Presentation topic: dog breeds. How to choose the right breed of dog The decision has been made, you will soon have one in your home: a small and fluffy pet

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biology teacher Mikheeva I.N.
MAOU secondary school No. 4 named after. I.S. Chernykh, Tomsk
Types of dogs

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Types of dogs

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Types of dogs

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“Born to love, trained to serve and dedicated to the end.” For a long time, the dog has protected man from the beast, helped him get food and clothing, and served as a reliable means of transport in the northern regions. In the modern world, it is necessary: ​​- for grazing livestock - protecting homes, (other premises) - searching and rescuing people - for military affairs - caring guides (guides).

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Services where the participation of a dog is necessary: ​​Orderly Water rescuer Mountain rescuer Subject of physiological experiments Guide for the blind Assistant for the deaf Assistant for patients with cerebral palsy Policeman Search by the smell of drugs Search by the smell of smuggled goods Search for weapons

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Services where the participation of a dog is necessary: ​​Sapper Mine detector Signalman Bloodhound Warrior Bodyguard Search for the wounded Border service Watchman Geologist Cosmonaut Hunter Shepherd Sled Dog Teacher Hunter

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These include dogs trained to detect, pursue and detain violators, those who can detect drugs and explosives, firearms and ammunition, and ambulance dogs. The high sensitivity of the olfactory analyzer is combined in a dog with a developed nervous system, which allows it not only to detect odors, but also to very subtly recognize them from a huge number of odors.
Militia (police) dogs are used in all corners of the world. The search service remains an area in which it is not possible to replace a dog.
Its implementation is based on the existence of olfactory and gustatory analyzers in the dog, which provide the finest recognition of odors.
Militia (police) dogs

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Sanitary service (search for the wounded) - is a search for any people with a return to the owner and an indication of the way back to the found person. Several options are possible: the dog carries a bag with medications and stops near the lying person, allowing him to take what he needs. Or, having discovered a person lying down, the dog takes a special stick - brindel - in its teeth and returns to the owner. By the fact that the dog holds the brindel in its teeth, the owner knows that the dog has found the wounded man and is following him, and the dog must show him the way.

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Sled dogs. Dogs have long been used to transport goods and people by the peoples of the Far North. There, among the ice and snow, where the open spaces are large and the population is small, sled teams were the only means of transportation. But even today, despite the widespread use of road and air transport, the role of sled dogs has not diminished.

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Dogs are healers. It is only in the last few years that psychologists, ethologists, veterinarians and dog owners have fully realized the full value of human-dog contact. Now dogs not only help the blind to “see” and the deaf to “hear,” but they are also entrusted with important responsibilities to “entertain” old and sick people, disabled and mentally broken adults and children. It has been discovered that the very presence of a dog has a tremendous healing effect on such people, enlivening their usually dull lives. Dogs are brought into orphanages or homes for the elderly, and their residents gratefully experience the beneficial effects of the warmth and affection that dogs provide them.

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Australian Shepherd (AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD) is obtained by crossing various Australian and New Zealand breeds; excellent shepherd color: black, red or white with chestnut markings
Working dog breeds

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Collie (LONG-HAIRED COLLIE, COLLIE, ROUGH COLLIE) The name "collie" comes from the name of collie sheep - guard dog, rescue dog, guide dog for blind children colors: yellow-brown, black, white, marbled blue
Working dog breeds

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Maremma (MAREMMA) Italian breed of cattle dog brown nose, thick white smooth coat independent, difficult to train
Working dog breeds

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Groenendael (Groenendael) was obtained by selecting dogs with long black hair, a guardian and protector of the family, a guide for the blind, black color, white markings on the chest and paws
Working dog breeds

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It was brought to Europe from the island of New Foundlaine (hence the name of the breed)
An indispensable assistant for fishermen: helps to drive fish into nets, pull a seine, even catch fish with their mouths and save drowning people! They have no equal here.
Newfoundland (NEWFOUNDLAND)

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Any color is acceptable, but white should occupy no more than 80% of the body surface; it is used to protect property
American Staffordshire Terrier

