Nutrition according to the phases of the menstrual cycle. How the menstrual cycle affects weight loss

How does our body live, what processes occur in it during the month and what support and nutrition does it expect from us?

An eventful life in a metropolis, stress and career often take us away from the feeling of our body and the processes occurring in it. Menstruation is perceived as an annoying misunderstanding, which usually begins at the wrong time and at the wrong time relative to our grandiose plans! And when it comes time to make important female decisions, the body often responds to us with the same misunderstanding. Let's figure out today how our body lives, what processes occur in it during the month and what support and nutrition it expects from us.

The female cycle consists of 4 stages: follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, menstruation. Since a woman’s maturity includes the ability to conceive and bear a child, this process is fundamental from the point of view of female nature. So basic that most other processes in our body are subordinated monthly cycle.

During the follicular phase (this is the first half of the cycle, on average until the 14th day), the body is under the control of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). You need to understand that this is a hormone of growth, accumulation and vigor. And the first phase itself is characterized increased appetite, increased metabolism and a generally optimistic outlook on the world. This is how nature arranged it, helping a woman collect all the substances that will be needed to bear a child. It is in the first phase that it is important to provide the egg a large number proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements! Gaining weight at this stage of the cycle is almost impossible, since all substances obtained from food go to providing resources for the egg. At this time, it will be correct to feed yourself meat and fish, eggs and caviar, vegetable oils, all kinds of vegetables and fruits, as well as a large number of cereals. Any diets, cleansing and fasting during the follicular phase are prohibited, as they will put the body under stress during the formation of a healthy egg.

In the middle of the cycle (some earlier, some later) ovulation occurs. And, as a rule, pregnancy does not occur. Even if we did not plan to conceive, then our lives continue at the usual pace. But for the body everything changes. The resources that were supposed to ensure the gestation of the fetus suddenly become unclaimed, and they urgently need to be disposed of.

This is the main task of the luteal phase (the second half of the cycle, from the 14th to the 28-31st day). FSH no longer works, and the mood slowly and surely creeps down, exposing the problems and all the cruelty of the world around us. The female state of this half of the cycle is characterized by decreased appetite, increased food selectivity, often “I want this, I don’t know what” or I don’t want anything at all. That's all metabolic processes engaged in catabolism, breakdown and excretion of those nutrients, which accumulated throughout the first phase. Smart psychologists who understand the female body advise doing pleasant things during this period: meeting with friends more often, pampering yourself with shopping and allowing yourself something delicious (even if it’s a huge piece of chocolate cake!). Well, if you are a fan of fasting and short fasting, then, of course, it is appropriate to do them in the second phase of the cycle, using the body’s natural desire to cleanse itself.

It should be noted that at this stage, nutrition can be more moderate in terms of proteins and fats, so as not to burden the body with additional work. An abundance of salads, light meat and fish, dairy products, and fruits will help you get the necessary nutrients and energy. It is recommended to minimize (or better yet completely eliminate) coffee, alcohol, excessively salted and smoked foods, as well as sweet drinks - all that leads to water retention and inhibition of metabolic processes. But it is recommended to drink as much clean water as possible. We remember that our task in this phase is to remove the remnants of products accumulated during the stage of egg maturation.

The final stage of the cycle is menstruation. For our body it is general cleaning activity and nutritional results over the past month. These days it is better to eat everything warm (to avoid additional cramps), get plenty of rest, avoid sports, drink a lot of water, and also consume foods rich in iron (red meat, liver, egg yolk, lentils and beans, dried fruits).

And so in a circle, from cycle to cycle: we accumulate nutrients for the maturation of the egg - we cleanse ourselves if they are not useful. Understanding the rules by which the body lives will help you be in tune with your own feminine nature, and will also provide reproductive health, correct hormonal levels and good mood!

We used open sources, materials from specialists in women's nutrition and reproductive medicine: Miranda Gray, Rebecca Booth, Keri Glassman, the British Herts & Essex Fertility Center, materials from the Russian health technologist K.B. Zabolotny.

