Why do you dream about a bunch of keys? What does the dream book say about night visions in which you dream of keys?

Dream Interpretation of what the key is in dreams

from Monday to Tuesday

Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. The red planet is known for its warlike nature. Apparently, this is why dreams of this day often foreshadow future confrontations and conflicts. Dreams on the second day of the week are full of vivid scenes, since the influence of Mars promotes decisive actions. Dreams on Tuesday night usually reflect the dreamer's full range of abilities, energy and enthusiasm. When Tuesday's dream passes calmly, the dreamer should not have any concerns. After all, his creative energy has the correct vector of movement, which means that obstacles can be overcome with ease and success. True, sometimes the plainness of a dream can indicate an absolute absence of such energy.

Miller's Dream Book Key

Seeing keys in a dream means unforeseen changes. If you lost your keys in a dream, unpleasant events in reality will sadden you. Finding the keys is a sign that family peace and revival in business await you. Damaged keys portend separation, the cause of which will be death or jealousy. If a young woman in a dream lost a clasp with jewelry- this promises her a quarrel with her loved one and anxiety because of this. If she sees a door that is not locked with a key, she will get a new submissive admirer. If she sees in a dream that she locks the door with a key, she will get married, and if she sees that she has lost the key, then it is possible that she will damage her reputation by her inability to think and act sensibly.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Key

The key means finding solutions to problems, the desire to solve problems more the easy way. Opening a door with a key in a dream is evidence that great discoveries will be made in all areas of knowledge in the future. Perhaps a time machine will be invented, with the help of which people will be able to travel to the past and future. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which he will try to find a way out. Finding a key in a dream is a sign that great things await you. You will most likely make a lot of progress career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change in better side. Breaking a key in a dream means that in the future the inhabitants of the Earth will receive a terrible message about a cosmic accident. Most likely to suffer from this accident space station. If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, it means that in the not too distant future you will have the opportunity to make an amazing trip to many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. To see two keys in a dream - unexpected turn events. Losing the key means finding yourself in an awkward position. To dream of someone giving you their keys is unexpected help in a difficult situation. A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials. To see a golden key in a dream means that the efforts you have spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve. Seeing in a dream how you are looking for the keys to your house - in reality you are trying to find a solution to your personal problems.

Modern dream book Key

If you dreamed of keys, then this promises you unexpected changes. If you dream that you have lost your keys, then unpleasant adventures await you. Finding the keys predicts peace in the family and revival in commercial affairs. Broken keys foretell separation due to death or jealousy. If a young woman dreams that she has lost the key to a piece of jewelry, then this foreshadows her quarrel with her lover. If she dreams that she opens the door with a key, then she will have a new lover whom she will trust too much. If a young woman dreams that she is closing a door with a key, then she will have good luck with her marriage. If she gives away the key, this means that she will harm her reputation with unrestrained and unreasonable conversations.

Esoteric dream book Key

See - you will discover something for yourself, you will find something new. Turn it around, use it - you will start a new business and it will develop well. Gold, precious - very great luck, perhaps in the public sphere.

Freud's Dream Book Key

The key is a symbol of the penis, and therefore the interpretation of this symbol is traditional for all long objects. If a man opens a lock with a key, then he strives for sexual contact with a specific partner. If a woman opens a lock with a key, then she prefers to engage in self-satisfaction. If a woman closes a lock with a key, then she is afraid unwanted pregnancy and often practices coitus interruptus. If a man closes the lock with a key, then he is disappointed in his partner and seeks to break off the relationship. If the key does not fit the lock or cannot open it, then this symbolizes hostile relations between sexual partners, even to the point of mutual hatred. If a man puts the key in his pocket, then he wants to have group sex. If a woman puts the key in her pocket, then she is looking forward to meeting her sensual partner soon. If you have forgotten your key somewhere, then you cannot improve your sex life, but if you have lost it, then you are close to impotence (for women - to frigidity). If you dropped the key, then you have lost attraction to your partner and do not want to have sexual relations with him. If a man dropped (threw) his key into the water, then he strives for new sexual contacts. If a woman dropped (threw) her key into the water, then she is disappointed in men and seeks to find satisfaction in lesbian relationships.

