New Year's rituals to attract money. How to attract good luck on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve rituals from the "Miracle Shop".

One of the most ancient, mysterious and powerful holidays is coming - New Year's.

On this night we have the opportunity to perform the most unimaginable miracles. As a rule, when thinking about what they want to get in the New Year, people imagine money, love and the fulfillment of various cherished desires.
Are you expecting the same from the coming year?

Then start making New Year's magic!

New Year rituals to make a wish come true

Seven candles

Choose the colors of the candles depending on what wishes you intend to make.
Arrange the candles so that they form a circle (on the table, on the floor or throughout the room).

As you light each candle, say out loud your wish: “ This flame lights up for my love (health, career, etc.)".

You can also allow your household members to wish for what they want, as well as light a candle. If there is only one desire, or you simply do not have seven, repeat several times the one you are most eager to fulfill.

Start the ritual 7 minutes before New Year's fight chimes.
Your “wishing candles” must certainly burn at midnight.

Whisper to desire

At 12 o'clock on New Year's Eve, whisper into your drink or food what you dream about (say that you are attracting it to yourself). Be sure to drink (eat) everything without leaving a trace. Simple magic will amaze you with its results.

The spoken words during a toast have the same meaning and power, which is why there is a tradition of “drinking to the bottom.”

The most famous New Year's ritual

At the moment when the chimes strike twelve times at midnight, announcing the arrival of the New Year, have time to write your wish on a piece of paper, burn it, and, after mixing the ashes in a glass of champagne, drink.

Some tips:
- the paper should be small (the smaller, the faster it will burn);
- to burn “desire” the best option there will be a burning candle (matches tend to break at a crucial moment and end up damp, and the lighter misfires). Candles have their own magic, and in addition they will give your table a solemn look;
- prepare in advance paper, a pencil, a burning candle and a saucer on which you will set fire to the “desire”;
- champagne should be poured into a glass at small quantity(so you’ll drink it sooner);
- think during the ritual about what you want.

Desire for sleep

If for some reason you are planning to just go to bed on New Year's Eve, then do not forget to make a wish before doing so.

If you fall asleep before the chimes strike, it will certainly come true!

New Year rituals for wealth

A few minutes before the New Year, take care to fill your (and your loved ones’) pockets, wallets, handbags and purses with money, candies and nuts. Let them be full the whole first day the coming year.

Celebrate the New Year's holiday by wearing at least three new things. From the morning of the New Year, they dress up in everything fresh and beautiful, if possible changing their clothes several times during the day.

The New Year's holiday table should be plentiful, elegant and generous. It is important that there are at least 12 different dishes on it. Invite everyone who comes to your house to a feast, and then prosperity will not bypass you.

Try to pay off all your debts a few days before New Year holidays. And in the New Year, refrain from paying debts for twelve days.

New Year's rituals for love

At the head of your bed, place a beautiful vase with sweets (honey, jam, chocolates) and say “All the sweets are mine!” three times. Then go to bed. In the New Year there will be at your feet a myriad of men

Well, who doesn't like to eat chocolates! Combine business with pleasure - when feasting on New Year's Eve, say every time: “As sweet candy is delicious to me, so I am sweet to men (guys).” Eat with pleasure!

Rituals to attract happiness

Shortly before the New Year, open all the doors and windows in the house for three minutes, expelling everything negative from your life. After midnight, repeat the procedure, inviting happiness, success, and prosperity to you.

Try to do all the hard and unpleasant work on the eve of the upcoming holidays, since it is important to spend the first 12 days of the New Year as positive as possible. Treat yourself to at least something every day (try a new delicacy, go to a concert of your favorite artist, watch a good movie, chat with friends). Happy New Year's twelve days will become a talisman of happiness for the whole year. Give gifts and congratulate them on the holiday. On the first day of the New Year, the law of the cosmos applies more than ever: “What you give is yours.”

Use the magic of this ancient holiday for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. Perform New Year's rituals and attract home love, money and happiness!

© Natalya Rodnaya

Attracting money on New Year's Eve.

Getting rich is the dream of many.

