Wax for chafed braces. Wax is an indispensable assistant for brace bearers

If you have just begun to think about installing a brace system, and perhaps have already signed up for the brave brace-bearing squads, you should prepare for the fact that from now on the range of teeth and braces care products in your home will significantly expand, which will include not only various brushes and threads, but also special wax for braces.

It is the latter remedy that we will talk about in this article, and we will try to figure out what it is used for, how to use wax correctly and where can you buy it?

Box of lemon flavored wax.

Wax for braces in itself is not a healing material, but is only an auxiliary product that can be used to reduce discomfort and unpleasant sensations during orthodontic treatment, because this miracle product successfully copes with the problem of rubbing the mucous membranes after installing the braces system.

During the period of getting used to a foreign object in the oral cavity, there is always a risk of irritation of the delicate skin of the cheeks and lips, and since this process is not affected in any way by the type of braces installed, orthodontic wax should always be at hand, because it is thanks to this miracle remedy It is possible to make the bite correction course as comfortable as possible.

What does orthodontic wax for braces consist of?

The composition of dental wax for braces includes organic components that do not cause allergic reactions, for example, the drug is made from natural wax that is safe for the body with silicone additives, so its use is completely harmless.

However, the product contains additional chemical components that give it different odors, and in rare cases, patients may still develop individual intolerance, despite the fact that these additives are hypoallergenic. Some product manufacturers add anti-inflammatory components to the wax, which promote faster healing of wounds and inflamed areas of the oral mucosa.

The composition of dental wax is harmless

To make wearing orthodontic systems as pleasant as possible, various manufacturers produce wax with the addition of various flavorings, so their presence, in addition to everything else, perfectly freshens breath, but this does not mean that dental wax should be used not for its intended purpose, but as an analogue to hygiene products.

Despite the fact that wax is absolutely harmless to the body and even if you accidentally swallow a small piece nothing terrible will happen, you should still follow safety precautions and completely remove dental wax from your mouth before eating.

Depending on which manufacturers produced the orthodontic wax plates, they may differ in the form of release, the quality of the included components, flavoring additives, as well as the design of the packaging material and cost.

Protective function

At the initial stage of wearing braces, patients often experience discomfort and pain, often caused by rubbing of the inner surface of the cheeks or lips with parts of the braces, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant bleeding ulcers in the mouth. To prevent such consequences, special dental wax for braces is used, which protects the mucous membrane from injury by gluing a piece of wax to a certain part of the braces system.

There are cases when an arch jumps out of the brace system, and in the near future the patient does not have the opportunity to visit the attending orthodontist; in such situations, the use of dental wax can easily solve the problem, because thanks to its use, damage to the oral mucosa can be avoided.

Wax applied

Also, wax not only becomes an indispensable assistant during the period of adaptation to the braces system immediately after its installation, but also plays an aesthetic role, because with it the iron brackets look much more attractive.

REFERENCE: The material from which dental wax is made easily dissolves after a certain time under the influence of saliva; therefore, it must be applied several times a day.

By the way, manufacturers produce dental wax in fairly convenient packaging, which makes it easy to always carry the product with you.

Are there any contraindications?

Since dental wax has an absolutely safe composition, there are no categorical contraindications to the use of this orthodontic product, but occasionally there are cases when you should not use this miracle remedy.

These situations arise when patients have an increased sensitivity to some of the components included in the product, which leads to various allergic reactions, namely itching, swelling, as well as inflammation and redness of the tissue around the gums. In such situations, you should stop using wax and replace it with analogues (we'll talk about them a little later).

How to Use Dental Wax for Braces

Before using dental wax, all patients must familiarize themselves with the rules for its use, which are described in the instructions included with the drug. Below are the main actions that must be taken:

  1. Carry out hygienic treatment of your hands with any antiseptic, after washing them well.
  2. After identifying the areas of pain and immediately before using wax, you must thoroughly brush your teeth using a special brush or brush.
  3. Dry the area where you plan to apply the product using cotton swabs. It is necessary to dry not only the rubbing part of the structure, but also the tooth.
  4. It is necessary to cut off or tear off by unscrewing a small piece of orthodontic wax, but do not pull the product in order to avoid difficulties in giving it the correct shape.
  5. Between your thumb and forefinger, you need to slightly warm up a torn piece of wax and roll it into a neat ball.
  6. The wax ball should be attached to the orthodontic arch or clasp in the place where there is pain, and you should pay attention that the wax should protrude slightly in front of the brackets.
  7. To securely fix the product, you need to press on the rolled ball, but this should be done with extreme caution.
  8. If the silicone begins to fall off during wear, you need to restore the protective layer again.
  9. Before eating, dental wax must be removed using your finger or a toothbrush.
  10. The product should be used until the pain completely disappears, which usually disappears within a week.

