How to choose the right elastic bandage and how to bandage the ankle joint. Sprained foot treatment How to properly wrap an ankle with an elastic bandage

Elastic bandage– a universal remedy used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for joint injuries and sprains.

Often a therapeutic bandage is applied to the area of ​​the ankle that is exposed to increased load during active recreation or work.

Wrapping the lower leg and foot with an elastic bandage prevents swelling, eliminates pain, and reduces the load on the damaged area. And bandaged bruises or ruptures heal much faster. But for the fixing bandage to have the desired effect healing effect, it is important to know how to use it correctly.

Properties of bandages

An elastic bandage is a dense and soft strip of fabric that retains its shape. The bandage is made of synthetic materials, lycra or cotton.

Products used in compression therapy are divided into three types based on their extensibility. If the strip is stretched by 70% of the original length, then the elasticity is considered small, by 140% - medium, and 150% or more - maximum.

The length of the bandage depends on which joint it will be applied to. So, for the wrist joints up to 1.5 meters of fabric is enough, and for the ankle – up to 2 meters.

The functionality of the fixing product is ensured by two parameters:

  1. resting pressure - the level of tissue compression determined when the muscles are in a relaxed state.
  2. Working pressure– created by a bandage when there is a load on soft fabrics.

According to their shape, elastic bandages are divided into tubular and tape. The latter are standard elastic products, which include pins or paper clips for fixation.

Tubular dressings are soft and tight knitted tubes. Products vary in width. If needed dressing the ankle with an elastic bandage of this type, then sizes number 4.5 or 6 are used.

Indications for use

An elastic bandage is applied to the ankle joint during intense physical activity. The indication for use of a fixing bandage is rupture and sprain of ligaments. In this case, a tight bandage is used together with a plaster splint so that the patient can develop the injured leg after an injury.

The product is also used to treat bruises, subluxations, and dislocations. An elastic bandage is used for arthrosis, arthritis, and swelling of the legs. In case of inflammation of soft tissues, a bandage is applied along with ointments to create a compress effect.

When the ankle joint is injured, an orthosis is often used. It follows the lines of articulation and can be shaped like a boot, golf or sock.

The product is worn when the limbs are damaged for their maximum quick recovery after a fracture. The device is also used for:


How to apply an elastic bandage correctly

How to choose the right bandage?

To ensure that the elastic bandage on the ankle is applied correctly, it is recommended to follow a number of rules when choosing it. An important factor is the length of the bandage. For bandaging the lower extremities, doctors advise giving preference to a bandage with a length of 2-5 m.

Regarding the degree of fixation, bandages with medium or low elasticity are suitable for the lower leg and foot. And products with the greatest elasticity are used for varicose veins.

It is desirable that the material used is natural. It is recommended to choose cotton that adheres well to the skin, allows air to pass through, does not create a feeling of discomfort, and absorbs moisture.

How to bandage the ankle area correctly?

Every person who has an injury, sprain or rupture of lower extremity ligaments should know how to properly apply an elastic bandage to the ankle. According to doctors, the best way fixation of the diseased joint is an eight-shaped winding. But this technique is quite complex, requiring special skills.

The bandage instructions state that the bandage must be applied in a figure-eight manner following the following pattern:

  1. Bandaging begins from the ankle area, moving the elastic material with your fingers in a circular motion.
  2. Then they wrap the heel, and then fix the foot with a double wrap.
  3. The bandage is moved upward using special figure-of-eight movements, forming a cross-shaped bandage on the lower leg (the wrapping is carried out from the foot to the ankle, then a figure-eight is made and the bandage is returned to the foot).
  4. The affected joint is braided in several turns. Next, the elastic strips are tied and secured.

How to fix the ankle with an elastic bandage?

It is most convenient to wind the bandage from left to right. The roll needs to be held right hand, and its end is left. You need to wind the bandage with both hands: simultaneously unwinding the roll and straightening the superimposed layers.

Traumatologists recommend wrapping the elastic material in the morning or after the patient has rested for fifteen minutes in a lying position with his legs raised up. When applying a bandage, it is important to ensure that each subsequent layer covers 1/3 of the previous layer.

It is advisable to wrap the bandage 15 cm below and above the ankle ligaments. The bandage should not slip off the leg, unwind, or interfere with natural blood flow.

The elastic product is untwisted outward, which avoids overstretching of the material and squeezing of soft tissues. Doctors recommend using an elastic bandage while moving. If a person is resting or sleeping, then it is advisable to remove the fixing fabric and massage the area where it is applied a little.

For those who find it difficult to wrap elastic products around their legs by hand, doctors recommend wearing bandages. Rules for using the orthosis:

  • The retainer is put on while sitting on a seamless sock made of natural fabric.
  • Initially, the orthosis is worn for no more than 30 minutes, gradually increasing the time.
  • The bandage cannot be used if there are open wounds and skin inflammation on the affected leg.

