Providing medical assistance during hikes. Tourist's Pocket Guide

Food poisoning– a frequent companion of any hikes, even the shortest ones. In survival conditions, even the simplest poisoning can become a serious problem, since calling an ambulance and entrusting your health to professionals will not be possible. Therefore we will have to make do on our own and means.

It is not so much food poisoning that is dangerous to human life, but its consequences, namely weakness, intoxication, stomach upset, loss of water and mineral elements. In such a state, a person in extreme conditions, it becomes difficult to survive because he cannot get food and water, build shelter, and so on. Moreover, being in a weakened state, a person can become prey for predatory animals.

First, let's find out why food poisoning occurs. First, spoiled or inedible food enters the human body. After a couple of hours, food from the stomach enters the intestines, where bacteria begin to multiply. Toxins and poisons produced by them are absorbed through the intestinal walls. This is how the process of poisoning the human body occurs.

Symptoms of food poisoning include weakness, elevated temperature, vomiting and diarrhea. The last two symptoms are dangerous because the human body becomes dehydrated very quickly. And in a dehydrated state, especially in extreme conditions, a person will not be able to last long.

Main and a necessary condition At the first sign of food poisoning, gastric lavage is performed. To do this, you need to drink one and a half to two liters of water. If you have potassium permanganate in your travel first aid kit, you can make a weak solution of it. It is also necessary to induce vomiting if it does not start on its own. In this way, most of the pathogens and toxins produced by them will be removed from the body.

Next step action– taking absorbents that bind bacteria and help remove them from the body. Absorbents primarily include activated carbon, as well as other drugs.

Finally, after the harmful microbes have been eliminated from the body, it needs restore the balance of fluids and salts. Rehydron and other drugs that replenish lost electrolytes are suitable for this. If you don’t find such medicines in your travel first aid kit, you can prepare a saline solution. It is done very simply: add one teaspoon to 1 liter of water. table salt and 4-5 tablespoons of sugar. If you have food poisoning, you generally need to drink as much as possible.

Do not forget that in case of poisoning you need to follow a gentle diet and not eat heavy foods. Otherwise, the overloaded digestive organs may fail again.

Drawing conclusions. IN hiking conditions You need to choose your food very carefully to avoid food poisoning. If the quality of food is in doubt, then it should be taken only as a last resort, if the threat of starvation looms ahead. But even in this case, all precautions must be taken to primary processing. In addition, your travel first aid kit must contain activated carbon and potassium permanganate. These products will help not only with food poisoning, but will be useful for disinfecting water and primary treatment of wounds. (With)

The victim should also be provided with complete rest and given the opportunity to recuperate. Well, that's basically it. Further treatment depends on the condition of the travel first aid kit. It's good if there are some hepatoprotectors- the same Essentiale Forte - 2 capsules 3 times a day. Any toxins hit the liver - the sooner you start fighting their effects, the better. If there is Mezim or other drugs that normalize digestion and intestinal microflora- Great.

Complications. In mild cases, the patient does not even need these two days of rest. Unfortunately, things can be much worse and more dangerous. If the following symptoms are observed:

Pain in the liver, kidneys, pelvic organs;
- high temperature, which does not subside for a long time;
- vomiting and diarrhea lasting more than two days,

then it is best to take the victim to the hospital as quickly as possible and provide him with qualified medical care. How to do this is another question.

Diagnosis. First we need to determine that we are really dealing with food poisoning. Typical symptoms are:

Nausea and repeated vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- weakness and dizziness;
- possible increase in temperature;
- painful cramps in the stomach area.

All this does not begin immediately after eating, but after some time. Minimum - half an hour. Maximum - the next day. On average - 4-6 hours. This period is usually enough to determine the cause of poisoning. This must be done immediately, since quick identification of the infectious agent will help prevent new poisonings. In addition, this will allow us to determine whether we are dealing with foodborne illness or toxic poisoning. The actions in each of these cases are different. If you can fight a toxic infection on your own, then chemical toxins hit the liver so hard that without qualified help a person may not be saved.