Loff's Dream Book Key

Keys are a symbol of power and might. Losing keys means losing control over the situation, losing the means of access to something. Losing keys means not being able to get something important to complete a task, reach people, or access information. Finding a lost key means establishing yourself in a given situation, feeling like the smith of your own happiness. It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that it is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to discover your potential in yourself or in your relationships with others. Who was nearby when you found the key? With whom did you share the news about the discovery? Depending on the answers, the meaning of your dream will be interpreted.

Dreams to make wishes come true Key

all problems will be resolved, obstacles will disappear from your path. Imagine a large key that is handed to you by someone significant to you. With this key you go to a luxurious palace. First, use the key to open the entrance doors. Go inside and see many more doors. You open each of them one by one - they open very easily and quickly - and behind each door you see some treasures in abundance.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova Key

An answer to something, a solution.

Ukrainian dream book Key

Find the key - you will get an answer to a difficult question; to lose is an experience; look - you will abandon your official duties. The key is a talisman.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti Key

It means false confidence, an erroneous decision. Only the mediation of a stereotype opens.

Love dream book Key

If you see broken keys in a dream, you will have to part with your love due to stupid jealousy. A dream in which you lose the key to a piece of jewelry promises you trouble and a quarrel with your lover. If you dreamed that you were opening doors with your key, then expect a new admirer soon. Fate does not forget about you! And if you close your door with a key, then be sure that very soon this door will be opened. legally one more person enters - your husband. However, you should not give the keys to anyone in a dream, otherwise you will disturb yourself with your stupid conversations and will pass by your own happiness.


Dreams, being a manifestation of the activity of the subconscious layer of the psyche, often reflect the fears and desires inherent in the dreamer. Objects, actions and conditions of dreams serve as guidelines for the solution.

Ordinary things in dreams can play their own special role. So the key is included in the dream book as a symbol of unraveling mysteries, discovering secrets and imminent changes in the dreamer’s life. To more accurately answer the question of what the keys are in dreams, you need to turn to the context of the dream and remember its features, the emotions of the dreamer and the actions that he or other characters in the dream performed.

  • Complex carving - the answer will take a long time to find, and it will be quite intricate.
  • Simple - the answer to some important question for the dreamer lies right on the surface, but the person does not notice it.

A broken key in a dream means that the knowledge that a person has is not enough to solve existing problems in reality. It is worth consulting with more experienced people. Many broken ones - the dreamer has many gaps in the knowledge necessary to advance career ladder, they can be replenished by constant self-education.

There are many keys on the table, on the floor or in your hand - if they are shiny, they are a reflection large number options for behavior in difficult situations that will be practically equivalent and will lead to positive result. If they are rusty - although there will be many options on what to do, it is better to wait and look around for another solution

A golden key in your hand is a harbinger of the coming time for the fulfillment of those dreams of the dreamer, into which he invested a lot of work earlier. Two golden keys - favorable period for planning life for the long term, setting goals, completing small tasks and moving on to large projects.

Actions with keys

Closing the door of your apartment from the inside is a hidden expression of the dreamer’s distrust of the people around him. It's better not to spill your secrets to anyone anytime soon. Closing an unfamiliar door with your key is in reality allowed controversial issue between comrades or colleagues, which does not directly concern the dreamer.

Closing a safe or chest in which something valuable is stored means a person who has seen such a plot is hiding some important data from others, which will benefit him.

Closing a secret room is a symbol of protecting one’s personal life from prying eyes. If the lock does not close or the key breaks in the lock when the dreamer closes this room, it means that someone wants to know about him something that the dreamer would not want to allow to prying eyes and ears. You should be careful and prudent.

Opening your door - in the dream book, the key with which you open your door is included as a symbol of excessive gullibility and kindness. Opening any doors is a sign that a person now has access to almost any business or area, and if he shows active actions, then he will be able to successfully realize his potential.

