Full ablution for women is orderly. Complete ablution (ghusl)

According to Shariah, complete ablution is the completion of clean water to the whole body. The basis for this is the words of Allah Almighty (meaning):

“If you are defiled, that is, you have had sexual intercourse, wash yourself from head to toe and purify yourself...” (Surah Maidat, verse 6).

With complete ablution, be it after menstruation and cessation postpartum discharge or after sexual intercourse, you need to wash the whole body, bringing water to every part of it, to the ends of the hair and between all the folds. Ablution must be done thoroughly. It is obligatory to wash the body once.

After purification, a person is allowed everything that was prohibited in a defiled state. He will also receive rewards and closer proximity to Allah.

In Shariah, ablution is divided into complete and small. Full ablution is bathing, small ablution is ablution before prayer.

Types of Ghusl:

  1. Ghusl - mafrud (wajib).
  2. Ghusl - musnun (sunnah) - for Zhum (Friday prayers), Eid (holiday prayers), when you perform Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), Hajj. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever performs ablution on Friday will perform a good deed, but it’s even better if he redeems himself” (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Majah).
  3. Ghusl - mandub (desirable) - after intoxication, loss of consciousness, in Laylatul-qadr, after washing the deceased, after tawb (repentance) from sin, for someone who has returned from a trip, when putting on new clothes.

In the state of junub, you cannot read prayer and the Koran. You are allowed to enter the mosque only if absolutely necessary. Ali radiallahu anhu said: "Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us the Qur'an when he was not in a state of sexual intercourse desecration"(Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Majah).

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “I do not allow menstruating women or people in a state of sexual desecration to be in the mosque.”(Abu Dawud Ibn Khuzaimah called it authentic).

A person performing ablution:

  1. Cleanses the perineal area from impurities;
  2. Washes hands up to wrists;
  3. Performs ablution but does not wash his feet;
  4. Then, first wet the head, and then the rest of the body;
  5. Then he rubs his hands over every part of the body as far as possible;
  6. Then he washes each part of the body again with water;
  7. And once again he washes the whole body with water;
  8. Then he washes both feet.

This is complete ablution. A person who has performed a complete ablution is considered completely clean. To perform namaz there is no need for a small ablution if a complete one has been performed.

Actions required for complete ablution(fards of ghusl)

There are three obligatory (fard) actions:

  1. Mouth rinse;
  2. Nasal rinse;
  3. Penetration of water to all parts of the body.

In order for water to reach every part of the body, it must penetrate between the hair, to the roots of the hair of the head, mustache, beard, eyebrows, into the recesses, into the eye sockets, under the rings or under adhering dough or tar. For men, it is mandatory to get water on every hair. For this reason, Muslim men shorten or shave their hair. For women, it is enough for water to penetrate to the roots of the hair. It is allowed if water does not penetrate between the hair in braids. Because hair is a woman’s adornment and shortening and removing it is wrong.

Sunnah in complete ablution

There are 9 actions according to the sunnah in complete ablution:

  1. Wash areas of the body where there was impurity;
  2. Wash your hands up to your wrists;
  3. Perform a small ablution until a complete one;
  4. Wash your hair first, and then the rest of your body;
  5. Wash the right side of the body before the left;
  6. Wipe the body once after washing with water;
  7. The water should touch each part of the body 3 times;
  8. Beware of excessive water consumption;
  9. During ablution, stand facing the Kaaba.

Reasons why complete ablution is performed

There are three reasons why complete ablution is obligatory:

  1. Desecration;
  2. End of menstruation;
  3. The end of postpartum hemorrhage.

Desecration occurs for 3 reasons:

  1. Release of fluid (during sexual arousal);
  2. Sexual intimacy;
  3. Wet dream.

Any part of the body of a person who has not performed a complete ablution is considered unclean. In this case, it is condemned to pick up the Koran and read it, to enter a mosque, as well as to eat and drink without performing ablution or ablution with sand. Therefore, he needs to cleanse himself as soon as possible by performing a complete ablution. However, a person without a little ablution, although he cannot hold the Koran in his hands, is not prohibited from reading it. Also, reading prayers, greeting and praising Allah without major and minor ablution is not condemned.

