How to check your credit file. How to check your credit history online? Find out which credit bureau maintains your financial file

In connection with cases of fraud on the Internet, here are some recommendations that will help you ensure the confidentiality of information stored in the credit history bureau and the Central Catalog of Credit History:

  • do not share your passport data, credit history subject code and additional credit history subject code with unauthorized persons;
  • do not respond to emails sent by email who, under various pretexts, request your confidential information.

Credit history is information, the composition of which is determined by the Federal Law of December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”, and characterizing the fulfillment by the subject of the credit history of the obligations assumed under the loan (credit) agreement, as well as other agreement or obligation provided for by the Federal Law No. 218-FZ.

The subject of the credit history is a legal entity or individual (including individual entrepreneur), who is the borrower under the loan (credit) agreement, the guarantor, the principal in respect of whom the bank guarantee, or in respect of which a court decision on collection from the debtor has entered into force and has not been executed within 10 days sums of money in connection with his failure to fulfill his obligations to pay rent for residential premises, public utilities and communication services or alimony obligations and in respect of which a credit history is being formed, as well as an individual in respect of whom arbitration court an application for declaring him insolvent (bankrupt) has been accepted for processing.

Credit history bureau – legal entity, registered in accordance with the law Russian Federation, which is a commercial organization that provides services for the formation, processing and storage of credit histories, as well as the provision of credit reports and related services. Credit history user is an individual entrepreneur or legal entity who has received written or otherwise recorded consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report for the purposes specified in the consent of the subject of the credit history.

Credit history individual consists of four parts, a legal entity - of three parts:

  • Part I – “the title part of the credit history” - contains information about the subject of the credit history by which he can be identified (for example, for an individual: full name, identification document details, etc.; for a legal entity: full and abbreviated name, TIN, OGRN, etc.);
  • Part II – “the main part of the credit history” - contains additional information about the subject of credit history, its obligations (including information about the amount and deadline for fulfilling obligations), information about bankruptcy procedures and other information;
  • Part III - “additional (closed) part of the credit history” - contains information about the sources of the formation of the credit history, about the users of the credit history, as well as in relation to the acquirer of the right of claim (in case of assignment of the right of claim under a loan (credit) agreement.

If the subject of the credit history is an individual, including an individual entrepreneur, his credit history consists of IV parts. Part IV of the credit history - “information part of the credit history” - contains information about the provision of a loan (credit) or refusal to conclude a loan (credit) agreement (including indicating the reason for the refusal), about the conclusion of a guarantee agreement, information about the absence of two and more consecutive payments under a loan (credit) agreement within 120 calendar days from the date of maturity of the obligation under the loan (credit) agreement, which is not fulfilled by the borrower.

The subject of credit history - a legal entity - does not have an information part of the credit history.

The credit history is disclosed to the subject of the credit history in its entirety.

A credit history user can familiarize himself with the main part of the credit history of the subject of the credit history with the written or otherwise recorded consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report for the purposes specified in the consent of the subject of the credit history. The consent of the subject of the credit history to the disclosure of information contained in the main part of the credit history can be obtained by the user of the credit history in the form electronic document, signed electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or in writing on paper with a handwritten signature of the subject of the credit history when the subject of the credit history presents to the user of the credit history a passport or other identification document. The consent of the subject of the credit history must contain the name of the user of the credit history, the date of execution of the specified consent, as well as the purpose of obtaining the credit report.

The consent of the subject of the credit history received by the user of the credit history is considered valid for two months from the date of its registration. If during the specified period the loan (credit) agreement was concluded, the specified consent of the subject of the credit history remains valid for the entire duration of the loan (credit) agreement.

The information part of the credit history is provided to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for the purpose of issuing a loan (credit) without the consent of the subject of the credit history.

Credit organizations, microfinance organizations, credit cooperatives are required to submit all available information included in the credit history regarding borrowers, guarantors, and principals to at least one credit history bureau included in the state register of credit history bureaus, without obtaining consent for its presentation.

The financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual is obliged to provide information on the procedures applied in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual if the arbitration court accepted for proceedings an application for declaring the individual insolvent (bankrupt), including information about unlawful actions of an individual during insolvency (bankruptcy), information about intentional or fictitious bankruptcy in the credit history bureau, which formed the credit history of this individual, and if the borrower - an individual does not have a credit history at the time of acceptance of the application for recognition its insolvent (bankrupt) financial manager is obliged to send such information to at least one credit history bureau included in the state register of credit history bureaus.

Also, without the consent of the subject of the credit history, information from the operative part of a court decision that has entered into force and has not been executed within 10 days to collect sums of money from the debtor in connection with his failure to fulfill alimony obligations, obligations to pay for residential premises can be transferred to the credit history bureau. , utilities and communication services. The specified information can be transferred:

  • an organization in whose favor a court decision has entered into force and has not been executed within 10 days to collect sums of money from the debtor in connection with its failure to fulfill its obligations to pay for living quarters, utilities and communication services;
  • federal executive body authorized to carry out functions to ensure established order activities of courts and the execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies, in the collection of unfulfilled alimony obligations, obligations to pay for living quarters, utilities and communication services.

The credit history is stored in the credit history bureau for 10 years from the date of the last change in the information contained in the credit history.

