressing my opinion about the effectiveness of this drug.

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • intolerance to glucose and galactose.

Directions for use and doses

For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take two tablets. 3 times a day for the first 2 days, then one tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 4 days.

To prevent influenza, colds and other acute respiratory infections, 2 tablets are prescribed. 1 time per day for 7 days. Then a 5-day break is taken, after which, if necessary, the 7-day cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course is determined by the attending physician and ranges from 7 days to 3-5 months.

To treat herpes virus infection, take 2 tablets. 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 5 days.

For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take 1 tablet. 2 times a day for two days, then 1 tablet. per day. The duration of the course is 4 days.

For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take 1 tablet. 3 times a day for two days, then 1 tablet. 2 times a day.

To prevent influenza, colds and other acute respiratory infections, 2 tablets are prescribed. 1 time per day for a week. Then a 5-day break is taken, after which the 7-day cycle is repeated. The duration of prophylaxis depends on various factors and is determined by the attending physician. Prevention lasts from 7 days to 3-5 months.


Side effects

Interaction with other drugs

Special instructions

Storage conditions

Bird flu

Kagocel for children

Assessing the effectiveness of herpes treatment

Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of ARVI in children

  • when using the drug in children, regardless of the characteristics of the course of ARVI, the duration of its symptoms is reduced;
  • the drug increases interferon levels in children with initially insufficient levels;
  • there are no side effects associated with the use of the medication in children;

Kagocel is well tolerated by children and reduces the duration of the disease.


Kagocel is an interferon inducer, that is, it stimulates or provokes its release. This antiviral drug is prescribed for many diseases, including influenza. However, the influenza virus has a special gene that can inhibit the release of interferon in the cell. Why, in this case, take a medicine that obviously won’t help? To get rid of money? There are medications that contain interferon, which will certainly help with the flu - for example, Viferon.

I did not take this drug for the flu. That season, a small herpes broke out - so I didn’t understand whether Kagocel worked, or whether remission came on its own. It would be better to spend money on acyclovir ointment - it clearly helps faster.

Having read some of the reviews, I would like to comment on something. I think the benefits of the medicine are very doubtful if the temperature from 38.5 normalized in 3-4 days. Most likely, natural recovery takes place here, which occurs without such drugs. I think the drug is effective only against certain strains of viruses, but advertising company, which has now unfolded around him, is not justified.

A month ago I came down with the flu. The temperature rose to 38.5, and antipyretics were practically of no help. My doctor prescribed Kagocel (apparently the advertisement worked). The medicine, meanwhile, is quite expensive - 12 tablets (and they are tiny) cost 230 rubles. A course of treatment requires two packages. The pharmacist at the pharmacy confirmed that this drug should help with the flu. So I bought a package to start with. I started taking two tablets at once, 3 times a day for the first three days, as indicated in the manual, and as the doctor prescribed. The effect was felt quite quickly - the antipyretic began to act, the temperature dropped to 37.5. But such hyperthermia also raises concerns, and the effect did not last long. After 2-3 hours the temperature began to increase again and rose to 38.5. In the end, I decided to buy antibiotics for 15 rubles, and began taking them in combination with Kagocel. After 3 days of treatment with antibiotics, the temperature dropped to 37.1, and then completely returned to normal. So, from my own experience, I can say that Kagocel is an ineffective medicine. I advise you not to pay attention to advertising, and not to follow the lead of narrow-minded doctors. Antibiotics, of course, are harmful in their own way, but they are, in any case, reliable. I wish you all good health.

I somehow got sick right before going to the theater. All the signs of a cold appeared - sneezing, itchy throat, rhinitis, temperature over 37. Still, we decided to go to the theater, so I bought a package of Kagocel. Just that season it was advertised wherever possible. I had never encountered him before. I took it according to the regimen in the instructions, the next day it didn’t feel a bit better, but it wasn’t worse either. But on the 3rd day I woke up fresh and full of energy - the runny nose and sore throat were gone. I finished the medicine at the previous dosage and everything was fine. One could assume that I recovered myself, but the fact is that I usually get sick for at least a week. But in subsequent cases, when I decided to take it again for a cold, it didn’t work at all. Maybe he somehow softened the course of the disease, but somehow imperceptibly.

I also read in the instructions that it treats herpes. When I'm sick, this nasty thing constantly pops up on my lips. So this vaunted drug never helped; herpes still came out during the illness.

I think that Kagocel helps only the first time, when the body is still sensitive to it, and only then does it really help against colds.

I had a case that allowed me to test the antiviral effect of Kagocel in practice. Since most medications are contraindicated during breastfeeding, I had to limit myself to only this. It stimulates the production of interferon (a protein that protects against viruses) in all cells of the body. Many other drugs work on the same principle. I was choosing between Arbidol and Kagocel, and decided to be treated with the second one, because... on the 1st day you need to take 6 tablets of Kagocel or 8 tablets of Arbidol. And since they are about the same price, the second one was cheaper.

For the first day of treatment, I almost didn’t get out of bed, my temperature persisted, I had a terrible runny nose, tears flowed from my eyes, and I sneezed constantly. But on the second day I was already doing chores around the house, and still had time to look after the child. On the third day I woke up with a feeling of complete recovery. I don’t remember ever recovering so quickly before. By the way, my mother also recovered in almost 2 days - she recommended Kagocel to me.

I don’t want to remember how I was treated before without Kagocel. Unlike various anti-influenza drugs (Rinza, Theraflu, etc.), which simply treat symptoms and not the disease, Kagocel forces the body to produce the antiviral protein interferon, that is, it strengthens the body in the fight against the virus. The only subtlety is that treatment must be started in a timely manner, no later than the 2nd day from the onset of the disease, ideally at the first manifestations. I can easily determine the onset of the disease - I immediately start sneezing. Now, as soon as I feel like I’m getting sick, I take 2 tablets and feel great in the morning. True, I missed time once and started treatment only on the 3rd day. Considering that it was the flu, I recovered within two days. But, in any case, it is faster than when taking the above symptomatic remedies.

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Kagocel /

Antiviral drug. Interferon synthesis inducer. The active substance is the sodium salt of a copolymer of (1→4)-6-0-carboxymethyl-β-D-glucose, (1→4)-β-D-glucose and (21→24)-2,3,14,15 ,21,24,29,32-octahydroxy-23-(carboxymethoxymethyl)-7,10-dimethyl-4, 13-di(2-propyl)-19,22,26,30,31-pentaoxaheptacyclo dotriaconta-1,3 ,5(28),6,8(27), 9(18),10, 12(17), 13,15-decaene.

Causes the formation in the body of so-called late interferon, which is a mixture of alpha and beta interferons with high antiviral activity. Kagocel® causes interferon production in almost all cell populations involved in the body's antiviral response: T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. When one dose of Kagocel® is taken orally, the interferon titer in the blood serum reaches maximum values ​​after 48 hours. The body's interferon response to the administration of Kagocel® is characterized by prolonged (up to 4-5 days) circulation of interferon in the bloodstream. The dynamics of interferon accumulation in the intestine when taking the drug orally does not coincide with the dynamics of circulating interferon titers. In the blood serum, the interferon content reaches high values only 48 hours after taking Kagocel®, while in the intestines the maximum production of interferon is observed after 4 hours.

