Business plan for a leasing company.


The business plan of a leasing company was developed based on experience in developing real existing projects"AMICO" company.

The objective of the business plan is justify the economic efficiency of opening a leasing company.

Attractiveness of the leasing services market:

  • The volume of the leasing services market in 2017 exceeded the level of *** trillion. rubles, an increase of 48% compared to the previous year.
  • Automobiles and railway equipment have become drivers of growth in the leasing market. Showed the greatest growth railway transport, in 2017 its volume more than doubled.
  • The share of bank loans in the structure of new business in the leasing market increased by ***%.
  • The greatest growth is observed in the financial leasing segment vehicles by 155%. Moscow's share is almost half of the total amount of financial leasing agreements.
  • In 2018, the volume of new business will continue to grow and by the end of 2018 will amount to more than *** trillion. rubles Market growth will be facilitated by lower interest rates and government support.
  • According to experts, by 2022 the volume of new business will amount to *** billion rubles. The average annual growth rate will be about ***%.

Concept of a business plan for a leasing company:

The project's income is generated as a result of the lessee paying interest on the leasing. Interest on lease payments includes the following categories:

  • Insurance and taxes on property leased under a leasing agreement;
  • Operating expenses of the leasing company;
  • Costs of raising funds.

To implement the project, investments in the amount of *** million rubles will be required. The project is financed through a loan - 70% and 30% of its own funds.

Main characteristics of the project:

  • The estimated number of personnel is *** people, the wage fund will be *** thousand rubles per month.
  • Leasing equipment segments:
  1. road construction equipment
  2. mechanical engineering and metalworking equipment;
  3. construction equipment;
  4. railway equipment.
  • The area of ​​rented premises for the leasing company's office will be *** sq. m. m.
  • In the structure of investments, the share of working capital reaches ***%, which will be required to purchase equipment.
  • The total amount of loan funds will be *** million rubles. The loan agreement is concluded for 3.5 years. Interest on the loan will be *** thousand rubles. at an interest rate of ***%.
  • The investor's income will be *** thousand rubles.
  • The project uses general system taxation, the percentage of taxes to revenue is only ***%.
  • Payback for the leasing company occurs in the *** year of project implementation.

The business plan includes marketing analysis industries, financial and investment plans.

Electronic financial model leasing company project in Excel format can be adjusted independently by changing the main parameters.

The business plan consists of 175 pages.

Visual presentation of information includes:

  • Diagrams - 69 pcs.
  • Tables - 63 pcs.
  • Charts - 9 pcs.





List of charts

Diagram 1. Volume and dynamics of the leasing market in Russia, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 2. Volume and dynamics of new leasing agreements, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 3. Volume and dynamics of the total leasing portfolio, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 5. Volume and dynamics of lease payments received, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 6. Share of transactions of state leasing companies in the total volume of transactions, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 7. Sources of financing for new businesses in the leasing market, 2013 - 2017, %

Diagram 8. Ratio of shares of leased items in new business, 2016 - 2017, %

Diagram 9. Structure of new business by leased items, 2017, %

Diagram 10. Structure of the leasing portfolio by leased items, 2017, %

Diagram 11. Volume and dynamics of nominal GDP of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 12. Volume and dynamics rental payments under leasing agreement, 2014 - 2016, billion rubles.

Diagram 13. Structure of rental payments under leasing agreements in manufacturing industries, 2016, %

Diagram 14. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for all fixed assets, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 15. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for all fixed assets in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 16. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements of all fixed assets by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 17. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements by segment, 2017, %

Diagram 18. Ratio of the total value of financial leasing agreements by segment in 2016-2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 19. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for vehicles, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 20. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for vehicles in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 21. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for vehicles by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 22. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for cars, buses and trolleybuses, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 23. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for cars, buses and trolleybuses in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 24. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for cars, buses and trolleybuses by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 25. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for ships, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 26. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for ships in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 27. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for ships by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 28. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for railway vehicles, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 29. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for railway vehicles in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 30. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for railway vehicles by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 31. Volume and dynamics of the total value of air financial leasing agreements aircraft, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 32. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for aircraft by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 33. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for buildings and structures (except residential), 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 34. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for buildings and structures (except residential) in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 35. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for buildings and structures (except residential) by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 36. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for information, computer and telecommunications equipment in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 37. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for information, computer and telecommunications equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 38. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for computers and computer networks, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 39. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for computers and computer networks in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 40. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for computers and computer networks by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 41. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for other machinery and equipment in the Federal District, 2017, %

Diagram 42. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for other machinery and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 43. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing agreements for machinery and equipment, 2012 - 2016, billion rubles.

