Business plan for a construction company example. Construction company business plan

At all times, construction has been and is one of the most promising types of service provision, because few ordinary people He knows how to build a house himself, change pipes, and carry out repair work in an apartment. This is due to the fact that this requires special knowledge, skills and professionalism. Therefore, it makes sense for young entrepreneurs to think about drawing up ready business plan construction company.

Every day new construction organizations appear in Russia that are happy to provide their services.

However, even despite large number competitors, it makes sense to consider it as an area for starting your own business.

This is due to the fact that the number of people who want to renovate their apartments or houses is increasing every day. Therefore, all enterprises can get work. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that the number of new buildings is also growing.

An example business plan is a sample of opening an average construction enterprise in Russia.

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Ready-made business plan for a repair and construction company

The example involves opening a small enterprise for 11 people, including the director.

It is immediately worth noting that real costs may differ slightly from those contained in this example. Everything will depend on the volume of services provided, the amount of work and the number of orders.

Do not forget that many construction companies quite often use the services leasing companies who can provide special equipment and everything necessary construction equipment and personnel who can service it for rent.

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What are the conditions for opening a construction organization and what documents are required?

It is worth noting that the process of opening such an organization is, by and large, no different from any other. You will need to choose LLC (limited liability company) as your legal form.

The key points for a limited liability company are as follows:

  1. Name of the construction company.
  2. Location of the organization to be opened.
  3. Authorized capital of the company.
  4. Complete list of founders (participants) of the organization.

Based on all of the above, the entrepreneur will need to collect and prepare the following documents:

  1. Copies of passports of all founders or information about legal entities that are founders (name, location, OKPO, INN, OGRN).
  2. Information about the main activities of the construction enterprise.
  3. Information on the method and amount of formation of the authorized capital.
  4. Information about the address of the location of the registered legal entity, that is, an entrepreneur.

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Services provided: areas of activity

The next point is to find out what services the new construction company can offer. You should know that the following areas can be distinguished:

Each of them provides the following construction services:

  1. Construction of buildings, residential buildings, bathhouses, garages, warehouses and so on. It is possible to carry out the work on a turnkey basis (construction of the entire facility with a roof, utilities and other elements) or partially.
  2. Repair, dismantling and installation.
  3. Some additional services construction company:
  • leasing of existing personnel and equipment;
  • education. If the company has appropriate specialists, it is possible to provide training services for employees of other companies. Quite often, when selling any equipment, such services may be required;
  • sale of related products. Example - building materials, construction equipment, projects. Most often, to implement the purchased project, they turn to the same construction organization.

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Permissions that will be needed to open such an organization

Many businessmen think that to open a construction enterprise they will need to register an SRO (self-regulatory organization) or some other permit. It is worth noting that this is far from the case. Below will be listed all the main licenses and the points in which they will be needed.

1. SRO. Self-regulatory organizations are not a license, permission or admission. This is the very status of a construction enterprise, on the basis of which the provision of certain types of services that may be associated with great risks is permitted. Self-regulatory organizations will not be needed in cases where it is planned to build:

  • maximum 3-story buildings;
  • residential block houses, the number of blocks in which will not exceed 10;
  • buildings, the maximum area of ​​which will not exceed 1500 sq. m;
  • Individual housing construction projects intended for one family to live in.

Therefore, we can conclude that an ordinary organization does not need an SRO.

2. Construction permit. It is worth noting that without it nothing can be built anywhere. This permission can be obtained from construction companies and organizations from authorities local government with the participation of the head of the municipality and the main architect of the city (district). The costs of obtaining it will be minimal.

3. License for the design of structures and buildings. It will be needed for the activities of entrepreneurs and legal entities who do not have a legal education for the purpose of providing design services.

4. License for engineering surveys during construction. This permit is required for engineering design and construction work.

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Equipment, special equipment and leasing for the newly opened enterprise

This paragraph does not contain an example of the cost of equipment and special equipment in order to be able to carry out installation and construction work, but a service with which an entrepreneur can significantly reduce his costs for purchasing all the necessary equipment and machinery and their maintenance.