The greatest effectiveness in treatment with Kagocel® is achieved when it is prescribed no later than the 4th day from the onset of acute infection. For preventive purposes, the drug can be used at any time, incl. and immediately after contact with an infectious agent

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, 2 tablets are prescribed in the first 2 days. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 3 times/day. A total of 18 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 2 tablets. 1 time/day, break for 5 days. Then the cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course varies from 1 week to several months.

For the treatment of herpes, 2 tablets are prescribed. 3 times/day for 5 days. In total, for a course lasting 5 days - 30 tablets.

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, 1 tablet is prescribed in the first 2 days. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 2 times/day. A total of 10 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 1 tablet. 1 time/day, break for 5 days, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the preventive course is from 1 week to several months.

Why is Kagocel dangerous?

Is the well-known medicine “Kagocel” effective and can it be dangerous? evidence-based medicine and epidemiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vasily Vlasov.

Of course, each of us needs good things, effective medicine in case of a cold. But I, as a specialist, can say that the effect of the known antiviral drugs that currently exist on Russian market, very small. Many compatriots buy into advertising and purchase the dubious drug “Kagocel”. I would like to warn citizens against this medicine and explain some of the nuances.

Research: is Kagocel effective?

How are drugs tested for effectiveness? For this purpose, there are comparative clinical trials (CTs). During these tests, specialists compare which patients are more likely to recover: those who took a particular drug, or those who took a placebo. The sample of patients must be representative. Such clinical trials are called randomized trials (RCTs).

In developed countries, drugs that have not undergone this type of research are not put on the market. The effectiveness of a drug is determined by RCTs, and not by the Ministry of Health, so manufacturers of many well-known drugs (Arbidol, Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, etc.) conduct research to prove the safety and effectiveness of their drugs.

What do the Kagotsel RCTs show? The American MEDLINE database, which anyone can access on the Internet on the website of the US National Library of Medicine, provides good-quality information. In the search engine on the website, enter the phrase “kagocel AND randomized controlled trial.” This way you will select all publications mentioning Kagocel and at the same time all publications about RCTs. None of the 12 articles that are registered in the database contains a single mention of the Kagocel RCT.

In some domestic minor scientific journals however, a couple of RCTs of this drug are mentioned. The sample for the studies was very small: in one (Merkulova L.N. et al. Therapeutic effectiveness of Kagocel. Klin. pharmacocol. and therapy., 2002. 11(6): 21-3) 81 adults participated, in the second (Kharlamova F.S. et al. Clinical effectiveness drug Kagocel. Children's infections, 2010. (4): 1-7) - 60 children. The quality of such studies is questionable.

Let's take a closer look at them. In the first, the sampling frame was based on the clinical manifestations encountered in patients, which means that people could have other diseases in addition to influenza. And the report says that out of 81 people, 81 had the flu - this sounds completely implausible. Another strange point: the clinical trial included patients in the first two days, but the data that their intoxication disappeared was given for everyone for the same period! Moreover, in 71 percent of patients, the temperature subsided on the same day when they came for the study.

The second study (with children) also seems questionable - it lacks detail. It may not be an RCT at all in the way it should be.

On the Rusnano website there is a list of studies whose titles look like they are RCTs, but the published scientific texts themselves are not on the site. Moreover, this list does not include so-called phase three studies - they are necessary to establish whether the drug is effective and safe for adults. What is most striking (unpleasant!) is that the lion's share of studies are studies on children. This is a frightening statistic, especially since the adverse effects of this medication may be irreversible. We'll talk about this further.

We can confidently conclude that Kagocel is not an effective means of preventing, let alone treating, influenza and colds.

Ministry of Health warning?

The Ministry of Health considers Kagocel an antiviral drug, which is “recommended for the treatment and prevention of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) and influenza, as well as for the treatment of herpes.” Thus, if a healthy person drinks this medicine, he will get sick less often (prevention), and if a sick person drinks it, he will recover faster (treatment). But it’s one thing to relieve the symptoms of a cold, and quite another to treat the disease. I'm not even talking about the risk of complications that the influenza virus can cause, or the side effects that some medications can have on an organism weakened by infection. There is no information about the side effects of Kagocel in published studies.

But it is a known fact that the scientists who invented this medicine created a molecule of two parts - carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and gossypol. The first is found, for example, in wallpaper glue, and in large quantities. And gossypol is a substance extracted from the cotton plant that negatively affects reproduction in both men and women. Once they wanted to use it as a contraceptive, but due to its high toxicity they did not push this idea further. You can read about how poisonous gossypol is in the article by E. Ushkalova and N. Chukhareva (E. Ushkalova, N. Chukhareva. Top sellers over-the-counter drugs and their safety issues. Doctor, 2014. (9)).

The manufacturers of Kagocel claim that gossypol is not present in free form in the medicine - it is in a bound form, which is safe. This is confirmed by experiments conducted on mice: no pregnancy disorders were detected in the experimental animals. But the manufacturers do not provide any studies on the safety of the drug for humans. Over the years of massive sales, such studies could have been conducted. Therefore, I believe that the question of whether Kagocel is toxic remains open.

Untested medicine - in all pharmacies in the country

It has been proven that Kagocel promotes increased production of interferons in the human body - these are substances that cells produce in response to external aggression, infection. This is how the body protects itself from viruses. It would seem that everything is logical - but clinical trials do not confirm this assumption. This or that medicine can help the body produce interferons, but it does not protect against infection. Scientists don't know why. Therefore, we cannot say that Kagocel helps against colds or flu: as already mentioned, there are no confirmed RCTs.

Another question: how did a poorly tested medicine get into pharmacies and why is it sold without a prescription? After all, only safe, proven, well-studied products are sold without a doctor’s referral. An even more serious question: why did Kagocel, a drug with unproven effectiveness, which in addition can be toxic, appear on the Russian List of Essential Medicines? However, a place on this list greatly increases sales of the drug in all pharmacies in the country...

IA No. FS77−55373 dated September 17, 2013, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Founder: PRAVDA.Ru LLC

Antiviral drug Kagocel: pros and cons

Every fifth Russian does not have enough money to buy the necessary medicines; more than half of the country’s residents assess the costs of purchasing them as significant for their budget, according to a survey by VTsIOM.

Among the most popular drugs in Russia, sold in pharmacies without a prescription, you can find not only absolutely useless, but also potentially harmful.

Medicines containing codeine must be sold strictly according to prescriptions, demanded today the head of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) of the Russian Federation, Viktor Ivanov.

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During the progression of dangerous diseases such as ARVI and influenza, we all - children and adults - need effective protection. Doctors recommend taking an antiviral drug for children and adults – Kagocel – for treatment and preventive purposes.

Kagocel for prevention: indications

  • for the prevention of ARVI and influenza for both adults and children over six years of age;
  • for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza - no later than the fourth day after viruses or infection enter the patient’s body;
  • for the treatment of herpes (adults only).

Manufacturers produce the antiviral drug in the form of round tablets with inclusions of 10 pieces, placed in a cardboard package.