The Bank of Russia is authorized to register credit history bureaus (to include credit history bureaus in the state register of credit history bureaus), to exclude credit history bureaus from state register credit history bureaus, exercise control and supervision over the activities of credit history bureaus, maintain the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. The Central Catalog of Credit Histories, which is a division of the Bank of Russia, was created to collect, store and present to subjects of credit histories and users of credit histories information about the credit history bureau in which the credit histories of the subjects of credit histories were formed. In addition, the Central Catalog of Credit Histories carries out temporary storage of databases of liquidated (reorganized, as well as excluded from the state register of credit history bureaus) credit history bureaus.

So, in order to obtain your credit history, the subject of the credit history first needs to find out in which (which) credit history bureaus it is stored by sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, and then contact this (these) credit history bureaus to obtain a credit history.

Obtaining a credit report once a year from each credit bureau that maintains it is free. For subsequent (within a year) requests, the credit history bureau has the right to charge a fee.

The subject of credit history can obtain information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by contacting:

  • through the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network () by filling out the request form “Request for information about credit history bureaus”, located in the “Credit histories” section, using the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • without using the credit history subject code through a credit institution, credit history bureau, post office, notary, microfinance organization or credit cooperative.

The code of the subject of the credit history is in its meaning analogous to a PIN code bank card and is used only on the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network and only to obtain information about the credit history bureau in which the credit history is stored. The credit history subject code is unlimited and applies to information that will be included in the Central Catalog of Credit History in the future.

The subject of the credit history has the right to generate a code for the subject of the credit history when concluding a loan (credit) agreement, as well as later by contacting any credit organization or any credit history bureau, provided that they have a credit history in at least one credit history bureau. The code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history cannot be generated if there is no credit history. It is possible to change or cancel the code of a credit history subject through the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network (section “Credit Histories”) or by contacting any credit organization or any credit history bureau. A credit history user can obtain information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by contacting:

  • through the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network () by filling out the request form “Request for information about credit history bureaus”, located in the “Credit histories” section, using the additional code of the subject of the credit history;
  • without using an additional code of the subject of the credit history through a credit organization, credit history bureau, notary, microfinance organization or credit cooperative.

The additional code of the subject of the credit history is a temporary (two months from the date of its formation) analogue of the code of the subject of the credit history for the user of the credit history, which is created by the subject of the credit history.

The subject of credit histories has the right to generate an additional code for the subject of credit histories by contacting:

  • through the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network (section “Credit Histories”), filling out the form “Application for installing an additional code of the subject of the credit history” using the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • without using a credit history subject code through any credit organization or credit history bureau.

Please pay attention! Response from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories “Relevant information was not found. Specify the details of the request” means that there is no information in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories for the details specified in the request. This answer can be obtained in the following cases:

  • in the absence of a credit history;
  • in case of specifying an incorrect (non-existent) code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history (if a request is sent by filling out a form in the “Credit Histories” section of the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network);
  • if an error (typo) was made in the information about the subject of the credit history when filling out the request;
  • if there is a credit history, but formed on another identification document (for individuals), for example, on a previous passport. IN in this case It is advisable to send a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories indicating the details of this particular identification document.

If there was an error (typo) in the request when indicating the full name. or data of an identity document (for individuals), taxpayer identification number or main state registration number (for legal entities), code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history, you should re-send the request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, correctly indicating all the necessary details .

Sending a request directly to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through the official website of the Bank of Russia

(Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated August 31, 2005 No. 1610-U “On the procedure for sending requests and obtaining information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by the subject of credit history and the user of credit history by contacting the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network”)

The request is sent by filling out the form “Request for information about credit history bureaus”, posted in the “Credit Histories” section of the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet, indicating the email address to which the response from the Central Catalog will be sent credit histories and code (additional code) of the subject of credit histories. The central directory of credit histories sends a response only by email. In addition, in the “Credit Histories” section of the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network it is possible to:

  • generate an additional code for the subject of the credit history (if there is a code for the subject of the credit history).

The subject of credit history has the right to generate a code for a subject of credit history, as well as change or cancel it when concluding a loan (credit) agreement, as well as later by contacting any credit organization or any credit history bureau, provided that he has a credit history in at least one credit bureau stories. The code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history cannot be generated if there is no credit history.

Sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through a credit institution

Directive of the Bank of Russia dated December 11, 2015 No. 3893-U “On the procedure for sending requests and obtaining information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by contacting a credit institution”

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories without using the code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history through the credit institution:

In order to confirm the legality of providing information, the credit institution identifies the person requesting information about the credit history bureau in which the credit history is stored, based on the documents provided ().

The user of the credit history must provide the consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report, drawn up in accordance with the requirements Federal Law dated December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ “On credit histories”.

Also, a subject of credit history through a credit institution can:

  • generate a credit history subject code;
  • change the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • cancel the code of the subject of the credit history;

Sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit History through a credit history bureau

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories without using the code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history through the credit history bureau:

  • subject of credit history (representative of subject of credit history);
  • user of the credit history (representative of the user of the credit history);
  • financial manager approved in the case of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the subject of credit history - an individual.

In order to confirm the legality of providing information, the credit history bureau identifies the person requesting information about the credit history bureau in which the credit history is stored, based on the documents provided ().
The financial manager must also present the original or certified established by law order, a copy of the judicial act on the approval of the financial manager in the case of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the individual, information about which is requested.
The user of the credit history must provide the consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report, issued in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories.”
Also, a subject of credit history through a credit history bureau can:

  • generate a credit history subject code;
  • change the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • cancel the code of the subject of the credit history;
  • generate an additional code for the subject of the credit history.

