Evidence of the existence of vampires in modern times. Do vampires exist?

Do vampires exist in reality - a question that interests more and more more people. This is due to the fact that the popularity of the vampire theme in lately is off scale. Films and TV series are being made, books are being published. Representatives of the vampire race are presented not only as killers, but also as creatures capable of love. Creatures who are not alien to nobility and compassion.

Vampire story

The birthplace of vampirism is considered to be Transylvania.

The most famous vampire of all time is Count Dracula, glorified by Bram Stoker.

Fans of bloodsuckers call Stoker's novel " Vampire Bible». Prototype of the Count became a voivode from Wallachia Vlad Tepes. He was distinguished by bloody cruelty, the brutal torture to which he subjected his enemies was the reason for such bloody popularity. Over time, in people's minds, the story of Tepes was transformed into the image of Count Dracula. The image of a vampire in a black cloak is glorified in many works.

The Countess was also awarded the title of vampire. Elizabeth Bathory. Her complicated, bloody biography does not confirm that she has porphyria. WITH medical point vision is attributed to her mental disorder.

Description of vampires

Thanks to artistic sources, we know what vampires look like - blood-sucking creatures that attack their victims at night. They bite into the neck of the unfortunate person and either suck out the blood, killing him, or turn someone like him into themselves.

The appearance of bloodsuckers is characterized by pale and dry skin, sharp fangs and long nails.

They're afraid of straight lines sun rays, so they wear closed clothes. They sleep exclusively in individual coffins.

In films, bloodsuckers easily hide among people, but as soon as they see blood and smell it, they immediately lose their composure.


You can find descriptions of vampires in the legends of many nations, which indicates the spread of the phenomenon throughout the world.

They are called differently and have striking external differences.

Interesting! Our classic Alexey Tolstoy wrote entertaining stories “The Family of the Ghoul” and “The Ghoul”.

Legends about blood-sucking non-humans in different parts of the world did not arise by chance; scientists believe that in Empires were considered people suffering from a rare hereditary disease. Illiterate people were afraid of them, so they appeared scary stories about bloodsuckers rising from their graves.


Disease porphyria was discovered only at the end of the 20th century. It is transmitted exclusively by inheritance and is very rare nowadays.

A person is born with the inability to produce red blood cells on their own, his body starves from a lack of iron and oxygen, pigmentation is impaired skin.

  • Patients are afraid of direct sunlight; ultraviolet radiation destroys hemoglobin, which is valuable to them.
  • The skin of the unfortunate is dry and thin, ulcers easily form on it, and over time it turns brown.
  • They cannot tolerate garlic because the acid it contains increases the symptoms of the disease.
  • Due to dry skin, the lips shrink, exposing the teeth.
These features appearance and the behavior of patients with porphyria and formed the basis of the myth about vampires who are afraid of light and garlic.

The disease affects mental state people.

They become unsociable, and those around them treat them with fear, turning them into outcasts.

If in modern world, we realize that a person is sick, there is scientific explanation. But in the Middle Ages there were at least such people kept away, and at most persecuted. With such a life, it is easy to believe that you are a monster and begin to take revenge for hatred, responding with aggression to aggression. The consumption of blood by such patients could be caused by mental disorders, or they tried like this in a strange way get rid of the pain caused by the disease.

Interesting! In the 11th century, porphyria was common in Transylvania, which may have made this area the cradle of vampirism. WITH scientific point It is believed that the cause of the outbreak of the disease was consanguineous marriages among local residents.

If porphyria is a physical illness, then Renfield syndrome- mental illness. Sufferers of this disorder have a craving for drinking the blood of animals and people. Cases of such vampirism have been documented among serial maniacs. Chase And Kürten. They drank the blood of their victims.

Do vampires exist today?

In New York Professor Stefan Kaplan decided to study the likelihood of the existence of vampires in our days, for this he created a special science center Vampire Research Center.

Having devoted more than 20 years of his life to the study of bloodsuckers, Kaplan proved that vampires real life indeed there are, but they are not the ruthless killers they are usually portrayed, and there is nothing supernatural about their existence.

Yes, these people drink human blood, they cannot live without it.

Scientist developed special vampire questionnaire, to compile a card index of real natural bloodsuckers, separating them from charlatans pretending to be vampires for the sake of PR. The survey was conducted in different countries Oh.

