Why is cystitis dangerous? Consequences of cystitis in women. Dangers associated with an attack of cystitis and immediate hospitalization! Advanced cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder does not have the reputation of being a dangerous disease. But is cystitis really as harmless as it might seem? What are the negative consequences of the disease? What happens if the disease is not treated?

Untreated cystitis: why is it dangerous?

Symptoms of bladder inflammation in themselves significantly worsen the quality of life, but these are still “flowers”: an ignored disease worsens and continues to develop. Cystitis can develop into:

  • chronic form. You will have to live with the disease constantly, periodically stopping exacerbations. The symptoms of chronic cystitis are the same as those of acute cystitis, but are less severe;
  • pyelonephritis. In addition to aggravating the inflammatory process in the bladder, the infection is “engaged” in moving to the kidneys. Pyelonephritis, by the way, can also become chronic, which will further weaken the body. And the development of bilateral kidney inflammation poses a clear danger to life;
  • hemorrhagic cystitis. Its main manifestation is bloody traces or clots that are released along with the urine. The “secret” is simple - the infection has affected the blood vessels located on the inside of the mucosa. Gradually, hemorrhagic cystitis leads to serious organ damage and dysfunction;
  • interstitial cystitis. Initially, the disease affects the mucous membrane of the bladder, but the infection spreads deeper and deeper, provoking changes in the tissues of the organ. It shrinks, its walls lose elasticity and can no longer stretch to the required extent. As a result, the bladder becomes a poorly functional appendage, which is sometimes removed and partially replaced by the colon.

In addition to the obvious threat to physical health, advanced cystitis causes a lot of discomfort and increases the overall level of stress. After all, the patient, in fact, becomes dependent on the bladder: the imperative urge to urinate against the background of severe pain is a sufficient reason for a person to feel uncomfortable and strive to leave the house less often.

Elderly people often experience urinary incontinence, which occurs due to cystitis affecting the neck of the bladder, which leads to the loss of the sphincter's ability to perform its direct function.

Women suffering from chronic cystitis may experience pain during intimacy. Another danger of the disease is the increased risk of tumors appearing in the bladder.

Why is cystitis dangerous for a woman’s reproductive health?

Of considerable concern to those suffering from cystitis is the question of the possibility of pregnancy after the illness. Doctors say unequivocally that inflammation of the bladder does not directly affect the ability to conceive. But you shouldn’t relax - the danger is precisely the chronic form of the disease, which is usually accompanied by a whole bunch of inflammation in other organs.

So. In what cases does cystitis lead to infertility? If the infection has spread to the appendages, resulting in oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries) or salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes), then loss of the ability to conceive a child is quite real. But you should understand that the cause of infertility lies not so much in problems with the bladder, but in the complications caused by cystitis.

Sometimes the opposite happens. Often, cystitis is simply a symptom of hormonal imbalance, leading to a malfunction in the microflora of the genital organs. Or, inflammation of the appendages had already developed in the body, and it was from them that the infection spread to the bladder. In such a situation, cystitis is only one of the complications of the initial disease and in no way the cause. Even if infertility develops, an inflamed bladder has nothing to do with it.

In fact, such advanced cases are rare. Typically, women manage to see a doctor more or less on time and undergo therapy, which eliminates the likelihood of serious problems with reproductive health.

Cystitis often develops during pregnancy. At this time, its danger is very serious: due to possible complications on the kidneys, there is a risk of fetal death or premature birth. There is an opinion that cystitis in the mother provokes underweight in the newborn, and also increases the risk of cerebral palsy and causes delayed psychomotor development in the child during adolescence.

Any disease, even a seemingly minor one, needs to be treated. And you shouldn’t hope for it to “go away on its own” or for home therapy: cystitis can become either temporary discomfort or constant torment. The choice is made by the person himself. If he ignores the symptoms and decides not to see a doctor, then complications of the disease cannot be avoided - and they are even less pleasant than the main symptoms.

Advanced cystitis is recurrent cystitis, the symptoms of which persist for two weeks. Women are more often prone to the disease due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the excretory organs. Unlike men, a woman's urethra is shorter and wider, making it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder. In addition, many women, paying tribute to fashion, ignore warm clothes and shoes in the cold season.