Therefore in New Year's Eve Among the wishes made, perhaps money is most often made.

After all, for many people, happiness is a feeling of freedom, and financial security gives such a feeling.

There is a whole New Year's magic - observing certain rituals for the New Year, as well as throughout 2014, in order to ensure your financial well-being as a guarantee of a happy and comfortable existence.

New Year's magic or rituals to attract money

Advice one

To ensure you have money all year round, start with the ritual of covering New Year's table: place a handful of golden-colored coins under the plates. Even if these are just ten-kopeck coins, their golden color, combined with the food abundance of the table, will attract wealth to you.

Tip two

On New Year's Eve you should change clothes at least 2 times. Updating your clothes symbolizes pleasant changes in the coming year. The new attracts the new, the bold attracts the bold, the implementation of your most daring projects becomes possible. You tune in to diversity and successful activities in several directions at once. There is hope that all your endeavors will be adequately paid for.

Tip three

Before the New Year, do an audit of your house and throw away all unnecessary things, and also do general cleaning. Together with the outdated trash, you will get rid of the ballast and negativity that has accumulated over the year. This will open the way to new cash flows and opportunities.

Tip four

On New Year's Eve, take a red piece of paper and mark on it with a bright felt-tip pen or bright green paint the amount of money that you would like to become the owner of in the coming year. Then make a collage like this: under the indicated amount, glue a coin (for example, 10 kopecks), surround it with drawn or pasted coins and bills. Roll the sheet of paper and tie it with two ribbons - golden and scarlet. Just before the Chimes strike, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree. On the morning of January 1, remove it from the tree and hide it where no one except you can see it.

Tip five

Place 12 dishes on the table on New Year's Eve - as a symbol of 12 months, in each of which your income should increase steadily. The table needs to be set beautifully, placed in beautiful dishes. Plastic or disposable plates will exclude it as a symbol of small insignificant income that will not linger in your wallet.

Tip six

On New Year's Eve, buy a new wallet, a decorative thin flexible snake, and a gold ribbon. On New Year's Eve, you need to put a large bill in a new wallet, wrap a snake around the wallet and tie it with a gold ribbon. After this, you need to say: “An irredeemable bill will attract money to itself, in a year it will increase, add up, multiply, follow its own path, make me rich. My word is strong!” Place your wallet away from prying eyes and do not use it for everyday needs. After every salary or income from some other source, put at least one medium denomination bill into this wallet. There will be no problems with finances. And spend the amount accumulated in your wallet at the very end of the year on something necessary or pleasant.

Tip seven

Start the morning of January 1st with a money bath. To do this, pour hot water, add a glass of milk, a few drops of bergamot oil and put in 7 coins. Lie in the bath for 10 minutes, visualizing money coming from all sides. Then plunge your head into the water three times. And again visualize the image of cash flows.

To enhance money ritual light a green candle in the bathroom. And after leaving the “magic” water, do not wipe yourself off, let the moisture dry on its own.

By the way, when wishing yourself money on New Year’s Eve, you shouldn’t forget about other areas of your life - love, health, mutual understanding. This way you will attract harmony into your life. misunderstandings.

Tip eight

Buy or make your own talisman for 2014 – a HORSE figurine. Place the talisman in the wealth sector - in the southeast of the apartment. And if you want the whole family to use wonderful properties your money snake, place it so that it faces the center of the room, where all the relatives most often gather.

Practice “New Year ritual with champagne”

On December 31 of the year, write on a piece of paper your three most cherished wishes for the next year.

Sitting at the New Year's table, open a bottle of champagne, fill the glasses with a sparkling drink and drink champagne as the chimes strike, saying to yourself the wishes written on a piece of paper.

Let your family, friends and loved ones with whom you celebrate the New Year do the same!

Finish all the champagne. Then place the leaves with your wishes in the empty bottle. Seal the neck of the bottle with wax from a burning candle. And hide this bottle until next New Year.

And when a year later, on December 31, you take the leaves out of it, you will discover with surprise and delight that all your wishes have come true!

New Year's ritual for fulfillment of desires.