Diagram 44. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for machinery and equipment in the Federal District, 2016, %

Diagram 45. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for machinery and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2016, %

Diagram 46. Volume and dynamics of the total value of financial leasing contracts for working, food and breeding livestock, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 47. Structure of the total cost of financial leasing agreements for working, food and breeding livestock by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 48. Volume and dynamics of revenue in the financial leasing and subleasing industry, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 49. Volume and dynamics of investments in the financial leasing and subleasing industry, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 50. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in Russia, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 51. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in Central federal district, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 52. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the Moscow region, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 53. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in Moscow, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 54. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the Northwestern Federal District, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 55. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in St. Petersburg, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 56. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the Southern Federal District, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 57. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the North Caucasus Federal District, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 58. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the Volga Federal District, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 59. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the Ural Federal District, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 60. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the Siberian Federal District, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 61. Factors negatively affecting the activities of organizations in the field of financial leasing in the Far Eastern Federal District, 2012 - 2017, %

Diagram 62. Volume and dynamics of revenue in the rental and leasing industry, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 63. Volume and dynamics of revenue in the rental and leasing industry of other machinery and equipment and materials, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 64. Volume and dynamics of investments in the rental and leasing industry, 2012 - 2017, billion rubles.

Diagram 65. Investment structure

Diagram 66. Structure of working capital by planning periods

Diagram 67. Equipment cost structure

Diagram 68. Structure of current costs

Diagram 69. Receiving and repaying a loan

List of charts

Graph 1. Dynamics of the average transaction amount and the number of concluded transactions, 2012 - 2017.

Graph 2. Concentration on the top 10 in the amount of new contracts, 2012 - 2017, %

Chart 3. Dynamics of the share of leasing (new business) in the GDP of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, %

Chart 4. Income plan

Chart 5. Calculation of break-even point

Graph 6. Dynamics of revenue, costs and profits

Graph 7. Dynamics of net profit

Chart 8. NPV of the project and not discounted cash flow

Graph 9. Investor NPV and undiscounted cash flow



List of tables

Table 1. Top 20 leasing companies by number of transactions concluded in 2017, %

Table 2. Structure of the leasing market by subject, 2016 - 2017

Table 3. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for all fixed assets in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 4. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for all fixed assets by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 5. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for vehicles in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 6. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for vehicles by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 7. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for cars, buses and trolleybuses in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 8. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for cars, buses and trolleybuses by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 9. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for ships in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 10. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for ships by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 11. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for railway vehicles in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 12. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for railway vehicles by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 13. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for aircraft by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 14. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for buildings and structures (except residential) in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 15. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for buildings and structures (except residential) by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 16. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for information, computer and telecommunications equipment in the Federal District, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 17. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for information, computer and telecommunications equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 18. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for computers and computer networks in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 19. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for computers and computer networks by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 20. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for other machinery and equipment in the Federal District, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 21. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for other machinery and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 22. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for machinery and equipment in the Federal District, 2012 - 2016, thousand rubles.

Table 23. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for machinery and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2016, thousand rubles.

Table 24. Total cost of financial leasing agreements for working, food and breeding livestock by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 25. Revenue structure in the financial leasing and subleasing industry in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 26. Revenue structure in the financial leasing and subleasing industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 27. Structure of investments in the financial leasing and subleasing industry in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 28. Structure of investments in the financial leasing and subleasing industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 29. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 30. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 31. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of motor vehicles by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 32. Revenue structure in the rental industry of personal and household items by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 33. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of other machinery and equipment and material assets in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 34. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of other machinery and equipment and materials by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 35. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of other machinery and equipment and materials, 2017, %

Table 36. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of agricultural machinery and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 37. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of construction machinery and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 38. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of construction machinery and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 39. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of office machines and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 40. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of office machines and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 41. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of water vehicles and equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 42. Revenue structure in the rental and leasing industry of aircraft and aviation equipment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 43. Structure of investments in the rental and leasing industry in the Federal District, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 44. Structure of investments in the rental and leasing industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2017, thousand rubles.

