Table 9 enters. General characteristics of the diet

  • Principles of the “Table No. 9” diet
  • Recipes for Diet No. 9
  • Diet results
  • Reviews from doctors about diet

For diabetes mellitus, it is necessary not only to take various medicines, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing blood sugar levels. In parallel with therapy, patients must adhere to a certain diet, a diet, which was compiled by the attending physician.

Today there are a number of already developed official medicine diets for patients diabetes mellitus.

Among the list of such nutrition, there is also diet No. 9, designed in such a way as to balance the diet of a diabetic and allow him to receive all the nutrients and beneficial substances necessary for the body.

The diet does not cause an increase or fluctuation in blood sugar levels and promotes the normal functioning of a person with diabetes.

Principles of the “Table No. 9” diet

  • You should eat often, but in small portions. For example, you can eat up to 6 times a day, every 3 hours;
  • Completely avoid eating fried, spicy and smoked foods, canned food, alcohol and hot seasonings;
  • Replace sugar with sugar-containing substitutes;
  • The amount of proteins in the menu should remain at the same level typical for the diet of a healthy person;
  • The amount of fats and carbohydrates must be reduced;
  • You can only eat stewed, baked or boiled foods.

The daily menu of Table No. 9 should include food products that contain large number ascorbic acid, different groups vitamins Therefore, pay attention to rosehip decoctions, fresh vegetables and fruits, and herbs.

To ensure that your liver works in a normal and stable manner, include oatmeal, cottage cheese and cheese in your diet, which contain many lipid substances that can burn fat. Low-fat varieties of fish and olive oil will also be useful, helping the normal flow of fat metabolism.

Allowed foods of Diet No. 9

  • Whole grain products;
  • Sausage with low fat content;
  • Fish low-fat varieties;
  • Poultry, beef, pork, turkey, rabbit;
  • Green;
  • Fresh vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, pumpkin, tomatoes, beans, green peas, sweet peppers, lentils, carrots, beets, potatoes in limited quantities);
  • Fresh fruits (apples, pears, lemons, pomegranate, grapefruit, peaches, currants, plums, cherries, oranges, raspberries, lingonberries, strawberries);
  • Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet);
  • Eggs - no more than 1 pc. per day;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Dietary confectionery in limited quantities;
  • Drinks - coffee, tea, milk, fruit and vegetable juices, herbal and rosehip infusions;
  • Fresh salads of vegetables and fruits dressed with olive oil, low-fat sour cream and homemade yogurt.

Prohibited foods during the diet

With such a large list of permitted foods, there are still some foods that you are advised to completely exclude from your diet.

  • Sweets (sugar, sweets, baked goods, ice cream, jam);
  • Duck and goose meat;
  • Salted fish, fatty fish;
  • Cream, baked milk, fermented baked milk and sweet yogurt;
  • Strong meat broths;
  • Rice, pasta, semolina;
  • Pickled vegetables;
  • Spicy and spicy snacks, seasonings;
  • Raisins and grapes, figs, sweet varieties of fruits, bananas;
  • Juices with sugar;
  • Alcohol.

Indicative menu for a week with the “Table No. 9” diet

This sample menu is perfect for insulin-dependent diabetics.

  • Monday

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with berries, 200 gr.;

Lunch: kefir, 1 glass;

Dinner: vegetable soup (150 ml), baked lamb (150 g), stewed vegetables (100 g);

Afternoon snack: salad from fresh cucumber and cabbage with olive oil (100g);

Dinner: baked fish (200 g), grilled vegetables (100 g).

  • Tuesday

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge(150g);

Lunch: apples, 2 pcs.;

Dinner: borscht (150ml), boiled beef (150g), compote without sugar;

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction (150ml);

Dinner: boiled fish (200g), vegetable salad (150g).

  • Wednesday

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole (150g);

Lunch: rosehip decoction (150ml);

Dinner: cabbage soup (150ml), fish cutlets (150g), vegetable salad (100g);

Afternoon snack: 1 boiled egg;

Dinner: steamed meat cutlets (200g), stewed cabbage (150g).

  • Thursday

Breakfast: egg omelet (2 pcs.);

Lunch: unsweetened yogurt (150ml);

Dinner: cabbage soup (150ml), stuffed sweet pepper (200 g);

Afternoon snack: carrot and cottage cheese casserole (200g);

Dinner: grilled chicken meat (200g), salad fresh vegetables(150g).

From this article you will learn about the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke and the treatment of diabetes with this root vegetable

How to prepare Monastic tea for diabetes? Read in our article.

  • Friday

Breakfast: millet porridge (150g), apple;

Lunch: orange (2 pcs.);

Dinner: fish soup (200 ml), meat goulash (100g), pearl barley porridge (100g);

Afternoon snack:

Dinner: stewed vegetables with lamb (250g).

  • Saturday

Breakfast: bran porridge (150g), pear;

Lunch: 1 soft-boiled egg;

Dinner: vegetable stew with meat (200g);

Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad (150g);

Dinner: stewed lamb with vegetables (250g).

  • Sunday

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with berries (100g);

Lunch: grilled chicken meat (200g);

Dinner: vegetable soup (150ml), meat goulash (100g), fresh vegetable salad (100g);

Afternoon snack: berry salad (125g);

Dinner: boiled shrimp (200g), boiled green beans (100g).

Diet No. 9 has no contraindications, the only thing is that it should be abandoned in in serious condition patient with diabetes mellitus.

Recipes for Diet No. 9

Steamed meat cutlets

Meat for meat dishes should always be taken only lean.


  • Meat, 200g;
  • Low-fat milk, 30ml;
  • Dry bun, 20g;
  • Butter, 5g.


  • We wash the meat and pass it through a meat grinder;
  • Soak the bun in milk;
  • Combine the minced meat with the bun, salt and pepper to taste;
  • Form cutlets, place in a baking dish and cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes;
  • Serve with melted butter.

Chicken balls

Steam the chicken meatballs and serve them sprinkled with herbs.


  • Chicken meat, 300g;
  • Roll, 20g.;
  • Milk, 20g;
  • Butter, 15g.


  • Pass the meat through a meat grinder;
  • Soak the bun in milk;
  • Mix the minced meat with the bun, salt and pepper to taste;
  • Form the meatballs and cook in a double boiler for 10 minutes.

Diet pudding

Baked fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and help cleanse the body of toxins and waste.


  • Zucchini, 130g;
  • Apples, 70g.;
  • Flour, 4 tbsp;
  • Milk, 30 ml.;
  • Melted butter, 1 tbsp;
  • Egg, 1 pc.;
  • Low-fat sour cream, 40 ml.


  • Grind the zucchini along with the apples;
  • Add milk, butter, flour, eggs, mix and pour into a baking dish;
  • Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes;
  • Before serving, sprinkle with sour cream.

Fish cutlets


  • Fresh pike perch, 100g;
  • Dry white bread, 20g;
  • Milk, 25 ml;
  • Butter, 5 gr.


  • Pass the fish through a meat grinder;
  • Mix the minced meat with the bread softened in milk;
  • Add butter, salt and pepper to the resulting mass;
  • Place the cutlets in a steamer pan and cook for 5 minutes;
  • Serve with butter.

Stewed cabbage

Cabbage has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


  • Red cabbage, 150g;
  • Apples, 75;
  • Wheat flour, 15 g;
  • Butter, 5 g.


  • Shred the cabbage;
  • Cut the apples into small slices;
  • Place all the ingredients in a frying pan, add a little water and olive oil and simmer until fully cooked (15 - 20 minutes).

Diet results

Thanks to the use of such dietary nutrition, patients experience stabilization of blood sugar levels and improve general condition body. For those patients who are overweight, weight loss can be noticed by the end of the week. For such diabetics, frequent use of diet No. 9 or even lifelong nutrition according to this system is recommended, because weight loss occurs gradually and does not have negative consequences for the general health of the diabetic and does not affect complications.

In diet No. 9, carbohydrates are present, but in a very minimal amount, which helps the body receive these necessary substances, but at the same time, the sugar level does not change in any way and body weight does not increase.

Reviews from doctors about diet

Doctors consider diet No. 9 to be quite effective and gentle and therefore recommend it for use in diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2.

The nutrition menu contains all the foods that are healthy and necessary for your body. Moreover, the list of these products allows you to prepare a very diverse range of dishes, so there is no point in saying that your nutrition will be poorer because you have excluded some products.

When carrying out therapy and using diet No. 9, doctors observe effective stabilization of glucose levels, improvement in the functioning of the pancreas, increased vitality and overall health.

Let us note one more effect of diet No. 9: such a diet is a healthy diet and if you add an active lifestyle to it, your quality of life will improve many times over. Doctors also advise healthy people to prophylactic for various diseases, including diabetes, periodically use such food.

Diet No. 9, 9a

In terms of the range of products and culinary processing, they are not much different from diet No. 8, since they are mainly intended for patients with diabetes. In this case, excess carbohydrates, fats, table salt and nitrogen-containing extractives are harmful to diseases. Easily digestible carbohydrates, and primarily sucrose, are excluded from the diet.

Diet No. 9

Indications for use.

Diabetes mellitus in patients with normal or slightly overweight who are not treated with insulin or receive it in small doses, as well as in cases where treatment is carried out with tableted hypoglycemic drugs.

Purpose. Impact on the damaged carbohydrate metabolism to normalize it.

General characteristics. The diet is characterized by a normal content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet, a moderate restriction of table salt and a relative reduction in calorie intake. Increased amounts of ascorbic acid and B vitamins are introduced into the diet through bran, rose hips and other products. To improve liver function, the diet is enriched with products containing lipotropic factors(cottage cheese, oatmeal, etc.). To improve fat metabolism and blood coagulation, the proportion of vegetable fats in the diet is increased. Sugar is replaced with xylitol or sorbitol. The diet is fractional - 5 times a day.


All food is prepared mainly boiled and baked. The food temperature is normal.

Chemical composition and calorie content. Protein 100 g, fat 70-80 g, carbohydrates 300 g. Calorie content 2300 kcal. Table salt 10-12 g. Total weight of the diet 3 kg, free liquid 1.2—2.5 l.

Bread and bakery products—mostly rye bread 200-300 g per day.

Soups - mainly with vegetable broth, and no more than 1-2 times a week, with weak meat or fish broth.

Meat and fish dishes- low-fat varieties of beef, veal, poultry, rabbit in boiled and jellied form, mainly low-fat varieties of fish (pike perch, cod, pike, navaga, carp) in boiled and baked form.

Eggs and egg products - no more than 1 egg per day (soft-boiled or in the form of a steamed or baked omelet).

Milk and dairy products - milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese in its natural form or in the form of cheesecakes, puddings. Cheese, sour cream, cream in limited quantities.