December 31, at 11 pm, you need to select a toy on the Christmas tree and open it (there is a piece of iron-clip that connects the toy with a string)
and read into the hole One deepest desire.

Then close and hang it at the bottom of the tree (remember yours!!!)

Gradually over On New Year's Eve, slowly hang the toy higher and higher,
saying these words " “fly my dream higher, closer to the Universe, to the stars, ascend to the stars, come true, gather for good.”

On January 1, when you are ready to go to bed, the toy should hang as high as possible on the Christmas tree.

And here is the most important moment - just before you go to bed, remove the toy from the Christmas tree, open it, and “pour” it into any drink.
The drink can be anything.
Tell " The request has arrived, so be it, fulfillment is guaranteed".
Go to bed. Remember the dream you have.

May your wishes come true as soon as possible!!!

Twelve New Year's wishes

Magic new year tradition making wishes.

According to it, you must write twelve specific desires on separate pieces of paper, and then place them under the pillow, after rolling them into a tube.

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to pull out one piece of paper at random - exactly the wish that is written on it will come true.

And remember that this technique It will only work if you go to bed before three in the morning (that is, before the morning begins). And remember: if during sleep some of the pieces of paper hidden under your pillow fall out, it means that fate is favorable to you - these wishes will also come true.
Execute this New Year ritual follows certain rules.

  1. Before the New Year, you can only cut the paper on which you will then write wishes. You can start making notes only after midnight.
  2. You should write your wishes on pieces of paper alone.
  3. Make only those wishes that can really come true over the next 365 days.
  4. Specify your desires (write on a piece of paper the names of the people with whom your dreams are connected, the dates of the proposed events and other important details that may be important) and be sure to think about their possible consequences, all desires should be only for the benefit of you and other people!
  5. Clearly formulate your desires and, writing them down, imagine how they come true.
  6. When performing a magical ritual, you can only use “new” wishes - do not repeat the wish that you have already made for the chimes.
Take making your wishes seriously– after all, it would be a shame to use the magic of New Year’s Eve to get something that, in fact, you don’t need at all.
Think through all your desires in advance (you can even make a list),
and then rewrite them on separate sheets of paper, special attention devote time to the process of visualizing each desire


New Year's ritual to attract money:

You need to make a BAIT for money in advance. We take 27 needles from the Christmas tree and tie them with a beautiful magic ribbon. Then you need to dip the needles a little in honey (so that the money sticks faster) and sprinkle with semolina, like a snowball (for greater strength). The bait should be placed on the New Year's table, having previously been placed in a tangerine peel. And as the chimes strike, say the words:

27 needles from our cute Christmas tree
Bring us some money
Get your pockets full!!!
We never know trouble all year round!
Collect money everywhere.
So be it!!!

New Year's ritual

It is better to start performing this ritual about a week before the new year.

You will need a box, a vessel, a box or an envelope, in a word, something where you will put all your old and not so old problems, troubles, grievances, etc. You need to carry out a ritual of dedicating the vessel to the “storage”. To do this, create a “magical place”: light a candle, place or place a vessel nearby, concentrate and touching it with your hand, say something like this: “I declare you the keeper of all my negativity, all the bad things that happened to me in the past! I thank you for the fact that you will reliably keep everything entrusted to you!” Then write down the first problem or problem that comes to mind on paper and put it in a container! Put out the candle. And now, when you remember something unpleasant, immediately write it down and put it in your storage! And so on until December 31st. Write everything down, even if you suddenly remember something from childhood that, at first glance, is no longer relevant. All!! I love any situation, even a seemingly small one, that jogs my memory!!!

And 31, closer to evening, the later the better, take a candle, light it, carefully take your storage, take something that you can burn on - a plate, dish, delivery, take out all the notes and read each one, remember these situations. Pronounce each word with feeling, you can use your own words, maintaining the meaning: “I thank you, situation! I thank you like the lessons I have learned! Lessons that gave me strength and wisdom and helped me move on and live after I experienced it! I thank every moment I live!!”

Now, with love and gratitude, burn all the notes with a candle!!! Watching the smoke rise upward, say: “Everything that worried and interfered goes away, and new strength comes!! »When everything burns down, flush the ashes down the toilet! Feel the power you have received and keep it!!

