Severe swelling of the legs after childbirth. When does swelling go away after childbirth, ways to get rid of swelling and causes

Most women suffer from edema during pregnancy. It happens that swelling after childbirth remains and causes some inconvenience for the woman and worries about her health.

What is swelling? What is the nature of edema? How to avoid swelling and how to deal with it if swelling appears? Let's try to figure it out.
Edema is a direct reaction of human tissues and organs to excess fluid in the body. It is easy to detect swelling by pressing with your finger soft fabrics skin: if a depression remains at the place of pressure for some time, which soon disappears, we can talk about swelling. During pregnancy, swelling is, in principle, normal phenomenon, not dangerous. However, swelling may be accompanied by an increase blood pressure or strong pain syndrome. In this case, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medical supplies and procedures to eliminate the manifestations of swelling and treat the disease that provoked them. If fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman can be called natural, then the same phenomenon in postpartum period should be cause for concern.

Most often, swelling after childbirth is observed in the lower extremities, but the arms and face can also swell, and bags appear under the eyes. IN in some cases There is even swelling of the whole body. If this phenomenon does not go away in the first days after childbirth, then the woman needs to consult a specialist.

The main prerequisites for the occurrence of edema after childbirth may be:

  • Kidney diseases.
    If the expectant mother was diagnosed with kidney or other organ diseases before pregnancy urinary systems s, then swelling after childbirth is almost inevitable. Perhaps the kidneys need time to readjust as usual, because they experienced double the load while carrying the baby. Only a doctor, after conducting research, will make a conclusion about the need. medical treatment in such cases. Pregnant women with kidney dysfunction are under special control; they require monitoring in the postpartum period.

  • Dietary errors.
    Despite the fact that nutritionists recommend consuming as much fluid as possible to maintain the body in in perfect order, this advice may, to put it mildly, not be useful for a young mother. If the body is susceptible to edema, you should limit fluid intake, and also avoid eating salty, pickled, smoked foods, so as not to provoke severe thirst.

  • Activity.
    A young mother has enough troubles, and she is forced to spend all the time on her feet. The appearance of edema is simply inevitable if you do not give your legs rest. You should try to find a minute during the day to lie down, raising your legs above body level.

  • Vascular diseases.
    Varicose veins – varicose veins veins are a common cause of edema. This disease can be hidden, so if edema appears, a consultation with a phlebologist is necessary to identify or exclude it.
Methods of treating and getting rid of edema should be determined by a doctor who first identifies the cause of the swelling. Taking diuretics and teas on your own is absolutely unacceptable, especially for a nursing mother. Your doctor will order appropriate tests and explain to you what factors may affect your condition. Breastfeeding mothers should only take certain medications indicated only for them to avoid negative consequences on the child's health.

In case serious pathologies not detected, you will be given simple recommendations: rest more, change body position more often. Regular implementation of even such simple tips can relieve swelling in the shortest possible time.
Adjust your lifestyle. Remember that with the birth of a child, you are responsible for it, and therefore your health and general well-being are a necessity for both.
Among general recommendations to eliminate swelling - lie down to rest every two hours, while your legs should be on an elevation.

Exercise at this time are simple but effective:

  • Lying on your back, raising and lowering your legs at an angle to your body;
  • Rolling from heel to toe;
  • Circular movements in the ankles different sides;
  • Brief walking on toes.
While you are sitting, you need to monitor your posture, do not cross your legs, squeezing the blood vessels on your legs. Sleeping on your left side allows for better blood flow. Standing in one place, roll from heel to toe.
Foot massage and relaxing baths relieve tired legs and help fight swelling. Baths can be used with sea ​​salt, decoctions of chamomile or other medicinal plants. After the procedure, rub your feet with a hard towel, apply nourishing cream.

Eating viburnum, grapes, lemon, and sea buckthorn will help thin the blood and relieve swelling. Every new product take with caution in small portions to avoid allergic manifestations own body and the child’s body.

Hello friends! Let's look at a topic today that is familiar to most young mothers. This is swelling after childbirth, which is observed in almost 80% of women who have recently given birth. What causes swelling after childbirth? Can they be avoided? And how to deal with them? Let's take a closer look.

Edema occurs because too much fluid accumulates in the body. Due to its point nature, edema differs from swelling. If you press your finger on the swelling, then after half a minute a hole will appear in this place. Swelling after childbirth is a very common occurrence among young mothers. For some, only their arms or legs swell, bags appear under their eyes, and for some, their entire figure suffers. If intravenous infusions were given during childbirth, the swelling will go away later. Often, swelling contributes to breast engorgement and changes in the shape of the nipple. The skin in these places becomes wrinkled and dry. Swelling prevents the baby from attaching to the breast, which is why some women simply cannot breastfeed. In addition, due to swelling after childbirth, women often have to wear shoes and clothes several sizes larger. Of course, they don’t feel much pleasure from this, and dream of returning to their former form as soon as possible.