Vegetables and greens - white cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, rutabaga, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini. Potatoes, beets, carrots (no more than 200 g per day). During the day, it is recommended to eat 900-1000 g of vegetables, raw, boiled and baked. Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, etc.) in salads with vegetable oil and as an addition to dishes.

Fruits, berries, sweets - sour and sweet and sour varieties of fruits and berries (Antonov apples, lemons, oranges, red currants, cranberries, etc. - up to 200 g per day) in their natural form, in the form of compotes with xylitol, sorbitol.

Cereals and pasta - in limited quantities (consume occasionally by reducing the amount of bread).

Fats—butter, vegetable oil—only 40 g per day (in free form and for cooking).

Appetizers - salads, vinaigrettes, jellied low-fat fish, mild cheese, soaked herring, canned fish in oil.

Sauces and spices—mild sauces based on vegetable broth, milk sauces; spices are excluded.

Drinks and juices - weak tea, tea with milk, weak coffee, tomato juice, fruit and berry juices from sour varieties of berries, fruits, compotes.

Prohibited: fatty meats, fish, strong (rich) broths from meat, fish and mushrooms; spices; sweet varieties of fruits, berries, vegetables; pastry products, candies, cookies, other sweets (except for xylitol products), strong coffee, cocoa, chocolate; caviar of sturgeon and other fish; refractory fats, internal organs animals, brains; alcoholic drinks.

Approximate set of products per day (in g)

Vegetable oil – 20

Butter - 20

Milk - 200

Oatmeal – 50

Cottage cheese -100

Sour cream – 40

Tomatoes – 20

Carrots – 75

Potatoes – 200

Cabbage - 200

Other greens - 25

Apples – 200

Curdled milk - 200

White bread (wheat) -100

Black bread (rye) – 200

Sample diet menu No. 9

1st breakfast - crumbly buckwheat porridge (150 g), low-fat cottage cheese with milk (150 g), tea.

2nd breakfast - yeast drink (no sugar) - 1 glass.

Lunch—vegetarian borscht with sour cream (1/2 serving), boiled meat (75 g), boiled potatoes (100 g), lemon jelly with xylitol (100 g).

Afternoon snack - fresh apples (100 g).

Dinner—steamed meatballs (110g), stewed carrots (150g), 1 cabbage schnitzel (200g).

At night - kefir (1 glass).

For the whole day—rye bread 150-200 g, wheat bread 100 g, fresh fruit 300 g.


Alignment of disturbances in carbohydrate, fat, water-salt and protein metabolism.

Energy value:
6908 kJ
(1650 kcal).

Chemical composition:
proteins - 100 g (60% animals),
fats - 50 g (25-30% vegetable),
carbohydrates - 200 g;
sodium chloride - up to 12 g;
free liquid - 1.5 l.

This general recommendations. In fact, each person has his own norm of substance consumption. You can find out your individual intake of vital substances in the special service
When using this service, you should definitely take into account that the consumption standards it will give will be for a healthy person. If you have any medical conditions, consult your doctor and follow general dietary recommendations.

Find out individual daily requirement in vital food components.

Sugar substitutes are used in the production of sweet dishes and drinks:
saccharin (with a concentration in dishes and drinks of no more than 0.015%),
sorbitol (20-30 g per day),
xylitol (15-20 g 1-2 times a day),
fructose (up to 45 g per day).

Food is consumed up to 5-6 times a day with a precise distribution of carbohydrates (when using the diet as a test, carbohydrates are evenly distributed between meals, when using insulin - taking into account its dose and time of administration).

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The use of diet No. 9 according to Pevzner is aimed mainly at reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Due to its low-carbohydrate composition, this table has proven itself well as a test diet in the early stages of diabetes, when the use of insulin is not yet indicated or is indicated in small doses. In addition, table No. 9 in various versions can be used to correct carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus medium degree severity, aggravated by obesity.

Diet No. 9

Indications : is prescribed for mild to moderate diabetes mellitus as a test diet for patients with normal or slightly overweight who do not receive insulin or receive it in small doses.
General characteristics : a diet with a moderately reduced energy value, mainly due to easily digestible carbohydrates and partly fats, while maintaining a normal amount of proteins; with an increased content of lipotropic substances and vitamins while limiting cholesterol and extractives.
: proteins – 100 g (60% animal), fats – 80 g (25–30% vegetable), carbohydrates – 300–350 g, energy value – 2300–2500 kcal.

Recommended products and dishes : rye bread, 2nd grade wheat, protein-wheat, protein-bran; soups with weak, low-fat broths (meat, fish, mushroom), with potatoes, vegetables, meatballs, borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, okroshka; lean beef, veal, lamb, trimmed and meat pork, rabbit, boiled or stewed chicken, meat aspic; lean ham, doctor's, diabetic and beef sausages, sausages; low-fat fish, preferably boiled or baked and occasionally fried and jellied; boiled or fried eggs (2 pieces per day); milk, kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, unsalted and low-fat cheese, sour cream (in small quantities); butter and vegetable oil; porridge from buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, millet and oatmeal; cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants; limited potatoes, carrots, beets, green peas; sweet and sour fruits and berries in any form; tea, compotes, coffee, cocoa with milk without sugar, rosehip decoction, tomato juice, juices of any unsweetened fresh fruits and berries.

Excluded foods and dishes : butter and sweet flour products; milk soups with cereals and noodles, legumes, fatty broths; fatty meats, goose, duck, fatty ham, smoked sausages, canned food; fatty fish, salted, red and black caviar; milk cream, sweet curd cheeses; meat and cooking fats; semolina, rice, pasta; pickled and salted vegetables; grapes, raisins, dates, figs, bananas, sugar, honey, jam, sweets, ice cream; spicy, salty and fatty sauces; sweet fruit and berry juices (grape and others), sweet kvass, sugar-based lemonades.

Diet and its features : 1) frequent (5–6 times a day) and regular meals;
2) main meals approximately equal in amount of carbohydrates and calorie content (breakfast, lunch, dinner);
3) variety of diet, use of a wide range of recommended products;
4) replacing sugar with sorbitol, xylitol or saccharin.

Sample one-day menus for diet No. 9

Option I
1st breakfast: buckwheat porridge (120/5); meat pate (60 g); tea with xylitol (200 g).
2nd breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g), sandwich with butter (30/5), tea with milk with xylitol (200 g).
Dinner: vegetable soup (400 g), boiled meat with potatoes (100/150 g), apples (200) g.
Dinner: carrot zrazy with cottage cheese (250 g), boiled fish with cabbage (100/150 g), tea with xylitol (200 g).
For the night: kefir (200 g).
All day: wheat bread (100 g), rye bread (150 g).

Option II

Breakfast: boiled cod (110 g), potato feast (210 g), tea with milk without sugar (200 g).
Dinner: vegetarian vegetable soup (500 g), baked veal (50 g), zucchini stewed in vegetable oil without salt (200 g).
Afternoon snack: salad of grated carrots without sugar (130 g), croutons from the daily bread allowance.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream without sugar (140 g), cabbage cutlets in vegetable oil (150 g), tea with xylitol (200 ml).
For the night: kefir (180 g).
All day: rye bread (150 g).

Diet No. 9a

Indications : diabetes mellitus in mild or moderate severity forms without the use of insulin for II and III degrees of obesity.
General characteristics : the diet is aimed at equalizing disturbances in carbohydrate, fat, protein and water-salt metabolism; differs from diet No. 9 by a significant decrease in energy value due to carbohydrates and fats.
Chemical composition and energy value : proteins – 100 g (60% animal), fats – 50 g (25–30% vegetable), carbohydrates – 200 g, energy value – 1650 kcal.
Recommended and excluded foods and dishes, as well as diet, are similar to diet No. 9.

Diet No. 9b

Indications : diabetes mellitus of moderate and high severity with the use of insulin and extensive physical activity.
General characteristics : a diet complete in energy value, content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Chemical composition and energy value : proteins – 120 g (60% animal), fats – 80-100 g (25–30% vegetable), carbohydrates – 400-450 g, energy value – 2800-3200 kcal.

Recommended and excluded foods and dishes, as well as the diet of patients here are close to the conditions prescribed for diet No. 15, indicated for diseases that do not require special diets, with the only difference that in diet No. 9b the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, honey) is limited , jam, etc.), and the general norm of sugar consumption is up to 30 g per day.

Diet No. 9 - what foods can you eat?

1. Flour products and bread: protein-bran, wheat from second-grade flour, rye, protein-wheat. Total bakery products per day - no more than 300g. By reducing the daily norm of bread, it is allowed to include inconvenient flour products in the diet.
2. Soups: borscht, beetroot soup, cabbage soup, vegetable and meat okroshka, any vegetable soups. Broths - mushroom, fish and meat with oatmeal, buckwheat, potatoes, vegetables, meatballs.
3. Meat and poultry: lean veal, beef, meat and trimmed lamb, pork, rabbit, turkey, chicken, boiled, as well as fried (after boiling) and stewed, both chopped and in one piece. Boiled tongue, diet sausage. Liver consumption is allowed (limited).
4. Fish: lean fish, baked, boiled, sometimes fried. Canned fish in tomato or its own juice.
5. Fats: ghee and unsalted butter, vegetable oil - only for dishes.
6. Eggs: soft-boiled, white omelettes, up to 1.5 per day, limited yolks.
7. Dairy products: fermented milk drinks, low-fat and half-fat cottage cheese, dishes made from it, milk, unsalted, low-fat cheese. It is allowed to use sour cream with restrictions.
8. Cereals: legumes, porridges made from barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet. Cereals are consumed sparingly, within the carbohydrate limits.
9. Vegetables: it is necessary to remember that some vegetables are rich in carbohydrates - potatoes, green peas, carrots, beets. Therefore, they must be included in the diet, taking into account the general daily intake of carbohydrates. Among vegetables, it is preferable to eat pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, eggplants and tomatoes, because they contain a small amount of carbohydrates. Vegetables are eaten raw, stewed, boiled, baked, and occasionally fried.
10. Sweets, sweet dishes, fruits: mousses, jellies, compotes with xylitol, saccharin, sorbitol. Honey is allowed with restrictions. Fresh sweet and sour berries and fruits in any form.
11. Appetizers: vegetable caviar, squash, vinaigrettes, jellied fish or meat, salads - from fresh vegetables, seafood, unsalted cheese, soaked herring, low-fat beef jelly.
12. Drinks: coffee with milk, tea, vegetable juices, low-sweet berries and fruits, rosehip decoction.
13. Spices, sauces: tomato, vegetable broth, low-fat sauces based on weak meat, mushroom and fish broths. Allowed in limited quantities - horseradish, mustard, pepper.

