To open the sink. What do you need to open a car wash?

The number of cars in our country is growing even despite the outbreak of the crisis. This means that any business related to cars will be guaranteed to bring good profit. One such type of business is a car wash. Let's figure it out how to open a car wash from scratch, what is needed for this and what is its profitability.


A car wash is a profitable and stable business that generates regular income. In order to organize it, you do not need experience or any skills. Car wash is not seasonal business, although some decrease in the number of clients may be observed in summer time. In the summer, clients more often order expensive procedures (cleaning the interior, engine), so the total amount of income does not fall.

Car wash is a profitable and promising business

How to start?

The first step is to study the market in your city and make at least sample business plan. It should take into account the following factors:

  1. Location.
  2. Studying demand for services.
  3. Average income level of prospective clients.
  4. Total costs for renting the site and building.
  5. Costs of building a car wash in the absence of an alternative.
  6. Costs for purchasing equipment.
  7. Mandatory monthly expenses ( wages, utility bills, taxes).

Based on this information, you can already make some calculations and think about the discovery.


Now let's list What documents are needed to open a car wash? in your city. The first step is to register with your nearest tax office. You can become an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. There is no particular difference between these forms of ownership, except that as the owner of an LLC you will be able to sign an agreement to service the fleet of other companies.

Then you will need:

  1. Contact the city council and get permission from them to open a car wash.
  2. If a new building is being built, you will need to contact the local design organization, which will create an appropriate project for you, taking into account legal requirements.
  3. Apply for opening permits from the sanitary station and fire inspectorate.
  4. Obtain permits from the Environmental Protection Department.
  5. Get a land deed.

Market research

After the business plan has been drawn up, it is necessary to assess the level of competition and select a good location to open a car wash. Find out if there are existing car washes in the area, what services they provide, and what price range of services they offer. Try to identify their shortcomings and think about what you would add or change in the work.

A prefabricated car wash is an excellent alternative to a stationary one

Think over your list of services. There is quite a lot of competition in this market, so you need to somehow stand out from the crowd. Offer your customers not only body and engine washing, interior dry cleaning, polishing, and scratch filling. Be sure to set up a relaxation room where visitors can drink coffee or watch TV while washing.

Please note:Car washes that allow the driver to wash the car themselves have proven themselves well. The client pays for the time spent in the box and for the consumption of detergents, while using your equipment.

The best location for washing is in the following places:

  1. IN residential area.
  2. In the business center of the city (near the offices).
  3. Near major highways with high traffic.
  4. Close to service stations, gas stations, car parks.

Build or rent?

If you have enough start-up capital for construction, then it is better to build a building than to rent it and remodel it. Now many construction companies offer ready-made solutions from metal structures and sandwiches at quite reasonable prices. But what do you need to open a car wash? by building it from scratch? You will have to take a long-term lease on the land and obtain a building permit. One of the advantages is the free architecture (you can choose your own required quantity and size of utility rooms), as well as no rent.

If the starting capital is not enough for construction, then rent the building. This will significantly reduce the level of investment, but you will have to pay 50-70 thousand rubles per month for the premises.

Types of car washes

Washing can be automatic or manual. The most promising are automatic car washes, which allow servicing a large number of cars in a minimum amount of time. Automatic car washes are divided into two types:

  1. Tunnel.
  2. Portal.

Portal car wash - a practical and inexpensive solution

In a tunnel wash, the car is placed on a special conveyor belt and automatically moves along the box, leaving the other side completely washed. In a portal car wash, the car is driven into a box and washed with three brushes: two vertical and one horizontal. The brushes move in space, efficiently washing away all dirt. The portal sink is very compact - it fits well into any room. The washing process in automatic car washes is usually 2-3 times faster than in manual car washes, so you can serve more customers per working day and save on staff.

Please note:Modern automatic car washes are completely safe for your car. But it is necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment and service it on time.

The most practical is considered to be a portal sink. Its advantages:

  1. Mobile sizes.
  2. Absolute versatility.
  3. Operating speed: 12 vehicles per hour.
  4. Minimum staffing.

Modern portal car washes can be contactless - all dirt is removed not with brushes, but with special nozzles through which water is supplied under high pressure.

Tunnel car washes require a “tunnel” up to 35 meters long. It is capable of processing up to 20 cars per hour - as soon as the first car moves 4-5 meters deep, you can drive the second one onto the belt.

