How does Solgar Lipotropic Factor help you lose weight? A combination of the supplement with tonalin, plantain and chromium picolinate. Description, indications for use, customer reviews

The book is given with some abbreviations

Lipotropic substances are important factors, contributing to the normalization of fat and, in particular, cholesterol metabolism in the body. They stimulate the release of fat from the liver and its oxidation, which leads to a reduction in its fatty infiltration.
The following substances have a lipotropic effect: choline, methionine, inositol, lecithin, betaine, etc., contained in protein products. They are rich in beef, chicken eggs, low-fat fish (cod, pike perch), marine invertebrates, low-fat cottage cheese, and soy flour.
Lecithin is found in large quantities in unrefined vegetable oils and in the phosphatide concentrate isolated from them. A particularly rich source of lecithin is buttermilk, obtained from the process of churning cream into butter. In terms of protein, fat and milk sugar content, it does not differ from skim milk, but almost all lecithin passes into it, maintaining the milk fat of the cream in an emulsified state.
All of the listed food products, rich in certain lipotropic substances, are necessarily included in diets for patients with metabolic disorders (hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity) and liver diseases. Except listed substances, polyunsaturated fatty acids also have lipotropic and anticholesterolemic (promoting the removal of cholesterol from the body) effects. fatty acids, sitosterols and some minerals, in particular organic compounds Yoda.
Besides, effective means to remove cholesterol from the body are plant foods rich in cell membranes and pectin, which enhance intestinal motor activity.
Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic - are not synthesized in the body, but are introduced exclusively with food. Their main source is vegetable oils- sunflower, corn, cotton, etc.
Plant sterols - sitosgerins, forming insoluble complexes with cholesterol, prevent its absorption in the intestines and thereby promote the removal of cholesterol from the body. Sitosterols are found in unrefined vegetable oils.
To enrich diets with all these substances, a number of specific products are used - non-fat deodorized soy flour, wheat bran, phosphatide concentrate, dry seaweed. These products are used in small quantity mainly in the form of additives to dough when preparing flour products.
In stock bakery products industrial production There are dietary varieties that contain phosphatides, soy flour, wheat bran, seaweed (buns with lecithin, bran bread with lecithin and seaweed, protein-bran bread, etc.).
IN recent years V therapeutic nutrition for metabolic diseases, seafood products of both plant and animal origin began to be used more and more widely. From plant products seaweed is widely used, and among animals - shellfish: mussels, scallops, squid and crayfish: shrimp, krill, etc.
All seafood products are the most valuable sources minerals, including microelements, mainly iodine. In addition, sea kale, due to its significant content alginic acid(15-30% of dry matter) has a stimulating effect on intestinal peristalsis. Application seaweed in powder form is not physiological, therefore it is used as an additive in culinary, confectionery and bakery products.

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Liver steatosis (fatty liver disease, fatty liver) is the most common hepatosis, in which fat accumulates in the liver cells. Fat accumulation can be a reaction of the liver to various toxic influences, and is sometimes associated with certain diseases and pathological conditions body.

Lipotropic substances are important factors contributing to the normalization of lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the body, stimulate the mobilization of fat from the liver and its oxidation, which leads to a decrease in the severity of fatty infiltration of the liver. According to the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification they belong to the group A05- drugs for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, so they can be considered hepatoprotectors. Currently, the modern pharmaceutical industry is synthesizing drugs that have a lipotropic effect.


Lipotropic effects are exerted by:



thioctic acid

And other substances contained in protein products. [ source not specified 442 days] Beef is rich in them, chicken egg, low-fat fish (cod, pike perch), marine invertebrates, low-fat cottage cheese, soy flour.

12. b-hydroxybutyrate----acetoacetate-----acetoacetyl-s-CoA-----acetyl-CoA------TCA cycle

13. The term “ketone bodies” means the following compounds: acetoacetic acid (acetoacetate), β-hydroxybutyric acid (β-hydroxybutyrate), acetone. These are products of incomplete oxidation of fatty acids. Their synthesis occurs in liver mitochondria from acetyl-CoA.

see formula from 1 question.

Synthesis ketone bodies in the body increases with accelerated catabolism of fatty acids (fasting, diabetes). Under these conditions, the liver has a deficiency of oxaloacetate, which is formed mainly in the reactions carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, the interaction of acetyl-CoA with oxaloacetate and all subsequent reactions of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle are hampered.

Acetoacetic and β-hydroxybutyric acids, which are classified as ketone bodies, are strong acids. Therefore, their accumulation in the blood leads to a shift in pH to the acidic side (metabolic acidosis).