Composition of Kagocel

The drug contains the active substance - Kagocel and auxiliary components - potato starch, Ludipress, calcium stearate.

The active substances included in the complex promote the production of interferon, which is simply necessary in the fight against viruses and harmful microorganisms. The drug is not toxic and does not accumulate in the patient’s body during therapy. In order to prevent Kagocel, doctors advise taking it after direct contact with a sick patient and during the spread of the epidemic.

The maximum concentration of the antiviral drug in the blood plasma is observed after two days, after taking a single dose, and circulates in the body for five days.

The drug Kagocel is broken down by liver cells and eliminated from the body through the genitourinary system naturally.

Kagocel for prevention: instructions for use for children

The medicine must be used in its entirety; it is not recommended to crush, chew or add to tea or juice. It is recommended to drink the tablet generously boiled water warmed up to body temperature. Before using the drug, be sure to read the attached instructions and consult with your doctor.

To prevent viral infection and influenza in children, pediatricians recommend strictly following the dosage:

  • A child who has reached the age of six is ​​prescribed to take the drug in weekly (7 day) cycles. In the first 2 days, it is recommended to take 1 tablet once a day. Next, do not use the antiviral agent for 5 days. The course of use of an antiviral agent can last from 1 cycle to 10 cycles, depending on the epidemiological situation and the number of contacts of a healthy patient with an infected person.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, children over six years of age are advised to take 1 tablet 3 times over 24 hours in the first 2 days. Then, for the next 2 days (the third and fourth day) - one tablet 2 times every 24 hours. The course of therapy is 4 days, the total dosage is 10 tablets.

Kagocel for prevention: instructions for use for adults

The drug must be taken in its entirety; it is not recommended to crush, chew or add to tea or juice. It is recommended to take the tablet with plenty of distilled or boiled water. Remember! Do not take the antiviral drug Kagocel with juice, tea or other liquids. Before using the drug, be sure to read the attached instructions and consult with your doctor.

In order to prevent influenza and ARVI in adults, therapists recommend strictly following the dosage:

  • Adults are prescribed to take the drug in weekly (7 day) cycles. On the first day of taking the drug, a single dose of 2 tablets is usually prescribed. On the second day, a single dose is repeated, preferably at the same time as on the first day of using the antiviral agent. Further, the antiviral agent is not used for 5 days. The course of use of an antiviral agent can last from one week to several months, observing weekly cycles.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, adults are advised to take: the first day, 2 tablets, at regular intervals, 3 doses. On the second day, 2 tablets, washed down with plenty of water, at regular intervals, 3 doses.

On the third day, it is recommended to take Kagocel in the amount of 2 tablets, 2 doses at equal intervals.

On the fourth day, the antiviral drug Kagocel is taken 2 tablets, 2 times at equal intervals. The course of therapy lasts for 4 days and consists of 20 tablets.

For the treatment of herpes in adults, a specialist usually prescribes taking 2 tablets 3 times a day for a week. This period is quite enough to cure the disease.

Kagocel: contraindications

The use of this medicine is not recommended:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the components included in the product;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • children under six years of age;
  • if the drug is stored incorrectly;
  • after the expiration date of the medicinal product has passed.

When taking an antiviral drug, allergic reactions may occur. If you notice a side effect when treating with Kagocel, stop taking the drug and notify your doctor.

Remember! This drug cannot be combined with other antiviral and immunomodulatory agents aimed at destroying viruses and bacteria - this will lead to side effects.

During a course of therapy with Kagocel, adults are advised to stop drinking alcohol to avoid negative consequences.

Results of use in treatment with Kagocel

After conducting the study, scientists identified positive and negative characteristics.

Positive characteristics:

Negative characteristics:

  • nausea,
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions - rashes on the dermis of the body, accompanied by itching and burning;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In the fight against viral infections and influenza, as well as for preventive purposes for children and adults, use the drug Kagocel, which you can purchase at any pharmacy.

The result of treatment and prevention will pleasantly surprise you: relief from the symptoms of the disease will occur after the first use and the disease will recede without further complications.

Kagocel is one of the few immunomodulator drugs in tablets characterized by powerful activity against viral infection. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by the ability of its components to inhibit (suppress) the activity of rotavirus and herpes infections, ARVI and influenza. Based on the principle of reaction to the virus, the drug is similar to other drugs - the therapeutic effect is achieved by synthesis in the blood human interferon(endogenous gamma globulin protein) is an organic antibody with powerful antiviral activity.

The production of antibodies by the human body begins with the cellular activation of lymphocytes, granulocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts and endothelial cells. After taking Kagocel, the maximum cellular concentration of produced immunoglobulin reaches a critical point. By activating enzyme components (protein kinase and adelyl synthetase), gamma globulin inhibits the synthesis (penetration) of protein and RNA of the virus.

In simple terms, being essentially an inducer of an immune response, the medicine literally forces the body to produce loading dose antiviral antibodies.

Kagocel has a high duration active influence, is used at any stage of the disease, is easily eliminated from the body (up to 99% of the dose on the 7th day), has no cumulative properties and no side effects.

According to the instructions for use from the manufacturer, Kagocel is an antiviral drug approved by the Russian Ministry of Health as an effective means for the prevention and treatment of ARVI, influenza and herpes. Since 2006, the medicine has been included in government procurement of vital medicines.

For what diseases is Kagocel prescribed?

The drug is prescribed by a doctor for symptoms of viral etiology:

  • ARVI;
  • ORZ, ;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes in the form of grouped blistering rashes ();
  • cytomegalovirus infection;

The effectiveness of Kagocel against rotavirus - what is the essence of treatment

Organically persistent (constantly present) rotavirus significantly reduces the immune defense of an infected person. Interferon deficiency is especially noticeable during childhood seasonal morbidity. When the immune response is activated, the elimination (removal) of the virus from the body occurs quickly and, as a result, a rapid recovery occurs.

With the development of rotavirus disease, taking Kagocel provokes a concentration of active immune cells in the intestines within 4 hours after the first tablet. This can significantly reduce the manifestations of intoxication, normalize body temperature, quickly relieve signs of dehydration by stabilizing stool and stimulate the regenerative function of epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa.

The inclusion of the drug Kagocel in complex treatment for rotavirus significantly reduces the risk of re-infection, which prevents further spread of the infection. The reason for this is the influence of Kagocel on reproductive function viral particle in the body. This fact has been clinically identified and substantiated by leading virologists according to laboratory research interaction of gamma globulin on infection.

Regimen for taking Kagocel tablets for rotavirus in children

  • the first two days, one tablet twice a day;
  • the next two days, one tablet per day.

For older children (from 6 years old), it is recommended to take the medication in the following proportions:

  • the first two days, take a tablet three times a day;
  • then take a tablet twice a day for two days.

The total number of Kagocel tablets per course of treatment should not exceed 10 pieces per person.

Course therapy significantly speeds up the recovery period, prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora to other organs, and promotes rapid localization of the infectious focus. The effectiveness of treatment of adults with a course of the drug was studied using dynamic indicators and laboratory tests. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that the general picture of spastic manifestations does not change during the first two days. Against the background of a decrease in respiratory symptoms, a decrease in signs of rhinitis was recorded on the third day, and a decrease in the frequency of diarrhea on the fourth day. At the same time, already on the second day the patient noted an improvement in well-being and the appearance of appetite.