It can be noted that leasing is a lease for use. IN in this case The entrepreneur will rent, although he can do this additionally himself. This service will definitely be needed if there is not enough equipment to carry out the necessary construction work of the organization being opened. It is important to note that you can rent everything: from an excavator to a drill.

No construction organization can fully provide itself with all the necessary equipment, because this can be quite expensive in terms of money. Some firms and companies have on their staff necessary equipment, however, most often its amount is minimal. In addition, it is worth understanding that there is no point in purchasing an excavator and hiring an excavator operator if the construction company only needs them once a year. Therefore, before opening a construction company, a businessman needs to think about what equipment he will need constantly. This could be the most minimum quantity tools, without which no construction can do.

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Selecting suitable employees to open a construction company

A ready-made business plan, which contains an example, implies the presence of highly qualified experienced personnel. This is due to the fact that the quality of the services provided and the reputation of the enterprise will depend on the level of employees.

It is best to hire employees based on the following scheme:

  1. To perform expensive and various complex jobs good option third party firms will be involved. These could be, for example, specialists in geology or geodesy. Cooperation with such employees should be based on a percentage payment for the services provided.
  2. In the case of complex equipment, the ideal option would also be to hire outside specialists and negotiate a percentage with them.
  3. To carry out repairs and construction work you will need your own teams of workers. It is recommended to hire responsible and hardworking people. At the same time, it is not at all recommended to hire drinkers and lazy craftsmen. This is due to the fact that they can only lead to missed deadlines and poor quality work, which can cause complaints from clients in the future. Brigades will need to be equipped with all necessary tools and equipment, the list of which can be found based on the services provided by the organization.

The scale of construction in modern Russia, despite the crisis, are simply enormous. This means that more than one company will be able to find a “warm place” in this industry. Those who believe that to enter the construction business need millions of rubles are seriously mistaken - you can start with a small building materials store, gradually mastering new areas of activity. Since this is a highly profitable business, you can develop quite well by investing only a quarter to a third of your money in the process. net income. The main thing is a well-written business plan.

Preparatory stage

The ready-made business plan for the analyzed business is designed to be implemented on average Russian city(population 300-600 thousand people) with an initial investment of 500 thousand rubles. Of these, 350 thousand are planned to be spent on organizing a construction company from scratch, and the rest of the amount will be used to open a store of related products.

In general, the procedure for founding a construction company is in many ways similar to a similar process in any other business field. A ready-made construction business best corresponds to such an organizational and legal form as a limited liability company. It is necessary to clearly state the main points in the same sequence as in the reviewed business plan:

Thus, developing ready plan for a company, you need to take into account the need to have the following documents when registering:

  1. Photocopies of the founders’ passports, as well as knowledge of the registration data of legal entities acting as founders: name, address, INN, OKATO;
  2. Data on the location of the legal entity undergoing registration;
  3. Specific information about what your company plans to do (providing construction services, repair work, operating a store selling building materials, etc.);
  4. The size of the authorized capital (in our case, 1.5 million rubles) and the source of its formation (in our case, personal cash founders in equal shares). Remember that a ready-made business cannot be registered if the size of the charter capital is less than 10 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the finished plan for this business project contains one very important difference– for the functioning of a construction company, in some cases it is necessary to obtain special permission to certain types services provided: the so-called SRO, which can cost several tens of thousands of rubles and take a month to complete.

List of services provided

Another important point The preliminary stage that needs to be included in the finished company plan is determining the areas of activity of your company. There are quite a lot of them, but a small company can only do civil construction and renovation of premises with an area of ​​up to 1 thousand square meters. m., trade in materials and equipment through our own store. These services should be recorded in the form of a table, while simultaneously calculating the planned monthly income from each of them.

Note that the above-mentioned profit volumes are achievable if your company has at least two fully staffed teams of specialists of 10 people each, headed by a foreman. The business plan prescribes the possibility of staff rotation and splitting teams into smaller ones if the need arises.

Permitting documentation

The construction industry is a unique business environment in which, in addition to a lot of money, a lot of different certificates, approvals, and permits are concentrated.

For example, SROs (self-regulatory organizations) are not a ready-made permission for a company to operate, but rather the status of a company that gives the go-ahead to perform some particularly complex services. If the business plan of your construction company states that you are building 1-3 storey houses with an area of ​​less than 1501 square meters. m. or objects falling under the definition of “individual housing construction”, there is no need for SRO approval.

In contrast to the above-mentioned document, without a building permit issued by the local municipality and endorsed by the chief city architect, no construction work, for example, the construction of a small one-story store, is possible.

In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a license for the design of buildings and structures, as well as a similar document for engineering surveys during the construction process. The preparation of all these documents is not so expensive (within 7 thousand rubles), but it takes a lot of time, and therefore should be included in the company’s construction work plan agreement.

Search for orders and development options

A ready-made plan for a company specializing in construction and repair work must necessarily include mechanisms for searching for orders and cooperation with other organizations in the construction industry.

One of the most common options is participation in a contract during large-scale construction work by large organizations. The main difficulty here is interaction with other companies that will work at the same facility. Even though you will be working for different areas construction front, final goal you will have one - to deliver the finished object as quickly as possible and with as few defects as possible.

Many small firms themselves approach a large developer with requests for work, so a very good option would be to use personal acquaintances and maintain connections with the management of the construction “giants” of the region.

Many firms focus on private construction, constructing objects such as bathhouses, garages, and small households. In this case, advertising in local means mass media and the Internet, as well as concluding a cooperation agreement or even independently opening a store of building materials and related products.

Of course, you should not forget about such a form of mutually beneficial cooperation as renting out your existing construction equipment and personnel to those organizations that need it. In turn, it will be much more profitable for your company, if necessary, to rent a bulldozer with a bulldozer driver from a business colleague for several days, rather than buying the mechanism itself and paying a regular salary to a specialist who will only occasionally perform his work at your enterprise.

Income and expenses

We calculated the profit of our organization higher. If you believe the business plan, it will be approximately 1.51 million rubles per month. Let's pay attention to expenses and identify net profit:

Expense item (per month, except items 5-8) Amount (in rubles)
1. Office rent 60 sq. m. and production premises of 250 sq. m. m. 110000
2. Taxes (USN, 6% of revenue) 157200
3. Utilities 65000
4. Salary to the director, managers, accountant, foremen, specialists and workers - 25 people in total 550000
5. Purchase of machinery, equipment and construction materials 1200000
6. Opening and maintaining a store 600000
7. Contribution for the formation of the authorized capital 1500000
8. Permits, licenses, approvals 60000

There are three founders of the LLC in this example, so we will divide the expenses and profits of the enterprise by three. Initial expenses will be 3.36 million rubles or 1.12 million for each founder. The company's monthly expenses are 882.2 thousand rubles. With an estimated income of 1.51 million rubles, net profit will be 627.8 thousand rubles, or about 210 thousand for each founder. Of course, these conditions are close to ideal and under them the payback period for investments will be approximately six months. If the conditions are closer to real (not 100% utilization of production facilities and personnel), the payback period for a construction company is from one to two years.

Conclusion: the construction business is an area in which it is very crowded, but by providing proper advertising support and creating a good reputation for the company, you can ensure a stable income while doing an interesting and useful business.

The market for the provision of services for the construction of buildings and structures does not lose its popularity. This market segment is developing dynamically; thanks to the development of technology, new methods of construction work are emerging and being actively introduced. Those who want to start their own business in this area can be stopped by the relatively high competition in this industry. However, with proper prioritization of business and knowledge of the relevant nuances of entrepreneurship in this area, you can achieve confident business success and a stable income. To achieve such goals, first of all, a business plan must be drawn up, where all the economic indicators of the project will be calculated. After all, it is their values ​​that an investor first of all pays attention to when he is presented with a business plan for consideration. According to the methodology of business planning based on the work of a construction company, this project has much in common with, since these data are essentially different, business projects have much in common in terms of the equipment used, professional qualities personnel and so on. Returning to the project of a construction organization, it can be noted that such a business can be launched by sequentially going through three main stages. These stages consist of:

  1. Going through the registration procedure as a legal entity, and providing the business with the necessary stamps and forms.
  2. Obtaining permits.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.

1. At the first stage associated with completing the registration procedure, the entrepreneur should decide on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity. The most suitable option is an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, you need to issue a round seal of the organization and purchase its forms. You also need to open a personal bank account. 2. Since licensing of construction activities has been abolished since 2010, obtaining the corresponding document has been abolished. The organization only needs to provide access to the SRO (self-regulatory organization). 3. Drawing up a business plan is key not only for successful work organization in the future, but also a favorable presentation of the project to investors. The business plan is detailed description opening business with calculated economic indicators of the project. It should give detailed description planned construction organization, name the chosen organizational and legal form, and list the types of services provided. In number standard services construction company includes:

  • geodetic and survey work at the sites of proposed construction;
  • finishing and repair work of any complexity;
  • construction work of any complexity (including low-rise buildings and facilities).

A positive assessment from the investor will be caused by a remark about possible expansion services provided. An assessment of the economic situation developing in a given market segment must be made, which also makes it possible to understand whether it is appropriate to this region opening the chosen type of business, and how successful such a business will be.


The choice of future employees must be approached very responsibly, since the formation of the company’s image and the further demand for its services from clients directly depends on their ability to perform professional duties efficiently. However, it is not worth hiring employees on a permanent basis to perform the entire range of construction work, as this is fraught with significant costs for the wage fund. For a number of labor-intensive jobs that require the use of special construction equipment, workers may be hired on a temporary basis. These types of work include:

  • geodetic;
  • geological;
  • design work;
  • delivery and lifting of oversized cargo, etc.

All other types of work must be performed by permanent employees of the company. Minimum work crew should consist of:

  1. plumber;
  2. plasterer;
  3. painter;
  4. electrician.

It is advisable that these positions should not be combined by one person, and that each specialized part of the work should be performed by a separate worker. Also on staff should be a foreman who controls the entire construction part of the work, an architect, as well as an office manager who will be responsible for receiving calls from clients and answering their questions.

Premises and equipment

A construction company needs to rent premises in which to house its office. Such premises can be located in a residential building and be an apartment converted into an office. Therefore, in addition to standard pieces of furniture - tables and chairs for clients, The following must be present in the office:

  • telephone;
  • computer;
  • printer/scanner.

So, for specialized work, special equipment can be used on a temporary basis, so there is no need to purchase such installations. For the successful operation of a construction company, it is enough to purchase a truck to transport building materials to their place direct use. In addition, workers must be provided next tool:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. perforator;
  4. laser level;
  5. tile cutter;
  6. drill;
  7. hammers;
  8. tool kits and more.

Advertising strategy

  • opening your own company website;
  • advertisements in the media;
  • distributing leaflets and booklets on the streets and near public transport stops.

Creating your own website is one of the most successful ways to attract additional clientele, since you can post samples of completed work on the Internet resource, approximate cost services, tell potential clients about new construction projects and services, etc.


A mandatory step in drawing up a business plan is to calculate the financial plan of the project and related economic indicators. Consumable part such a plan includes:

  1. Purchase of special equipment – ​​10,000,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of construction equipment and tools – 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Office rent – ​​250,000 rubles per year.
  4. Implementation of the advertising strategy, transportation costs and entertainment expenses - 220,000 rubles per year.

When calculating expenses, it turns out that the starting capital for opening a construction company is 11,270,000 rubles. The company's future income as part of its construction work amounts to more than 1,500,000 rubles per month. At this level of monthly income, the business will pay for itself in less than 12 months of operation.

For 350 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. IN open access, on the Internet, it is not there.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

The presented video gives some advice to those wishing to open a business related to the construction industry


The construction industry does not lose its popularity among consumers, which is why opening a construction company can become a successful business project, provided that the nuances of managing in this area are observed and a competent business plan is drawn up.

Readers of the page can download it for free and use it in the future when drawing up their own business project.

The construction business is developing more and more every year. Trends in this industry can be safely called favorable. This is directly related to the fact that services in the construction industry have been, remain and will always be relevant. It doesn't matter which economic situation on at the moment in the country. People will always build.

The importance of a business plan for a construction organization

Everyone knows that to conduct business successfully, you cannot do without a well-written business plan. Planning will help you avoid many mistakes, foresee some difficulties that may arise, calculate the threshold for business profitability, determine how long it will take you to return the invested funds, and calculate upcoming expenses. This important document will help determine the main direction of work and the strategy of action.

Having a construction company business plan in hand, it will be easier for you to negotiate with sponsors to invest their capital in your brainchild. Without attracting investment, it will be difficult for you. The investor must be sure that his funds are invested with a long-term perspective.

Only thanks to the example of a business plan for a construction company will you be able to correctly navigate the structure of the market in which you are going to work and earn income.

Construction business development today

What are the features of a construction-related business? This is very promising direction in order to implement a business idea in the construction industry. The initial investment can be recouped in record time.

You can make your dream come true and become the owner of a construction company using two options:

  1. buy a ready-made company;
  2. create it yourself.

Purchasing an already established enterprise has a lot of positive points. The main thing is that you don’t have to waste your time obtaining permits to open. Another important factor is that you will already have a ready-made coordinated work a team of professional workers. The last argument is the presence of a client base. And this, you see, is a big plus. You will not need to look for the first customer and prove to him the viability of your newly founded company.

Building a construction business from scratch is a troublesome and long-term undertaking. But this option also has its advantages. One of them is that you do not need to be the owner of a large amount of money. To open, a small investment will be enough for registration and purchase of the necessary equipment.

It is worth knowing that the procedure for registering a construction company is a complex and troublesome process. You can go all the way to the end only with the help of experienced legal consultants. When recruiting personnel it is necessary special attention devote it to professionalism. The success of the enterprise will directly depend on this. If the starting capital is small, then you are unlikely to be able to deal with complex projects.

You may have to work as a subcontractor for some time. Only after you have managed to earn some money and develop connections can you offer yourself as a contractor.

We should not forget that this business has one not very pleasant feature, namely: there may be a long-term delay in large working capital in facilities that are under construction. It is almost impossible to find a customer who will agree to make an advance payment for the purchase of materials, rental of equipment or wages for workers. As a rule, payment is made only after the facility is fully commissioned.

I would like to pay special attention to the great competition. It will be very difficult for a novice businessman to compete with eminent companies that have been working in this industry for decades. But there is a way out of this situation. IN major cities getting through is much more difficult. But here regional centers and medium-sized towns are a good field for your future activities. Large construction corporations do not do business there. Profitability in these places will be significantly lower, but you will have a better opportunity to get back on your feet sooner.

If you believe the analytical centers that analyze the construction market, this type of business does not lose its relevance and continues to develop at a rapid pace.

Goals and objectives of business in the construction industry

The goals and objectives that all construction companies, without exception, should set for themselves are high-quality and reliable construction of buildings and structures of all levels and purposes. An organization engaged in construction must carry out the entire complex of construction and installation work within the time frame justified by the project and with an optimal price-quality ratio. In this case, you need to focus on the customer’s requirements and the status of the object.

The main goal that the head of the company should face is to achieve a constant increase in the company’s assets by increasing the volume of work.

Target Audience is the end consumer. In order to receive good profit, you need to try to give people what they want. If you do your job carelessly, you will soon lose all your clients.

Registration of a construction company and taxation

First you need to open a company and decide on registration. The best option– . You need to come up with a name for your company and decide on its location. In addition, you will need authorized capital and founders.

The following documents are required for registration:

  1. copies of the founders’ passports;
  2. information about where the organization will be located;
  3. information about the type of activity;
  4. a certificate of the authorized capital and how it was obtained.

Construction is divided into civil, industrial and road construction, and before starting your activities, you must obtain a separate permit for each type.

The main tax levied on construction organizations– . Tax authorities often conflict with developers on the following issues: underestimation of the taxable base; tax on construction and installation work for personal needs; on the tax side – the use of inaccurate deductions.

May apply to small businesses. This system can be effective only if the organization’s reporting period does not exceed 15 million rubles, and the residual value of assets does not exceed 100 million rubles.

Where to start a construction business?

Choosing a room

To work you will need to have office space. In it you can meet with customers and store various documentation on completed projects. The main requirement for choosing a room is a convenient location and minimum area.

We purchase equipment and furniture

For furniture, you will need a table and chairs for clients, office equipment. The list of necessary things includes: telephone, computer, printer/scanner.

A small construction company is not able to provide itself with the necessary specialized equipment. In this case, you can use leasing - this is the same as renting. It will cost much less than buying new machinery and equipment.

We select personnel

Properly selected personnel is half the success of your company. If workers perform their duties efficiently, the company’s image will always be at its best.

In order to minimize employee wage costs, it is not necessary to accept permanent job all highly qualified specialists. Some of them may perform their duties on a temporary basis. These could be surveyors, designers or drivers of special equipment.

You should start with no more than one team of 5 people. In it in mandatory should be:

In addition, you cannot do without a competent foreman and office manager who will answer calls and create a client base.

We create a list of services

As you know, the field of activity in the construction business is multifaceted. It could be:

  1. large business in the construction of multi-storey buildings, cottage villages, construction of industrial facilities;
  2. medium-sized business can be based on the construction of private houses, reconstruction of buildings and structures, construction of local roads and landscaping;
  3. a small business can only engage in finishing work, pouring the foundation, landscaping areas, selling building materials in small stores and retail outlets, as well as the production of materials in our own small factories.

From all of the above, we see that there are many options for developing a construction business. The main thing is not to make a mistake with your choice and accurately calculate your strengths.

Financial plan

Approximate cost calculation:

  1. 10 – 12 million rubles – for the purchase or rental of equipment. This amount includes expenses for geological exploration and design work;
  2. 1 million rubles – clothing for employees and purchase of tools;
  3. 150 - 200 thousand rubles - entertainment expenses;
  4. 100 – 150,000 rubles – rent of office space;
  5. 100,000 rubles annually – advertising, etc.;
  6. wages employees (based on 7 people) – 250 – 300 thousand rubles per month.

Total about 13,000,000 rubles. This amount can vary significantly depending on many factors.

Profitability and payback of the enterprise

The norm in construction is considered to be profitability of 10–15%. This can indicate one thing: all levels of work - estimated, planned and actual - are built correctly.

At the moment we can observe a slight downward trend in these indicators. They make up 7 – 9%. There is a slight decrease in profitability. The reason is this: overhead costs remain the same, while the price of building materials rises, and employee wages also increase.

In order to return the invested money as quickly as possible, owners of construction companies sometimes reduce prices for their services. This leads to the fact that cash flow decreases and profits decrease, hence - low performance profitability. In the provinces, these numbers can be significantly higher than in the capital. Profitability directly depends on the qualifications of workers and their workload.

The payback period can be within 15 - 20 months. Do not forget that this business is seasonal, so work may be suspended in winter.

Advertising and searching for new clients

For a newly established business, building a customer base should be a priority. In advertising activities you need to choose the right directions, for example:

  • advertisements in local press and radio,
  • distribution of company brochures in business partner companies, construction stores and real estate agencies,
  • active participation in tenders for the construction of various facilities.

Let's draw conclusions. The business plan of a repair and construction company shows that the construction business is complex, but at the same time very interesting and profitable. If you have the required amount of start-up capital, you have a great desire to work and get a good profit at the same time - this job may be a good option for you.