Diet No. 9 - what foods should not be consumed

1. Flour products and bread: products and baked goods made from puff pastry and butter.
2. Soups: fatty and rich broths, milk soups with noodles, rice, semolina.
3. Meat and poultry: duck, goose, canned meat, fatty meats, smoked meats, most types of sausages.
4. Fish: fatty fish, salted, smoked, caviar, canned fish in oil and with added oil.
5. Fats: cooking and animal fat.
6. Eggs: fried.
7. Dairy products: cream, sweet curd cheeses, salted cheeses.
8. Cereals: pasta, semolina, rice - these products are sharply limited or completely excluded.
9. Vegetables: salted and pickled.
10. Sweets, sweet dishes, fruits: figs, raisins, dates, bananas, grapes, candies, sugar, jam, ice cream.
11. Snacks: smoked, spicy and overly salty snacks.
12. Drinks: carbonated drinks with sugar, grape juice and other sweet juices.
13. Spices, sauces: salty, hot and fatty sauces, such as mayonnaise, soy, Tabasco and the like.


Breakfast (first): vegetable salad dressed with natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
Breakfast (second): fresh fruit.
Lunch: vegetarian pickle soup with sour cream (1/2 serving), boiled rabbit, stewed cabbage, xylitol compote.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and carrot casserole, sour cream (1/2 serving).
Dinner: steamed fish cutlets, vegetable stew, tea with xylitol.
At night: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast (first): cottage cheese soufflé, grated raw carrots with an apple and honey (1 teaspoon), coffee with milk without sugar.
Breakfast (second): unsweetened buckwheat porridge with butter, a glass of milk.
Lunch: soup for chicken broth With pearl barley, fried (after boiling) chicken, carrot puree, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: fresh berries (in season) or apples.
Dinner: boiled fish, vinaigrette, tea with sweetener.


Breakfast (first): carrot-curd pudding, egg white omelette, tea with sweetener.
Breakfast (second): oatmeal with milk.
Lunch: borscht with meat from sauerkraut with sour cream, jellied fish, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad (fresh), tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: fresh apples.
Dinner: low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, fresh tomatoes, green tea.
At night: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast (first): cheesecakes, sour cream, grated carrots, coffee with milk.
Breakfast (second): pea porridge, natural low-fat yogurt.
Lunch: vegetable puree soup, stewed (after boiling) beef, buckwheat porridge, tomato (or white low-fat) sauce, xylitol compote.
Afternoon snack: a slice of unsalted cheese, a fresh apple.
Dinner: vegetable stew of zucchini and potatoes, diet sausage, tea with sorbitol.
At night: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast (first): millet porridge with milk and pumpkin on xylitol, a slice of unsalted cheese, tea.
Breakfast (second): low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of milk.
Lunch: pea soup with meat, stewed in vegetable oil white cabbage, boiled chicken, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: fresh orange.
Dinner: vinaigrette, a piece of soaked herring, rose hip decoction.
At night: low-fat yogurt.


Breakfast (first): steamed protein omelet, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers (in salad or natural form), a slice of unsalted cheese, bread, tea.
Breakfast (second): fresh apples.
Lunch: potato soup in chicken broth with meatballs, pea porridge, boiled beef, sauce, cranberry juice.
Afternoon snack: berry mousse with xylitol.
Dinner: cabbage schnitzel, fish balls baked in white sauce, tea.
At night: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast (first): cottage cheese with milk, soft-boiled egg, tea with xylitol.
Breakfast (second): fruit jelly with xylitol, viscous buckwheat porridge with milk.
Lunch: borscht with meat and sour cream, vegetable stew, baked (after boiling) rabbit in white sauce, zucchini pancakes, xylitol compote.
Afternoon snack: fresh fruits (berries).
Dinner: low-fat beef jellied meat, vegetable caviar, tea with milk.
At night: low-fat kefir.

People with diabetes often experience an increased feeling of hunger, so you should try to include low-calorie but high-fiber foods in your diet, such as cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and cabbage. The body spends quite a lot of time processing them, which is just enough until the next snack. At the same time, fiber helps maintain sugar levels, which reduces sugar cravings.

Features of the therapeutic diet table 9 ^

Diet number 9 is included in one of the 15 dietary tables developed in Soviet times by the head of a group of scientists at the Institute of Nutrition, M.I. Pevzner.

Each medical technique Soviet nutritionist is aimed at getting rid of certain diseases with the help of developed dietary nutrition. Pevzner's diet table No. 9 is aimed at treating mild and moderate forms of diabetes, as well as its prevention.

The main goals of health diet No. 9 are:

  • Normalization of protein, water-salt and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Prevention of fat metabolism disorders;
  • Control of acceptable blood glucose levels.

The nutritional principle of the ninth diet is to optimally reduce the calorie content of the diet by limiting easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats.

The calorie content and daily chemical composition of diet No. 9 are as follows:

  • Proteins – up to 100 grams;
  • Carbohydrates (complex) – up to 300 grams;
  • Fats – 50 grams – animal, 30 grams – vegetable;
  • Calorie content of the diet – up to 2300 kcal;
  • Salt – up to 10 g;
  • Drinking regime - about two liters;
  • Retinol – about 0.3 mg;
  • Carotene - about 12 mg;
  • Vitamin C – up to 100 mg;
  • Sugar substitutes – sorbitol, xylitol.

IN food list treatment table Pevzner's ninth diet includes:

  • Fruits, berries - any, but bananas, grapes, pears are excluded;
  • Any cereals, except semolina. Rice cereal no more than once a week;
  • Lean young natural meat - lean pork, beef, chicken fillet and rabbit;
  • By-products – beef or veal liver, tongue;
  • Bran bread;
  • Vegetables - pumpkin, tomato, lentils, peppers, beets, cucumber, carrots, greens, white cabbage and cauliflower;
  • Low-fat dairy, lactic acid products - kefir, milk, yogurt, yogurt, unsalted cheese, sour cream (limited) and cottage cheese;
  • Lean fish;
  • Egg omelette made from a couple of eggs;
  • Low-fat sauces - mushroom, milk, vegetable, meat, cheese;
  • Drinks – compotes, juices, fruit drinks, tea, herbal and berry infusions.

Products prohibited by the ninth table diet are marinades, pickles, sweet products, semi-finished products, baked goods, fatty dishes, rich broths and other foods not permitted by the diet.

The rules of use and cooking methods for the 9th table diet are as follows:

  • Culinary processing of products involves boiled, stewed, baked and steam methods;
  • Three meals a day with two or three snacks in the form of a second breakfast, an afternoon snack and a late dinner are required.

Diet table 9 during pregnancy

Diet table 9 during pregnancy plays a primary role in the risk of diabetes. Healthy nutrition This method prevents disturbances in fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. In addition, the ninth table diet during pregnancy is aimed at avoiding excessive weight gain for both the expectant mother and her child.

Pevzner diet table 9: menu for the week ^

  • Breakfast: millet porridge with prunes, fermented baked milk;
  • Lunch: apple and peach puree, kefir;
  • Lunch: rosehip infusion, cabbage soup made from young beef and fresh cabbage, a piece of bran bread;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert;
  • Dinner: cottage cheese whipped with berries, salad of fresh cucumber, cabbage and pepper.
  • Breakfast: omelet with boiled chicken pieces, strawberry compote;
  • Lunch: two peaches or nectarines;
  • Lunch: fish cutlets or balls with cream sauce, yogurt, vegetable stew;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit light pudding;
  • Dinner: fresh apple juice, carrot-curd casserole.
  • Breakfast: boiled egg white, stewed cabbage with carrots and herbs,
  • Lunch: orange jelly;
  • Lunch: soup with beef meatballs and spider web noodles, cheese, bran bread;
  • Afternoon snack: non-sweet cocoa brewed with low-fat milk;
  • Dinner: sweet applesauce diluted with milk, oatmeal with raisins.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with butter, kefir and muesli;
  • Lunch: 1% yoghurt mixed with apricot puree;
  • Lunch: boiled tongue with mushroom sauce, rice, black tea with rose hips;
  • Afternoon snack: carrot drink, a slice of bread with squash caviar;
  • Dinner: baked asparagus, steamed fish cutlets, green tea.
  • Breakfast: millet cooked with apples, cheese, pomegranate juice;
  • Lunch: liver pate, bran bread, milk;
  • Lunch: pearl barley soup, salad of seaweed and grated carrots, milk coffee;
  • Afternoon snack: pumpkin pudding;
  • Dinner: baked river fish with cabbage and potatoes, peach-apple drink.
  • Breakfast: drinking yoghurt, omelette with vegetables;
  • Lunch: berry jelly;
  • Lunch: pieces of veal stewed in sour cream, milk and cheese soup;
  • Afternoon snack: salad of green peas, cauliflower and squid;
  • Dinner: fish salad, lentil puree, dried apricot compote.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with drinking yogurt and berries, milk;
  • Lunch: pomegranate;
  • Lunch: mushroom goulash, pearl barley, plum compote;
  • Afternoon snack: green baked apple;
  • Dinner: salad of mushrooms, beef, a couple of eggs and carrots with sour cream, pumpkin porridge, tea.

Diet 9 table for children

Diet 9 table for children suffering from diabetes mellitus implies six meals a day at the same hour interval. Diet children's treatment table No. 9 consists mainly of difficult-to-digest carbohydrates, vegetables, meat products and fruit and berry mousses, compotes and jellies.

Therapeutic technique table No. 9 for pregnant women

Diet table No. 9 for pregnant women with diabetes mellitus necessarily includes vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, slow carbohydrates and other beneficial substances necessary for optimal nutrition of the mother and healthy development of the fetus.

Results and reviews from doctors ^

The results of using diet table No. 9 are very positive:

  • rapid stabilization of blood glucose levels,
  • slow weight loss,
  • optimal compliance with fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

The duration of adherence to the therapeutic diet table 9 is determined by the attending physician depending on the form and severity of the disease. However, if diabetes mellitus is accompanied by excess weight, then the treatment table must be followed for a very long time.

Natalia Bogdanova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Despite the abundance of drugs to lower blood sugar levels, diet number 9, appointed for diabetes, is of great importance. Moreover, regardless of the form and severity of the disease.

Basic rules of diet number 9 for diabetes

The goal is to normalize carbohydrate/fat metabolism, accustom the body to carbohydrates.

Key Diet Principles– this is an increase in the number of meals and their caloric equivalence, a variety of menus taking into account the restriction of sugar (it is replaced with xylitol/sorbitol). Also, to enhance the feeling of fullness, the diet must be expanded with fresh/sauerkraut, tomatoes and green peas, salad, etc.

Considering that the liver suffers significantly in diabetes, the diet is also diluted with lipotropics (oatmeal, cottage cheese, etc.).

What can you eat on diet number 9?

