Electromagnetic pulse as a weapon. Electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion


Take an unnecessary pocket film camera with a flash. Remove the batteries from it. Put on rubber gloves and disassemble the device.

Discharge the flash storage capacitor. To do this, take a resistance of about 1 kOhm and a power of 0.5 W, bend its leads, clamp it in small pliers with insulated handles, then, holding the resistor only with the help of pliers, close the capacitor with it for several tens of seconds. After this, finally discharge the capacitor , closing it with the blade of a screwdriver with an insulated handle for a few more tens of seconds.

Measure the voltage - it should not exceed a few volts. If necessary, discharge the capacitor again. Solder a jumper to the terminals of the capacitor.

Now discharge the capacitor in the sync contact circuit. It has a small capacity, so to discharge it, it is enough to briefly close the sync contact. At the same time, keep your hands away from the flash lamp, since when the sync contact is triggered, it receives pulse high voltage.

Connect the coil in series with the flash storage capacitor. If the camera does not have a flash test button, connect a well-insulated button, for example, a bell, in parallel with the sync contact.

Make small recesses in the body of the device to lead out the wires from the button and coil. They are so that when assembling the case these wires do not get pinched, which threatens to break them. Remove the jumper from the flash storage capacitor. Assemble the device, then remove the rubber gloves.

Insert batteries into the device. Turn it on by turning the flash away from you, wait until the capacitor charges, and then insert a screwdriver blade into the coil. Hold the screwdriver by the handle so that it does not fly out, and press the button. Simultaneously with the flash, an electromagnetic pulse, which will magnetize the screwdriver.

If the screwdriver is not magnetized well enough, you can repeat the operation several more times. As the screwdriver is used, it will lose magnetization. There is no need to worry about this - after all, you have a device with which you can always restore it. Please note that not all home craftsmen like magnetized screwdrivers. Some people find them very comfortable, others - on the contrary, very inconvenient.

Please note

Be careful when working with any high voltage devices.

Skeptical people at answer to the question about actions for nuclear explosion they will say that you need to wrap yourself in a sheet, go out into the street and form lines. to accept death as it is. But experts have developed a number of recommendations that will help you survive a nuclear explosion.


If you receive information about a possible nuclear explosion in the area where you are, you should, if possible, go down to an underground shelter (bomb shelter) and not leave until you receive other instructions. If this is not possible, you are on the street and there is no way to get into the room, take cover behind any object that may represent protection, in as a last resort, lie flat on the ground and cover your head with your hands.

If you are so close to the epicenter of the explosion that the flash itself is visible, remember that you need to take shelter from the radioactive fallout that will appear in this case within 20 minutes, it all depends on the distance from the epicenter. It is important to remember that radioactive particles are carried hundreds of kilometers by wind.

Do not leave your shelter without an official statement from authorities that it is safe to do so. Try to make your stay in the shelter as comfortable as possible, maintain proper sanitary conditions, use water and food sparingly, give more food and drink to children, the sick and elderly people. If possible, assist the bomb shelter managers, because being in a confined space large quantities people may turn out to be unpleasant, and the duration of such forced cohabitation
can vary from one day to a month.

When returning to your home, it is important to remember and follow several rules. Before entering the house, make sure that it is intact, damaged, and that there is no partial collapse of the structure. When entering an apartment, first remove all flammable liquids, medications and any other potentially hazardous substances. Water, gas and electricity can only be turned on when you have clear confirmation that all systems are functioning normally.

When traveling in the area, stay away from blast-damaged areas and areas marked with “hazardous materials” and “radiation hazard” signs.

Please note

It will be invaluable to have a radio with you to listen to official messages from local authorities. Always follow what you receive, since the authorities always have more information than those around them.

Electromagnetic low power is not capable of causing gigantic destruction, demolishing everything in its path, such as the one that results nuclear explosion. You can generate a low-power impulse at home.


First, get a film camera that you no longer need, preferably one with a flash.

Publication date 01/28/2013 14:06

IN global network can now be found huge amount information about what an electromagnetic pulse is. Many are afraid of him, sometimes not fully understanding what they are talking about we're talking about. Scientific research adds fuel to the fire television programs and articles in the tabloid press. Isn't it time to look into this issue?