Normal is 1-3 mg/dl (up to 0.2 mmol/l)

15. The starting compound for cholesterol synthesis is acetyl-CoA. Enzymes that catalyze synthesis reactions are found in the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum of many cells. This process occurs most actively in the liver. The human body synthesizes about one gram of cholesterol per day. Cholesterol biosynthesis includes three main stages.

On first stage mevalonic acid is formed

On second stage mevalonic acid is converted to isopentenyl pyrophosphate (“active isoprene”), 6 molecules of which condense into squalene.

On third stage squalene turns into cholesterol

In total, 18 molecules of acetyl-CoA are used to synthesize 1 molecule of cholesterol: 3 molecules are required to form “active isoprene”; 6 molecules of “active isoprene” participate in subsequent condensation reactions; 3 × 6 = 18.

16. Cholesterol is a component of biological membranes, from which steroid hormones, vitamin D 3, and bile acids are formed in the body. Excess cholesterol is converted in the liver into bile acids, and is also excreted with bile into the intestines and excreted in feces.

The normal cholesterol content in human blood serum is 3.9 – 6.3 mmol/l. Transport form cholesterol in the blood are lipoproteins (see further 16.5.2). If the relationship between the entry of cholesterol into the body and its excretion is disrupted, then the cholesterol content in the tissues and blood changes. Increased cholesterol concentration in the blood ( hypercholesterolemia) can lead to the development of atherosclerosis and gallstone disease.

To restore 1 mol of β–hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA to mevalone acid,-2 mol NADPH 2

The donor of the methyl group in the image of phosphatidylcholine from phosphatidylethanolamine is S-adenosine methionine

Daily loss of bile acids with feces is 0.5-1.0 g

Number of mol of ATP, image at oxidation of 1 mol of acetoacetate to CO 2 and H 2 O state - 24

Lipotrop is a fact of the way - phospholipid synthesis in the liver

Norm value of cholate-cholesterol coefficient 15

The common predecessor for phosphatidylcholine synth and sphingomyelin is CDP-choline

The general metab for triacylglycerols and phospholipids is phosphatidic acid

The general intermediate between triacylglyc and phospholip is diacylglycerol phosphate

The basic function of phospholip in org is in post-cell membranes and blood lipoproteins

One of the con prod catab cholesterol in people-cholic acid

Mainly by removing cholesterol from the human body-collect gallstones and excrete them with feces

When β-hydroxy-β-methyl-glutaryl-CoA is reduced, the mevalonic acid

Regulus farms, limited synthesis of cholesterol, yavl-Hydroxy-b-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase

The regulation of cholesterol synthesis from acetyl-CoA is carried out at a high level-mevalonic acid from b-hydroxy-β-methyl-glutaryl-CoA

The synthesis of ketone bodies occurs in- liver

Physiol corresponds to the normal level of cholesterol in the blood plasma-3.9-6.5 mmol/l

Select all correct answers:

The synthesis of phospholipids involves:

1. CoA derivatives of fatty acids

2. phosphatidic acid

3. CDP-choline

Phospholipids contain alcohols:

1. ethanolamine

2. glycerol

3. sphingosine

4. inositol

To synthesize one cholesterol molecule you need:

1. 18 ATP molecules

2. 18 molecules of acetyl-CoA

Ketone bodies are:

1. β-Hydroxybutyrate

2. acetoacetate

Which of the following statements correctly characterize ketone bodies:

1. formed in liver mitochondria

2. synthesized from acetyl-CoA

3. used as a source of energy in skeletal and cardiac muscles

1. methionine

2. folic acid

Phospholipids include:

1. glycerophosphatides

2. phosphoinositols

3. sphingomyelins

Lipotropic factors include:

3. methionine

Common intermediates in the synthesis of glycerophospholipids and triacylglycerols are:

1. diacylglycerol

2. phosphatidic acid

Intermediate metabolites in the synthesis of ketone bodies from acetyl-CoA are:

1. β–hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA

2. acetoacetyl-CoA

Intermediate products in cholesterol synthesis are:

1. mevalonic acid

2. β–hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA.