How can you tell if the bandage is applied incorrectly?

Experts who know how to properly bandage an ankle with an elastic bandage pay attention to the color of the toes after wrapping. The phalanges may turn blue, but after physical activity the limbs will again acquire a normal shade.

The fact that the limb was fixed incorrectly is indicated by the appearance of pulsation and numbness in the leg half an hour after bandaging. This indicates that the bandage is too tight and should be removed immediately and the shin should be massaged.

Other conditions indicating improper dressing application:

  • cyanosis - the skin becomes blue tint due to violation venous outflow.
  • Insufficient immobilization of the joint indicates that the bandage needs to be more securely fixed.
  • Coldness of the extremities - when a fixing product is tightly applied, blood circulation and tissue nutrition are disrupted, which requires repeating the bandaging procedure.

Typical mistakes when applying a bandage

People who do not know how to properly wrap an elastic bandage around an ankle often make mistakes when using a therapeutic bandage. Thus, a weak constriction of the foot does not limit the mobility of the ankle and does not create a compression effect. Therefore, it is necessary to re-bind the leg more tightly.

The second common mistake is using a short elastic bandage. If the length of the product is insufficient, it becomes necessary to save on the application of layers, which leads to a decrease in the level of compression and immobilization of the joint.

You should also not wrap a bandage that is too long around the area of ​​the damaged leg. After all large number layers increases the pressure.

Other common mistakes that occur when applying elastic fabric:

  1. incorrect pressure distribution. With proper bandaging, the maximum pressure should be in the shin area, and the minimum pressure should be in the knee area.
  2. Failure to maintain space between turns. This leads to the fact that the limb can only be wrapped up to the line of the shin, and not the knees.
  3. Uneven layering. Contributes to the creation of incorrect compression.
  4. Large distance between turns. With such an error, the elastic material does not have the expected therapeutic effect.

Caring for an elastic bandage

The use of an elastic ankle bandage may be prolonged. The service life is increased due to the hygroscopicity, density, and elasticity of the material.

The bandage must be washed by hand every week in warm water with washing or baby soap. In this case, the material must not be rubbed vigorously; it can only be gently squeezed for no more than 5 minutes.

After washing, the elastic bandage is carefully wrung out and placed on a terry towel. The product must be dried horizontally. If you place it on a battery or hang it on a rope, it will become deformed.

Caring for the bandage and extending its service life also depend on the rules for storing the product. It should be kept rolled up in a dry, dark place.

When should you immediately consult a doctor?

You cannot bandage the ankle yourself with an elastic bandage when there is bleeding in the area of ​​the leg or foot, open wound or severe deformation. In this case, it is recommended to use sterile wipes.

When displaced, cold compresses are applied to the injured surface. If bleeding occurs, a tourniquet is applied to the leg. But in any case, the victim needs medical assistance.

You should consult a doctor if swelling does not go away after 14-20 days of using the elastic bandage. Otherwise, post-traumatic complications will develop - fibrosis, elephantiasis, ulcer, cystosis.

There are also a number of conditions that require mandatory medical consultation before bandaging:

Advantages and disadvantages of an elastic bandage

Like anyone else medical device or a drug, an elastic bandage has pros and cons:

Advantages Flaws
Reliability and long-term fixation Blood circulation disorder caused by improper use of the product
Reusable Premature wear due to improper use
Versatility of use, allowing the elastic bandage to be used not only for the ankle, but also for other joints To extend the life of the product, it is necessary to properly care for it (wash by hand, dry on natural fabric in a horizontal position)
Ease of use (the bandage is easy to apply or remove and does not require careful preliminary preparation) Applying a fixation bandage requires certain skills
Cost-effective (one elastic bandage can replace 20 gauze bandages) Improper bandaging leads to the development of a number of complications (swelling, bluishness of the skin, poor fixation) that slow down the healing process of the injured ankle

If you apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint for injuries, bruises or sprains, the regeneration process will be accelerated.

At the first aid stage for a fracture or sprained ankle, it is used. After the victim is admitted to the hospital, therapeutic immobilization is applied - long-term fixation, allowing the bones of the lower leg to heal normally.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the right choice ankle brace. By choosing the wrong fixator, the victim risks his long-term health: the bones may not heal properly, and recovery will take several more months. For correct selection When choosing a suitable immobilization agent, you should familiarize yourself with the types and properties of fixators, the rules for their use and selection.

Fixation for ankle (ankle and foot) fractures

In traumatology of ankle fractures it is used: plaster, bandage, orthosis and elastic bandage. Long-term bracing is used after ankle surgery. Existing methods Long-term immobilization of a limb is determined by the severity of the fracture and additional injuries - sprain or dislocation.