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The dog is light and graceful Color: red, black, black and tan Always white paws, chest and tip of the tail Very clean and suitable for apartment living

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by crossing an English bulldog with an Old English terrier, and later with Spanish pointers, the bull terrier was obtained. Used to protect herds, exterminate rodents, as a bodyguard
Bull Terrier

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Characteristics of decorative dogs
Not all dogs can track and apprehend criminals, chase a fox into a hole, or herd sheep. Not all dogs are strong, powerful, and brave. Among them there are also those that the owner himself needs to protect from evil people and dogs. Breeding indoor and decorative dog breeds was often achieved simply by miniaturizing large breeds. There are also very ancient breeds, bred only to decorate human life.
toy poodle
pomeranian spitz
Japanese chin

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Decorative dog breeds
toy terrier

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Decorative dog breeds

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Decorative dog breeds

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A group of dogs that is used to track and retrieve game. This group of dogs has an excellent sense of smell, they are smart, and easy to train. Dogs must chase, catch up and crush wounded animals, and raise their voices over the trophy. Probably the most numerous group of hunting dogs is the pointers. Dogs are called cops who freeze motionless in front of a bird they smell, that is, they know how to stand. They got the name “coppers” because many of them lie down when stopping in front of the bird.
Hunting dog breeds

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A breed of long-haired dogs. The hair on the head and the front of the legs is short. The color is varied. Preference is given to small specks and strokes rather than large colored spots.
Hunting breeds of pointing dogs

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To secure:
1Tell me why my friend sleeps without a pillow, eats without hands, walks in winter without felt boots, and if he’s happy, wags his tail? 2.Dogs of this breed were popular movie characters in the USSR. This breed was bred in the USSR to serve and assist law enforcement agencies. 3. It is a German breed and is popularly called “sausage” or “sausage” or “sausage” - in general, a meat word. What is the name of this dog breed? What group of dogs does she belong to? 4. What was the name of the dog Elektronika (film "The Adventures of Elektronika")? 5.Which group of dogs does Bim from the movie “White Bim Black Ear” belong to? 6. Which breed got its name from the collie sheep? 7. What groups are all dogs divided into? 8. With the help of what stick does the orderly dog ​​inform its owner that it has found a wounded person?

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1. Dog 2. East European Shepherd 3. Dachshund (hunting) 4. Ressi 5. Hunting 6. Collie 7. Service, decorative, hunting 8. stick – brindel

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Sources of information http://images. http://

How to choose the right breed of dog The decision has been made, you will soon have one in your home: a small and fluffy pet, or maybe a faithful servant and assistant, or a devoted friend and psychotherapist for you... Before getting a pet, you should think about why you need a dog, What are your opportunities and expectations from such an acquisition? Before you start choosing a dog of a specific breed, evaluate your lifestyle. Are you constantly busy and always in a hurry? Or do you spend all your free time at home? How old is the youngest member of your family, and does he know how to handle a dog? Who will take care of the animal? Do you have enough time and money for your future dog's veterinary and other needs? Each dog breed has its own characteristics inherent to the breed as a whole. In order to figure out which breed is right for you, for the purposes that you, I hope, have already decided on, you need to take into account the following most significant characteristics that distinguish dog breeds from each other.

Energy Level All dogs need exercise. However, while some small breed dogs just need to run from room to room, most large breed dogs need long walks and sometimes additional training. If you get a dog with a very high activity level and cannot satisfy it, your dog may develop behavior problems, which can cause you a lot of problems. If your capabilities match the needs of a particular dog breed and your energy levels are approximately the same, then the breed is a good fit for you.

Care When choosing a dog breed, think about how much time you can and want to devote to caring for it. Remember that no matter what breed you choose, minimal care is required even for the most unpretentious breed in this sense. Long-haired dog breeds generally require more grooming than smooth-haired ones. Dogs with long ears are more likely to get ear infections, which means they need regular ear cleaning.