Types of buildings

Car washes can be divided into stationary and prefabricated. Stationary car washes are usually attached to complexes: service stations, spare parts stores, tire shops. All necessary communications are brought to them and a construction permit is obtained.

The car wash goes well with the tire service and service station

Prefabricated ones will require permission from the architecture department. To do this you will need to provide:

  1. Patent individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Certificate or lease agreement for land.
  3. Car wash project with its appearance.

You will also need to connect the building to utilities and obtain permission to open from the fire department.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

We do not pretend here to be a textbook and comprehensive presentation. Undoubtedly, there are several stages in this matter, which would be useful for a beginner interested in the washing business to learn about. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, analyze it from all points of view, both financial and marketing, and outline the prospects for business development.

For reference: in the USA it is believed that a business is a family business and should be started for thirty years. This type of business itself is already about a hundred years old and it has no intention of “leaving the scene”, just like street dirt, of course. The next stage is designing a car wash and obtaining all kinds of approvals and permits. First of all, you should thoroughly study whether the local population will object to your neighborhood. It is also useful to enlist the support of local public organizations having influence. Then it actually begins project work... After you have brushed aside the paper monster, and this will require you to “kill” a lot of time and money (see also other materials on our website), you will begin building a car wash. The final stage is the actual opening of the car wash. All local authorities involved in permitting and approval activities, as well as representatives of future corporate clients, are often invited to the ceremony. Don’t forget about the public figures who supported you - you can wash their cars for free... Thus, opening a car wash is, although joyful and honorable, but not at all as important as the previous stages of your work.

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If car washes experience a real boom in customers in the fall and spring, as well as in warm winters, then in the summer the queues are mostly empty. The client goes anywhere to wash his car or does not wash it at all for a long time. The exception is people whose cars are covered with wax and they drive expensive foreign cars. How to get out of a situation when such a car wash only brings loss? There are several answers. First, reduce the price as much as possible and diversify the number of services. You have to hold on to the client and then he will hold on to you, feeling your reliability. Secondly, in the summer everyone loves to sit in a cafe. Let a tent with beer and kebabs pitch up next to your sink. While people are sitting and relaxing, someone will also want to have a washed car. We advise the most enterprising people to open a small eatery so that the profits from it flow into their own pockets. Also a useful thing in the neighborhood is a small auto parts store and even elements of your own car service center, preferably on your own property. But this is already separate species business.

To sell a car wash profitably, you must show the future buyer all the advantages of your business in a specific location. The equipment at your car wash must be in good working order (otherwise it will be bought only at the price of scrap metal), and it is also advisable to have a valid agreement with the supplier company for the maintenance and repair of washing machines. A potential buyer should not have any doubts that his purchase will be worth the money. Show him your financial documents, and thereby prove that the premises, buildings and territory of the car wash are worth exactly the money you are asking for them, taking into account some wear and tear. There should be no hidden troubles that a buyer may encounter after purchasing a car wash: for example, protracted highway repairs in the near future, strong competition due to the construction of a car wash at a neighboring car repair shop or at a gas station.

The grand opening of the newly built car wash should first take place without an orchestra, but in the presence of a commission, which includes representatives of the local administration, firefighters, employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station, environmental service, traffic police, etc. In total - 10-15 people together with the customer. They constitute the act of acceptance of the object. After signing the act, it is necessary to notify everyone about the opening of a new car wash and attract the attention of customers. This requires advertising (billboards, local radio announcements, etc.) that will inform potential customers about: the location of the new car wash, its operating hours, basic and additional services, discounts, etc. It is advisable for the creators of the promotion to come up with something like this to sweep the client off their feet with your offer. For example, apply a credit service system when concluding contracts with individuals or corporate clients

Car wash is a business.

Permits and approvals for the construction of car washes
Enthusiasts of the car wash business say with one voice: the most difficult thing in organizing a car wash is obtaining permits. This procedure begins with the submission of a letter of request addressed to the local chief for the allocation of a plot of land for the construction of car washes. Having received a preliminary “we will consider”, you should prepare a sketch of the project, which must then be agreed upon with: fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station, municipal architects. The next step is a letter addressed to the main city manager with all preliminary documents attached to it. The response letter of design permission serves as the basis for obtaining an architectural and planning assignment. Afterwards, the entrepreneur will have to take the APP in hand, agree on and develop it in 30-40 organizations technical specifications projects for water, gas, heat, sewerage, electricity, storm drains, telephone installation, radio installation, outdoor lighting. The developed project then undergoes examination in: SES, labor protection services, nature protection, fire inspection, architects and state examination. If the project does not pass at least one authority, it will not be accepted. After approval of the project, an act of temporary or permanent ownership of land is drawn up, land is allocated and a warrant is issued for the construction of the facility. According to design specialists, here you will have to fork out (for the improvement of the city) an amount equivalent to 25% of the construction cost. It takes entrepreneurs from one and a half to two years to “go through the pain,” from the moment they contact the local administration until the construction of the building. Typically, design institutes for a small bribe (5-10%) help overcome all difficulties, removing headache from the customer during the construction of car washes.