IN different days cycle, the female body produces different amounts of hormones, which have a direct effect on all processes occurring in it. Knowing which hormone is now leading, you can adjust it, which, if followed, will then give excellent results.

First 3 days of the cycle

The first 3 days of the menstrual cycle are a real challenge for many women. Painful sensations in the chest and abdominal area, headache, loss of appetite, bad mood and high level of irritability. It is unlikely that in such a state it is worth starting (or continuing) weight loss work. But even if your health is ideal and the symptoms are familiar to you only from the words of your friends, actively losing weight during this period is still not recommended. During this period, the body needs vitamin support, which can be obtained from vegetables and fruits.

Fatty foods, coffee and alcohol are prohibited. Refusal of animal protein, which is prescribed by many, at this time is fraught with anemia.

The best way out in these circumstances would be to relax. scoop positive emotions from cinema, music, meetings with interesting people or chat on our forum. Just 3 days of forced “doing nothing” and you can safely rush into battle!

From 4 to 14 days of the cycle

From the 4th day from the start of menstruation, pleasant changes occur in the female body. The woman is in excellent spirits, sparkling with enthusiasm, and determined to succeed. During this period, the egg matures and the body produces increased amount estrogens. Metabolism accelerates by about 30 percent compared to next phase cycle.

Right now you need to set a goal to lose weight, go on a diet, and achieve your desired weight. Moreover, this perfect time for carrying out fasting days, which are beneficial for the body regardless of the number of kilograms.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, most women ovulate. As we remember from our school biology course, the follicle ruptures and leaves the cavity of the egg ready for fertilization. At the site of the rupture, a corpus luteum which releases progesterone. A woman feels an increase in appetite, which often manifests itself in cravings for carbohydrates. If you do not exercise during this period and do not actively burn calories, carbohydrates are transformed into fat for female body. Suspension of weight loss in the second half of the cycle is one of the normal options, but weight gain is a reason to pay more attention to physical activity. But while leaning on exercises, remember that every time, starting from the 14th day of the cycle, your body prepares for possible pregnancy, accumulation of nutrient reserves “for the future” is our physiology. If classes are not given positive result, do not be discouraged - everything will change with the onset of a new cycle. Compliance in the second phase is not only undesirable, but also pointless, because there is a high probability of failure.

Choosing a diet for each phase of the cycle

From 4 to 14 days of the cycle

Choose a diet with balanced composition and a calorie content of at least 1200 kilocalories. The duration of following the diet should be 7-10 days, before the onset of ovulation. In this phase of the cycle, you can effectively lose several kilograms.

From the 14th day until the start of the new cycle

As mentioned above, this time is not best period for following a low-calorie diet. Your diet should be varied, as close as possible to the balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The amount of energy that enters your body with food should be equal to the energy that you expend, plus physical activity and your lifestyle. Your main task in the second phase of the cycle is not to lose weight, but to maintain weight without adding pounds.

About drinking regime on different days of the cycle

Due to the fact that the female body is prone to swelling during menstruation, and fluid retention is often a problem, the natural question is how much water should you drink at different phases of the cycle? Is relaxation necessary? drinking regime at any time?

Nutritionists are extremely categorical - clean water We need it for the full functioning of all body systems. Its quantity is constant for each phase of the cycle. You can calculate it using the formula - multiply your weight in kilograms by 30 milliliters of water. The resulting value will be equal to the daily water consumption rate.

Be healthy! Good luck with your weight loss!

It turns out that the path to slimness should begin not on the notorious Monday, but on the first day of the menstrual cycle!

The fact is that in the first half of each cycle, energy reserves are released and intensively spent, and in the second half they accumulate. Therefore, at the beginning of the cycle you need to intensively lose weight, and starting from its middle - just consolidate the result.

So, let’s figure out what a phased diet is.