Health Each breed of dog is most prone to various diseases. When choosing a dog, it is better to take this fact into account. This does not mean that your dog will necessarily suffer from diseases inherent to its breed, however, you are very likely to encounter some of them. Today there are more than 400 dog breeds. You can probably discard most of it right away. It is clear that if you want to get a small dog, it is unlikely that you will be interested in shepherds or Great Danes. Therefore, there are not many dog ​​breeds left whose characteristics you should carefully read. Our catalog of dog breeds with photos will help you choose a dog by appearance or determine the breed from a photo. In addition, you can learn about breeds that you may not yet know exist. If you have already decided on a breed, study in detail the personality traits, grooming and other information about the breed. Take your choice of dog seriously; the wrong choice can complicate life for both you and your dog.

Country of origin: Japan Height: cm (male); cm (female) Weight: kg (male); kg (female) Apartment keeping: suitable, but needs sufficient exercise Life expectancy: years Well suited: for experienced owners Character of Akita Inu Akita Inu have a good character, which makes them excellent family animals. They are known as quiet dogs that only bark when required. Many lovers of this breed say that Akita Inus make them feel relaxed and calm, and therefore help people cope with stress.

Country of origin: Central Asia Height: cm (male); cm (female) Weight: kg (male); cm (female) Apartment keeping: not recommended Life expectancy: years Well suited: for experienced owners Alabai character The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai, as this breed is often called, is a very hardy, self-confident and fearless dog with a strong protective instinct.

Country of origin: Afghanistan Height: cm Weight: kg Living in an apartment: not recommended Life expectancy: years Well suited for: experienced owners Personality of Afghan Hounds Afghan Hounds are loving and playful dogs that love human interaction. They become closest to one or two people from the family.

Country of origin: France Height: cm Weight: kg (male); kg (female) Apartment keeping: well suited Life expectancy: years Well suited: for inexperienced owners Note It is not easy to train a Basset Hound to ask to go to the toilet outside. You should also remember that his short legs make it difficult for him to walk up stairs.

Country of origin: Yugoslavia Height: cm Weight: 25 kg Living in an apartment: not recommended Life expectancy: years Well suited: for experienced owners Note Deafness affects 10-12% of Dalmatian puppies. Every Dalmatian puppy should be tested for deafness. Dogs with deafness are very difficult to maintain; they can grow up to be aggressive and very timid; if such a dog runs away from home, there is a risk that it will get hit by a car.

Country of origin: Italy Height: cm Weight: kg Living in an apartment: well suited Life expectancy: years Well suited for: experienced owners Note Italian greyhounds are excellent apartment dwellers, but they need a lot of space to move freely. They enjoy a good walk and become very close to their owners after exercising together. They love to lie on the grass and burrow in the sand. Italian Greyhounds are very sensitive to cold and must be dressed for cold weather.

Country of origin: England Height: cm Weight: kg Living in an apartment: well suited Life expectancy: years Well suited for: inexperienced owners Note Yorkshire Terriers do not tolerate cold well, so they need to be dressed in rainy and cold weather. Since these are very small and fragile dogs, they should be protected from injury. This breed is virtually non-shedding and may therefore be suitable for people with pet allergies.
Country of origin: China Height: cm Apartment keeping: good Weight: kg Life expectancy: years Good for: inexperienced owners Note Because in very cold or very hot climates, going outside to the toilet can be a problem for this breed, many owners Chinese Crested have taught these dogs to use litter boxes or diapers.

Country of origin: Mexico Height: cm Weight: kg Living in an apartment: well suited Life expectancy: years Well suited: for inexperienced owners Note Chihuahuas are very fragile dogs, so do not let them jump from high places and protect them from injury. Due to the nature of their skull, Chihuahuas have a soft area in the center of their head, which makes them even more vulnerable. Chihuahuas must be protected from the cold. If you want to take your dog for a walk in winter, dress him warmly.

Country of origin: China Height: cm Weight: kg Apartment keeping: suitable, but needs sufficient exercise Life expectancy: up to 10 years Well suited: for experienced Shar-Pei owners The character of the Chinese Shar-Pei can be described as a highly intelligent, independent dog with dignity. They can be unfriendly with strangers, but are devoted to their family. Despite their dissatisfied and gloomy expression on their faces, Shar Peis are very sociable dogs.