When it is acceptable to commit

Cases in which complete ablution is welcomed (rewarded):

  • Converted to Islam, having cleared himself of menstruation, postpartum discharge and sexual intercourse;
  • Having reached the age of majority (15 years for boys and girls);
  • Sobered up from drunkenness, regained consciousness;
  • After bloodletting;
  • After washing the deceased;
  • On the Night of Baraat (the middle night of the month of Sha'ban);
  • On the Night of Predestination and Power (Lailat-ul Qadr). If Lailat-ul Qadr saw for sure or it is known for certain that that night came;
  • It is advisable to perform a complete ablution before entering Medina out of respect for the city of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam;
  • Watching the night on Muzdalifa;
  • Before or after dawn, on the day of Eid al-Adha;
  • Upon entering Mecca;
  • For prayers, eclipses of the moon or sun;
  • Before asking for rain;
  • For prayer - removing fear;
  • During an eclipse during daylight hours;
  • In strong winds (at night or during the day);
  • Repentant from sins;
  • Upon returning home from travel;
  • Cleansed from the broken menstrual cycle woman;
  • Condemned to death;
  • Throwing pebbles at Jumarat (in Mecca) on the day of Eid al-Adha;
  • To one who has fallen under najasa (defilement). If it is not known where the najasa got on the body, then the whole body and clothes are thoroughly washed;

Man with physical disabilities

A person with physical disabilities is one who, due to illness, cannot be in a state of ablution during prayer. For example, a person who constantly drips blood or tears from his eyes. It is enough for such a person to perform one small ablution for each prayer. If during this prayer his ablution is broken, it will be considered intact. Even if during prayer he releases impurities, his ablution will be considered intact, but during the next prayer it will be broken. Impurity that gets on clothes during prayer due to illness is not considered impurity. However, with the onset of the next prayer, they are considered unclean, and therefore the clothes must be washed or changed.

A small reminder for women on how to perform a full ablution (ghusl) after sexual intercourse, menstruation, postpartum bleeding, as well as for Friday prayers and the prayers of two holidays.

First, check out a few hadiths from Sahih al-Bukhari.

Sahih al-Bukhari (Mukhtasar)

Book 5: Book of Complete Ablution

179. (248). It is reported from the words of the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that when performing a complete ablution after desecration, (the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,) began by washing his hands, then performed the following the same ablution as before prayer, then immersed his fingers in water and combed the roots of his hair with them, then poured three handfuls of water on his head, and then poured water over his entire body.

180. (249). It is reported that the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Maymunah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “(First) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed the same ablution that he performed before prayer, except for washing his feet, then he washed his genitals ( The comments indicate that this hadith lists all necessary actions, performed by a person during a complete ablution, but they are not listed in order of priority, since first of all one should wash the genitals, and then do everything else), washing off all the discharge, then doused himself with water, and then moved his legs ( This means that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) moved to another place)and washed them. This was his complete ablution after desecration.”

190. (272). It is reported that ‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “When performing a complete ablution after desecration (janaba), the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, (first) washed his hands and performed the same ablution as before prayer, then washed his body completely, and then combed his hair with his hand; feeling that the skin (of the head) was moistened, he doused (the head) with water three times, after which he washed the other (parts) of the body.”

Ghusl (complete ablution)

For simplicity, we will describe point by point one of the common options for performing ghusl according to reliable hadiths:

1. Have the intention in your heart to perform the appropriate ghusl (i.e., if after menstruation, then intend to do a complete ablution to cleanse yourself from menstruation, etc.)

2. Say Bismillah (preferable)

3. Wash your hands three times.

4. Wash the genitals, thoroughly removing any traces of menstruation, residual fluid after sexual intercourse, etc. After this, you cannot touch the genitals, so as not to spoil the ablution.