But on January 1, start a notebook and during the 14 days of the New Year, write down all your dreams and desires... Everything, even the most insignificant ones at first glance! Just write them down in detail and in the present tense, as if they had happened!

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On New Year's Day we are all waiting for something beautiful, the fulfillment of desires and the arrival of a miracle. Not only children, but also adults expect miracles and fulfillment of wishes in the New Year. Therefore, very often people perform rituals just before the New Year, both simple and special, Simoron New Year rituals.

For those who are going to start in the New Year new life, there is a special ritual. So, let's light a fire on which you can burn all the things that you are ready to get rid of this year. If there are no old things, then you can use old objects and notes on which you write all the bad things that happened to you in the old year. We throw the prepared notes or things into the fire, and around this fire it is necessary to arrange stomping, dancing, jumping and screaming. All this is done so that all negative information comes out of you, goes away along with bad memories and burns in the fire. It is important to know that you cannot drink or eat during the ritual.

Ritual for gaining wealth and money

In order to get rich in the New Year, they perform a ritual, which is described below: in a place where you will retire and can perform a ritual with money (it can also be strengthened), attach coins to three green candles, to the ends of the candles, and then light them. After you have lit the candles, try to imagine as clearly as possible how money is flying into your pocket; the more clearly and distinctly you can imagine this, the richer you will be in the New Year. The Americans offer another ritual, which is that on the morning of January 1st, instead of washing your face with water, you need to rub your face with a dollar.

It is forbidden to celebrate the New Year with empty pockets, otherwise you will spend the whole year in financial need. Be sure to have a glass of champagne in your left hand when the chimes strike, and hold a coin in your right hand.

There is another simple and quite pleasant way. Write yourself a letter on the thirty-first of December and enclose a postcard in which your wishes will be written, and banknote. Next year, when you receive this letter, you must keep the bill. It will bring you money luck in the New Year.

Another version of the New Year's ritual

  • A red bag with three copper coins is placed at the bottom of the refrigerator; be sure to make sure that the coins are facing up.
  • If you want to do pleasant surprise For one of your guests, place a coin under the plate, and whoever eats from this plate in the New Year will experience monetary success.
  • When the chimes begin, you need to squeeze the coin in your hands and make a wish. After you make a wish, throw a coin into your champagne glass and drink it to the bottom. Then you need to take out a coin and make a hole in it. Recommended to be worn as a keychain.

If you use such simple New Year's cards, your year will be financially successful.

What to do when the clock strikes twelve?

As soon as the clock begins to strike twelve, you need to have paper and pencil ready. We write our wish on this paper and burn it, mix the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink it. In this case, there will be a 100% guarantee that your wish will come true. Don't forget that you need to do all this while the clock strikes twelve times, otherwise all the work you've done will be in vain! There is also another sign: in the first five minutes of the new year, you need to open the doors of your apartment wide and drive away all the bad things that have accumulated over the past year. last year, and Happy New Year, invite good luck and happiness to your home.

What you can and cannot do on New Year's Day when performing special rituals

  • Place crabs, crayfish and lobsters on the table. They say that if you put such seafood on the table, then all year you will “back away” just like them.
  • Cleaning the house on the first of January is strictly prohibited. You cannot take out the trash, sweep, or wash the floors, as this promises you only damages and losses in the New Year.
  • It is forbidden to work a lot on New Year's Eve, otherwise the year will be all about work.
  • Look to the sky. If there are many stars in the sky, there will be a good harvest of berries in the New Year
  • You can listen to sounds outside the window:
    • Bell ringing - important events in the family
    • Meowing cats - there will be a new neighbor
    • Howl of a dog - there will be new friend(if a girl hears a dog howling, it’s to the groom)
    • The voices of birds will be good news(if the guy hears them, wait for his bride).

If you follow these simple rules, they will definitely help you and your loved ones.

What signs and rituals exist for the New Year?