Causes of edema after childbirth

Edema after childbirth occurs not only due to excessive fluid intake, but also due to the accumulation of sodium salts in the tissues. In addition, edema can be associated with problems of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. Since the uterus actively grows during pregnancy and puts pressure on the organs, the outflow of blood from the lower and upper limbs slows down. As a result, swelling occurs. Postpartum hypothyroidism also leads to edema, which occurs due to decreased iron levels in the blood. If a woman stands and walks a lot, rarely rests without giving her legs rest, and also has venous insufficiency, then she has every chance of getting edema.

Treatment of edema after childbirth

Doctors advise drinking as little water as possible, not eating spicy, salty, fatty, sour, smoked, or fried foods. All this only increases thirst. Dill is useful for swelling, honey water with lemon, green tea, diuretic herbs, but soda and sweet drinks will not do any good. You should drink them instead still water, fruit drinks, compotes without sugar. It is necessary and possible to consume anything that is a diuretic. In general, you are allowed to drink no more than one and a half liters of liquid per day (not counting broths, soups, fruits, vegetables). Women suffering from edema are advised to wear tight tights and often take baths for their hands and feet with the addition of medications that have a diuretic effect. If swelling predominates in the legs, then you must give them rest, and as often as possible: lie horizontally, placing a pillow under your legs so that they are slightly elevated in relation to the body. By observing these complex rules, you can get rid of swelling in a couple of weeks. Parents must remember, in the absence chronic diseases doctors don't recommend drug treatment swelling after childbirth. This is especially important if the newborn baby is breastfeeding. During this period, the mother’s health needs attention and support more than ever, so you should not self-medicate or take diuretics, and in case of any complications, immediately consult a doctor. Be healthy!

There is no need to panic ahead of time if you have swelling after childbirth. First of all, you need to understand that you were not mistaken in the diagnosis. Swelling is manifested by a small pit in the skin, which forms if you press on this place for several seconds.

Swelling body massage
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Swelling may appear all over the body. Some women are bothered by swelling in their hands, while others suffer from problems with their legs. Swelling after childbirth can cause hardening of the breasts, making it difficult to naturally feed the baby.

It's not easy for moms to come to terms with their extra pounds, so swelling after childbirth causes them a lot of trouble. The problem is best solved together with a doctor. But first you need to find out the reason why swelling appears after childbirth.

Causes of pathology

Sometimes after childbirth a woman experiences swelling of the perineum. They appear due to the following reasons.

  1. Large fruit.
  2. The complex process of childbirth.
  3. Weakness of labor.

Most women know firsthand about edema.

This sensitive issue causes a lot of psychological and physical inconvenience, but, as a rule, quickly disappears. If swelling of the perineum does not go away after childbirth for a long time, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Quite often, mommy suffers from swelling lower limbs.

The most common reasons are.

  1. Vascular diseases.
  2. Kidney diseases.
  3. Incorrect daily routine and diet.

Because of chronic pathologies kidney problems, which the woman suffered from even before pregnancy, it is difficult for her body to cope with the elimination of the fluid that has accumulated over 9 months. As a result, swelling may occur for a long time. Also, pregnancy often provokes varicose veins and swelling.

An experienced doctor will tell you how to get rid of them; you should not treat yourself. Varicose veins manifest as spasms in calf muscles, severe swelling of the lower extremities in the evening, spider veins.

Also, there are several other reasons why women's legs swell after childbirth. These include.

  1. Drinking too much fluid in the last trimester.
  2. Accumulation of sodium salts in tissues.
  3. Problems with cardiovascular system(the pathology causes not only swelling, but also cramps, plaques, spider veins).
  4. Genitourinary pathologies after increased load on the kidneys.
  5. Hormonal changes.
  6. The growing uterus, which during pregnancy puts pressure on the organs, as a result of which the outflow of blood from the legs becomes difficult.
  7. Decreased iron levels, which leads to the development of hypothyroidism.
  8. Varicose veins, venous insufficiency after childbirth can also cause severe swelling of the legs.
  9. Abundance large quantity sweet, salty, spicy, fried foods.
  10. Intravenous infusions during the birth of the baby.