5. Wash what is washed in the process of ablution (hands, nose-mouth, face, arms from fingertips to elbows, wipe head and ears, wash feet from feet to ankles).

6. Water and wash your hair three times until the water touches the scalp.

7. Wash your ears.

8. Thoroughly wash the right half of the body (including the right leg)

9. Thoroughly wash the left half of the body (including the left leg)

10. Ablution is completed.

In sha Allah, it's simple.

I would like to note that breaking the sequence by mistake does not spoil the complete ablution, unless you specifically touch the genitals in the middle of ablution.

Scientists believe that complete ablution will be valid if a person with due intention is completely immersed in water (whether in the sea or a bath) and clothing does not prevent the water from touching the skin over the entire surface of the body. And Allah knows best.

Many newly converted Muslims are concerned about the question of how to perform ablution before performing namaz. This is a very important procedure that cannot be omitted, since coming before God in prayer is possible only in a state of ritual purity. Below we will talk about how this ablution is performed.

Types of ablution

There are two types in Islam ritual ablution: small and complete. The small version requires washing only the hands, mouth and nose, while the full version requires washing the entire body. The result of both procedures is purity, called taharat in Arabic.

Complete ablution

This option is called ghusl in Arabic. Below we will tell you how to do a complete ablution, but first we need to talk about in what cases it is necessary. So if we're talking about about a woman, then she is prescribed to do ghusl after the end of the period of menstruation and postpartum bleeding. In addition, sexual intimacy is considered the reason for complete ablution. If we are talking about a man, then for him such a reason is also sexual contact and the fact of ejaculation in general. If a person has just converted to Islam or for some reason has not practiced namaz, then he is also ordered to perform ghusl, since the likelihood that in his previous life he did not have such moments when the rules of Islam required complete ablution is close to zero.

Rules for complete body washing

The rules of Sharia tell us how to properly perform ablution before prayer. According to them, the nose, mouth and whole body should be washed. But, before performing ablution, you need to get rid of everything that can interfere with the penetration of water. It can be wax, paraffin, cosmetics, paint, nail polish, etc. When washing, you need to especially carefully rinse the areas of the body where water is difficult to reach. For example, the ears, navel, areas behind the ears, earring holes. The scalp should also be washed with water along with the hair. Regarding how to perform ablution for women with long braided hair, it is explained that if, when braided, they do not prevent the penetration of water, then they can be left as is. But if water cannot get onto the scalp because of them, then the hair needs to be unbraided. Another recommendation on how to perform ablution for women concerns their female genital organs. Their outer part also needs to be washed, preferably while squatting.

Mouth rinse

As for rinsing the mouth, this procedure must be performed three times. At the same time, if possible, everything that interferes with the penetration of water to the surface should be removed from the teeth and from the oral cavity. When asked how to properly perform ablution if there are fillings, dentures or crowns in the teeth, the rules of ghusl answer that these things do not need to be touched. There is also no need to remove various devices, such as correction plates and braces, which only a doctor can safely remove. During bathing, you should only get rid of those things that can be easily removed and easily put back in. Regarding how to perform ablution correctly, it must be said that certain sunnatas and adabs are attached to this action, that is, some ritual actions that are generally not obligatory. But if you fulfill them, then the reward from Allah, as Muslims believe, will be increased. But since these are optional things, we will not touch on them in this article.

What is prohibited without complete ablution except prayer?

There are things that are prohibited for Muslims who have not performed ablution. In addition to prayer itself, these include performing prostrations while reading certain lines of the Koran and bowing to the ground out of gratitude to Allah. In addition, it is prohibited to touch the Koran or its individual parts printed in other books. While still in a state of impurity, it is forbidden to read the Quran, even if you do not touch it. It is allowed to read only individual words, the totality of which is less than one ayah, that is, a verse. This rule, however, has an exception. Thus, suras, which are prayers, are allowed to be read. Without a ritual full ablution, it is forbidden to go to the mosque and walk around the Kaaba during the Hajj.

There is one subtlety - the state without ritual washing is classified into three levels. In one of them it is allowed to fast Ramadan, but in others it is not. But this is a different topic, and we will not touch on this issue.

Lesser ablution

Now let's talk about how to do a small ablution. Firstly, it must be said that this method of washing is called Arabic voodoo. It is also important to note that it does not replace complete ablution - ghusl.

When is voodoo done?

To understand how to properly perform ablution before prayer in accordance with the rules of wudu, you need to learn when there is a need for it. Let's say you did a complete ablution, but then, before salah, you visited the toilet. In this case, you should do a small ablution. This is also necessary if you fall asleep or faint, since a state of unconsciousness leads to a partial loss of ritual purity. A voodoo ceremony is also required when a person starts bleeding, mucus or pus. The situation is similar when there is an attack of nausea and the person vomits. Heavy bleeding V oral cavity(if there is more blood than saliva) is also considered a reason to undergo minor ablution. Well, this list concludes with the situation of alcohol intoxication or other clouding of mind.

When should you not do wudu?

There are things for which it is not entirely clear whether ablution should be done after them or not. And probably the most common issue among them is expectoration. The rules of ritual purity in Islam state that coughing up mucus does not lead to the need to perform ablution. The same applies to cases when small parts of flesh are separated from the body - hair, pieces of skin, etc. But only if it did not cause bleeding. Touching the genitals (it doesn’t matter whether it’s your own or someone else’s) does not require repeated washing. Touching a person of the opposite sex, if he is not a Mahram, is also not considered a reason to repeat wudhu.

Voodoo procedure

Now we will tell you directly about how to perform ablution before prayer according to the rite of wudhu. In accordance with Shariah norms, it includes four obligatory points - washing the face, hands, feet and nose.

To wash your face, you need to understand what is considered a face in Islam, that is, where its boundaries lie. So, if in width, then the border of the face will run from one earlobe to the other. And in length - from the tip of the chin to the point from which hair growth begins. Sharia norms also teach how to wash hands: hands must be washed up to the elbows, including the latter. Similarly, the feet are washed up to the ankles. Regarding how to perform ablution before prayer, if there is something on the surface of the skin that can prevent the penetration of water, the rules clearly say that such things must be removed. If water will get in not over the entire area of ​​the designated parts of the body, then ablution cannot be considered valid. Therefore, you need to remove all paints, decorations, etc. However, henna designs do not interfere with ablution, since it does not interfere with the penetration of water. After all parts of the body are washed, it is necessary to wash the head. How to perform a small rite of washing the head is again suggested by the rules. In fact, simply wiping a quarter of the head area would be considered ablution. with a wet hand. But you need to be careful, since wiping hair not on the head, but on the forehead, back of the head, or wiping hair twisted on the head will not be considered valid.

It should also be noted that without a small ablution (unless, of course, you have just completed a full one), some ritual actions are prohibited. Their list is identical to those that are prohibited in the absence of a performed ghusl. There are also adabs and sunnat for small ablution, which we do not consider in this article. Another important point- when performing wudu, you do not need to take it out contact lenses from the eyes, since this is not required by Sharia law.


Definition of the word "ghusl"

“Ghusl” in Sharia meaning

Pouring the body with water, which is performed in a certain way, with the intention of worshiping Allah Almighty.

“Ghusl” in linguistic meaning

Pouring water on something.

Cases when performing ablution is obligatory

1. Ejaculation

Ejaculation is the release of white viscous seminal fluid that leaves the genital organ under the influence of passion.

Allah Almighty said: “And if you are in sexual defilement, then be cleansed.”(Meal, 6)

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to Ali, may Allah be pleased with him: “If you have a discharge (of semen), then perform ablution”[Retrieved from Abu Dawud].

Consideration of some questions:

1. If seminal fluid is not released during a wet dream, then there is no need to perform a complete ablution, and if fluid appears, then it is necessary to bathe.