Lyudmila Zhdanova
A dog is man's friend. Presentation

Dogs always happy to see you. They love you unconditionally. A dog is an ideal friend and reliable helper. There's no better friend for a child, how dog. Caring for a pet every day teaches the child to be responsible. Also, be more patient and hardworking. Obviously, when there is dog In the house you need to take her for walks and play outside. Dog– This is a wonderful companion for lovers of active recreation and physical activity. This way children grow up healthier and accustomed to an active lifestyle.

Place dogs in the system of the animal world is not easy to determine. What's happened dog? A specialist biologist will say that this is a mammal from the order Canidae, and he will be right. A game warden can say that a wild dog is a dangerous predator and will also be right. For us, the people who held dog in the house, dog friend and protector, a loyal and affectionate creature. Dogs are animals, whom we constantly meet on the street, or when we come to visit friends. We are used to seeing them around us. Man tamed a dog approximately 12 thousand years ago. This happened in many places around the world. There are various domestication hypotheses dogs by man. One of them is shared housing and shared hunting. The dog came to the man not as a prisoner or a beggar. TO person came an equal partner in hunting and protecting common housing. Nowadays there are over three hundred breeds dogs. In appearance, many of them bear little resemblance to their ancient ancestors.


Introduce breeds dogs, their role in life person.

Promote love for animals.

Develop attention, perception and ability to listen to comrades.

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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EAST EUROPEAN SHEPHERD DOG The East European Shepherd Dog is a unique Russian type of German Shepherd Dog, which began to take shape in our country in the late 40s on the basis of post-war dogs brought from Germany, and a large number of dogs of “unknown” origin. Dogs of this breed are used as patrol and escort dogs, protective dogs, search dogs and guard dogs. The East European Shepherd feels great both in an enclosure and in a city apartment. This dog is an ideal human companion. She is characterized by impeccable obedience and the dog gets along well with other pets. GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG The honor of forming the breed is attributed to the dog lover Stefanitz, who did a lot to improve the temperament and exterior of the breed. The breed itself descended from Bronze Age wolves. In the 7th century, a dog of this type already existed in Germany, but of a lighter color. By the 16th century the color had darkened noticeably. The breed was first presented at an exhibition in Hanover in 1882. The breed is the most widespread in the world. The German Shepherd is one of the bravest and smartest dogs. This is an excellent service and guard dog. But the strongest instinct of protection can sometimes turn against itself. The German Shepherd is not meant to be just a lap dog. She needs her own job or service.

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CENTRAL ASIAN SHEPHERD DOG (Alabai) The Alabai breed is an ancient breed obtained through popular selection. Dogs of this breed were used as shepherds and for security service. For many centuries, dogs of this breed were subject to the most severe natural selection. Difficult living conditions and constant struggle with predators shaped the dog’s appearance and character, made it strong, fearless, and taught it to use its energy sparingly. CAUCASIAN SHEPHERD DOG The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. It arose 2-3 thousand years ago in the region located between the Black and Caspian Seas. At its core, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a wolfhound, that is, a guard and herding dog. The patron country of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is Russia, that is, only Russia has the right to make changes to the existing breed standard. The Caucasian Shepherd is the best guard breed in the world, angry and distrustful of strangers, stubborn and freedom-loving. Not recommended for novice dog owners as a companion.

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AFGHAN (Afghan Hound) The Afghan breed is one of the oldest in the world. According to legend, Noah took dogs of this breed into his ark. Modern Afghans were most likely created by crossing the ancient Afghan Hound and the Saluki. The Afagan dog is proud and has a sense of self-esteem. The Afghan is very attached to his owners, and you can leave children with him. And yet this is a hunting dog with an independent and sometimes hot-tempered character, whose ancient craft was hunting wolves and gazelles. It is very important from the very beginning to show the dog who is boss in the house. RUSSIAN Hound Hound The first descriptions of the Russian greyhound date back to the 17th century and they give an idea of ​​dogs close to the modern greyhound, used for hunting animals. In the 20s of the last century in Russia, almost every wealthy landowner kept hundreds of greyhounds and hounds. This led to the fact that in various provinces the most famous owners formed their own types of greyhounds, which had characteristic distinctive external features and were called by the owners' surnames. Gradually, the range of type differences narrowed; most greyhounds began to approach one type in appearance.