How to treat the disease

Usually mothers do not know what to do if swelling appears after childbirth. They have absolutely no time for this, since all their worries are about the baby. Sometimes the problem goes away unnoticed, since excess water accumulated in the body is eliminated through postpartum discharge. The kidneys begin to function at full capacity, which helps remove excess water.

Rarely is a serious problem and almost always goes away on its own

If, a few weeks after giving birth, your legs continue to swell, you need to decide together with your doctor what to do in this situation. The specialist will determine the cause of the problem and prescribe competent treatment. You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases.

  1. The problem is getting worse every day.
  2. A large area of ​​the body begins to swell.
  3. The woman feels discomfort and severe weakness.
  4. The temperature rises.

You need to properly organize your diet:

  • the daily diet of a woman suffering from pathology should exclude salty, fatty, sweet and fried foods;
  • If possible, avoid seasonings, because they not only load the already weakened kidneys, but also change the taste of breast milk.

If swelling after childbirth occurs due to kidney disease, only a doctor should decide how to remove it. Seek help from a nephrologist who will prescribe medication.

If you have varicose veins, you should consult a phlebologist. The doctor will identify the causes of leg swelling that worries a woman after childbirth and prescribe treatment. Doctors usually prescribe:

  • Lyoton;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparin.

A phlebologist will also help you with deep vein thrombosis. He will perform a duplex angioscan to analyze the condition of the deep veins in your legs and explain what to do if you have swelling in your legs due to thrombosis after giving birth. You may need to wear special tights, but for the sake of your health, you can bear with it.

  1. You can ease your condition a little with the help of herbal decoctions. Try drinking decoctions from pharmaceutical chamomile, birch buds, lingonberry leaves.
  2. Adjust your daily routine. Try to get as much sleep as possible, alternate between rest and physical activity.
  3. When sleeping, try to lie comfortably and place your feet so that they are higher than your head.
  4. Control your diet, eat steamed or boiled food.
  5. Try to drink sufficient quantity water, herbal teas, dried fruit compote.
  6. A regular massage won't hurt. This pleasant procedure is also useful, it removes excess liquid, improves blood circulation. Try to make time for a massage every day. It is best to carry it out in evening time. There is absolutely no need to seek help from a professional; regular vigorous rubbing and kneading of the body will help.
  7. It is best to postpone physical education until later. late date. Excessive physical activity now can only do harm.

Body massage can be a good preventative measure.

How to prevent the appearance of the disease

Swelling of the legs after childbirth causes a lot of inconvenience to a woman. It is better to carry out timely prevention of the problem than to suffer and try to cope with the disease. To avoid swelling after childbirth, it is recommended to do the following.

  1. Massage your limbs and give them more rest.
  2. Wear compression tights and elastic underwear.
  3. After giving birth, consume less fluid and salt before bed to prevent leg swelling.
  4. Sleep with your legs elevated.

The most important thing is to see a doctor in time. If your legs are very swollen after childbirth, you do not need to treat yourself. This can only make the problem worse.

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Why do my legs swell after childbirth?

Edema appears at the earliest various reasons, including: protein deficiency, varicose veins, as well as diseases of the kidneys, heart and thyroid gland.

For pregnant women, edema to some extent is the norm, since it predisposes to this phenomenon hormonal background. However, the load on the veins of the legs also occurs due to extra weight at a later date.

If a woman’s blood vessels are healthy, then after childbirth the swelling of the legs should go away. But there are cases when they not only do not disappear, but also become larger. This can be explained by poor functioning of the valves of the internal and external veins of the lower extremities.

There is also such a complex condition as deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, which consists of clogging a vessel with a blood clot and disrupting the outflow of blood. The susceptibility of pregnant and postpartum women to this disease is explained by blood stagnation and hypercoagulation (blood thickening) as a result of the body’s preparation for the upcoming loss of blood during childbirth. But not only these two factors are needed for the development of thrombosis. Damage to the inner wall of the vessel is necessary, where the blood clot is actually attached. This can be triggered during pregnancy colds, vaginal examination or autoimmune disorder. The risk of developing thrombosis during childbirth increases many times over, especially in the case of a cesarean section.

Treatment of edema after childbirth

Home remedies for swollen feet

Physiological swelling of the legs after childbirth should go away on its own within a few days; it does not require treatment.

You can help yourself by doing the following exercises to improve blood circulation:

  • Walk on your toes for 2-3 minutes.
  • Alternately spreading and squeezing your toes.
  • Lifting small objects (pencil, ball) from the floor with bare feet.
  • Rotational movements of the feet in different directions (inward and outward).
  • Stand on your toes for a few seconds, then jump (5-10 times) on your tiptoes.
  • Sharp flexion and extension of toes.

Home remedies for swelling include:

  • Sea salt baths and contrast baths.
  • Foot massage (can be done with ice cubes). It is enough to do it yourself.
  • Diuretic mixtures made from horsetail, knotweed and birch buds also help relieve swelling.
  • The amount of fluid consumed in the evening should be reduced.
  • You need to sleep with your limbs slightly elevated, for example, placing a cushion under your feet.

Drug treatment

Those who are not passing should be wary long time swelling of the legs after childbirth, which is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the legs. Also dangerous is asymmetrical swelling (of one leg) with symptoms of swelling, burning and redness.

It is not recommended to take any medications on your own; they may have negative influence on the body of a nursing mother and enter the baby’s blood with her milk.

In turn, the phlebologist may prescribe a duplex angioscanning of the veins (superficial and deep) of the lower extremities to determine the condition of the vessels. This procedure is necessary for women with swelling after childbirth, especially those who are predisposed to this phenomenon.

A vein examination after childbirth should be carried out if there are the following additional factors:

  • Parents suffer from varicose veins.
  • A woman over 35 years of age.
  • and the use of hormonal drugs.
  • Excess weight.
  • The presence of symptoms such as heaviness in the legs, cramps in the calf muscles.

Drug treatment will depend on the cause of the swelling. Usually, ointments based on heparin, rutin (Essaven, Lyoton) or products based on herbal components are prescribed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and eliminate microthrombi.

Prevention of leg swelling after childbirth

You can prevent the development of swelling if you follow some recommendations during pregnancy:

  • Sleeping with your feet elevated
  • Give your feet a rest and massage them
  • Reduce salt and fluid intake in the evening
  • Wear special elastic underwear and compression tights.

Remember that the main thing when swelling occurs during the postpartum period is to consult a doctor in time. Health to you, dear mothers!

Victoria Koreshkova for the website

Along with the immense happiness from the birth of her own child, a woman faces related problems. This applies not only to the nuances of caring for a newborn, but also to troubles with your health. Often, young mothers begin to experience problems with hair loss, teeth crumbling, and swelling in the legs after childbirth. The latter phenomenon is very common nowadays, and it is important to know the reasons why legs swell after childbirth, how serious this phenomenon is, and how to get rid of it.

What is edema?

What is swelling

Medical practice“edema” refers to a certain condition of the body during which organs and extracellular tissue spaces become storage excess liquid. Swelling can occur on one leg or on both legs at once and have different intensity discomfort and spread not only to the ankle area, but also to the thigh.

The reasons for this condition may be different. As you know, in pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, swelling occurs very often. And this is not a deviation. The fact is that the hormonal background of a woman carrying a child changes, her body weight increases, which leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body. Changes also occur with blood circulation, its volume increases, providing the necessary amount for the woman and the fetus. Theoretically, after childbirth, when the body recovers, the swelling should go away. Maybe not immediately, but still disappear. In practice, it happens that the legs continue to swell after childbirth. Why this happens - we’ll figure it out further.


If swelling of the legs does not subside a month after childbirth, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Swelling of the legs after childbirth is considered normal only during the first week. Over the next three weeks, this phenomenon is also allowed, which is associated with a large load on the woman’s body, during which it requires more time to recover. If a month has passed after giving birth, and the illness continues to remind itself, this is a reason to consult a doctor. So, why might your feet swell after childbirth?

  1. Poor nutrition and lifestyle. Disturbances may occur due to disrupted sleep and wakefulness patterns. At first, it is difficult for a mother to get used to sleepless nights and disruptions in her schedule, because the baby requires attention regardless of the time of day. A mother's nutrition, if she does not breastfeed, can also change and lead to swelling after childbirth. For example, abuse of salty, fatty foods or even “better” - fast food.
  2. Failures in kidney function are characterized by impaired blood flow in them or as a result of different oncotic pressure. A woman's pregnancy puts a lot of stress on her kidneys. It happens that malfunctions in their work occur even during the period of gestation and the fluid is excreted too slowly. If kidney function is not restored during the postpartum period, swelling will continue. In a situation where you expectant mother pyelonephritis was diagnosed, there is high probability relapse of a chronic disease.
  3. Heart disorders. Excessive load for life important organ pumping blood is inevitable in a state of pregnancy. If its function is impaired, the blood flow slows down, as a result of which the legs begin to swell. The risk increases when a woman has been diagnosed with cardiac pathologies (heart disease, unstable heart rate, coronary disease).
  4. Varicose veins With this disease, the limbs are subject to circulatory disturbances. The inability of the venous valves to function as they should leads to the rapid development of varicose vein disease. And, as a result, swelling after childbirth does not go away, but only intensifies.
  5. Hypothyroidism, acquired as a result of decreased iron levels in the body, can also cause swelling and puffiness of the face.