2. If a person saw seminal fluid but does not remember the emission, he must perform a complete ablution.

“Truly, water after water”[Reported by Muslim]

(i.e., performing a complete ablution becomes necessary after the release of seminal fluid).

3. If the seminal fluid moves inside the penis, but it does not come out, then there is no need to perform a complete ablution.

4. Ejaculation should only be under the influence of passion, but if this happened due to illness or other similar reason, then complete ablution is not necessary.

5. If after performing a complete ablution, seminal fluid comes out, then it is not necessary to perform a full ablution again, and it is enough to perform only a small ablution.

Because the reason for releasing semen the second time is not passion, and therefore it is not necessary to perform a complete ablution again.

6. If a person woke up and saw liquid, not knowing the reason for its appearance, then the person can be in three states and no more:

a) is sure that this is seminal fluid, then he needs to perform a complete ablution, without finding out the reasons for its appearance.

b) is sure that it is not seminal fluid, then complete ablution is not necessary, and this fluid is considered urine.

c) doubts whether this is seminal fluid or not. In this case he must try to remember, and if he remembers something that indicates that it is seminal fluid, then it is seminal fluid.

If he remembers something that indicates that it is mazium (a liquid that is released during sexual arousal), then it is mazium.

And if he doesn’t remember anything, then he better take a full ablution to be on the safe side.

7. When a person saw seminal fluid, not knowing when he had a wet dream, then he needs to repeat the prayers, starting from the time when he last slept.

2. Sexual intercourse

The union of the genital organs of a man and a woman, which occurs with complete insertion of the head of the penis into the vagina, even if there has been no ejaculation.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When the genitals are connected, it is necessary to bathe”[Reported by at-Tirmidhi].

3. Acceptance of Islam by non-believers

Since “the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, ordered Qais bin ‘Asim, when he accepted Islam, to bathe” [Reported by Abu Dawud].

4. End of menstruation and postpartum bleeding

It is narrated from the words of Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to Fatima bint Abu Hubaysh: “Stop praying when (your usual period of menstruation) begins, and when (this period) ends, pray complete ablution, (washing off) the blood, and pray” [Hadith agreed].

A postpartum blood(nifas) similar period blood(hyde) according to the unanimous opinion of scientists.

5. Death

Since the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said when they were bathing his dead daughter: “Wash it three times, or five times, or more if you think it necessary.”[Hadith agreed].

Description of complete ablution

It is obligatory to pour water over the entire body with the intention of complete ablution, regardless of the method of performing it. However, it is desirable to perform a complete ablution following the example of the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

It is reported that Maimunah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “I brought water for ablution to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) after a great desecration, and (first) he washed his hands twice (or three times), then immersed his hand into a vessel, (scooped up water), began to pour it onto his genitals and washed them with his left hand, and then wiped them thoroughly left hand about the ground. Then he performed the same ablution (wudu) that he usually performed before prayer, then scooped up water with his hand three times and poured it on his head, then washed (all other parts of) the body, and then moved to another place and washed his feet, after which I brought it to him a scarf, which he refused to use” [Recited by al-Bukhari].

So the sequence is like this:

1. Wash your hands twice or thrice.

2. Wash the genitals.

3. Dry your hand thoroughly two or three times.

4. Perform the same ablution that is performed before prayer, without wiping the head and feet.

5. Pour water over your head.

6. Wash the rest of the body.

7. Go to another place and wash your feet.

What is prohibited to someone who is in a state of sexual defilement?

1. Prayer

2. Walking around the Kaaba

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Circle around the House (Kaaba) - prayer”[Recited from an-Nasai].

3. Pick up the Holy Quran

Allah Almighty said: “Only those who are purified touch it”(Event, 79)

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “No one touches the Holy Quran except the purified one”[Recited from Imam Malik in “al-Mu’atta”].