IMPORTANT! If orthodontic wax is used on an uncleaned surface of the oral cavity, inflammation of the mucous membrane may occur, which can subsequently cause problems with wearing braces. Always perform oral hygiene at least twice a day using special hygiene products.

Where can I buy dental wax?

Wax for braces can be purchased in regular pharmacies, as well as in specialized orthodontic stores. As a rule, the orthodontist gives wax to his patients after installing the braces system, because in many clinics the price of the product is already included in the cost of treatment. However, if you have already used the entire package, you can again ask your treating orthodontist for wax, or you can buy it, for example, in an online store for a fairly low cost.

A piece of wax

On average, it takes about one to two weeks for the body to fully adapt to the braces system, however, each case is individual, and it is possible that it will be necessary to use orthodontic wax continuously throughout the entire course of treatment. In this regard, when purchasing this product, you should consult with your doctor who installed braces in order to receive the correct recommendations for its use.

How can I replace wax for braces?

Situations arise when patients do not have the opportunity to purchase special dental wax, but it is still necessary to eliminate the discomfort of the mucous membranes and teeth. What to do in such a situation? In such cases, it is allowed to use improvised means, namely beeswax, pure silicone and even paraffin. Some patients use cotton swabs, placing them in the area of ​​rubbing, but this only partially helps to get out of the situation, so such methods should be used in extreme situations.

ATTENTION! In no case should you use chewing gum instead of wax, as it easily sticks to the components of the brace system, creating a favorable environment for the accumulation of bacteria, and can damage it, and it will be very difficult to clean orthodontic braces from chewing gum.

Below are the basic rules for patients who need to eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity after installing braces:

  • Medicinal plants are an excellent remedy for protecting the mucous membranes from inflammatory processes, so it is recommended to purchase calendula and chamomile tinctures at the pharmacy and regularly rinse the mouth with them. Self-prepared herbal decoctions are also perfect for these purposes.
  • Limit yourself from verbal communication with relatives, friends and work colleagues while your body adapts to the braces system, because any movement of your mouth will lead to irritation of the mucous membranes.
  • Limit yourself to snacks by drawing up a clear nutrition schedule; you also need to eat food only at room temperature in order to avoid sudden temperature changes, which negatively affect not only the braces system, tooth enamel, but also the damaged oral mucosa.

To summarize, I would like to note that dental wax can easily help eliminate the discomfort and pain that arises during treatment with braces and is the best way to relieve chafing of the sensitive mucous membrane of the mouth.

There are currently quite a lot of manufacturers involved in the production of orthopedic wax plates, which allows sophisticated consumers to choose from a fairly wide range. However, if the wax product still does not bring the desired effect, you should immediately seek advice from your orthodontist to avoid unpleasant consequences.

After installing bite-correcting systems, you will have to stock up on a whole range of different tools that will allow you to go through this period with the greatest benefit and comfort.

The list of useful things will probably also include wax for braces, which will significantly facilitate the process of getting used to the installed braces.

You can buy orthodontic wax for braces at a pharmacy or from your doctor at very affordable prices. Almost all types of orthodontic treatment involve the use of this product.

What is it for?

Immediately after the brace can cause discomfort and often pain.

This happens because rough fragments of braces, touching the oral mucosa, rub the gums, cheeks and lips.

Contact between the brace system and the oral mucosa can sometimes even provoke the formation of small or scratches.

For such a case, orthodontic wax is intended, pieces of which can easily be used to seal the problematic parts of the structures.

You can also use the material to prevent injuries when your braces break. That is, the product is used to cover a popped-up arc or, for example, a faulty lock until the problem is resolved by a doctor.

During the first days after installing the system, it is advisable to cover its entire surface with wax, and then only those parts of the structure that injure the mucous membrane. As a result, the product will not only protect the mucous membrane from chafing, but will also disguise unpresentable locks.

The product does not belong to the treatment group, but only helps protect soft tissues from chafing. You can use it in the amount needed to eliminate discomfort. Wax with fruit flavors perfectly freshens breath.


Externally, this material resembles a dense mass similar to plasticine. The product is made from natural wax and medical silicone. The first component helps to completely cover the structure or its individual parts, thereby protecting the mucous membrane from possible injury. And the second gives the substance the necessary elasticity.

Multicolored orthodontic wax

The material often contains fragrances and various flavorings typical of confectionery products or chewing gum.

Wax forms with the addition of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components are also produced. This drug not only performs a protective function, but also promotes the healing of resulting wounds.

If it happens that you need the material urgently, but it is not in your home medicine cabinet, you can use one-time alternative means:

  • beeswax;
  • a small amount of paraffin;
  • a small cotton ball soaked in antiseptic.

It is important to take into account that the “substitutes” at hand are useful only as an “ambulance”. It is not advisable to use them often. The only medical alternative to orthodontic wax can be dental silicone.

The product does not belong to the treatment group, but only helps protect soft tissues from chafing. You can use it in the amount needed to eliminate discomfort. Dental wax for braces with fruit flavors perfectly freshens breath.

Wax for braces - how to use?

Like any product intended for the care of braces, the wax mass must be used correctly:

  1. First, you should thoroughly brush your teeth and wash your hands well;
  2. the problematic element of the system, as well as the surface of the tooth to which it is attached, must be dried with a cotton swab;
  3. a small piece of material is “unscrewed” or carefully cut off from the block with scissors. Don't go overboard with the fragment size. It should cover, first of all, the protruding part. You shouldn't use a very small piece. As a guide, the material should show slightly above the staples;
  4. the mass must be softened with your hands, given the shape of a small ball and covered with a sharp element;
  5. There is no point in pressing down the product too hard, because the material is easily attached to the surface of the braces;
  6. the wax will gradually distribute itself, after which it will be possible to easily remove its excess;
  7. Although the product does not cause allergies and is considered harmless to the body, doctors recommend removing it with a toothbrush before eating. If necessary, the mass can be reused after eating;
  8. If the first attempt to apply a wax fragment was unsuccessful, it can be repeated. Wax does not belong to the group of drugs, therefore it has no quantitative and time restrictions in the system of application;
  9. Any irritation or injury in the mouth after installing braces should not be associated with poor work by the technician or the poor quality of the chosen system. Unfortunately, at first it is impossible to avoid this kind of discomfort even if you use the most expensive designs - and. This problem can only be solved with the help of orthodontic wax.

After using the material, small wounds from braces disappear after a few days. Deep injuries will take approximately a week to heal.

Where can I buy wax for braces?

You can buy dental wax for braces without a prescription in all pharmacies. You can also find it in medical equipment stores.

Many clinics include wax in advance in the total cost of the entire procedure for installing braces. In such cases, the drug is given by the orthodontist in the dental office.

Most often, manufacturers produce wax mass in the form of rods or integral plates.

In such cases, a piece of the desired size can be easily pinched off or cut with scissors. The product is also available in pharmacies in regular tubes. But the most convenient are considered to be packages with separate cells, where ready-made fragments of material are laid out.

Regardless of the form, wax is always sold in special containers. Often such packaging is also equipped with a small mirror, which facilitates the process of applying the product to system parts.


Orthodontic wax is generally inexpensive, but the material from different manufacturers often differs in both quality and price:

Orthodontic material from any company does not cause addiction, is safe for the body and reliably protects soft tissues. For the first few days, the entire surface of the structures should be lubricated with wax, and then only their sharp parts. The consumption of the product can confidently be called economical - for the entire adaptation period, as a rule, one or a maximum of two packages is enough.

Wearing braces is a very long and important period in the life of people who have decided to correct their bite.

At this time, the oral mucosa becomes especially vulnerable, which obliges patients to pay increased attention to hygiene issues.

In addition to orthodontic wax, to protect soft tissues from chafing, you can use various herbal infusions that have anti-inflammatory properties. Products based on calendula and chamomile are especially useful.

The first days after installing the systems, when getting used to it, try to talk as little as possible. The advice may seem somewhat humorous, but it will really contribute to faster healing of the resulting wounds and chafing.

Eliminate very hot or too cold foods and drinks from your diet. Such food not only destroys tooth enamel, but also negatively affects the surface of braces. A sharp change in temperature also slows down the healing process of damaged areas of the mucosa.

After installing braces, it is advisable to spend some time in complete rest, providing comprehensive oral care. This is the only way to get through the difficult period of adjustment with the greatest comfort.

Video on the topic

Video material explaining why orthodontic wax is needed and how to use it correctly:

Orthodontic wax is included in the list of protective agents that are almost impossible to do without during the period of bite correction. The drug is inexpensive, safe for the body, so it can be used without restrictions. Convenient packaging and release form allows you to take it on the road (the box can even be put in your pocket) and use it not only at home. Experts advise choosing material only from trusted manufacturers, because the final result of the entire bite correction process depends on the degree of protection of the oral cavity. It is advisable to store wax in a cool room so that its beneficial qualities do not decrease.

There is one wonderful remedy that helps to cope with the problem of chafing of the mucous membranes. Regardless of the type of braces you have installed, there is always a risk of irritation of the delicate skin of the cheeks and lips. This happens during the period of getting used to a foreign object in the oral cavity. This is why orthodontic wax for braces should always be in your hygiene kit. In this article we will take a closer look at the main characteristics of this product.

How to use wax?

Dental wax for braces consists of organic components that do not cause allergic reactions. The drug is prepared on the basis of silicone, which is absolutely harmless to the body. In addition to its safe composition, this orthodontic product for braces has important qualities that can make the bite correction course as comfortable as possible. Let's find out how to use wax correctly.

  1. Before using wax, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Experts also recommend brushing your teeth.
  2. The area that caused soft tissue irritation must be thoroughly dried. In this case, cotton swabs will help you.
  3. Carefully tear off or cut off a small piece of braces wax with scissors. Twist it a little so as not to deform the remains.
  4. Warm the orthodontic material slightly by kneading it with your fingers. Roll the wax into a ball shape.
  5. Place the ball on the element of the braces system that caused chafing of the mucous membrane. Press the wax firmly.
  6. The protective material will gradually spread over the painful area. If necessary, remove any remaining residue using your hand or a toothbrush.
  7. It should be noted that doctors advise clearing wax from the mouth before eating so as not to provoke digestive problems. Use this product with caution.

Special wax is freely available in pharmacies and specialized stores selling medical equipment. You can also ask your orthodontist for wax. In some clinics, the product is already included in the cost of the bite correction course.

Modern manufacturers produce wax with various flavors to make wearing orthodontic systems as pleasant as possible. Extracts of grapes, pineapple, cherries and mint will not only protect the mucous membranes from irritation, but will also perfectly freshen your breath. However, wax should not be regarded as an analogue of hygiene products; it is not used for fresh breath, but for its intended purpose.

  1. To prevent and strengthen the immune system, you can use folk remedies that are available in pharmacies. During the period of bite correction, the soft tissues of the oral cavity are most vulnerable. It is for this reason that special attention must be paid to hygiene. Rinse your mouth with herbal infusions. Infusions containing chamomile and calendula are effective. Medicinal plants are good remedies that can protect mucous membranes.
  2. Never replace wax with chewing gum! First, it will stick to the structure, creating a new source for bacteria to accumulate. Secondly, the components of a viscous product can cause dental disease and additional irritation of the mucous membrane. What can replace wax? Unfortunately, there is no good alternative, so be sure to have the product on hand.
  3. After installing braces or replacing the arch, try to talk as little as possible. This advice may seem humorous, but do not underestimate it. Healing of soft tissues will proceed faster when the oral cavity is in a calm state. Excessive movements will cause additional pain. In this case, you should just listen to your general condition and do not forget that, if necessary, you can use wax for braces.
  4. Do not eat food that is too cold or hot. Sudden temperature changes negatively affect not only braces, but also tooth enamel. In addition, if you have damage to the mucous membranes, such products will only worsen the situation.

Protective wax has a number of undoubted advantages. This material is safe for the body and easy to use. A small portion of organic material can solve such a serious problem as chafing of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The product has a compact shape and comes in convenient packaging, so you can always carry it with you. In conclusion, we invite you to watch an informative video that shows detailed instructions for using orthodontic wax.

An incorrect bite is not just a cosmetic defect. It is harmful to health because it interferes with chewing food, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Braces are used to correct the bite. Treatment lasts more than one year. When wearing braces, the mucous membranes are often injured and wounds appear that cause pain. Wax for braces will help facilitate treatment and reduce the risk of injury.

No matter what material the orthopedic dental structure is made from, no matter how well it is fitted, during the adaptation period it rubs the soft tissue of the gums. In some patients, the sensitivity of the mucous membranes is so high that they are injured during the entire treatment period.

To prevent the appearance of wounds on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, without interfering with the therapeutic effect, a protective agent was created - dental wax. It can be used at any time, regardless of when the structures were installed.

It’s not just the locking of braces that can cause suffering to a patient. Sometimes this can be done by an arc, the edge of which falls out of the groove and injures soft tissues. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor to correct the device. If this is not possible, then you can use wax for braces, which will help protect the sharp edge.

Composition of the product

Wax is a dense mass reminiscent of plasticine. It is produced in the form of tubes, fastened into plates weighing 3-7 grams. Some manufacturers produce wax in tubes, from which it is convenient to get it in the right quantity. Dental wax for braces consists of the following components:

  1. Silicone base. This is a plastic and elastic substance that performs a good protective function and is easily glued and removed from braces. It is completely safe, non-toxic and made from natural substances.
  2. Flavorings that add freshness to your breath. They have a pleasant taste and smell of strawberry, mint, orange, vanilla and many other products.

To quickly heal existing wounds, wax with antibacterial properties is applied to teeth with braces. It disinfects the surface of soft tissues, prevents infection and accelerates the healing of damage. If you start using this remedy after you start wearing braces, then you will be able to avoid injury to the mucous membrane. Its use when wounds occur causes them to heal quickly, and new damage does not appear.

Due to its harmless composition, dental wax is registered as a food additive. Nothing will happen if you accidentally swallow a piece of it. The use of the composition is not mandatory, but it makes wearing braces comfortable, as it creates a barrier between the mucous membrane and the orthopedic structure. If a patient's gums continue to chafe a week after starting to use the product, they should consult a doctor. The braces may have been installed incorrectly.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many benefits to using dental wax. Its advantages include the following facts:

  • protects lips and cheeks from the inside from damage from clasps and other parts of braces;
  • prevents the appearance of ulcers, wounds and inflammations on the mucous membrane;
  • reduces the period of adaptation to braces and eliminates discomfort;
  • gives the structure a more aesthetic appearance, as it masks its metal locks;
  • makes breath fresh and creates a pleasant feeling in the mouth;
  • convenient to carry, as it comes in small boxes that easily fit in women's handbags;
  • it is easy to use: you can quickly stick it to the desired area and remove it if necessary;
  • a reliable vacuum shell protects the product from dust and overheating;
  • it is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

Wax also has disadvantages. Sometimes you can find low-quality compounds on sale that are easily softened by saliva and washed off from braces. The product should be removed before eating. It can cause allergies, in which case you need to choose formulations without fragrances.

Product Use

Orthodontic wax is often included with braces. If you buy it in an online store, then instructions for use should be attached to it. The product is used as follows:

  1. Hands are washed and teeth and braces are thoroughly cleaned.
  2. Determine which locks and parts rub the mucous membrane.
  3. Wipe the desired part of the structure with a cotton swab to completely dry it.
  4. A small piece of the product is torn off or cut off.
  5. The package is closed to avoid contamination or overheating.
  6. A piece of wax is held in your fingers for a while to soften it, and then rolled into a ball.
  7. Apply it to the rubbing part of the braces and press lightly.
  8. Do not press the composition completely into the lock. For the product to have a protective effect, it must rise slightly above the metal structure.
  9. The wax must be removed before eating. This can be done by hand, with a brush or using a braces brush. The parts need to be washed.

Wax that was glued before eating cannot be reused, as it will no longer adhere well and protect the mucous membrane.

Substitutes and cost

Protective wax for braces is not sold in all pharmacies. In small towns it can be difficult to purchase. Until the product arrives in the mail, you can try replacing it with the following substances:

  • paraffin or wax having an identical composition;
  • beeswax, which can be purchased in pharmacies and regular stores;
  • cotton wool, which can be used to cover the rubbing part for a short time.

To reduce pain and speed up the healing of the mucous membrane, you can use decoctions and tinctures of herbs such as mint, chamomile, calendula, etc.

You don't need a lot of wax. Usually, the entire adaptation time takes no more than 1-2 packages. To be sure of quality, you need to buy the product in specialized stores and pharmacies. It is better to choose products from well-known manufacturers, which include:

  1. Vitis produced by the Spanish company Dentaid. This wax does not even need to be removed from the braces before eating; it is used until it is absorbed.
  2. 3M Unitek. This is an environmentally friendly product in convenient plastic containers. One package is enough for a week.
  3. DynaFlex. American-Dutch wax. Its composition is completely safe and contains only natural ingredients. The product comes in the form of a large plate joined together from five small ones.
  4. GUM. This product is manufactured by the American company Sunstar. It contains vitamin E and aloe vera extract. The product quickly heals wounds and destroys germs on teeth.

Chewing gum should not be used for this purpose. It will stick to the structure and will be difficult to peel off. Because of chewing gum, the entire system can become unusable.

How much wax for braces costs depends on the weight of the package, the pharmacy where it is purchased, and also on the manufacturing company. Usually the price ranges from 100 to 300 rubles. The product can be purchased in various places. It is bought in pharmacies, Medtekhnika stores, and also on the Internet. It is often sold in dental clinics, dentists’ offices, and also as a set with braces.

Dental wax protects soft tissues from chafing during the first time after braces are installed. It is harmless as it consists of natural ingredients. Only high-quality products have good protective and healing properties, which should be purchased in pharmacies and specialty stores.