3. acetoacetyl-CoA

Intermediate products in the process of cholesterol synthesis are:

1. lanosterol

2. acetoacetyl-CoA

3. mevalonic acid

4. squalene

Strengthening the processes of ketogenesis is characteristic of:

1. heavy physical work

2. fasting

3. diabetes mellitus

Phosphatidic acid (diglycerol phosphate) is an intermediate metabolite in the biosynthesis of:

1. triacylglycerols

2. phospholipids

Phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamines are synthesized in:

3. adrenal cortex

4. renal cortex

1. used for synthesis bile acids

Cholesterol in the human body:

1. used for the synthesis of vitamin D 3

2. used for synthesis steroid hormones

3. part of cell membranes

Cholesterol is synthesized in:

3. adrenal glands

4. adipose tissue

1. synthesis of ketone bodies

2. cholesterol synthesis

b-hydroxy-b-methyl-glutaryl-CoA is an intermediate metabolite in the process:

1. synthesis of ketone bodies

2. cholesterol synthesis

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Page creation date: 2016-02-12

Drugs in this group help normalize lipid metabolism.

CHOLINE CHLORIDE- is part of the phospholipid lecithin. Choline chloride normalizes lipid metabolism. Side effects of choline chloride: when taken orally - irritation gastrointestinal tract; at intravenous administration- reduction blood pressure. Release form of choline chloride: powder; ampoules of 10 ml of 20% solution.

Example recipe for choline chloride in Latin:

Rp.: Sol. Cholini chloridi 20% 100 ml

D.S. 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day.

Rp.: Sol. Cholini chloridi 20% 10 ml

D.t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

S. Dilute the contents of 1 ampoule in 100 ml of 5% glucose solution (administer intravenously).

"LIPOSTABIL"- a preparation containing “essential” phospholipids ( active ingredients, diglyceride esters of cholinephosphoric acid of natural origin with a predominance of unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid - about 70%, linolenic and oleic acids) 250 mg; pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B b ) 2 mg; nicotinic acid 1 mg; adenosine-5-monophosphoric acid 1 mg in one ampoule (5 ml). 1 capsule of lipostabil - forte of “essential” phospholipids and glyceride esters of choline phosphoric acids with a predominance of unsaturated fatty acids contains 300 mg and theophylline 50 mg. The drug "Lipostabil" has a beneficial effect on liver function, normalizes lipid metabolism, restores the normal ratio between different classes of lipoproteins, and reduces elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. The drug "Lipostabil" mobilizes fats deposited in the walls blood vessels, promotes their inclusion in metabolic processes. The drug "Lipostabil" improves blood flow, reduces blood viscosity, and reduces the risk of blood clots. The drug "Lipostabil" is used for atherosclerotic damage to the vessels of the brain, heart, kidneys and limbs, hyperlipoproteinemia, hypercholesterolemia, diabetic angiopathy. The drug "Lipostabil" is prescribed 1-2 capsules 3 times a day before meals. In severe cases, the drug "Lipostabil" is administered intravenously (slowly!): at the beginning of treatment - 10-20 ml 1-2 times a day for 2-4 weeks, followed by a dose reduction to 5-10 ml per day. Caution: do not allow lipostabil solution to be mixed with electrolyte solutions. For additional dissolution of the drug, use only glucose solutions or the patient’s own blood in a 1:1 ratio. Only clear solutions of lipostabil are suitable for use; it cannot be administered with other drugs in the same syringe. Release form drug "Lipostabil": ampoules of 5 ml and 10 ml; capsules.

An example of a recipe for the drug “Lipostabil” in Latin:

Rp.: Sol. "Lipostabil" 5 ml D. t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

S. Administer intravenously (slowly!) 10 ml 2 times a day (2-4 weeks).

METHIONINE- an essential amino acid that normalizes metabolic processes in the body, including lipid metabolism. Methionine is a donor of stylish groups. Methionine activates the action biologically active substances- hormones, vitamins, etc. Methionine release form: powder; tablets 0.25 g.

Example of a methionine recipe:

Rp.: Tab. Metionini 0.25 obductae N. 50

D.S. 2-3 tablets 3-4 times a day.

LIPOIC ACID - is a coenzyme of some B vitamins, regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, improves liver function. Side effects when using lipoic acid: dyspepsia, allergic dermatoses. Release form lipoic acid: tablets 0.025 g; ampoules of 2 ml of 0.5% solution.

An example of a recipe for lipoic acid in Latin:

Rp.: Tab. Acidi lipoici 0.025 N. 100 I

D. S. 1 tablet 2-4 times a day (course of treatment - up to 30 days).

Rp.: Sol. Acidi lipoici 0.5% 2 ml

D.t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

S. 1-2 ml intramuscularly.

LIPAMIDE- lipoic acid amide. Lipamide has a similar effect to lipoic acid. Lipamide release form: tablets of 0.025 g.

Example of a lipamide recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Tab. Lipamidi 0.025 N. 50

D.S. 1 tablet 2-4 times a day.