Diet No. 9 - what is allowed to eat

  • Brown bread – about 300 g/day.
  • Vegetable soups. Also soups with light meat/fish broths – 2 times/week.
  • Poultry/meat is not prohibited, but it can only be consumed in aspic or boiled (rabbit and poultry, veal and beef).
  • The same applies to fish - only light varieties in the form of aspic or boiled. The “limit” of fish per day is 150 g.
  • Vegetables are allowed mainly green (cabbage, lettuce, herbs, zucchini with cucumbers), as well as carrots, radishes with rutabaga and potatoes with beets. Type – boiled, baked, raw.
  • Pasta and cereals with legumes are limited. They can be consumed only occasionally, and bread in in this case removed from the menu.
  • Eggs – no more than 2/day. Only soft-boiled or in the form of an omelette. They can also be added to other dishes.
  • Allowed fruits/berries - no more than 200 g/day (Antonovka, citrus fruits, cranberries with red currants, etc., sweet and sour and sour). In raw form or in compotes with sorbitol.
  • Diabetic sweets and milk - only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Curdled milk with milk – up to 2 glasses/day, home lung cottage cheese - no more than 200g/day (cheesecakes, puddings).
  • Extremely limited - cheeses and cream with sour cream.
  • Seasonings – only dill and parsley.
  • Sauces are prepared only lightly, without hot spices, using a decoction of vegetables or milk.
  • Vegetable salads and light fish aspic are also allowed as snacks, about 100 g/day.
  • Unsweetened juices (berries/fruits - only sour varieties), tea/coffee with milk are also allowed. Liquids, in general, should be consumed per day - no more than 5 glasses (including soup, compote, etc.)
  • Mandatory - rosehip decoction and brewer's yeast, as well as other “vitamin carriers”

Diet No. 9 – what is forbidden to eat

  • Any sweets and sugar.
  • Fats and lard.
  • Everything is spicy, salty-smoked, spicy and fried.
  • Alcohol.
  • Bananas with grapes and other sweet fruits.

How to properly create a diet menu for a week if you have diabetes?

Approximate weekly menu of table No. 9 for patients with diabetes of the 2nd degree (non-insulin dependent):



  • Tomorrow #1– buckwheat + milk + unsweetened tea
  • Breakfast No. 2– a couple of apples (green)
  • At lunch– vegetarian borscht + unsweetened compote + piece of boiled beef
  • Afternoon snack– rosehip decoction
  • Dinner- vegetables (in fresh) + 200 g boiled cod + unsweetened tea



  • Breakfast #1– omelette + unsweetened tea
  • Breakfast No. 2– homemade drinking yoghurt, without sugar
  • Dinner– cream soup () + stuffed peppers + unsweetened compote
  • Afternoon snack– casserole (cottage cheese, carrots)
  • Dinner– chicken (bake) + baked vegetables + unsweetened tea



  • Breakfast #1– apple + unsweetened tea + bran
  • Breakfast No. 2- egg
  • At lunch– compote + stew (vegetables, lamb)
  • Afternoon snack– salad (tomatoes, celery stalk)
  • Dinner– vegetables (stew) + lamb (stew) + unsweetened tea


Reviews from nutritionists

This diet completely excludes sweets and sugar. The energy value is reduced through a decrease in animal fats and carbohydrates; proteins correspond to normal nutrition. Considering the increased feeling of hunger in diabetes, patients are recommended to use foods with a maximum of fiber and a minimum of calories. In principle, fats and carbohydrates are not quantitatively reduced to extreme limits, so the diet can be extended if it is beneficial.
For people with diabetes, table No. 9 is generally recommended to be used throughout life. Yes, there is, of course, one serious inconvenience - you need to constantly cook and count calories, but the advantages undoubtedly outweigh all these disadvantages - weight loss, maintaining a stable weight, controlling sugar levels. The main thing is to choose the right products!
For diet number 9, it is recommended to consume fiber daily. It provides a feeling of fullness even with a minimal amount of calories. Fructose from fresh berries (cranberries, cherries, gooseberries) will also be useful - as a kind of preventive measure for the development of diabetes. But don’t go overboard with sweet fruits. If you eat melon, then you can only have a slice, the “limit” for a banana is half, for grapes – only a brush. As for vegetables, I would like to mention potatoes: you can eat them, but only 2 tubers per day. Bread – maximum 3 pieces per day. Salt is also limited - no more than 4 g per day, and sweeteners - up to 30 g per day.
Very effective diet. It is worth noting its positive effect, especially in patients with minimal excess body weight. Many people note weight loss, increased metabolism, and general improvement in their condition. Fiber, vitamins, and microelements are quite enough for work capacity and tone. Of course, only a specialist should assign table No. 9. Of course, a healthy person (who wants to lose weight) can also adopt a diet, but you shouldn’t give up sugar - just limit it.

The purpose of the therapeutic diet Table number 9 according to Pevzner is to reduce the amount of high-calorie sugar-containing and carbohydrate-containing foods that raise blood sugar levels. The principle of the above method of losing weight is to increase protein intake and reduce fat and carbohydrates.

For diabetes mellitus, diet Table number 9 urgently requires excluding the following products from the menu:

  • puff pastry and baked goods;
  • curds;
  • cream;
  • fatty and milky soups;
  • sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • animal fats;
  • pickled and salted vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • grapes, bananas;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sugar-containing products;
  • alcohol.

When following a therapeutic diet Table number 9 at any stage of diabetes mellitus, consume the following permitted foods:

  • juices and compotes without sugar;
  • products made from wheat and rye flour;
  • ghee and butter, not containing salt;
  • cottage cheese, cheese and low-fat milk;
  • lean meat;
  • lean and canned fish;
  • mushroom, fish and meat sauces;
  • pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat and millet cereals;
  • eggplants, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, raw and cooked;
  • carrots, beets, potatoes and peas are allowed in moderation.

Typically, a menu with recipes for a therapeutic diet, Table number 9 according to Pevzner, is prescribed in the early stages of a disease such as diabetes, in order to determine the tolerance of foods containing carbohydrates and fats.

Before you start eating, familiarize yourself with the basic principles of diet Table number 9:

  • eat six meals a day, in small proportions;
  • the menu must be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients;
  • most products on the menu should contain ascorbic acid and B vitamins;
  • It is recommended to season salads with olive oil, since fats of vegetable origin must be present in the diet.

Nutrition for diabetes

The main goals of the therapeutic diet Table number 9 according to Pevzner are:

  • disease control;
  • maintaining acceptable blood sugar levels;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • reducing the risk of chronic diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system and improving well-being;
  • weight loss

Having familiarized ourselves with the goals, let's move directly to the diet. Let's start with what the list should be acceptable products. Diet food Table number 9 for type 2 diabetes mellitus must necessarily include:

  • bran;
  • cabbage;
  • sorrel;
  • green;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • carrots;
  • turnip;
  • radishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • lemon;
  • cranberries;
  • cinnamon;
  • low-fat vegetable and fish broths;
  • kefir;
  • lean fish;
  • tea and coffee without sugar and cream;
  • mineral water.

The last meal of the diet number 9 according to Pevzner is no later than two hours before bedtime. As a snack, an apple and a glass of low-fat kefir are acceptable.

Menu for diet day Table number 9 for type 2 diabetes mellitus is as follows:

  • Breakfast: millet porridge, unsweetened black tea with lemon;
  • Lunch: mushroom soup with zucchini and cabbage, 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge with low-fat fish cutlets, orange juice.

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes mellitus is more strict than at the initial stage, and the Table Number diet prohibits the following foods:

  • confectionery;
  • roast;
  • fatty broths and sauces;
  • condensed milk;
  • cream;
  • sour cream;
  • herring;
  • mackerel;
  • caviar;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • bacon;
  • fatty meat;
  • ice cream;
  • cakes;
  • pies;
  • peanut;
  • alcohol.

During pregnancy

M.I. Pevzner provided that diet number 9 for pregnant women is as effective as for any average person suffering from diabetes. Only in pregnant women is it called gestational.

A radical change in diet is one of the main treatments for diabetes. The “9 table” diet with menus and recipes is an effective and efficient method of therapy.

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease that results in disruption of carbohydrate, fat, water-salt metabolism and hyperglycemia develops - an increase in blood glucose levels. There is type 1 diabetes, which is characterized by an absolute deficiency of insulin due to its insufficient secretion by the pancreas; and the most common type 2 diabetes, caused by changes in tissue sensitivity to insulin due to its relative deficiency. There are other types of diabetes, usually associated with genetic defects, infections and diseases of the pancreas; and also gestational diabetes pregnant women.

For any type and severity of the disease, a diet strictly selected by an endocrinologist is necessary to help bring metabolic processes back to normal. On initial stages diseases, adherence to a special nutritional system can normalize blood sugar without the use of medications. In more severe cases, when medications cannot be avoided, a diet will help reduce their intake to a minimum.

Features of the diet “Table No. 9”

Taking into account the type and severity of the disease, the attending physician prescribes a therapeutic diet “table No. 9”. Its basic rules are balanced and split meals, reducing the amount of carbohydrates and limiting intake fatty foods, since increased fat intake affects the progression of diabetes.

The main goal therapeutic nutrition is to stabilize glucose levels. Nevertheless, when drawing up the menu, it is necessary to include in the diet the useful and nutritious substances necessary for life. Thus, the basic principles of diet No. 9 for diabetes are:

  • exclusion of sugar from the diet, use of its substitutes;
  • limiting the amount of salt, fat and cholesterol;
  • a significant reduction in the proportion of carbohydrates while maintaining the same amount of protein;
  • inclusion in the daily diet of foods rich in ascorbic acid and other groups of vitamins;
  • refusal of spicy and smoked, fried and stewed foods, alcohol and canned foods;
  • Meals are recommended in frequent, fractional portions.

Foods for diabetes

In general, the composition of the daily menu for diabetes mellitus should be close to the following indicators:

  • carbohydrates – 300-340 g;
  • vegetable proteins – 40 g;
  • animal proteins – 50 g;
  • vegetable fats – 25 g;
  • animal fats – 55 g;
  • salt – 12 g;

Recipes for preparing foods containing vitamins and substances that promote the breakdown of fats are recommended. Pay attention to cheese and cottage cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and olive oil, lean fish and porridge oatmeal. For drinks, unsweetened juices and rosehip decoction will be useful.

Products allowed for diabetes:

Products prohibited for diabetes:

  • butter dough;
  • alcohol;
  • rice, pasta, semolina, milk soups with them;
  • fatty broths;
  • canned meat, fatty meat and poultry;
  • fatty and salted fish, smoked meats, canned fish in oil;
  • pickled and salted vegetables;
  • baked milk, fermented baked milk, sweet cheeses and yoghurts, cream, salty cheeses;
  • hot, fatty and salty sauces;
  • sweet juices and lemonades;
  • candies, grapes, raisins, jam, ice cream, dates, bananas, figs;
  • cooking and meat fats.