Schemes for the prevention and treatment of viral disease Kagocel in an adult patient

Before we talk about the regimens for taking Kagocel tablets for various diseases, it should be noted that the medicine is intended for oral (internal) use. During treatment, the tablet should not be divided in half, broken into pieces, or peeled off the film shell.

The principle of drug dosage regimens developed by the manufacturer is aimed at creating a shock immune response. Consecutive dosage reduction provides a long-lasting protective barrier.

If there are no positive results during the first three days of using Kagocel, the doctor may adjust the prescribed course taking into account medical indicators over time.

Table of use of the drug Kagocel (dosage for adults)

In cases of epidemics of a viral disease, it is advisable to carry out preventive measures with the use of the drug in accordance with the presented standards. The course of prevention and treatment with Kagocel should not exceed 3 times 2 days of taking tablets and two 5-day intervals consecutively.

At active stage herpes, it is better to use a loading dose of Kagocel - 3 tablets per day for 5 days.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not indicate exactly what to take with Kagocel tablet. However, based on the general medical practice, usually medications are washed down with plain water, or boiled at room temperature. The medicine should not be taken with alcoholic beverages, strong coffee or hot tea.

Dosage regimens for Kagocel for children

The child's body is most vulnerable during the interseasonal weather changes. Most often, children become infected with viruses while constantly being in a certain society - for example, in a kindergarten or school class. For an epidemic to develop, close contact of several people with an infected child is sufficient. The conditions of congestion of children in one room contribute to the rapid spread of the virus. Therefore, it is very important to notice the symptoms in time and take appropriate safety measures.

Kagocel dosage table for children of different age categories

For the purpose therapeutic therapy For children under 6 years of age, a 4-day course of Kagocel is conducted. Older children (up to 12 years old) use 10 tablets per course.

According to the instructions, the duration of the course for the prevention of viral diseases in children under 6 years of age can be completed in a month, with mandatory observance of 5-day intervals.

Kagocel during pregnancy and breastfeeding – can I take it?

Based on the hypoallergenicity and non-toxicity of the active component, and also taking into account the absence of side effects of the drug, many patients believe that Kagocel can be taken during an interesting situation, both for the purpose of prevention and during illness. Understanding this issue, let us turn to the results of laboratory analytics when studying the effect of the drug on a living organism.

Following the unanimous opinion of leading immunologists, as well as paying attention to the instructions of the drug manufacturer, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy. There is a hypothesis about the occurrence of a detrimental effect of the active immunoglobulin on the organic tissue of the fetus. This threatens intrauterine immune failures of the small organism, which can provoke possible complications in the future. These concerns are associated with the ability of the drug Kagocel to penetrate the placental barrier.

The concentration of the drug in breast milk has been confirmed by clinical tests. Such milk is harmful to the child, since it poses a threat of developing immune failures in the fragile body.

Considering the data obtained, the vast majority of doctors recommend that patients refrain from using Kagocel during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If such recommendations cannot be avoided, short-term breast weaning is allowed while taking the course of treatment. In such cases, an interval must be maintained - from the moment you take the first tablet until a week after the end of the course, you cannot feed the baby with breast milk.

Is it possible to combine treatment with Kagocel and alcohol?

Taking medication and alcoholic beverages at the same time is strictly prohibited. Under the influence ethyl alcohol when stimulating the produced interferons, complications may arise in the form of severe forms psychosomatic nervous disorders. With alcohol abuse, these disorders can become irreversible.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug Kagocel

Contraindications when taking the medication include allergic reactions to the medication, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Due to the lack of confirmed information about the effect of the drug on children under 3 years of age (no studies have been conducted), according to the instructions for Kagocel, this category is also included in the contraindications.

Careful adherence to medical prescriptions will minimize the occurrence of side effects from taking the medication.

The appearance of these symptoms is most often associated with individual intolerance to one of the components included in the drug. Such signs of intolerance include atopic rhinitis, muscle weakness, and mild irritability.

For patients with body weight below normal, the drug should be prescribed carefully, individually selecting the daily or course dosage. The necessary correction of treatment should be carried out under constant monitoring of the dynamics of the patient’s condition.

Why does the temperature rise after taking Kagocel?

Kagocel does not contain substances that have a particular effect on the patient’s body temperature during illness. When treating, it should be remembered that the drug is an additional medicine and is in no way capable of alone coping with a severe infection without prior prevention.

Signs of high temperature indicate the progression of infectious pathology. This means that the patient needs an urgent consultation with a doctor in order to prescribe antibacterial and immunostimulating therapy simultaneously.

The effect of the drug Kagocel on reproductive function

To date, medical luminaries are still arguing about the “piquant” side effect of Kagocel for the stronger half of humanity. Let's figure out why this antiviral drug can be harmful for boys and men.

Fundamental chemical reaction The medicine is based on the substance gossypol. It is a natural polyphenol from a number of enzyme dehydrogenase inhibitors. Organic compound used in China as oral contraceptive for men. In addition to antiviral and antimicrobial properties, this antioxidant inhibits the development of male germ cells, which can cause infertility.

According to the manufacturer, Kagocel does not degrade during organic replication, but no supporting studies have been provided. Therefore, it is quite logical to believe that the presence of bound gossypol in the composition of the drug does not exclude the minimal possibility of its accumulation in the body with frequent use of the drug. This fact causes fair concern about the sexual health of boys, especially during the period of formation and maturation of sperm.

Comparison of Kagocel with other antiviral drugs

For some reason, we are convinced that the sooner we start treatment, the faster we will recover. Everything is used, from grandma’s jam and honey to well-known antiviral drugs. Fortunately, the modern selection of pharmacy offers is replete with names. Of course, before choosing a specific medicine, you should consult your doctor. But find out a little more information about existing and popular antiviral drugs for general development won't hurt. We present to you a short overview of Kagocel analogues and their comparison with the original.

Remantadine (price about 70-90 rubles)

When choosing which is better, Kagocel or Remantadine, you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of each drug.

For example, Remantadine is based on adamantane derivatives, known for their effectiveness against group A viruses in the early stages of treatment. The drug has been produced since 1963. Since today the established modifications of group A viruses resistant to adamantane are relevant, the medicine is considered obsolete.

Kagocel, according to the manufacturer, has a therapeutic effect on more later development of the disease. In addition, the principle of action of this drug does not allow viruses to develop resistance (resistance), since molecular cells interferon does not care what the “enemy” is – it must be destroyed.

Ingavirin (price up to 450 rubles)

The activity of Invagirin is due to synthesized biogenic aminohistamine, which takes part in immune reactions body and has a virucidal (disinfecting) effect against adeno and rhinovirus, group A and B viruses, and parainfluenza. Ingavirin breaks down the pathogenic virus, preventing its reproduction.

The action of Kagocel is based on a plant component. The drug starts natural processes protective functions to reduce the severity of illness without preventing infection.