  1. Good luck awaits whoever drinks the last glass from a bottle of wine
  2. If something happens to you on New Year's Eve, it will continue throughout the new year.
  3. If someone sneezes at the table on New Year's Eve, then New Year will be successful for everyone present at the table
  4. A merchant who sells goods at a big discount to the first passerby will be waiting all year
  5. If you spend the first day of the new year having fun, then you will have a lot of fun in the coming year.
  1. There are many that bring you happiness even when you are sad. At three o'clock in the morning, put your hands on a piece of paper and trace them. Once you have outlined, paint over the outlined hands with golden paint. If you feel bad during the year, put your hands on the hands outlined, and the energy of happiness and fun will be transmitted to you from the drawing.
  2. If a toy falls from a Christmas tree that you have already hung, carefully collect the fragments, and when you throw them away, make an unusual kind of wish.
  3. Needles that fall from the tree should not be thrown away. Collect them, and if you have a cold, pour a glass of needles boiled water. Let the broth brew for three hours. When you go to take a bath, pour this decoction into the bath and take it.
  4. On the night from the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January, write a note on a piece of paper, place it under the New Year tree, and burn it at lunchtime. They say your wish will come true.
  5. If you light candles on the Christmas tree, collect wax, make a candle out of it, whatever you get, and when you feel bad, light it and look at the flame. Has a healing effect.
  6. Place a stool in the place where the Christmas tree stood. If you sit on a stool for ten to fifteen minutes, and if you have any ailment, it will go away. This place where the Christmas tree stood is valid for only a day.
  7. The last decoration removed from the tree is a very reliable amulet. Knowing New Year's signs and rituals, you can easily spend the year in success and prosperity. You can hang it wherever you wish, the effect of such a talisman is one year.

Rituals for love and prosperity in the new year

It is very important for many people to be loved, therefore, by performing magical New Year rituals for love, you can achieve your goal, that is, find your soulmate. This ritual is performed once a year. On the night from Thursday to Friday, exactly a week before the New Year, we write our three cherished wishes on an A4 sheet of paper, which are directly related to love and well-being. The wishes that you write on a piece of paper must relate strictly to your person. If in your wishes you wish happiness and goodness to your friends or loved ones, then the magic described here will not give a positive result.

As you write down your desires on a piece of paper, write the phrase “so be it” under them. Then put on the sheet:

  • A piece of black bread
  • Sugar piece
  • One red rose (be sure to buy it yourself).

Pick up the piece of paper and whisper carefully and uncontrollably: “My wishes will come true within a year”. Wrap everything that you put on the leaf, namely bread, rose, sugar with the same leaf, tie it with green and red threads, do not forget to seal it with wax that you collect from a white candle, in no case should you print candles with wax, yellow.

Place your bundle under the mattress of the bed on which you sleep. This package should be there for two weeks, seven days and nights before the New Year, and seven days and nights after the New Year. After fourteen days, the package is placed on your photo, and the photo in which the package will be placed must be placed on the highest and open place in your home, so that no one can see it. If you do everything correctly, the ritual will last for a whole year.

Warm Cash Flow Ritual

For this ritual you need to take a bath. The moment you sit in the warm water, think of a golden stream of money falling on you. It is important to think about it with your eyes closed and get satisfaction, joy and peace from it.
Big and index fingers Place both hands together and freely say these words:

Then count in reverse order from one hundred to one, when you reach one, open your eyes and count to five. When you finish counting, shout emphatically, “It works.”

Simoron rituals

In the last article we learned about, and today there is a new ritual. We bake fortune cookies according to a Chinese recipe. Everyone sitting at the table takes one cookie, which will contain pieces of paper with predictions for the New Year. Desires may be different. After the wishes have been read, everyone takes their own piece of paper and glues it to a cracker called “Racket” and launches them into the sky.

Another recipe for simoron, very simple and effective

When you really need money, knead yeast dough. Then we take a bag and wrap a banknote in it. Let the dough rise as usual and place our bill on top. The method is very simple, but as it turns out, it works!

Ritual for getting a job in the new year

Making a photocopy of the last sheet work book. We make two copies of everything. On each photocopy we make the same notes that the HR department makes when applying for a job, and on back side photocopies, write a letter of gratitude. Place one copy on the Christmas tree, and the second in the corner of the house, always in the north-west. On the day you remove the tree, make a photocopy and fold it. Leave the one in the corner there, and put the one you took off the tree and folded in your wallet or pocket. Always carry it with you; showing it to others is not recommended.

How to properly install a Christmas tree for prosperity and good luck for the whole year

  • The New Year's tree must be installed in the cardinal directions.
  • In the western part of the apartment, a Christmas tree is installed in order to spend all the holidays happily and cheerfully.
  • In order to find your soul mate in the New Year or strengthen family relationships, the Christmas tree should be installed in the southwest of the apartment.
  • For those who are studying, the Christmas tree must be installed in the northeast of the apartment. This helps to remember information.
  • The south-eastern part of the apartment, where you decide to install a Christmas tree, will improve your financial condition. It is recommended to decorate the Christmas tree with garlands of coins and banknotes.
  • To prevent your health from faltering, you should install the Christmas tree in the east of your apartment.
  • By installing a Christmas tree in the north of the apartment, you can always count on great support from the elders in your family.

Rituals for happiness in the home

The ritual is carried out directly by the owner of the house; he should not tell anyone about this ritual. Before guests sit down at the festive table, tie the table legs with a red ribbon or red rope. For each ribbon or rope, depending on how you tie the table legs, you need to say the following words:

“I came to the house and brought my friends. So that misfortune goes away and happiness comes.”

After the feast, scatter rose petals and coins under the pillow. It is advisable that only you know about them. Such simple New Year's magical rituals should be performed on New Year's Eve so that the year will be successful and happy for you.

In the video you will also find several rituals:

Rituals to attract money on New Year's Eve.

Getting rich is the dream of many. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, among the wishes made, money is perhaps most often made.After all, for many people, happiness is a feeling of freedom, and financial security gives such a feeling.

There is a whole New Year's magic - observing certain rituals for the New Year, as well as throughout 2013, in order to ensure your financial well-being as a guarantee of a happy and comfortable existence.

New Year's magic or rituals to attract money

Advice one

To ensure that you have money all year, start with the ritual of setting the New Year's table: place a handful of golden-colored coins under the plates. Even if these are just ten-kopeck coins, their golden color, combined with the food abundance of the table, will attract wealth to you.

Tip two

On New Year's Eve you should change clothes at least 2 times. Updating your clothes symbolizes pleasant changes in the coming year. The new attracts the new, the bold attracts the bold, the implementation of your most daring projects becomes possible. You are prepared for diversity and successful activities in several directions at once. There is hope that all your endeavors will be adequately paid for.

Tip three

Before the New Year, do an audit of your home and throw away all unnecessary things, as well as do some general cleaning. Together with the outdated trash, you will get rid of the ballast and negativity that has accumulated over the year. This will open the way to new cash flows and opportunities.

Tip four

On New Year's Eve, take a red piece of paper and mark on it with a bright felt-tip pen or bright green paint the amount of money that you would like to become the owner of in the coming year. Then make the following collage: under the indicated amount, glue a coin (for example, 10 kopecks), surround it with drawn or pasted coins and bills. Roll the sheet of paper and tie it with two ribbons - golden and scarlet. Just before the Chimes strike, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree. On the morning of January 1, remove it from the tree and hide it where no one except you can see it.

Tip five

Place 12 dishes on the table on New Year's Eve - as a symbol of 12 months, in each of which your income should increase steadily. The table needs to be set beautifully, placed in beautiful dishes. Plastic or disposable plates will be excluded as a symbol of small insignificant income that will not linger in your wallet.

Tip six

On New Year's Eve, buy a new wallet, a decorative thin flexible snake, and a gold ribbon. On New Year's Eve, you need to put a large bill in a new wallet, wrap a snake around the wallet and tie it with a gold ribbon. After this, you need to say: “An irredeemable bill will attract money to itself, in a year it will increase, add up, multiply, follow its own path, make me rich. My word is strong!” Place your wallet away from prying eyes and do not use it for everyday needs. After every salary or income from some other source, put at least one medium denomination bill into this wallet. There will be no problems with finances. And spend the amount accumulated in your wallet at the very end of the year on something necessary or pleasant.