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IRISH WOLFHODGE The wolfhound was brought to Ireland in 279 BC by the ancient Celts. The dog was used only to bait wolves. Nowadays, dogs of this breed are excellent companions. They are good with children, intelligent, loyal, and not easily angered. This gentle and kind giant becomes furious only if he is attacked. Bernese Cattle Dog (Bernese Mountain Dog) The ancestors of dogs of this breed are considered to be Molossian Great Danes. Their closest relatives are St. Bernards, Rottweilers, and Newfoundlands. The Bernese dog was used to transport goods and herd herds in the pastures of the Alps. Of all the Mountain Dogs (Alpine Cattle Dogs), the Bernese Dog has become the most famous. Despite its large size, the Bernese Mountain Dog is easy to train; it is loyal, affectionate and gets along well with other animals and people. The dog is amazingly beautiful.

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WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD (American-Canadian White Shepherd) White Shepherds are believed to be an old type of German Shepherd that disappeared from Europe in the 1930s. 20th century, when German breeders decided to consider white color undesirable. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a pleasant character, the ability to diversify training, ease of keeping a dog and, of course, an unusual, elegant color. The first white shepherd dogs were brought to Russia in 2002. In 2003, the breed received FCI recognition. These dogs are distinguished by good health, longevity and vitality, and remain active and productive until old age. The dog is very sociable, tries to be in contact with the person all the time, but is not intrusive. She is suitable as a companion dog, a guard dog for a country house. Komondor Dogs of the Komondor breed have been used in Hungary for several centuries as herding and guard dogs. Over time, the Komondor acquired the innate habit of guarding and making decisions independently. He is capable of protecting everything that is entrusted to him. These dogs are very loyal and never give up without a reason. The commander is always ready to repel any uninvited guest.

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DOG (German) Dogs of the Great Dane breed are descendants of the Molossian Great Danes from the Roman Empire. They were used for hunting wild boars and as bodyguards. O. Bismarck played an important role in breeding this breed. It was he who was involved in crossing mastiff-like dogs from the south of Germany with Great Danes from the northern regions. As a result, this breed arose. The dog is a wonderful companion and devoted to the whole family. Easily gets along in a city apartment. BOBTAIL (Old English Sheepdog) Bobtail translated from English means “bumpy tail”. It is believed that this breed was obtained by crossing a Briard and a Russian Shepherd. Previously, the dog was used to herd livestock, but nowadays it is used as a pet. The Bobtail gets along very well with children and has an even and calm character. Quite suitable for keeping in a small apartment.

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AKITA INU Dogs of the Akita Inu breed are representatives of ancient Japanese breeds. It is believed that the dog was bred to hunt large game. However, there is an opinion that Akita Inu was intended for fighting. Akita Inu has a proud and independent disposition. This allows her to be a formidable watchman and a pleasant companion. Beneath the outwardly indifferent appearance of this dog, there is often hidden a loving and devoted heart.

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AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER Dogs of this breed are the closest relatives of the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, obtained by crossing an English Bulldog and mainly a Fox Terrier. After several changes of different names for these dogs, today's name "American Staffordshire Terrier" appeared. Thus, the main prefix “bull” disappeared from the keyword “bull terrier”, and “terrier” remained. American Staffordshire Terriers are renowned for their legendary courage and are amazingly energetic, powerful and active dogs. With their family and owner, they are usually very kind, affectionate, gentle and attentive; adult dogs at home are very calm and not intrusive, but on walks they are cheerful, active, surprising with their ingenuity and are often quite sociable with people, and especially with children. DOBERMANN (Dobermann Pinscher) Ludwig Dobermann was a tax collector in Thuringia in the 1980s. His goal was to breed a dog that would accompany and protect him on his trips. The dog had to be not too large, but large enough and smooth-haired (so that it did not require care), brave and tireless. Dobermann was the owner of a local stray dog ​​shelter and had access to a wide variety of breeds. The German Pinscher that existed in those days had sufficient aggressiveness and vigilance. Dobermann chose this breed and crossed it with the Rottweiler (a powerful and searching dog). The Doberman breed is considered one of the best guard dogs in the world. The Doberman is a strong, loyal dog, ready to give his life for his owner and his family.