4. Reading the Holy Quran

It is reported that 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came from the latrine, (after which) he taught us the Koran and ate meat with us. Nothing kept him from reading the Quran except (the state of) great defilement (janaba)” [Recited by at-Tirmidhi].

5. Staying in the mosque without a good reason

Allah Almighty said: “O you who believe! Do not approach prayer while drunk until you understand what you are saying, and while in a state of sexual defilement until you have bathed, unless you are a traveler” (Women, 43)


Walking around the Kaaba.

Take the Holy Quran in your hands.

Reading the Holy Quran.

Being in the mosque.

Full ablution prescribed by the Sunnah

1. Complete ablution before Friday prayer.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “He who performs wudu’ on Friday will do well, and whoever performs wudu’ on Friday, (let him know that) full wudu is better.” [Reported by Abu Dawud].

2. Complete ablution when putting on ihram before the minor (umra) and major (hajj) pilgrimage

“Zayd bin Thabit said that he saw the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, take off his clothes to put on ihram and bathe” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi].

3. Complete ablution after bathing the deceased

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Let the one who redeemed the dead bathe himself”[Reported by Ibn Majah].

4. Complete ablution before each intercourse

It is reported from the words of Abu Rafi'a: “One day the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, went around all his wives, bathing with each of them. (Abu Rafi') said: “I said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, why don’t you take a bath once?” He replied: “This is better, more beautiful and purer” [Reported by Abu Dawud].


1. Postpone complete ablution so as not to be late in performing obligatory prayer.

2. Leave the obligatory prayer to the woman, and she must perform it as soon as she is cleared of menstrual bleeding.

For example, if a woman purified herself before the end of the time of obligatory prayer for such a period in which one rak'ah could be performed, then performing this prayer becomes obligatory for her.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If any of you manages to perform (at least) one rakat morning prayer before sunrise, let him complete his prayer, and if any of you manages to perform (at least) one rakat of the afternoon prayer (‘asr) before sunset, let him complete his prayer” [Hadith agreed].

Alhamdulillah, you accepted Islam (or began to follow the religion that your ancestors followed). And, of course, you have many questions, the first of which is how to perform ablution and prayer correctly? Sisters often write to our website and group with questions about how to perform ablution and prayer, whether such and such an action violates ablution (and the like).

Since for the validity of prayer it is necessary to be in a state of ritual purity (taharat in Arabic), in this article we, with the permission of Allah, will talk about ablution.

The concept of “taharat” (literally “purity”) includes performing a complete ablution (washing the entire body with water, in other words, bathing) and a small ablution - when you need to wash only certain parts of the body.

Complete ablution (ghusl)

When is full ablution (ghusl in Arabic) necessary?

A woman must perform a complete ablution after the end of menstruation (haid) and postpartum bleeding (nifas), as well as after marital intimacy.

A man also performs ghusl after marital relations and after ejaculation (emission).

Also, a complete ablution should be performed by a person who has just accepted Islam, since a sexually mature person has had a situation at least once in his life when a complete ablution was necessary. So if you have recently converted to Islam (or have just recently decided to perform namaz), you should perform a full ablution

According to Shariah, complete ablution consists of three required parts (fards of ghusl):

1. Rinse the nose.

2. Mouth rinse.

3. Washing the entire body with water.

When bathing, it is necessary to remove from the body everything that could interfere with the penetration of water, for example, paint, wax, dough, nail polish.

It is necessary to rinse areas of the body where water may not reach during normal bathing - for example, the folds of skin inside the navel, auricle and the skin behind the ear, skin under the eyebrows, holes for earrings in the ears (if the woman has pierced ears).

When performing a complete ablution, it is also necessary to wash the scalp and hair. If a woman long braids, she may not unravel them if they do not interfere with water getting to the scalp (if they do, then she needs to unravel them).

The woman also needs to wash the outer part of the genital organ (that which is accessible when she squats).