Submitting a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through a microfinance organization and a credit cooperative

Directive of the Bank of Russia dated February 19, 2015 No. 3572-U “On the procedure for sending requests to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories and obtaining from it information about the credit history bureau, which stores the credit history of the subject of the credit history, through the credit history bureau”

The subject of credit history (user of credit history, financial manager approved in the case of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the subject of credit history - an individual) sends a request and receives information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by contacting a microfinance organization or credit cooperative that forwards the request through the credit history bureau in the manner prescribed by Bank of Russia Directive No. 3572-U dated February 19, 2015 “On the procedure for sending requests to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories and obtaining from it information about the credit history bureau, which stores the credit history of the subject of credit history, through the bureau credit histories."

Sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through postal service branches

Directive of the Bank of Russia dated January 18, 2016 No. 3934-U “On the procedure for sending requests and obtaining information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by contacting post offices”

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit History (hereinafter referred to as CCCH) by the subject of the credit history and the financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case without using the code of the subject of the credit history by contacting postal offices (telecommunication offices) where telegraph communication services are provided , in accordance with the Order of the Ministry information technology and communications of the Russian Federation from September 11, 2007. No. 108 “On approval of requirements for the provision of telegraph communication services in terms of reception, transmission, processing, storage and delivery of telegrams” at the address: 107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya 12, TsKKI (conditional address “Moscow TsKKI”).
As part of the request of the subject of credit history - an individual, including an individual entrepreneur, as well as a financial manager, it is necessary to indicate the following list of details of the subject of credit history:

  • surname;
  • patronymic (if available);
  • data of a passport or other identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (series, number, date of issue of passport) ();

A telegram containing a request from a subject of credit history - an individual, including an individual entrepreneur, is signed by him personally in the presence of telecom operator. When sending a request by a subject of a credit history, the operator checks the compliance of the information specified by the subject of a credit history with the presented document certifying the identity of the subject of a credit history, and makes a certification inscription, for example: “The handwritten signature of the passport data of Mikhail Viktorovich Smirnov is certified by the head of the 26th post office of Ivanova.”
The telegram sent by the financial manager is signed by the financial manager in the presence of the telecom operator, and the signature of the subject of the credit history is not required. When sending a telegram to the financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of an individual, the signature of the financial manager is certified on the telegram after an employee of the post office (telecommunication department) checks the judicial act on the approval of the financial manager in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case of the requested subject of credit history – an individual. In this case, a note is made that the request was sent to the financial manager (in any form).
As part of the request of the subject of credit history - a legal entity, it is necessary to indicate the following list of details:

  • full name of the legal entity;
  • main state registration number of a legal entity (for legal entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • taxpayer identification number (for legal entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • email address to which the response from the CCCI will be sent.

A telegram containing a request from a subject of credit history - a legal entity - must be signed by an authorized official of the organization and certified by the seal of the organization. Together with the telegram, the submitter - a legal entity - presents the originals (or notarized copies) of documents on the unified state registration number legal entity and taxpayer identification number. The operator checks the data of these documents with those specified in the text of the request telegram and produces a certification inscription confirming the fact state registration legal entity in the Registration Chamber and assigning it a Taxpayer Identification Number, for example: “The fact of registration of Informatika OJSC in the Registration Chamber of Moscow under No. 102773959981 and assigning it a Taxpayer Identification Number 774355555 is certified by the operator of the 12th post office of Petrov.”
The email address must be filled in in Latin font with all required characters included. The @ symbol in the email address is replaced by (a) - the letter “a” in brackets, it is recommended to write the “_” sign with the words “underscore”. Attention! When sending a request by telegram, all the details listed above must be indicated! All request data is given in the telegram text on a new line.
The response from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories is sent to the email address specified in the telegram.
If the response from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories to the telegram is not received within 3 business days, it is advisable for the subject of the credit history or the financial manager to contact the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through the Internet reception of the Bank of Russia. In your appeal you must indicate: the date the telegram was sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, full name. (for an individual) or name (for a legal entity), as well as the email address specified in the telegram.

Sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through a notary

Directive of the Bank of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 3701-U “On the procedure for sending requests and obtaining information from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories by submitting a request through a notary”

The request is sent to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories without using the code (additional code) of the subject of the credit history by submitting an application containing the corresponding request through a notary:

  • subject of credit history (representative of subject of credit history by proxy);
  • user of the credit history (representative of the user of the credit history by proxy);
  • financial manager approved in the case of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the subject of credit history - an individual.

In order to confirm the legality of providing information, the notary identifies the person requesting information about the credit history bureau in which the credit history is stored, based on the documents provided ().

The financial manager must also present the original or a copy certified in accordance with the procedure established by law of the court on the approval of the financial manager in the case of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the individual about whom information is requested.

The user of the credit history must provide the consent of the subject of the credit history to receive a credit report, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories,” a copy of which remains in the custody of the notary.

On the day the application is received, the notary sends a request for subsequent transmission to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories to the email address of the Federal Notary Chamber. At the request of the person submitting said statement, he is issued a certificate of transfer of the application. The subject of the credit history (user of the credit history), as well as the financial manager approved in the insolvency (bankruptcy) case, has the right to indicate his address and the method of transmitting to him the response from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories.