Table 45. Staffing table.

Table 47. Structure of working capital

Table 48. Structure of investments in office equipment

Table 49. Possible risks and ways to prevent them

Table 50. Initial project indicators

Table 51. Parameters of the leasing company’s income plan

Table 52. Income plan

Table 53. Current expenditure plan

Table 54. Project taxes

Table 55. Tax payments for the project

Table 56. Servicing of borrowed funds

Table 57. Calculation of break-even sales volume

Table 58. Cash flow statement

Table 59. Profit and loss statement

Table 60. Project performance indicators

Table 61. Top 120 Russian leasing companies in Russia based on the results of 2017

In this article we will look at how to arrange leasing at Otkritie Bank. Let's find out what leasing programs are available for business representatives and what benefits can be obtained from cooperation with the bank. We have prepared for you the procedure for submitting an online leasing application and collected customer reviews.

About the company

Otkritie FC is an independent financial institution with a diversified management structure that finances key business areas: investment, corporate and retail.

Otkritie Bank was founded in the early 90s. It was created after the merger of several large institutions operating on financial market. Today Otkritie is part of a large financial corporation, providing a range of services to individuals and legal entities. There are about three hundred branches throughout the country, located in one hundred cities of the country.

Leasing conditions at Otkritie Bank

Enterprises and individual entrepreneurs can lease transport and industrial equipment. Leasing provides an opportunity to reduce tax payments and significantly simplify the scheme accounting. The bank calculates depreciation, pays taxes and keeps records of fixed assets.

Conditions of leasing programs:


The bank offers to use leaseback - a type of financing in which the seller of the property is also the lessee. Activation of the program may change the structure of the client’s balance financial institution in terms of increasing working capital.

Leaseback is characterized by simplified requirements for the borrower, large amounts of investment, as well as flexible payments taking into account the characteristics of the business and its seasonality.

Joint program with Europlan

Otkritie Bank and the Europlan company have prepared a joint program that allows you to purchase vehicles on lease on favorable terms. The client receives exclusive discounts from car manufacturers and dealers, and can also apply for a VAT refund.

Program rates:

Under the proposed conditions, the client bears a minimum cost for the purchase of vehicles, because the increase in price leaves from 0%.

Funding decisions are made quickly. The required package of documents does not include bank statements and financial statements.

How to apply for leasing

To submit an application on the bank’s website, you need to register with your full name. and addresses email. Next you need to fill out the fields regarding your business.

Submit your application for consideration and wait for a call from a bank representative who will announce the further procedure in case of preliminary approval of the leasing. You need to provide a package of documents to the bank office, agree on the terms of the transaction and sign the agreement. After making an advance payment, you will be able to use the leased object.

Advantages of leasing at Otkritie Bank

Using leasing from Otkritie Bank, you get the following advantages:

  • Saving working capital - there is no need to pay the full cost of the property.
  • More flexible terms of the agreement than within the framework of a loan.
  • Liquidity level and financial statements does not decrease.
  • Lack of collateral.
  • Exemption from registration of acquired property, accounting and other actions related to ownership.
  • Optimization of payments and the possibility of tax planning.
  • There is no need to pay property taxes.
  • After the agreement expires, the property is purchased at a minimum cost.

Leasing company contacts

Legal address: 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 4.

MS Word Volume: 39 pages

Business plan

Reviews (27)

Compiled by experts, it will help all those who have decided to engage in this current, profitable business - leasing equipment, machines, apparatus, and real estate. It is precisely this action that leasing is based on, when people, not being the owners of these goods, can use them by paying the amount in installments. IN modern conditions This scheme works great and brings good profits.

Interested in receiving a leasing organization document that you can use right away? This is exactly the document offered on our website. From it you can learn such useful information and calculations as the financial and marketing plan of the object, the stages of its implementation, risk assessment, justification of investments. Without all this, starting a business is not only difficult, but also short-sighted and ineffective. Renting out various objects promises considerable income, because the final cost necessarily includes a percentage of the profit for the wait.

Having received the finished document, you will have a “support” in the form of a good foundation drawn up by professionals. You can take it as a basis and use its example to create your own, which would take into account your local realities and specific numbers. Combinatorics in the leasing business is necessary, because the ability to clearly respond to various customer requests, use legislative framework when leasing various forms of property, will help the company become successful. In any case, our projects are a great help to those who are determined to start a business and intend to do it successfully.

For recent years leasing has become an effective business tool, without which many cannot imagine their activities domestic enterprises. The economic crisis could not but affect the development of this market segment, but now this area began to come to life again. This is facilitated by the high demand for leasing services, since due to this, companies can use real estate or equipment without actually being their owners.

In this regard, opening a leasing company is a very promising type of business that promises good profits. A businessman planning to open a leasing company must, first of all, decide on the format of the company. Today, there are 3 types of leasing enterprises: subsidiaries of well-known banks, leasing companies whose owners are the largest manufacturers or sellers of transport, equipment, etc., as well as companies that prefer to operate independently, using their own resources. But last type enterprises are still not widespread in our country.

Organizing a leasing company begins with studying your own financial capabilities, as well as analyzing enterprises already operating in this market segment. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account companies that do not act entirely open methods. So-called “gray leasing” companies can also have a significant impact on the results of your operations, despite the fact that their activities cannot always be called clean. Meanwhile, customer trust will be the best advertisement for your company, so it is better to avoid illegal methods of work. Not only can this lead to misunderstanding on the part of regulatory authorities, but it is also quite capable of tarnishing your reputation.

In order to honestly engage in leasing and subleasing of machinery, equipment, real estate, you need to register a company as legal entity. But even before that, you should decide in which area of ​​leasing services you plan to carry out your activities: will you, for example, provide only motor vehicles for rent or will you prefer to specialize in real estate. In addition, you need to clearly define the types of leasing you will be dealing with. This can be leasing with full or partial payback, financial, operational or leaseback.

If you are seriously planning to engage in leasing and at the same time get an impressive profit from this activity, be sure to use a professional business plan for a leasing company. This document will allow you to determine approximate income and expenses for creating a business and will help minimize possible risks. Its presence is also necessary in order to obtain credit funds from the bank necessary for active development enterprises.

Reviews on the business plan of a leasing company (27)

1 2 3 4 5

    Business plan for a leasing company

    Hello. I really benefited from your business plan and all the recommendations it contains. Everything is very well laid out, easy to use and put into action. The advice of your professionals allowed me to calculate everything correctly and avoid serious mistakes.

    Georgy, we are glad that we were able to provide you with real support. Indeed, when a business plan is at hand, the risk of making mistakes leading to financial losses is much lower, which makes the business more sustainable. We wish you success.

    Business plan for a leasing company

    You are doing a good job, and it would save entrepreneurs from having to modify a business plan for themselves. I understand that the cost is low, but I really don’t want to get involved with all these numbers.

    Oleg, we agree with you, the real cost of the document is much higher, but we made the price affordable so that as many entrepreneurs as possible could use the business plan. The fact that it requires modification is quite understandable, since it is problematic to provide for many individual nuances in the finished document; they can only be taken into account on order, but this costs more. We hope that you will delve into the economics of an enterprise and organize your own business; this will be useful to you more than once in the future. Good luck to you.

    Business plan for a leasing company

    When planning to open my own leasing company, I thought about how to convince bankers to give me a loan. But your business plan turned out to be the most convincing argument. They gave me the required amount without any problems, which saved me from a lot of hassle and doubts. You helped me a lot, thank you!

    Dmitry, indeed, the organization of such activities is closely connected with the banking sector and the better your relationship with them, the faster your business will develop. We wish you to successfully implement your plans and achieve success.

In stock Business plan for a leasing company 5 11

Evgeny Smirnov

# Business plans

Business plan for opening a leasing company

In all regions of Russia, the majority of leasing transactions are for motor vehicles and special equipment; all other categories of property are far behind and with a large lag. In the future, the market will develop towards real estate and industrial equipment.

Article navigation

  • Business plan for a leasing company
  • How to open a leasing company from scratch
  • How to lease property
  • How to sell leasing correctly
  • Conclusion

Leasing is not a business that you can enter without having a lot of capital, knowledge and experience. But the leasing market continues to grow in 2019, the demand for such services is quite high, so the topic is of increasing interest. But let’s say right away: if you don’t have tens (and even hundreds) of millions of rubles, then you won’t be able to get into this business. The reasons are simple, but to do this you need to understand how leasing companies work.

In leasing operations, one company transfers its property to another for temporary use. But this is not a rental transaction; it implies a gradual purchase of the property. To put it simply, leasing companies engage in lending, but not in the form in which banks do it. The conditions may be such that such a transaction will be much cheaper than a bank loan.

The objects of leasing are any property, but usually we're talking about about quite expensive (that's why we immediately said that it requires very large starting investments). Usually this is:

  • cars;
  • production equipment;
  • buildings and structures.

The practical meaning of leasing is that the recipient can use the property immediately and pay for it later. Sometimes the first payments can begin even after six months; all these points are discussed separately and are quite acceptable. The main advantage of such transactions is that both parties usually benefit. Leasing companies sell property and receive more profit (even if not immediately); recipients can quickly expand or start a business without having a lot of capital.

As a type of service, leasing appeared in Russia not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. It is no secret that domestic companies are often limited in funds, and bank loans are very expensive. All this has become fertile ground for the development of this service in Russia.

Trends in the development of leasing in Russia are such that everything more companies They prefer such transactions rather than bank loans. The risks for them become significantly lower. If there are problems with the business, the company can usually return the property and not pay for it in full. Unlike loans, which must be repaid in full.

Business plan for a leasing company

The amount of starting capital depends on the chosen direction, but here it is possible various schemes work. For example, a leasing company receives an order for equipment, but this does not mean that it is already in stock. For a specific transaction, equipment is purchased and leased. This is a common option for organizing a business in Russia, which minimizes risks.

There are many things to consider in a business plan, special attention It is worth turning to the sales market, competitors (these are not necessarily leasing companies). There are a lot of nuances, let's give just one example.

The company decided to engage in leasing of agricultural equipment. But I didn’t take into account that there are support programs in the region agriculture, thanks to which enterprises in this industry receive not only cheap loans, but also subsidies from the state. As a result, leasing will be significantly more expensive for them.

For this reason, SWOT analysis is often given the highest attention when developing a business plan for a leasing company. Financial aspects It’s relatively easy to calculate, but obstacles, as in the example, are not always obvious and lie on the surface. You can download an example of a business plan for a leasing company here:

Download sample

How to open a leasing company from scratch

The specifics of the business involve registering only an LLC. OKVED codes: 77.1 and 77.3. Definitely required office space, as well as others, depending on the chosen direction of leasing. This could be a warehouse, a parking lot, etc. A good website needs to be developed.

From the staff even for small company you will need:

  • lawyer;
  • customer service managers;
  • security officer;
  • accountant.

In practice, fixed rates are set for everyone except customer service managers. salaries. A bonus system is always effective for salespeople, which involves receiving a percentage of transactions. A security officer is needed to check the companies that have contacted you. Fraud in this area, although not too common, does occur.

You definitely shouldn’t skimp on a lawyer; his responsibilities will include drawing up leasing agreements. And this is one of the most important parts this business, in which mistakes are completely unacceptable. Any controversial situations should be interpreted in favor of the leasing company.

How to lease property

The contract format and other conditions depend on each specific company and the specifics of the property. Any non-consumable things, with the exception of natural objects, can be leased objects. By standard contract the recipient of the property receives it for rent and has the right to purchase it after the end of the contract or at another time, if this is agreed separately.

At the accounting and tax accounting has its own characteristics, since in this case the transaction is considered a lease and not a sale of property. There are a lot of nuances, so any company always has not only a full-time accountant, but also a lawyer with the appropriate profile.

Property insurance can be considered prerequisite, and it is usually carried out at the expense of the lessee, but in fact the agreement with the insurance company is concluded by the lessor, who acts as the owner of the property. Note that insurance is not mandatory, but in practice almost all companies resort to it. In this way they minimize possible risks. Tariffs depend on the type of property.