Opening large doors to the garden is a symbol of beauty and living things. New strength, opportunities and creative inspiration. Opening a secret vault (not your own) means reaching a certain level in some area and touching the intuitive knowledge that is achieved through many hours of work. If the dreamer continues in the same spirit, he will be able to achieve very great success.

Why do you dream about a key that you found by chance? An unexpected solution to problems that have been tormenting people for a long time.

  • Find many keys - Finding a large number of keys is a symbol of good luck and exciting changes in a person's life.
  • Finding two or more broken keys means you should not take the possibilities looming on the horizon as reality; these are mirages that you should not delude yourself with.

Losing your keys in a dream and not finding them means missing out on something important that could solve many of the dreamer’s problems. It is worth rethinking the recent events and trying to find the lost fragment that will help understand the whole picture.

Lose and find after a long search - as a result of hard work, all problems will be resolved. To lose and immediately find is an expectation of a catch in beautifully unfolding events in reality. You should ease your fears about your future; stress and fear are not the best accompaniments in work and leisure.

Opening the lock - the answer to the problem that worries the dreamer in reality will be found if the dreamer changes the method of considering this problem. Looking for a key in a dream - in reality a person is faced with serious questions that haunt him even in a dream.

Why do you dream about a bunch of keys that don’t fit anywhere? A person has enough knowledge and skills, but he cannot realize himself in the activity in which he is engaged. Perhaps you should think about changing the vector?

Why do you dream of a broken key with which the dreamer is trying to open the door? If the lock cannot be opened, then the person’s efforts in reality will be in vain, so you should not waste your energy on enterprises whose success you doubt. If the castle gives way, then you can safely embark on an adventure.

To steal from a friend is to take advantage of someone else's secret for your own benefit. Most likely, this will pass with impunity for a person, but you should not try to earn a reward or success in this way, in any case it will be revealed someday.

To steal a key to something very important from a prominent person - thanks to his connections, the dreamer has access to classified information that can only be used to help others, without trying to benefit himself. Steal a bunch of keys and get caught stealing - do not try to use the secrets that they believed you, it will be revealed.

Why do you dream about car keys that you can’t find? Losing your car keys is a sign of reluctance to be active. Perhaps you should take a break and relax.

  • Receiving a magic key from a mystical creature is a sign of soon achieving spiritual harmony.
  • Stealing a key that can open any lock is an increase in concentration and insight, either already caused by the dreamer's work with his attention, or just emerging.
  • Losing such a magical object means big changes in life.
  • Finding yourself in a building where every lock on the door is already occupied by a key, and the dreamer only turns it and can enter any room - you should trust your feelings about the essence of other people.

According to the dream book, keys represent a symbol of possessing knowledge or its imminent acquisition. At the same time, knowledge will matter only if the dreamer begins to think through everything well and think strategically.


Clarify the dream for interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

what does it mean if a bunch of keys is in a dream

A bunch of keys symbolizes unexpected changes. Be careful if you see the loss of keys, as this is the beginning of a streak life difficulties. If you find a lost bunch of keys in a dream, this is a sign of getting things going and family well-being. Various concavities and rust on the surface are a bad omen. Cheating or death can cause separation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

a bunch of keys in a dream

A bunch of keys is a symbol that promises to discover the answer to the main questions. If you find keys in a dream, it means joy, pleasant events and happiness in the family. Loss foretells the dreamer irritation, a feeling of inferiority, gossip and the development of complexes.

Slavic dream book

a bunch of keys in a dream

A dreamed bunch of keys is a symbol of the solution to any problem, access to knowledge, mystery. If an unmarried girl finds keys in a dream, then she will soon get married. Execution of the most secret desires promises a bunch of keys made of precious metals. If a bunch of keys falls into the mud, this foreshadows possible imprisonment.


If you had a dream about keys, then you should remember everything down to the smallest detail. Decryption is influenced by the number of keys, their purpose, as well as the actions that occur with them (search, find, lose, give away). Dream interpreters will help you explain what you saw in more detail.

If you dreamed of an unlocked door with a key inserted into the keyhole, then you will have a kind and sympathetic admirer.