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WEST SIBERIAN LAYKA The West Siberian Laika was bred relatively recently. The breed was created by bringing together two aboriginal offspring - Mansi and Khanty - according to their typical characteristics. This breed is used for hunting a variety of game species. Over the course of many generations, West Siberian huskies have developed both malice towards the animal and trust and kindness towards humans. Therefore, they are relatively easy to keep in the family, they are convenient in communicating with groups of people on hunts and in urban environments; sometimes they are even used as companion dogs. SAMOOED LIKE (Samoyed Spitz) The dog got its name from the word “Samoyed” - that’s what the Nenets were called in ancient times. In its homeland, the dog is used as a sled dog, guard dog and reindeer dog. Several Samoyed Laikas took part in the expedition to the North Pole, led by F. Nansen. The dog is amazingly beautiful and has an independent character.

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SMOOTH-HAIRED COLLIE, LONG-HAIRED COLLIE (Scottish Sheepdog) The smooth-haired collie, like the long-haired collie, traces its origin back to a tricolor male named Trefoil, born in 1873. The smooth-haired collie is not as common as the long-haired collie. The ancestors of the Rough Collie were brought to Scotland from Iceland 400 years ago. But the breed got its name precisely in Scotland, where it guarded herds of local sheep called “koley”. Collie is an ideal dog for a family. The dog is hardy, does not require much care, is kind and affectionate. POODLE The closest relative of the poodle is the Irish water spaniel. Poodle-shaped dogs were bred in Germany to pull shot game out of the water. The word "poodle" translated from German means "soaked to the skin." Thus, the poodle cannot be attributed only to French origin. For the first time, Queen Marie Antoinette invented a lion haircut for her beloved poodle. The poodle is just a funny fellow. He is smart, obedient, and loves to swim.

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Dalmatian The homeland of the Dalmatian is Dalmatia, a historical region on the Balkan Peninsula. In the 18th century, the breed was very popular in Great Britain, where it was used as a "carriage" dog. The Dalmatian is a very cheerful and loyal dog to its owners. He is smart, not cocky, and trains well. The dog gained particular popularity after the release of Walt Disney's animated film The One Hundred and One Dalmatians in 1959. ROTTWEILER The homeland of the Rottweiler is the German city of Rottweil. The Rottweiler's ancestors took part in wild boar hunting. Later, dogs began to be used as herding dogs. Rottweilers helped accompany and guard the herds. They were harnessed to carts by butchers to transport meat carcasses. Over time, the Rottweiler developed extraordinary abilities for guard and search service. This is a very smart dog, a wonderful companion, watchman and just a universal family favorite.

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BORDER COLLIE The homeland of this breed is Scotland and part of the bordering England. The Border Collie is a shepherd with excellent working qualities. Used as a shepherd for sheep or a guide for the blind. The standard for this breed was adopted in July 1976. In the process of selection, dogs of this breed became the owners of such qualities as endurance, swiftness and a sharp mind. The Border Collie is easy to train and loves children. BOXER The Boxer owes its origin to ancient dogs such as the Mastiff or Molossian Dog. A common feature for all dogs used in bull baiting is a congenital underbite, and the boxer is no exception. The Boxer retains the character of a puppy longer than other dogs. The dog loves children very much and bravely protects its owners. People wishing to purchase a dog of this breed should understand that the Boxer deserves to live in a free home and needs long walks and training.

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RUSSIAN HUNTING SPANIEL Breed formation in Russia began after the Second World War, when spaniels of various breeds were imported. In 1951, the spaniel standard was adopted, and the selection of dogs for breeding began to be carried out in accordance with its requirements. In 1966, the All-Union Cynological Conference adopted the breed standard “Russian Hunting Spaniel”, which is currently in force. The Russian Hunting Spaniel is a strong, active, persistent dog. Dogs of this breed were bred to hunt ducks. The task of the hunt is to find the bird, lift it on the wing and, after the hunter fires, present the prey on command. A Russian Spaniel swims and dives to retrieve a wounded duck. Has good instincts and endurance. A good watchman. Does not require labor-intensive training. Calm, obedient, affectionate domestic dog.

