Smoking is prohibited in the entrance area. Is it possible to smoke in the entrances of apartment buildings according to the laws of the Russian Federation Announcement on the ban on smoking in residential buildings

Some people simply don’t like tobacco smoke because of its smell, while others begin to choke in a smoky room. It has long been proven that passive smoking is not much less dangerous to health than active smoking. And yet, for many years and decades, non-smokers were forced to put up with the constant close presence of tobacco lovers. Relatively recently, the situation has finally changed, and people have become more positive about the fact that smoking is prohibited in the entrance hall.

Prohibition of smoking of neighbors in the entrances of residential buildings and on balconies

  • So, in the 12th article, in the first section, there is a list of thirteen points. It indicates exactly where smoking is prohibited. You will have to read the list carefully. It is important to know: it does not contain the words “entrance” and “balcony”. This is sometimes referred to by supporters of the “I smoke where I want” principle.
  • However, the tenth line of the list speaks directly about elevators. Plus about common areas in apartment buildings. Whose entrance? General.
  • With balconies it’s a little more complicated. But here the second section of Article 12 comes to the rescue. It says where you can smoke. And it is indicated: the premises for “tobacco” purposes must be isolated and equipped with a ventilation system. Are there many such balconies?

According to some reports, “anti-smoking” legislation will develop further. For example, there is a very specific proposal to ban smoking in front of children. The goal is to protect children's health and eliminate potential promotion of smoking.

The following video is about what to do if a neighbor smokes in the entrance:

Making an ad

It all depends on who exactly is trying to use stairwells as smoking rooms. Depending on the situation, when drawing up a sample announcement about a ban on smoking in the entrance, either strictness with references to the Federal Law, or a creative approach, even with a dose of humor, will be useful.

  • Are teenagers playing around in the hallway? You can write: “We will complain to parents about underage smokers.”
  • Another option: print out a rather unpleasant image of the lungs of a smoker and a healthy person with a caption like “These are your lungs. And these are ours. We don't want to be like you. Stop smoking in the entrance."
  • The announcements have a good effect on the male audience of neighbors smoking in the entrance: “I was a smoker. Became impotent."

Now let's talk about what to do and how to deal with it if your neighbor smokes on the balcony.

What to do if residents smoke

On the balcony

Do you have neighbors on the same floor who smoke on the balcony?

  • Try to negotiate peacefully first. It all depends on what exactly is bothering you. For example, cigarette ash is often deposited on the balcony on the floor below. You can draw your neighbor’s attention to this and suggest using an ashtray rather than the street to dump ashes.
  • If you smoke on the floor below or nearby (after all, balconies can be extremely close, even very close), then most often tobacco smoke haunts you. This also needs to be explained to the neighbors.
  • If you can’t talk peacefully, you can threaten with a complaint. True, this may not work. And then all that remains is to really complain: about unsanitary conditions, dirt and unpleasant odors.

At the entrance

If the announcements do not help, the district police officer is obliged to help implement the law banning smoking in the entrance. True, for now this seems somewhat difficult: while the policeman gets to your house, smokers will hide.

In this case, you can ask the local police officer to have a preventive conversation with smokers and speak in a warning manner. Often this is enough. It doesn’t help - you can write a complaint to the police, preferably (as is the case with, for example), since in this case measures will probably be taken faster.

There was a case in Naberezhnye Chelny: a local police officer was walking around the territory under his jurisdiction and noticed characteristic lights in the entrance window. He entered the entrance and caught a couple of fans of driveway gatherings red-handed. And he immediately drew up a protocol.

The following video explains how residents of apartment buildings can combat neighbors’ smoking in their hallways:

The fight against smoking is a global problem, which the Russian state has not yet solved very radically.

Often smokers spare their family, protect the ecology of their home and go out for a smoke break on the stairs or porch of an apartment building; some do not hesitate to ride in an elevator with a smoking bull and do not react at all to the comments of their non-smoking neighbors.

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Law banning smoking in entrances

The main legislative act that introduces restrictions on tobacco consumption in public places and territories and protects citizens from the harmful effects of smoking is Federal Law No. 15 of February 23, 2013.

The latest amendments to it were made by regulatory act Federal Law No. 456 dated December 30, 2015. That is, we entered the new year 2016 with new innovations.

This law provides for significant restrictions on tobacco smoking in almost all public places. Smoking is strictly prohibited:

  1. In the territories of children's and youth institutions;
  2. In public transport;
  3. On lands and in premises where people work, temporarily reside, and make purchases.

You can now smoke on the territory of the plant:

  • Or in a specially equipped isolated room with ventilation;
  • Or in specially designated places on the street.

All this is done to ensure that people who do not use tobacco in any form do not suffer from the effects of tobacco smoke.

In addition, the absence of a bad example before their eyes allows children and adolescents to refrain from this most harmful habit.