Ergoferon (about 350-370 rubles)

Ergoferon is a drug based on the homeopathic component of human interferon. Possesses very soft action, therefore, it is not suitable for all patients - in practice, cases have been recorded when patients did not feel any improvement at all when taking Ergoferon. The phenomenon is explained by the individual sensitivity of the body to the components of the product. In medicine, it is widely used for the treatment and prevention of a special category of the population - children from 6 one month old, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Compared with Ergoferon, Kagocel has more powerful effect, so the manufacturer limited the circle of consumers in advance. For pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children under 3 years of age, the use of Kagocel in the treatment of a viral infection is not permitted.

Oscillococcinum (cost 460 rubles)

The homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum is based on natural ingredients - extract of the liver and heart of Barbary ducks. The drug is taken exclusively as prescribed by a doctor for no more than 2-3 days. When used for preventive purposes, you need to drink a much smaller dose than Kagocel (once a week).

A significant difference between the two drugs is that the therapeutic effect of prophylaxis with Kagocel is longer than with Oscillococcinum.

Cycloferon (cost up to 300 rubles)

Both drugs are excellent in recovery cellular immunity and inhibit the development of viral pathology. Despite the content of another active component in Cycloferon (meglumine acridone acetate), the effects of medications on the body are identical.

The disadvantages of Cycloferon are the existence of serious side effects - the drug should not be taken by allergy sufferers, children under 4 years of age and people with erosive pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Treatment with Cycloferon requires a longer period of up to full recovery– the drug acts slowly and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Amiksin (price up to 900 rubles)

This is a more expensive analogue of Kagocel based on tilorone. It has a wide range of effects, as it is widely used in the treatment of tuberculosis, encephalomyelitis and viral hepatitis A, B, C. It is known for its properties to enhance the formation of all types of interferon, participates in protein synthesis and inhibits the reproduction of the virus. Very easy to use - one tablet is enough for prevention at any time of the day. The concentration of the active substance Amiksin in the patient’s blood is achieved within 12 hours (compared to Kagocel, the peak accumulation is no earlier than after 2 days).

A significant difference between the drugs is the age limit of the consumer. Amiksin should not be taken by children under 7 years of age, while Kagocel can be taken by children from 3 years of age.

The cost of the drug Amiksin justifies its rapid effectiveness, widespread use and accelerated offensive therapeutic effect on infection.

The combination of Kagocel in combination with other antiviral drugs

The high level of interaction between Kagocel and other antiviral drugs makes it possible to use the medicine in complex courses drug therapy. Against the background of the general impact, the elimination of viral symptoms occurs faster, which significantly reduces the risk of severe consequences.

It is important to know that complex use of antiviral drugs is advisable in the first days of prescribing therapy.


Both drugs are equally effective against viruses. Distinctive feature Arbidol's active ingredient is umifenovir. The component stimulates the formation of immunoglobulin in the human body much more effectively, so the medicine is ideal for treating an existing infection. The action of Kagocel is more aimed at preventing the disease, so the drug is excellent during an epidemic period.

The complex of treatment with both drugs is effective when Arbidol is used in the early stages of the disease, and Kagocel in later stages.


Viferon is a ready-made interferon isolated in the laboratory from humans. Synthetic Kagocel has the ability to enhance immune production while taking immunostimulating agents (additive effect). Since there are no contraindications for the use of Viferon and Kagocel, both medications work well together.


In combination with antibiotics, Kagocel plays important role. Under the influence of an antibiotic, the drug suppresses the development of pathogenic viruses, stimulating the body's response. At the same time, against the background of a plant inhibitor, the antibiotic destroys the weakened viral bacterium.

Treatment with Kagocel in tandem with antibiotics is prescribed by a doctor if there is a suspicion of the development of factors complicating the viral disease.


Despite the fact that both drugs have sufficient antiviral properties, it is not recommended to use them simultaneously, since Ignavirin has a number of contraindications when interacting with other antiviral drugs.


Conducted medical studies have proven high efficiency Kagocel when combined with Acyclovir - herpes manifestations in the observed patients disappeared on the third day from the onset of the disease. Patients noted a significant improvement in their condition, a decrease in pain, itching and burning in the area of ​​the blisters.

It is perfectly compatible with Kagocel due to its pronounced antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect. Since cycloferon has minor contraindications - the drug should be taken with caution by patients with liver and gastrointestinal disorders; before the course of treatment, you must consult a doctor to determine whether this compatibility is harmless to your body.


The action of Antigripin is based on the components of the drug - homeopathic substances of plant and mineral origin. This property works more as an advance – it reduces the tendency to infection by increasing the body’s immune resistance.

The main advantage of Antigrippin is its mild effect on the body and the complete absence of contraindications. In addition, the medicine is much cheaper than Kagocel and is approved for use in the treatment of children after one year.

Since the drug has a slow cycle of action, it is advisable to use a homeopathic remedy in combination with a more strong medicine, for example, Kagotselom.

Not everyone can afford to fork out for an expensive remedy for the flu or herpes. Cheap analogues are good, but as statistics show, the effects of drugs differ significantly from each other. In order not to make a mistake in choosing pharmacological proposals, do not be lazy to once again ask your therapist about substitutes expensive medicines. Kagocel is one of the high-quality analogues at a relatively inexpensive price. The effectiveness of this product has been proven by time and positive reviews from patients.

Instructions for use of the drug Kagocel will acquaint the consumer with all the necessary information on using it for treatment. The accompanying sheet gives a detailed description of the composition of the drug and its dosage form, and also informs about the terms and conditions of storage. In addition, indications for use and methods for its implementation are outlined. pharmacological action and the use of Kagocel by various categories of patients. Warning information is given about the side effects of the drug, contraindications and overdose. The instructions also provide information about drug interactions Kagocel with other medications and reviews from patients who have already used it for treatment.

Kagocel composition

The active substance of the drug is the substance Kagocel in the required concentration, which is supplemented with auxiliary components in the amount required to obtain a tablet weight of 100 milligrams. For this purpose, the substances taken were potato starch, calcium stearate and ludipress.

Kagocel release form

The drug is supplied to pharmacies in the form of round, biconvex tablets, which may have a creamy-brown color with inclusions. The container for the drug is cardboard packs, which contain a contour blister pack with a dozen tablets.

Storage period and conditions

The drug can be stored in ordinary shaded, dry rooms where the air temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. Storage and use of the drug is provided for two years. Children should not have access to Kagocel storage areas.


Kagocel is an antiviral drug and an inducer of interferon synthesis.

Taking the drug can cause the formation of a mixture of alpha and beta interferons in the body, which is called late interferon and has high activity against viruses.

Kagocel produces interferon in each of the body cell populations that take part in the antiviral response. Maximum value interferon entering the blood serum with Kagocel can be achieved after two days. That’s why the drug has such a long-lasting effect, because when taken regularly, the dynamics of interferon accumulation increases and it circulates in the bloodstream for at least four or five days.

The therapeutic dose of the drug Kagocel is non-toxic and does not have the ability to accumulate in the body. The drug has no mutagenic or tetratogenic properties. It also has neither carcinogenic nor embryotoxic effects.

If Kagocel was prescribed before the fourth day after the onset of acute infection the drug will still be able to effectively cope with it.