How to sell leasing correctly

Leasing as a business is still new to Russia. Many companies have already developed their own experience, but they share it extremely rarely. However, based on some available data and global experience, it is possible to draw a number of conclusions that will help a new leasing company successfully enter the market.

We can talk for a long time about marketing strategy, advertising campaigns, working with clients, but the fundamental factor for success is prices. You need to understand that a leasing company is usually forced to work in price category, which is between the price of simply purchasing the property and the cost of a bank loan.

Potential clients need to be explained what their benefits will be, show them specific numbers, and explain all the complex clauses of the contract. In practice, this is exactly the approach that works. Therefore, the requirements for sales managers here are quite high; they require not only standard communication skills and stress resistance, but also an economic education.

It is also interesting that many companies’ prices come close to the cost of a bank loan, and sometimes even exceed it (for example, by imposing additional services like vehicle maintenance in own center). This is worth paying special attention to when researching the market. It is possible that competitors can be bypassed with reasonable and market prices.


In all regions of Russia, the majority of leasing transactions are for motor vehicles and special equipment; all other categories of property are far behind and with a large lag. In the future, the market will develop towards real estate and industrial equipment. Everything is the same as it happened in Western countries.

In our opinion, it is worth paying attention to the small business segment; very large leasing opportunities may be hidden here. In a small business, it is often necessary to buy equipment worth several hundred thousand rubles, and leasing companies often do not work with such amounts, they are not interested. As a result, a novice businessman is forced to apply for expensive bank loans, since he has no other choice. In this segment, competition is low, and demand is very high.

You will need

  • - Personal bank account;
  • - notarized documents;
  • - acquisition of legal entity status.


Analyze the leasing business in the country and abroad, pay attention to how successful ones do business. They are usually created on the basis of financial organizations (banks, funds, insurance companies), or large ones for leasing sales of their own products. In Russia, there are successful companies that create state or municipal bodies, and there are companies that use the so-called “administrative resource”.

Select the leasing service you want to borrow. Assess your capabilities and the current market. Determine how competitive your offers are. It will be advisable to estimate expenses, sources of their financing, and estimated income from your activities. Therefore, you must create a business plan.

Organize your own leasing company. This can be done in any convenient organizational and legal forms (CJSC, LLC, etc.), since there are no special requirements. There are no licensing requirements for this activity.

Seek help from experts in the field of organization, finance, economics and engineering, as a clear understanding of the subject of your case is important here. Some knowledge can be gleaned from books, there are quite a lot of them. Or check out the training seminars offered monthly by many public organizations. This will help you smoothly enter the leasing business.

Useful advice

Thanks to leasing, you can save money working capital, if you make a small down payment and spread out the lease payments over time. At the same time, the main cost savings can be obtained by making leasing payments to the cost price in full and reducing property taxes.


  • What is leasing?
  • open leasing company

Small businesses and start-up entrepreneurs often do not have the financial capacity to purchase the necessary equipment or update their production base. It is quite difficult to obtain borrowed funds from a bank due to the lack of credit history or security under a contract. In this case, a leasing company can come to the aid of the entrepreneur.


Leasing is a long-term lease with the option to return or buy the property. The subject of leasing can be any real or movable property used for entrepreneurial activity, except land plots and other natural objects.

The following leasing scheme is most often used. Self employed or a commercial organization (lessee) selects the necessary equipment and a possible supplier. Then the lessee contacts the selected leasing company, which acts as the lessor under the agreement. The lessee provides the lessor with primary information about necessary equipment, on the basis of which the leasing company calculates the amount of lease payments and determines the terms of the transaction. The company includes its premium in the amount of leasing payments. The relationship between the lessor and the lessee is formalized by an agreement, which fixes the type of equipment, the lease term and determines the amount of lease payments.

A purchase and sale agreement is concluded between the lessor and the equipment supplier, which sets out the terms and conditions for the supply of equipment. The leasing company can purchase equipment at its own expense or borrowed funds. When using borrowed funds, there is an agreement between the leasing company and the bank loan agreement. The funds received are transferred to the supplier as payment for the equipment.