1 phase

During the first phase - menstrual - hormonal changes occur, due to which appetite decreases. Metabolism accelerates at this time, and therefore a moderate diet will bring desired result. True, you can’t go hungry at this time, otherwise you’ll end up with anemia.

It is advisable to include in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits, protein products and whole grains. But it is better to exclude fried, spicy and alcohol. Be careful with excess salt, chocolate, strong tea and coffee. But drink herbal teas and as much purified water as you like.

These days you should go for walks as much as possible. fresh air, but you shouldn’t do aerobics and dumbbells. But exercises such as stretching are very suitable. Not only will they help you become slimmer, but they also have a positive effect on the psyche, which in “ critical days"won't hurt at all.

2 phase

In the second phase - follicular - the hormone estrogen continues to dominate in the body. Thanks to him, you feel desired and happy at this time. In addition, they are pleased with the excellent condition of the skin and excellent performance. This is the most favorable phase for losing weight, because hormonal levels now contribute in every possible way to energy consumption. At this time, both physical activity and new diets are easier to tolerate.

The number of calories can be safely reduced by 200–300, because as the hormones themselves tell you, the diet is most effective at this time. However, fasting is not recommended - the body needs high-quality energy. The diet should contain at least 50% complex carbohydrates. Be sure to eat brown rice, buckwheat, whole grain bread, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, i.e. At this time, you are actually using Inna Volovicheva’s diet, the recipes of which are exactly suitable for this list of products.

The second phase is the most favorable time for intensive training! You can take up some new sport or increase the number and duration of your usual workouts. Don't worry, your body can handle it easily now.

3 phase

The third phase - luteal - begins after ovulation (this is approximately the 14th–15th day of the cycle) and lasts approximately 8–10 days. At this time, the hormone progesterone “dominates” in the body. Its amount increases, and estrogen levels decrease. Vascular tone weakens, lymph and blood flow slow down, which leads to fluid retention and the appearance of edema. The body begins to prepare for conceiving a child, so it seeks to increase energy reserves by accumulating fat. It turns out that when hormones are boiling, diet will not help and losing weight during this period is practically useless?

Indeed, appetite increases significantly in the third phase, so you need to slightly increase your daily caloric intake. But do this through foods rich in protein (1-1.3 g per day per 1 kg of weight). Firstly, protein food doesn't let you put it off excess fat, and secondly, it reduces the feeling of hunger. You should love foods such as lean meat and cottage cheese, kefir and eggs, beans and fish. By eating protein foods and giving up starchy and sweet foods, you can even lose a couple of kilograms.

Regarding physical exercise, then in the third phase their efficiency is quite high. Thanks to progesterone, the main sources of energy now are fats, and therefore ignore physical activity not worth it. However, there is no need for a power load at this time. It’s better to walk more, swim, ride a bike, run, do shaping or Pilates.

4 phase

The fourth phase can be described briefly - PMS... I think there is no need to explain what it is. Every woman is familiar with this condition - abrupt change moods, causeless tears, the stomach seems to be swollen. At this time, the level of metabolism and hormonal levels change. Weight, as a rule, increases slightly, but this is not due to fat, but due to fluid retention.

Do not try to go on a diet at this time, because it will be difficult to fight the feeling of hunger now. It’s better not to torture yourself and increase your caloric intake a little, but you need to do this according to the rules:

- eat often, but little by little;
- you need to choose light food: vegetables, fruits, meat or fish dishes;

— eat less salt so that liquid does not linger in the body. It is also better to avoid strong tea, alcohol, coffee and spicy foods;
— you don’t need to completely give up sweets, because it helps relieve stress and nervous tension.

— lean on seafood, there’s a lot of it fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the balance of hormones.

During this period, you can do yoga or stretching. This will not only help you stay in shape, but will also minimize the signs of PMS - headache, severe fatigue and irritability. Don't forget about walks, warm baths and good sleep.

As you can see, excess weight diet and menstrual cycle are strongly interconnected, and therefore hormones should not be discounted in the fight for harmony.