Separately, I would like to tell you about something else, extremely dangerous disease, which at first is easily confused with ordinary food poisoning - about botulism. The causative agent is the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium botulinum. Source - low-quality canned food. And since canned food occupies a dominant place in the diet of tourists, the risk of infection is higher. The beginning is similar - vomiting, weakness, fever, diarrhea.

But as the gastrointestinal symptoms subside, a new one appears - paralytic. Visual impairment, manifested by “floaters” in front of the eyes and poor discrimination of nearby objects; complete intestinal atony, severe dryness in the mouth, partial paralysis of the facial muscles while maintaining sensitivity. The muscles of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles are also subject to paralysis. There is no need to specify what this may lead to.

Treat it in field conditions impossible - systematic administration of antitoxic serum is required, intravenous administration electrolytes and artificial ventilation lungs. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize botulism in time initial stages and transport the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible. (With)

Starting to try various plants, their seeds, unknown berries, and especially mushrooms, a person can be poisoned. At the first signs of poisoning, in addition to the actions described, you should use one of the following recipes. Calamus (root), flowers and fruits of bird cherry - 1:2, knotweed, elecampane, sage, St. John's wort, black currant, gray alder - 1:5, meadow geranium, burnet - 1:7, cinquefoil erect , greater celandine, common yarrow, common tansy, horseradish – 1:10.

A decoction of the listed plants is used, where the ratio of parts of the plant in proportion to parts of water is used. These decoctions have anti-inflammatory, astringent, and fixing properties. They should be taken one sip every half hour for 3 hours in a row. After a 3-4 hour break, use the decoction again. To achieve the effect or at least reduce the risk of more severe poisoning, this decoction should be taken within 3-5 days. (With)

You should take only the most necessary things on a hike. Depending on the duration of the hike, they can be: soap, cologne, towel, utensils for water and cooking, needle, knife, hatchet, flashlight, coil of rope, first aid kit. You can do without some of these things, but a first aid kit or a set of medications must include: antiseptic and dressing materials, iodine, potassium permanganate, streptocide and other necessary drugs.

Medicines are placed in a waterproof plastic bag. It is best to carry the necessary things in a backpack. When placing them in the backpack, the heaviest and most uneven things are placed at the bottom, soft ones are placed towards the back, those that will be needed first are placed on top, sharp and cutting objects (knife, ax, etc.) should be kept in cases, and in the backpack Place it in such a way as to prevent injury from a fall. Where it is not possible or not allowed to light a fire, you can use portable stoves and gas stoves, strictly observing, of course, the rules of use.

When struck by lightning it is necessary to rub the skin of the limbs and torso very vigorously, a well-injured person should be given a sniff ammonia If necessary, artificial respiration and cardiac massage should be performed. It is unacceptable to bury the victim or cover him with earth.

Lightning can be linear, rocket, bead, ribbon, and, finally, ball. Linear, rocket, bead, tape - these are spark discharges of the most different shapes, A ball lightning is a fireball with a diameter of about 10 cm (at the surface of the earth). Typically, ball lightning moves slowly, silently or with a slight crackling or hissing sound. Lasts up to half a minute. It can penetrate into buildings through cracks, chimneys, and pipes. Sometimes it explodes with a deafening crash and a bright flash. Of all the trees, lightning strikes the oak most often. Out of 100 lightning strikes, oak accounts for 54 hits, poplar - 24, pine - 6, linden - 2, acacia - 1, but it is not safe to hide under any lonely tree during a thunderstorm.

Bite danger small non-venomous animal is that when bitten, infection from decomposed food debris can enter the wound. Therefore, the bite wound must be immediately washed with any disinfectant.

If there is no source or stream nearby, but only a silted pond or swamp, you should dig a hole on its shore, gradually it will be filled with filtered water, the water must be completely scooped out 2-3 times, after which you can quench your thirst. A reliable way to disinfect water is boiling. Sometimes you can use a few drops of iodine or crystals of potassium permanganate for this purpose.

In forest and field mountain conditions, dislocations of joints, injuries, poisoning, etc. sometimes occur.

The first thing from which no one is safe in the forest is splinter. It is removed with a needle, after wiping both the finger and the needle with cologne or alcohol. The skin around the wound is lubricated with iodine.

Minor scratches and wounds treated with iodine, bandaged with a sterile bandage, or, in extreme cases, with a clean white cloth, or, especially on the face, covered with a plaster.

Contamination of the wound, especially with soil, can lead to serious illnesses(blood poisoning, tetanus, etc.). Therefore, the first aid provider must disinfect his hands (with soap, cologne or alcohol), lubricate the skin around the wound (but not the wound itself) with iodine, and only then apply a sterile dressing so that it completely covers the wound. If there is bleeding, a pad from a first aid bag or a sterile bandage rolled up in several layers is first applied to the wound, after which the wound is bandaged. The bandage should fit snugly, but not squeeze the body, so as not to disrupt blood circulation. When applying a bandage, the bandage should not be held in the air; it should be rolled over the skin. To prevent the bandage from turning around the leg when applied, the end of the bandage is lifted up after the first turn and pressed with a new turn. If there is no sterile material for the dressing, as a last resort, you can use a clean piece of linen fabric, holding it over the fire for a few seconds.

Applies to bruises and contusions pressure bandage And cold compress(for example, a bag of ice, snow or cold water), keep it on the bandage for an hour and a half, changing it as it warms up, without a bandage - 15-20 minutes.

With a head injury the person may lose consciousness, indicating a concussion. In this case, the victim is placed on his back, head slightly raised, and a cold compress is applied.

Often, as a result of a sharp turn, an unsuccessful jump, or other poorly calculated movements, a person can sprain his ligaments. Signs of a sprain: pain in the joint (sharp when moving), swelling, bruise. Sharp pain in the joint, change in the shape of the joint, swelling, unnatural position of the arm or leg indicate a dislocation of the joint. When spraining or dislocating, first of all it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the limb. To do this, a tight bandage is applied to the damaged joint, and a splint is placed on top. A cold compress is advisable.

More complex injuries with fractures bones - closed or open, i.e. with a wound at the fracture site. A sign of a fracture is acute pain, which sharply intensifies when you touch a limb or when trying to change its unnatural position. In this case, conditions should be created for complete immobility of the damaged organ.

A splint made of inflexible material is applied to the fracture site - a branch, a board, a ski pole, an umbrella, a bundle of willow twigs or reed stems, even straw. The splint should capture the nearest joints, between which the broken bone is located, apply a splint with outside. To prevent it from putting pressure on the limb, it is wrapped in soft material. If the clavicle is fractured, the arm bent at the elbow is suspended in a sling.

In the forest there is always something to make a tire out of, but if an accident occurs on the way to the forest and there is no material, then the broken leg must be bandaged to the healthy one, and the arm bent at the elbow to the body.

At open fracture and other injuries accompanied by wounds, the bleeding must first be stopped. If it is minor, a tight bandage on the wound is sufficient. To terminate heavy bleeding(and this must be done as quickly as possible, otherwise a person may die if there is a large loss of blood) they tighten the limb with a rubber tourniquet or made from a bandage, scarf, rope, belt, towel, etc. The tourniquet is applied correctly, if the bleeding stops, the limb can be felt becomes cool.

For quick stop bleeding(while the tourniquet is being prepared) you need to press it with your fingers blood vessel to the bone above the bleeding area. Significant force is required to compress the artery, so the tourniquet should be applied as quickly as possible. Apply a tourniquet for an hour and a half. During this time, the victim must be taken to a medical center. If this is not possible, then after an hour and a half, and in cold weather after half an hour, pressing the artery with your fingers, loosen the tourniquet or remove it completely and apply it again when the limb becomes warmer and pinker. An effective way stopping bleeding - maximum bending of the limb in the joint above the wound and fixing it in this position.

When providing first aid V in this case You should not wash the wound, pull out pieces of clothing from it, or set bone fragments. The victim should be seated, or even better, laid down, since even with minor wounds, being able nervous excitement, pain, the sight of blood, a person may lose consciousness. The person who has lost consciousness is laid down so that the head is slightly lower than the legs, the collar is unbuttoned, the belt is loosened, water is splashed in the face, and a cotton swab moistened with ammonia is brought to the nose. If this does not help, artificial respiration is performed.

As soon as the victim regains consciousness, you should give him some warm wine or valerian drops (if you have them in your first aid kit). Excessive fussiness, loud conversation, discussion of the injury and the victim’s condition have a very unfavorable effect on the victim, so this should be avoided.

In sunny or heatstroke , the signs of which are headache, general weakness, dizziness, nausea, redness of the skin, intense sweating, rapid pulse and breathing, finally, loss of consciousness and convulsions, the victim should be moved to the shade, his clothes should be unbuttoned, a cold compress should be placed on his head and chest, and he should be given cold water to drink. To prevent heat and sunstroke, it is recommended to wear light, loose and light clothing, preferably linen or wool, and a hat is required.

For nosebleeds The victim should be seated, tilt his head forward and insert cotton swabs into his nostrils, squeeze his nose with his fingers, then tilt his head back, unfasten his collar, and place a cold compress or snow on the bridge of his nose.

When making a fire, using a portable gas stove, or staying in the sun for a long time, you can get skin burns. The first step is to remove the source of heat or stop using it. If clothing catches fire, immediately extinguish it (tear it off, pour water on it). Clothing that has stuck to the burnt body should not be torn off; it is better to cut it off around the burn. To make it easier painful sensations and to prevent infection, a bandage soaked in alcohol or cologne should be applied to the burned surface, and if they are not available, a dry sterile bandage should be applied. You cannot lubricate the burn site with any ointment, oil, or fat, as this increases the risk of infectious inflammation. It is strictly forbidden to crush, pierce, or cut blisters at the burn site.

In winter, when there is severe frost, damp cold weather, wearing tight or wet clothes and shoes, or a weakened body, frostbite can occur. The faster and more vigorously the frostbitten person is warmed up, the lesser the consequences. The frozen one should be brought into warm room, undress, rub the frostbitten area with your hands, cotton wool, soft cloth until reddened and lubricate with any fat. Frostbitten (whitened) exposed parts of the body (nose, cheeks) are rubbed until red with your hands, first in the cold, and then indoors. You can also rub it with cologne or alcohol. It is not recommended to do this with snow or gloves; it can injure the skin and cause infection. The frostbitten hand or foot is wiped with alcohol, then immersed in warm water (20-38°C), rubbing it lightly all the time. After the skin turns red, wipe it dry, lubricate it with fat, and apply a dry warming bandage. If the victim does not regain consciousness, he is given ammonia to sniff and, if necessary, artificial respiration is performed. The victim who has regained consciousness is given hot tea or coffee and covered warmly.

For acute food poisoning The victim should first of all induce vomiting, then rinse the stomach with warm water. It is necessary to rinse until the water pouring out of the stomach during vomiting becomes clear. After this, the victim is given water prepared in a special way (so-called protein water) to drink - stir two egg yolks or strong tea. Then they urgently transport him to the hospital, preventing the victim from falling asleep.

Food poisoning is easy to prevent. It is caused by the consumption of stale foods, poisonous mushrooms, and poor-quality canned food. Canned food that is not sealed properly should not be consumed. If the swelling on the lid of a can does not disappear after pressing, the products from it should not be consumed.

An important task of first aid in accidents is to quickly and correctly transport the victim to the nearest medical facility. In the absence of transport, the victim is carried using straps, on the arms, on the shoulder, on the back, on an improvised stretcher made from improvised material (poles, boards, raincoats, etc.). The stretcher-bearers do not have to keep pace, this way the stretcher becomes less loose, and this is better for the victim. When transferring on hard objects, place something soft (hay, clothes, etc.) under the victim. In some cases, the victim can move independently, leaning on a friend and using a stick.

This article is dedicated to first aid for hiking, and we really hope that its contents will never be useful to you in real life.

Practice shows that it is not much more dangerous in the mountains than in the city. Let's just say that the dangers on hikes are slightly different, and therefore you should prepare for them. There is a book published back in the nineties of the last century called “ Medical reference tourist”, and to this day many of its postulates have not lost their relevance. It would also be a good idea to attend a first aid course, where you will be taught how to apply a splint, bandage wounds and many other useful things. But even if you have done all this, think about this: doctors in institutes are trained for six years and even after that it is quite difficult to find a good doctor in clinics. Therefore, the acquired knowledge should be applied with the greatest caution and only when absolutely necessary.

First aid equipment for a hike

The most important means of providing first aid on a hike is mobile phone. Just take with you another, inexpensive mobile phone, the battery charge of which will last for ten days, and do not turn it on, keeping it in a dry place. The SIM card of this phone must contain the numbers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescuers and ambulances. This is your emergency communication channel with the outside world. There are places in the mountains where there is no connection, but almost always a couple of hours of walking is enough to get to a place where there is a network and you can call rescuers. You can always negotiate with them, convince them, ask them, etc. Yes, then you will receive a bill in the mail for a helicopter flight, which you will need to work for a year to pay for, but life is worth it. So the phone is the most important means of providing first aid on a hike.

There is an article on our website “”, which describes in sufficient detail what to take with you regarding medications. Here we will only remind you that you will definitely need: an antiseptic (iodine, alcohol, peroxide or any other), activated carbon, cotton wool and bandage, bactericidal patch, burn ointment and elastic bandage- the minimum that you should take if you are going on a hike without a professional instructor who has a first aid kit. But even if you have an instructor with you, don’t forget about personal first aid kit. There are people who suffer from allergies or asthma, and girls should remember that due to stress they may develop symptoms earlier. critical days, and therefore everyone knows what he needs to take on a hike, the main thing is not to forget it.

Methods of providing first aid while hiking

Almost all methods of providing first aid while hiking serious injuries boil down to the fact that you, one way or another, help the person get to the hospital. There can be no talk of any operations in field conditions. You can either walk to the track or country road where will he pick you up? ambulance, or you will call the rescue service with a helicopter. But there are still cases when a person can continue traveling despite a minor injury.

What can happen to a person on a hike and what kind of help should be provided in these circumstances?

Burns. If you have a first-degree burn - that is, just redness of the skin, just apply cream to the damaged area and stay in the shade. The second degree is blisters; under no circumstances should they be punctured, just rinse with an antiseptic, apply a bandage and ointment (if you have one). We will not consider the third and fourth degrees here; with them you definitely need to see a doctor, you can only cover the damaged area with a bandage.

Frostbite. Even simple hypothermia can lead to serious consequences(inflammation of nerves, muscles), and real frostbite leads to loss of body parts. Remember, you are hiking to have fun, not to risk your health. Therefore, as soon as you feel hypothermia, immediately sound the alarm, stop, warm up and leave the race if your equipment is not able to protect you from the cold on this hike.

Scratches and cuts. Minor scratches, such as those caused by physical contact with a blackberry bush, can simply be washed with hydrogen peroxide. More serious cuts should be treated with iodine or peroxide along the edges of the wound, and then bandaged tightly. In this case, you need to look at the circumstances: how much the bandage swells with blood; if it swells too much, you need to leave the route. Serious wounds are not something to be trifled with, first apply a tight bandage, and then we drop everything and head to the hospital.

If something sticks out of the body. Knife, branch, twig and more. The main thing is not to remove it, because this object clogs damaged vessels. Try to get the person with this item to the hospital.

Bruises, dislocations, sprains and fractures. All these injuries are quite difficult to distinguish from each other, because it is not for nothing that the hospital always prescribes an x-ray. It is best to immobilize the injured limb above and below the fracture, and then move towards the hospital. There is only one exception - slight sprains, with which you can continue the hike. Continue hiking through sharp pain we don't recommend it.

Other emergency situations are resolved in a similar way. If you can continue the hike without too much inconvenience, continue; if not, it is best to focus the group's efforts on transporting you to an ambulance. Remember the main thing - the hike should be enjoyable, because it is a vacation, albeit an active one, and therefore never hesitate to stop the group on the march and state your problem.

The human body is a rather fragile mechanism that is extremely easy to spoil or break. But if in the city, in case of illness, you can simply go to the doctor or call an ambulance, then on a multi-day hike you have to rely solely on your own strength and knowledge. Therefore it is much easier and more convenient problems prevent with health. Avoid hypothermia and injury, protect yourself from and, do not eat suspicious or no less suspicious-looking food. But no matter how careful you are, accidents still happen. So, what to do if someone gets poisoned while hiking?

Food poisoning while hiking


First we need to determine that we are really dealing with food poisoning. Typical symptoms are:

  • nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • possible increase in temperature;
  • painful cramps in the stomach area.

All this does not begin immediately after eating, but after some time. Minimum - half an hour. Maximum - the next day. On average - 4-6 hours. This period is usually enough to determine the cause of poisoning. This must be done immediately, since quick identification of the infectious agent will help prevent new poisonings.

In addition, this will allow us to determine whether we are dealing with foodborne illness or toxic poisoning. The actions in each of these cases are different. If you can fight a toxic infection on your own, then chemical toxins hit the liver so hard that without qualified help a person may not be saved.

Fine. The source was found and eliminated. There is poisoning. What's next?

First aid

It doesn't matter how much time has passed! The first thing to do is rinse the stomach a large number water. If you have salt on hand (2 tablespoons per 5 liters), soda (1 teaspoon per liter) or potassium permanganate (weak, pale pink solution; just weak - all you need to do is burn the mucous membrane high concentration) - Great. In principle, even weak soap solution suitable for these purposes. You need at least 10 liters of warm water. Precisely warm, so as not to overcool the body.

It would be optimal to make a stop at the source and organize a large-scale operation - it was not enough to introduce an infection into the weakened body, which can live in fresh water bodies. If you have any in your inventory, even better. Significant savings of precious time.

So. It is necessary to rinse the stomach until the rinsing waters are absolutely clean. You need to drink up to 5 glasses of water at a time, after which you induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Okay, everything has been washed.

Next comes the turn enterosorbents. Banal activated carbon or the more modern Enterosgel will absorb the remnants of toxins and prevent their further entry into the blood. These drugs simply must be present in any traveling first aid kit. If there are no drugs, there is another way - cook a thick rice broth, it works in general the same way as Enterosgel, and is also nutritious.

Well, we took the tablets (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) or the gel (1 tablespoon), washed it down with warm water, repeated the procedure several times (in the case of a decoction, you can, of course, not drink anything). They wrapped the victim in a blanket and placed him in a comfortable place.

Now they will have to deal with the consequences for at least 2 days before the victim can somehow continue their journey. The first day he should not eat anything at all - only boiled water, weak (preferably green) tea and fruit drink. Or... the same rice water, which, in general, has the same nutritional value as rice, so that, in general, if there is rice and the ability to cook it, the poisoned person will not die of hunger. You just don’t need to feed him rice itself - only liquid food is recommended. From the second day you can give broths.

If your first aid kit contains any saline solutions- for example, Regidron or something similar (they are produced in the form of powders, so they weigh a little) - even better. Great way combating the loss of salts and electrolytes. Give at the rate of 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight after each loose stool. You need to drink slowly - at least an hour, preferably three. This is necessary so that salts and electrolytes are completely absorbed by the body. If you are too lazy to calculate milliliters and weight, just try diluting such a concentrate that the patient will not refuse to take because of the specific taste. According to the instructions, Regidron is diluted 1 packet per 1 liter of water.

In general, Regidron helps in any situation, and in case of poisoning you can, in general, drink it instead rice water. If you stretch a liter of Regidron with breaks for green tea for the whole day, you won’t even want to eat.

The victim should also be provided with complete rest and given the opportunity to recuperate. Well, that's basically it. Further treatment depends on the condition. It’s good if there are some hepatoprotectors - the same Essentiale Forte - 2 capsules 3 times a day. Any toxins hit the liver - the sooner you start fighting their effects, the better. If you have Mezim or other drugs that normalize digestion and intestinal microflora, that’s great.

Complications of poisoning

In mild cases, the patient does not even need these two days of rest. Unfortunately, things can be much worse and more dangerous. If the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain in the liver, kidneys, pelvic organs;
  • high temperature that does not subside for a long time;
  • vomiting and diarrhea lasting more than two days,

then it is best to take the victim to the hospital as quickly as possible and provide him with qualified medical care. How to do this is another question. We will definitely write about transporting victims in the field, but in another article.

Separately, I would like to talk about another, extremely dangerous disease, which at first can easily be confused with an ordinary one. food poisoning— about botulism. The causative agent is the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium botulinum. Source: low-quality canned food. And since canned food occupies a dominant place in the diet of tourists, the risk of infection is higher.

The beginning is similar - vomiting, weakness, fever, diarrhea. But as the gastrointestinal symptoms subside, a new one appears - paralytic. Visual impairment, manifested by “floaters” in front of the eyes and poor discrimination of nearby objects; complete intestinal atony, severe dry mouth, partial paralysis of the facial muscles while maintaining sensitivity. The muscles of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles are also subject to paralysis.

There is no need to specify what this may lead to. It is impossible to treat this in the field - systematic administration of antitoxic serum, intravenous administration of electrolytes and artificial ventilation are required. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize botulism in time in the initial stages and transport the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible.

In any situation, the main thing is not to panic. Yes, food poisoning is an extremely unpleasant thing. Yes, it requires treatment. Yes, it can be life-threatening. Yes, it delays the group. But if you do everything clearly and carefully - unpleasant consequences can be avoided. Some redistribution of daily rations will be required, taking into account 2 days of downtime and a light diet for the victim. Fortunately, you can cut them off safely, because the remaining members of the group will not be subjected to physical stress.

Staying near a body of water can also be used - and will help compensate for food losses. If you are dealing with botulism or various complications, then feel free to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Your situation fits the criteria " emergency involving a threat to human life «.

Remember, no matter what happens, don’t panic. Accurate, prudent and competent actions are what can save human life and health.

A well-organized hike brings joy. A group in which all participants strictly adhere to discipline and safety rules is free from worries and worries. However, every tourist should be familiar with the rules of first aid medical care.

Food poisoning

May be caused by poor-quality products, mushrooms, dirty water or food cooked in galvanized dishes. Signs of poisoning - severe weakness, nausea, vague pain in the abdominal area. The patient should rinse the stomach 3-4 times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or warm water with soda until clear vomit appears. After washing, you need to take a saline laxative and, if possible, do a cleansing enema. The patient is given chloramphenicol or enteroseptol, 2 tablets 3 times a day. It is beneficial to drink strong sweet tea.

Stomach pain and upset

Occurs due to poor diet, consumption fatty foods. You can relieve pain by applying a heating pad (heated sand, stone) to the stomach and taking besalol 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, vikalin (1 tablet per dose), anesthesin (1 tablet).


Its inflammation is characterized by mild pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, and occasional vomiting. Under no circumstances should a hot compress be used; You can apply a cold heating pad (a bottle of cool water). The patient should be immediately taken to the nearest medical center.


The burned area is freed from clothing and lubricated with a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol, then a bandage with synthomycin or streptocidal emulsion is applied. The resulting bubbles cannot be opened. In severe cases, the victim is given painkillers, heart medications, and strong tea. Further treatment is in a hospital.


The damaged part of the body is lubricated with iodine tincture, a cold compress is applied, and then a bandage is applied. After a day, apply a warm compress.


The main symptom is a disturbed joint configuration. Movement is impossible, swelling appears, hemorrhage in the soft tissues, sharp pain. You should not try to straighten a dislocation without the help of a doctor. A securing bandage is applied to the damaged joint and then the victim is transported to a medical center.


One of the most serious injuries on a hike is fractures. They come in two types: open and closed.

Closed fractures are accompanied by hemorrhage in soft fabrics, swelling, severe pain; the skin is not damaged. The fracture site and the joints located above and below it are secured with a splint. Instead, you can use planks or sticks.

If the spine is fractured, the victim must not be lifted, sat down, placed on his feet, or turned over. The patient cannot be transported. It is better to go to the nearest one for help locality. If possible, place a piece of plywood or wooden flooring under the back. Before rendering medical care The patient is given tea, painkillers and heart medications.

Open fractures are a large bleeding wound with bone coming out. Assistance should begin with stopping the bleeding, since with an open fracture the arteries are often damaged and blood gushes out. An ordinary rope is suitable for a tourniquet. A piece of cloth is placed under it so as not to pinch skin and, of course, a note indicating the time of application of the tourniquet. It should not be applied close to joints. After an hour and a half, the tourniquet should be loosened so that blood circulation is restored in the bloodless tissues. The skin around the wounds is treated with a swab soaked in iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Foreign bodies remove using a rubber bulb. After treatment, the damaged area is bandaged with a sterile bandage and a splint is applied. The victim can be transported only with normal cardiac and respiratory activity.


Spinal injuries and fractures are often accompanied by a concussion. From severe bruise the victim's head may have dents with closed fracture skulls Concussion in mild degree causes short-term loss of consciousness (up to 2-3 minutes), accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

Shake medium degree lasts up to several hours. The victim's pulse is slow, his eyes are open, his face is pale, his breathing is shallow, and he may vomit. With a severe concussion, the patient loses consciousness for several days. The bullet is very weak.

Providing assistance for a concussion comes down to ensuring complete rest, applying a cold compress to the back of the head, and fixing the head on rollers made of clothing. The victim is given heart and pain medications and hot tea. Transportation is permissible only in extreme cases, on a rigid stretcher, without shaking.


Characteristic signs are a purple face, weak or rapid pulse, profuse sweating, lethargy, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, fainting. The victim is transferred to the shade, the head is raised, the collar is unfastened, a cold compress is applied to the head, the face is wiped with cold water, and artificial respiration is performed if necessary. To relieve headaches, take amidopyrine or analgin.

Assisting a drowning person

From the mouth, nose, respiratory tract remove water and grass. To do this, the drowning person is placed face down, with his stomach on his knee and pressed on his back. Then they begin artificial respiration. The most effective way of blowing air is “mouth to mouth” or “mouth to nose”. The drowning person is placed on his back and a cushion of clothing is placed under his neck, so that his head is thrown back. The person providing assistance blows air into the victim’s mouth 18-20 times a minute through a handkerchief or gauze, while pinching his nose. Exhalation is carried out passively. If the victim’s jaws are clenched and it is impossible to open his mouth, carry out mouth-to-nose breathing, as well as mouth-to-mouth breathing. In the case when a drowning person does not have a heartbeat, simultaneously with artificial respiration carry out indirect massage hearts. It is performed by jerky, rhythmic pressing of the palms placed one on top of the other (crosswise) in the heart area to the left of the sternum in the area of ​​the 4th-5th rib. Jerky presses should occur at a frequency of 70 times per minute.