Therapeutic nutrition for joints. Is it really that important? Collection of feature articles on healthy eating

One of the common reasons for the appearance pain syndrome There are degenerative processes in the spine and joints. They are caused by a lack important elements in the body. Preventive measures will help prevent their occurrence.

In this article we will answer the question of what nutrition is for the joints and spine.

The diet should be varied. This is the only way to obtain a complex of substances that promote the formation of new bone tissue and stop the decay of existing bone tissue.

What to give up

The plate shows unwanted products, the use of which should be limited.

Table 1. What excludes nutrition for sore joints:

Product Why is it harmful? What to replace

Contains huge amount table salt and sugar. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. You can drink them at large quantities.

The composition does not contain useful elements.

Sausages and meatloaves contain elements that promote weight gain. Beef, turkey.

Found in margarine saturated fats bind calcium. For this reason, it is poorly absorbed. Vegetable oils.

If sugar is not absorbed by the body in a timely manner, this leads to the excretion of calcium with urea compounds. Dried fruits, fresh fruits.

The elements contained in the composition destroy bones and have a detrimental effect on the condition of the body as a whole. Alcohol is harmful in large quantities. Phosphorus is poorly absorbed, and the construction of new tissue is delayed. The permissible dosage for men is 100 ml of dry white wine, for women - 50 ml.

Large amounts of coffee prevent calcium from penetrating the intestinal walls. It is quickly eliminated from the body. Acceptable dosage is 1-2 cups of coffee per day.

A large amount of phosphorus does not allow calcium to “take root” in the body. As a result, both elements are quickly eliminated from the body. Acceptable dosage is 1 glass of lemonade. But it is better to replace this drink with dried fruit compote or fruit juice.

For gout

Nutrition for joint disease called gout involves following special diet. It is called table number 6. Its goal is to reduce uric acid compounds in the body.

Prohibited Products

  • smoked products;
  • meat broth;
  • offal;
  • veal;
  • sprat

It is important to limit the consumption of mushrooms, sorrel, seafood, cauliflower and legumes.

What to include on the menu

The patient's diet should be rich in:

  • niacin;
  • rib avalanches;
  • ascorbic acid.

The table contains foods that you should include in your diet.

Table 2. Proper nutrition for joint disease:

Product Daily norm

200-300 grams.

150-200 grams.

250-200 grams.

200 grams.

100-200 grams.

1 piece.

Important nuances

The amount of table salt should be reduced to 5-7 grams/24 hours. In this case, it is necessary to take into account its content in products.

In order to correct the water-salt balance, you need to drink as much high-quality liquid as possible. It is best to use alkaline mineral water and bottled water. Daily amount free liquid should be 2000 ml.

Pay attention! In case of an acute attack of gout, a strict diet is prescribed.

After an attack, the patient is assigned to table No. 6e. It consists of liquid food. Fish and meat dishes are excluded. The duration of the diet is 7-14 days.

For arthrosis

Medical nutrition for joint diseases, it involves following table No. 10c. This helps slow down atherosclerotic processes. Metabolism is normalized ().

Basic principles of nutrition

The following instructions are offered to the attention of patients with arthrosis:

  1. Food should be cooked without salt.
  2. Meat and fish can be boiled, stewed and baked. You can't fry.
  3. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten in any form.
  4. The food temperature should be optimal. You can't eat too hot or cold.
  5. The first and second are prepared from turkey or chicken. Pork and lamb should be avoided.
  6. Cooking meat dishes. It is necessary to remove fat.
  7. Turkey and chicken must be skinned first.

What to include in your diet

The sign shows the products that you need to include in your menu.

Product Daily value (g)


1 large plate



1 plate



Pay attention! It is advisable to use nuts in cooking.

For osteoporosis

Nutrition for joint diseases is prescribed simultaneously with drug treatment. The diet helps stop degenerative processes (read more). It is also prescribed for preventive purposes. Main role Vitamin D and calcium play a role in nutrition for this disease.