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.In the first half of the cycle(follicular phase) the hormone estrogen rules the roost. It is produced by special cells inside the follicle - a small sac in the ovary in which the egg matures. The larger the follicle, the more the blood is saturated with estrogen. His main task– to make a woman so irresistible and sexy that not a single normal man will pass by. Wings grow behind your back, your mood rises, wrinkles smooth out, your eyes sparkle, you are soaring in romantic clouds in anticipation of a handsome prince, but at the same time you manage to scatter a mountain of tasks as high as Everest.

When the follicle ruptures and an egg ready for fertilization comes out, the hormonal cocktail hits the head like champagne. At this dramatic moment, the buttoned-up businesswoman feels like a Parisian courtesan created for love. This is nature's trick: ovulation is the most favorable time for conception.

· The body is configured to burn fat, and it, as you know, burns in the fire of carbohydrates. The food should contain enough complex carbohydrates: rice, boiled potatoes, grain bread. Eat as expected, 3-4 g per 1 kg of weight.

· Be careful with fats and simple carbohydrates (especially sugar) - you can easily gain weight.

Second half of the cycle(luteal phase) occurs as a physiological reckoning for a failed pregnancy. The body is offended: it, you see, did not sleep at night, did not spare itself, was preparing for fertilization, and again it was deceived! At the site of the burst follicle in the ovary, the so-called corpus luteum is formed - it produces the hormone progesterone to maintain pregnancy. But there is no pregnancy! Therefore, in 12-14 days the corpus luteum dissolves, and another hormonal change occurs, to which most women react premenstrual syndrome(PMS): the mood deteriorates, the joy of life is replaced by philosophy in the spirit of Schopenhauer, 1-2 kg unnoticed, swelling appears under the eyes, the face swells.

· The body is configured to accumulate. Eat enough protein: 0.8-1.2 g per kg of weight.

· A week before menstruation, limit yourself to salty and spicy foods - the body stores water.

· When your appetite increases (usually 2-3 days before menstruation), limit yourself to dried fruits and a piece of chocolate.

· In the middle of the cycle, lean on foods rich in iron: seafood, pork and beef liver, buckwheat porridge.

Diet according to biorhythms - menstrual cycle

Monthly biorhythms in the female body are directly related to the menstrual cycle.

1ST PHASE:during the period from the 2nd to the 14th day of the cycle In your body, the amount of female sex hormones estrogens gradually increases, which accelerate all metabolic processes (including metabolism). We are cheerful, energetic and lenient towards the attempts of others to test our patience.
Physiologists say that this is the most the right time to go on a diet and/or start actively playing sports.
Firstly, in this phase we are not overcome uncontrollable seizures hunger - you can painlessly reduce your diet to 1000-1200 kcal.
Secondly, metabolic processes occur more intensively, therefore, the effect will be stronger and more impressive.

Thus, the 1st phase of the cycle is ideal for starting a new diet: At this time, you are at the peak of activity, no additional fuel is required, which means you are unlikely to want to eat a couple of chocolate bars (and thereby break your diet) in the middle of a working day. Instead of recharging in the first phase, on the contrary, discharging is necessary. Therefore, sports, fitness and other types of activity will be a pleasure these days, and the results of your training will appear immediately. In general, during the first phase of the cycle you can easily and painlessly lose 1.5–2 kg.

PHASE 2: mid-cycle (from 15th to 21st day) – time of ovulation. The female body is ready for the fertilization of the egg and begins to accumulate strength and energy for future use - hence the increase in appetite and bouts of laziness. You shouldn’t force yourself with strict diets at this time.

The ideal option for the second phase would be balanced diet and regular fitness classes (and it is better to prefer heavy strength training aerobic programs). By correctly following all the recommendations, you can lose about another kilogram of weight this week.

PHASE 3: the week before the start of “these” days passes under the code name “PMS”. Tears for no reason, late-night runs to the refrigerator and sudden mood swings are not the best best conditions to start a diet.