During the course of the research, a secret file cabinet of 1,500 real blood-drinking individuals appeared at the institute.

  • According to the questionnaire, the vampire is thin and pale; a priori, he cannot be fat.
  • He has an attractive appearance, takes good care of his health, does not take medications, and everything chemical is alien to him.
  • He has no harmful bad habits, he doesn't smoke.
  • Usually she looks good and young, according to their theory, drinking blood saves from diseases and preserves youth.
As for the dose, it is small. Followers of Dracula consume everything a couple of drinks per week. To get their favorite drink, they do not use violence. " Donor" - there is no other way to put it, there may be friends or acquaintances who know about their addiction. Some buy a dose of blood.

Usually blood is taken from a cut on the finger (similar to taking blood for a test). 20-30 ml is sucked out of the wound. blood. The procedure itself is called suction. And it is clear that after it the “donor” does not become a vampire.

Modern vampires are not afraid of light, are not alien to religion, are very friendly with others, caring parents and children.

They are not much different from us, they just drink a cup of blood from time to time instead of coffee.

Psychologists call this phenomenon hematomania and are classified as mental disorders, but the doctor Kaplan considered Dracula's modern children to be quite normal, and classified their addiction as physiological characteristics body.
In addition to lovers of live blood, there is another type of vampires who feed on other people's energy.

The harm caused by such " thieves", perhaps more than from Kaplan's true bloodsuckers.

After meeting such an energy ghoul, you feel weak, depressed, squeezed like a lemon, headaches are possible, and systematic loss of energy is fraught with more serious illnesses.

Vampires are not the living dead, but... ordinary people which due to mental illness or by virtue physiological dependence consume blood.

This is most likely a pathology than the norm, but we are loyal to smokers and those who like to drink a glass at lunch. Likewise, a vampire’s need to suck some blood from a friend’s finger can also easily become the norm for society.

Vampires or similar creatures are found in the myths of all peoples. In Russia they are also called ghouls or ghouls. I wonder if there are legends about drinking blood Evil spirits at least have some truth?

Theories of the origin of vampires

IN Eastern Europe Vampires were the living dead who drank the blood of living people at night. A vampire could be a suicide, a criminal or a sorcerer, as well as a person who suffered a violent death. In addition, according to beliefs, the birth of a child in the “shirt” (fetal membrane), conception that took place in certain days, excommunication or improper performance of funeral rituals.

Potential vampires were also considered to be those who were born with teeth or a tail (sometimes such a pathology happens). And, of course, a vampire’s bite turned his victim into a vampire...

How were vampires identified and what was done with them?

They said about vampires that they do not age and have supernatural powers. physical strength, do not cast shadows and cannot be reflected in a mirror. They also believed that vampires were afraid of garlic and could not enter a house without an invitation.

The death of livestock and people, most often close to the alleged vampire, was considered evidence of the presence of a vampire in the vicinity. If vampirism was suspected, the grave was opened. If the dead man looked like he was alive, that is, his cheeks were rosy, blood was visible near his mouth, and so on, then they tried to destroy him. To do this, it was necessary to cut off the head of the deceased, drive an aspen stake into his body, or burn him... Sometimes they made do with milder rituals such as a repeated funeral ritual, sprinkling with holy water, or expulsion from a dead body evil spirits(rite of exorcism).

Natural science versions

Perhaps the first attempt to give a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of “vampirism” was made in 1725 by researcher Michael Ranft in his book"De masticatione mortuorum

in tumulis" . He wrote that deaths during contact with a “vampire” could occur due to the fact that the “contactees” became infected with cadaveric poison or the disease from which this person suffered during life. In addition, the impressionable relatives of the “vampire” who believed in his “resurrection” could become delirious, as a result of which it seemed to them that the deceased was coming out of the grave, communicating with them, etc.

It was only in the second half of the 20th century that a disease called porphyria was discovered. It occurs in one in 100 thousand people, but is hereditary. In porphyria, the body is unable to produce red cells, which are the main component of blood. As a result, a deficiency of oxygen and iron occurs in the blood, pigment metabolism is disrupted, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hemoglobin begins to disintegrate - hence the myth that vampires are afraid of sunlight...

The skin of patients with porphyria becomes brown, becomes thinner, and becomes covered with scars and ulcers in the sun. Due to the fact that the skin around the lips and gums dries out and becomes tough, the incisors are exposed, creating the effect of a grin, which in turn gives rise to legends about “vampire fangs.” Tooth enamel may become reddish or reddish-brown. Finally, porphyritics cannot eat garlic, since the sulfonic acid it contains aggravates the disease. IN in some cases The disease is also accompanied by mental disorders.

As for the “living” corpses that were observed during exhumation, this can be explained by certain features of decomposition. For example, a body can decompose with at different speeds, depending on conditions such as temperature, humidity and so on. During the process of decomposition, the corpse swells with gases, and the skin becomes darker, blood may flow from the mouth and nose... Under the influence of decomposition, the body may move, which gives the illusion that the dead person is moving...

Finally, there is a mental disorder called Renfield syndrome, in which the sufferer is drawn to drinking the blood of people or animals. Some suffered from it serial maniacs, for example, Peter Kürten from Düsseldorf and Richard Trenton Chase from the USA. They killed their victims and drank their blood.

So the belief about ghouls rising from their graves at night is most likely nothing more than fiction. Vampirism as a phenomenon does exist, but it is purely medical problem, in which there is nothing mystical.

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    Legends about vampires are as old as humanity itself. Despite the lack of chronicles that could help establish the exact era of the appearance of these deadly creatures, vampires have always been part of folklore. And even when humanity reached new intellectual level, they always came back and attacked people's consciousness through artistic images created by filmmakers and writers. The modern vampire is in many ways superior to its ancient counterpart from legends and myths, which was imagined as a terrible blood-sucking creature with long claws, sleeping in a coffin.

    The mystery surrounding all vampires further fuels interest in them. In addition, a new cult has appeared - vampirism! And as a result, today the belief in vampires is much stronger than ever. The Internet is teeming with questions: Are there vampires among us? Do vampires exist in real life? Who has seen a vampire live? Where can you find a real vampire? These questions have been discussed thousands of times by people around the world.

    But there is no point in denying that vampires actually exist, you just need to decide who you mean by the word vampire.

    There are people among us who call themselves vampires - these are the Sanguinaries. But Sanguinars are not Vampires at all! It's just Sanguinars! Yes, for normal existence they need blood, from which they take vital energy, without which they are weak and sick. They're either born vampires or they're just looking for various ways to become one because they consider it their calling. Somewhere in adolescence they begin to intensely feel the lack of blood, which is an event called “awakening”. Outwardly, real vampires are almost no different from us and, of course, they are not bloodthirsty creatures at all. They are content with a small amount of blood and not every day. Many of them feed on animal blood, which they buy, for example, from a slaughterhouse. Even if this is human blood, then obtained exclusively from voluntary donors in compliance with all precautionary rules.

    As for supernatural abilities, they do not have them at all, nor do they have immortality.

    We are one of many who were looking for an answer to the question: Do vampires exist in real life?

    Unfortunately, all the information about vampires is different and contradictory. The current idea of ​​vampires has developed on the basis fiction and films whose authors have not the slightest idea about them, as a result of which we received a figment of fantasy, which is endowed with human principles, morals and feelings. But vampires are not people who are endowed with superpowers. Vampires are other creatures from the supernatural world, and they are a very small and not the most powerful part. Vampirism is a way of existence. There are other ways of being, and of course other beings. The human mind is simply not capable of cognizing all forms of existence of the spiritual and material world. Knowing 1/100 about vampires, we can only blindly guess what kind of mysterious creatures they are. We have no doubt that they exist in real life and beyond!

    Let's turn to history... In distant prehistoric times, when there were few people, and one state was located at an insurmountable distance from another, that is, practically isolated, there was simply no possibility of influence of some peoples on others. And, nevertheless, in the legends, myths and folklore of different countries - China and Persia, India and the Aztecs, Malaysia and Europe and many others, there are creatures that fit the description of vampires, only they call them differently.

    What do you say to the fact that even the methods of killing vampires in South America, among the Scandinavians, ancient Europe and the Greeks were completely identical. This is the story of archaeological excavations of vampire burial sites, which look exactly the same everywhere. And the ritual of burying and killing vampires is essentially the same. Agree that only really existing things, dictated by life, can be done equally.