Plaster fixation is used as a postoperative immobilizer, as a means for the conservative treatment of a fracture.

There are two types of plaster casts: langetal and circular. In traumatology, the first type is used in all cases except deep burns and frostbite of the skin of the lower leg. Circular dressings are not used in case of injury great vessels and with massive bleeding.

How to apply splint plaster

The length of the future fixator is determined by the healthy leg. The gypsum material is immersed in warm water, it must be completely saturated with it. The material is immersed until the last air bubble is released. Squeeze, unfold and allow it to smooth out on weight or a flat surface. Then the splint is placed on the ankle and given the shape of a limb. Having given relief to the material, the doctor begins to fix the plaster with gauze.

How to apply a circular bandage

The first few steps are repeated: the cast is lowered into the water, wrung out and placed on the ankle fracture. After which the bandage is fixed with a gauze bandage. The first few rounds are done on the foot, then move on to the ankle itself. Having reached the upper edge, the process is repeated: several more layers of gauze are applied from the foot.

The advantage of gypsum is its strong fixation.

Flaws :

  • heavy weight;
  • restriction of movement: muscles, ligaments and tendons of the ankle weaken;
  • inability to control the injured area;
  • discomfort for the victim: the area covered with plaster sweats and is not hygienic.


Bandage- This is an elastic bandage that has ties and fasteners that allow you to adjust the degree of ankle fixation. The bandage is used mainly after surgery and during rehabilitation to correct the condition of the lower leg, ankle and ankle. An ankle brace is also used to prevent injuries and complications from sprains. It is worn during training.

Bandage functions:

According to the degree of fixation, ankle braces after a fracture are divided into three categories:

Benefits of a bandage:

  • mobile, does not cause discomfort, unlike plaster;
  • has fastenings that allow you to independently adjust the fixation force;
  • the toes and 2/3 of the shin remain open - this allows you to maintain local hygiene around the injury site.

What to remember before and while wearing the brace:

  1. The clamp should follow the contour of your shin. It is unacceptable that it fits too tightly - this will disrupt the blood circulation in the ankle (the limb will swell and become numb).
  2. The bandage can be worn over bare skin or socks.
  3. Can be combined with orthopedic shoes. Read more about what shoes you should wear after an ankle fracture.


The orthosis is a rigid metal frame that follows the contours of the joint and is adjustable with hinges. This is the same plaster, only with additional comfort and more functionality. The fastenings and hinges of the orthosis have flexion and extension systems: the clamp imitates a joint. The fixator is more often used during early and late rehabilitation, but is not used in acute phase ankle fracture.

The cast can also be replaced with an orthosis. The latter has an advantage over a plaster splint: the orthosis can be removed and the area of ​​damage can be examined.

Benefits of an orthosis:

  1. withdrawal pain syndrome;
  2. elimination of edema;
  3. stabilization and unloading of the ankle joint;
  4. Convenient to use: adjusters change fit, hold strength and height.

What to remember before and while using the orthosis:

  1. To prevent compression of the ankle, remove the brace for 5 minutes every 45-60 minutes. IN ideal conditions– every half hour.
  2. The time of wearing the bandage should not exceed 6 hours (during the rehabilitation period).

Elastic bandage

This fixation device is used in rehabilitation period and is not used postoperatively. An elastic bandage is more often prescribed for rehabilitation when broken bones have been consolidated.

Elastic bandage is designed for:

What to remember before and while using an elastic bandage:

  1. Apply the brace in the morning after waking up - this will relieve morning swelling of the ankle;
  2. before going to bed, remove the bandage, place the limb on a pillow or soft cushion;
  3. secure the end of the bandage with a paper clip - this way the fixation will be longer and stronger.

How to apply an elastic bandage:

  1. First round on the foot: make 3-4 full rotations around the foot and gradually move towards the ankle joint. Stop at mid-shin.
  2. Each round should cover 1/3 of the previous one.
  3. Do not tighten the bandage too much - the fixation should not cause discomfort.
  4. There should be no uneven places throughout the bandage: try to tighten the bandage evenly and evenly on all parts of the foot, ankle and ankle.

Features of fixation for sprains

Ankle sprain braces: bandage and elastic bandage. Torn ligaments in a joint do not require rigid immobilization: an orthosis is used in cases where a dislocation is added to the sprain. Also, plaster splints on the ankle after a fracture are not used, which completely restrict movement in the joint.

The main treatment for sprains (as opposed to fractures) is using an elastic bandage. When spraining ligaments, it has advantages over rigid clamps:

  • suitable for any joint;
  • easy to apply and remove;
  • there is a possibility of reusable use;
  • can be combined with external medicinal products: ointments, creams and gels.

For a grade 2 sprain (preserving the integrity of the ligament, but limiting active movements of the ankle), medium fixation bandages are used.