During this period, the body should be pampered (properly) and cherished (moderately). Therefore, small belly celebrations a week before menstruation are not prohibited. And don’t worry if the scale suddenly begins to show a kilogram more: at this time, the body is actively retaining water, which will leave you with the onset of menstruation.

This is a test for female body begins a week before menstruation. Swollen breasts are all right, but a swollen tummy causes a lot of mental and physical suffering. I feel indecently hungry often. And also cry. Dry your tears. This is a temporary phenomenon and it will pass soon!
But you shouldn’t go on a diet in this state. On the contrary, now you need to pamper yourself.
Well, basically, the recommendations are already familiar to us all: eat fruits and vegetables; choose products with low glycemic index(dried apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, leaf salads, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, beans, tomatoes, zucchini); If you want meat - please. But not fried and low-fat. Workout

Each woman experiences different phases of her cycle individually, but some general recommendations it is possible to highlight.

· Most women tolerate physical activity more easily from the 4th to the 12th day and from the 15th to the 25th day of the cycle.

· The last 2-3 days before menstruation are easy to injure joints and tendons. Eliminate barbell squats and deadlifts, replace step aerobics with dancing, do stretching and yoga. Avoid any serious stress on the spine.

2-3 days before and during menstruation, girls usually begin to get tired faster. Train at shorter intervals, it is better to replace endurance exercises with games.

Diet according to biorhythms - all year round

WINTER: from the end of autumn our body is tuned to “warmth”(which means more active fat consumption). In order for them to be absorbed and not turn into unwanted kilograms, try not to lean on starchy foods, baked goods, too salty and too sweet.

But vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products In winter you can eat without restrictions. Also, during the cold season, do not forget about meat and fish and drink as much water as possible.

SPRING: in the period from February to May, the time of active protein processing begins, so foods rich in proteins (milk, cottage cheese, meat, fish) will have a great effect on your waistline. And products containing fiber (bran) and pectins (for example, beets) will help proteins digest.

SUMMER: During the warm season (from May to August), oxidation processes actively occur in the body. Kvass, currants, cherries, any fruit (especially red or orange color) and vegetables will make the body’s work easier and will not slow down the metabolism.

Fermented milk products and proteins in summer time It costs to eat as much as in winter.

AUTUMN: over the summer your body has been filled with vitamins, and the closer winter gets, the more important it is to consume fat. But in order for them to be well absorbed, well-prepared soil is necessary.

The ideal way to achieve this goal is to slowly detoxify the body, so in the fall you should limit your protein intake and eat fiber, fruits and vegetables (orange ones are especially good: melon, pumpkin, apricots, peaches).

Your personal diet: losing weight according to the monthly cycle

You can try a bunch of diets, join the gym and start fasting, but still not lose weight. The problem may not be diet or exercise—it's just your hormones that are controlling you. Throughout the entire monthly cycle, the level of hormones in a woman’s body changes - some increase, others, on the contrary, decrease. Depending on this, the weight changes. However, this can be dealt with. Our expert told us how you can manage your weight depending on your monthly cycle, learn to control your gluttony and stay calm during PMS.

Monthly or biological cycle women - this is the period of time starting from the first day of menstruation until the beginning of the next. For each woman, depending on the characteristics of her body, this cycle is different - from 24 to 35 days. During this time, fluctuations in hormones - estrogen and progesterone - occur in the body, depending on which you need to build your diet and exercise. It is estrogen and progesterone that can be considered the culprits of ineffective diets, bad mood And excess weight. Let's figure out how these hormones affect the body and what to do about it.

According to our expert, Kyiv nutritionist, endocrinologist Natalya SAMOILENKO, the monthly cycle can be divided into two phases. The first phase of the cycle is on average the first two weeks from the first day of the onset of menstruation (12-16 days, depending on the woman’s monthly cycle). The second phase of the cycle is the next two weeks (as already mentioned for each woman, depending on her monthly cycle, this phase can last from 12 to 16 days).