So, electromagnetic pulse (AMY) is a disturbance of the electromagnetic field that affects any material object located in its zone of action. It affects not only current-conducting objects, but also dielectrics, only in a slightly different form. Usually the concept of “electromagnetic pulse” is adjacent to the term “nuclear weapon”. Why? The answer is simple: precisely during a nuclear explosion AMY achieves his goal highest value of all possible. It is likely that in some experimental installations it is also possible to create powerful field disturbances, but they are local in nature, whereas in a nuclear explosion large areas are affected.

By his appearance electromagnetic pulse is obliged to several laws that every electrician encounters in his daily work. As is known, directed movement elementary particles, having electric charge, is inextricably linked with the magnetic field. If there is a conductor through which current flows, then a field is always detected around it. The opposite is also true: the effect of an electromagnetic field on a conductive material generates an EMF in it and, as a consequence, a current. It is usually specified that the conductor forms a circuit, although this is only partly true, since eddy currents create their own contours in the volume of the conductive substance. A nuclear explosion creates the movement of electrons, hence a field is created. Then everything is simple: the tension lines, in turn, create induced currents in the surrounding conductors.

The mechanism of this phenomenon is as follows: thanks to the instantaneous release of energy, streams of elementary particles (gamma, alpha, x-ray radiation etc.). During their passage through the air, electrons are “knocked out” of the molecules, which are oriented along magnetic lines Earth. A directed movement (current) occurs, generating an electromagnetic field. And since these processes occur at lightning speed, we can talk about an impulse. Next, a current is induced in all conductors located in the field action zone (hundreds of kilometers), and since the field strength is enormous, the current value is also large. This causes protection systems to trip, fuses to blow, even leading to fire and irreparable damage. Action AMY Everything is affected: from integrated circuits to power lines, although to varying degrees.

Protection from AMY is to prevent the inducing effect of the field. This can be achieved in several ways:

– move away from the epicenter, since the field weakens with increasing distance;

– shield (with grounding) electronic equipment;

– “disassemble” the circuits, providing gaps taking into account the high current.

You can often come across the question of how to create electromagnetic pulse with your own hands. In fact, every person encounters it every day when they flip the light bulb switch. At the moment of switching, the current briefly exceeds the rated current by tens of times; an electromagnetic field is generated around the wires, which induces an electromotive force in the surrounding conductors. The phenomenon is simply not strong enough to cause damage comparable to AMY nuclear explosion. Its more pronounced manifestation can be obtained by measuring the field level near the electric welding arc. In any case, the task is simple: it is necessary to organize the possibility of instantaneous occurrence of an electric current of large effective value.

Shock wave

Shock wave (SW)- an area of ​​sharply compressed air, spreading in all directions from the center of the explosion at supersonic speed.

Hot vapors and gases, trying to expand, produce a sharp blow to the surrounding layers of air, compress them to high pressures and densities and heat them to high temperature(several tens of thousands of degrees). This layer of compressed air represents a shock wave. The front boundary of the compressed air layer is called the shock wave front. The shock front is followed by a region of rarefaction, where the pressure is below atmospheric. Near the center of the explosion, the speed of propagation of shock waves is several times higher than the speed of sound. As the distance from the explosion increases, the speed of wave propagation quickly decreases. At large distances, its speed approaches the speed of sound in air.

The shock wave of medium-power ammunition travels: the first kilometer in 1.4 s; the second - in 4 s; fifth - in 12 s.

The damaging effect of hydrocarbons on people, equipment, buildings and structures is characterized by: velocity pressure; excess pressure in the front of the shock wave movement and the time of its impact on the object (compression phase).

The impact of hydrocarbons on people can be direct and indirect. With direct impact, the cause of injury is an instantaneous increase in air pressure, which is perceived as a sharp blow, leading to fractures, damage internal organs, rupture blood vessels. With indirect exposure, people are affected by flying debris from buildings and structures, stones, trees, broken glass and other items. Indirect impact reaches 80% of all lesions.