For preventive purposes, the drug is suitable at any time, especially after direct contact with a carrier of the infection has taken place.

Kagocel indications for use

The antiviral drug Kagocel is indicated for the treatment of influenza and colds, both in adult patients and in children over three years of age, as well as for preventive purposes. In addition, Kagocel is suitable for the treatment of herpes.


The use of the drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children under three years of age.

Also, those patients who suffer from treatment with the drug should be warned against hypersensitivity to its components and has deviations from the norm associated with lactose and its intolerance.

Kagocel application

Kagocel is taken orally.

How to take Kagocel for adults

Flu and ARVI

At the beginning of the disease, take two tablets three times a day for two days. In the following days, one piece three times a day. The duration of treatment is four days, during which 18 tablets should be taken.

Preventive measures against ARVI and influenza

It is advisable to carry out a seven-day cycle: two pieces per dose. Duration: five days. Repeat the cycle. The prophylactic course may take only a week, or may last several months.


To treat the infection, it is prescribed to take two pieces three times a day for five days. The duration of the treatment course is five days, during which you need to take 30 tablets.

Kagocel for children

Treatment of influenza and ARVI

Children from three to six years of age, take one tablet twice a day in the first two days from the onset of the disease. Then one piece per day. The duration of treatment is four days, where six tablets should be taken.

Children from six years of age, one piece three times a day from the onset of the disease during the first two days. Then take a tablet twice a day. Within 4 days you should take 10 tablets.

Prevention of ARVI and influenza

For preventive purposes, children of any age over three years are given weekly cycles: two days - one tablet and a break for five days. Then repeat the cycle according to the same pattern. The prophylactic course can be carried out either in one cycle or lasting several months.

Kagocel during pregnancy

Since the data about clinical studies The drug has not been tested for pregnant women and there is no data on this, it is better to refrain from using this drug for both women expecting a child and those who are breastfeeding a baby.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may occur as side effects when taking the drug, the occurrence of which should be reported to your doctor immediately.


In case of an overdose of Kagocel, the victim should be given assistance by prescribing plenty of fluids and then inducing vomiting.

Drug interactions

Simultaneous use the drug Kagocel with other antiviral drugs, as well as immunomodulatory agents and antibiotics is able to summarize them healing effect.

Additional instructions

In order for a positive therapeutic effect to be obtained from therapy with Kagocel, its use should be started no later than four days from the onset of the disease if the moment of its occurrence was missed for treatment.

The use of other antiviral drugs, as well as antibiotics and immunomodulatory agents in the treatment of Kagocel is encouraged.

Kagocel analogues

Like many medications, Kagocel has many substitutes on the pharmaceutical market that have a similar therapeutic effect. Strictly speaking, they cannot be considered analogues, since they have a different active composition, however, take on this role due to the ability to provide such a therapeutic effect.

Cheap analogs of Kagocel

For those patients who find Kagocel expensive, they can purchase cheaper analogues. Such drugs can also be found in any pharmacy. They are available without a doctor's prescription and will help with colds just as well. The antiviral drugs “Arbidol” and “Anaferon” have pharmacological properties similar to the drug Kagocel.

Arbidol or Kagocel

Among the many options for antiviral drugs, Arbidol is by far the most popular drug that replaces Kagocel. Both medications have similar therapeutic effects on the body in the fight against colds. Therefore, choosing between them can be quite difficult. Since both have a similar therapeutic effect and also have similar side effects, perhaps the patient can reserve the right to choose. However, many therapists are still inclined to believe that Kagocel can be recognized as a more proven drug in the field of treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI.

Kagocel price

The price of Kagocel may differ slightly depending on the region of residence, but on average it ranges from 250 to 300 rubles.

Kagocel reviews

Reviews about the drug Kagocel are mostly positive and, despite its cost, people prefer to be treated with it rather than buy analogues at a lower price. Many note the effectiveness of the drug even with delayed treatment, as well as a good preventive effect. Few people complain of a skin rash as a side effect of the drug, but these are few. Some advise not to refer to reviews of a drug when choosing it, but to consult a doctor, since reviews may be contradictory and left by unscrupulous people. For example, a person writes about the low therapeutic effect of a drug, but he himself is simply dissatisfied with its high cost and therefore makes too high demands, expecting instant healing. But that doesn't happen.

There are quite a lot of reviews, perhaps we will list some of them both from those patients who recommend the drug and those who express their dissatisfaction.

Zhanna: I bought the drug on the advice of my sister when I couldn’t recover from a cold. However, the drug did not help me. But my impression of him is twofold. Although it is believed that Kagocel is effective even with delayed treatment, I did not recover, although I managed to feel relief. Apparently I was too late with treatment. I had to go to the hospital and endure the agony of injections.

Bolshova I.: I got sick with the flu and, having gone to the clinic because I needed a sick leave, received a doctor’s prescription for the drug Kagocel. The first negative impression was that the course of treatment included the purchase of two packs, but I didn’t immediately pay attention to this and had to go for the second one. Secondly, no miracle happened, and I had to be sick for more than a week as usual with all the accompanying symptoms of a cold. With the same success, you could only drink tea with honey. I just wasted my money in vain. So I didn’t understand the essence of the purpose.

Victoria: One day, my husband and son became seriously ill during a flu epidemic, and I, before I had time to become infected, decided to urgently prevent the disease with enhanced preventive measures. I bought Kagocel on the advice of a pharmacist friend and started taking it. However, after reading reviews about it on the Internet, I was upset. I especially did not like the statement that the drug substances accumulate in the body. Then, after reading the instructions more carefully, I came to the conclusion that there was no reason for concern. It turns out that sometimes people express their dissatisfaction in a hidden form. The person regrets the money spent and begins to look for flaws in the drug. This is not only unfair, but can also be harmful because the review is about a medicine, and not about a detergent, after all. However, back to the point. I was satisfied with the drug because, while caring for my husband and son, I did not get sick and my goal, which I pursued by purchasing Kagocel, was achieved. Now I have taken note of the drug and will continue to use it. Moreover, my husband and son also became interested in prevention.

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Kagocel for colds: instructions for use

To defeat the first signs of a cold, doctors recommend taking antiviral drugs. They contain substances that enhance immune function, eliminate symptoms and fight the virus. One of these include Kagocel for colds.

Composition and properties of Kagocel

Kagocel is an antiviral drug, available in tablet form. It contains substances that practically do not cause side effects. They include.

  • Kagocel. An active substance that is a compound of synthetic origin. Its action is aimed at increasing the functioning of immune cells.
  • Calcium stearate.
  • Povidone.
  • Lactose monohydrate.
  • Starch.

The therapeutic property lies in chemical composition original component. The active substance is produced using a complex multi-stage synthesis of cellulose, which is obtained from polyphenol cotton seeds. The resulting substance is filtered using sodium organic salt. In terms of its composition, Kagocel has no similar analogues, since its therapeutic effect is based on the use of natural substances.

Proper use of Kagocel for colds brings a good therapeutic effect.