Symptoms of advanced cystitis

In general, the disease makes itself felt almost immediately. At least one of the symptoms makes itself felt.

The main symptoms of advanced cystitis in women and men appear similar:

  • A persistent, frequent urge to urinate with small amounts of urine.
  • Burning sensation when urinating.
  • Hematuria is the presence of blood cells in the urine.
  • Cloudiness, the appearance of an unpleasant and pronounced smell of stool (the urine of a healthy person is practically odorless, and its color is light straw).
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen in the suprapubic part.
  • Slight increase in body temperature.

In children, this form of the disease manifests itself as daytime urinary incontinence (nighttime incontinence is provoked by other reasons).

Since the advanced form of cystitis occurs in a latent form, the patient does not show all the symptoms. But if treatment is not started, the existing manifestations of the disease will intensify and other symptoms will appear, indicating that the disease has already started, and urgent measures must be taken to avoid complications.

As for complications, the most popular is pyelonephritis and other kidney damage.

Causes of the disease and risk factors

The main reason for the advanced form of cystitis is the lack of timely treatment of this disease at the first signs of its manifestation. But there are also a number of other reasons that provoke the development of the chronic form:

  • Regular hypothermia.
  • Bladder injuries.
  • Decreased immunity (in people with low immunity, the microflora is often pathogenic, and the slightest provocation leads to illness).
  • Impaired functioning of the bladder, congenital abnormalities in the structure and functioning of the organ.
  • An active intimate life after a long period of abstinence, frequent abstinence or, on the contrary, too active, frequent changes of partners, casual relationships.
  • Lack of personal hygiene (especially by people who are sexually active).

Along with the main symptoms, there are specific manifestations of the disease, which differ depending on the type of disease:

  • Interstitial cystitis occurs more often in women. Doctors are currently unable to determine its causes.
  • Medicinal – occurs as a result of increased sensitivity of the body to certain medications, too long and improper use of medications.
  • Chemical – develops against the background of increased sensitivity to certain substances. The risk group is people who work in hazardous enterprises, are prone to allergies, and live in megacities or close distances from industrial zones.
  • Radiation – develops as a side reaction to radiation therapy in the treatment of oncology.
  • Foreign body cystitis develops against the background of frequent or prolonged catheter therapy.
  • As a complication of other diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus, spinal column injuries, urolithiasis, prostate hypertrophy in men, kidney disease.

In addition to the reasons, there are risk factors that aggravate the situation. These include: the use of diaphragms and preparations containing spermicides, which change the microflora of the urethra, enlargement of the prostate gland, which makes urination difficult and leads to congestion, pregnancy, and changes in hormonal levels. This also includes older age, when the body’s hormones undergo a restructuring to a different mode of operation.

Diagnosis of the disease

To select an adequate treatment for advanced cystitis, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, which will be prescribed by a urologist. It is necessary to contact a specialist when the first symptoms appear, any discomfort during urination, sexual intercourse, and so on.

The diagnosis is made based on the results of the following examination:

  • Laboratory urine analysis. If there are symptoms or subjective suspicions of the disease, it is necessary to take a urine test for bacterial culture, red blood cells, leukocytes and proteins.
  • Cystoscopy. Diagnostics that allows you to recognize the presence of inflammation in the cells of the mucous membrane of the bladder as a result of a biopsy (a fragment of the mucous membrane is taken for analysis).
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and computer diagnostics (optional) can reveal not only the presence of pathogenic microflora, but also tumors and various changes in the organ cavity.

Depending on the results of laboratory tests, the doctor decides whether to continue the diagnosis.

After receiving the test results, the doctor prescribes a method for treating advanced cystitis, writing a prescription and schedule for taking medications, attending consultations to monitor the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

With a prompt response to a disease, even an advanced form, the mucous membrane of the bladder is quickly restored and the disease recedes. It is important not to stop treatment when you feel better. The course must be completed in full to consolidate the results obtained.

Modern pharmacology offers a large selection of effective drugs to treat the disease. Moreover, we are talking not only about eliminating symptoms, but about complete, lasting recovery. In addition, new generation drugs make it possible to shorten the period of treatment. Thanks to their mode of action - they are concentrated in the bladder and act locally on bacteria - it is possible to avoid poisoning other organs with drug metabolites.

One of these drugs is Monural. This is a broad-spectrum medicine aimed at suppressing different types of bacteria at the same time. The product includes a high concentration of active substances, making a single dose sufficient for recovery. Of course, if we talk about a very advanced form of the disease, then several techniques may be required.

  • Bactrim.
  • Levofloxacin.
  • Ofloxacin.
  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Furadonin.

For therapy to be effective, it must be comprehensive, correct and complete. Therefore, in addition to antibacterial drugs, painkillers are prescribed, for example, Nurofen, antispasmodics, and physiotherapy. Along with treatment, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and sexual life.

Traditional methods of treatment

Along with drug therapy with modern drugs, many still resort to “grandmother’s recipes.” Let us note right away that if you are interested in how to treat advanced cystitis in women and men with folk remedies, you need to be prepared that recovery will not come as quickly as as a result of taking pharmaceutical medications.

Lingonberry leaves

Prepare an infusion of 2 tablespoons of dried lingonberry leaves and 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then strain and take half a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 6 months.

Birch leaves

Leave two tablespoons of birch leaf, pre-crushed, in 2 cups of boiling water for at least half an hour. Take in small portions between meals. Course of treatment: at least 6 months.

Wheatgrass rhizomes

Pour 1.5 tablespoons of crushed raw materials into 2 cups of boiling water and simmer the mixture for 7 minutes over low heat. Strain and pour into a thermos. Take half a glass of the drink three times a day an hour after meals. This product cleanses well and has a diuretic effect. Course of treatment: until symptoms and discomfort disappear completely.

Knotweed grass

Pour one tablespoon of dried crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the drink and take half a glass (about 100 ml) five times a day. The product will not only help cure cystitis, but also improve the health of the kidneys and remove stones. Course of treatment: until complete recovery.

Prepare raw materials from the following plants: dried oak bark, sage leaves and horsetail grass, taken in equal proportions of 50 grams. Then pour 6 tablespoons of the mixture into 2 liters of boiling water and simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat, covering the container with a lid. Strain the finished broth and pour it into a bathtub or basin (in which you can sit) filled with a small amount of water. Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes. Immediately after the bath, go to bed and apply a warm heating pad to the lower abdomen (only for women, unless there are contraindications).

Before starting treatment with traditional methods, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember that, unlike tablets, the dosage of the active substances contained in herbs is not precisely known. Choose quality raw materials. Buy only fresh herbs and only from a pharmacy where they are radiologically tested.


To prevent advanced chronic cystitis and the help of doctors is not needed, follow the preventive measures:

  • Maintain perineal hygiene, follow the rules of wiping (from the urethra to the anus, and not vice versa).
  • Do not hold back the urge to urinate, so as not to provoke stagnation and inflammation.
  • Wear high-quality underwear made from natural fabric and keep it clean.
  • Be selective in your choice of laundry detergents; do not allow detergent residue to remain on your laundry after washing.
  • Use a personal towel for intimate hygiene.
  • Drink enough fluids per day.
  • Maintain intimate hygiene.
  • Make your diet balanced and support your immune system.

If signs of illness are already present, stop drinking alcohol, spicy foods, drinks with high caffeine content and citrus fruits. Immediately contact a medical institution to see a urologist.

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Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bladder is called cystitis. In addition, urologists often use this term to refer to conditions that occur, among other things, with inflammation of the bladder and disruption of its normal functioning or changes in the composition of urine.

It affects both women and men of all ages, however, it is more common in older people as their immune systems tend to be weaker.

Despite the fact that this disease is quite easy to treat, you need to know about the dangers of cystitis if it is started. This is especially true for women, because they are much more likely to suffer from this disease. Depending on the type of pathogen, the routes of its penetration into the body and the type of course, the pathology can be:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary;
  • Acute;
  • Chronic;
  • Infectious;
  • Non-infectious;
  • Have a complicated or uncomplicated course.

In primary forms, the pathological agent that causes the development of the disease immediately enters the bladder and penetrates its wall, where it multiplies, thereby provoking an inflammatory process.