Tip seven

Start the morning of January 1st with a money bath. To do this, pour hot water, add a glass of milk, a few drops of bergamot oil and put 7 coins. Lie in the bath for 10 minutes, visualizing money coming from all sides. Then plunge your head into the water three times. And again visualize the image of cash flows.

To enhance your money ritual, light a green candle in the bathroom. And after leaving the “magic” water, do not wipe yourself off, let the moisture dry on its own.

By the way, when wishing yourself money on New Year’s Eve, you shouldn’t forget about other areas of your life - love, health, mutual understanding. This way you will attract harmony into your life. misunderstandings.

Tip eight

Buy or make your own talisman for 2013 - a Snake figurine. Place the talisman in the wealth sector - in the southeast of the apartment. And if you want the whole family to enjoy the wonderful properties of your money snake, place it so that it faces the center of the room, where all relatives most often gather.

“Money leads to money” - this time-tested sign always works. So why not decorate your Christmas tree with a few large bills. The Christmas tree is the queen of the holiday, it attracts magic and will help you become richer in the New Year 2019.

This ritual can help you get into the flow of money. A few minutes before the chimes strike on New Year's Eve, fill your bath with some water. As soon as the clock starts counting 12 strokes, open the cap, turn on the faucet harder and create a stream with your hand. Dip a fresh spruce or pine branch into it. Hold it for a while, and then take it out and sprinkle water from the ritual stream on all the corners of the rooms in the house, saying:

“I let you in the doors of the house cash flow! He takes away barriers and obstacles! I’m starting a flow of wealth!”

At the end of the ceremony, turn off the water.

To attract money in the New Year and improve your financial situation, put coins and bills in all pockets of your suit.

And before midnight, stay alone in your room, prepare 3 candles and the same number of yellow coins. When lighting candles as the New Year's clock strikes, attach coins to the edges of the candles.

Focus on the candle flame and imagine as if the coins are melting in the fire, and along with them, need and troubles go away. At this time, whisper the following spell:

“The Old Year is dissolving, the New Year is warming up. For the servant of God (name), put your wealth on the road, let your pockets become full, and there will be no need for money. May all your wishes come true. Amen (3 times).”

Remove the coins from the candles and put them in your pocket, let them remain there for the entire New Year's Eve. And in the morning, hide the ritual coins in a box or other secluded place.

The more you believe in the power of the ritual, the greater the chance that it will come true. And symbols, which tend to enhance the effect of conspiracies and rituals, will help with this. So, getting ready to celebrate the New Year, sew a bag of red fabric and collect a handful of yellow metal coins in it; the more there are, the better. Around midnight, place the bag under the tree, saying:

“I’m putting money in, I’m asking for money, I’ll get money in the New Year!”

When the clock stops chiming, take the bag and put it in the freezer for 12 days so that the energy of wealth attracted by the ritual freezes and does not lose its strength.

Rituals for making wishes come true for the New Year

To ensure that all your wishes come true throughout the year, place its owner - the Red Rooster. Create a unique corner with cereals, bright ribbons, and golden balls. So the rooster should feel that he is loved and respected in this house. Write your deepest wishes on a piece of paper and place it on the “body” of the Rooster, and he will definitely take care of their fulfillment!

Before celebrating the New Year, stock up on small images of a horseshoe, preferably made of golden or red material, such as cardboard or foil. During the New Year's Eve celebration, place a horseshoe under the heel of yourself and those who live with you. Have fun and celebrate, and before you go to bed, take out the horseshoes and hide them in a secret place. She will fulfill your wishes throughout the year, but do not forget to say goodbye to them on December 31st and prepare new ones for next year.

It is believed that on New Year's Eve the effect of desires intensifies many times, and the sky opens up to short time to hear people's deepest aspirations. Whisper your wishes while standing by the Christmas tree or shout them out with the power of your voice. main square cities - they will definitely come true!

New Year's rituals to attract love

To meet your love in the year of the Fire Rooster, hang a golden heart on the Christmas tree. This heart of Love should be on your Christmas tree every New Year; it is believed that this way it not only attracts, but also protects love from evil forces.