Recipes for diet No. 9 for diabetes

Steam cutlets

We wash 200 g of meat and grind it in a meat grinder. Soak 20 g of dry bread in milk, combine the meat and bread into minced meat, add salt and pepper. Cook the formed cutlets for 15 minutes in the oven at 180 ºС. Drizzle the portion with butter.

Diet pudding

Grind 130 g zucchini and 70 g apples. Add 30 ml of milk, four tablespoons of flour, one egg, mix, place in a baking dish. The dish is prepared for 20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ºС. Pour sour cream over the finished portion.

Pumpkin soup

Cut 400 g of pumpkin, 50 g of carrots and celery into cubes, chop 50 g of onion and one clove of garlic. Pour 1.5 liters into a saucepan cold water, add one bay leaf and cook for about 30 minutes after boiling. Place the resulting mixture in a blender and turn it into a puree, season with salt and pepper, pour into plates and decorate the finished portions with sour cream, fresh herbs and red pepper. A very simple recipe for the “table No. 9” diet, but very useful for diabetes.

Orange Pie

Boil one orange for 20 minutes, cool, remove the seeds and grind together with the peel in a blender. Beat the egg with sorbitol, add lemon juice, one teaspoon of zest, mix and add 100 g of ground almonds. Mix again and combine the orange puree with the egg mixture. Place in molds and bake in the oven at 180°C for 40 minutes.

Approximate diet menu “table No. 9” for a week

In this example, the daily diet is divided into five small meals: breakfast (in total should not exceed 200 g), second breakfast (up to 200 g), lunch (up to 400 g), afternoon snack (up to 150 g), dinner (up to 300 g). This number of doses is recommended for diabetes mellitus by most diabetologists. If you follow all the recommendations, your “table number 9” will look something like this.


  1. Low-fat cottage cheese with fruit.
  2. Low-fat kefir.
  3. Vegetable soup, baked lamb, stewed cabbage.
  4. Cabbage and cucumber salad.
  5. Baked fish, grilled vegetables.


  1. Buckwheat porridge.
  2. Apples.
  3. Borscht, boiled beef, compote.
  4. Rosehip decoction.
  5. Boiled fish, vegetable salad.


  1. Millet porridge, apple.
  2. Orange.
  3. Okroshka, stuffed pepper.
  4. Salad with celery and carrots.
  5. Stewed vegetables with lamb.


  1. Two egg white omelette.
  2. Unsweetened yogurt.
  3. Fish soup, meat goulash, pearl barley porridge.
  4. Curd and carrot casserole.
  5. Steam cutlets, stewed cabbage.


  1. Casserole with cottage cheese.
  2. Rosehip decoction.
  3. Tomato soup, fish cutlets, seaweed salad.
  4. Egg.
  5. Grilled chicken, salad.


  1. Low-fat cottage cheese with berries.
  2. Grilled chicken meat.
  3. Mushroom soup, chicken tenders, tomato and cucumber salad.
  4. Berry salad.
  5. Green beans, boiled shrimp.


  1. Bran porridge, pear.
  2. Egg.
  3. Vegetable stew with turkey.
  4. Vinaigrette.
  5. Stewed meat with vegetables.

With careful adherence to the diet, patients with diabetes experience normalization of sugar levels and a general improvement in the condition of the body. Overweight patients note gradual weight loss and increased vitality. In the absence of contraindications, doctors recommend combining a healthy diet from “table No. 9” with physical activity and an active lifestyle.

Basic diet rules

In addition to increasing the amount of protein in the diet (up to 95-100 g) and moderately reducing the amount of fat (up to 78 g) and carbohydrates (up to 295 g), the diet of table No. 9 includes foods with lipotropic properties.

Easily digestible carbohydrates are removed from the menu, i.e. sugar (their amount in the menu is regulated by the attending physician in each specific case) and foods high in HDL cholesterol.

Synthetic and natural substitutes for refined sugar (sorbitol, stevia, saccharin, sucrose, xylitol) are used as sweeteners.

The energy value of diet table 9 from the permitted list of foods is 9630 kJ or 2300 kcal. The amount of table salt is no more than 12 g/day, the drinking regime is up to 2 l/day.

The main method of culinary processing of all food is steaming, baking, boiling; stewing foods is allowed several times a week. The menu contains a fairly large number of vegetables, including those rich in dietary fiber (fiber).

The total weight of dishes is up to 3 kg/day. Frequent meals are required (6 times a day, respectively, breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and before bed), in moderate portions. The temperature of the food served is standard. Experienced nutritionists recommend limiting table 9 when following a diet. physical activity on the body.

To whom is it assigned?

Diet table 9 is the basis of therapy for people with mild to moderate diabetes mellitus (types I and II). In addition, this diet is often recommended for infectious diseases of the joints, rheumatism, urticaria, diathesis, acne, and bronchial asthma.

Diet 9 table - what is possible, what is not (table)

From the diet table table 9 for diabetes, it follows which products can be used in the cooking process and which cannot.

Sample menu for a week diet table number 9

The menu was developed by leading Soviet scientists for use in sanatorium-resort treatment, in hospitals and at home for people with diabetes mellitus types I and II.


  • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, canned cabbage salad, oatmeal, coffee with milk and stevia.
  • Snack: dried apple jelly with sorbitol.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup with chicken breast and sour cream, stewed zucchini with quenelles, tomato juice.
  • Afternoon snack: berry jelly, rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner: pike baked in milk sauce, cauliflower schnitzel, berry-herbal tea.
  • Late dinner: a glass of bio-ryazhenka.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg salad, dill and fresh cucumbers, low-fat cheese with whole grain bread, green tea.
  • Snack: curd pudding with xylitol, cranberry juice.
  • Lunch: fish soup river fish, vegetable and veal stew, jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: strawberries.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with applesauce, boiled pollock, stewed cabbage, soy milk.
  • Late dinner: a glass of natural organic yoghurt.


  • Breakfast: protein omelet, diet sausage, rye bread with bran, tea with milk and sorbitol.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with blueberries.
  • Dinner: squash caviar, lean borscht, boiled chicken breast with mashed potatoes (liquid), pumpkin-millet pudding, berry compote.
  • Afternoon snack: apple juice with pulp.
  • Dinner: cabbage schnitzel, stewed with carrots sea ​​fish(hoki), herbal infusion.
  • Late dinner: biokefir (0.2 l).


  • Breakfast: barley porridge with milk, unsalted cheese, bran bread, mate tea.
  • Snack: curd pudding.
  • Lunch: pickle soup, steamed beef cutlets, cauliflower stewed in milk, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: raspberry jelly.
  • Dinner: 2 egg omelet with milk, vinaigrette, chicken quenelles.
  • Late dinner: acidophilus yogurt.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, soft-boiled egg, chicory drink.
  • Snack: cottage cheese soufflé with berries.
  • Lunch: pea soup, boiled beef tongue, stewed cabbage, apple uzvar.
  • Afternoon snack: orange, citrus jelly.
  • Dinner: vegetable pudding, cottage cheese casserole, fish meatballs.
  • Late dinner: a decoction of dried blueberries and an apple.


  • Breakfast: steamed cheesecakes, pearl barley porridge, cheese, bread, tea with pieces of permitted fruit.
  • Snack: kefir.
  • Lunch: bean soup with champignons, lean pork cabbage rolls, chicory drink.
  • Afternoon snack: applesauce.
  • Dinner: fish and bean cutlets, spinach, zucchini and cauliflower stew, seasoned with herbs, rosehip infusion.
  • Late dinner: sea buckthorn tea.


  • Breakfast: millet milk porridge, omelette, chamomile tea.
  • Snack: oatmeal jelly.
  • Lunch: lentil soup, beef liver pate, bell pepper stuffed with minced turkey and pearl barley, cabbage and cucumber salad, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: dried apricots and prunes.
  • Dinner: curd pudding, egg, omelette without potatoes, fruit tea.
  • Late dinner: kefir.

When following the diet table 9 (see table), water and electrolyte metabolism is normalized, blood glucose levels are stabilized, the amount of high-density cholesterol in plasma, blood pressure levels and tissue swelling are reduced. Be healthy!

Principles of the “Table No. 9” diet

  • You should eat often, but in small portions. For example, you can eat up to 6 times a day, every 3 hours;
  • Completely avoid eating fried, spicy and smoked foods, canned food, alcohol and hot seasonings;
  • Replace sugar with sugar-containing substitutes;
  • The amount of proteins in the menu should remain at the same level typical for the diet of a healthy person;
  • The amount of fats and carbohydrates must be reduced;
  • You can only eat stewed, baked or boiled foods.

The daily menu of Table No. 9 should include food products that contain large amounts of ascorbic acid and various groups of vitamins. Therefore, pay attention to rosehip decoctions, fresh vegetables and fruits, and herbs.

To ensure that your liver works in a normal and stable manner, include oatmeal, cottage cheese and cheese in your diet, which contain many lipid substances that can burn fat. Low-fat varieties of fish and olive oil will also be useful, helping the normal course of fat metabolism.

Allowed foods of Diet No. 9

  • Whole grain products;
  • Sausage with low fat content;
  • Low-fat fish;
  • Poultry, beef, pork, turkey, rabbit;
  • Green;
  • Fresh vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, pumpkin, tomatoes, beans, green peas, sweet peppers, lentils, carrots, beets, potatoes in limited quantities);
  • Fresh fruits (apples, pears, lemons, pomegranate, grapefruit, peaches, currants, plums, cherries, oranges, raspberries, lingonberries, strawberries);
  • Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet);
  • Eggs - no more than 1 pc. per day;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Dietary confectionery products in limited quantities;
  • Drinks - coffee, tea, milk, fruit and vegetable juices, herbal and rosehip infusions;
  • Fresh salads of vegetables and fruits dressed with olive oil, low-fat sour cream and homemade yogurt.

Prohibited foods during the diet

With such a large list of permitted foods, there are still some foods that you are advised to completely exclude from your diet.

  • Sweets (sugar, sweets, baked goods, ice cream, jam);
  • Duck and goose meat;
  • Salted fish, fatty fish;
  • Cream, baked milk, fermented baked milk and sweet yogurt;
  • Strong meat broths;
  • Rice, pasta, semolina;
  • Pickled vegetables;
  • Spicy and spicy snacks, seasonings;
  • Raisins and grapes, figs, sweet varieties of fruits, bananas;
  • Juices with sugar;
  • Alcohol.

Indicative menu for a week with the “Table No. 9” diet

This sample menu is perfect for insulin-dependent diabetics.

  • Monday

Low-fat cottage cheese with berries, 200 gr.;

Lunch: kefir, 1 glass;

Dinner: vegetable soup (150 ml), baked lamb (150 g), stewed vegetables (100 g);

Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber and cabbage salad with olive oil (100g);

Dinner: baked fish (200 g), grilled vegetables (100 g).

  • Tuesday

Buckwheat porridge (150g);

Lunch: apples, 2 pcs.;

Dinner: borscht (150ml), boiled beef (150g), compote without sugar;

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction (150ml);

Dinner: boiled fish (200g), vegetable salad (150g).

  • Wednesday

Cottage cheese casserole (150g);

Lunch: rosehip decoction (150ml);

Dinner: cabbage soup (150ml), fish cutlets (150g), vegetable salad (100g);

Afternoon snack: 1 boiled egg;

Dinner: steamed meat cutlets (200g), stewed cabbage (150g).

  • Thursday

Egg omelet (2 pcs.);

Lunch: unsweetened yogurt (150ml);

Dinner: cabbage soup (150ml), stuffed sweet pepper (200 g);

Afternoon snack: carrot and cottage cheese casserole (200g);

Dinner: Grilled chicken meat (200g), fresh vegetable salad (150g).

From this article you will learn about the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke and the treatment of diabetes with this root vegetable

How to prepare Monastic tea for diabetes? Read in our article.

  • Friday

Millet porridge (150g), apple;

Lunch: orange (2 pcs.);

Dinner: fish soup (200 ml), meat goulash (100g), pearl barley porridge (100g);

Afternoon snack:

Dinner: stewed vegetables with lamb (250g).

  • Saturday

Bran porridge (150g), pear;

Lunch: 1 soft-boiled egg;

Dinner: vegetable stew with meat (200g);

Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad (150g);

Dinner: stewed lamb with vegetables (250g).

  • Sunday

Low-fat cottage cheese with berries (100g);

Lunch: grilled chicken meat (200g);

Dinner: vegetable soup (150ml), meat goulash (100g), fresh vegetable salad (100g);

Afternoon snack: berry salad (125g);

Dinner: boiled shrimp (200g), boiled green beans (100g).

Diet No. 9 has no contraindications, the only thing is that it should be abandoned in a serious condition of a patient with diabetes mellitus.

Recipes for Diet No. 9

Steamed meat cutlets

Meat for meat dishes should always be taken only lean.


  • Meat, 200g;
  • Low-fat milk, 30ml;
  • Dry bun, 20g;
  • Butter, 5g.


  • We wash the meat and pass it through a meat grinder;
  • Soak the bun in milk;
  • Combine the minced meat with the bun, salt and pepper to taste;
  • Form cutlets, place in a baking dish and cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes;
  • Serve with melted butter.

Chicken balls

Steam the chicken meatballs and serve them sprinkled with herbs.


  • Chicken meat, 300g;
  • Roll, 20g.;
  • Milk, 20g;
  • Butter, 15g.


  • Pass the meat through a meat grinder;
  • Soak the bun in milk;
  • Mix the minced meat with the bun, salt and pepper to taste;
  • Form the meatballs and cook in a double boiler for 10 minutes.

Diet pudding

Baked fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and help cleanse the body of toxins and waste.


  • Zucchini, 130g;
  • Apples, 70g.;
  • Flour, 4 tbsp;
  • Milk, 30 ml.;
  • Melted butter, 1 tbsp;
  • Egg, 1 pc.;
  • Low-fat sour cream, 40 ml.


  • Grind the zucchini along with the apples;
  • Add milk, butter, flour, eggs, mix and pour into a baking dish;
  • Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes;
  • Before serving, sprinkle with sour cream.

Fish cutlets


  • Fresh pike perch, 100g;
  • Dry white bread, 20g;
  • Milk, 25 ml;
  • Butter, 5 gr.


  • Pass the fish through a meat grinder;
  • Mix the minced meat with the bread softened in milk;
  • Add butter, salt and pepper to the resulting mass;
  • Place the cutlets in a steamer pan and cook for 5 minutes;
  • Serve with butter.

Stewed cabbage

Cabbage has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


  • Red cabbage, 150g;
  • Apples, 75;
  • Wheat flour, 15 g;
  • Butter, 5 g.


  • Shred the cabbage;
  • Cut the apples into small slices;
  • Place all the ingredients in a frying pan, add a little water and olive oil and simmer until fully cooked (15 - 20 minutes).

Diet results

Thanks to the use of such dietary nutrition, patients experience stabilization of blood sugar levels and the general condition of the body improves. For those patients who are overweight, weight loss can be noticed by the end of the week. For such diabetics, frequent use of diet No. 9 or even lifelong nutrition according to this system is recommended, because weight loss occurs gradually and does not have negative consequences for the general health of the diabetic and does not affect complications.

In diet No. 9, carbohydrates are present, but in a very minimal amount, which helps the body receive these necessary substances, but at the same time, the sugar level does not change in any way and body weight does not increase.

Reviews from doctors about diet

Doctors consider diet No. 9 to be quite effective and gentle and therefore recommend it for use in diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2.

The nutrition menu contains all the foods that are healthy and necessary for your body. Moreover, the list of these products allows you to prepare a very diverse range of dishes, so there is no point in saying that your nutrition will be poorer because you have excluded some products.

When carrying out therapy and using diet No. 9, doctors observe effective stabilization of glucose levels, improvement in the functioning of the pancreas, increased vitality and overall health.

Let us note one more effect of diet No. 9: such a diet is a healthy diet and if you add an active lifestyle to it, your quality of life will improve many times over. Doctors advise healthy people to periodically use this diet as a preventive measure for various diseases, including diabetes.

Diet features

Diet 9 for diabetes involves eliminating all foods that have a high GI ( glycemic index). This applies primarily to easily digestible carbohydrates.

You must also adhere to the following rules:

  • Meals should become regular and frequent, and single servings should be small in volume. The number of meals can be 5-6 per day.
  • It is necessary to avoid fried, spicy and smoked foods, and also limit the amount of alcohol and hot spices.
  • Instead of sugar, it is recommended to take its sweetener substitutes: xylitol, sorbitol.
  • Allowed food processing: boiling, baking in the oven, stewing.
  • The diet assumes sufficient consumption of vitamins and microelements of natural origin (vegetables, fruits, etc.).
  • The amount of protein should be sufficient to replenish energy reserves, and the amount of fats and quickly digestible carbohydrates should be reduced.

Foods that are allowed and prohibited in diet No. 9

To follow diabetic diet No. 9, you must know the permitted and prohibited foods for diabetes.

  • whole grain bread products or with added bran;
  • cereals and pasta – millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, dietary pasta with bran;
  • lean meats (pork, lamb, beef, rabbit) and poultry (turkey, chicken);
  • low-fat sausage;
  • low-fat fish - pike, pike perch, cod;
  • fresh vegetables: lettuce, cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers;
  • greens: dill, parsley;
  • fresh fruits/berries: kiwi, oranges, apples, pears, grapefruits, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, etc.;
  • eggs and their dishes – no more than 1 per day;
  • dairy products – must contain a low percentage of fat or be low-fat;
  • confectionery products – dietary, using sweeteners (marmalade, cookies, sweets with sweeteners);
  • drinks - coffee drink, tea, milk, juices and compotes without sugar, herbal infusions, rosehip infusions, mineral water.

While following diet No. 9, patients should exclude certain foods.

  • Butter and other confectionery products in the preparation of which sugar is involved (chocolate, ice cream, jam);
  • fatty meats (goose, duck);
  • full-fat milk and other dairy and fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, sweet yogurt, cream);
  • rich meat broths;
  • fatty fish and salted fish;
  • fatty sausages;
  • semolina, rice, soft pasta;
  • spices, hot and smoked products;
  • sweet fruits and some dried fruits: bananas, raisins, grapes, figs;
  • juices with sugar, carbonated drinks;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Menu for the week for diet 9

  • Monday

Buckwheat with butter, meat pate, tea without added sugar (possibly with xylitol).

Second breakfast (lunch): a glass of kefir.

Dinner: vegetarian soup, baked lamb with stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack: rosehip based decoction.

Dinner: boiled lean fish, stewed cabbage, tea with xylitol.

  • Tuesday

Barley porridge, egg, weak coffee, fresh white cabbage salad;

Lunch: a glass of milk.

Dinner: pickle, mashed potatoes, beef liver in sauce, juice without sugar.

Afternoon snack: fruit jelly.

Dinner: boiled and stewed fish in milk sauce, cabbage schnitzel, tea with milk.

  • Wednesday

Squash caviar, hard-boiled egg, low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: 2 medium apples.

Dinner: sorrel borscht with low-fat sour cream, beans stewed in tomato sauce with mushrooms, whole grain bread.

Afternoon snack: juice without sugar.

Dinner: merchant-style buckwheat with chicken, cabbage salad.

  • Thursday


Lunch: unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner: cabbage soup, stuffed peppers.

Afternoon snack: casserole made from cottage cheese and carrots.

Dinner: baked chicken, vegetable salad.

  • Friday

Millet, cocoa.

Lunch: orange no more than 2 pieces.

Dinner: pea soup, meat zrazy with cheese, a slice of bread.

Afternoon snack: salad made from fresh vegetables.

Dinner: casserole of minced chicken and cauliflower.

  • Saturday

Bran and apple.

Lunch: 1 soft-boiled egg.

Dinner: vegetable stew with pieces of pork.

Afternoon snack: rosehip based decoction.

Dinner: stewed beef with cabbage.

  • Sunday

Low-fat cottage cheese and unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: a handful of berries.

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: salad of chopped apples and celery stalks.

Dinner: boiled shrimp and steamed green beans.

Recipes for table No. 9

Baked meat cutlets


  • Any lean meat 200 g;
  • Dry loaf 20 g;
  • Milk 0% fat 30 ml;
  • Butter 5 g.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat and make minced meat. During this time, soak the loaf in milk. Add a small amount of bread, salt and pepper to the resulting minced meat and mix thoroughly.
We make cutlets and place them on a baking sheet or baking dish. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time: 15 minutes.


  • apples 75 g;
  • cabbage 150g;
  • butter 5 g;
  • flour 15 g;

Cooking method:

First, finely chop the cabbage and cut the apples into slices. Transfer to a hot frying pan, add a little oil and water. Simmer, stirring occasionally, checking readiness. Cooking time is about 20 minutes.

Pike perch in Tatar style


  • pike perch fillet 150 g;
  • lemon ¼ part;
  • olives 10 g;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • capers 5 g;
  • low fat sour cream 30 g;
  • greens (any) 5 g;
  • olive oil for frying 30 ml.

Cooking method:

Pour 30 ml of olive oil into a baking dish and place the fillet. Pour lemon juice over the fish and place in the oven. When the fish warms up a little, add sour cream to the dish and then cook over low heat. Add olives, capers, lemon and simmer until done. At the end, season with parsley.

Vegetable soup with meatballs


  • minced chicken 300 g;
  • fresh herbs;
  • potatoes 3 pcs;
  • carrots 1 pc;
  • onion - half a medium onion;
  • egg 1 pc.

Cooking method:

Break an egg into the minced chicken and add finely chopped half an onion, as well as herbs. Form the minced meat into meatballs. Place the cooked meatballs into boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes, adding a little salt to the water. Add sauteed vegetables (carrots, onions), and later potatoes. Cook until potatoes are soft.


  • beef fillet 400 g;
  • milk ½ liter;
  • green;
  • small amount of salt/pepper;
  • olive oil about 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

You need to cut the beef into pieces of about 2*2 cm, season with spices. Fry the pieces in a little olive oil. After this, add milk and herbs. Simmer for about 20 minutes.


  • bell pepper 2 pcs;
  • eggplant 2 pcs;
  • zucchini 2 pieces;
  • tomatoes 5 pcs;
  • a little greens;
  • olive oil for frying 2 tbsp. l.
  • 1 clove.

Cooking method:

First you need to peel the tomatoes. To do this, you need to pour strong boiling water over them, then the skin will come off on its own. Peeled tomatoes need to be pureed using a blender, add garlic and herbs. Beat everything well until the consistency of the mixture is homogeneous. Next, in a frying pan in olive oil, you need to fry finely chopped zucchini, eggplant and pepper. When the vegetables are half-cooked, gently add the prepared tomato sauce and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes over low heat.

Diet pudding

This dessert will be an excellent alternative to sweet flour products.


  • apples 70g;
  • zucchini 130g;
  • milk 30 ml;
  • wheat flour 4 tbsp;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • oil 1 tbsp;
  • low-fat sour cream 40 g.

Cooking method:

Grate the zucchini and apples. Add milk, egg, melted butter, flour to the resulting composition. Knead. Pour the mixture into a baking dish, then place it in the oven and leave there for 20 minutes, setting the temperature to 180 degrees. You can serve it with low-fat sour cream.

Indications and purpose of the diet: nutrition is like medicine

Therapeutic diet 9, the table of which is based on a moderate calorie menu, primarily due to the reduction in the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates consumed, is “medicine No. 1” for some patients.

So, who should “make friends” with this power system?

  1. People who have recently become acquainted with diabetes.
  2. Victims of moderate type 2 diabetes.
  3. Patients with a non-insulin-dependent form of the disease.
  4. For those who get by with a small (about 25 units) dose of insulin (as prescribed by the doctor).
  5. Patients undergoing carbohydrate tolerance testing.
  6. For victims of diabetes during the period of selecting the optimal dose of administered insulin.
  7. People with joint diseases (on the advice of a doctor).
  8. Some people suffering from allergic diseases, bronchial asthma (as decided by the attending doctor).

If you have the problems listed above, first of all, of course, diabetes, Diet 9 is your “magic wand” for returning to a full life. What is its value? What is the purpose of the appointment? It's simple: normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, as well as prevention of a possible disorder of fat metabolism.

Video: nutrition for diabetes - says the doctor

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

Recently, an episode of the “Test Purchase” program was released on Channel One, in which they found out which weight loss products really work and which ones are simply unsafe to use. The following were targeted: goji berries, green coffee, turboslim and other superfoods. You can find out which tools did not pass the test in the following article. Read the article >>

The essence and principles of therapeutic nutrition

Therapeutic diet 9 for diabetics and victims of other diseases, whom the doctor recommended to adhere to this diet, is based on a diet with reduced calorie content by limiting the consumption of unhealthy, easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as animal fats. At the same time, the proportion of proteins in the menu must correspond to physiological standards; their deficiency can negatively affect the well-being of victims of this insidious disease.

So, diet for diabetics - table 9 and basic rules:

  • sit at the table at least 5 times a day;
  • eat in small portions;
  • do not starve, but do not overeat;
  • instead of sugar, consume substitutes prescribed by the doctor;
  • monitor the GI level of products included in the menu.

It is important not only to choose foods wisely, but also to prepare them correctly, since the wrong way to process food can undo all the work. Nutritionists strongly recommend that their patients give preference to this type of cooking, such as stewing, steaming, or using an oven and now-fangled kitchen appliances, such as a double boiler or multicooker. Unfortunately, you will need to forget about fried, smoked, spicy, cooked in fat, canned food, of course, if you want to feel good. The temperature of the food on the table is no different from the norm for a healthy person.

And now about calorie content and chemical composition therapeutic nutrition No. 9. It is permissible to consume about 2500 calories per day, which should contain:

  • about 80 g of fat (a third of which is vegetable);
  • about 100 g of proteins (a little more than half of the proteins should be of animal origin);
  • a third of a kilogram of carbohydrates (mostly polysaccharides);
  • sodium chloride – no more than 12 g;
  • liquids (without sugar, of course) - about one and a half liters.

Product audit

What does diabetes mellitus mean? Diet 9: list of permitted foods and list of prohibited foods.

First, about the provisions that are prohibited for victims of diabetes:

Worth paying attention! Despite the fact that eggs are not on the prohibited list, diabetics should be careful with yolks.

What are those who adhere to diet 9 allowed to include in their diet?

This is important to know! For people eating according to the rules of therapeutic diet No. 9, it is important to include in the diet foods rich in ascorbic acid and B vitamins, as well as those rich in lipotropic substances, since they help the body burn fat. These include cottage cheese, cheese, fish, and oatmeal.

Diet menu 9 for the week

So, now you know the basic principles of therapeutic nutrition, as well as the composition of the food basket. It's time to move on directly to considering the diet.

So, diet 9: table, menu for the week:

Having mastered the wisdom of diet 9 for diabetes mellitus, you can live long and well, not much different from healthy people.

Diet features

The list of indications for diet table 9 is not as impressive as, for example, for kidney table 7 - it is prescribed for diabetes 2 light type And medium shape severity, sometimes for patients with type 1 diabetes. IN lately the diet is also widely used simply to reduce body weight. The full menu gives plenty of scope for culinary imagination.

The main goal of this diet is to control blood sugar levels, which in patients with diabetes can be either high or low, so sweet foods are not completely excluded from the diet.

The diet is designed to restore the balance of fats and carbohydrates in relation to proteins, therefore it is considered a low-calorie diet. This is especially important for patients who are overweight, which can be very dangerous in diabetes.

When creating a menu, you need to pay attention to the so-called glycemic index (GI) of each product. This is an indicator of the rate of breakdown of the product in the body. There are special GI tables that will help you navigate the products. Only low GI foods should be used in food.

Prohibited and permitted products for table No. 9

It may seem that table No. 9 is a fairly strict diet, but for people who already adhere to healthy eating, no major changes will happen.

List of permitted and prohibited products:

  • meat, fish - you can eat low-fat varieties, boiled, stewed, baked, sometimes fried.
  • bread products - products from wheat flour, but special protein bread, bran bread, rye bread are allowed;
  • drinks - alcohol, sweet lemonades are strictly prohibited, tea, coffee, chicory with sweetener, sour fruit drinks and compotes are allowed;
  • cereals - everything is possible except semolina and white rice;
  • pasta - very carefully, only from durum wheat and rarely;
  • smoked, salted, pickled products are prohibited;
  • hot seasonings and spices are allowed occasionally;
  • milk, dairy products are allowed, except fatty and sweet ones;
  • fats and oils - animal fats, lard, cooking oil are strictly prohibited, but are allowed vegetable oils in moderation;
  • sweets - low-fat, with sugar substitutes, honey is prohibited;
  • eggs - no more than 1.5 per day, it is advisable to consume only proteins;
  • fruits - recommended, except for grapes and bananas, it is advisable to completely exclude dried fruits;
  • vegetables - possible, but potatoes, carrots, beets, peas - in small quantities;
  • legumes - it is better to exclude them.

Table No. 9 has several fundamental principles:

  • meals 5-6 times a day;
  • if insulin injections are given, that is, you need to immediately after them, and after 2 hours, eat food high in carbohydrates;
  • energy value daily ration should be no more than 2500 kcal;
  • Basically, you need to eat raw, boiled, baked and stewed foods; fried foods are allowed, but as rarely as possible;
  • All sugar in the diet should be replaced with sweeteners, such as fructose.

A diet for diabetes allows you to consume unlimited quantities of vegetable soups. Meat and fish broths - rarely and only on light, lean types of meat, fish and poultry.

Eating rice is allowed, but not white - brown or black, which have a lower glycemic index. White rice is strictly prohibited.

You can use sour cream in small quantities, for example, as a base for sauce. The fat content of sour cream is no more than 20%.

Potatoes, carrots and peas are limited due to their high carbohydrate content, the amount of which must be controlled.

Spicy seasonings, such as mustard, can be consumed, but rarely and in small quantities. The same applies to spices. Try to reduce your salt intake, but do not eliminate it from your diet completely.

All sugary drinks are excluded from the diet. Sweeteners can be added to tea and coffee; consumption of sweet juices, fruit drinks and carbonated drinks is prohibited.

You need to drink while dieting sufficient quantity pure water and other drinks, however, it is worth remembering that in diabetes the process of removing fluid from the body is often disrupted, so you need to calculate the norm together with your doctor.

Be sure to consult an endocrinologist about diet with your doctor. He should recommend your diet, taking into account the amount and hours of taking medications and contraindications, and teach you how to create a menu for the week.

Weekly menu for table No. 9

Here is an example of a menu for every day with five meals a day:


  1. low-fat cottage cheese with sour berries (currants or cranberries);
  2. a glass of kefir;
  3. grilled or baked lamb, stewed vegetables, vegetable soup;
  4. cucumber- coleslaw, seasoned with olive oil;
  5. baked fish, steamed broccoli.


  1. zucchini pancakes, boiled egg, cabbage salad, coffee with milk;
  2. milk;
  3. cottage cheese casserole, pickle, beef liver, compote;
  4. fruit jelly;
  5. stuffed peppers, boiled turkey, tea.


  1. oatmeal, cottage cheese with kefir, coffee with milk;
  2. jelly;
  3. borscht with beans, buckwheat, boiled beef, tea;
  4. cottage cheese with herbs and garlic;
  5. vinaigrette, boiled egg, fruit drink.


  1. rolled oats porridge, plain yogurt, chicory;
  2. jelly;
  3. lean cabbage soup from fresh vegetables, grilled turkey, sour cream, apple juice;
  4. orange;
  5. fish baked in sour cream, cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat, tea.


  1. boiled egg, vinaigrette, rye bread with butter, green tea;
  2. sour apple;
  3. pea soup, pumpkin puree, stew, apple juice;
  4. pear;
  5. zucchini with minced meat stewed, cranberry juice.


  1. millet, sausage, chicory;
  2. rosehip drink;
  3. light fish soup, boiled chicken, mashed potatoes, apple juice;
  4. cottage cheese with apricots, kefir;
  5. oatmeal, rye bread, tea.