With an excess pressure of 20-40 kPa (0.2-0.4 kgf/cm2), unprotected people can suffer minor injuries (minor bruises and contusions). Exposure to hydrocarbons with excess pressure of 40-60 kPa leads to lesions moderate severity: loss of consciousness, hearing damage, severe dislocations of limbs, damage to internal organs. Extremely severe injuries, often fatal, are observed at excess pressure above 100 kPa.

The degree of shock wave damage to various objects depends on the power and type of explosion, mechanical strength (stability of the object), as well as on the distance at which the explosion occurred, the terrain and the position of objects on the ground.

To protect against the effects of hydrocarbons, the following should be used: trenches, cracks and trenches, reducing this effect by 1.5-2 times; dugouts - 2-3 times; shelters - 3-5 times; basements of houses (buildings); terrain (forest, ravines, hollows, etc.).

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a set of electric and magnetic fields resulting from the ionization of atoms of the medium under the influence of gamma radiation. Its duration of action is several milliseconds.

The main parameters of EMR are currents and voltages induced in wires and cable lines, which can lead to damage and failure of electronic equipment, and sometimes to damage to people working with the equipment.

In ground and air explosions, the damaging effect of the electromagnetic pulse is observed at a distance of several kilometers from the center of the nuclear explosion.

Most effective protection from electromagnetic pulses is shielding of power supply and control lines, as well as radio and electrical equipment.

The situation that arises when nuclear weapons are used in areas of destruction.

A hotbed of nuclear destruction is a territory within which, as a result of the use of nuclear weapons, mass casualties and deaths of people, farm animals and plants, destruction and damage to buildings and structures, utility, energy and technological networks and lines, transport communications and other objects occurred.


  1. Well, why complicate everything so much?
    It is called electromagnetic because the electrical component is inextricably linked with the magnetic component. It's like a radio wave. Only in the latter case is a sequence of electromagnetic pulses in the form harmonic vibrations.
    And here - just one impulse.
    To obtain it, you need to create a charge, positive or negative, at a point in space. Since the world of fields is dual, it is necessary to create 2 opposite charges in different places.
    It is hardly possible to do this within zero time.
    However, you can, for example, connect a capacitor to an antenna. But in in this case the resonant nature of the antenna will work. And again, we will get not a single impulse, but oscillations.
    In a bomb, most likely, there is also not a single electromagnetic pulse, but a pulse of electromagnetic oscillation.
  2. The electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion is a powerful short-term electromagnetic field with wavelengths from 1 to 1000 m or more, arising at the moment of the explosion, which induces strong electrical voltages and currents in conductors of various lengths in the air, ground, equipment and other objects (metal supports, antennas, communication and power lines, pipelines, etc.).
    For ground and low air explosions damaging effect The electromagnetic pulse is observed at a distance of several kilometers from the center of the explosion. A high-altitude nuclear explosion may cause electrical magnetic fields in the explosion zone and at altitudes of 20 - 40 km from the earth's surface.
    An electromagnetic pulse is characterized by field strength. The strength of the electric and magnetic fields depends on the power, height of the explosion, distance from the center of the explosion and properties environment.
    The damaging effect of an electromagnetic pulse manifests itself, first of all, in relation to radio-electronic and electrical equipment located in weapons, military equipment and other objects.
    Under the influence of an electromagnetic pulse, the specified equipment is induced electric currents and voltages that can cause insulation breakdown, damage to transformers, damage to semiconductor devices, burnout of fuse links and other elements of radio devices.
    Protection against electromagnetic pulses is achieved by shielding power lines and equipment. All external lines must be two-wire, well insulated from ground, with fusible inserts.
    The beginning of the era of information wars was marked by the emergence of new types of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and radio frequency weapons. According to the principle of their destructive effect, EMP weapons have much in common with the electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion and differ from it, among other things, in their shorter duration. Non-nuclear means of generating powerful EMP, developed and tested in a number of countries, are capable of creating short-term (several nanoseconds) flows electromagnetic radiation, the density of which reaches limit values relative to the electrical strength of the atmosphere. Moreover, the shorter the EMI, the higher the threshold of permissible generator power.
    According to analysts, along with traditional means electronic warfare, the use of EMP and radio frequency weapons to deliver electronic and combined electronic-fire strikes in order to disable radio-electronic equipment (RES) at distances from hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers may become one of the main forms of combat operations in the near future. In addition to a temporary disruption of the functioning of electronic devices, which allows for the subsequent restoration of their functionality, EMP weapons can cause physical destruction (functional damage) of semiconductor elements of electronic devices, including those in the off state.
    Note the damaging effect of powerful radiation from EMP weapons on electrical and electrical power weapons systems and military equipment(VVT) electronic systems engine ignition internal combustion. Currents excited electromagnetic field in the circuits of electric or radio fuses installed on ammunition can reach levels sufficient to trigger them. High energy flows are capable of initiating the detonation of explosives (HE) warheads of missiles, bombs and artillery shells, as well as non-contact detonation of mines within a radius of 5060 m from the point of detonation of medium-caliber EMP ammunition (100-120 mm).
    Regarding the damaging effect of EMP weapons on personal composition - effect temporary disruption of adequate sensory motor skills of a person, the occurrence of erroneous actions in his behavior and even loss of ability to work. Negative manifestations the effects of powerful ultrashort microwave pulses are not necessarily associated with thermal destruction of living cells of biological objects. The damaging factor is often the high intensity of the electric field induced on the cell membranes.
  3. This is a burst of electric and magnetic fields. Since light is also an electromagnetic wave, a flash of light is also an electromagnetic pulse.
  4. A burst of electromagnetic waves - much higher than the natural electromagnetic background of the Earth
  5. electric shock
  6. One of the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion....
  7. Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) damaging factor nuclear weapons, as well as any other sources of EMP (for example, lightning, special electromagnetic weapons or a nearby supernova explosion, etc.). The damaging effect of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is caused by the occurrence of induced voltages and currents in various conductors. The effect of EMR manifests itself primarily in relation to electrical and radio-electronic equipment. The most vulnerable are communication, signaling and control lines. In this case, insulation breakdown, damage to transformers, damage to semiconductor devices, damage to computers/laptops and cell phones etc. A high-altitude explosion can create interference in these lines at very large areas. EMI protection is achieved by shielding power supply lines and equipment