The table lists foods whose consumption requires special emphasis.

Table 4. What to eat for osteoporosis:

When pain occurs

Diet for joint pain involves limiting the consumption of animal fats. Sausages and smoked meats should be completely excluded from the menu. Eggs are allowed. The optimal quantity is 3 pieces/7 days.

If you have joint pain, you should avoid:

  • citrus fruits;
  • sandwiches;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • fast food.

In your menu you need to include products that help remove “harmful” cholesterol from the body. This diet reduces the risk of salt deposits. List healthy products presented on the plate.

Table 5. Nutrition for joint pain:

Pay attention! Vegetables and fruits should be consumed raw.

How to strengthen your joints

Stop the increase in concentration hyaluronic acid in connective and cartilage tissues, products containing mucopolysaccharides can help.

Nutrition to strengthen joints includes:

  • seaweed;
  • rapana;
  • squid;
  • fish cartilage, bones, ligaments;
  • cartilage of animals and birds.

Jellied meats, jellies, and aspic are prepared from these products. Therefore, you should not throw away “extra” when processing fish and meat.

Pay attention! Great benefit brings fish soup to the body.

It is best to use salmon for this dish. For dessert, it is recommended to prepare fruit and berry mousses and jelly.

The diet of a person at risk must include juices. Their use will help reduce the risk of developing dangerous joint diseases to a minimum. The list of recommended juices is presented in the table.

Table 6. Best juices:

Juice Indication

Arthritis, arthrosis.


It has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps improve joint elasticity.

Radiculitis, lumbago.

Contributes rapid dissolution and removal of salts.

Stops salt deposits.

Arthro-active is a complex drug

It's complex medicine, promoting the restoration of joint tissue. Recommended for use for osteochondrosis and various injuries.

  1. Bone Boost.
  2. Animal Flex.
  3. Joint Repair.
  4. Joint Support.
  5. Glucosamine+ CSA Super Strength.

These supplements are taken for preventive purposes. The price of such dietary supplements varies from 800 to 3000 rubles.


Some foods can damage the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the diet can only be prescribed by a doctor, after passing comprehensive examination. The video in this article will tell you more about what nutrition is for ligaments and joints.

Typically, joint diseases are ailments of older people. Very often it helps to avoid exacerbation proper nutrition for joint diseases.

The joints most commonly affected are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gouty arthritis. Since these diseases differ from each other in their characteristics, the course of the disease, and the basic principles of treatment for each of them, nutrition for joint diseases will differ depending on the specific disease.

General features of diets for various joint diseases

Although all of the above diseases occur due to various reasons, there are many similarities in nutrition therapy. Diet for joints is important
First courses. Nutritionists advise preparing vegetarian soups; meat or fish first courses are advisable on the table no more than 1-2 times a week. This restriction on meat is due to the fact that in case of joint diseases, it is undesirable to enter the body with a large amount of protein, the main “supplier” of which is meat. It is not recommended to use certain types and varieties of meat when preparing any dishes. Soups can be prepared with milk, cold (based on kvass, fermented milk products, fruit), with the addition of various cereals. Despite a number of restrictions, first courses will still be varied.
To prepare the first and second courses, take low-fat varieties meat or fish are eaten exclusively boiled or baked. However, you should not prepare dishes from the internal organs of animals, chicken or calves.
Fish can be eaten both river and sea, but not salted or smoked. Chicken eggs It is not recommended to serve hard-boiled. You can make an omelet, but not scrambled eggs.
Vegetable salads or vinaigrettes should be seasoned only with vegetable oil, and olive oil is more beneficial. It is better not to use as side dishes pasta, and any vegetables. You need to remember: it is better not to cook legumes, sorrel or spinach for arthritis, and in some cases, exclude them from the diet.
Fruits and berries can be consumed in any form, with the exception of grapes.
If possible, exclude animal fats (except butter) from the diet, and focus on vegetable fats.
It is advisable to use sugar only in tea; it is better to use honey or any kind of jam.
You can drink green tea, coffee drinks with barley or chicory, compotes, fruit drinks, vegetable and fruit juices (not grape juice). Alcohol products for any joint diseases are strictly prohibited.
In addition, the diet for joint diseases is based on limiting salt when preparing dishes, and to improve the taste it is necessary to add seasonings such as bay leaf, dill and parsley.
Also, to remove toxins, you need to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day, only if there are no heart problems. In addition, it is necessary to take medicinal vitamin complexes containing potassium, since this element is often washed out of the body along with harmful substances.