First phase of the monthly cycle

How do hormones behave?

“In the first phase of menstruation, the level of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body increases,” says Natalya Samoilenko. - In the middle of the cycle, when the egg is mature, estrogen levels reach a peak. Then, during the “journey” of the egg along fallopian tubes, its level decreases, and progesterone increases. Right before your period begins, the levels of both hormones drop rapidly.”

The hormone estrogen regulates the level of so-called “mood hormones”. High estrogen levels mean good mood. Also thanks high level estrogen improves metabolic rate and begins the outflow of fluid in the body. That is, these two weeks are ideal for losing weight, the doctor advises.

How to eat

First of all, since there is no brutal feeling of hunger, as before menstruation, you can try to reduce the calorie content of your diet - for example, to 1200-1500 calories.

Although metabolism is good at this time, this does not mean that you can overeat on buns and cakes. On the contrary, you should saturate your menu healthy foods. Give preference complex carbohydrates- whole grain bread or bread with bran, whole grain cereals, vegetables, unsweetened fruits. This move will help not only get rid of excess calories and lose weight, but will also allow you to adequately hold out in the second half of the monthly cycle with its uncontrollable feeling of hunger. Iron-rich foods - leafy vegetables, green apples, nuts - will replenish the loss of hemoglobin that occurs during menstruation.

In the first two weeks of the cycle, it is also good to do sports that you like - for example, go to fitness, yoga, dancing or swimming. Any physical activity It will come in handy - it will not only get rid of unnecessary weight, but also make the body contour more beautiful.

Second phase of the monthly cycle

How do hormones behave?

In the second phase, a hormonal surge occurs again in the woman’s body: the level of estrogen decreases more and more, and the level of progesterone increases. “At this time, fluid retention begins in the body, and fat mass also accumulates,” explains the doctor, “the body is preparing for pregnancy.”

At the end of the phase, if pregnancy does not occur, the level of progesterone and estrogen decreases and becomes minimal by the end of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, the level of serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood, decreases.

About a week before the start of your period, your weight begins to increase. At this time, appetite also increases, the woman becomes nervous and irritable. This condition is also called PMS - premenstrual syndrome.


Premenstrual syndrome is a condition in a woman when her health deteriorates and her mood disappears. At the same time, a brutal appetite appears, you especially want sweets and starchy foods. This is also due to the change hormonal levels— the level of insulin, which regulates blood sugar, depends on fluctuations in hormone levels. When sugar levels drop, appetite appears.

How to eat

The second phase of the cycle is not the best time for losing weight, but at this time you need to try to maintain weight.

The calorie content of the diet can be increased slightly, as the body requires it, but the quality of the diet itself should remain the same as in the first phase of the cycle. Include protein in your menu - eggs, fish, seafood, lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese. Protein contains the amino acid tryptophan - the “parent” of serotonin, which, as already mentioned, is responsible for mood. In addition, protein products contain B vitamins, which reduce the symptoms of PMS.

“The body also needs potassium and magnesium during this period - baked potatoes, dried apricots, bananas, nuts, whole grains, sea ​​fish, fermented milk products. They will make it easier PMS symptoms and will lift your spirits,” advises Natalya Samoilenko.

At this time, you need to eat as often as possible - 6-7 times a day. This will allow you to regulate sugar levels in the body and protect you from the “brutal” feeling of hunger, overeating and, as a result, weight gain.”

Portions, the doctor recommends, should be small - everything that fits in two palms. Should be removed from the diet simple carbohydrates, which lead to surges in blood sugar levels, and replace them with complex ones: cereals, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, chocolate.

A week before the start of your period, it is better not to indulge in salty and spicy foods: the body retains fluid, and salty and spicy food only contribute to this. Also try to drink less alcoholic drinks and coffee - they aggravate PMS symptoms.

Diets, as already mentioned, will be ineffective, except salt-free diet- it will help get rid of excess fluid in the body. But sports should be continued.