A secondary process is spoken of in cases where the source of the pathogen is another focus of inflammation, from where the microorganisms have spread to other organs, in this case, to the urinary tract.

There are a number of factors that can facilitate the penetration of microbes into the bladder, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing pathology. These are injuries to the mucous membrane (mainly from kidney stones or small stones), stagnation of blood in the vascular basin of the pelvis, disturbances in hormonal balance and metabolism, and impaired outflow of urine.

Manifestations of cystitis

Patients note that their urine becomes cloudy, and in severe cases there may be streaks of blood. In addition, the patient complains of weakness, fever, often reaching low-grade levels, but sometimes fever can develop.

In some patients, an asymptomatic variant of the course is possible - almost all manifestations are absent, and the patient can only complain about frequent urination. It is important to understand that this is very dangerous, since women can develop severe complications against this background.

Consequences of bladder inflammation

Due to the fact that cystitis can occur with a blurred clinical picture, without pronounced disorders and symptoms, many people do not consult a doctor when it occurs, and either do not treat the pathology at all, or carry out ineffective self-medication.

Complications of cystitis especially often develop in women, since their urinary tracts are more tortuous and thin, which increases the likelihood of complications.


If pathogenic microbes enter the perivesical tissue, then so-called paracystitis develops, characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, severe intoxication and pain syndromes.


In some cases, the inflammatory process penetrates extremely deeply into the wall of the bladder, causing its erosion and damage to small vessels. As a result, patients develop hematuria, a condition in which red blood cells are detected in urine tests.

In the future, this can lead to perforation of the bladder or the development of anemia. Also in these cases, sclerosis of the organ wall develops, resulting in a decrease in its volume and elasticity.


If the pathogen penetrates under the mucosa, causing inflammation and subsequent changes in the muscular and serous walls, we speak of interstitial cystitis. Such patients experience frequent and painful urge to urinate.

They are often combined with pain in the lower abdomen, which is called “painful bladder syndrome.” In the future, the patient may develop sclerosis of the bladder, which leads to persistent dysfunction of urination.

Mucosal ulcer.

Some patients experience the development of an ulcerative process of the mucous membrane, which also leads to its sclerosis and loss of normal elasticity, with a subsequent decrease in the volume of the bladder.

Perforation of the bladder wall.

It happens very rarely, but it is one of the most severe complications of the inflammatory process. In this case, urine enters the abdominal cavity, which leads to damage to the mucous membranes and their inflammation.

Since cystitis is an infectious pathology, pathogenic microbes enter the abdominal cavity along with urine, which is why uremic peritonitis develops. This is a serious condition that requires immediate surgery, as peritonitis is a threat to the patient's life.

Renal complications of cystitis

Another dangerous and common complication is the ascending spread of infection with subsequent involvement of the kidneys in the pathological process.

This happens because, due to impaired outflow, stagnation of urine develops, which is a favorable condition for the proliferation and migration of bacteria and damage to the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. They rise upward, entering the kidney tissue, where they begin to actively multiply causing damage.

As a result, it may develop or, that is, inflammation of the tubular system of the kidney with the gradual death of the parenchyma and, as a consequence, the loss of the kidney’s ability to perform its functions of purifying the blood. At the same time, pyelonephritis is much more difficult to treat than cystitis, which became its cause.

With a long course of pyelonephritis, it can lead to the death of a significant part of the kidney tissue and the development of renal failure. Thus, the consequences of cystitis in women can be extremely severe.

Chronic renal failure, which develops after a long course of pyelonephritis, is characterized by irreversible loss of kidney function, as a result of which patients have to be transferred to hemodialysis.

Cystitis is a disease that, with timely treatment and the absence of congenital anomalies in the structure of the urinary organs, can be completely cured and does not leave any consequences. If the patient was given non-radical therapy, the course of antibiotics was interrupted and not completed, and the provoking factor was not eliminated, then the disease can become chronic and even lead to serious complications. Why is cystitis dangerous? The most common consequences of cystitis are acute or chronic pyelonephritis, vesicoureteral reflux, and interstitial cystitis.

Acute cystitis has a relatively benign course, clinical signs of the disease disappear after about ten days. If the disease drags on and the patient’s condition worsens, then one should look for a cause that maintains the inflammatory process in the bladder for a long time.