Features of the diet for rheumatoid arthritis

At rheumatoid arthritis The joints of the fingers or toes, as well as any other small joints, are affected. An inflammatory process begins in them, which takes a long time to heal; in addition, the patient is very worried about pain in the affected joints, which intensifies during acute attacks.
A major role in the treatment of this disease is played by proper nutrition, aimed at eating foods that do not provoke exacerbations of arthritis.
To complete cure The following should not be used: internal organs any animals, meat broths of any strength, any smoked products, beans, peas and other types of legumes, sorrel and spinach, all varieties and types of sausages, some types of fish meat, fish roe, fried food. Alcoholic beverages, strong brewed tea or natural coffee are prohibited.
For rheumatoid arthritis, any juices prepared immediately before meals, vegetables in fresh, any fermented milk products (only with a low percentage of fat content), you can prepare salmon or trout dishes. It is recommended to eat rice porridge more often; the best drink to drink is any mineral water.

Diet for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis most often manifests itself in people who are prone to obesity and primarily affects lower limbs, this is a disease knee joints. This disease can occur after some kind of damage to the joints or injuries varying degrees gravity. In order to restore damaged bone tissue, necessary large number vitamin E.

The main place on the patient’s table is occupied by foods rich in vitamins C and E.

These include corn, any nuts, sunflower oil, which is actively used in vegetable salads as a dressing, oranges, tangerines, lemons, pineapples, strawberries, blueberries.
Often, patients with osteoarthritis have an allergic reaction to fish or meat dishes, so it is necessary to find other products that do not causing allergies. You can eat avocados, oatmeal, any soy products, green vegetables, carrots and Brussels sprouts.
Reduce inflammatory processes in cartilage tissues allow microelements such as zinc and copper. Therefore, it is worth including yolks in your diet, beef liver, pumpkin seeds, crab meat, mushrooms and oysters. With caution (to avoid allergic reactions body) you should eat pork or lamb.
You will have to give up dairy products, all kinds of canned foods, and various pickles, since all of the above negatively affects the course of the disease.
Any sweet pastries, foods rich in carbohydrates should not be consumed because they contribute to weight gain.

Proper nutrition for gouty arthritis

Development gouty arthritis provoked by a large amount uric acid, accumulating in various tissues human body. A properly selected diet, excluding any foods that contribute to the production of such acid in the body, is the main component in the treatment process.
Products containing protein are almost completely excluded from the diet, since it is the “culprit” of the process of formation of uric acid in the body.
Dieticians have developed special types of nutrition for gout of the joints; it is based on various low-fat dairy products, a variety of cereals (excluding legumes), a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Our health is directly related to the foods we eat. This also applies to the condition of the joints. In this article we will talk about what foods you need to eat to reduce joint pain.

Why do joints hurt and work poorly?

The main cause of joint pain is a violation metabolic processes in the body. Joints are formed from the same material as other cells in the body. These materials, in turn, are formed from nutrients. Unfortunately, our food today leaves much to be desired. Mostly these are either semi-finished products or improperly prepared food. As a result of exposure acidic environment created by refined high-calorie foods, our joints lose elasticity, become weak and vulnerable.

