Folk signs for the holiday of Ivan Kupala. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala on cards

Feast of Ivan Kupala (Kupala night, Midsummer's day, Ivan Tsvetny, Ivan Travnik, Ivan Travny, Ivan the Koldovnik, Ivan the Lover, Ivan the Clean, Ivan the Cheerful, Ivan the Swimsuit, Ivan Lopukhovaty, Ivan the Walking, Ivan Venichny, Ivan the Hailbreaker, Zavarkush, Yarilin day, Yarila) is celebrated from July 6 to 7 and is one of the main holidays of our ancestors, coinciding with the Nativity of John the Baptist in the Christian tradition.
This date is “according to the new calendar”, therefore many Slavic communities and European countries It is celebrated according to the old style, on the days of the summer solstice - from June 20 to 26.

On this day, many rituals are performed for love, money, wealth, health, beauty, special conspiracies are read and special rituals are performed.

The most famous is jumping over a fire, described both in fiction and in specialized literature. It is believed that by jumping over the fire on this night, a person removes all sins, all dirt, all the negativity accumulated over the year.

Kupala rites constitute a complex ritual complex, including: collecting herbs and flowers, searching for fern flowers, weaving wreaths, decorating buildings with greenery, lighting fires, destroying scarecrows, jumping over a fire or over bouquets of greenery, dousing with water, fortune telling, etc.

Any rite, ritual, conspiracy works only if you understand the circumstances and context; if you do not understand why the ritual is recommended to be carried out on this particular day, or why this is the case, then it will not work. And this understanding can only be found in the history of the issue. So what kind of holiday is this, where did it come from, and what good and useful things can you take away from it?

Since ancient times, the Kupala holiday has been one of the brightest and most revered Eastern Slavs. Its pagan character persisted throughout the centuries. The Russian people, instead of visiting churches, praying intensely and behaving with a sense of humility appropriate to Christians, were in revelry and riots. Abbot Pamphilus of the Pskov Eleazar Monastery reported this in the 16th century: “When the holiday comes, on that holy night not all of the city will be in turmoil, and in the villages they will go wild, with tambourines and sniffles and stringed humming, splashing and dancing; But wives and girls are disgusted by the nodding of their heads and their lips, the shouting, all the nasty songs, the wobbling of their spines, and the jumping and trampling of their feet; that is, the great fall of men and boys, the whispering of men, women and girls, their fornication and the desecration of husbands’ wives, and corruption of virgins” (Kalinsky I.P. 1997. P. 139). The significance of the holiday was determined by the fact that it was celebrated at the turn of two periods of the solar annual cycle, which formed the basis of the ancient agricultural calendar. It was the time of the highest solar activity, a time when all the forces of nature, all plants, herbs, flowers and people are at the peak of their activity and are filled with vitality to the maximum.

Kupala herbs:

Plakun-grass was used as a talisman (look for loosestrife in damp places along reservoirs to collect flowers and roots at dawn), capable of expelling evil spirits from everywhere, healing skin diseases and shoot hangover syndrome and in general an indispensable herb for food poisoning.

Overcome the grass (water lily is a plant known to everyone), which helps to overcome all obstacles. With him you can go to different judicial institutions in order to win a lawsuit, and dry a girl’s heart, and save the cattle. And if you are planning to go on a trip on trade business or to visit relatives, be sure to stock up on some grass and, when you go out the door, protect yourself with the following spell: “I am driving in an open field, and in an open field there is some grass growing. Overcome the grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you: Mother Cheese Earth gave birth to you, it was simple-haired girls, rolling women (i.e., prophetic women) who watered you. Overcome the grass! Overcome you evil people: They wouldn’t think badly of us, they wouldn’t think anything bad: drive away the sneaky sorcerer. Overcome the grass! Overcome high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, tree stumps and logs... I will hide you, overpowering grass, near a zealous heart along the entire path and along the entire path.” With such a spell and a magical root, it was possible to go to any place without fear, even to the farthest and difficult road go. And besides, the herb helped against toothache and poisoning.

Rip-grass (impatiens, impatiens, rip-grass, Vanka is wet, and among the English, Bustle Lizzie - all these are names of the same flower), which allows you to open all locks and doors, and elecampane to attract love.

How does this work?
If it’s clear with herbs, weed is at its maximum. useful properties, that’s why we collect, how is it going with people? Here everything is also quite simple: a person has maximum strength, he is filled with energy in abundance and this excess should be directed in a peaceful direction, which is why so many rituals and conspiracies occur on this holiday, and rites and rituals for the year. The strength has been accumulated for the year ahead, so here are the rituals for the year ahead. What happens to people who have not directed excess strength into a peaceful direction is also well known from everyday observations of themselves and others and from psychological and esoteric literature.

No, the principle of “tearing a hot water bottle like an ace” does not apply here, if only in terms of health, in everything else. Excess energy causes a stream of random events, on which this excess energy is spent if goals and objectives are not designated: minor problems, minor troubles, something small somewhere doesn’t work out, then there’s a queue at the housing office, then I’m late for work, and not even a month has passed since all sorts of minor difficulties and squabbles have “eaten up” all the excess energy reserves.