The Bank of Russia warns that the only official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network is the website located at. Any other Internet sites that have consonant or similar domain addresses are not related to the Bank of Russia.


The Bank of Russia warns that the official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network at the address is the only official website of the Bank of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network. Any other Internet sites that have consonant or similar domain addresses are not related to the Bank of Russia. In connection with cases of fraud on the Internet, here are some recommendations that will help you ensure the confidentiality of information stored in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories:

  • Do not share your passport data, credit history subject code and additional credit history subject code with unauthorized persons.
  • do not respond to letters sent by e-mail that, under various pretexts, request your confidential information.

Now checking your credit history is a very relevant service. The thing is that the employer who hires you may request to look at your credit history; however, it can be any company that wants to make sure of your reliability and responsibility. The organizations you are interested in collaborating with have every right request your credit history. And of course, the banks where you want to borrow money again will want to have access to information about your previous loans and the integrity of your payments.

How to get a credit history

How to find out your credit history? We'll tell you.

When someone wants to view their own credit history through the Internet or the office that stores their data, the bureau must make sure that the information is requested directly. Therefore, no matter how you decide to get a credit history for free, you will need to go through some identification procedure, confirming that you are the owner of the requested documentation.

There are several ways to obtain this document. You can use any of them, it all depends on the purpose for which you are interested and which way will be easier for you to obtain the necessary information. A credit history is issued for free once a year everywhere.
  • Option 1 - send a mail request;

    All you need to do is write a corresponding application to receive a credit report. If you were already issued a credit report less than 1 year ago, when sending a notarized application, you should attach a receipt for receiving the document earlier. After all, once a year you can look at your credit history for free, all subsequent times will cost 450 rubles, and on the Internet prices are requested depending on the resource you contact.

    When the application is signed by the notary and a copy of the receipt is enclosed in the envelope, send it to. You will receive a response within 3 business days. The response will be sent to the address you indicate on the envelope.

  • Option 2 - online;

    Let's not forget that we live in a century modern technologies. Now almost any official statement can be simply sent by e-mail and you will soon receive a response, again without leaving your home. On the credit reference agency website you can apply for necessary documentation, but first you will need to register there.

    There is also an online information bureau. There you will not only be given the opportunity to look at your credit history, but will also be able to correct errors in it and provide additional protection against all kinds of fraud. However, you can use the site’s services for free only once, then you need to pay no matter how long you use.

  • Option 3 - go to the joint credit bureau yourself with your ID;

    This option is the most reliable; in this way you will get a credit history in the shortest possible time.

  • Option 4 - go to the bank.

This method is similar to the previous one, it all depends on where it is more convenient for you to contact. You can also ask to review your own credit history when you take out a new loan.

If there are any discrepancies in your credit history, they must be corrected, otherwise you will not be able to get more credit. But there is one exception. The fact is that no matter what loan debts you had previously, 10 years after that this story is eliminated from your credit information. This fact is described in more detail in the law “On the organization of the formation and circulation of credit histories.” Therefore, if you don’t want to spend a long time taking out new loans, repaying them, or contacting credit organizations, you can simply wait 10 years and your credit history, which is easy to take out for free, will be clear again.

What's in your credit history?

A credit history is a collection of information about loans previously taken by a subject, as well as data about the person himself. Full content:

  • personal data of the borrower (starting with full name and ending with place of work, marital status, etc.);
  • main part(data on previously taken loans, payment terms, debts, if any, etc.);
  • additional information(this is more detailed information about the banks that provided you with loans).

How to fix your credit history

There are cases when people take out money on credit, say, to buy a car, and spend it on building a house or opening a small business. Such situations are always risky, because the bank can easily track what you spent the received amount on. If such a situation suddenly happens and the loan is not repaid, the bank first gives the borrower many warnings and charges a penalty, after which it sues.

Such a case can erase the borrower’s good credit report, since after similar situations Most likely, no bank will give approval for a loan replacement. But this article was written not to depress, but to show a way out of this situation. In fact, not everything is so hopeless.

Borrowers often believe that by applying for a loan from another bank, they will undoubtedly receive money again, but everything is completely different. There is no point in looking for more and more banks, because in any of them, before issuing a loan, you will be asked for permission to review your credit history. You just have to sign in the right place and in a matter of minutes the bank employees will know about your discrepancies with payments, etc. If you do not give permission to view your credit history, you are also unlikely to get a loan, because this will cause distrust.

The output is still the same - . To do this, you need to contact a credit institution, which, in addition to issuing credit histories, provides a wide range of other services.

Such companies employ professionals who will not only give good advice on any issue, but they can also develop a whole plan of action to change your credit history, which they themselves will help implement.

We are starting to correct the situation

The first thing to do is pay off all loans. After this, you should take out a small loan from a bank where you have not yet been serviced and repay it on time. Now we need to take out a few more loans, but not for a long time. large amounts, again paying everything on time. In this way, you show the bank that you are a good citizen and return the money on time.

Did you manage to purchase some inexpensive item in installments? Great, then you are already in the “good” database. A little later you will receive confirmation of this - notifications about new offers from the bank will be sent to your mobile phone.