BENFLUREX(pharmacological analogues:mediator) - used for atherosclerosis to reduce higher level cholesterol and triglycerides in blood plasma. Benflurex reduces blood sugar levels in patients with reduced glucose tolerance. Patients tolerate the drug well. Benflurex is prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day. Benflurex release form: tablets of 0.15 g.

ATEROLIP-VIFOR- the drug has an antilipidemic effect, normalizes cholesterol levels and the content of other fatty fractions of the blood, especially triglycerides and p-lipoproteins. Atherolip-vifor is used for lipid metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis with characteristic vascular lesions. Atherolip-vifor is prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals, with severe forms diseases, the dose is increased to 4 tablets per day. Contraindications to the use of atherolip-vifor: pregnancy, severe renal and liver failure. Release form of atherolip-vifor: tablets of 0.5 g.

The most powerful lipotropic factors include choline and methionine.

If there is insufficiency of choline in the body, the formation of phospholipids is disrupted, as a result of which the assimilation of fat, which accumulates in tissues, is delayed. Choline thus protects tissues from fat deposition; at most typical form this lipotropic effect manifests itself in the liver, since it is the organ in which both the synthesis and breakdown of phospholipids occurs. The close connection of the liver with choline metabolism also explains the fact that choline was first discovered in bile, which is reflected in its name. But later it was found in all tissues of the body and can therefore be considered one of components cells.

Choline is involved in the synthesis of phospholipids. The synthesis of phospholipids in the liver with the introduction of labeled phosphorus increases by 50% already 2 hours after giving choline.

Fatty liver caused by transportation large quantity fat and cholesterol, can be prevented by the introduction of lecithin in direct connection with the action of the choline it contains.

In choline metabolism important role belongs to protein: a protein-free diet in rats leads to fatty infiltration of the liver; in this case, choline helps to weaken infiltration. Choline is usually supplied to the body through food. However, back in 1896, V.S. Gulevich also proved the endogenous formation of choline. The synthesis of choline in the body occurs in the presence of methionine and ethanol-amine, the starting materials of which are serine and glycine, and serine is formed from pyruvic acid or alanine. Choline is oxidized to betaine, which donates methyl groups to the resulting methionine. Methionine has the same lipotropic properties as choline. Methionine synthesis occurs mainly in the liver.

Choline is found in food products animal and plant origin. Large amounts of choline are found in egg yolk(17 mg/g), liver (6 mg/g), veal (1.1 mg/g); Among plant products, it is most abundant in legumes, as well as in cabbage or spinach leaves. The endogenous synthesis of choline is associated with the methyl groups of methionine, and instead of foods rich in choline, it is possible to give foods rich in methionine (cottage cheese, herring, cod, veal, etc.) to increase the choline content in the body. egg white). The body's need for choline decreases with the introduction of large amounts of protein, as well as foods rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid.

The importance of lipotropic factors, in particular choline, in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis has been emphasized in works over the last 20 years. Choline inhibits the development of experimental atherosclerosis caused by feeding cholesterol to rabbits.

In experiments with the reproduction of atherosclerosis in birds, choline was not effective and did not prevent or weaken its development. In dogs with experimental atherosclerosis caused by cholesterol feeding in combination with thiouracil exposure thyroid gland, with the help of choline it was also not possible to weaken lipoid lesions of the aorta.

An employee of the Institute of Therapy, Yu. T. Pushkar, observed the effect of choline in experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits. The first, control, group of animals was given only cholesterol (0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight daily for 100 days). The second, experimental group of rabbits, in addition, received choline at 0.4 g per kg of weight. If in the control group aortic lipoidosis was pronounced, then in the experimental group it was much weaker. In the control group, with significant nutritional hypercholesterolemia, the content of phosphatides in the blood increased relatively weakly; in the experimental group, along with high hypercholesterolemia, a significant increase in the concentration of phospholipids was observed. Thus, choline promotes the synthesis of phospholipids in animals, and the latter prevents the loss of cholesterol from the blood and its accumulation in tissues, in particular in the aortic wall.

The presented experimental materials make it natural to use choline and other lipotropic factors in humans for the purpose of preventing and treating atherosclerosis.

The most famous observations in this direction are Morrison and Gonzalez. They systematically prescribed choline to 115 patients suffering from atherosclerosis coronary arteries heart, which also manifested itself as myocardial infarction. Control group (also 115 patients coronary atherosclerosis) was not treated with choline. Treatment was carried out over 3 years. In the group of patients receiving choline, mortality was lower than in the group of patients who did not receive it. Along with this, Greenberg and Bruger, when treating patients with choline for many months (4.5 g per day), did not observe any particular changes in the concentration of phospholipids in the blood, as well as their relationship to cholesterol content.