For a grade 3 sprain (ligament rupture), a rigid fixation bandage or orthosis is used. If the Achilles tendon ruptures, a plaster splint is applied to the lower limb.

The length of time the retainer is worn also differs. In case of a fracture (after removal of the cast), the bandage must be worn for an average of 1 to 3 months throughout the entire recovery of the limb. For sprains – 1-3 weeks.

How to choose an ankle immobilization device

When choosing a bandage and orthosis, take into account:

  1. Age and totality of the victim. For older people, a softer bandage is chosen.
  2. State cardiovascular system. It is taken into account when choosing the strength of fixation so that swelling does not develop.
  3. Ankle circumference, ankle circumference.
  4. Distance from heel to ankle and ankle.
  5. For athletes, choose a flexible and lightweight bandage that does not restrict movement.
  6. Individual preferences: color of material, color of additional fasteners.

Examples of manufacturers of bandages and orthoses

Fosta F. Representative of the soft fixation bandage. The material does not cause allergies or skin irritation.

Ttoman AS-ST. Representative of the group of medium fixation bandages. It has lacing on the front part of the ankle joint - you can adjust the fixation force. The structure of the bandage has a mesh - this regulates heat exchange, preventing the skin from overheating and becoming dirty.

Trives T-8691. Highly durable fabric. Features lacing and additional elements fasteners

Otto Bock 50. Represents a group of rigid bandages. There is a pneumatic chamber inside. With its help, internal pressure and fixation are regulated. Among the fastening elements is a set of fasteners. They allow you to control the level of tension and adapt the relief of the bandage to the parameters of the ankle.

Fosta FS 2952. Ankle bandage after a fracture. Has angular fixation regulators. Design American manufacturers consists of plastic, cotton and elastane. Used for patients in bed rest.

How to choose an elastic bandage

  1. Give preference to a cotton bandage. It stretches better. Cotton also interacts better with the skin: the fabric absorbs sweat and moisture, does not irritate the skin and regulates heat transfer.
  2. Give preference to a bandage with a width of 12 cm. It is easier to bandage, does not slip and fits comfortably on the ankle.
  3. For an ankle fracture, a bandage length of 5 meters is suitable.

Useful video

The video demonstrates a soft neoprene bandage.


  1. In the traumatology of ankle fractures, plaster is most often used. But as a fixation method it is outdated. Now it has many disadvantages in comparison with the new generation of braces: heavy weight, complete limitation of movements in the joint, impossibility of hygiene under the splint.
  2. Gypsum in postoperative period can be replaced with an orthosis or a rigid fixation bandage. Advantages: easy to put on and take off, maintains hygiene and comfort in the area of ​​injury, not heavy and does not restrict movement.
  3. Elastic bandage is used as helper method during the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture. It is not used as a means of primary fixation after a fracture. Elastic bandage is the most suitable solution for the treatment of sprains.
  4. When choosing a clamp, dimensions are taken into account lower limb, weight and age, the presence of diseases in the victim.

During the recovery period after an ankle injury, it is recommended to use an elastic bandage. The use of such a remedy helps to securely fix the limb in a static position and eliminates recurrence of injury. It is extremely important to apply the elastic bandage to the ankle joint correctly. Only in this case will the decision be beneficial. The procedure is usually performed by qualified doctors in treatment rooms. However, having mastered correct technique, bandaging the ankle joint with an elastic bandage can be done independently at home.

Why wear an elastic bandage?

The use of the product makes it possible to achieve a whole range of positive effects. First of all, fixing the ankle joint helps prevent damage to adjacent tissues. In addition, the use of the product reduces the load on the injured limb. Gradually intensity pain decreases, swelling is eliminated, local metabolic processes are activated.

An elastic bandage creates a so-called compression effect. In other words, when the product is applied to the limb, it is compressed damaged tissue, which eliminates their divergence. As a result, rehabilitation after an injury takes much less time.

Benefits of the solution

Fixing the ankle joint with an elastic bandage has a lot of advantages. Among the main advantages of the device, it is worth noting the following:

  1. You can apply the same elastic bandage to the ankle joint an unlimited number of times. For comparison, standard gauze bandage often becomes unusable after the first use.
  2. When fixing the limb, the product does not slip and does not lose its shape. An elastic bandage securely fixes the limb.
  3. The device acts as a universal solution for injuries. The product can be applied not only to the ankle, but also to other joints.
  4. This bandage provides high-quality fixation of the limb throughout the day.
  5. An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is applied quite simply. Anyone can cope with the task (if they master the right technique). Using the product does not force a person to regularly visit treatment rooms.
  6. The elastic bandage is made from durable materials that can withstand significant stretching and other mechanical loads. As practice shows, one such device replaces several packages of gauze. Therefore, buying an elastic bandage looks good decision in terms of cost savings.
  7. Elastic bandage protrudes an indispensable assistant for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. It is these individuals who most often experience all kinds of joint injuries and soft tissue damage.