Many people with a damaged credit report believe that by paying off a loan earlier than necessary, they will earn additional favor from the bank, but this is absolutely not the case. In this case, the bank is unable to charge you additional interest that should have been accrued in subsequent months, which means you are not such a profitable client. Other banks will also be notified about this and will take a look at your credit history, so refusals cannot be avoided. Yes, when correcting data, you will have to pay those unfortunate interests, trying to regain the reputation of an excellent client, be prepared for this.

You need to take into account the following point - taking out something on credit, while having a bad credit history, is much easier than money. After all, if you take money, you should expect a larger amount, the same interest, but taking a hair dryer, for example, will not be difficult. Did you pay for a hair dryer? Now get a coffee machine for your home. Of course, you should buy those things that you really need, and in any case there will be such things. Finally, buy a new, more powerful vacuum cleaner and treat your hair to a curling iron with gentle settings.

If you receive a loan from a bank when you had no hope, it will, of course, be a great joy. But we have some tips for you that will facilitate your cooperation with any banking structure:

  • There is no need to immediately take out a loan for a huge amount. Firstly, it’s not a fact that you will be able to return it on time, and we are now trying to fight for your positive reputation. Secondly, after you successfully cope with the payment of a small amount, you will be able to take out more, but with a lower interest rate and more trust from the bank. And in the end, you shouldn’t take risks, anything can happen, and now you are actually using your last chance for lending.
  • If you are afraid that you will not get a loan because of your low salary or the fact that you have been working in your current position for very little time, this is not a reason to provide the bank with false documentation about your employment and success. Even if SberBank does not access a common database with credit histories, it has access to a huge number other information. When your deception is revealed, you will not only be refused a loan, but will also be blacklisted by the organization.

Of course, you shouldn't rant in front of bank employees about your previous debts. When they ask about loans, talk only about those that you have paid off without problems or debts or are obediently paying off now.

Getting a loan with bad credit history

If you don’t have time for all these nuances with obedience in repaying loans, there are two good backup options.

  1. It's about what exists banking organizations who do not have access to a credit history database; to put it simply, they do not have the money for it. Such organizations survive by low interest rates on a loan, which is ensured by savings on literally everything, including. By contacting such an organization, you will look like an excellent potential client, and not a dubious borrower.
  2. Another suitable option, absolutely opposite to the previous one, is very powerful banking structures. Large organizations create their own database and do not contact others. Thus, they have a list of good clients who take large sums at high interest rates and pay everything on time; of course, they also have a “black” list, which includes people with constant debts. And there is another category that you fall into - potentially profitable borrowers. They don’t care whether you had debts in other banks, even if you were forced to repay the loan through the court, you can still borrow money from one of the large organizations that are now being discussed and get on the “white” list. A striking example such an organization is SberBank. If you haven't gotten into debt there yet, you can try your luck.

Correction by hand

It is absolutely impossible to correct or change your credit history only in one case - if payments were made forcibly, through the court. If this is not about you and you paid everything yourself, then it’s worth fighting for a good reputation. Banks are not so “white and fluffy”; sometimes your credit debts appear in the documentation, but you can’t sleep. Often, ordinary employees are to blame for entering incorrect data into the database. This is another argument in favor of the fact that periodically getting your credit history in hand and viewing the data is not useless. After all, if you come to the bank to take out a loan, you agree that the organization’s employees will look at it, but you yourself will not see information about your debts, and therefore you may not know the reason for the refusal.

So, if you want to make changes to your credit history, you should write an application to the BKI, in which you must indicate your desire for the bureau to check the compliance of the statements with real data. The bureau must fulfill the client's requirements within 30 days. A month later, you will receive a response, which may contain either a refusal to correct it, or confirmation that the data was entered incorrectly and an agreement to make changes.

If you have received a refusal, but are confident that you are right and have no debts, then you should contact the Federal Service financial markets. This is a more powerful body that controls the work of the BKI and can check the licensing of the bureau’s activities.

A damaged credit history is not the end of the world, especially if it is not your fault that it is damaged. By following the simple instructions that we have given in this article, you can become an excellent borrower with a positive reputation.

The bank refused a loan? If the reason for the refusal is not clear to you, check your credit history. We tell you how to do it for free

What is credit history

A credit history is a dossier on the borrower, which contains all the information from banks, microfinance organizations, telephone companies and other organizations that provide loans to people. Even if you have never taken out a loan, you still have a credit history, just “zero”. The content of your credit history most often determines whether you will be given a new loan or not.

The credit history includes the following required blocks:

  • Bureau name;
  • Information about the borrower - full name, passport data, taxpayer identification data;
  • A summary of how many loans were approved, how many times a loan application was submitted;
  • Information about how the client repaid loans, whether there were any delays;
  • Bank decisions on loans;
  • Notes on credit history inquiries.

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text loan agreement or in the appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text of the loan agreement or in an appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

Offices of large bureaus are usually located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If there is no representative office of the required office in your city, unfortunately, you won’t be able to do it without any expenses - you will have to come in person or pay a notary. If you do not want or cannot come to BKI in person, you need to send a request to BKI through a notary, who must confirm your signature.

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

Some companies offer to find out your credit history online. And sometimes they are ready to do it even for free - for example, as part of a promotion.

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text of the loan agreement or in an appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

Offices of large bureaus are usually located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If there is no representative office of the required office in your city, unfortunately, you won’t be able to do it without any expenses - you will have to come in person or pay a notary. If you do not want or cannot come to BKI in person, you need to send a request to BKI through a notary, who must confirm your signature.

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

Some companies offer to find out your credit history online. And sometimes they are ready to do it even for free - for example, as part of a promotion.

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text of the loan agreement or in an appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

Offices of large bureaus are usually located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If there is no representative office of the required office in your city, unfortunately, you won’t be able to do it without any expenses - you will have to come in person or pay a notary. If you do not want or cannot come to BKI in person, you need to send a request to BKI through a notary, who must confirm your signature.

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

Some companies offer to find out your credit history online. And sometimes they are ready to do it even for free - for example, as part of a promotion.

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text of the loan agreement or in an appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

Offices of large bureaus are usually located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If there is no representative office of the required office in your city, unfortunately, you won’t be able to do it without any expenses - you will have to come in person or pay a notary. If you do not want or cannot come to BKI in person, you need to send a request to BKI through a notary, who must confirm your signature.

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

Some companies offer to find out your credit history online. And sometimes they are ready to do it even for free - for example, as part of a promotion.

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text of the loan agreement or in an appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

Offices of large bureaus are usually located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If there is no representative office of the required office in your city, unfortunately, you won’t be able to do it without any costs - you will have to come in person or pay a notary. If you do not want or cannot come to BKI in person, you need to send a request to BKI through a notary, who must confirm your signature.

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

Some companies offer to find out your credit history online. And sometimes they are ready to do it even for free - for example, as part of a promotion.

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text of the loan agreement or in an appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

Offices of large bureaus are usually located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If there is no representative office of the required office in your city, unfortunately, you won’t be able to do it without any expenses - you will have to come in person or pay a notary. If you do not want or cannot come to BKI in person, you need to send a request to BKI through a notary, who must confirm your signature.

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

Some companies offer to find out your credit history online. And sometimes they are ready to do it even for free - for example, as part of a promotion.

How to view your credit history for free

To find out your credit history, you need to come to the BKI office with your passport and ask to see your “credit file.” Asking someone to check your history for you will not work: BKIs do not have the right to disclose the contents of your credit history to third parties.

Once a year, any Russian can view the contents of his credit history for free. The second time will be paid; usually this service costs several hundred rubles. Bureau employees often “forget” to inform the visitor that he can view his credit history once a year for free. Be sure to remind the employee of this right. It is described in Article 8 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”.

How to determine which BKI your history is stored in

To determine which bank account has a credit history for you, you need to know the special code that the bank assigns when issuing a loan. As a rule, the code is indicated in the text of the loan agreement or in an appendix to it. This is a combination of Russian letters and numbers or Latin letters and numbers.

Enter the subject code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. This way you will find out which BKIs store your credit history. But what if you haven’t taken out a loan yet and don’t have such a code? In this case, you can come to any bank and find out which bureaus have a “credit dossier” on you. In fifteen minutes you will receive the necessary information. You will have to pay for this service.

What to do if BKI is in another city

Offices of large bureaus are usually located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If there is no representative office of the required office in your city, unfortunately, you won’t be able to do it without any expenses - you will have to come in person or pay a notary. If you do not want or cannot come to BKI in person, you need to send a request to BKI through a notary, who must confirm your signature.

How to check your credit history quickly, but not for free

Some companies offer to find out your credit history online. And sometimes they are ready to do it even for free - for example, as part of a promotion.

You can get your first credit report for free from the Equifax credit bureau. To do this, you need to go through identification, which in most cases is paid.

If you are still willing to pay money for a credit report, then the easiest way to get one is to contact your bank. To do this, you don’t even have to go to a branch - large banks know how to share your credit history upon request in the application or on the online banking website. Check with your bank's customer service to see if this service is available to you.

For example, at Sberbank such a service costs 580 rubles, and at Tinkoff Bank a short report on financial reputation can be issued for 59 rubles.

Another option for those who want to quickly find out their credit history is to contact the Euroset communication salon. They will ask for 990 rubles for the service.

If there is an error in your credit history

If you find an error, contact its source - the bank or microfinance organization that transmitted incorrect information. Such errors, for example, include late payments that you did not allow. If the bank or microfinance organization does not respond to your request or refuses to correct the information, you need to contact the credit history bureau and apply to make changes to your credit history.

But if you notice that your credit history includes a loan that you did not apply for, you need to urgently file a police report. Perhaps your passport fell into the hands of scammers who were able to apply for a loan using it.

In short:

  • You can check your credit history for free once a year. This is the law;
  • Your credit history can be stored in several bank accounts at once. The subject code will help you find out which ones. Look for it in the text of the loan agreement. If you have lost your code, you will not be able to recover it. New code subject can be obtained at any BKI or bank branch. There will be a price to pay for this;
  • If you know the subject code, you can find out in which BKI your data is stored;
  • Enter this code on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories under the Central Bank of Russia. If the required office is in another city, you will have to come in person or pay a notary;
  • You can get a credit history online, but you will have to pay. At some bureaus, you can get your first credit report online for free. You will have to pay for subsequent ones;
  • You cannot change your credit history. But you can correct the errors in it. To do this, contact your bank or bank account. If you see a loan in the report that you did not apply for, contact the police.

What is Credit History

Credit history (CI) is data on loan products received and how they were repaid. The subject in this case is a legal entity or individual (including an individual entrepreneur) who is the borrower. The report also contains information about legal penalties (if any), alimony, late payments for housing and communal services, mobile communications, fines Traffic police and tax penalties.