    Many people deny the existence of vampires, but they have long believed and come to terms with the existence of people with superpowers, such as fortune tellers, psychics, hypnotists and generally gifted people. Science is also unable to explain these abilities, but recognizes the fact of their existence. Why not believe in vampires, who excited the consciousness of peoples?

    And stop fooling us that people with porphyria were considered vampires. It has been proven that this is a rare form of genetic pathology, and it is not known whether people have had this disease before or whether it is genetic abnormality arose with the advent nuclear weapons, genetically modified products, polluted ecology, etc. People studied vampires, and they would simply confuse patients with vampires. And vampirism is not a disease, but another form of life. Few people know the words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: “If there was a true and proven story in the world, it was the history of vampires.”

    The cruel world of people feared and hated vampires. History knows cases of the Inquisition not only over sorcerers and witches, but also over vampires. Organizations were created to fight vampires. But this only makes vampires stronger, more cunning and smarter. They are real masters of disguise, so they very easily disguise themselves among people and know very well in advance where the Inquisition might be waiting for them. It is difficult to say what a vampire looks like because the human appearance is only an outer shell, inside of which lives a creature that is alien to this world and one cannot evaluate whether it is good or bad, it is simply different.

    We don’t know what these creatures are capable of. One thing is certain: they need blood to maintain life. We humans are a source of food for them and they don't care about us. Personally, I believe that vampires kill people for blood. And vegetarian vampires are just a fiction of writers who are always trying to endow them with human traits. Where are the victims? - you demand. Every year hundreds of thousands of people simply go missing. In Russia alone, more than 120 thousand missing people are wanted, and this is the population of a large district center. Every year, almost 2 million people disappear around the world.

    Doctors, scientists, and historians tried to explain the phenomenon of vampirism, but the mystery still remains unsolved. There is still so much unknown and inexplicable in the world that we can only hope and believe that in the near future we will be able to say with complete confidence: vampires exist!

    Recently, a certain aura of romanticism has matured around the images of vampires. And now more and more people are wondering how to become a vampire in real life, without even thinking about the consequences.
    It is believed that vampires do not age, have super strength, can read people's thoughts, and are excellent hypnotists. However, all these qualities have reverse side. If you want to become one of the members of the people of the night, we certainly cannot forbid you from doing so, but in return we will tell you how things really stand with vampires today.

    There are 4 ways to become a vampire.
    Being born with a predisposition to vampirism
    Transformation using vampire magic
    Being bitten by a vampire
    Seem like a vampire

    But first, let's tell you about how vampires actually live in Russia and most countries, about what you will most likely have to face if you can become a real vampire.

    How to find a vampire in Russia and how they live

    Most often, vampires are loners

    It is worth saying that Russia is not the most favorable country for vampires. High concentration law enforcement agencies And large number personal documentation you need to have to an individual(passport, identity card, inn) make the life of an immortal being who is afraid of daylight very uncomfortable. Most often, vampires choose third world countries for their lives African countries, slums in Brazil or India. Places where the police often don't even bother to investigate murders.
    It is believed that most vampires live in India. This country is home to almost a billion people, which means there is no shortage of food, a tolerant attitude towards death and is full of slums. By the way, the cult of the goddess Kali-Ma was very widespread in India, and among the followers of this cult there were many vampires.
    But Russia also had its own vampire order and it was called “Nine Invisibles”. Whether it has survived to this day or not is unknown.

    How modern vampires live

    There were many vampires among the Thug cult that existed in 19th century Bengal.

    Now we will have to dispel the romanticism of those who believe that vampire life is beautiful pictures from the movie “Twilight” or novels about “Count Dracula”.
    The life of a vampire is agony. The eternal struggle for existence and painful hunger.
    Vampires do not live in packs. They are all hermits and loners. Most often, vampires have to live among gypsies or homeless people. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to erase the history of your personality and be someone who will not arouse suspicion among neighbors and others.
    Vampires are usually divided into two categories. These are shepherd vampires and nomadic vampires.

    Vampires often have to lead the lifestyle of people invisible to society. Homeless people or gypsies.