Car wash premises

As in any other type of business, in the car wash business a lot depends on the choice of location. It's no secret that car washes are ideally located on the sides of busy highways and large city avenues, where cars constantly drive. Many car washes are located at the entrances to the city, at customs and border posts. But too good is also not good. There are times when a car wash located near major transport hubs suffers from excessive traffic fuss. It is often a bummer for potential clients to navigate between four-wheeled friends scurrying back and forth. Practice shows that car washes feel most comfortable at service stations, gas stations and car parks. For those who do not have enough money to build their own building for a car wash, we can recommend renting suitable premises at ATP. Firstly, there will be less hassle with obtaining permits. Secondly, the location of most motor transport enterprises is familiar to motorists.

A room measuring 6x10m is sufficient for car washes for cars and minibuses. To build a sink of this size you will have to spend approximately $18 thousand to $21 thousand - $300-350 for each “square”. For the construction of a three-post car wash - five to seven times more. For all types of car washes, there are standard, well-developed building layouts that take into account both the placement of the necessary equipment and the arrangement of auxiliary and technical premises. A company that offers turnkey construction of car washes must have several ready-made projects. Design and approval are usually undertaken by those companies that build the facility as a general contractor. The period for preparing a detailed design with approvals from the moment of obtaining permission is approximately six months - for new construction, for reconstruction of objects - the time frame is shorter and depends on the specific situation. If a company undertakes design, this is a guarantee that the car wash will be built without additional costs beyond the basic estimate and on time. The construction period for a turnkey car wash is approximately 2 months.

Business car wash: first stage of planning (example)

First of all, you should choose the place where you will do your washing business. For example, it will be near a prestigious microdistrict. You must estimate the duration of your business (at least 10 years, Americans plan for about thirty years) and you can begin to come up with business promotion. Your car wash will provide customers with three services: exterior car wash, interior cleaning, and auto parts. Car washes have no competitors that try to offer high quality service at reasonable prices. Most of all they try to compete on price. Your car wash's ability to provide high quality service, both in terms of wash and customer service, is based on the ability to find the best employees. Hiring the best employees is very effective because it reduces costs associated with turnover, etc. Hiring the best employees means they can make sure they are well taken care of by their bosses and assures their bosses that they, in turn, are taking care of their customers. Clients If we have chosen a prestigious microdistrict, then there are three main groups of clients: individual car owners, renters, and local entrepreneurs. The surrounding area is quite wealthy, with 40% of residents earning $10,000 per year. Consequently, they have good cars and want them to look good. There are five different car dealerships within a few kilometers. Finally, there are many different local businesses that have company cars, and this requires a clean look. Management Your car wash is located in good place. By the third year, the business will have generated an annual net income of $48,000.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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The stronger spring gains momentum, the longer the lines at car washes become. And the more people who want to systematically wash their cars, the more often entrepreneurs begin to think about opening their own own business in this area.

So, how much does it cost to build a car wash? What permits do I need to obtain for this? How much money will you need to invest and how much can you earn from it? Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Worthwhile cause

It should be noted that experts predict that in the near future sharp increase demand for this service. This is due to several factors. Firstly, seasonality, because it is known that in spring and summer, motorists more often try to wash their vehicles. Secondly, with a general increase in the number of cars. Finally, the third factor is the high profitability of such a business.

In general, it’s definitely worth doing. But before you invest your money, understand in detail the types of car washes and decide what exactly suits you. The volume of initial investments and subsequent “exhaust” will depend on the chosen format. There are three types of car washes: capital, collapsible and mobile. Let's consider each of the options.


To start a business you will need 5 million rubles or more. The peculiarity of this type is that the car wash is equipped in a large industrial building, and all kinds of systems and communications are connected to it. The payback of a car wash depends on what part of the city you locate your point in and what the flow of customers will be.