That's why every citizen Russian Federation has a credit rating, regardless of whether he has applied for a loan product previously or not. Credit history stores all information about debts both in banks and in government agencies.

Where is the Credit History stored?

Almost all credit histories of Russians are stored in the four largest bank accounts:

  • JSC National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI).
  • CJSC "United Credit Bureau" (UCB).
  • Equifax Credit Services.
  • LLC "Russian Standard Credit Bureau".

To find out in which bureau is it stored? Your credit history, you need to know your credit history subject code, which is formed when concluding a loan agreement. By sending a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH) or through the Bank of Russia website indicating credit history subject code, You will receive a list of bureaus.

If you have not created your own special code for the subject of your credit history, it means that you simply do not have it. But in order to find out your credit history, it is not at all necessary to know the subject code - you just need to contact one of CI verification services online, which cooperate with all credit history bureaus, for example, through services or etc.

Where do banks and microfinance organizations transfer their credit history?

Some banks work with one bureau, while other companies may work with several simultaneously. Here's an example:

Bank name

Where does it transmit to?

Where does the request go?



NBKI, Equifax, OKB, SZBKI, MBKI, KB Russian Standard


NBCH, Equifax

NBCH, Equifax


NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

VTB Bank of Moscow

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, OKB, Eqifax

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

Equifax, NBKI, SZBKI


NBKI, Equifax, SZBKI


Credit Europe Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, MBKI, Equifax


Otkritie Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBCH, Equifax

NBCH, Equifax


NBKI, Equifax, KB Russian Standard

Raiffeisen Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB


Russian Standard

KB Russian Standard

Equifax, KB Russian Standard, NBKI

Tinkoff Bank

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

NBKI, Equifax, OKB

Home Credit Bank

NBCH, Equifax

NBKI, Equifax, OKB, KB Russian Standard

Unicredit Bank

NBKI, KB Russian Standard

NBKI, Equifax, KB Russian Standard

Why was I denied a loan?

In 90% of cases, financial companies, in particular banks and microfinance organizations, refuse to issue loans to clients due to bad credit history. Loan history indicating all violations, late payments, penalties for loans taken, it is stored in the credit bureau for 10 years, updated monthly.

In addition, in lately employers began to take into account information from the applicant’s credit history! Read more about the impact of credit history when applying for a job. Zaimtime correspondents conducted a small investigation to find out how a damaged credit history affects the employment of citizens.

How to find out your Credit Score?

To know credit rating Can in different ways both online via the Internet and during a visit. You can submit a request during a personal visit to the Central Bureau of Credit History, or by sending there a request for verification by mail, after which you will be redirected to specific CI bureaus where the information you need is stored.

Single credit history check in case of personal application by an individual during the year is free for the borrower. Subsequent calls may incur a fee.

Exists alternative way. You can apply for information from an organization that cooperates with all leading credit history bureaus. Select one of the companies presented on our resource, submit a request and receive the necessary data within 1-5 minutes. Credit history online– it’s simple, quick, and contains large number information. In our material, we described in detail: and how a client’s credit rating is calculated.

Doesn't matter, provided free credit history or for a fee - in both cases you will receive up-to-date information on all credit products and loans, find out whether you are a guarantor of any transactions, and other important information(debts for alimony, payment of taxes and fees, court decisions on collection, debts for housing and communal services). In addition, this will help to avoid fraud against you and will facilitate the procedure for obtaining a new loan or credit.

Why you need to know your CI:

  • trust, but verify - identify errors on the part of banks and credit institutions;
  • do not fall for the tricks of scammers who apply for loans using other people’s passports and photocopies of documents;
  • for confidence and peace of mind.

The provided report contains the following information:

  • debts/overdue loans;
  • number of existing loans, payments on them;
  • arrears of alimony, taxes, rent, collection through the bailiff service;
  • recommendations on how to fix it weak points, which may lead to loan refusals;
  • chances of getting a new loan (score).

Let us remind you that microfinance organizations issue loans on more favorable terms than banks. By choosing using our site, you can find out how to get loan without checking credit history. After all, the main difference between microfinance organizations and banks is the ease of obtaining a credit product (loan). This is a very significant advantage in situations where money is needed urgently. On our resource you can select companies that are ready to issue a microloan even without verification CI, as well as without guarantee and providing certificates of source of income. The only documents you need are a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and in just a few minutes you can resolve financial issues.

Microfinance companies often provide loans clients with bad credit history, and also provide the opportunity to correct it. All you need is a passport.

We work only with proven and reliable microfinance organizations. You do not have to worry about the confidentiality of the data you provide, it is encrypted and protected in accordance with current legislation.

We hope that with our help you will be able to get even urgent loan without credit history at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Profitable and with a guarantee.

If you encounter a problem when interacting with any service posted on our website, please report it to.

Surely every borrower knows about the existence of a credit line, but few people know what it is formed from? Who actually does this? Is it possible to check your credit line for free? If this paid service- how much will it cost?

BKI - what is it

The definition of “BKI” means a legal entity that is commercial structure. BKI provides services for the generation, storage and processing of information on loans for each borrower.

In turn, a credit history provides information to banking institutions about each specific borrower upon request so that the lender can assess the solvency of its potential client.

In the event that the information provided by the BKI contains the fact of the availability of loans previously issued by borrowers, such citizens in most cases are denied new loans.

Today in the Russian Federation they carry out their work more than 20 BKI. Each bureau is ready to provide the credit history of the required borrower at any moment.

The most important thing about shaping history

Many people are interested in the question of how their credit history is formed. Let's try to figure this out.

First of all, when receiving a loan, each borrower signs an agreement, which contains a clause allowing the transfer of information about payments (whether there are late payments or not) and about the borrower himself.

Based on this document, the lender monthly transmits information about a specific borrower to the BKI, which, based on the information received, draws up a credit line.

If the creditor has informed the BKI that there is a delay, this organization lowers the credit line by several points; if there are no further delays, the credit line is improved.

In fact, this is the basic principle of creating a credit line for borrowers.

Many people believe that the rating can be improved much more from a bank loan than from an MFO, but this is not at all the case. It is necessary to understand that regardless of whether a loan is issued for 500 rubles or 500 thousand, the rating decreases and increases in the same way.

Where to check history

Surely, many borrowers are confident in their impeccable credit rating, but sometimes checking their credit line is simply necessary.

This may be due to the fact that some bank refused to provide a loan, citing a negative credit line. In this case, the borrower must check why this situation arose; perhaps it is just an error.

You can check your credit history:

  • via the Internet;
  • by personal contact to the relevant organization.

How to check in person?

Checking in person can sometimes be faster than checking online. The procedure in this case is as follows:

the borrower applies to the nearest bank office at his place of residence with a passport;

  • submits an application;
  • receives his line of credit.

Where can I check on the Internet?

Today you can check your credit line on the Internet in many services. Among which:

  • Intermediary services.

If we talk about more specific services, then in this case we're talking about about such as:

  • Equifax is a financial institution that provides such a service;
  • Payment - in this MFO you can get a statement on the credit line;
  • at the National Credit History Bureau;
  • at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

If we talk about the procedure for obtaining a credit history, then in all organizations it is not much different and consists of the following:

  • You need to go through a short registration;
  • indicate passport details;
  • confirm your information using the eID service;
  • submit a request for a credit line;
  • Get a detailed report of your credit score.

How to check your history in Sberbank

The banking institution Sberbank provides all its clients with a unique opportunity to find out their credit line.

To get a line of credit from Sberbank, you must:

  • go to personal account Sberbank (if it does not exist, you must first register);
  • go to the “Loans” subsection;
  • click on the link/button “Get a credit history”;
  • in the window that appears, fill in all required fields and make payment;
  • confirm payment by entering a special code that is sent to the client’s phone;
  • go to the personal credit history section.

Where to check for free

Today, there are several ways to find out your credit history online for free. To do this, it is enough to use one of the following organizations, namely:

  • with the help of the Credit Information Agency;
  • using Equifax BKI;
  • with the help of MFO Platiza.

With the help of the Credit Information Agency

The National Credit History Bureau is the main partner of the Credit History Agency. Thanks to this, at NBKI, each borrower has every right to check his credit line free of charge once per calendar year.

To receive a report from NBKI, you just need to complete a short registration and send a request.

Equifax - BKI, which issues a free CI report

This credit history bureau provides each of its clients with the opportunity to find out about their credit rating for 1 time free of charge for 1 calendar year. If you need to check the CI again, you need to pay for it. We'll talk about the price below.

A distinctive feature of this bureau is the presence wide range services that they are willing to offer. In particular, we are talking about such services as:

  • the ability to connect SMS notifications to clients about changes in their credit ratings;
  • free correction of errors in credit lines if errors are discovered;
  • assisting borrowers in correcting their credit histories.

It is worth noting that the level of protection from fraudsters of this BKI last year was recognized as the best compared to others.

MFO Platiza

Despite the fact that this company does not belong to the category of credit line, they offer their customers to find out about their credit line for free.

Moreover, this organization offers to use unique opportunity: fix in short terms borrowers their negative credit line.

According to those who have already used such a program, they only in 3-4 months managed to restore a positive credit line and now they can apply for any loans in all banking institutions in the country.

Where is it paid?

Everyone knows that obtaining a credit history once a year is free almost everywhere (provided that it is only 1 time). But at the same time, when you apply again, you need to pay. But how much should borrowers prepare when obtaining a credit history for a fee? Let's look at this in a table:

If there is an error in the CI

Often, after receiving a credit line report, borrowers discover errors in it. In this case, you can challenge your credit rating and return it to its previous state.

To do this, just contact the BKI where the credit rating was obtained and follow the following procedure:

  1. Contact any notary organization and, together with the notary, draw up an official appeal on the issue of appealing the credit line.
  2. The completed application is sent either by registered mail, or apply in person to the BKI office.
  3. In turn, BKI thoroughly checks the credit line for errors within 1 month.
  4. After checking, the borrower is sent a report indicating whether there are errors, and they have already been corrected, or no errors have been detected.

If, after checking, the owner of the credit rating does not agree with the decision, then he has every right to appeal statement of claim V district court at your place of residence, and then challenge your position there.

Credit history management

Each borrower has full control over their credit line. To do this, it is enough to regularly check your credit line and, if you discover that it has deteriorated, take steps to improve it.

As practice shows, it is enough Check your credit rating no more than once a year. This period is quite enough.

If the borrower regularly uses loans, he has the right to check his credit line after repaying each of his next loans.

About credit history on video

About credit history - in the “Special Correspondent” program