    Vampire shepherds

    Vampire shepherds lead a sedentary lifestyle. They may live in ditches, sewers, abandoned garages or abandoned buildings. In appearance, these are ordinary homeless people, but they do not appear on the street in daylight. The shepherds are sedentary. They can change their shelter, but only after they realize that there is nothing else to take in the area. Vampire shepherds most often settle in unfavorable areas and villages, where it is easier to hide the consequences of their hunt.

    Vampire nomads

    These vampires are constantly traveling. They can safely spend the night in the forests under open air and their victims most often become people they meet along the way. Mostly these are drunkards, homeless people or simply naive travelers.

    Vampire shepherds and vampire nomads do not like each other. Shepherds most often dislike nomads because they sometimes wander into their territory and hunt there. And nomads do not like shepherds, considering them something like housewives.

    Ways to become a vampire in real life

    Born with a predisposition

    Some people are born with a predisposition to vampirism. Usually these people gravitate towards everything dark, prefer to watch violent films and experience an incomprehensible inner trembling when they see shelter. Such people rarely experience emotions, both joyful and sad.
    But even if there is an innate predisposition to vampirism, it is not a fact that this person will become a vampire. To completely transform, he needs some techniques. These can be tantric techniques or black magic exercises.
    A person with an innate predisposition to vampirism may meet a vampire in his life who will tell him in which direction to move in order to make a transformation. However, a long friendship will not work, since vampires are always loners and after completing the transformation, the mentor will leave the student.

    Vampire magic

    An ordinary person can become a vampire thanks to vampire magic. But only special vampire sorcerers know it.
    For a vampire sorcerer to decide to initiate you into the children of the night, he himself must be interested in this. However, the difficulty here is that vampire sorcerers, in principle, can only need one thing from people and that is human body. Vampire sorcerers are very cruel and even ordinary vampires try to avoid them. Vampire sorcerers need more than just blood from a person. Usually, having quenched his thirst, the vampire sorcerer uses the human body for his rituals, which are shocking in their cruelty. The ancient treatise “Hammer of the Witches” says that people who accidentally witnessed the rituals of vampire sorcerers went crazy after what they saw.

    Vampire bite

    The most famous method and extremely popular in cinema and literature. A vampire bite can actually turn a person into a vampire. However, this method does not give 100% effect. A person can either transform or die. In addition, the person receiving the bite will experience 2 waves of agony. The whole body will burn, you will be very thirsty, but water will not quench your thirst, your brain will seem to be leaking out of your ears, and your back will be tied in a knot.
    For this method, you will also need to find a vampire who is ready to bite you, not to drink your blood to the last drop, but to make you one of his fellow tribesmen.

    Seem like a vampire

    The ancient treatises of the Inquisition and witchcraft do not say anything good about being a vampire. Perhaps you just want to feel the romance of vampire life. Live in the image that is shown in the movies and join the vampire subculture. Then, for this you just need:
    a) purchase false fangs or sharpen your teeth into the shape of fangs.
    b) buy themed clothes. Vampire clothing can be classic or more modern.
    Classic vampires dress like the lords and duchesses of the 18th and 19th centuries. Modern vampires can wear revealing outfits, with a large number cutouts Mainly black or red tones are used.
    c) pale skin color. Using regular powder, you will need to make your skin pale.
    d) now your favorite drink will be red wine or red juices. Of the non-alcoholic ones, you should give preference tomato juice.
    d) you will need to find friends with similar interests. It is much more interesting to communicate with people with similar hobbies in life.
    f) Theaters des Vampires, Lacuna Coil and Lacrimosa are a few musical groups that you should pay attention to. Find the rest to your taste yourself.

    And so, your introduction to the vampire subculture is over. You are one of them.

    Ritual to become a vampire

    Finally, we left a description of the ritual to become a vampire. The ritual is called “Five Roses” and is distributed on the forums foreign Internet. There is no exact evidence that the ritual is indeed an ancient rite of initiation of a vampire, but there are no arguments against it.
    The ritual must be done on the full moon after 12 o'clock at night. We need you to stay in a dark room where there is no one and no extraneous sounds won't bother you.
    You will need 5 roses, wine and a candle.
    Arrange 5 roses evenly in a circle, place a glass of wine in the center, light a candle and hold it to your chest. You need to be completely naked, even removing underwear. Moonlight should fall on your circle of roses and a glass of wine.
    Stand next to the altar facing the moon and say “Ego sum homo velle fieri frater noctis.” You need to say this phrase 5 times while looking at the wine.
    Next, you need to go around the altar 13 times, saying “Me in nocte fieri a parte me, ut fame et maledictionem.”
    Next, stop at the place where you started, put out the candle and take the wine, say “Servus tuus esurit” 1 time. Servus tuus mortem. Servus tuus hic et nunc.” and drink wine.