Varicose veins can cause leg swelling

Localization and manifestations

Before reading information about the manifestations of swelling, depending on the nature of the disorder, you need to know exactly how to identify it. In order not to confuse the concepts of edema and swelling. In addition to discomfort in the legs, expressed as heaviness and bloating, pathological condition can be determined by pressing on the problem area. To do this, press on the skin at the site of suspected swelling and observe the reaction. A healthy leg will immediately acquire its previous contours, and the remaining hole indicates the accumulation and retention of fluid in the tissues, i.e. about the presence of edema.

It is easy to determine the presence of leg swelling

At poor nutrition and lifestyle are characterized by the following signs:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs throughout the day;
  • after physical activity discomfort is the most severe;
  • the limbs swell and become larger in volume.

In case of kidney failure, a woman will experience:

  • swelling, mainly in the morning;
  • the tissues of the problem area will be loose;
  • localization of edema most often on the feet and face;

Typical symptoms of impaired heart function may include:

  • swelling of the extremities in the evening, because after a busy day the resources of the heart are depleted, the blood is no longer adequately supplied from the legs upward;
  • the swelling is mild, after pressing it leaves a mark in the form of a pit;
  • localization in the ankle area and further up to the lower leg and thighs;
  • on different parts spider veins and plaques may appear in parallel;
  • the problem area is likely to become blue.

If varicose veins are observed, then characteristic features speakers:

  • heaviness and pain in the legs;
  • rapid fatigue after short-term exercise;
  • noticeable swelling occurs in the evening, accompanied by protruding dilated veins.

Whatever the cause of leg swelling, its main symptoms will be fatigue and painful sensations

What can you do on your own?

If you notice signs of swelling after childbirth, you can try to minimize its manifestations yourself. This applies only to those women who have not previously suffered from any of the diseases listed above.

  1. Adjust your daily routine so that you have time to rest. If possible, do household chores while sitting. Help your body get into shape faster with gentle exercise.
  2. Limit the amount of liquid you drink per day. 1.5 liters is enough.
  3. Watch your diet, excluding fried, smoked, fatty, salty foods. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables allowed during breastfeeding.
  4. It is better to sleep on your left side, this position improves blood circulation.
  5. If possible, while lying or sitting, elevate your legs by placing them on a small stool or bolster.
  6. Use compression tights.
  7. If you suspect varicose veins, do it morning and evening contrast shower for problem areas. This will strengthen blood vessels and restore blood circulation.
  8. Warm baths at the end of the day with the addition of medicinal herbs can also reduce swelling.

Important!If after a course of procedures (1-2 weeks) swelling does not go away and the condition of your legs does not improve, be sure to seek help from a doctor. After all, the situation may be much more serious than you think.

Use compression stockings not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth

Drug treatment

When independent measures do not help, you need to look for the cause by going to the hospital. The specialist will prescribe comprehensive examination and will tell you what to do next. If studies reveal a problem with the veins, the woman will be referred to a phlebologist. A nephrologist deals with disorders of the kidneys, a cardiologist deals with heart problems. The situation becomes more complicated if the mother is breastfeeding, because potent drugs and some procedures are contraindicated during lactation.

Diuretics will help remove excess fluid from the body.

Most often in complex therapy diuretics are prescribed to remove excess fluid. Furosemide is widely used for these purposes, but it is worth knowing that it actively removes potassium from the body along with fluid. In addition, it negatively affects the heart and has a “withdrawal syndrome”, when after stopping the intake the liquid begins to be absorbed even more actively. There is a more expensive alternative - Trifas. The drug practically does not wash away beneficial microelements and has no side effects.

As herbal preparations Canephron is prescribed to help reduce swelling, inflammation and improve well-being. It is safe even for infants. But still, do not forget about individual intolerance.

Important! Any medicines when breastfeeding, it is prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication threatens health problems for mother and child.

As a normal option, swelling in the legs may last 1-2 weeks after childbirth. It is possible to extend the period by a few more weeks if there is an impact negative factors. When swelling persists after these periods, you can reduce its intensity or completely get rid of it using home treatments. If nothing helps, there is a possibility of problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, veins, and even more so, if you have a history of one of these diseases, do not hesitate to go to the hospital. After all, the reason may be much more serious than it seems at first glance, and your baby certainly needs a healthy and cheerful mother!