Perform the ritual using a scary rag or fabric doll that you made with your own hands the day before. The scarier the figurine, the better. On New Year's Eve, be alone with her, pin a note to her body with the inscription “Loneliness (name)”, tell her how you don’t want to part with her, how much you will miss her, try to shed tears to enhance the effect, and after finishing the speech, throw it away out the window. This ritual will free you from loneliness, and soon you will meet your love!

In order to attract love into your home, on New Year's Eve of the Rooster, take a red ribbon, preferably a satin one. Write the name of the person you like on one side. Tie this ribbon around your leg festive table, forming a bow and leave until the Old New Year. The person whose name is written on the ribbon will definitely love you!

On New Year's Eve, take a beautiful, bright box. It would be good if hearts were drawn on it, and it would be made in red, yellow, and orange colors. Formulate your desire, for example: “I want to attract a passionate, prosperous person!” Write this phrase on a piece of paper, fold it beautifully and put it in a box, sprinkling rose petals on top. Place the box under the Christmas tree and be sure that this ritual for the New Year 2019 will bring you the main and most desired gift - a meeting with your loved one.

New Year's Eve is not only a time for the fulfillment of desires and the most cherished dreams. The magic of the night will help you lift the veil of secrecy by telling fortunes about what kind of love awaits you. It is better if several girls take part in this ritual. There is only one condition - toys of different colors should hang on the New Year tree.

The fortuneteller is blindfolded and led to the tree. Depending on the color of the toy she takes from the tree, they judge what will happen to her next year:

Red, orange - a passionate admirer will appear;
Blue or purple - a disagreement awaits you in your relationship with your loved one;
Green – new relationships;
White - the year will be unchanged;
Silver or gold - expect to meet a rich admirer.

On New Year's Eve you just need to believe in a miracle and it will definitely happen. This holiday has everything to embody magic - power, energy, lights, noise, everything that ancient sorcerers and sorcerers used to perform rituals.

On the night from December 31 to January 1, even the wildest dreams come true. New Year rituals will help you attract luck and financial well-being into your life.

Every year has its own patrons. The mascot of 2017, the Red Rooster, is energetic and ambitious, which is why the coming year promises to be very eventful. New Year's rituals will help you not to be confused by unexpected changes and attract good luck. They will cheer you up and enhance the magic of the holiday. The favor of the capricious Rooster of the year can be achieved with the help of talismans and amulets with the symbol of this year.

New Year rituals for money

Good luck will find its way to a hospitable and welcoming home. On New Year's Eve, collect the treats on a beautiful plate and place them under the door. Place a figurine of a rooster on the windowsill and treat it to peas. After the chiming clock, open the window and doors and invite good luck to your common table, as well as the Red Rooster, to protect and protect you and your loved ones in the coming year.

Love rituals

Decorating a Christmas tree can bring not only good mood, but also to attract love into your home. Choose toys and balls bright colors, with sparkles and iridescent. This way you will attract the Red Rooster to your home and enlist his support. To ensure that love and harmony do not leave your home, purchase several hearts for the forest beauty. Pin one heart with a pin above front door and say: “The door is open to happiness and love.”

Buy small love-themed souvenirs in advance. On New Year's Eve, give a few pieces strangers, and hide the rest discreetly in the belongings of relatives and friends. Fire Rooster capable of pranks, so after the chiming clock you can safely look out the window and shout 3 times: "Love, come!". Open the door and with a symbolic gesture invite her to the table.

Ritual for health

Tie a sprig of wormwood or rosehip to a broom and sweep the whole house before the New Year. Place the dust along with the twig in a paper bag and burn it after the New Year with the words:

“I sweep away sickness and disease, I invite health into the house. Where it is clean, there is no place for illness.”

Fortune favors the brave, so do not be afraid of your desires and achieve them. Let goodness live in your heart, and let your home be a full cup. Don't skimp on good deeds and smiles. We wish you a happy New Year, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.11.2016 01:10

In pursuit of well-being, we often forget about the ancients, but effective methods, which are capable of bringing...