Since performing ghusl requires rinsing your mouth, you must remove anything from your teeth that could prevent water from reaching the surface. However, this does not apply to dental fillings and crowns or dentures; they do not need to be removed! As for braces, orthopedic plates that are placed to correct teeth: if they are removable and easy to remove, they need to be removed; if they are attached to the teeth in such a way that only a doctor can remove them, there is no need to touch them, bathing will be valid.

Full ablution has its sunnat and adab (actions that are considered optional, but desirable and increase the reward for worship). You can read about them in this article: “Fards, Sunnat and Adab of Full Ablution”

It is also important to remember What actions are prohibited for a person who does not have complete ablution?(for example, a woman during her period):

1. You cannot perform namaz, as well as perform sajdah tilawa (bow to the ground when reading certain verses of the Koran) and sajdah shukr (bow to the ground in gratitude to Allah).

2. Touching the Koran or verses of the Koran (if they are printed in a book of religious content). This does not apply to the text of the Koran printed on a computer or other electronic media. In this case, it will only be impossible to touch the text of the Koran displayed on the screen with your hands, but you can read it from your phone (not out loud).

3. Reading even one verse of the Quran out loud (however, you can read fewer verses - for example, pronounce the phrases “Alhamdulillah” or “Bismillah”, which are also part of the verses). Of course, this applies only to the Arabic original of the Quran, and not to its translations. However, you can recite the verses of the Quran to yourself, mentally.

An exception is made for verses and surahs of the Qur'an, which are duas (supplications) and are read for protection from all harm - such as surahs Al-Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falyak and An-Nas and the verse Al-Kursi.

4. Visit to the mosque.

5. Circumambulation during the Kaaba (tawaf) in Hajj.


There is a distinction between the state of defilement (Junub) and the state of Haida and Nifas. In a state of defilement (for a woman - after a marital relationship), you cannot pray, but you can fast (during Ramadan, for example). You cannot fast in a state of Haida and Nifas.

For a more detailed explanation of the issue, you can refer to this article: "Women's fiqh of complete ablution"

Frequently asked questions regarding ablution:

  • It should be noted that complete ablution (bathing) replaces small ablution. That is, if, for example, your period has just ended and you have performed ghusl, you will not need to perform additional ablution before prayer (unless you have committed actions that violate wudu - you have not gone to the toilet, for example ).
  • “If I took a bath, and then a situation happened in which ablution was disrupted (for example, the release of gases), do I need to bathe again?”- No, since this action does not violate complete ablution, there is no need to bathe again, it is enough to renew the wudu.
  • Is it possible to dye your hair, use different chemicals for curling or styling hair - will there really be a complete ablution in this case?-The decision here will depend on the method of action of the paint or other substance. If it allows water to pass through, your ghusl is valid; if not, you will have to remove the dye from your hair before bathing. We cannot say how exactly this or that paint works; you need to find out from their manufacturers. However, we know for sure: dyeing hair with henna does not prevent the penetration of water, so the ghusl will be valid.

Lesser ablution (wudu)

As for the small ablution (wudu in Arabic), it will be necessary in the following cases:

1. After visiting the toilet (for major or minor needs).

2. After the release of gases.

3. In case of sleep or fainting (except for the case when a person fell asleep while sitting, pressing his buttocks to the floor).

4. The release of blood, pus or other fluid from the human body. Exit refers to the release of a substance beyond the boundaries of its source (for example, a nosebleed or blood escaping beyond the boundaries of a wound or cut). If blood only appears in the wound (as from a pin prick, for example), but does not flow out, ablution is not broken.

5. If a person vomits, provided that the vomit completely fills the mouth.

6. Bleeding in the mouth (from the gums, for example), provided that there was more or the same amount of blood as saliva. This is determined by the color of the saliva - if it is yellow or orange, it means there is little blood, if it is red or dark red, it means there is more blood.

7. In case of alcohol intoxication or insanity.

What does NOT violate wudu:

1. Separation of a piece of skin (a callus, for example) from the human body, which is not accompanied by bleeding.

2. Touching the genitals (your own or another person’s – for example, a woman changing a child’s diaper, this does not violate ablution).

