Popular Russian cities for tourism. Where to rent a house in Kaliningrad

Victor Pashinsky

First of all, Bulgaria is suitable for beach holiday. There are excellent sandy beaches, low prices and a comfortable climate.

We analyzed the most recent cleanliness report sea ​​water in the European Union and invite you to form your own opinion about.

Are the beaches cleaned in Bulgaria? How often?

Bulgaria is very actively striving to join the European Union. One of the requirements is the cleanliness of the beaches. On the beaches of Bulgaria cleaned every day, regardless of whether it is a paid zone or a free one. On many beaches, cleaning is done both in the morning and in the evening.

And these are not just words. We really saw many times how the cleaning takes place, how the garbage and algae are removed.

The beaches of Bulgaria seemed to us even a little cleaner than in Montenegro and much better than in the New World.

Where are the wild and deserted beaches in Bulgaria?

There are quite a lot of deserted and completely deserted beaches in Bulgaria. You just have to move a few kilometers away from the city and you will find one of these.

Personally, we liked the most between the cities of Aheloy and.

When we swam there, the water was amazingly clean and transparent, there were no people at all.

Literally 20 meters away is its healing mud and very salty water. The lake is home to many species of birds. We remember most the swans, pelicans and herons.

By and large, all the beaches in Bulgaria are very similar. Almost everywhere you can find a sandy bottom with a gentle slope and fairly clean water, comfortable for swimming. The beaches differ only in the surrounding landscapes, infrastructure and the number of people.

The same green beach I was talking about. Of course, sand begins closer to the sea, but the impression is still excellent.

Personally, I think it makes sense to divide beaches into two categories. These are beaches “for every day” and beaches that are definitely worth visiting, but it’s not convenient to go there every day - they are too far away.

From the first group I would like to highlight the beaches (I remember one of them with amazingly green grass almost right next to the sea). They all have has its pros and cons, which we described in separate articles.

Most likely something similar can be found next to any major resort. For example, during our trip, I saw excellent deserted beaches between Ravda and Aheloy.

In general, my review of the beaches of Bulgaria very positive— they are very clean and not too crowded with people.

My favorite beach in Nessebar is very clean water, soft sand and picturesque views all around. It's just hard to climb over the rocks...

On many sites you can find information that there are algae lying on the beaches of Bulgaria. This is not true, or rather not entirely true. The country's beaches are thoroughly cleaned both during the day and in the evening. Relaxing on them is comfortable and calm.

Some of the most comfortable, in my opinion, are. You won’t find crowds of tourists on them, like, for example, on, and you can settle here in free territory literally at the water’s edge, which, you see, in some cases is simply necessary.

In general, I would classify the beaches of Bulgaria as more than comfortable and clean. A smooth descent into, the presence of lifeguards, sun loungers, umbrellas and various beach activities have a positive effect on the rating.

When going to the beach in Bulgaria, I advise you to take more with you drinking water, protective cream and sun umbrella. After all, even while relaxing in the shade, you will have time to tan, but not burn.

If you still have questions about Bulgaria and the beaches in this country (or any others in general), you can safely and without hesitation ask them in the comments right under the article. We will be happy to answer, tell you and help you choose.

The thirty and TOP 10 most visited cities in the world in 2017 have been named. "Bulletin ATOR" provides this rating. You will also find out in which of them tourists spend the most money, and on what exactly.

International payment system Mastercard has unveiled its annual Global Destination Cities Index, which ranks the world's 132 most visited cities. The study, conducted for the 9th time, is based on the number of overnight stays by international visitors, their trips and expenses in 2016. Based on these data, a forecast is made about which countries and cities will be the most visited in 2017.

Mastercard has released settlement data for 30 cities around the world. There were no Russian representatives in the TOP-30.

TOP 30 - FROM 30 TO 11 PLACE

So, the most visited cities in 2017 according to Mastercard:

30. Johannesburg, South Africa- 4.8 million foreign tourists

29. Berlin, Germany - 5.1 million foreign tourists

28. Toronto, Canada - 5.3 million foreign tourists.

27. Mumbai, India - 5.35 million foreign tourists.

26. Munich, Germany - 5.4 million foreign tourists.

25. Madrid, Spain - 5.5 million foreign tourists

24. Dublin, Ireland - 5.59 million foreign tourists.

23. Chennai, India - 5.7 million foreign tourists.

22. Los Angeles, USA - 5.8 million foreign tourists.

20. Prague, Czech Republic - 6.4 million foreign tourists.

19. Vienna, Austria - 6.63 million foreign tourists.

18. Shanghai, China - 6.65 million foreign tourists.

17. Rome, Italy - 7.3 million foreign tourists.

16. Taipei, Taiwan - 7.8 million foreign tourists.

15. Osaka, Japan - 7.9 million foreign tourists.

14. Milan, Italy - 8.4 million foreign tourists.

13. Amsterdam, Netherlands - 8.7 million foreign tourists.

12. Barcelona, ​​Spain - 8.9 million foreign tourists

11. Istanbul, Türkiye - 9.24 million foreign tourists.


Well, finally, we have reached the TOP 10 of this year. Seven out of ten cities in it are cities in Asian countries. Which, in general, is not surprising, given the rate at which both the population and tourist flows in this region are growing. So, the TOP 10 most visited cities in the world in 2017 are:

10. Hong Kong - 9.25 million foreign tourists.

9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 12.1 million foreign tourists.

8. New York, USA - 12.4 million foreign tourists.

7. Seoul, South Korea - 12.44 million foreign tourists.

6. Tokyo, Japan - 12.5 million foreign tourists.

5. Singapore - 13.45 million foreign tourists.

4. Dubai, UAE - 16 million foreign tourists.

3. Paris, France - 16.1 million foreign tourists.

2. London, Great Britain - 20 million foreign tourists.

1. Bangkok, Thailand - 20.2 million foreigners strange tourists.

As noted in the study, the capital of Thailand, where the growth of tourist traffic in 2017 will be at least 4%, will retain its status as the most visited city in the world. London will remain second this year with a plus of 5%.

Experts also have no doubt that Paris will retain its status as a popular destination (+4.4%). But the presence in the TOP 5 of Dubai, where the dynamics of arrivals is expected to be 7.7%, according to analysts, is a consequence of the global promotion of this metropolis, which is interesting to tourists due to new unique tourist attractions, for example, theme parks.

Other destinations attracting international travelers include Tokyo, with arrivals up 12% this year.

The only negative among the most visited cities in the top ten is New York (6th place, -2.4%), which is associated with the excesses of the Trump administration’s visa policy. Even Istanbul, which has been losing tourists since 2015 due to security problems, will still increase the number of international visitors this year (+0.9%).


It is also curious that not all cities in the top ten are as “commercially successful”. Not all megacities bring in enough income from tourists to be in the TOP 10 cities with the highest level of spending by international travelers.

The TOP 10 most profitable cities in the world include:

  1. Dubai (in 2016, tourist spending amounted to 28.50 billion US dollars, growth in 2017 +10.2%);
  2. New York ($17.02 billion, +1.5%);
  3. London (16.09 billion US dollars, - 4.6%);
  4. Singapore (USD 15.69 billion, +0.3%);
  5. Bangkok (USD 14.08 billion, + 10.9%);
  6. Paris (USD 12.03 billion, + 4.9%);
  7. Tokyo ($11.28 billion, +3.7%);
  8. Taipei ($9.91 billion, +6.9%);
  9. Seoul ($9.38 billion, +1.8%);
  10. Barcelona (+8.90 billion US dollars, +6.9%).


Globally, the number of international lifetime visitors across all 132 destinations covered by the Global Destination Cities Index has increased by 55.2% since 2009, significantly outpacing real GDP growth over the same period, the study notes. The fastest growing destinations are in the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East.

Thus, the number of megacities that showed the largest increase in foreign arrivals from 2009-2016 included:

  1. Osaka, Japan (+24%)
  2. Chengdu, China (+22.7%)
  3. Colombo, Sri Lanka (+20.3%)
  4. Abu Dhabi, UAE (+18.9%)
  5. Jakarta, Indonesia (+18.2%)
  6. Tokyo, Japan (+17.7%)
  7. Hanoi, Vietnam (+16.4%)
  8. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (+15,9%)
  9. Lima, Peru (+15.2%)
  10. Taipei, Taiwan (+14.5%).


A few more numbers and calculations are also interesting. Thus, in the top 30 cities, most trips are related to leisure, with the exception of Shanghai, where almost half (48.4%) of visitors travel for business. On the contrary, Kuala Lumpur has largest percentage visitors who travel to the capital of Malaysia specifically for the sake of relaxation (92.2%).

As for expenses, tourists are most willing to spend money on food in Istanbul (33.6%) and Prague (29.3%). Most of all for shopping in Seoul (56.5%), London (46.7%), Osaka (43.4%) and Tokyo (43.1%),

Accommodation may be the most expensive travel expense when visiting Paris (44.8%), Milan (40.4%) and Rome (40.4%)

Finally, thanks to efficient transport systems, travelers spend relatively little money on transport in cities such as London (4.3%), Singapore (4.6%) and Hong Kong (4.6%).