  • One of the most common and dangerous consequences of cystitis is pyelonephritis. It occurs when an infection spreads to the upper organs of the urinary system - to the kidneys and is accompanied by the development of inflammation in them.
  • In children, cystitis can be complicated by vesicoureteral reflux. This pathology is characterized not by the release of urine from the bladder through the urethra, but by its entry up the ureters into the kidneys.
  • Prolonged course of cystitis without the necessary effective treatment leads to changes in bladder tissue. Its walls become inelastic and do not stretch well. The organ itself decreases in size and practically loses its function. This is how interstitial cystitis develops, which is accompanied by unbearable pain.
  • Chronic cystitis adversely affects a woman's reproductive function and can even cause infertility. Cystitis has a recurrent course, which is provoked by various infections, including sexually transmitted ones. In no case should you ignore the first symptoms of the disease, but you should seek help from a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.
  • What else is cystitis dangerous for? Typically, cystitis is a rapidly developing pathology, which subsides after seven to ten days, and all symptoms disappear. As a rule, a relapse soon occurs: debilitating pain and frequent urge to go to the toilet appear. This disrupts the nervous balance, irritability, self-doubt, and indifference to the world around us appear. Stress and depression are serious complications of cystitis.
  • Cystitis, which mainly affects the bladder neck, is chronic. It leads to sphincter dysfunction and urinary incontinence, which is especially acute in older people.

Vesicoureteral reflux is a pathological condition characterized by the reverse flow of urine from the bladder through the ureters to the kidney. Normally, urine always moves in one direction from the place of its formation - the kidney, through the ureter to the bladder - the reservoir, where it accumulates to the required volume. There is a special valve that prevents the reverse flow of urine. It is located in the bladder section of the ureter. Filling the bladder leads to an increase in pressure in it and the closure of the valve flaps. Chronic inflammation leads to damage to the valve structures, changes in the elasticity of the ureteric orifice, and urine begins to flow back into the kidney.

Normal urination and vesicoureteral reflux

Vesicoureteral reflux is a severe complication of cystitis, which persists infection in the urinary organs and leads to the development of chronic pyelonephritis. Long-term lack of treatment results in scarring of the kidney tissue and complete loss of organ function.

The main diagnostic method for reflux is cystography. A contrast agent is injected into the bladder through a catheter and a series of x-rays are taken. The first image shows the state of a full bladder, the second image shows the bladder in the process of urination. The dilation of the ureters on the radiograph and the reflux of contrast material into them confirm vesicoureteral reflux.

Treatment of reflux consists of eliminating the cause that provoked it, namely, treating cystitis.

Attention! Vesicoureteral reflux is a fairly common complication of cystitis in children. Adults most often suffer from such severe consequences of the disease as pyelonephritis and interstitial cystitis.


Chronic cystitis often leads to the spread of infection from the bladder through the ureters up into the renal pelvis, and then into the kidneys themselves with the development of pyelonephritis.

The clinical picture of pyelonephritis is characterized by severe fever with body temperature up to forty degrees. Patients suffer from chills and excessive sweating. On the affected side, there is severe pain and tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The pain is usually unilateral; bilateral pyelonephritis rarely occurs.

The kidneys can only hurt if their capsule, which contains a large number of nerve endings that are responsible for the perception of pain impulses, is stretched. The pathological process developing in the kidney itself does not manifest itself in any way. Only stretching of the organ, resulting from swelling or accumulation of pus, leads to discomfort in this area. Already on the fifth day of illness, a dense and painful infiltrate can be felt in the lower back, indicating a protracted pathological process.

Pyelonephritis is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of urine excreted. This symptom is associated with kidney dysfunction, which, due to the developed pathology, is not able to produce urine in normal quantities.

Diagnosis of the disease includes:

  • general urine analysis,
  • bacteriological culture of urine to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics,
  • X-ray examination of the genitourinary system to determine the nature of the inflammatory process in them,
  • The ultrasound diagnostic method is the most informative at present.

Important! Treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out in a hospital setting and consists of intensive therapy, as well as a number of measures aimed at curing the patient and preventing disability.