What are super strong magnetic fields?

In science, various interactions and fields are used as tools to understand nature. During a physical experiment, the researcher, influencing the object of study, studies the response to this influence. By analyzing it, they make a conclusion about the nature of the phenomenon. Most effective means influence is a magnetic field, since magnetism is a widespread property of substances.

The strength characteristic of a magnetic field is magnetic induction. The following is a description of the most common methods for producing ultra-strong magnetic fields, i.e. magnetic fields with induction over 100 T (tesla).

For comparison -

  • the minimum magnetic field detected using a superconducting quantum interferometer (SQUID) is 10 -13 T;
  • Earth's magnetic field – 0.05 mT;
  • souvenir refrigerator magnets – 0.05 T;
  • alnico (aluminum-nickel-cobalt) magnets (AlNiCo) – 0.15 T;
  • ferrite permanent magnets(Fe 2 O 3) – 0.35 T;
  • samarium-cobalt permanent magnets (SmCo) - 1.16 Tesla;
  • the strongest neodymium permanent magnets (NdFeB) – 1.3 Tesla;
  • electromagnets of the Large Hadron Collider - 8.3 Tesla;
  • the strongest permanent magnetic field (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, University of Florida) - 36.2 Tesla;
  • the strongest pulsed magnetic field achieved without destroying the installation (Los Alamos National Laboratory, March 22, 2012) is 100.75 Tesla.

Currently, research in the field of creating super-strong magnetic fields is being carried out in the countries participating in the Megagauss Club and is discussed at International conferences on the generation of megagauss magnetic fields and related experiments ( gauss– unit of measurement of magnetic induction in the CGS system, 1 megagauss = 100 tesla).

To create magnetic fields of such strength, very high power is required, so at present they can only be obtained in a pulsed mode, and the pulse duration does not exceed tens of microseconds.