At the Institute of Therapy, G.I. Koropova prescribed the lipotropic factor choline chloride 5 g per day for one month to patients with atherosclerosis, subsequently repeating this course at larger or smaller intervals. By the end of each course of treatment, the cholesterol content in the blood changed relatively little, more often towards a decrease, especially in patients with an elevated initial level of cholesterolemia. The concentration of phospholipids in the blood in the majority of patients clearly increased, which also somewhat depended on baseline: the lower the content of phospholipids in the blood at the beginning of observation, the more pronounced the increase in their content was. Subsequently, observations were made at more long-term action lipotropic factors. Thus, 30 patients with predominantly coronary atherosclerosis took choline daily for several months - up to a year almost without interruption in the form of a 20% solution of choline chloride, 1 g 5 times a day. Methionine was received by another group of patients, mainly with coronary atherosclerosis (29 people), 3-5 g per day for the same period. Both lipotropic drugs caused similar changes in the composition of lipoids: cholesterolemia, although slightly and irregularly decreased, the content of phospholipids in the blood increased markedly, and the cholesterol/phospholipids ratio changed significantly towards its increase.

Many people have observed a decrease in beta-lipoprotein levels in the blood after taking choline. Most patients indicated an improvement in their health, although this, of course, could depend to some extent on the suggestive moment. Only a few patients complained of some increase in anginal attacks. This applies almost exclusively to the choline group; among patients receiving methionine, pain, as a rule, appeared less frequently than before treatment. Thus, in medical practice As a lipotropic factor, methionine should be preferred to choline. From the symptoms side effect choline, it should be mentioned that some patients have a tendency to allergic rash, as well as the appearance loose stool. Apparently, in patients with a vagotonic installation nervous system choline enhances the vagal effect, and therefore the tendency to coronary vasospasms. Obviously, when prescribing substances such as choline, it is necessary to take into account the state of the autonomic nervous system and avoid prescribing it to “vagotonics”, as well as to persons with a pronounced tendency to angina pectoris.

As medicinal drug, which contains the main lipotropic factors, a composition conventionally called “delipin” has been proposed. It includes ascorbic acid(0.3 g per dose), pyridoxine (0.05 g), methionine (0.3 g per dose). The drug is prescribed 2-3 powders per day. It is recommended to take it for a month; after a break of 2-3 months - a repeat course. This drug designed in such a way as to act on different levels regulation of lipid metabolism, reduction of cholesterolemia through the liver (synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids), reduction of excitability of the nervous system. Side effects not observed when using this composition.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

The biosynthesis of phospholipids has significant features compared to the synthesis of TAG. They consist in additional activation and PL components – phosphatidic acid or choline and ethanolamine.

1 way – “rescue”

Thanks to this pathway, choline and ethanolamine are recycled and not catabolized. Activation of choline (or ethanolamine) occurs through the intermediate formation of phosphorylated derivatives followed by the addition of CMP. In the next reaction, phosphocholine (or phosphoethanolamine) is transferred to DAG. This pathway is especially characteristic of the lungs and intestines, but also occurs in other tissues.

Phospholipid synthesis reactions
using 1,2-DAG using phosphatidylcholine as an example

2 way – main, synthesis de novo

Here choline (or ethanolamine) is not incorporated into finished form, but are already formed in the phospholipid molecule.

Activation phosphatidic acid consists in the addition of CMF to it with the formation of CDP-DAG. Next, the hexahydric alcohol inositol or serine is added to it to form phosphatidylinositol And phosphatidylserine . The synthesized phosphatidylserine undergoes decarboxylation to form phosphatidylethanolamine . The latter is methylated with the participation of S-adenosylmethionine in phosphatidylcholine .

Phospholipid synthesis reactions
using phosphatidic acid

3 way – reverse transformation

Between phosphatidylethanolamine and serine, a reaction can occur to form as a result of the reaction phosphatidylserine and free ethanolamine.

Lipotropic substances

All substances that promote the synthesis of PL and prevent the synthesis of TAG, and can prevent fatty infiltration of the liver, are called lipotropic factors. These include:

1. Structural Components phospholipids: polyunsaturated fatty acids, inositol, serine, choline, ethanolamine.

2. Methionine– in the form of S-adenosylmethionine, it is a donor of methyl groups for the synthesis of choline and phosphatidylcholine.

3. Vitamins:

  • pyridoxine(B 6), promoting the formation of PEA from PS.
  • cyanocobalamin(At 12) and folic acid, involved in exchange reactions