  1. Restoring damaged immune system.
  2. Strengthening the body's defenses.
  3. Resumption of the production of interferon, which has the ability to recognize pathogenic flora and react to it correctly.
  4. Accelerating the process of death and removal of harmful viruses from the body.
  5. Disruption of the proliferation of microbes that are susceptible to this remedy.
  6. Inactivation and removal of free radicals that can provoke the occurrence of tumor formations.

Indications for use of the drug Kagocel

Kagocel for colds is prescribed to children over three years of age and adults. The main indications include:

  • Colds.
  • Flu.
  • Herpes.
  • Chlamydia of urogenital nature.
  • Development of pneumonia for complex treatment.
  • Intestinal diseases.

The drug can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for preventive purposes.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Kagocel

Kagocel contains components of natural origin. But it still has a number of contraindications.

  1. Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Lactose intolerance deficiency.
  3. Glucose-galactose malabsorption.

You should take the drug with caution during pregnancy. Treatment should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Using the drug Kagocel for colds

The leaflet states that Kagocel should be taken orally for colds, flu and for preventive purposes. In this case, the tablet does not need to be swallowed or chewed. Your doctor will tell you how to take the drug and how much, based on individual characteristics body. The antiviral drug can be taken before or after eating.

Use of the medication by adults involves taking two tablets up to three times a day. This treatment process continues for two days. After this, for another two days you need to take one tablet up to three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is four days. During this time, the patient needs to take eighteen tablets.

If an antiviral agent is used for preventive measures, then the course consists of two stages. The first stage of administration is considered active. At this time, the patient needs to take two tablets once a day for two days. The second stage is passive and involves a short break that lasts for five days. At this time, the therapeutic effect is realized. After this, the course can be repeated.

The use of the drug for children depends on the age of the child. Children from three to six years old are prescribed to take one tablet up to two times a day for two days. In the next two days, it is recommended to take the drug one tablet once a day. The duration of the treatment course is four days. For children over six years of age, the drug is prescribed one tablet up to three times a day in the first two days. Then the medicine should be taken one tablet up to two times a day.

As a preventative measure, children are recommended to drink one tablet once a day. The course lasts two days. After some time it can be repeated.

Treatment of herpes with Kagocel

Herpes is one of the well-known viruses that occurs in almost every person. It occurs in the same way as a cold, due to weakened immune function. It is believed that Kagocel can help not only with colds and flu, but also with the development of herpes. Many studies have been conducted and it turned out that the use of an antiviral drug along with acyclovir led to complete elimination of symptoms within three days. At the same time, the number of relapses also decreased by almost half.

Features of treatment with Kagocel for children

In childhood, medications must be taken with extreme caution. In most cases, Kagocel taken can cause allergic manifestation in a child. This effect occurs as a result of the fact that in childhood the formation of immune function is still underway. Therefore, doctors extremely rarely prescribe this drug.

Anaferon or Ergoferon may be recommended instead. They contain interferon, which is not foreign to the body. As a result, such drugs cause virtually no side effects. Anaferon can be given to children from the first month of life. Ergoferon is recommended for use in children from six months. Another excellent remedy is Children's Antigrippin. It can be taken by children from one year of age, pregnant and lactating women. This drug is a homeopathic remedy that has no side effects.

With the timely use of antiviral drugs for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes in childhood, the development of complications can be avoided. But it should be remembered that drugs in this group cannot be used more than three times a year.

Interaction of Kagocel with other drugs

Kagocel for colds can be taken with other medications that have an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. It can also be used when antibacterial therapy, because thanks to the combination of drugs, the therapeutic effect is greater.

For the medication to have a greater effect, it is recommended to take it at the first sign of a cold. It is believed that Kagocel is one of the few drugs that can be taken even with delayed treatment. Indeed, the remedy helps the body quickly recover and avoid complications. But it must be used no later than the fourth day of illness.

It is also worth noting that Kagocel has no analogues, since it contains unique components.

Instructions for use of Kagocel tablets for colds

During treatment colds It is so important to recognize the symptoms in time. The success of the treatment and its duration depend on how quickly you react to the signals that will be received. Today there are drugs that treat colds. large number. Each manufacturer guarantees instant results. It is very difficult to choose a truly effective medication, but there is one proven one, whose name is Kagocel.

  • 1 Effect of the drug
  • 2 How to take
  • 3 Does it help with colds?

Effect of the drug

When developing the drug, a component such as Kagocel was used. the drug is completely synthetic and has no analogues. The composition also contains auxiliary components, indifferent components for weight. At the pharmacy you can buy the drug in the form of biconvex dragees, covered with a white or cream coating. Each tablet contains 12 mg of the main component. By purchasing a package, you will immediately receive 10 tablets.

In terms of use, such packaging is not entirely convenient. The prepackaged quantity of tablets goes out very quickly, so you have to buy the drug often, because for successful treatment You will need at least 2 packs.

As for the therapeutic effect, when using the medication there is active process production of interferons. Precisely those interferons that are formed by human organisms during flu or colds.

Kagocel is a drug that is characterized by an antiviral effect. This is a kind of inducer of interferon synthesis. When taking a medication, a mixture of alpha and beta interferons may be formed in the body. It is this tandem that has high activity against pathogens pathological process.

With the help of Kagocel, it is possible to produce interferon in each of the populations of body cells that participate in the antiviral response. The maximum concentration of the active component of the drug in the blood is reached after 2 days.

Based on this, it is possible to obtain a long-term positive effect with regular use of Kagocel. Thus, the dynamics of interferon concentration increases, and it moves in the bloodstream for about 4-5 days.

The therapeutic dosage of the drug does not have a toxic effect on the body. In addition, the active components of the drug do not accumulate in the body. No mutations were noted in the drug in question. In addition, it is not characterized by carcinogenic and embryotoxic effects.

You can use the drug and get a positive effect provided that therapy with its participation was started within a period of up to 4 days from the moment the acute infection developed. At this time, the medication is still able to cope with pathogens. The medicine can be used for preventive purposes, and especially after there has been direct contact with a carrier of the infection.

This article will help you understand which antibiotics should be used for colds in 2-year-old children and how to choose them.

How colds without fever are treated, and which medications are the best, will help you understand this information.

Here's what folk remedies Should you take it for colds, and how to choose the right one necessary remedy, is described in great detail in this article.

But how a child is treated at the first signs of a cold, and what needs to be used first, can be found out from the contents in this article.

How to take

The drug is taken orally. Swallow the tablet immediately, do not chew or crush. Then drink with enough water. Kagocel is taken regardless of food intake. Its dosage and duration of treatment should be determined only by the attending physician. At the same time, he takes into account the patient’s age, the course of the cold and the symptoms present.

When treating colds in adults, the drug is prescribed 2 tablets 2 times a day.

The course of therapy will be 2 days, and then the drug is used 1 tablet 3 times a day. Extend therapy for another 4 days. In total, you need to drink 18 tablets during the course of treatment. To cure a herpes infection, take the drug 2 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of therapy will be 5 days.

You can take the medicine for preventive purposes. For adults, when preventing colds and flu, the drug is prescribed in cycles: 2 days - 2 tablets once a day, 5 days - do not take the drug. The general course of therapy is from 7 days to a couple of months. All this time, use the medication, repeating 7-day cycles.