Nutrition in general plays a huge role in the health of the body as a whole. We can say that we literally consist of what we eat. If we eat low-quality food, then our cells are formed from all kinds of substitutes, which are found in abundance in stale cheeses, sausages, semi-finished products, canned food and other products intended for long-term storage. Such products contain neither microelements nor vitamins, except perhaps of synthetic origin. But there is an excess of chemical additives.

Even when buying natural products(vegetables, fish, meat, cottage cheese, milk, eggs), we, as a rule, subject them to heat treatment, excessively flavor them with mayonnaise and ketchup, salt, vinegar, sugar, as a result of which they lose most of their beneficial qualities.

How are joints arranged?

The joint cavity contains synovial fluid, which is unique in its properties and biological composition. In composition it is close to blood plasma, only it contains less proteins and mandatory hyaluronic acid is present - a component that makes this liquid viscous, resulting in constant lubrication of the joints.

Under the influence of multiple negative factors, and, first of all, absolutely poor nutrition, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in cells slows down and sometimes stops altogether. In this case, the synovial fluid cannot perform its main function, as a result of which the tissues of the joints begin to quickly deteriorate. After all, no matter what, we actively use our joints every day and hourly.

The joints are covered with synovial membranes containing synovial fluid. Therefore, as soon as the composition of the fluid deteriorates, the membranes cease to protect the joints from friction. IN similar situation joints are unable to function properly even in young people, which leads to arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The problem is that these diseases then have to be treated for many years, and the treatment does not always have a positive result.

Useful and harmful foods for joints

What foods should be present in our diet so that our joints serve us well even in old age?

First, let's talk about which foods would be best to exclude from the diet or reduce their consumption as much as possible. First of all, that's all fried foods, fatty sweets, soda, smoked sausages. It would be advisable to replace fried food with stewed, boiled or baked food. Instead of cakes, you need to get used to fruit jellies and marmalades. And instead of soda - to jelly and compotes, natural juices and fruit drinks.

If you want to maintain mobility even in old age, you should avoid products containing phosphates. If this is not done, then if you consume them regularly, you risk becoming a regular patient of orthopedists, rheumatologists and neurologists, and all your earnings will be spent on medications.

There are a lot of phosphates in following products:

  • Artificially mineralized soft drinks;
  • Condensed milk in cans;
  • Condensed milk;
  • Leavening agents for dough;
  • Bread made from premium flour;
  • Crab sticks;
  • Almost all types of sausages and sausage products;
  • Liquor products;
  • Cheese products and processed cheeses;
  • Almost all types of ice cream (with the exception of milk and cream).

To reduce the amount of phosphates in the body, cherries, apricots, figs, egg yolks, and green vegetables will be useful. It is useful to eat foods rich in magnesium - it reduces the absorption of phosphorus. These products include: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, buckwheat honey, cocoa, buckwheat and oatmeal, bran.

At the same time, it is necessary to consume calcium and natural phosphorus in food, as they are necessary for bones. These elements are contained in the following products: low-fat hard cheese, fermented milk products, low-fat milk.

To ensure that the amount of hyaluronic acid in the interarticular fluid does not decrease, it is necessary to eat foods rich in mucopolysaccharides. These products include seaweed, shrimp, mussels and other seafood, as well as bones and cartilage of birds and fish, that is, those products from which aspic, jellied meats and broths are usually prepared.

Unfortunately, in most cases, housewives are accustomed to removing these products from food. They often throw away fish heads and chicken feet, preferring to keep only the meat. And in general, they are accustomed to replacing natural meat with minced meat and convenient semi-finished products. But from a fish head, for example, you can cook fish soup that is not only tasty, but also healthy for your joints.

Fruit jelly and jellies are perfect as desserts, but only natural ones.

Vitamins for blood vessels

For blood vessels, it is necessary to consume all vitamins, but some of them will be especially useful. Firstly, it is vitamin D. It prevents calcium from being washed out of the bones. Butter contains vitamins egg yolk, fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese, fish liver.

To restore joints, vitamins A, B, C, E, K are needed, which are found in large quantities in raw vegetables. Vitamin F, a complex of polyunsaturated compounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints. fatty acids contained in plant or olive oil, fatty sea fish (for example, regular herring).

It is very important to preserve ascorbic acid in products. To do this, products must be cooked as little as possible, and salads must be cut immediately before consumption.

Preservation also does not contribute to the preservation of ascorbic acid. The best solution would be to freeze natural fruits and cook compotes from them in winter.

Nutrition for problems in the joints, which are expressed in pain, always involves influencing the causes.

That is, the entire diet is based on the principle of counteracting and inhibiting the development of diseases that cause pain and discomfort in the joints of the limbs, body, and spine.

The very first point in developing any diet is always salt restriction. This applies to both exacerbation of pain in the spine and in remission.

Excess salt has an extremely negative effect on the condition of articular cartilage and leads to a loss of elasticity.

Along with the disturbance of lipid metabolism, which is caused by an excessive amount of salt deposits, there is also a deposition of salt and fat in the joints of the spine and limbs.

Often joint problems are complicated by atherosclerosis, and this should also be taken into account when creating a menu.

Plus, the diet should be aimed at reducing the patient’s weight, and this, in turn, will help reduce the load on the joints.

Menu design principles

The basis of the diet pain in the joints of the spine and not only, there are principles as restrictions in certain products, as well as replacing them with approved products.

Proper nutrition in in this case is a priority. Let's start with the fact that nutrition and diet for joint pain should be excluded from the diet:

  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats.
  • Exclude smoked and pickled foods, sausages and semi-finished products.
  • The consumption of baked goods, baked goods, and confectionery products is excluded or minimized.
  • Meat will also have to be limited; you can eat it no more than 3 times a week; the rest of the days fish is recommended.
  • Dairy products with high fat content are excluded, this also applies to fatty cheeses.
  • There should also be a limit for oxalic acid; it is found in sorrel, spinach, and rhubarb.
  • Spicy and irritating foods are excluded, the same applies to seasonings.

In addition, it is important to monitor the caloric content of food, especially if you have problems with excess weight.

If the diet promotes weight loss, this will have a positive effect on the condition of the spine and leg joints.

  • The first place will be vegetarian soup.
  • Eggs with runny yolk (recommended no more than 3 per week).
  • Flaxseed oil, it contains Omega-3, is extremely useful acid for joints.
  • Vegetables in their raw form are all rich in dietary fiber, which counteracts the deposition of salts in the joints.
  • Whole grain porridge, buckwheat, millet, rolled oats, white rice.
  • Cottage cheese, best low-fat. Cottage cheese is necessary to replenish calcium in the body.
  • Salads can be dressed with yogurt or kefir instead of mayonnaise or full-fat sour cream.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also good for salads.

You will definitely need to drink a lot of water. Along with this, you can include in your diet herbal teas or green tea. Total fluid should be up to 2 liters daily, provided normal operation kidney

Supplements and trace elements in the diet

To complete the picture, it is worth adding dietary supplements, vitamins and microelements to your diet. All of them are vital for the joints and spine.

Chondroprotectors will definitely be needed; these are dietary supplements made from the structural elements of cartilage. All these additives can be taken with food, and thus the nutrition will be complete and rich.

The use of chondroprotectors can:

  • Seriously improve joint mobility.
  • Reduce swelling.
  • Reduce pain.
  • Gradually restore the cartilage structure.

The diet should include a trace element such as manganese. Without manganese, restoration of joint structure and cartilage, including in the spine, is slow. In addition, elderly patients always have a manganese deficiency.

It is especially good to take manganese in combination with chondroprotectors and ascorbic acid.

Among the vitamins, we especially note:

  • Vitamin PP
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Methionine.
  • Omega-3.

List of particularly important products

In first place in terms of usefulness for joint pain is broccoli. This positive attitude towards broccoli is mainly due to its high methionine content.

Garlic contains a lot of selenium, so it is always recommended for joints and spine.