The second type is a little simpler. The car wash is equipped with two stations. Accordingly, the costs will be slightly less. Entrepreneurs who already have experience in this field note that you can get by with two million rubles. This car wash has slightly lower profitability than the previous type, but does not require industrial hangars. All you need is a flat concrete or asphalt area and thin-walled metal structures, which are then covered with special sandwich panels.


This is the simplest car wash possible. Due to its mobility, it does not require major investments. If the location is unsuccessful, you can always move it to another, more profitable point. True, the return will be less than from the previous two options.

How much does it cost to build this type of car wash? In order to become the owner of this business, you must have at least 1 million rubles. Most of the amount will need to be spent on a trailer, in which the vehicle will actually be washed. The disadvantages of a mobile type car wash are that it is designed for only one car. And the advantages are that it does not require the connection of special communications.

Now it’s time to decide which type to focus on. Compare your financial capabilities and expectations from the business you are starting. If you are still confused, then let me give you little advice. We recommend starting with a prefabricated car wash. It will require average costs from you.

In case of urgent need, you can always move it to a new point. In addition, it is designed for two cars. You can wash only passenger vehicles at one station, and equip the second one for trucks. Due to this, you can quickly recoup your investment. You already know how much it costs to build a car wash of this type, so let’s move on to the next points.

We choose a place for business and collect documentation

The success of almost the entire business depends on where your point will be located and how many posts you can place on it. Consider this issue carefully. Study and analyze the density of traffic passing by, the number of competing companies, the distance of your business from residential complexes and a number of other factors. Ideally, you should open a point near road junction, near the residential complex. As for the number of posts, equip them at your discretion.

Now let's talk about documents. The plot for business is either rented or purchased. If the land belongs to the state, we go to the City Property Management Committee and take part in the auction. If the site on which you decide to locate is classified as agricultural land, you will need to transfer it to the industrial category. This procedure also takes the form of an auction and can take about 6 months. A stationary car wash must be approved by the department of architecture and urban planning of your city.

How much does it cost to build a car wash?

Let's say right away - it's not cheap. And considering that you are just starting to work, and you already have a lot of expenses, it is better to abandon this idea. It is much more correct to rent a premises suitable for this business and equip it according to all your needs.

In this case, everything will be much more rational. To approve the location of your enterprise, you must submit to the inspection authorities a document confirming the conclusion of a land or plot lease agreement; certificate of registration legal entity as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, a copy of the sketch of the car wash project and, necessarily, a certificate of tax registration.

In the case of creating a business from scratch, it will be necessary to attach to this package of documents a permit from the city administration for the construction of a building, its plan, which must be agreed upon with the architecture department, firefighters and SES. You should also have a conclusion from Nature Supervision. In addition, experienced entrepreneurs advise drawing up and registering an agreement for garbage and solid waste removal, a certificate of the number of jobs and quality certificates for your existing equipment.

Washing your car and keeping its interior in good condition has long been a popular business idea. This direction is perfect for any time of year, as it does not have a significant impact on profits.

Is it worth opening such a business today? Let's talk about this in this article, as well as about the specifics of the case and how costly it is.

Relevance: market analysis

According to the analyzes carried out, car washes today remain sufficiently profitable business. They are relevant both in the warm season, when a clean car attracts attention, and in the cold season, when the vehicle must be protected from harmful salt and sand.

If in his own yard the owner of a car often picks up a bucket and a rag, then the residents apartment buildings They can’t even dream about this. After just a few days, the car may be dirty again. This is due to precipitation, poor-quality road surface and time of year.

Let's figure out what the profitability of this business depends on. When deciding to open a car wash, pay attention to the following nuances in advance:

  • the region must be economically stable, where the number of cars will grow steadily every year;
  • It’s better to open the car wash in a residential area when minimum quantity competitors so that the business pays off faster;
  • It is advisable to invest not only in car washing, but also in related services, which will lead to an increase in demand.

How to open a car wash?

Let's talk about how to open your own car washing business. Of course, it will require some investments, and in certain cases, considerable funds.

Initially, you should pay attention to the following costs:

  1. Purchase and registration of land.
  2. Construction and renovation of a car wash facility.
  3. Expenses for the purchase of equipment and cleaning supplies.
  4. Depreciation expenses.
  5. Documentation fee.

Franchise: pros and cons

A franchise agreement is where the initial costs can be much higher.

But it’s worth considering that a franchise is only good when it opens in big city. In essence, an entrepreneur spends a fairly large amount of money on a franchising agreement, and in the end gets the opportunity to work with a ready-made brand.

The advantages of such a business include:

  • lower advertising costs, because the brand is already advertised quite widely;
  • recommendations on running and maintaining a business, received along with the contract.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of a franchise agreement;
  • lack of freedom of action, since you will have to follow the rules of the parent company.

Types of car washes

There are several types of car washes. All of them, in turn, are divided into several types:

  1. Manual.
  2. Auto.
  3. Mobile.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Manual car washes have been around for a very long time. If you plan to invest very little money, then washing your car by hand is just what you need.

They are divided into two types:

  • contact wash, where cars are cleaned by people;
  • contactless washing, which involves automatic supply of detergents under human control.

The disadvantage of manual washing is the length of the process. This is the main reason when they talk about the gradual withdrawal of such sinks from the market. This happens gradually and very slowly.

Automatic car washes are also divided into two types:

  1. Portal.
  2. Tunnel.

The difference between them lies in the movement of the arched washing structure (portal type) or in the movement of the car itself being cleaned (tunnel type). The essence of the process in both cases is the same: washing occurs automatically.

Mobile car washes are not very common today, but in the near future they will conquer the market. Their main advantage is that the car owner does not need to go anywhere; upon receiving an application, the car wash itself goes to the agreed location and quickly carries out the cleaning.


In most cases, any business opening begins with the selection of premises. It must meet the following parameters:

  • fit the budget;
  • have convenient access;
  • be located away from competitors;
  • comply with technical standards.

The most promising places are cottage lines near populated new buildings. The city center will also be a convenient location, but municipalities may refuse.

The premises can be either purchased or rented, but some entrepreneurs take a different route. First, they purchase a plot of land, then obtain permission to build a car wash, and only then begin to construct the building. Only one thing can be said about such a plan: it is too expensive and will require more time.

In order for the project to satisfy the city administration, you need to prepare the project in advance, contact the city architecture office with it, resolve the issues with the SES, and then wait for a decision. It is issued within 30 days.

Please note that the application is submitted to the mayor of the city.

An ideal wash should include:

  1. Cashier's place.
  2. Staff rest area (including changing room).
  3. Bathroom.
  4. Administration office.
  5. Relaxation area for clients.

The more comfortable a visitor feels, the greater the chance that he will come again.


Depending on the chosen type of future washing, the purchase of equipment should be considered. The required set of equipment includes:

  • wastewater treatment system, its approximate cost is estimated at about 300,000 rubles;
  • a compressor, the cost of which is not so high and is about 20,000 rubles;
  • a device for supplying water and heating it, the price of which starts from 200,000 rubles;
  • vacuum cleaner for washing, approximately from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

You will also have to purchase detergents in one of the companies specializing in this.

Equipment must be purchased branded with an appropriate warranty. This will be the key to long service. As a rule, the choice falls on Karcher products (Germany). Its network is well developed in Russia. It is also worth paying attention to Wesumat, Istobal, Comet, Carebridge and others. All of them are manufacturers from Europe.


Automatic car washes do not require a large number of workers. If we're talking about o manual or mobile version, then you will have to spend a little more effort and time on recruiting and training staff.

Car wash workers do not have to have higher education. Usually young guys who are familiar with the structure of a car apply for such positions. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be willing to learn.
  2. Be responsible.
  3. Be friendly and responsive.
  4. Be in good physical shape.

If you plan to organize work 24 hours a day, you may need additional staff to work in two shifts.

A good team is always a plus. Do not forget that even employees of such a small enterprise want to receive bonuses and participate in corporate events.

Required documents

Most important question when opening any business, this is a solution to the problem with documents. The business must function according to all the rules, and in order to achieve this, you will have to collect the necessary documents.

As mentioned above, the opening of a car wash must be approved by the city administration. Coordination with the following structures will be required:

  • architecture;
  • nature conservation service;
  • fire service.

In addition, car washes are subject to increased sewage requirements. This means that cleaning equipment must first be purchased.

In addition, the following package of documents is provided:

  1. Agreement for waste removal.
  2. Contract for cleaning the territory.
  3. Service agreement cash register(it must be purchased and registered with the tax service).
  4. Agreement with water utility.

A special commission of Rospotrebnadzor will inspect the facility in accordance with a previously written statement. If all requirements are met, you can safely begin work.

Ways to advertise a car wash

Properly organized advertising aimed at a specific consumer is the key to a successful business. Let's figure out how to properly inform city residents that your car wash is the best in the entire area.

A potential consumer of services is a car enthusiast living at a certain address. Before submitting your ad, you need to come up with a logo and slogan. This will help customers remember the location faster. The name should be short and catchy.

  • radio for car enthusiasts (for large car washes);
  • newspapers and magazines for car owners;
  • banners;
  • billboards and posters.

One of the original car wash promotions involved young people using a wet sponge and stencil to paint the words “10% discount on car wash” on all dirty cars. Below is the address. The investment was minimal, but the effect was enormous.

Another popular method today is to negotiate with a company associated with a car service or gas station to place your advertisement. In return, you will post their banner. There are actually a lot of ways, it is important that advertising acts purposefully.

Financial component of business

The cost to open should be calculated in advance. That is why we will discuss what the initial investment should be and how quickly it will pay off.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The full cost of opening such a small enterprise will include:

  • paperwork (the amount may vary greatly by region);
  • purchase of equipment (the minimum cost will be half a million rubles);
  • purchase of furniture (shelves, wardrobes for staff clothes, a table, a couple of sofas for clients);
  • purchase of detergents (monthly about 20,000 rubles);
  • personnel costs;
  • renting premises (unless you buy or build the building yourself);
  • payment of utility costs;
  • payments to the budget;
  • payment for existing contracts for cleaning areas.

Amount of future income

Depending on the area, the car wash can serve up to several hundred cars per day. Knowing average price for one wash, you can easily calculate your monthly income. In general, the profitability of such a business confidently reaches 30-40%. This is a very good indicator.

Investments during the subsequent period after opening are quite insignificant. All you have to do is purchase detergents, consume water, electricity and pay workers wages.

Payback period

A business like a car wash pays for itself quite quickly, especially if everything is done correctly. On average, full payback occurs within a year. The most expensive car washes, such as automatic ones, pay for themselves in two years.

Please note that car wash customers also prefer to receive bonuses, discounts and nice little things from time to time.

If you install a cooler in the waiting room and offer customers cookies, coffee and tea, this will only have a positive effect on your quality of service.

According to statistics, the majority of car washes in Russia are manual. They are easier to open and pay for themselves quickly. Speaking about automatic points, professionals say that car enthusiasts themselves are against them. This is not entirely true. Perhaps the myth that such washing would damage the body or paint was spread deliberately. The European population prefers car washes where the machine takes control.

Car washes - profitable business, which, with proper development, can become truly highly profitable! Agree, the number of cars on our roads is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, growing every year, which is why the demand for this type services will only grow. To open a car wash you don’t need certificates - just desire!

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a car wash

When starting any business, the first thing you should think about is: the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity? Let's look at the pros and cons of car washes.

1. High demand for this type of service
2. This is a highly profitable business
3. There is practically no competition, and if there is, it is insignificant.

1. High initial investment, which not everyone can afford.
2. The likelihood that you will have to take out a loan to open
3. There is constant humidity in the car wash premises, so repairs will need to be done quite often.

Yes, opening a car wash will be much more difficult than closing (the likelihood of this is quite high, since if the SES standards are not followed, the administration will not allow your business to exist for long), but, nevertheless, the choice is entirely yours.

Do you need a business plan for a car wash?

Before you open any business that (according to your plans) should make a profit, you simply need to draw up a business plan! And it doesn’t matter at all: it’s a car wash, the essence is the same: this is a business that requires a lot of dedication!

It is worth understanding that a car wash business plan will help you clearly formulate your idea. If you are your own investor, then this project will put everything into perspective and allow you to better navigate what is happening. But, if you have partners, or you are planning to get a sponsor, then a business plan is the only way you can get investment!

The most interesting example V in this case, Japanese businessmen serve. If you divide into percentages all the time they spend preparing for the opening, you can see that 80% of this time is spent on developing a business plan and working out all the details, and only 20% on the actual implementation of the idea! The Japanese are real pros in this matter; their plans take into account any force majeure and work through the opening process every minute!
It is precisely this fact that a well-drafted and high-quality business plan is the key to your future success and its first step!

What you need to open a car wash: documents and permits

Starting your own business is a laudable decision, but quite often it is shattered when it turns out that it is not so easy. To begin with, you should collect a fairly large amount of various documentation!

The first and most important thing will be to obtain a resolution from the city administration. They must confirm that they have nothing against opening a car wash in a certain area. But the paperwork won't end there. Next, you should submit a letter of petition to the administration of this city, in which you make a request for the allocation of the selected plot of land for construction.

OKVED code for car wash:

50.20.3 - Providing other types of services for maintenance vehicles (main point).
This grouping includes:
- washing, polishing, applying protective and decorative coatings to the body, interior cleaning, towing and other similar activities.
52.1 - Retail in non-specialized stores.

Before obtaining preliminary consent, you must prepare and submit a sketch of your project to the city administration, and also coordinate it with firefighters, the sanitary and epidemiological station and municipal architects. After you have received the consent of all these government agencies- the matter is not finished yet.

Next, you should write a letter addressed to the mayor, in which you need to enclose all the documents received thanks to the above actions. You should definitely receive a response letter - in which either consent or refusal will be expressed. If the answer is positive, then this will be the ticket to opening your own business.

Only after this letter can you begin to develop a building project. As soon as this process is completed, it should be sent for examination to the SES and agreed with the labor and environmental protection service. Next, meet again with a representative of the fire inspectorate and architects - having received permission for direct construction. And only after all these steps will you be able to submit your project to the state. examination, which must approve the project and issue a certificate allowing construction to begin.

The act can be of two types: for temporary and permanent construction, it depends on many factors. In any case, after this examination, you will be allocated a plot of land and issued a construction warrant.
If you think that all this “walking through torment” is completely not worth it, then you are mistaken. Yes, many procedures seem difficult to complete and absolutely pointless, but once you start collecting documents, you will understand that everything is not so difficult!

Rent or construction of a box

The question of whether it is worth building a box yourself, or whether you should rent it, depends purely on your financial capabilities. Most businessmen limit themselves a certain amount(most often 150-200 thousand rubles), in this case, the best option There will be box rentals. But, before you rent this or that premises, find out why the previous owner’s business did not work out? Why did he leave this territory? It is possible that opening a car wash in the selected area is a disastrous option!

If you are determined to open a serious business and you have sufficient start-up capital, then, without a doubt, it is worth building your own boxes.

Car wash equipment

Selecting the necessary equipment good quality- an important component of success. The main manufacturers in this market are Karcher, Weidner, Wesumat, Kranzle, California Kleindiest, Istobal, Ceccato, Comet, Carebridge.

Among this list, the most popular, and, as is generally accepted, the highest quality is Karcher. This company provides really high-quality products and at the same time pleases with a wide variety of goods! Among its assortment you can find everything you need to clean your car; moreover, these products are suitable not only for commercial use, but also for in-production.

By the way, there is another one great business idea of ​​opening a waterless car wash. But this is a topic for a separate article, subscribe to updates so you don’t miss out!

The most important production achievement of the Karcher company is portal car washes. They can be installed anywhere, even on the side of the road! Their main advantages: high cross-country ability and productivity. The list of services they provide may be small, but they perform them very reliably!

Is it profitable to open a car wash and what income does it bring?

As mentioned above, the most expensive thing in this matter is the discovery itself. In order for it to take place, you will have to buy necessary equipment, consumables and build or rent premises, as well as hire staff.

Let's look at this in numbers:

1. Purchasing the necessary equipment:
- water supply apparatus
- apparatus high pressure, supplying warm water
- used water purification system
- washing vacuum cleaner
- compressor

In total, this equipment will cost you 230-250 thousand rubles.

2. Consumables:
- shampoos, products that allow you to clean wheels, bumpers, interiors, polishing products
This “pleasure” will initially cost (and will continue to cost) about 9,000 rubles per month (assuming that the car wash will serve about 30-40 cars).

3. This is where we see all the advantages of renting boxes. To build a car wash you need to collect huge amount permits and certificates from officials. If you don’t believe it, then go back a little higher, to the point where we talked about it. To make it a little clearer, consider the figure: you will have to collect about 160 signatures from officials and authorities... The cost of construction itself will amount to about 3 million rubles. That is why spending about 50-100 thousand a month on rent is much more profitable.

4. Personnel costs.
Car washers' salaries are most often piecework. That is why you can build it in relation to your capabilities. In any case, this is about 20-40% of daily revenue.

Taking into account all these conditions, you can earn monthly (with the deduction of expenses) about 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of a car wash directly depends on its location and the quality of the services provided! Everything is in your hands!