3. Touching a person of the opposite sex who is not a Mahram does not violate wudhu.

4. Expectoration of mucus, even if there is a lot of it.

According to Shariah, ablution includes four obligatory parts (fards of wudu):

1. Washing your face. Important– pay attention to what is considered the boundaries of the face!

Face boundaries: in length - from the hairline to the tip of the chin, in width - from one earlobe to the other.

2.Wash your hands before elbow joint inclusive.

3. Washing the feet up to the ankles inclusive.

Very important: A condition for the validity of ablution is considered to be the contact of water on all areas of the skin within the boundaries of the organ that needs to be washed! Therefore, there should be no substances on the body that could interfere with the penetration of water into the skin - for example, dough, wax, glue, nail polish. If you have rings on your fingers, you need to move them so that water gets under them.

However, if you dye your hair or hands with henna, this does not interfere with your ablution, since henna allows water to pass through.

4. Rubbing (maskh) one quarter of the head with a wet hand.

It is valid to wipe the hair on the head (and not on the forehead or neck). It will be invalid to wipe a braid braided around the head or hair that falls from the head in a loose state.

What is forbidden to do without performing ablution:

1. Perform namaz;

2. Touch the Arabic text of the Holy Quran (but you can read the Quran on electronic media - phone, tablet, computer, without touching the screen with the displayed text);

3. Perform sajda-tilyawa while reading the Holy Quran;

4. Walk around the Kaaba (tawaf).

Lesser ablution also has its sunnat and adab. You can read about them here: “Ahkyams and sunnat of small ablution.” The procedure for small ablution is also shown in some detail in the picture above.

Frequently asked questions regarding ablution:

  • Do I need to remove contact lenses from my eyes?– No, eyes are not one of the organs that need to be washed when washing your face, so there is no need to remove the lenses.
  • Does the exposure of clothing or body to substances that are considered impurity (najasa) ruin wudu? — The contact of such substances (najas) on the body or clothing does not violate ablution. It is enough to rinse this place three times with water (from a smooth surface - for example, leather clothing - just wipe off the dirt), and it is considered that you have removed the impurity.

Mask (wiping) leather socks and bandages

Wiping khuffs (leather socks):

According to Sharia, a person is allowed to wipe special leather socks (khuffs) instead of washing his feet. They must be put on after performing ablution - on clean feet. The next time a person's wudhu goes wrong, he will not need to wash his feet, just run his wet hand once from the tip of his fingers to his shin along the surface of the sock, and wudhu will be valid.

The validity period of such wiping is one day and one night for a sedentary person and three days and three nights for a traveler. The period of validity must be counted from the moment a person’s ablution goes wrong for the first time (after he puts on the khuffs).

Attention! Wiping regular (cotton, wool, synthetic) socks or stockings will not be valid. It is also not allowed to wipe a scarf or skullcap (instead of a hair mask), gloves (instead of washing your hands), or a niqab (instead of washing your face).

Wiping the bandage

What to do if a person has been bandaged due to a wound or fracture (and getting water on the wound can harm health):

In this case, a person can simply wipe the bandage with a damp hand once (it is not necessary to wipe the entire bandage - just wipe most of it). If there is a concern that washing the skin near the bandage may cause water to enter the wound and cause harm to it, you can also wipe (rather than wash) the skin near the bandage and ablution will be valid.

You can read more about wiping socks and bandages in the article: “Actions that violate the reality of the socks off. Wiping the bandage."

Please note: all the above rules and decisions regarding ritual purity refer to the opinion of Hanafi scholars law school(madhhab). The decisions of scholars of other madhhabs on issues of ablution, in particular, the Shafi'i madhhab, will be somewhat different. Therefore, Muslims living in regions where the Shafi'i school is followed (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia) should turn to the relevant sites and scholars.

Muslima (Anya) Kobulova

Based on materials from the Darul-Fikr website