An elastic bandage for the ankle joint also has some disadvantages. First of all, to fix a limb yourself, you will have to spend time mastering the correct application technique. Mistakes made can result in limited blood flow to the limb. At the same time, insufficient tightness of the bandage will cause inadequate fixation of the damaged joint.

For repeated use, you need to learn how to care for an elastic bandage. Otherwise, the product may quickly become unusable. The clasp can also be damaged. This way, the bandage will often fall off your leg.

Elastic bandage for the ankle joint: indications

The use of a fixing bandage is indicated for various types of limb injuries. Most often, this method is used in case of sprained ligaments. This type of injury can occur when the foot rolls in. The condition is alleviated if you fix the limb with an elastic bandage and leave the leg without physical activity for several days.

Torn ligaments require taking more serious measures. IN in this case The limb is immobilized with plaster for about 10 days. Then the fixative is removed and a figure-eight elastic bandage is applied for another couple of weeks.

The above injuries can be recognized by the following symptoms. Typical for sprained ligaments sharp pain, which subsides in a short time. After 2-3 hours, the discomfort may increase again. Then swelling is likely to occur. Movements are significantly limited. On the contrary, in case intense pain and swelling develop almost instantly. Hemorrhages into local tissues are possible. Any movement in the ankle joint becomes impossible.

There are other indications for using an elastic bandage:

  • Development of severe pain syndrome in case of tissue inflammation.
  • A limb bruise occurs when the epicenter of the shock load is closer to the joint.
  • Rehabilitation after a slight subluxation of the leg.
  • Prevention of injuries during active physical activity.


In what cases should an elastic bandage not be applied to the ankle joint? It is not recommended to resort to the procedure if there is an open wound at the site of injury or bleeding is observed. In such situations, the tissues are covered with a sterile bandage. If there is displacement of the joint, an ice bag is applied to the damaged area. Then the limb is provided with complete rest until the nature of the problem is determined by the doctor.

For using an elastic bandage there are also relative contraindications. It's about O skin diseases, individual problems with blood circulation and the likelihood of blood clots. IN emergency situation A bandage can still be applied to such people. But only for short term until the urgent need to use it disappears.

How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint: bandaging

To ensure a fixing effect, you need to learn how to apply a bandage correctly. In order to immobilize the limbs, they most often resort to figure-of-eight bandaging. How to fix an elastic bandage on the ankle joint? They resort to the following actions:

  • Just above the ankle joint, 2-3 turns of the bandage are performed.
  • From outside limbs, a transition is formed to inner surface feet through the ankle.
  • Next, the elastic bandage is wrapped around the sole of the foot, moving to the outer edge.
  • The bandage is then passed through the medial malleolus towards the shin.
  • Similar actions are repeated several times, which should lead to covering the entire area of ​​the damaged area.
  • The application of an elastic bandage is completed in the shin area, where the product is fixed with special fasteners.

Prevents extension of the limb at the ankle joint. The leg is kept bent. This position helps maintain ligaments and muscle tissue in a relaxed state. The result is a reduction in rehabilitation time after an injury.

What signs indicate improper bandage application?

Errors in the use of an elastic bandage are indicated by blue toes. The effect can occur in cases where the bandage is tightened too tightly. The result is impaired outflow of venous blood. You can avoid the problem by controlling your own feelings during the procedure.

Pallor or coldness of the limb also indicates an error. The sign suggests that arterial blood cannot enrich the tissues of the foot with oxygen in the required volumes.

A mistake is considered to be insufficient constriction of the foot at the ankle joint. In this case, the person will not feel the compression effect. The ankle will remain quite mobile. To eliminate the omission, you need to remove the elastic bandage and reapply it, but with more force.

When using an elastic bandage, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Do not use the product immediately after physical activity. You should give your body a rest for half an hour. This eliminates the possibility of swelling.
  2. By tightening the bandage as tightly as possible, blood circulation can be disrupted. Therefore, when using the product, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. When applying an elastic bandage, do not rush. You need to approach the task carefully, observing the correct technique.
  4. When applying the device to a limb, there should be no gaps in the skin or any folds.
  5. After removing the bandage, the leg should be lightly massaged for several minutes to improve tissue sensitivity and tone the muscles.
  6. If, half an hour after applying the elastic bandage, a feeling of tingling or pulsation occurs in the limb, the product should be removed. Such effects indicate that the device has been tightened too tightly.

In conclusion

Damage to the ankle joint is a fairly common injury that can occur suddenly in the most unexpected situation. To avoid more serious consequences For health, it is important to have an elastic bandage available. A useful medical device will provide immobilization of tissue in the area of ​​injury and make the victim feel better before being examined by a doctor.