In addition, the list of products for sore joints will include:

  • Corn, another source of selenium.
  • Linseed oil.
  • Cottage cheese has a high content of methionine and calcium.
  • Soy. Soy contains a lot vegetable protein, and there are also many important amino acids.
  • Asparagus. The product is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium salts, vitamin B1. Asparagus is indispensable for removing urea salts, which prevents the development of gout; by the way, it is also based on interesting nutritional principles.
  • Apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is high in calcium and helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • Zucchini. They have an excellent ratio of potassium and magnesium. Their zucchini dishes act as diuretics, and the exchange bile acids has an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the joints and spine.
  • Apples. Here it is worth talking not only about the exchange of bile acids, which apples have a positive effect on, but also about the fact that they reduce cholesterol and contain a lot of vitamin C and pectin. Eating apples saturates the body with iron and magnesium.

Separately, we brought out rosehip, since it is present as an element in drinks and decoctions. Rosehip is a kind of pantry useful substances, which are so necessary for joints and needed for the spine.

Rose hips contain a lot of vitamins A, as well as P, B1, B2, F and carotene. Various rosehip-based drinks that remove toxins and salts are excellent for cleansing the body.

Juices for joints and spine

A diet for joint diseases should always include juices in your diet. Below is a list of juices that are great for the prevention and treatment of joint problems and for the spine:

  • For arthritis and arthrosis, juices from lingonberries and viburnum are ideal.
  • Birch sap is great for polyarthritis.
  • Black elderberry juice. One of the diseases for which this juice is extremely useful is arthritis.
  • Grapefruit juice, thanks high content vitamin C, the juice has an anti-inflammatory effect. Improves joint elasticity.
  • Lemon juice. 50 grams and a tablespoon of honey is an excellent prevention and remedy for radiculitis and lumbago.
  • Watermelon juice helps quickly dissolve and remove salts.
  • Cucumber juice counteracts the formation and deposition of salts.

Naturally, there are restrictions, because most juices cannot be drunk if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutrition for sore joints and spine is not a panacea, however, in combination with the main treatment, the right diet will have a beneficial effect and will help. In addition, nutrition can be considered as preventive measures, because it is always easier to prevent a problem than to treat it.

One of the components integrated approach to the treatment of joint diseases is dietary food. However, it should be understood that a diet for joint pain does not directly perform an analgesic function. It helps improve the condition of patients by normalizing metabolism, restoring cartilage tissue, reducing the load on joint elements by reducing total body weight.

Causes of the disease

Pain in the joints of the arms, legs, and vertebrae should not be considered as independent disease. This is a symptom, the causes of which can be different:

  • injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures);
  • excessive physical activity;
  • excess weight;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes;
  • physical inactivity;
  • malnutrition;
  • anatomical deviations;
  • degenerative changes in cartilage;
  • inflammatory process, infectious lesion;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • neoplasms.

When visiting a doctor, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis or gout are often diagnosed.

Nutritional Features

Diet alone cannot heal joints. However correct selection products will provide the body with the components necessary to improve the nutrition of cartilage and its restoration.

  1. Correct balanced menu must completely cover the body's energy costs.
  2. Preference should be given to easily digestible products that do not burden the digestive tract.
  3. For the same reason, fractional nutrition is encouraged. Food should be taken in limited portions at least 5 times a day.
  4. The amount of salt you eat should be kept to a minimum. The best option will be a salt-free diet.
  5. It is necessary to monitor your drinking regime. The body's water reserves should be replenished on time and in full.
  6. For maximum preservation in dishes useful compounds the original products are subject to minimal processing. They are best baked or steamed; boiling and stewing are acceptable. You will have to give up fried foods.
  7. Some types of diets cause the body to lose potassium. Therefore, you need to increase its influx with food or take potassium-containing drugs.

The diet should include the entire complex of substances necessary for the body. The emphasis should be on those products that contain the most beneficial components for cartilage, bones and ligaments. One of these is the group of mucopolysaccharides. These are polymer compounds that are integral part synovial fluid, present in ligaments and bone tissue.