On video tablets for colds kagocel:

For young patients over 6 years of age, when treating acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, take the medicine 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of treatment will be 2 weeks. Then take 1 tablet 2 times a day. Continue therapy for 4 days. For the entire course of treatment, take 10 tablets.

For the prevention of ARVI and influenza in children over 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed in a 7-day cycle. Initially, take 1 tablet once a day for 2 days. Then you don’t need to take anything for 5 days. The general course of therapy will be 1 week – 2 months. If positive dynamics are not observed, then you need to consult a doctor.

How effective paracetamol is for colds, and how it should be used, is described in great detail in this article.

But you can understand how to use Cycloferon for colds, and what reviews exist from consumers of this medicine if you follow this link.

How to use Viferon suppositories for pregnant women for colds, and what reviews there are about the use of this medicine, this information will help you understand.

But whether Nimesil helps against colds, and in what cases it should be used, is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to know whether Aspirin helps against colds, and how effective the remedy is, detailed here in the article.

Does it help with colds?

Before taking any drug for a cold, you need to make sure it is effective. The medication is based on components that help stop the infectious process. And, as you know, a cold occurs directly when a pathogen enters the body.

Thus, Kagocel is not a symptomatic drug, since its action is not aimed at eliminating symptoms, but at stopping the cause of the pathological process.

Answering the question of whether Kagocel helps with colds, we can say with confidence that it helps. But positive effects can only be noticed with timely treatment. The instructions for the drug indicate that Kagocel is able to cope with the disease only if therapy was started before 4 days from the formation of the first signs. In addition to treatment, the drug can act as a prophylaxis. You can take the medicine immediately after you have had contact with a person who is sick.

On the video, does Kagocel help with colds:

In addition, the positive effect of treatment is influenced by side effects. When using the medication in question, they occur extremely rarely and are expressed in the form of nausea, allergies, and headaches. If they are severe, then stop taking the medication.

Kagocel is an antiviral drug that is in great demand today in the treatment of colds. In this case, both adults and children can carry out treatment. The dosage of the medication, although indicated in the instructions, depends on factors such as the patient’s age, the degree of the disease and symptoms.

Instructions for use of Kagocel tablets

Kagocel instructions for use of the tablet indicate that the medicine alleviates the course of a cold, shortens its duration, and also prevents the development of complications.

Throughout their lives, people sometimes get sick, and they have to be treated with pharmaceutical drugs, the high effectiveness of which does not always correspond to their harmlessness. Among the most popular medicinal compositions The leading Russian-made product is Kagocel, an antiviral drug that demonstrates positive treatment results at any stage of a cold.

Group of drugs

Kagocel belongs to the pharmacological group of antiviral as well as immunomodulatory effects. Once in the human body, the drug stimulates the synthesis of its own endogenous interferon. Kagocel instructions for use of the tablet indicate that the medicine alleviates the course of a cold, shortens its duration, and also prevents the development of complications.

Release form

According to the instructions, the Kagocel round tablet contains 12 mg of the active substance, supplemented with auxiliary components. The tablets are located on a cell blister in the amount of 10 pieces. No prescription required to purchase.

Uniqueness of the active substance

The action of a cold medicine is aimed at stimulating the human body’s synthesis of its own antiviral proteins, interferons, but without the threat of overdose. The basis of the product is a natural cotton polymer combined with a cellulose molecule. The symbiosis of biologically active components ensures the uniqueness of the therapeutic effects of direct and indirect action.

By the way, mass production of a cold medicine called “Kagocel” was launched in 2005 thanks to the developer - Russian company"Nearmedic Plus"

Features of the action

  1. The production of endogenous interferon does not stop 5 days from the start of treatment. Its maximum concentration in the blood is detected after 48 hours.
  2. A certain part of the substance is accumulated by the liver. However, evacuation of Kagocel from the body occurs through the intestines (90%), only 10% is excreted by the kidneys.
  3. Treatment of colds with Kagocel in recommended doses does not result in toxic effects. The substance is not able to accumulate in the body.
  4. In addition to herpes and influenza viruses, Kagocel's activity also affects pathogenic microorganisms of the protozoan class (chlamydia).
  5. Taking Kagocel provides the greatest effectiveness in the early stages of a cold. The product is effective when connected at any stage of therapy.

Indications for use

Kagocel is included in the treatment regimen for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in the adult population. For children, cold medicine is prescribed only after three years of age, and in some cases after six. The instructions for use of the product indicate that for adults, Kagocel tablets are also relevant in the treatment of herpes.

Interestingly, there have been no mass studies to evaluate the therapeutic effect of the drug, so its popularity is limited to the post-Soviet space. The cure for colds has not received worldwide recognition.

Instructions: for whom the drug is contraindicated

  • Pregnant and lactating women during lactation.
  • Children under three years of age.
  • People suffering from lactose and glucose intolerance, lactase deficiency.
  • For those who react negatively to the components of the drug.

Standard assignment schemes

Kagocel instructions for use of cold tablets indicate that the drug is taken orally, without being tied to food intake. At the initial stage of the disease, Kagocel becomes an obstacle to the further development and spread of the virus.

Fighting colds, flu and ARVI

  • Adults are prescribed 2 tablets for the first two days. three times a day. Over the next two days, take 1 tablet three times a day. The duration of the course is 4 days, you will need 18 tablets.
  • For therapy with Kagocel, children from three to six years old are prescribed 1 tablet during the first two days. twice a day. For the next two days, take 1 tablet once a day. Course duration: 4 days, 6 tablets in total.
  • The treatment regimen for children from six years of age is to drink 1 tablet for two days. three times a day, then take 1 tablet for two days, but twice a day. For 4 days of use you will need 10 Kagocel tablets.

Fighting herpes in adults

Course of therapy herpetic infection designed for five days - you should take 2 tablets three times a day. For a full course you will need 30 tablets.

Preventive measures

  • Adults take Kagocel in cycles of 7 days. The cycle consists of two days of taking 2 tablets. once a day plus a break for 5 days, then repeat. You can take Kagocel in courses for several months.
  • Children are prescribed prophylaxis from the age of three, also in courses of 7 days, but for two days, 1 tablet. plus 5 days break. Prevention can be carried out for several months.

Possibility of side effects

Instructions for use of Kagocel warns of a small likelihood of allergic reactions after taking cold tablets.

List of special instructions

  1. Signs of overdose are relieved by drinking plenty of fluids to induce vomiting, the instructions say.
  2. Kagocel interacts with other antiviral drugs, as well as immunomodulators. When combined with antibiotics, it enhances their effect.
  3. The tablets are taken orally and should not be chewed. You need to drink it with water.
  4. The shelf life of the medicine is four years. For storage, choose places protected from light, inaccessible to children, storage temperature no higher than 25°C.
  5. How does treatment of colds with Kagocel affect interaction with complex mechanisms, has not been studied, as written in the instructions.

Interesting fact: the unique Kagocel gained wide popularity thanks to active and sometimes even aggressive marketing. However, the effectiveness of the active substance is not documented. This blocks access to the global pharmaceutical space, despite the evidence of increased interferon production after taking Kagocel.