The global payment system Mastercard has once again found out where global tourist flows will head in 2015. The ranking of the most visited cities by tourists has been created annually for the last seven years. The forecast is made based on an analysis of data on the number of citizens who arrived and the amount of money they spent.


The global payment system Mastercard has once again found out where global tourist flows will head in 2750-0_bgblur_015. The ranking of the most visited cities by tourists has been created annually for the last seven years. The forecast is made based on an analysis of data on the number of citizens who arrived and the amount of money they spent.

Mastercard estimates there will be 383 million trips between 132 cities this year. Total spending by foreign tourists will amount to $360 billion. The company’s press release notes that “the Global Destinations Cities Index doesn’t just reflect tourism destinations, it provides a deeper understanding of how people move around the world,” emphasizes important role cities as places to live, destinations and engines of economic activity." According to Mastercard forecasts greatest number tourists will come to the next ten cities.

1. London, UK

18 million 820 thousand tourists

2. Bangkok, Thailand

18 million 240 thousand tourists

3. Paris, France

16 million 60 thousand tourists

4. Dubai, UAE

14 million 260 thousand tourists

5. Istanbul, Türkiye

12 million 560 thousand tourists

6. New York, USA

12 million 270 thousand tourists

7. Singapore

11 million 880 thousand tourists

8. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

11 million 120 thousand tourists

9. Seoul, South Korea

10 million 350 thousand tourists

10. Hong Kong, China

8 million 660 thousand tourists

the most visited cities in the world in 2017 you can see,

In 2015, London was recognized as the most popular city among tourists for the second year in a row. The UK capital is expected to welcome 18.8 million tourists in 2015, once again ahead of Bangkok. The two cities have been competing for the top spot for the past five years. This is stated in the report of the international company Master Card, which compiles the annual rating of the most popular tourist destinations Global Destinations Cities.

In total, the ranking includes 132 megacities of the world. It is noteworthy that this year London will not only be first on the list of the most visited cities, but also first in terms of the amount of money spent by tourists - guests will leave at least $20 billion in the British capital.

In 2014, according to the UK Office of National Statistics, 17.4 million tourists visited London. Research shows that tourists travel to London mainly to visit historical sites and cultural events.

18.4 million people are expected to visit Bangkok this year. The study authors note that the Thai capital lost first place in the ranking in 2013, mainly due to political instability. However, this year Bangkok is showing signs of regaining lost ground and closing the “gap” with the leader.

in fourth place Dubai - 14 million guests.

Istanbul became the fifth most popular city, with up to 12.3 million people visiting it.

New York came sixth in the Top 10 with a forecast of 12.3 million tourists.

Singapore took seventh position with 11.9 million.

In eighth place is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (11.1 million guests).

Seoul is in 9th place - expectations for 2015 were at least 10.4 million tourists, however, it is possible that due to the MERS outbreak the capital South Korea there will be a significant number of foreign visitors missing.

Hong Kong closes the top ten: this city welcomes 8.6 million guests.

Noteworthy is the fact that out of the top 10 destinations, five are in Asia: Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and Hong Kong. As noted in the study, such representation of the Asia-Pacific region is not accidental: the diverse and vibrant tourism sector of these countries has been steadily providing an influx of tourists over the past 10 years.

The top twenty includes such popular European cities as Barcelona (12th place), Amsterdam (13th position), Rome (14th place), Milan (15th on the list), Vienna (18th place) place) and Prague (19th place).

The ranking of urban destinations where tourists spend the most money was somewhat different. After London, New York is ranked second in visitor spending ($17.4 billion). Third on the list is Paris ($16.6 billion). Seoul is fourth with $15.2 billion. Singapore closes the top five in tourist spending with $14.7 billion.

The sixth largest city in terms of money spent by guests is Barcelona ($13.8 billion), followed by Bangkok in seventh position ($12.3 billion). The eighth place was taken by the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur ($12 billion), and ninth place by Dubai, UAE ($11.7 billion). Istanbul closes the ranking of the most “expensive” cities for tourists in the world; tourists are expected to spend $9.4 billion here this year.

A very interesting list of cities that show the best dynamics in the arrival of foreign guests over the past 6 years. Of the ten cities on this list, seven megacities, again, are located in Asia.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, ranks third in terms of growth (20.4%), while Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) came in fifth (18%). Japanese Osaka took 4th place with an increase of 19.8%. In sixth place is the city of Xi, China (16.2%), seventh is Taipei, Taiwan (14.9%). The capital of Japan, Tokyo, is in 8th place (14.6%). Lima, the capital of Peru, is ninth (13.9%), at the same time the city topped the regional top of the most dynamic tourist urban destinations in South America. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (12.9%) closes the top ten.