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There is a huge variety of dog breeds in the world

There are so many breeds and they are so different that for convenience we have to combine them into special groups. And even these groups are not few – ten. But with all this diversity, as a rule, in cities, besides ordinary mongrels, you can find not so many breeds. We invite you to take a look at the wonderful representatives of some unusual breeds.

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Dogs of this breed are large, furry and very brave. Among the ancestors of this breed are St. Bernards, so Leonbergers combine not only strength and courage, but also amazing good nature and a calm, even character. They can be excellent watchdogs and wonderful companions.

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Terrier Dandy

  • Many people consider terriers to be quite vicious dogs. But this cannot be said about the small dandy terrier - this is an extremely good-natured and cheerful animal.
  • Initially, dogs of this ancient breed were used as hunting dogs, and for hunting burrowing animals. Therefore, to this day these dogs retain amazing courage, swiftness of movement, strength and mobility.
  • Representatives of this breed are capable of the most devoted friendship, both with their owner and with all family members, but they are wary of strangers.
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    Cane Corso

    • These huge, beautiful dogs descend from ancient Roman fighting dogs that performed in bloody Roman circuses.
    • These dogs are extremely resilient and intelligent, and what is very important for such a huge and powerful animal (the weight of an adult male can reach 50 kg) is that they perfectly understand the difference between play and attack, therefore, despite their monstrous jaws, they never attack during play. even minor injuries. But like any powerful animal, such a dog requires special training and strict discipline.
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    Icelandic Sheepdog

    In Iceland, this dog is so beloved that there is even a series of postage stamps dedicated to it. True, the number of dogs belonging to this breed is not that large. Icelandic Shepherds are playful, friendly and extremely cute to look at. According to the AKC, this breed is one of the oldest.

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    The Xoloitzcuintle is one of the oldest breeds in the world. Moreover, man did not take part in the formation of this breed - nature itself did everything. There are two varieties of this breed: hairless Xoloitzcuintle and short-haired. In Mexico, the Xoloitzcuintle is considered a national treasure. In the Guinness Book of Records, Xoloitzcuintles hold two records: firstly, they are the oldest breed of dog known, and secondly, they have the highest body temperature of all mammals.

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    Griffon Brussels

    • These small, smart and cheerful dogs have amazingly expressive faces. In terms of the richness of their facial expressions, they simply compete with humans.
    • Their intelligence and strong build allow these dogs to quickly learn and perform complex circus tricks.
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    The thick, long hair of these large dogs makes them appear even larger, giving them a rather intimidating appearance. But in fact, these Hungarian Shepherds are distinguished by their calm and good-natured character. One of their distinguishing features is their extreme love for children; they can even be left with babies as a caring and devoted nanny. Surprisingly, these huge animals (males can weigh up to 60 kg) can be content with only 1 kg of food per day.

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    • The Affenpinscher (monkey terrier) got its name for its funny face and cheerful, mischievous character.
    • These miniature wire-haired dogs are amazingly smart, courageous and very loyal to their owners.
    • They treat strangers with distrust.
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    Petit basset griffin

    This short breed of dog was once bred to help hunt hares. A very strong and brave dog.

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    • The Vizsla is an excellent hunting dog. He has a calm, friendly disposition and rarely shows aggression even towards strangers.
    • Very smart and easy to learn.
    • The Vizsla is an extremely active dog and practically does not sit still.
    • To keep this dog healthy, it needs to be given the opportunity to exercise daily.
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    Pharaoh Hound

    • The Pharaoh Hound is the oldest existing breed. Its appearance has miraculously survived to this day and has undergone almost no changes - ancient Egyptian images of a deified dog - the incarnation of the god Anubis - depict to us the modern appearance of the pharaoh's dog.
    • This hunting dog was a constant companion of the pharaohs and nobility, which is why its images are found on sarcophagi and the walls of pyramids. The Pharaoh Hound is one of the extremely rare breeds - there are no more than 500 dogs of this breed in the world.