Three bones - tibia and fibula, talus feet - form the ankle joint. Its functionality is ensured by the ligamentous apparatus - three groups of connective tissue cords that fix the bones to each other. Ligaments maintain the stability of the joint, somewhat limiting the mobility of its components. They also “control” the rotation, abduction and adduction of the foot.

When the range of motion of the foot exceeds the permissible range, the ankle ligaments can become torn. Popularly, such an injury is called a sprain.

An ankle sprain occurs when the permissible range of motion of the foot is exceeded.

The ligaments that run along the outer ankle are most susceptible to it. Why does ankle sprain occur, how long does it take to heal, and what measures will speed up recovery?

Doctors call the leading cause of sprains a twisted leg, when the ankle suddenly moves outward and the heel turns inward. This situation is familiar to almost all lovers of high heels. If an unsuccessful “start” in high-heeled shoes is accompanied by a crunching or cracking sound, a complete rupture of the ligament or bone damage should be suspected.

Tucking your legs in high heels is one of the most common reasons sprains

Sometimes tendon- ligamentous apparatus weakened already from birth, or there are congenital changes in the configuration of the foot - then the slightest traumatic impact is fraught with spraining the ligaments.

And only in 6 patients out of 1000, damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint occurs during sports battles. More often urgent Care Required by skaters and skiers who, during sudden braking at high speed, experience an inward rotational movement of the foot with subsequent spraining of the ligaments.

Among other reasons for “tear” of the ligamentous fiber are: overweight, heavy lifting, excessive motor activity, caused professional necessity, as well as a number of diseases - flat feet, arthrosis and inflammation in the joint.

Aw, it hurts!

Depending on the extent of damage - complete or incomplete rupture - there are 3 degrees of ankle sprain, each of which is characterized by symptoms:

  • Degree 1– delamination of ligament fibers. Swelling and tenderness in the ankle, slight. the victim limps;
  • For ankle sprains 2 degrees swelling of the soft tissues is pronounced, the victim experiences severe pain, and a hematoma forms in the joint area. Movement is difficult;
  • Symptoms of an ankle sprain 3 degrees indicate a complete rupture of the ligaments: the injury is accompanied by severe swelling with extensive hematoma and hemarthrosis; local hypothermia or increased body temperature. Sharp pain makes it impossible to stand on your leg or take a step, but the foot is unnaturally mobile.

What to do if you sprain your ankle?

In the event of a significant injury - if the victim cannot lean on his leg - an ambulance should be called and the victim should be provided with first aid, which, in the case of a sprained ankle, consists of maximum immobilization of the joint by applying a splint from "improvised" means.

For this purpose, a narrow board is used, which is bandaged, covering the lower leg, ankle and knee.

For mild sprains of the ankle joint, a figure-eight bandage is applied. It is secured by making a coil at the level of the ankles, and gradually, in eight-shaped coils, it is lowered onto the foot.
Be sure to apply ice to the injured area and give the victim an anti-pain medication.
Sometimes a complete tear requires a cast.

How to treat a sprained ankle?

Having received qualified assistance from a traumatologist or surgeon, the victim continues treatment for a sprained ankle at home.

How to fix your foot

Within 7 days, the injured ankle needs to be fixed and completely unloaded. Fixatives - a bandage or tape (an elastic bandage held in place by a bandage) - should not be left in place for more than 2-3 hours. They should not be too tight, otherwise the vessels adjacent to the injured tissues will be compressed and the cyanosis will increase.

Taping for ankle sprains will help stabilize the foot

Taping the ankle joint when spraining the ligaments is correctly performed as follows:

  • The patient is laid down; feet at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The instep of the foot is lubricated with Vaseline and 2 shock-absorbing pads are placed on it, covering the entire damaged area;
  • 3-4 strips of tape are wrapped around the shin. The strips must be overlapped;
  • From the next 3 strips, a “stirrup” is formed that covers the bottom bandage;
  • Close the “stirrup” by making 7-8 turns from top to bottom towards the foot. The strips are laid overlapping;
  • The foot is wrapped with 2-3 strips of tape and, having secured it on the instep, it is moved across the foot to the sole and placed under the heel;
  • Place the tape around the heel and secure it in the part of the ankle where you began to fix the instep. The strip is torn off;
  • The heel is fixed by placing a new strip of tape across the foot and passing it through the sole;

More affordable and universal remedy fixation is an elastic bandage - indispensable in cases where treatment of an injury is accompanied by the application of a plaster cast.

How to apply an elastic bandage to an ankle:

  • Moving in a circle, form the beginning of the bandage slightly above the ankle;
  • Having covered the heel with a bandage, grab the foot twice;
  • Next, the bandage is moved in a cross-shaped motion: from the foot to the shin and again to the foot;
  • Once again returning to the shin, wrap the ankle several times and secure the bandage.