Discharge to a single-turn solenoid

The most simple method obtaining ultra-strong pulsed magnetic fields with magnetic induction in the range of 100...400 tesla is the discharge of capacitive energy storage devices onto single-turn solenoids ( solenoid- this is a single-layer cylindrical coil, the turns of which are wound closely, and the length is significantly greater than the diameter).

The internal diameter and length of the coils used usually do not exceed 1 cm. Their inductance is small (units of nanohenry), therefore, currents of megaampere level are required to generate super-strong fields in them. They are obtained using high-voltage (10-40 kilovolts) capacitor banks with low self-inductance and stored energy from tens to hundreds of kilojoules. In this case, the rise time of the induction to maximum value should not exceed 2 microseconds, otherwise the destruction of the solenoid will occur before a super-strong magnetic field is reached.

The deformation and destruction of the solenoid is explained by the fact that due to a sharp increase in the current in the solenoid, the surface (“skin”) effect plays a significant role - the current is concentrated in a thin layer on the surface of the solenoid and the current density can reach very large values. The consequence of this is the appearance in the solenoid material of an area with elevated temperature and magnetic pressure. Already at an induction of 100 Tesla, the surface layer of the coil, made even from refractory metals, begins to melt, and the magnetic pressure exceeds the tensile strength of most known metals. With further growth of the field, the melting region spreads deep into the conductor, and evaporation of the material begins on its surface. As a result, explosive destruction of the solenoid material occurs (“skin layer explosion”).

If the value of magnetic induction exceeds 400 tesla, then such a magnetic field has an energy density comparable to the binding energy of an atom in solids and far exceeds the energy density of chemical explosives. In the zone of action of such a field, as a rule, complete destruction of the coil material occurs with a speed of expansion of the coil material of up to 1 kilometer per second.

Compression method magnetic flux(magnetic cumulation)

To obtain the maximum magnetic field (up to 2800 T) in the laboratory, the magnetic flux compression method is used ( magnetic cumulation).

Inside a conductive cylindrical shell ( liner) with radius r 0 and cross section S 0 an axial starting magnetic field with induction is created B 0 and magnetic flux F = B 0 S 0 And. Then the liner is symmetrically and quickly compressed by external forces, while its radius decreases to rf and cross-sectional area up to Sf. The magnetic flux penetrating the liner also decreases in proportion to the cross-sectional area. Change of magnetic flux in accordance with the law electromagnetic induction causes the appearance of an induced current in the liner, creating a magnetic field that tends to compensate for the decrease in magnetic flux. In this case, the magnetic induction increases accordingly to the value B f =B 0 *λ*S 0 /Sf, where λ is the magnetic flux conservation coefficient.

The magnetic cumulation method is implemented in devices called magnetic-cumulative (explosive-magnetic) generators. The liner is compressed by the pressure of the explosion products of chemical explosives. The current source for creating the initial magnetic field is a capacitor bank. The founders of research in the field of creating magnetic-cumulative generators were Andrei Sakharov (USSR) and Clarence Fowler (USA).

In one of the experiments in 1964, a record field of 2500 Tesla was recorded using the MK-1 magnetic-cumulative generator in a cavity with a diameter of 4 mm. However, the instability of magnetic cumulation was the reason for the irreproducible nature of the explosive generation of superstrong magnetic fields. Stabilization of the magnetic cumulation process is possible by compressing the magnetic flux by a system of successively connected coaxial shells. Such devices are called cascade generators of ultra-strong magnetic fields. Their main advantage is that they provide stable operation and high reproducibility of ultra-strong magnetic fields. The multi-stage design of the MK-1 generator, using 140 kg of explosive, providing a compression speed of the liner of up to 6 km/s, made it possible to obtain in 1998 in the Russian Federal nuclear center world record magnetic field of 2800 tesla in a volume of 2 cm3. The energy density of such a magnetic field is more than 100 times higher than the energy density of the most powerful chemical explosives.

Application of ultra-strong magnetic fields

Beginning of the use of strong magnetic fields in physical research was founded by the works of the Soviet physicist Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa in the late 1920s. Ultra-strong magnetic fields are used in studies of galvanomagnetic, thermomagnetic, optical, magnetic-optical, and resonance phenomena.

They apply in particular: