The most effective way to lose weight: a comprehensive approach to weight loss. Weight loss program

In just a week you can lose up to 3 kilograms, and in a month - 10. And this is a very real figure. There is nothing wrong with trying to lose weight and create the figure of your dreams. However, you should act within reason. Many representatives of the fairer sex resort to And this is a violation of all nutritional rules. In addition, such activities can greatly harm your health. A nutrition and exercise program for weight loss will allow you to remove extra pounds and improve your health.

Basic Rule

Over the years, nutritionists have created all kinds of diets to help those suffering from obesity. At the same time, unknown properties of products that we consume almost daily are revealed. They allow you to burn necessary for the body calories. However, there is a basic principle of healthy eating and dieting. If desired, you can achieve almost any intended mark on the scale. But this must be done only by increasing daily physical activity and getting rid of bad habits. Only in this case will a monthly weight loss nutrition program help you.

Step one: getting rid of bad habits

A similar nutrition program for weight loss is suitable for women and men. However, many people fail to get rid of unnecessary pounds within a month. This happens as a result of the fact that a person is simply unable to get rid of certain habits. These include:

Basic diet

The weight loss nutrition program is built on certain rules. And the most important thing is a balanced diet, consisting only of those products that will be useful to a person struggling with overweight. This list includes:

  1. Cooked or fresh vegetables. Exception in in this case is a potato.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices and fruits. However, you should avoid grapes and bananas.
  3. Boiled chicken eggs.
  4. Cheese, cottage cheese and kefir. Preferably not very fatty.
  5. All kinds of cereals.
  6. Whole wheat bread.

What to give up

For a weight loss nutrition program to work, you must give up a certain number of foods. This list includes:

We move more

What else is needed for a weight loss nutrition program to start working? You should seek help from a good instructor. He will be able to create a set of exercises that will increase the load on problem areas. This will be a good addition to a balanced diet.

Of course, not everyone can quickly sign up for a fitness club and spend several hours a week. But you can refuse the elevator. In addition, you can walk several stops to work. In addition, it is worth doing exercises in the morning and jumping rope in the evening. Such activities will allow you to get rid of 600 kilocalories daily.

Sample menu

So that the weight loss nutrition program gives positive result, it is necessary to compile approximate diet and stick to it throughout the month. Here is a sample menu.



  1. Breakfast: 150 grams of cottage cheese and 100 ml of kefir.
  2. Second breakfast: ½ grapefruit or apple.
  3. Dinner: vegetable soup, 150 grams of pea puree without oil.
  4. Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinner: green salad, vegetables, 200 grams of baked fish.


  1. Breakfast: 3 tbsp. l. a mixture of cereal flakes, 200 ml of milk and an apple.
  2. Second breakfast: ginger tea, 2 loaves of bread, 20 grams of cheese.
  3. Lunch: pea soup, two eggs.
  4. Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinner: 150 grams of cottage cheese, ½ glass of kefir and ½ grapefruit.



  1. Breakfast: muesli with almond crumbs, flax seeds and sesame seeds, apple, glass of kefir.
  2. Second breakfast: ginger and lemon tea, 25 grams of cheese or feta cheese.
  3. Lunch: vegetable and lentil soup.
  4. Afternoon snack: dried fruits, such as prunes, dried apricots or raisins. All 30 grams.
  5. Dinner: 200 grams of fish, baked in the oven, vegetable salad with celery root and kefir.

Saturday and Sunday

  1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner: buckwheat porridge without oil and salt - up to 250 grams, a glass of kefir.
  2. Afternoon snack and second breakfast: two plums or one apple.

On Sunday you can repeat the monoday diet. Of course, if it was painless for you. If not, you can take the menu any day. Likewise you can eat throughout the month.

Nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent a necessary step in any weight loss program. It actively absorbs only harmful wastes and toxins, which enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of fatty deposits. It is these toxins that provoke the nausea characteristic of dieting, bad taste in the mouth, bowel movements, dullness of the skin, the appearance of pimples and spots on it. This sorbent fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of fullness, and absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Let's take it for long courses, unlike other sorbents.


In fact, a weight loss nutrition program for women and men is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle. However, those who want to lose weight quickly should not forget that any sharp restrictions in the diet and increased physical activity may have a negative impact on health. Everything should be done gradually. Any diet is primarily contraindicated for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such people need to carefully make changes to their diet.

A sharp increase in physical activity is dangerous for those with medical conditions cardiovascular system, as well as the musculoskeletal system. As for emergency weight loss, it is contraindicated for adolescents, lactating and pregnant women.

Stage 3.

I am creating a diet for weight loss (I plan a menu for the week, taking into account the number of calories of each dish)

Stage 4.

So let's begin.

Stage 1.

I am 39 years old, height 169 cm, body type - normosthenic. Thus, 169 - 110 = 59 kg. This is mine ideal weight. At the time of drawing up the weight loss program, my weight was 71 kg. This means I need to lose 12 kg.
To effectively lose weight, as you know, you need to lose weight slowly, eat, be sure to do physical exercise. You need to lose 0.5 - 0.8 kg per week. This is 2-3.2 kg per month.
I set a goal: to lose 3 kg per month, 12 kg need to be lost in 4 months. I think it's real.

Stage 2.

I calculate calories (see:):
1) [(0.034 x 72) + 3.538] x 239 = 1431
2) activity coefficient 1.5
1431 x 1.5 = 2146
3) 2146 - 500 = 1646 calories per day.
4) amount of fat per day:
(1646 x 0.35): 9 = 64 grams
amount of carbohydrates per day:
(1646 x 0.50) : 3.75 = 220 grams

Stage 3.

I compose mine according to the calculated calories:

weight (g) calories fats (g) proteins (g) coal (G)
On an empty stomach:
1 glass of clean water 200 0 0 0 0
200 229 5,1 10,1 40,9
Orange juice 150 54 0,3 1,4 12,2
Second breakfast (lunch):
Low-fat cottage cheese 100 106 0,6 22 3,3
Orange 125 44,8 0,2 1,1 10,1
Mixed vegetable salad 160 76 5,2 1,7 6,1
Boiled rice 100 282 2 7,4 63
Boiled chicken breast 150 170 2,9 35,4 0,6
Apple 165 69 0,6 0,6 16,2
Rye bread 50 83 0,6 3,3 17,1
Green tea (optional) 150 5 0 0 0
Afternoon snack:
Banana 75 67 0,4 1,1 15,8
243 274 19,4 9 5,7
Rye bread 50 83 0,6 3,3 17,1
"For the soul":
Milk chocolate 10 55 3,6 0,7 5,3
Before bed:
Low-fat kefir 200 55 2 6 8
Total for the day: 1652,8 43,5 103,1 221,4

Well, it’s almost the same in calories and carbohydrates, there’s a little less fat, but that’s not scary, the main thing is not more. The amount of protein suits me so far. When I start training, I will increase the amount of protein.

This menu is compiled for one day of the week, for example, Monday. By analogy, I create a menu for the remaining days. It is important that the diet be varied, and that during the week different dishes from different products.

Stage 4.

This stage of my effective program losing weight effective 2 weeks after the “official launch” of my program. I start at home to prepare for the stress of the sports club. However, it is not necessary to sign up for a sports club, especially if finances do not allow it. You can conduct full training in home environment. The main thing is systematicity and diligence.

For the first 1-2 weeks, it is enough to exercise for 30 minutes, then the training time should be increased by 10-15 minutes per week, gradually increasing total time classes up to 1 hour.

If you want me to develop it for you individual program weight loss, write to me in the form . We'll discuss everything.

Among the modern abundance of diets, it is easy to get confused.

Low carb, low fat, high protein, with high content fiber, Chinese tea diets, 2-day fasting, cleansing diets... It’s not easy for a beginner to figure it out. Although, in my opinion, the diet should be simple and understandable. If this is the case, then all you have to do is just stick to the nutrition plan. And very soon you will be able to see real results!

We have created a nutrition program for you so that it is easy to follow. It is for those who want:

  • Get rid of fat quickly (in other words, lose weight)
  • Preserve muscle mass

Losing weight comes down to a fairly simple scheme - you must consume fewer calories than you burn. That's it. The best way The way to do this is to stick to your diet and exercise. So let's get straight to the meal plan.

It can be summed up in a few words: eat small, well-balanced meals throughout the day. More specifically, you should eat 3 times a day and have 2 snacks. Add another snack if needed. The time between meals should be 3 hours.

Nutrition program for weight loss

Consume the following foods:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Green, red and yellow peppers
  • cucumbers
  • Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Cauliflower
  • Green beans
  • Cabbage
  • Celery
  • All green leafy vegetables except iceberg lettuce

Eat 2-4 servings daily following products:

  • Carrot
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Oranges
  • More of the fruits you love

With each meal, eat 100-170 grams of one of the following foods. They can be grilled, stewed or baked. No breading or frying!

  • Turkey breasts
  • Chicken breasts
  • Steak
  • Pork (lean)
  • Eggs (2 or 3 pcs.)

Eat one serving of the following foods with each snack. While on this diet, I do not recommend consuming dairy products, but if you feel an urgent need for them, then eat them during snacks:

  • Almond
  • Walnuts
  • Cashew
  • Natural peanut butter(no sugar and salt)
  • Yogurt
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Skim milk

Eat the following foods only after training and only in small quantities:

  • Oatmeal
  • Brown rice
  • Legumes
  • Potato
  • Whole grain bread and pasta
  • Other Whole Grain Products

Consume the following foods in extremely limited quantities or eliminate them altogether:

  • Sauces for dressing salads
  • Oil

Foods and drinks to completely avoid

  • Soda (tons of sugar and empty calories)
  • Alcohol (empty calories and also harmful products accompanying its use)
  • Sugar
  • Fast food
  • Salad dressings (mayonnaise, etc.)

Sample meal plan for weight loss - menu

Here's an example of what your day should look like from a nutritional perspective:

  • 6:00 Workout
  • 7:30 2 egg omelet (fried without oil in a non-stick pan) with green peppers and onions, 1 toast, small cup of berries with melon and pineapple, 1 cup of black coffee.
  • 10:30 10 almonds, 1 apple
  • 13:00 large plate of spinach salad with cucumber and celery, chicken breast with sauce
  • 16:00 a handful of walnuts, 1 orange
  • 18:30 Grilled steak, large portion of steamed asparagus, small portion of lettuce and tomato salad with a small amount vinaigrette dressing.
  • 21:00 4 bunches of celery with a little natural peanut butter

A few final tips:

  • Drink a large glass of water with every meal
  • Prepare and package meals for the week ahead. I usually do this on Sunday. It makes your diet much easier if you eat the same foods every day.
  • Keep a food diary and track your weight. You should lose about 1 kg per week. If you lose less, then you need to make your diet more strict. If you lose more, you may need to add 1 more snack.
  • Eliminate ready-to-eat packaged foods.

If you have any comments or questions, write them in the comments!

Based on materials:

Weight loss programs

2 months

free escort

Program "Standard"

  • 2 consultations with a nutritionist
  • 2 consultations with a doctor psychologist
  • 2 IST (bioimpedance analysis) + consultation with the attending physician



Price for 2 consultations- 6,800 rub.
Price for 4 consultations- 12,900 rub.
Price for 6 consultations- 18,100 rub.

  • Figure Modeling
  • Detoxification
  • 1 session includes:

    Price 6 sessions- 17,400 rub.
    Price 8 sessions- 22,800 rub.
    Price 10 sessions- 28,000 rub.


    Price for 4 lessons- 6000 rub.
    Price for 6 lessons- 8,500 rub.
    Price for 8 lessons- 11,000 rub.

    2 months

    free escort

    The program "That's it - I'm losing weight!"

    1 month, weight loss up to 10 kg.

    • 3 consultations with a nutritionist
    • 3 body composition measurements
    • Hair analysis 25 trace elements

    Attention: + 2 months of free support upon completion of the program.


    Result for 1 month: forming the right habits and minus 10-15kg!

    Complete your program:

    Minimum necessary diagnostics body for safe weight loss.


    • Consultation with a therapist;
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys;
    • general clinical analysis blood;
    • biochemical blood test: total cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, triglycerides, ALT, HDL, LDL, AST;
    • blood test for thyroid hormones: TSH, AT-TPO, free T4, C-peptide, insulin;
    • general clinical urine test.
  • Psychological correction of disorders eating behavior and eating disorders in adolescents and adults ( overweight, antimental obesity, psychogenic transmission, night eating syndrome, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). Solving issues of motivation, correction of eating behavior.
  • Psychological assistance to people experiencing psychological crises: age-related, family, personal, situational, spiritual, etc.;
  • Psychological correction of the consequences of stress (divorce, moving, loss of job, loss of loved one, emergency), harmonization emotional state; Working with problems in parent-child relationships (adolescence).
  • Includes:

    • Consultations with a doctor of psychology (1 hour)

    Price for 2 consultations- 6,800 rub.
    Price for 4 consultations- 12,900 rub.
    Price for 6 consultations- 18,100 rub.

    Our specialists use modern, proprietary approaches in combination with manual therapy.

  • Weight loss and volume reduction by 3 cm in 1 session
  • Figure Modeling
  • Detoxification
  • Improving blood circulation in stagnant areas
  • Increased skin firmness and elasticity
  • Acceleration of intracellular metabolism
  • 1 session includes:

    • Live seaweed wrap (30 min) - 700 RUR;
    • anti-cellulite - modeling massage (30-40 min) - 2,900 rubles;
    • use of a fat inhibitor - 900 rubles;
    • (The use of a fat inhibitor gives a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and blocks new fat deposits)

    Price 6 sessions- 17,400 rub.
    Price 8 sessions- 22,800 rub.
    Price 10 sessions- 28,000 rub.

    Training and individual lessons with a physical therapy instructor. Solving problems of insufficient movement (hypodynamia), strengthening muscles and correcting the figure.


    • Individual lessons with a physical therapy trainer (1 hour)

    Price for 4 lessons- 6000 rub.
    Price for 6 lessons- 8,500 rub.
    Price for 8 lessons- 11,000 rub.

    3 months

    Weight Loss Program “Stress-Free Diet”

    3 month, weight loss up to 20 kg.

    • 3 consultations with a nutritionist
    • Compilation balanced diet nutrition for weight loss
    • 5 consultations with a doctor of psychology with testing using the Dutch DEBQ system
    • 2 IST (bioimpedance body analysis) upon completion of the program within 2 months

    The minimum necessary diagnostics of the body for safe weight loss.


    • Consultation with a therapist;
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys;
    • general clinical blood test;
    • biochemical blood test: total cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, triglycerides, ALT, HDL, LDL, AST;
    • blood test for thyroid hormones: TSH, AT-TPO, free T4, C-peptide, insulin;
    • general clinical urine test.
  • Psychological correction of eating disorders and eating disorders in adolescents and adults (overweight, antimental obesity, psychogenic transmission, night eating syndrome, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). Solving issues of motivation, correction of eating behavior.
  • Psychological assistance to people experiencing psychological crises: age-related, family, personal, situational, spiritual, etc.;
  • Psychological correction of the consequences of stress (divorce, moving, job loss, loss of a loved one, emergency), harmonization of the emotional state; Working with problems in parent-child relationships (adolescence).
  • Includes:

    • Consultations with a doctor of psychology (1 hour)

    Price for 2 consultations- 6,800 rub.
    Price for 4 consultations- 12,900 rub.
    Price for 6 consultations- 18,100 rub.

    Our specialists use modern, proprietary approaches in combination with manual therapy.

  • Weight loss and volume reduction by 3 cm in 1 session
  • Figure Modeling
  • Detoxification
  • Improving blood circulation in stagnant areas
  • Increased skin firmness and elasticity
  • Acceleration of intracellular metabolism
  • 1 session includes:

    • Live seaweed wrap (30 min) - 700 RUR;
    • anti-cellulite - modeling massage (30-40 min) - 2,900 rubles;
    • use of a fat inhibitor - 900 rubles;
    • (The use of a fat inhibitor gives a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and blocks new fat deposits)

    Price 6 sessions- 17,400 rub.
    Price 8 sessions- 22,800 rub.
    Price 10 sessions- 28,000 rub.

    Training and individual lessons with a physical therapy instructor. Solving problems of insufficient movement (hypodynamia), strengthening muscles and correcting the figure.


    • Individual lessons with a physical therapy trainer (1 hour)

    Price for 4 lessons- 6000 rub.
    Price for 6 lessons- 8,500 rub.
    Price for 8 lessons- 11,000 rub.

    3 months
    3 months

    free escort

    Program "Optimal"

    3 months, weight loss up to 20 kg.

    • 5 consultations with a nutritionist
    • Creating a balanced diet for weight loss
    • 5 body composition measurements
    • 1 consultation with a doctor of psychology with testing using the Dutch DEBQ system
    • 3 lymphatic drainage massages

    Attention: + 3 months of free support upon completion of the program.


    • Consultations with a nutritionist by phone (one consultation lasts no more than 15 minutes)
    • Consultations with a nutritionist by email. mail
    • Consultation with a nutritionist at the Clinic (1 consultation)

    Result in 3 months: forming the right habits and minus 20kg!

    Complete your program

    The minimum necessary diagnostics of the body for safe weight loss.


    • Consultation with a therapist;
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys;
    • general clinical blood test;
    • biochemical blood test: total cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, triglycerides, ALT, HDL, LDL, AST;
    • blood test for thyroid hormones: TSH, AT-TPO, free T4, C-peptide, insulin;
    • general clinical urine test.
  • Psychological correction of eating disorders and eating disorders in adolescents and adults (overweight, antimental obesity, psychogenic transmission, night eating syndrome, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). Solving issues of motivation, correction of eating behavior.
  • Psychological assistance to people experiencing psychological crises: age-related, family, personal, situational, spiritual, etc.;
  • Psychological correction of the consequences of stress (divorce, moving, job loss, loss of a loved one, emergency), harmonization of the emotional state; Working with problems in parent-child relationships (adolescence).
  • Includes:

    • Consultations with a doctor of psychology (1 hour)

    Price for 2 consultations- 6,800 rub.
    Price for 4 consultations- 12,900 rub.
    Price for 6 consultations- 18,100 rub.

    Our specialists use modern, proprietary approaches in combination with manual therapy.

  • Weight loss and volume reduction by 3 cm in 1 session
  • Figure Modeling
  • Detoxification
  • Improving blood circulation in stagnant areas
  • Increased skin firmness and elasticity
  • Acceleration of intracellular metabolism
  • 1 session includes:

    • Live seaweed wrap (30 min) - 700 RUR;
    • anti-cellulite - modeling massage (30-40 min) - 2,900 rubles;
    • use of a fat inhibitor - 900 rubles;
    • (The use of a fat inhibitor gives a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and blocks new fat deposits)

    Price 6 sessions- 17,400 rub.
    Price 8 sessions- 22,800 rub.
    Price 10 sessions- 28,000 rub.

    Training and individual lessons with a physical therapy instructor. Solving problems of insufficient movement (hypodynamia), strengthening muscles and correcting the figure.


    • Individual lessons with a physical therapy trainer (1 hour)

    Price for 4 lessons- 6000 rub.
    Price for 6 lessons- 8,500 rub.
    Price for 8 lessons- 11,000 rub.

    6 months
    6 months

    free escort

    Program "Attractive"

    6 months, weight loss more than 20 kg.

    • 7 consultations with a nutritionist
    • Creating a balanced diet for weight loss
    • 7 body composition measurements
    • 1 consultation with a doctor of psychology with testing using the Dutch DEBQ system
    • 3 lymphatic drainage massages
    • 5 pressotherapy sessions

    Upon completion of the program.


    • Consultations with a nutritionist by phone (one consultation lasts no more than 15 minutes)
    • Consultations with a nutritionist by email. mail
    • Consultations with a nutritionist at the Clinic (2 consultations)

    Result after 6 months: loss 20-30 kg + skills proper nutrition to maintain weight

    Complete your program:

    The minimum necessary diagnostics of the body for safe weight loss.


    • Consultation with a therapist;
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys;
    • general clinical blood test;
    • biochemical blood test: total cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, triglycerides, ALT, HDL, LDL, AST;
    • blood test for thyroid hormones: TSH, AT-TPO, free T4, C-peptide, insulin;
    • general clinical urine test.
  • Psychological correction of eating disorders and eating disorders in adolescents and adults (overweight, antimental obesity, psychogenic transmission, night eating syndrome, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). Solving issues of motivation, correction of eating behavior.
  • Psychological assistance to people experiencing psychological crises: age-related, family, personal, situational, spiritual, etc.;
  • Psychological correction of the consequences of stress (divorce, moving, job loss, loss of a loved one, emergency), harmonization of the emotional state; Working with problems in parent-child relationships (adolescence).
  • Includes:

    • Consultations with a doctor of psychology (1 hour)

    Price for 2 consultations- 6,800 rub.
    Price for 4 consultations- 12,900 rub.
    Price for 6 consultations- 18,100 rub.

    Our specialists use modern, proprietary approaches in combination with manual therapy.

  • Weight loss and volume reduction by 3 cm in 1 session
  • Figure Modeling
  • Detoxification
  • Improving blood circulation in stagnant areas
  • Increased skin firmness and elasticity
  • Acceleration of intracellular metabolism
  • 1 session includes:

    • Live seaweed wrap (30 min) - 700 RUR;
    • anti-cellulite - modeling massage (30-40 min) - 2,900 rubles;
    • use of a fat inhibitor - 900 rubles;
    • (The use of a fat inhibitor gives a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and blocks new fat deposits)

    Price 6 sessions- 17,400 rub.
    Price 8 sessions- 22,800 rub.
    Price 10 sessions- 28,000 rub.

    Training and individual lessons with a physical therapy instructor. Solving problems of insufficient movement (hypodynamia), strengthening muscles and correcting the figure.


    • Individual lessons with a physical therapy trainer (1 hour)

    Price for 4 lessons- 6000 rub.
    Price for 6 lessons- 8,500 rub.
    Price for 8 lessons- 11,000 rub.

    6 months
    6 months

    free escort

    Premium program

    6 months, with home visit, examination included, weight loss of more than 20 kg.

    • 6 consultations with a nutritionist at home
    • Creating a balanced diet for weight loss
    • body composition measurement - no restrictions
    • 1 consultation with a doctor of psychology with a home visit
    • Hair analysis for microelements (sampling at home)
    • 2 general clinical blood tests (taken at home)
    • 2 biochemical analysis blood: total cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, triglycerides, ALT, HDL, LDL, AST (home collection)
    • 2 blood tests for thyroid hormones: TSH, AT-TPO, free T4, C-peptide, insulin (taken at home)
    • 2 general clinical urine tests (collection at home)
    • 2 consultations with an endocrinologist based on test results (collection at home)

    Attention: + 6 months of free support upon completion of the program.


    • Consultations with a nutritionist by phone (one consultation lasts no more than 15 minutes)
    • Consultations with a nutritionist by email. mail
    • Consultations with a nutritionist at home (2 consultations)

    Reduction of cellulite, prevention of skin stretch marks, volume correction and additional weight loss.

    1 session at home includes:

    • anti-cellulite massage (1 hour);
    • live seaweed wrap (30 min);

    Price for 1 session at home- 4,600 rub.
    Price 6 sessions at home- 24,000 rub.
    Price for 8 sessions at home- 31,000 rub.
    Price 10 sessions at home- 37,000 rub.

    2 weeks

    Intensive weight loss program “Scandinavian Slimness”

    2 weeks, weight loss up to 12 kg.

    The minimum necessary diagnostics of the body for safe weight loss.


    • Consultation with a therapist;
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys;
    • general clinical blood test;
    • biochemical blood test: total cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, triglycerides, ALT, HDL, LDL, AST;
    • blood test for thyroid hormones: TSH, AT-TPO, free T4, C-peptide, insulin;
    • general clinical urine test.
  • Psychological correction of eating disorders and eating disorders in adolescents and adults (overweight, antimental obesity, psychogenic transmission, night eating syndrome, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). Solving issues of motivation, correction of eating behavior.
  • Psychological assistance to people experiencing psychological crises: age-related, family, personal, situational, spiritual, etc.;
  • Psychological correction of the consequences of stress (divorce, moving, job loss, loss of a loved one, emergency), harmonization of the emotional state; Working with problems in parent-child relationships (adolescence).
  • Includes:

    • Consultations with a doctor of psychology (1 hour)

    Price for 2 consultations- 6,800 rub.
    Price for 4 consultations- 12,900 rub.
    Price for 6 consultations- 18,100 rub.

    Our specialists use modern, proprietary approaches in combination with manual therapy.

  • Weight loss and volume reduction by 3 cm in 1 session
  • Figure Modeling
  • Detoxification
  • Improving blood circulation in stagnant areas
  • Increased skin firmness and elasticity
  • Acceleration of intracellular metabolism
  • 1 session includes:

    • Live seaweed wrap (30 min) - 700 RUR;
    • anti-cellulite - modeling massage (30-40 min) - 2,900 rubles;
    • use of a fat inhibitor - 900 rubles;
    • (The use of a fat inhibitor gives a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and blocks new fat deposits)

    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys;
    • general clinical blood test;
    • biochemical blood test: total cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, triglycerides, ALT, HDL, LDL, AST;
    • blood test for thyroid hormones: TSH, AT-TPO, free T4, C-peptide, insulin;
    • general clinical urine test.
  • Psychological correction of eating disorders and eating disorders in adolescents and adults (overweight, antimental obesity, psychogenic transmission, night eating syndrome, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa). Solving issues of motivation, correction of eating behavior.
  • Psychological assistance to people experiencing psychological crises: age-related, family, personal, situational, spiritual, etc.;
  • Psychological correction of the consequences of stress (divorce, moving, job loss, loss of a loved one, emergency), harmonization of the emotional state; Working with problems in parent-child relationships (adolescence).
  • Includes:

    • Consultations with a doctor of psychology (1 hour)

    Price for 2 consultations- 6,800 rub.
    Price for 4 consultations- 12,900 rub.
    Price for 6 consultations- 18,100 rub.

    Our specialists use modern, proprietary approaches in combination with manual therapy.

  • Weight loss and volume reduction by 3 cm in 1 session
  • Figure Modeling
  • Detoxification
  • Improving blood circulation in stagnant areas
  • Increased skin firmness and elasticity
  • Acceleration of intracellular metabolism
  • 1 session includes:

    • Live seaweed wrap (30 min) - 700 RUR;
    • anti-cellulite - modeling massage (30-40 min) - 2,900 rubles;
    • use of a fat inhibitor - 900 rubles;
    • (The use of a fat inhibitor gives a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect and blocks new fat deposits)

    Price 6 sessions- 17,400 rub.
    Price 8 sessions- 22,800 rub.
    Price 10 sessions- 28,000 rub.

    Training and individual lessons with a physical therapy instructor. Solving problems of insufficient movement (hypodynamia), strengthening muscles and correcting the figure.


    • Individual lessons with a physical therapy trainer (1 hour)

    Price for 4 lessons- 6000 rub.
    Price for 6 lessons- 8,500 rub.
    Price for 8 lessons- 11,000 rub.

    About weight loss programs

    Today everyone knows that excessive obesity can cause many diseases, which are much easier to prevent than to treat for a long time. That is why diets and other methods of losing weight are becoming increasingly popular. But in parallel with the growing popularity of diets, the degree of people’s distrust of them is also growing. By and large, very few people manage to correct their figure with the help of one diet (albeit a very strict one), but incorrect “dieting” can cause harm to the body even more than extra pounds. We offer you an alternative - effective weight loss without harm to health.

    Today, many people have tested for themselves and are convinced that they can correct their figure and achieve good results It is simply impossible without the help of professional nutritionists, psychologists and doctors in other fields. Not a single friend can create a personal diet and select optimal loads (each person is individual), and a fitness center trainer does not have the necessary medical knowledge and will not be able to support and help overcome psychological problems associated with excess weight and dietary restrictions. Only professionals in their field can do this, who know exactly how to help a person and implement a competent, scientific and proven approach to each patient.

    Doctors all over the world have agreed that in order to get a good and lasting result, namely, not only to lose weight, but also to form a beautiful figure and not spoil your health, you must adhere to an individually developed diet, and under the supervision of doctors. After completing a weight loss program, you not only get a new figure, but also learn to eat right, get motivation for healthy image life. You are finally starting to live fully, without depending on a diet or regime.

    For those who have just realized that the problem of excess weight has affected them, the Center for Family Dietetics offers a unique weight loss system that will help cope with this problem once and for all.

    Choose the one you need weight loss program:

    Weight loss program "Optimal" designed for three months. After completing it, a person gets rid of excess weight and forms correct eating habits, which helps to avoid the kilograms returning in the future. In addition, the program helps to increase self-esteem and even improve your overall health. During the program, it is very easy to follow all the doctors’ recommendations, since the diet is prepared based on the patient’s preferences, and it can be adjusted as the program progresses.

    Weight loss program “Attractive”- designed for 6 months. During this six months, each patient can comfortably and smoothly lose overweight and form the right eating habits, which will help you maintain your weight in the future. After six months, all patients receive not only a new beautiful figure and excellent health, but also a new mood, self-esteem. Each patient is accompanied by a nutritionist and psychologist throughout the course; systematic examinations are carried out by an endocrinologist and, if necessary, other specialists.

    For those who are determined to receive only the best, there is “Premium” weight loss program, calculated for 6 months. The main advantage of this program is medical care and consultations are carried out at home. You do not waste time traveling to the Clinic and lose weight in the comfort of your home.