  1. buckwheat with vegetables, egg white omelette, green tea;
  2. sour apple;
  3. vegetable soup, steamed beef cutlet, barley, tea;
  4. kefir;
  5. boiled fish, baked potatoes, apple juice.

Some features of table No. 9

It is worth noting that the diet in its original version, as developed by Pevzner, is now rarely used by endocrinologists. But based on it, doctors create personal diets for each patient. In addition, it is very popular among healthy people who want to lose weight.

The diet is still often prescribed for children with diabetes. It is mandatory for a child to have six meals a day strictly according to the clock, and deviations from the regime are allowed only for 10-15 minutes. Children should include more slow carbohydrates in their diet. Since it is much more difficult for children than adults to give up sweets, sweets with sugar substitutes can be given in small quantities every day. Nowadays, grocery stores have a fairly large selection of products, including sweets for diabetics, so this will not be a problem.

Remember that a diet for diabetics is only an addition to the main drug treatment, but in no case replaces it.

  • As a test diet when establishing tolerance to carbohydrates, selecting medications for the treatment of diabetes;
  • Mild and moderate forms of diabetes mellitus (for patients who do not require additional insulin or receive it in amounts up to 30 units);
  • Allergic condition of the body (with severe or long-lasting manifestations of allergies, for example, Quincke's edema, urticaria).
Diabetes mellitus- an endocrine disease characterized by the absence or reduced effect of insulin in the processes of glucose absorption. The lack of effectiveness of insulin may be a consequence of both the absence or deficiency of the hormone itself, and its inability to act on insulin receptors. According to this principle, diabetes mellitus is divided into 2 types: type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes (occurs as a result of a lack of insulin in the body) and type 2 or insulin-resistant diabetes (results from the inability of insulin to act on receptors). In addition to these forms, diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, diabetes caused by drugs or infections, and impaired glucose absorption as a result of other endocrine diseases may also occur.

Diabetes mellitus is considered one of the most common endocrine diseases in the world. Every year the number of people suffering from this disease is growing, so doctors take the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus seriously, as well as promoting healthy image life in order to prevent the development of this disease.

Glucose plays a huge role in metabolic processes, therefore, if its absorption is impaired, all types of metabolism suffer. Due to the fact that glucose does not enter the cells, energy metabolism is disrupted, manifested by a constant feeling of hunger. Also, excess glucose in the urine leads to increased excretion of fluid by the kidneys, and, as a result, to dehydration of the body. In this case, there arises constant feeling thirst and frequent urination. Other symptoms of diabetes include severe exhaustion, headaches, blurred vision, and muscle weakness. Diabetes mellitus is dangerous due to complications such as damage to the retina, diseases of the nervous system, circulatory disorders with subsequent death of the limb, renal failure, dysfunction of the joints, mental disorders, etc. Sudden changes in blood glucose levels can even provoke a coma.

Apart from medications, an appropriate diet is the most important part of diabetes treatment. Adequate nutrition helps significantly improve the quality of life of patients with this disease, and also prevents complications and even coma. Basically, the diet is selected by the attending physician individually for each patient, depending on the level of glucose in the blood, body weight, the presence of other diseases and other factors. But there are general recommendations that are suitable for all people suffering from diabetes. These recommendations are combined into therapeutic diet No. 9.

What is the purpose of this diet?

The basic rules of therapeutic nutrition for diabetes mellitus are:
  • Limiting glucose intake- since in diabetes mellitus glucose is poorly absorbed, you should limit the amount of carbohydrates in your daily diet, this will help maintain blood glucose levels within normal limits, and thus avoid the manifestation of the main symptoms of the disease or its progression. Products containing excess carbohydrates are any confectionery, sweets, sugar, sweet fruits (grapes, figs), and baked goods. Instead of sugar, it is recommended to use special sweeteners (xylitol, sorbitol, saccharin, fructose). There is also a whole series products produced specifically for patients with diabetes, in which the amount of carbohydrates is reduced and various sugar substitutes are used instead of glucose;
  • Limiting calorie intake and cholesterol content in foods consumed- when following diet No. 9, you should reduce the number of calories consumed in order to normalize weight and energy metabolism. If your body is severely depleted, you should not limit your caloric intake. It is also necessary to exclude foods rich in cholesterol from the diet, since its excess leads to the development of atherosclerosis, which progresses much faster and is much more difficult to treat with concomitant diabetes mellitus. Preference should be given to unsaturated fatty acids(sunflower, corn, cottonseed vegetable oils);
  • Normalization of protein metabolism- in the absence of glucose in cells, proteins begin to be used as energy material, the breakdown of which leads to various violations structures and functions of body tissues. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you should pay special attention to protein foods; the amount of protein consumed per day should be within or slightly above the norm. However, when comatose, kidney damage or diseases with impaired protein breakdown (gout, urolithiasis), abuse of protein foods is not recommended;
  • Sufficient fortification of food- vitamins play a significant role in normalizing metabolic processes, and also protect cells and tissues of the body from damage. For diabetes mellitus consumption is indicated increased amount vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic and folic acid. They will help normalize carbohydrate metabolism, improve oxidative processes, increase the body's resistance to infections and improve the general well-being of the patient.

Diet in numbers

Meal schedule

The power mode is fractional, i.e. food is consumed 5-6 times a day. Meals are distributed evenly throughout the day, the last meal precedes sleep by 2-3 hours. The amount of carbohydrates consumed is distributed evenly between meals, and the timing of administration and the dose of insulin should also be taken into account. The diet should be enriched with vitamins; it is recommended to consume 4-6 mg of thiamine and riboflavin, 3-4 mg of retinol, 150 mg of ascorbic acid and 60 mg of nicotinic acid per day. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid. You should not overeat or abuse carbohydrate-rich foods. It is recommended to use sugar substitutes to sweeten dishes. It is recommended to closely monitor the amount of carbohydrates you consume and measure your blood glucose levels daily. Soups: for diet No. 9, soups with weak, low-fat meat, fish or mushroom broths are recommended. Mostly vegetable soups, borscht, beetroot soup, okroshka, and cabbage soup are consumed. It is also allowed to add cereals or meatballs to soups.
Excludes: soups cooked in fatty, rich meat, fish or mushroom broths, as well as milk soups. It is not recommended to add semolina, rice or pasta to soups.

Meat and fish dishes: lean varieties of meat and fish without tendons and skin (chicken, beef, veal, pork, lamb, rabbit). Low-fat canned fish, sausages and sausages are also allowed in limited quantities. Dishes are served boiled, stewed, baked or fried.
Excludes: fatty meats, poultry or fish, offal, canned meat, smoked meats, salted fish, fatty sausages, canned meat and fish (especially in oil), caviar.

Flour products: It is recommended to consume predominantly dark varieties of bread (rye, wheat, with bran), wholemeal flour products, and savory baked goods. The amount of bread consumed per day should not exceed 300g.
Excludes: sweet baked goods, puff pastry products, sweet pastries, white bread, pasta.

Vegetables and fruits: vegetables rich in plant fibers(cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, sorrel, eggplant), as well as sweet and sour fruits and berries (gooseberries, cranberries, pomegranate). Potatoes, green peas, and beets are consumed in limited quantities. Vegetables are best consumed raw, boiled, baked or stewed.
Excludes: pickles, pickled vegetables, bananas, figs, grapes, raisins, melons, watermelons, pears, apricots.

Cereals: It is recommended to consume porridges made from buckwheat, millet, barley or oatmeal. You should limit your daily consumption of cereals and also monitor their carbohydrate content.
Excludes: cereals rich in carbohydrates (semolina, rice), any pasta. Legumes are consumed in limited quantities.

Eggs and dairy products: milk consumption is allowed, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses. Sour cream is consumed in limited quantities. You are also allowed up to 2 eggs per day, soft-boiled or in the form of a white omelet. You should limit your consumption of egg yolks.

Fat cheeses, cream and sour cream, dishes rich in egg yolks, fried eggs, sweet cheeses, condensed milk.

Sweet dishes: When following diet No. 9, it is recommended to limit the consumption of sweet foods as much as possible. Jelly, mousse, compote, and jelly made from sour varieties of fruits and berries are allowed. Sugar in dishes is replaced with xylitol, sorbitol, saccharin and other sweeteners. Consumption of a limited amount of sweets made specifically for diabetics is allowed. You are also allowed to eat 1 teaspoon of honey per day.
Excludes: any confectionery products rich in glucose, sugar, chocolate, ice cream, cream, preserves, jams, sweet pastries.

Sauces, spices, herbs: Sauces made from low-fat meat, fish or vegetable broths are recommended. Hot spices and spices (pepper, mustard, horseradish) are used in limited quantities.
Excludes: fatty sauces, overly spicy or salty seasonings, sweet sauces. It is also recommended to avoid the abuse of dairy-based sauces.

Drinks: It is recommended to consume tea and coffee without sugar or with a small amount of sweetener; you can add milk or low-fat cream. Diabetic patients should consume plenty of juices as they are rich in vitamins, but avoid juices with added sugar. Decoctions of rose hips and wheat bran are also allowed.
Excludes: any sweet, carbonated drinks, alcohol, lemonade with added sugar, juices from sweet varieties of fruits and berries (grape, banana).

First breakfast: to choose from:
  • Soft-boiled eggs and rye bread sandwiches with butter;
  • Cottage cheese with pieces of fresh fruits and berries;
  • Crumbly buckwheat porridge with a piece of butter;
  • Oatmeal with berries;
  • Steamed protein omelette with tomatoes and herbs.
Liquid: tea or coffee without sugar, with low-fat cream, juices.
Lunch: to choose from:
  • Baked apple;
  • Berry jelly;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with milk;
  • Rose hip decoction;
  • Wheat bran decoction.
Dinner: first

To choose from:

  • Vegetable soup;
  • Vegetarian borscht with sour cream;
  • Beetroot soup with sour cream;
  • Okroshka;
  • Onion soup with buckwheat.
Second to choose from:
  • Boiled potatoes with steamed meatballs;
  • Vegetable stew with baked fish;
  • Loose buckwheat porridge with chicken cutlets;
  • Carrot puree with boiled meat;
  • Green pea puree with fish soufflé.
Dessert to choose from:
  • Kissel from sour berries;
  • Fruit jelly with xylitol;
  • Fruit juice without sugar;
  • Berry mousse;
  • Compote of sour fruits.
Afternoon snack: to choose from:
  • Fresh sour apple;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with fruit;
  • Fruit juice without sugar;
  • Rose hip decoction;
  • Wheat bran decoction.
Dinner: to choose from:
  • Stewed carrots with boiled fish;
  • Vegetable casserole with steamed meatballs;
  • Stewed cabbage with boiled fish;
  • Protein omelet with vegetables and meat cutlets;
  • Crumbly buckwheat porridge with chicken cutlets.
Liquid: rosehip decoction, fruit juice without sugar, tea without sugar.
Before bed: a glass of kefir.