Treatment regimen:

  • strict bed rest,
  • compliance with the drinking regime,
  • diet,
  • antibacterial therapy,
  • detoxification therapy.

If conservative treatment becomes ineffective, patients are prescribed surgery.

Those at risk for kidney infections include the elderly and young children. This is due to the fact that in this category of people the symptoms of cystitis and further kidney infection are practically not expressed, therefore, diagnosis and treatment present certain difficulties.

A severe complication of bladder inflammation is interstitial cystitis. This is a pathology that is characterized by inflammation of not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscle layer of the bladder. Is interstitial cystitis dangerous? Its long-term course leads to the replacement of muscle fibers with scar connective tissue. As a result, the elasticity of the walls of the bubble is lost, and it significantly decreases in volume.

  • Frequent urination, both during the day and at night;
  • Small volume of one portion of urine;
  • Sudden and urgent urges that force you to go to the toilet immediately;
  • Pain and discomfort in the pelvic area, increasing as the bladder fills;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Possible constipation.

Symptoms of the disease may vary. It depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle and errors in the diet.

To treat interstitial cystitis, various medications, local treatment or surgery are used.

Blood in urine

Inflammation that affects the mucous membrane of the bladder and is accompanied by the presence of blood in the urine is called acute hemorrhagic cystitis. The cause of hematuria is increased permeability of the vascular sucker and destruction of the mucous membrane lining the bladder cavity. The urine becomes bloody in color and acquires an unpleasant odor.

Factors contributing to the development of hemorrhagic cystitis are viral infections or the chemical effects of certain medications on the body.

In addition to blood in the urine, the main manifestations of this form of cystitis are as follows:

  • frequent urination accompanied by pain,
  • minimal volume of urine, just a few drops,
  • sharp pain in the perineum and lower abdomen,
  • high fever, chills and malaise.

Why is hemorrhagic cystitis dangerous? Gradual deterioration in the functioning of the bladder, overgrowing of its walls with connective tissue, development of iron deficiency anemia with its consequences.

Treatment of this pathology is carried out by a doctor. Patients are prescribed bed rest, drinking large volumes of liquid, and a diet excluding sour, smoked and spicy foods. If cystitis is of infectious origin, then special antibiotics are prescribed. Drugs that reduce bleeding and strengthen the walls of blood vessels are mandatory.

The consequence of cystitis in women can be the transition of the disease to a chronic form, which leads to the occurrence of serious diseases and contributes to the spread of infection to other organs and tissues. To avoid this, it is recommended to contact a specialist in a timely manner and not self-medicate.

How does chronic cystitis develop?

A promptly started course of treatment allows you to completely get rid of cystitis within 3-10 days. If for some reason the inflammation cannot be extinguished over a long period of time (more than 10-20 days), then the risk of acute cystitis becoming chronic (latent) with frequent relapses increases significantly.

The chronic, advanced form is characterized by:

  • repeated episodes of illness that are difficult to treat with medication;
  • frequent urination, constant urge to urinate, including at night;
  • feeling of discomfort, burning, acute pain when urinating;
  • cloudy urine, sometimes mixed with blood.


Advanced forms of cystitis significantly increase the likelihood of serious pathologies:

  • development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys – pyelonephritis;
  • interstitial form of cystitis - especially in women of menopausal age, with hormonal pathologies and disruptions;
  • vesicoureteral reflux – reverse flow of urine from the bladder into the ureters;
  • empyema of the bladder - purulent inflammation of the bladder, leading to the formation of cysts and polyps.
  • disturbances in the proper functioning of the woman’s reproductive system - severe forms of cystitis can affect the possibility of conception and complicate the course of pregnancy.

The main danger of cystitis is the ability of the infection to spread to other tissues, affect neighboring organs, cause necrosis and the formation of adhesions.

Danger for women

Although cystitis and infertility are not directly related, the chronic form of the disease is one of the causes of the inflammatory process in a woman’s fallopian tubes. This can lead to the formation of adhesions, and in severe cases, to obstruction of the fallopian tube and, as a consequence, to the inability to conceive naturally.

As a result of a decrease in overall resistance, a woman’s body becomes susceptible to sexually transmitted infections. Often the course of cystitis is complicated by attacks of candidiasis, which increase the physical and psychological discomfort of a woman due to the inability to lead a normal sex life.

  • leading an active sex life and frequently changing sexual partners;
  • those who previously had signs of primary cystitis and have not undergone treatment;
  • those who do not follow the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • women during pregnancy and menopause.


One of the most severe complications of cystitis for the female body is inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis.

Symptoms of the onset of the disease are:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature to 38-40 degrees, a febrile state with severe chills and sweating;
  • severe, unbearable pain in the kidney area, tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • a decrease in urine output with a normal amount of fluid consumed.

Important! If you notice the first symptoms of kidney inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication and the use of medications without prior consultation can significantly worsen the condition.

Consequences during pregnancy

Cystitis in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, is common. This is due to a weakening of the immune system and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Adverse consequences of cystitis in pregnant women may be associated with:

  • Uncontrolled use of antibiotics for the treatment of cystitis in the early stages. During the formation of the main systems and organs of the embryo, the use of many medications is contraindicated - they can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus.
  • The use of traditional methods, including sitz baths, mixtures containing nettles and other medicinal herbs that affect the composition and thickness of the blood.
  • Complete absence of treatment - in this case, there is a risk of developing pyelonephritis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, and premature aging of the placenta.

Advanced forms of cystitis during pregnancy affect not only the general condition of the woman herself, but can provoke premature birth and intrauterine growth retardation.

Consequences during menopause

The occurrence of cystitis in women 45-50 years old is associated with the onset of menopause. During this period, the production of the hormone estrogen by the ovaries gradually decreases and reproductive function declines. Cystitis that occurs during menopause is called involutional.

Involutional cystitis develops due to atrophy of the mucous membranes of the urethra and bladder with a sharp decrease in hormone levels in the body.

One of the common complications of involutional cystitis is interstitial inflammation, which is characterized by:

  • acute pain in the bladder area;
  • difficulty urinating, burning sensation, urinary incontinence;
  • sharp pain during sexual intercourse.
  • chronic constipation.

If not treated properly, interstitial cystitis can lead to muscle tissue damage, loss of elasticity, and decreased bladder capacity.

In its advanced form, interstitial cystitis will require urgent surgical intervention.


To prevent the disease from taking on a form dangerous to a woman’s health, to avoid numerous relapses and complications after experiencing cystitis for the first time, you should follow simple recommendations;

  • Observe basic hygiene rules. According to statistics, the main causative agent of cystitis is Escherichia coli. That is why it is important to carry out all hygienic procedures with movements “front and back” - this reduces the risk of introducing pathogenic microbes from the anus to the urethra. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene during menstruation.
  • Avoid hypothermia, monitor your immune system.
  • Use hypoallergenic intimate hygiene products, as well as washing powders and fabric softeners that do not cause local skin irritation.
  • In order not to provoke the development of infection due to friction and increased sweating, avoid synthetic underwear and panty liners.
  • Drink more fluids, do not delay emptying the bladder - drinking large amounts of fluid enhances the removal of pathogenic microbes from the body.
  • If possible, avoid using spermicidal lubricants during sexual intercourse - they destroy the natural microflora of the vagina and contribute to the penetration of infection into the bladder.
  • For frequent relapses of cystitis, as prescribed by a doctor, a single (or course) use of antibacterial drugs after sexual intercourse is recommended.
  • During menopause, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed to stabilize the level of hormones in the blood.
  • In the absence of contraindications, the use of medicinal herbs, cranberry juice, lovage, rosemary leaves can prevent cystitis at an early stage or significantly reduce the time of its treatment in combination with other medications.


The disease itself rarely causes serious disruptions in the functioning of important organs and systems. However, in the advanced chronic stage it provokes the development of such dangerous and difficult-to-treat diseases as pyelonephritis. Cystitis often affects a woman’s health during pregnancy. Unpleasant symptoms of cystitis adversely affect a woman’s psychological health - they increase irritability, nervousness, and contribute to discomfort during sexual intercourse.

It is necessary to carefully monitor your own health and hygiene. If you notice the first symptoms of the disease, immediately seek medical advice and choose the optimal course of treatment.