You will learn how to apply a bandage correctly from the video:

In addition to an elastic bandage and tape for the ankle, when spraining ligaments, special fixatives are used - elastic therapeutic, suspending inflammatory process, or rigid, providing maximum immobilization in case of serious injury.

For basketball fans, special sneakers with a lock are also produced.

How to relieve swelling

A bruise and sprain of the ankle with swelling puts the victim to bed for several days.
To reduce swelling of the feet, it is recommended to lie with your legs raised up.

On the first day, ice compresses are applied to the injured area covered with gauze. They are done by holding for 15-20 minutes, then a half-hour break and the sore spot is cooled again.

The next day, they move on to warming procedures. A hot heating pad and warm baths relax muscles, speed up blood flow, promoting healing.
In the absence bone damage swelling will go away by the 3rd day, and a hematoma, even a large one, after 4 days.
If, after 14 days after an ankle sprain, the swelling still does not go away, you should visit a doctor, who will recommend detailing the consequences of the injury by x-ray examination and MRI.

How to relieve pain

Anti-inflammatory therapy is an essential component of treatment for ankle sprains.

On the first day, severe pain will be relieved by injections of ketanov, analgin, and renalgan. On the second day they are replaced with tablets.

From the third day, the treatment is made more intense by connecting to it - in case of ankle sprains, these are drugs that promote pain relief - Nicoflex, Finalgon, as well as blood outflow and “resorption” of the hematoma - Troxevasin, Dolobene, Lyoton, Indovazin.

Ointments will relieve pain and help relieve swelling

Is it possible to walk with a sprained ankle?
You can walk if it doesn't hurt. If there is pain, orthopedic doctors and traumatologists do not recommend “loading” the ankle, or advise moving using crutches.

How to restore “stretched” ligaments?

A minor injury allows you to begin rehabilitation within 3-4 days.

This early start will prevent joint stiffness and muscle atrophy.

Exercise therapy

Simple gymnastics will speed up the recovery of ankle ligaments after a sprain:

  • Flexion and extension of the ankle is very effective, incl. with little weight; spinning it;
  • Carefully move around the room, bending and unbending your fingers and fingering them;
  • Shift from heel to toes and back;
  • Hook your toes on the leg of the chair and pull it towards you.

You will learn more exercises for ankle sprains in the video:


They start it at favorable course from 2-3 days. When spraining the ankle joint, the massage begins with stroking and kneading the area just above the injury site. Then, grasping the adjacent muscle tendons and trying to penetrate the fingers deep into the joint, they stroke and rub the ankle itself.
The massage effect promotes the outflow of exudate and the resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages, and accelerates the fusion of ligaments.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

It is prescribed to relieve pain, in combination with exercise therapy and massage. For ankle sprains, physiotherapy includes laser and paraffin treatment, diadynamic therapy and UHF. Magnetic therapy is also used to accelerate lymphatic drainage and increase vascular tone.

Read more about physiotherapeutic treatment methods

Folk remedies for ankle sprains

With the permission of the doctor, it is useful to supplement the treatment of ankle sprains at home with natural remedies.

The best of them - various lotions and compresses - will help you quickly cope with swelling when you sprain your ankle and relieve pain:

  • Soak a bandage or gauze in vodka and apply to the damaged area. Cover the top with cellophane film and cotton wool (you can use a woolen cloth). Leave for 6-8 hours. Compresses are made from warm milk in the same way. Already on the second day the swelling subsides;
  • Pass 2 onions through a meat grinder, mix the pulp with 1 tbsp. salt. Place a layer of gauze on the ankle, apply the mixture on top, and cover with gauze. You can mix onion gruel with a mixture of two grated potatoes, cabbage leaf and sugar;
  • Pain and inflammation can be significantly relieved using a compress diluted to 50%: if the ankle sprains, apply it for an hour for 15-20 days;
  • An excellent effect is obtained by combining 50 ml of a diluted drug with 30 ml of water and a 2% solution of novocaine with the addition of 1 ampoule of hydrocortisone solution. Leave the compress on for 40 minutes.

More recipes folk remedies for the treatment of sprains, you will learn from the video:

Instead of a conclusion

The most unpleasant consequences ankle sprains - if you do not pay attention to it, the joint may become “loose” and there is a high probability of repeated injuries in the future.

Therefore, do not neglect the doctor’s advice, and be healthy!

The ligaments of the foot are subject to heavy loads caused by human movement and weight. This is why they are so often exposed to injuries, the most common of which is sprains. Regardless of the severity, such injuries must be treated; this will help avoid complications and shorten the tissue healing process.

The joint is strengthened by ligaments collected in three groups, each of which ensures stability of movement within the required limits.

One group is located between tibia bones, the next one forms the deltoid ligament, and to last group include the fibular ligaments located along the ankle. This arrangement provides reliable protection from injury, preventing the bones of the foot from extending beyond their boundaries. As long as the loads do not exceed the norm, the ligamentous apparatus successfully copes with its task, but if suddenly the joint suddenly changes position and the load becomes too great, a sprain occurs.

Diagnosis of damage

There are many options for foot injuries, which often have similar signs. For effective treatment necessary accurate diagnosis, therefore a medical examination is prerequisite even with minor injuries.

The traumatologist assesses the condition of the joint visually and by palpation; in addition, the patient must tell in detail about the cause of the injury and his feelings. After this, the specialist will prescribe an x-ray or ultrasound, which will more accurately determine the severity, extent of the injury and the presence of possible complications.

Severity of sprain

When a sprain occurs, there are three degrees of injury severity, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

Classification of severityDescription

Light injuries consisting of rupture of individual fibers of the ligament. There is a slight nagging pain in the foot, swelling is absent or small. The patient can move his foot, and lameness is noticeable when walking. This condition does not require special treatment; the most important thing is to provide rest to the leg.

Serious injury that occurs partial rupture ligaments Movement of the foot is difficult, severe sharp pain is felt, soft tissues swell. Bruising may occur. The patient loses his ability to work for several days and needs treatment

Very serious injury, implying the rupture of most of the connecting fibers. The functions of the foot are impaired for a long time, there is severe pain that does not subside even with complete immobilization of the leg. Large swelling and hematomas appear, and the joint cavity fills with blood. Requires immediate hospitalization and qualified treatment, otherwise health-threatening complications may arise

Treatment method

First aid

The first steps in case of injury are very simple: you need to remove the shoes and sock from the sore leg, and then lay it down so as to give it an elevated and most comfortable position.

This is especially important if bruises are visible under the skin. Next, cold should be applied to the damaged area (ice is best), and the limb should be fixed using improvised means.

The bandage should not be too tight, so as not to crush the leg and interfere with blood circulation, as this will only aggravate the patient’s condition. The quality of first aid significantly affects the healing process.

With slight stretching additional actions is not required, and all the leg needs is rest and cold compresses during the day. If the injury is more complex, the person should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.


After examination and diagnosis, the traumatologist determines whether it is necessary surgery Or you can get by with conservative treatment. Typically, the operation is performed when the connective tissue is completely ruptured, which avoids improper fusion of the ligaments and speeds up the process of their recovery. After the operation, the foot is fixed with a plaster cast.

At conservative treatment First of all, they eliminate swelling, pump out the blood collected in the joint cavity, and eliminate pain with the help of medications.

Ankle sprains - treatment

For this, the patient is given analgesics based on diclofenac.

Joint bracesDescription

An elastic bandage that tightly covers the foot and securely fixes the ankle joint. Reduces the degree of load on the injured area, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the ligament

An orthopedic device in the form of a boot or golf with open toes, shaped according to the anatomical contours. Fixed on the foot using lacing, straps or Velcro fasteners. To ensure maximum fit to the foot, the orthosis is selected according to the foot size individually for each patient

A device for easy joint fixation. Soft material, not allergic and providing uniform warming of the joint. Used to reduce swelling and enhance action medicinal ointments. Customized by size

After this, treatment with drugs is carried out local action– ointments or gels that increase blood flow, relieve inflammation, and have a warming effect.

Treatment of the injured area with ointments should be performed regularly, following the instructions of the traumatologist. Most of the time, the leg should be positioned so that the ankle is above the level of the heart. It is most convenient to place a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under your shin.

Based on the severity of the injury, the doctor develops exercises for the ankle. Regular warm-ups help the joint quickly restore its functions. You can start exercising 2-4 days after the injury, slowly bending and straightening the leg, rotating the foot in different directions. If the movements are too painful, you should stop warming up for 2-3 days and then try again. It is advisable to do all this under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment at home

At mild degree Sprains can be treated at home, after first being examined by a traumatologist.
The main condition for effective treatment is rest and warming ointments. Any pharmacy has a large assortment of such ointments, so making a choice is not difficult.

Good help and folk recipes, proven by generations:

The joint should be loaded gradually, starting with simple exercises. Even if the pain is practically not felt, you cannot exercise for a long time; it is better to repeat the exercises after a few hours. If possible, see a doctor to make sure healing is progressing normally.

Ankle sprains can be avoided by following these rules:

  • when playing sports, choose only the correct technique for performing exercises;
  • Before the expected load on your legs, do a mandatory warm-up for your ankles;
  • Regularly stretch and strengthen your foot muscles;
  • stop exercising as soon as you feel tired;
  • Do not wear high-heeled shoes often or for long periods of time.