  • kelp;
  • marine crustaceans and molluscs;
  • strong meat broths, jelly, aspic;
  • cartilage and ligaments of animals;
  • agar-agar and gelatin.

These products are indispensable in the presence of dystrophic and degenerative changes in cartilaginous structures, which is typical for osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis of any part of the spine.

Do not use for preparing meat broths and jellied dishes. fatty fish and meat, and for gout, any broths are contraindicated. People suffering from this disease should not eat seafood.

Sick joints need vitamins. Please note the following:

  1. Calciferol (D), which promotes the absorption of calcium, is found in dairy products (cheese, butter, cottage cheese, kefir), fish liver, and egg yolks.
  2. High content ascorbic acid, responsible for nourishing joints, is noted in citrus fruits, currants and rose hips.
  3. Vegetable oils help achieve an anti-inflammatory effect due to the action of vitamin F present in their composition. Fatty varieties of marine fish are also rich in this nutrient.
  4. Vitamin compounds A, K, E, group B, necessary for the restoration of joints, in sufficient quantities found in fresh fruits and vegetables. It also contains the necessary minerals, including potassium salts.

Dairy products should be low-fat, and consumption vegetable oil need to be dosed. For gout among dietary dishes no liver should be present. Eggs, some fruits and vegetables are prohibited.

For joint diseases, it is recommended to consume soups. It is better if they are vegetable, cereal, or dairy. Meat dishes should be light. They are prepared from chicken, rabbit, and turkey. Fish should not be salted, fatty, or smoked. Among cereals, preference should be given to whole grains that are not polished and have not undergone preliminary heat treatment.

If you have extra pounds, it is important to return your weight to normal. Heaviness own body has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the joints. Knees and ankles are especially affected. You need to ensure that the total calorie content of foods eaten per day does not exceed 1900 kcal.

Due attention should be given drinking regime. Daily norm Fluid consumption is easy to calculate. To do this, you need to multiply your actual body weight by 20 ml. You just need to remember that drinking heavily is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

  • weak tea;
  • curdled milk;
  • juices;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • chicory and barley coffee;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • mineral and purified water.

What should you exclude from your diet?

When creating a menu, you should first of all avoid foods whose consumption negatively affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

The most harmful ones are:

  • fatty meat, lard, high-calorie fish, rich broths;
  • sausage products;
  • offal;
  • spreads, cooking fats;
  • baking with yeast, confectionery;
  • legume family;
  • grapes, spinach, sorrel, radish, radish;
  • sugar, sweets, condensed milk, soda;
  • strong brew, coffee, alcoholic drinks;
  • marinades, smoked meats, hot sauces;
  • salty foods (nuts, chips, crackers, etc.) and pickles, including homemade preparations;
  • flavorings, raising agents, preservatives.

For diseases of the articular system, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of nightshade vegetables - potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers. This recommendation is due to the presence of solanine in these products, which is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the joints and can even cause pain. It is important to add as little salt to food as possible.

People suffering from gout need to minimize their intake of purines, as they provoke the disease. High-purine foods include sour cream and butter, fatty sea fish and their caviar, offal and eggs. This food is also rich in vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). This compound is beneficial for patients with osteoarthritis, so they need the listed products.

For rheumatoid arthritis, mackerel, salmon, cod, sardines, herring and other fatty fish products are part of the diet. It is rich in omega-3 acids, the regular use of which allows patients to obtain tangible relief within a few months of such diet therapy. Cod liver and fish oil are equally beneficial for them.


To compile proper diet you need to know the diagnosis. Therefore, if you experience pain in the joints or cartilage, you should consult a doctor.

The specialist will not only make a diagnosis, but also prescribe treatment, and also give recommendations regarding the daily menu.

The basics of diet apply not only to illness. Using this approach to prevent the development of joint diseases also gives excellent results.