    To be honest, I am skeptical about such rituals, there are so many of them on the Internet and it is unlikely that any of them are part of vampiric magic. But who knows, the “Five Roses” ritual is one of the oldest rituals on the Internet and maybe you will succeed.

    Regardless of whether you choose the path of the children of the night or the vampire subculture, try to do everything carefully. And if you understand that this is yours, then act.

    One of the most famous ancient legends is the legend of vampires. These mysterious creatures that exist in an intermediate state - they belong neither to the living nor to the dead.

    Do vampires really exist? We all know the famous Count Dracula. His prototype, taken by Bram Stoker for his novel, was Prince Vlad the Impaler. The ruler was distinguished by a cruel disposition; he acquired a gloomy nickname - the impaler. Often, after another execution or bloody battle, Vlad the Impaler would throw a feast surrounded by dead people.

    According to contemporaries, the prince had a frightening appearance that exactly fit the description of a vampire. Pale skin, reddish teeth, cruel grin, piercing gaze. The prince’s lifestyle also added a lot of mysticism: he rarely went out into the light during the day, but in the evening he became noticeably more cheerful.

    Origin of the Ghouls

    There are eyewitnesses who claim to have met vampires in modern times, and that they have even personally suffered from the undead of the night. But is it worth believing such stories? Perhaps this is just idle speculation?

    In the Middle Ages, there was a widespread legend about Lilith - an unholy woman who bore children to the devil. In ancient chronicles, many notes have been preserved about the resurrected (again with the help of the devil) dead. Of interest is the theory of a certain abbot, according to which the first vampire appeared as a result of an incorrectly performed ritual of expelling a demon from a monk.

    It is believed that vampires are quite common in real life. According to one version, they appeared as a result of human infection with a special symbiont virus. The infection replaces some of the host's tissues, resulting in the ghoul acquiring superpowers. However, the main nutrient medium for the symbiont remains blood, which is why vampires are forced to constantly “replenish their reserves.”

    What does Nosferatu fear?

    So what do we know about the night undead? It is known that ghouls cannot be on sunlight because it burns them. They are afraid of crucifixes, holy water and churches (as well as other sacred places).

    Where did such beliefs come from? For centuries, people have wondered whether vampires exist. At all times, humanity has associated God with light and goodness, while the night undead are evil in its purest form. From this we can conclude that the servants of Satan are not able to survive in the presence of goodness and light.

    Evil spirits cannot resist the crucifixion. Holy water symbolizes purity, redemption and goodness, and therefore has properties in the fight against evil spirits. According to old belief, the nosferatu will not be able to enter the room if there is a consecrated cross hanging on the wall.

    Is it possible to destroy a ghoul?

    To exterminate a representative of the night undead, you will need to identify him. Almost everyone knows that ghouls are not reflected in mirrors because they do not have souls. In addition, they cannot be photographed. An identified ghoul can be destroyed in several ways.

    First, you can drive a stake into the heart. Method acquired its popularity in the Middle Ages due to special type a disease known as "wasting". Our ancestors believed that if a person who died from such a disease was not “pinned”, he could rise from the grave to infect the living.

    There is a second way - drown the nosferatu in running water or burn it. This tradition goes back to the symbolism of purification. Running water is clean and transparent, it is capable of cleansing the body of the deceased, desecrated by an evil spirit. Burning in fire is also considered one of the methods of purification, for this reason it was used by the Inquisition.

    You can protect yourself from the night undead with garlic, silver or salt. You can also use special ones. There is a legend that vampires cannot enter a house without an invitation from the owners. If they wish, they can take various shapes and images (in particular bat). The ghoul is able to hypnotize his victim.

    And yet, do vampires exist or not? Whether to believe in legends about such creatures or consider them just an invention of ordinary people - everyone is free to decide for themselves. However, it is too foolhardy to deny the existence of ghouls simply because you have never personally encountered one...