If you don’t have the strength and desire to perform rituals and perform rituals, then there is a simple but miraculous way of fulfilling desires at this time, which will direct your energy into a peaceful direction and will not create any special difficulties. Our ancestors believed that if you climb into 12 other people’s gardens on a Kupala evening, any wish will come true. Difficult? Where can I get vegetable gardens?

The point is solely to enter someone else's territory 12 times: hackers can break 12 sites, every self-respecting blogger and user social networks has a program for hacking other people's accounts - 12 hacks and your desire is in your pocket, “accidentally” going behind the counter in 12 stores, etc. – still, nothing is given absolutely for nothing, use your imagination and find your 12 vegetable gardens.

Since this time marks the period of the highest flowering of nature: the sun is at its zenith, vegetation is at the peak of flowering, the beginning of fruit ripening; The day is the longest of the year, and the night is the shortest. In the minds of our ancestors, the magical power of fire, water, earth, vegetation was so great during this period that they were credited with protective, cleansing, productive, healing properties. Connecting with this power ensured good luck for the year.

The holiday of the Sun bathing in the waters, respectively, the elements to which our ancestors turned are the same - fire and water, hence the bonfires and cleansing fire and bathing, be it in baths or ponds. In many places it was believed that anyone who refused to swim on this day was a witch!

For happiness and good luck on Ivan Kupala:

Stepanova's conspiracy for happiness and good luck on Ivan Kupala
To do this, go into a river or lake and, splashing water on yourself, read the following plot:

The first tree is Ilyin, the second tree is vitriol.

The third is feigned. Submissive to the Lord God.

So that Happiness submits to me (name).

Under a pretend tree. To the Lord God, the gray fern is growing.

Under that gray Fern Great happiness lives.

It grows, it grows It falls white to my body.

Who knows the Ivan's plot, reads it nine times on Midsummer's day,

To the way this water, Happiness and luck stick.

I close my words, I close my deeds.

Also, in running water you can charm yourself into fame and fortune among people and into wealth.
In the old days, they read a conspiracy on Ivan Kupala for glory among people (this conspiracy works well for singers, actors, and people in public professions). To do this, go into the river (a lake is not suitable, since the water must be running) and, pouring water over yourself, read the following plot:

Like the morning sun rises to the sky, the scarlet sunset flares up with fire.

To the bright heights. Wide width. As God is high, So be my glory far away.

And how on the Feast of Christ the bell in the temple rings,

So let all the People around me talk about me, the Servant of God (name).

The Lord God is on the Throne high, And the glory of me, God's servant (name), be far away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Monetary ritual at Ivan Kupala

If you want to talk yourself into wealth, then Ivan; Kupala wash yourself with silver coins and say:

How people love gold and silver,

So let the money not forget my wallet.

They come to me, stick and pester me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Of the modern rites and rituals, the most effective, in our opinion, is the Kupala money ritual. It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala you can “order” money for yourself for a year in advance; it is believed that this is a special night, specifically a money night.

In order to carry out an “order,” you need to put all the money in the house under your pillow before going to bed, and in the morning, when you wake up, take it out of there and quickly wave it in front of your eyes, creating the feeling that there is a lot, a lot of it. Unlike searching for a fern flower, this ritual is quite accessible to any person.

Money conspiracy against Ivan Kupala
This plot must be read at midnight from July 6 to July 7, when Midsummer Day begins. Prepare three handfuls of earth, a handful of coins and some water for the Ivan Kupala plot. Exactly at midnight, pour the earth and coins into a basin, dilute with water until it becomes a thick mud. Start kneading the earth and say the following conspiracy against Ivan Kupala:

I don’t sleep on Ivan’s night, I don’t rest, I take gold keys, I unlock the earth, I let go of the dew, I add gold.

After the conspiracy, wash your hands and place the basin on the east window. The window must be open (you can put it on the balcony if it faces east). Leave the basin for a day, after which (also at night) take the basin outside and shake out the earth with coins at the intersection. Whoever does this will have good luck with money all year (until the next Midsummer).

For health

It was widely believed that a bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to the strengthening and restoration of vital energy and health. Only the water in the bath should be based on decoctions of Kupala herbs and special brooms - Kupala. In the evening, herbs were collected and brooms were prepared, and the bathhouse was heated in the morning. We recommend that you do the same.

Girls, at dawn committed ritual ablution dew. To collect dew, they dragged a tablecloth along the wet grass and then squeezed it into some kind of vessel. It was believed that washing the face and hands with dew would drive away diseases and cleanse the skin.

While washing, they cast a spell on beauty: “Royal power, earthly power! Give endless beauty. Eternal youth."

In Siberia, “Ivan’s” dew was used in case of eye disease: the eyes were washed with dew in the morning of Ivanov’s day and collected in a container for further treatment.

On Kupala night, fires were lit everywhere, over which one had to jump to gain health and fertile strength. Therefore, both girls and adult women who wanted to give birth to a child jumped through the fire.

Stepanova's conspiracy against female diseases on Ivan Kupala
They read it for dew, which they then wipe themselves with, or for the sick person. The spell words are:

How fire cleanses and consumes everything,

So this dew would wash away and consume all the disease.

How not to resist the flying flyer, the creeping creeper,

To the galloping horse Before the great storm,

So Illness-illness cannot resist my strong word.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

It was also customary to wash dishes with dew so that the food from them would be more satisfying and healthier. Kupala dew was sprinkled on beds and walls of houses to prevent cockroaches and bedbugs.

If on this night you pick the Ivan da Marya flower and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not approach the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers Ivan da Maria) they will talk to each other, and the thief will think that the owner and mistress are talking.

For personal life

For a long time, on the day of Ivan Kupala, the most free communication of the sexes was allowed, which allows us to call it “the most attractive Russian celebration,” “the holiday of universal marriage.” According to legend, on Kupala night all prohibitions on love relationship between men and women. This moment is extremely important for you and me, not at all because you can refer to your ancestors and go “to the left.” What is important is the fact that all prohibitions on love relationships are lifted, and therefore all the crowns of celibacy, damage to loneliness, generational curses and other greater and lesser horrors that prevent us from having a full personal life. And this should be used by everyone who is not satisfied with their personal life, to whom girlfriends or psychologists have long hinted at internal blockages that are preventing them from creating relationships, or the presence of certain energy-informational defeats. In order to remove all prohibitions on happiness in your own personal life, you can use any of the countless rituals described on the Internet, or in the old fashioned way, simply enter into a close relationship. With whom? Yes, with anyone, yes, yes, AIDS does not sleep, but if you have brains and casual connections can bring tangible benefits.

To get married this year, before going to bed, you need to collect a bouquet of 12 different herbs (thistle and fern are a must) and put them under your pillow.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, a special birch bath broom is also made, with the help of which you can resurrect lost love and rekindle the heart of your spouse. To do this, take a Kupala broom and, when you come to the bathhouse, pat yourself on the body with it (below the waist) and read the following plot:

Like a bath leaf, molded and tenacious to the body, so you, my husband, Servant of God (name), be molded to me, tenacious to my body.

Mold, be strong, never let go.

My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.

As long as the birch tree stands from my broom, Until then the servant of God (name) will lie at my feet.

Key, lock, tongue.

For magical power

Kupala Night (the night before Ivan Kupala, Midsummer Night) is the shortest night of the year and, according to popular beliefs, on this night there is a barrier between our world, material and subtle worlds the thinnest.

It was on this night that those who wished could acquire magical knowledge and objects. To become a healer, you had to go into the forest. Having found a place where it grows greatest number different varieties of herbs, one had to wait until midnight. “At midnight the herbs will speak, and each herb will begin to say with its voice what disease it cures. One will say: I’m being treated for hoarseness, the other: I’m suffering from aches... And between them conversations and conversations will begin, all sorts of grass will begin to show off, as it were, and you just sit and listen” (Tobolsk; Neklepaev I.Ya. 1903. P. 202 ).

Fern (fern, kochedyzhnik, skaternik-kochedyzhnik) is a plant that occupies a special place in the folklore of the holiday of Ivan Kupala: magical properties were attributed to its flower, which, according to legend, bloomed once a year.

People believed that at exactly midnight a golden flower with a fiery red tint appears on the fern, blooming for only a few moments. A person who saw this flower or took possession of it acquired the ability to recognize the past and look into the future, see and obtain treasures hidden underground, understand the language of animals, birds and plants, open locks, become invisible; a burning flower gave power over the world.

On July 7, one of the most poetic events of the Ukrainian ritual calendar is celebrated. The Kupala lights inspired the creativity of not only the great Nikolai Gogol, but also many other writers and poets. The Church celebrates the Nativity of John the Baptist on this day. Kupala holidays were celebrated during pagan times in honor of the Sun God Kupail, whose wife was the luminous Charge, a red maiden. By merging Christian and pagan traditions, the holiday of Ivan Kupala was formed.

In mid-June the midday sun reaches highest point in the sky and remains in this position for some time, which is called the summer solstice. Then, having achieved the full manifestation of its creative powers, it turns to the winter path, losing its royal power over nature, its life-giving power, and begins to slowly descend lower and lower along the heavenly mountain; the days begin to wane. All nature, as if anticipating its approaching old age, is in a hurry to live life to the fullest.

For the last month the cuckoo has been calling, the nightingale is singing its last wonderful song with its ringing voice, and soon, soon the other songbirds will calm down.

No one should sleep tonight. On the enchanted Kupala Night, trees move from place to place and talk to each other through the rustling of leaves; Animals and even herbs talk to each other, which are filled with special, miraculous power that night. All earthly potions on this night receive supernatural power: both evil and good.

Night grasses bloom with Fire. These are the black fern, the king-king, the lion, the dove and others. Some colors glow with a stationary, strong flame, others have the appearance of lightning, flying, ghostly fire. “Lion grass,” it is said about one of them in the oldest of the “Zaleiniki,” “grows small, but looks like a lion. You can’t even notice it during the day, it shines at night. There are two colors on it, one yellow, and the other at night like a candle burning. There is no grass nearby, but what is there, she bowed before her.” And here is what is said about the wondrous grass of the cinema gate: “Even though there is a storm, it bows to the east with all its trunks; the same thing if there is no wind.” A fern that opens with a strong fiery red (crimson from a distance) slightly shimmering color only for a few moments on Kupala Night allows the one who finds it to guess the future

As is known, and this custom is now well preserved, the main entertainment of the evening on Ivan Kupala is jumping over the fire. However, single girls also have something to do on holiday.

Those unhappy in love, in order to bewitch their chosen one, are advised to run around a rye field three times at midnight on Ivan Kupala. Preferably naked. While the naked beauty is running around in circles, the lover will see her in a dream, and in the morning he will understand that she is the one and only that he has been looking for all his life.

After the fun activities are over, you can go and relax. This does not apply only to the bravest and purest of hearts, who have a chance to find a magical fern flower and receive all earthly treasures. But remember: the path to the flower is protected by evil spirits, and the earthly riches that it opens have never brought anyone any good.

According to peasant beliefs, on Kupala, the shortest night, one cannot sleep, as all evil spirits come to life and become especially active - witches, werewolves, mermaids, snakes, sorcerers, brownies, water creatures, goblins.

It was believed that on Ivan Kupala witches celebrate their holiday, which consists of causing evil to people. They say that witches keep water boiled with the ashes of the Kupala fire, and on Ivan Kupala, having sprinkled herself with this water, the witch could easily fly wherever she wanted.

On the day of Ivan Kupala they tried to heal themselves with dew. To do this, you need to get up as early as possible and walk barefoot through the healing Kupala dew. On this day there was a mass gathering medicinal herbs. Special healing power Kupala grass grows towards sunrise, and so, as they say, “Whoever gets up early, God gives it to him!”

In the rituals and games of the spring-summer cycle, girls always decorated themselves with wreaths. So, in the East Slavic ritual of “seeing off the mermaid” for the mummered “mermaid” they wove a special wreath with the addition of nettles or made many wreaths, falling them on the mummer’s head, neck, hands, hanging them all with wreaths. The subsequent destruction of these wreaths (throwing them into a cemetery, into water, into a fire, etc.) symbolized the act of expelling the “mermaid”.

In Rus', Ivan Kupala was one of the most revered and important holidays of the year; the entire population took part in it, and tradition required the active inclusion of each participant in the celebration in all rituals and the mandatory implementation of a number of rules, prohibitions and customs.

How Ivan Kupala is celebrated

Still survived in Ukraine next ritual: girls, whose heads are decorated with wreaths of fragrant herbs, in festive outfits, and the guys, with their hats jauntily tilted to one side, also decorated with flowers, gather on the eve of Kupala Day to a predetermined place at a madder or black maple tree, hung with wreaths and ribbons; under this tree they place a tiny, and sometimes a large, god made of straw - Kupala, dressed in a woman’s shirt and scarf, with a monastery on his neck and a wreath on his head. There are also tables set up with snacks and the inevitable drink. falling water Bathed on Ivan!

In Belarus, on the eve of Midsummer, after sunset, a stake is driven into the ground; they cover it with straw and hemp, and on the very top they also put a bunch of straw, called Kupala; As soon as it gets dark, they light straw, throw birch branches into this fire, and the fun begins. In some places in Belarus, with the dawn of Midsummer, choosing from among their midst the most beautiful girl, her friends strip her naked, entangle her from head to toe in wreaths and flowers, blindfold her and lead her into the forest, where she, who this time received the nickname “Dzevko-Kupala,” distributes pre-prepared wreaths, while the udders as a cheerful round dance moves around her . Whoever receives a fresh wreath will live richly and happy life, married, and who received a withered wreath, “you can’t enjoy that happiness, live with your share.”

In Moscow, from ancient times, Kupala was celebrated on three mountains, and in St. Petersburg on Petrovsky Island on the Kullerberg, where our aristocracy also visited. Several years ago, Kupala fires were lit at the latter, round dances were held and feasts were held. In the old days, 10 versts from St. Petersburg, along the Riga road, there was a linden tree, the branches of which were intertwined with the branches of other trees, forming, as it were, a natural gazebo, in which Peter the Great rested more than once. They also gathered here on the eve of Kupala, lit fires, on which, by the way, they burned a white rooster. It should be noted that in later times the Kupala fire was replaced by a heap of nettles, due to the prohibition of the Ivanovo fires by spiritual and secular authorities.

The pagan holiday Ligo (June 24) in Latvia is the oldest and most beloved. It is celebrated at the state level for three whole days. This is peculiar New Year- only in summer. Only the role of fir trees is played by birch trees. There are peculiar Father Frost and Snow Maiden - these are those who bear the names - Yanis and Liga. Only they don’t give gifts, but them, because it’s their name day. Ligo is celebrated on one of the most short nights year. The birthday boy Janis should definitely be given an oak wreath. And Lige - a wreath of wild flowers. This is how you can distinguish them from the rest. Therefore, this product is in great demand in the city. Fairs in Riga are at every step. The indispensable attributes of Ligo are beer and cheese. On festive table they must be present. Moreover, the cheese should have cumin. According to popular belief, it is best to chew cumin that comes in slices well - then all misfortunes will disappear. On League night, you definitely need to swim - and jump over the fire. To make it brighter, barrels on poles are lit at night. The barrels are raised high and lit so that the neighboring farm can see that Ligo is already being celebrated here. Dancing and singing should continue all night. During this time, the young must find a blooming fern in the forest. If they find it, they will be happy. According to legend, it blooms on Jan's night. Over the centuries-old history of the holiday, it has never been found, but experts say that this custom improves the demographic situation in the country

Holiday rituals

Lighting the fire
- jumping over a fire (or nettles)
- rolling wheel fire cult
- in ancient times, prayers for rain - Rusalia
- bathing, dousing
- "scooping up dew" cult of water
- in ancient times "Green Christmastide";
- a legend about a fern flower blooming that night;
- the belief that the trees on this night say that the herbs collected on Ivan Kupala have miraculous powers;
- fortune telling on bouquets about weddings, cult of vegetation

Rituals and fortune telling

Jumping over the fire

On Kupala, our ancestors performed fire ceremonies and rituals. The fire ritual consisted of burning large bonfires on Kupala night. The fires were accompanied by games, chants and round dances. To protect and cleanse evil spirits themselves, people jumped over these fires. A jump is considered successful; if the flame does not touch the jumper and there are no sparks, it means marriage or good luck.

Those who were going to get married held hands tightly while jumping, because, according to the superstition, if the hands do not unclench, there will be a wedding.

Bonfire on the day of Ivan Kupala. Jumping over a fire is the brightest tradition of the Ivan Kupala holiday

We tried to jump higher - whoever jumps the highest will be the happiest in the coming year.

In the Kupala bonfires, mothers burned the shirts taken from their sick children, so that the diseases themselves would be burned along with this linen. And drove away the smoke from the fires dark forces from villages and fields.

Launching a wreath

On the night before Ivan Kupala, girls lower wreaths of birch with lighted splinters or candles onto the river waves; they make wreaths from Ivan da Marya, burdock, virgin grass and bear's ear.

If the wreath sinks right away, it means that the betrothed has fallen out of love and will not marry him, but will wash ashore - she will be unmarried. The one whose wreath floats the longest will be the happiest, and the one whose wreath burns the longest will live a long, long life!

Wax fortune telling

To perform this fortune-telling, take a wax candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a metal spoon. The spoon is heated on a candle until the pieces turn into a molten liquid. When the wax grows, pour the contents of a spoon into the water in one breath. They use the resulting figure to guess. You need to tell fortunes by candlelight.

A characteristic sign of Ivan Kupala is numerous customs and legends associated with the plant world

Herbs and flowers collected on Midsummer's Day are placed under Midsummer's dew, dried and preserved, considering them more healing than those collected at other times. They fumigate the sick, fight evil spirits, throw them into a flooded oven during a thunderstorm to protect the house from a lightning strike, and use them to kindle love or to “dry it out.”

Of the wonderful herbs collected at this time, it is worth mentioning “plakun-grass”, the special power of which, according to the peasants, lies in its root, which has the property of driving away the evil spirit; the owner of the root will inspire fear; “Terlych-grass” is used to charm boys with girls: they wear it in their bosoms and say: “Terlich, terlich, call the boys!” Grass Chernobyl, by popular belief, is disgusting to witches and protects the house and yard from them. They braid it with whips and place it under Ivan’s dew with the sentence: “Mother earth, father sky, give your slaves health from this grass!” The herb "chaffinch" helps with children's screams and insomnia; dried “spread” is sprinkled on sore spots on the body - cuts, abscesses, tumors; "Shepherd's purse" has long been prepared as a good hemostatic agent for various bleedings; those suffering from rheumatism collected in large quantities stinging nettle; stocked up for the treatment of wounds and burns hare cabbage; In case of colds or coughs, it was necessary to have coltsfoot, oregano, and wild rosemary at home.

On Midsummer night, oil is collected in a vessel on ant heaps, which is recognized as a healing agent against various ailments.

If you climb twelve vegetable gardens on Midsummer Day, any wish will come true.

If on this night you pick the Ivan da Marya flower and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not approach the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers of the plant) will talk to each other, and the thief will think that the owner and mistress are talking.

On Midsummer's Day we went to the bathhouse and steamed ourselves with fresh birch brooms for the first time. Ivan da Marya flowers, fern leaves were added to the “Ivan broom”, which had magical powers, or it was made from twelve herbs collected on Kupala night. From such a broom they said, “health improves.” With the first new broom, the girls wondered about marriage: when leaving the bathhouse, they threw it behind their back - where the butt fell, that’s where you would go and get married.

The fire element has powerful cleansing energy. It is especially strong on Kupala night. It is believed that evil spirits come out on Ivan Kupala, so it is advisable not to sleep and light fires in order to protect yourself from witchcraft and confusion. It is best to use birch logs and wormwood.

Light a small fire on the river bank. Take a run and jump over it - the higher you jump, the greater the harvest you will reap, the more abundant your table will be throughout the year.

Walk around the fire 3 times - this simple action cleanses you of negativity and gives protection from the evil eye and damage.

If you are sick, then take the linen you slept in the day before and burn it to be healed.

When jumping over a fire, make a wish before you touch the ground with your feet - it will definitely come true.

Write down on paper all the troubles that happened to you in last year, and burn it. Misfortune will never return to you.

Wipe your nose with a white handkerchief that you have never used, saying: “It’s a payoff for you, good luck for me!” The unnecessary will burn, happiness will return!” Throw the handkerchief into the fire. Watch him burn thinking positive thoughts. This ritual relieves troubles and attracts happiness.

Sitting near the Kupala fire, look at the fire, mentally turning to it with a request to burn out all the bad things from your life, and troubles will leave you. In the same way, you can make a wish by turning to the forces of Fire, expressing it in any form.

Witch water

Kupala - from the word “bathe”, in this magical night water is endowed wonderful properties- rejuvenating, healing, washes away all the bad.

Collect dew at dawn: take a white tablecloth, move it over the wet grass, then squeeze it into a bowl or any other container. The next day, wash your face with this dew. This ritual gets rid of acne, makes the skin younger and more beautiful.

Knead the dough with the addition of Kupala dew, bake a loaf. Eat it with the whole family so that there is prosperity in the house.

To get rid of cockroaches and bedbugs, sprinkle the walls of the house and the bed with Kupala dew, saying: “As the dew is pure, as the dew is holy, so is my (name), a house without evil spirits, without any creeping creatures. As the dew falls on the walls, so the evil spirits will leave my house!”

After a month, take a steam bath in a bathhouse with a birch broom made on Kupala night to improve your health. The broom needs to be steamed in water with the addition of dry nettles collected on Ivan Kupala. Then splash yourself with this water.

Swim in the river at midnight in a white shirt or shirt. This ritual relieves loneliness and helps improve family relationships.

Pour a bucket of water over yourself while standing barefoot on the grass. Say: “Kupala-Kupala, give me a lot - not a little: happiness, good luck, so that I become richer” . There is no need to wipe yourself off after this.

Run through the tall grass when the dew falls. It is believed that this ritual helps to rejuvenate.

Magic herbs for Ivan Kupala

Herbs collected on Kupala night are the best for witchcraft rituals. Make a bouquet of ferns and thistles. Tie it with a pink ribbon and hang it above the head of your bed, saying: “Enchanting herbs, dispel bad dreams, protect me from evil spirits so that they don’t come to me at night. So!" a bouquet will protect you from nightmares.

To bewitch your loved one, pick a branch of fern, roll up a photo of the person you are interested in into a tube and tie it with a fern. If the branch breaks, it means that you are not destined to be together; you should not try to repeat the love spell. If everything goes well, say: “I (name) went to Ivan Kupala, looked for my dear one, walked around all the fields, walked around all the forests and found my dear one. Just as a fern dries up, so will (name) dry up for me. He will yearn and fall in love. Truly! Then tie the photo with thread and hide it at home in a secluded place.

To protect yourself from witches and sorcerers, place sprigs of fern and nettles on the windowsills and at the threshold of your home. Burn the herbs in the morning.

If you are single, weave a wreath of different herbs and flowers and float it down the river. If he drowns, it means your time has not come yet; you will meet your betrothed later. If the wreath floats, they will soon propose marriage to you. The further he swims, the happier your family life will be.

If you don’t have a second half yet, place a plantain plucked on the night of Ivan Kupala under your pillow, saying: “The flower is by the road, the betrothed is on the threshold. Show it to me" . Go to bed without talking to anyone. In a dream, a person destined by fate should appear to you.

Dial at midnight, without looking, flowers and herbs. Place them under your pillow. In the morning, take it out and count it - if you have 12 different plants, then this year you will definitely get married.

Hide Ivan da Marya flowers in the 4 corners of your home, saying: “There is no way for the thief, he cannot find the way to my house. He will pass by will bypass, will not notice, will not notice, will not step on the threshold, will not ascend. His eyes are blind, his ears are deaf, his legs are shackled. Truly!

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In other articles of this dream book you can find no less interesting conspiracies, love spells and everything that any woman needs every day to achieve success in all matters.

Signs for Ivan Kupala for unmarried, married, for conception, marriage, pregnant, divorced, unmarried and for health

Ivana Kupala is celebrated on July 7th, one of the most mystical nights of the year. Demons wake up at night; there is no better time for fortune telling and conspiracies.

— To make your wish come true, you need to climb over 12 fences.
— So that thieves will go around the house, Ivan da Marya flowers are placed in the corners.
- Unmarried girls put a plantain under their pillow, saying: betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.

— If you write the problems of this year on paper and then burn them, then the bad things will burn in the fire.
- For a woman who wants to get pregnant, open the window at midnight, look at the beam and ask for pregnancy.
“The herbs collected on this day are considered medicinal, and are then used by sick people to improve their health.

- Dew collected early in the morning also has great power, you can wash the patient with it while reading a prayer: just as the dew dries in the sun, so let your illness dry up and die. Just as fire burns everything, so let the dew wash away the infection.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, conspiracies on the night and prayers

Before entering the river, to make the marriage stronger, they say holding hands:
The water is clean, give us strength with (name) to survive all the troubles. Having plunged into the water with (name), leave all grief behind. Just as the drops flow through you, so (name) and I will be next to each other all our lives.

A spell for good luck, personal happiness is done at dawn: Clear sun, beautiful sun, red sun in the sky, rise to me and bring me good luck. Happiness will increase, strength will increase, everything in my life will work out.

Ivan Kupala signs and rituals for the betrothed house for sleep, fortune telling with a comb

In Rus' it was accepted on the night of July 7 unmarried girls put a comb under the pillow with the words: I’m waiting for you, dear, I’m waiting for you, beautiful, dream about it at night, show yourself to me.

Fortune telling for Ivan bathed in a wreath, plantain, prophetic dream, wax

Plantain seeds are finely crushed and mixed with goose feathers, scattered around the yard, saying: ant grass, help my darling find the path to me, help, point out, bring him.

A wreath is made from fresh flowers, a wish is made, and it is released into the water. If the wreath floated far away, then the wish will come true, if it did not float or stopped in sight, the wish will not come true.

Using a burning candle, drip wax into a bowl of water and see what shape you get. A ring for a wedding, a star for happiness, a heart for mutual feelings. The sun or circle for change.

Carefully remember the dream you had on this unusual night; it will come true in the near future. Or in a dream there will be a solution, an answer to an exciting question.

Folk signs for Ivan Kupala according to the weather and if it rains

Rain foretells a warm summer, large number stars for a good harvest of cucumbers. Fog for cold winter.

Signs and rituals for Ivan Kupala using money

To have money before going to bed, put the most large bills, which are in the house, first thing in the morning when you wake up, count them. Throw a few silver coins into the water; if not, you can use any others. After a couple of hours, wash your hands with this water, saying: the water will wash your hands and increase your wealth.

Signs of beliefs and superstitions on Ivan Kupala for love

Young boys and girls gather on the river bank at night, light a fire and take turns jumping. It is believed that fire and water nearby will bring happiness to everyone. Early in the morning, collect the dew and add it to the person you want to bewitch. At the same time, you need to say: I will bewitch whomever I love. Let (name) be next to me, as dew dries in the sun, so let (name) sigh for me.

Rituals for Ivan Kupala: black magic and runes at home and what not to do on this day

For peace in the house and to drive out evil spirits, take a piece of raw meat and walk around the house three times, tracing the walls with meat like chalk. Saying: witches, sorcerers, come out. I didn't invite you, I'm kicking you out. The sun is not for you, the stars are not for you, my house is not for you. After this, give a piece of meat to someone else's dog.

On this day you cannot swim in the water, only read conspiracies on the shore after wetting your feet a little. It is believed that goblin and mermen can drag you away. You can't borrow money so as not to become poor. For the same reason, don’t give anything. Do not pick up coins on the road, they will bring bad luck.

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

Magic surrounds us everywhere - so they say knowledgeable people. Only we, wrapped in vanity, cut off from nature, do not know and do not notice this. But there are days that definitely need to be used to increase your energy level, and therefore your health and quality of life. Rituals and fortune telling on Ivan Kupala will replace many months of communication with nature. After all, it’s an extraordinary day! Interested? Let's figure it out.

What day are we talking about?

Previously, such a question had never even occurred to people. After all, they were constantly in contact with plants, water, air, and earth. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala was one of the most reverent and anticipated rituals. Now there are those who have never heard of this tradition. The Kupala holiday falls on the seventh of July. This is the day when nature reaches its annual peak. The fields and forests just ring and shine with juices. A great time, which, as they say, would be a sin not to take advantage of. If you think that fortune telling has no connection with nature, then you are mistaken. The correctness of the forecasts obtained directly depends on the forces that we managed to get as our assistants. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is effective because there is no need to break through any special walls; nature exudes incredible magic. You just need to take it, that is, be able to connect. But this is not all the advantages of this magnificent day. Harmony helps you receive the most accurate recommendations and advice. You see, this is something like instructions for further proper development. Follow them and rush at full speed towards happiness!..

What methods of fortune telling are in harmony with the energy of the day?

Surely many people associate fortune telling in their imagination with coffee, runes, cards, and so on. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is carried out in any of the listed and unspecified ways. Something completely different is important. A person should feel a connection with nature on this day. And what magical tools he will need for this is a personal matter. Therefore, it is proposed to start the process itself with a walk or hike outside the city. There, soak in the splendor of the moment. Yes, watch the plants and animals. They will tell you a lot, without any rites or rituals. Such is this magical day - Ivan Kupala. Fortune telling and omens have special power during this period. It is advisable to listen to folk heritage and incorporate it into your life. But let's talk about signs a little further. Let's start with various methods fortune telling. If divination is not one of your facets professional activities, then put the Tarot and runes aside, do not make coffee. It’s better to tell fortunes on herbs and leaves, listen to what the birds in the forest or, at worst, outside the window tell you. Look closely at the sky and clouds. Take a dip in the water and ask her a secret question. Try to connect internally with Mother Nature. Who else, do you think, is obliged to protect, defend, nurture us - foolish children? The earth, undeservedly considered a piece of rock, but which is actually alive and spiritual.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love

Very interesting way to learn about relationship prospects was used in some villages. The method is easy, but they say he is very faithful. No one complained about him, if you do not take into account the magical effects of herbs on individuals. This means that the ritual may well not only predict, but determine further development events. But, this is your will, check it if you want, but if you don’t want it, choose a different method of fortune-telling that is closer to the soul. It is also suggested to go to the pond in the evening. Pick two blades of grass or stems there that you like. Write on them the names of those whose relationships you need to know about. Come home, attach them to the ceiling or wall side by side. The blades of grass need to hang freely. After a while they will wither and dry out. Then look at the result:

  • intertwined with each other - long and mutual love;
  • turn away - people will run away different sides;
  • and remained hanging evenly - the marriage will be fragile;
  • bent in one direction - passion will turn into a big disaster for the one whose blade of grass reaches out to the other. The feeling will be in vain, unrequited.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love is a sure thing. It contains not just a prediction, but a connection with destinies. On this magical day, their secrets become closer and are revealed. That’s why we were so looking forward to this holiday earlier. The divination showed correctly, for life!

How to attract your betrothed?

What girl (of any age) does not dream of her prince in a white Mercedes? Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for your betrothed allows you not only to identify him, but also to attract him. Here it should be said right away that girls cast spells in different ways. If there is a guy in mind, then some rituals are carried out, if for now there are only dreams in the head, then another. Let's start with the first savvy beauties. They should have picked any two flowers. As a rule, they took chamomile. Tear off their stems and gently float them through the water. Watch how they float. If you cuddle and do not separate, then the mysterious guy is indeed your betrothed. And when you’ve sailed in different directions, you shouldn’t dream about it. Another one will appear. It’s a different matter for girls who have no one in mind. They need to study the following fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for their betrothed. After morning procedures, collect your hair from the comb. Roll into a ball and keep under your pillow until sunset. And in the evening, take them outside the outskirts (to the street). Throw at a crossroads. So say: “Weave paths through the flowering land. Bring your betrothed to me, so that he is powerful, kind, handsome, and looks like a priest! Amen!" Now go home. If you meet a cat, the fate has not yet been determined. If you have a dog, then your betrothed is already nearby. If the bird sings or screams, get ready for the wedding.

How and for what to bewitch at home?

It’s not only love that interests people these days. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home is also carried out for other purposes. For example, do you want to know what age is measured for you? Light a candle in the evening. Watch how it starts to burn. If it completely melts and does not go out, then your health will not let you down. Surprise all your loved ones with longevity. When black streaks flow down the candle, you will get sick in old age. Cause a lot of trouble for your relatives. A accidentally blown out candle speaks of the short life of the one who casts a spell. Caution must be exercised. After all, this person’s life could end accidentally. However, there is no need to fall into pessimism either. After all, any result can be changed by your thoughts and actions. Here is an interesting and original fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home for wealth. It also not only predicts, but also attracts well-being. It's two in one.

How to attract money?

The ritual is very old. It is believed that dew on this day has healing properties. You were supposed to get up before light and go and roll on the meadow grass in your shirt. Once you get wet from head to toe, do not wipe yourself off. Dry in the wind. Don't wash your shirt. She will take care of her health. Many people know about this ritual. But the addition to it is not so widely known. While diving in the dew, collect dawn herbs. You need to pick a whole bouquet. Take them home. Lay out and dry. If they rot or become covered with mold, expect problems with income. The year will be unlucky. When the grass dries without any damage, crush it into powder and add it to your wallet. He will become like a magnet, attracting money to the family. Those who are unlucky with this ritual are advised to pay attention to the signs. Maybe they will bring other, more pleasant news. It is impossible that on the day of Ivan Kupala, fortune telling and omens would only talk about the negative. After all, every person has good things. You just need to identify it.


People pass on a lot of things by word of mouth. sure signs concerning various fields life. We will highlight only those that talk about well-being in order to try to reassure those who are unlucky with herbs. Remember who you met first when you went outside that day? If it's a man, then good. Something pleasant and stable will come into life. Besides, good sign is rain before noon. He predicts not only a good harvest of forest fruits, but also well-being for those who fall under its streams. So, feel free to run outside when the water begins to rumble and flow. Will you cash flow and without herbal powder.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala on cards

Leave this method for last. You can use cards to cast spells at any time. Why give up the magic of nature and lock yourself in a dusty room? But, if you want, then take out just one card. You can tell your whole life from it. If it turns out to be bright, then you are the darling of fate. Dark indicates the presence of unprocessed karma. This is how you should judge by suit:

  • worms - great love;
  • diamonds - a lot of money;
  • clubs - a successful career;
  • peaks - grief and tears.

Don't be discouraged if the result is not what you dreamed of. Pull out another card. The correct result is determined by three pictures. Whichever suit is greater is what rules your life.

Conclusion with additional information

It is difficult to cover all the ways of divination on this magical day. But there is one who was rightfully loved and appreciated in many villages. This is a fortune telling for Ivan Kupala for a dream. It's simple. You need to ask the question when you get into bed. But to get the correct answer, the pillow should not be simple, but stuffed with fresh grass, collected that day in the forest or field. That's the secret. And at night you will see what fate has prepared for you for the coming months, or even for your whole life. Don't miss this magical time! Good luck!