Did you dream about a wrench? Something will break in the house

Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

The dream promises a girl a meeting with a man who will later become her lover. According to Medea's dream book, get ready for stunning news.

For a woman, the vision prophesies an affair on the side, secret dates and thrill. The main thing is that your secret is not revealed to others, otherwise you will have to pay for what you have done.

A pregnant woman's night dreams with a key indicate that she attributes non-existent illnesses to herself. Do not self-medicate.

For a man, a dream foreshadows a quick solution to long-standing problems. According to Miller's dream book, you will have a date with a woman whom you have long liked.

For a family man, a key seen in the kingdom of Morpheus predicts receiving unusual news. The dream also promises the revelation of a secret.

Forgetting the keys in a dream means dissatisfaction in love.

Interpretations depending on details

A significant role is played by the details of the dream, which should be reproduced in memory. The more you can remember, the more accurately you will interpret your night vision.

Bundle or box

Seeing a bunch of keys in a dream means a promotion at work and a responsible position. According to Nostradamus's dream book, you will travel through different countries and learn a lot of new things.

According to the dream book of Pythagoras, if there were ten keys in a bunch, then this is a favorable sign. The business in which you put a lot of effort will bear fruit, which will make you happy. If a young girl had such a dream, then she should remember what happened in her life ten days ago. The events that happened that day will affect her fate.

The Muslim dream book interprets a night vision with a large bunch of keys as an opportunity to achieve power in the future.

If there is only one key left in the bunch, then everything you are doing now is pointless. Don't waste time on nonsense, look for something useful.

Seeing a box with keys in a dream means profit. Such information is offered in Miller's dream book. But Martin Zadeka is sure that you will make friends with an influential person.

Did you dream of a padlock with a key? There will be obstacles along the way. You will spend a lot of time and effort to overcome them.

Seeing a housekeeper in your night dreams is a tempting offer that you cannot refuse

From your own and someone else’s apartment, from the door

If you dreamed about the keys to your home, then soon you will reveal the secret. By family dream book, inspiration awaits you, and after for a long time Without any useless searching, you will find the answer to your question.

Have you seen a key or a set of keys from someone else's house in the kingdom of Morpheus? You want to unleash your potential and show off your skills and talents to others. According to the idiomatic dream book, you will solve problems that have piled up thanks to your tenacious mind.

The keys to the door in night vision promise the revelation of other people's secrets. This will happen completely by accident. According to esotericist Tsvetkov, an exciting event awaits you that will be remembered for a long time.

Dropping the keys in your night dreams means gossip and condemnation.

Video: why do you dream about apartment keys?

From the car

Did you dream about car keys? A pleasant event awaits you, you will have a good time. For a woman, the dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance, and for a man, a long journey.

If the keys are from vehicle belonged to you in night vision, then you will make a large purchase. Seeing other people's car keys in a dream means disputes with colleagues or distant relatives. The conflict will arise on financial grounds.

If you dreamed about the keys to a truck, then get ready to change your job or place of residence. By modern dream book, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Stringing keys on a ring means easy money and winnings.

If you dreamed of a bunch of multi-colored keys, then an unforgettable journey awaits you

Broken or rusty

Dreaming of a broken key predicts trouble. It’s especially bad if you had such a dream the day before important events. Be mentally prepared for failure and waste of money. According to the family dream book, the vision promises separation from a loved one person.

If a woman dreams of a broken key, then she will have a quarrel with her lover. For a man, night dreams promise proceedings at work. Be extremely careful not to make an unfortunate mistake.

If the key in the kingdom of Morpheus was rusty, then you are threatened serious problems with health. According to Medea’s dream book, dreams are not destined to come true, but according to the family book, obstacles will arise on your way.

This is interesting. See in a dream new key- a good sign. You will have new ideas, the implementation of which will allow you to get rich.

In the hand or in the keyhole

If you dreamed that you were holding a key in your hand, then in reality you are in control of the situation or are the leader in the relationship. According to the healer Akulina, a promotion awaits you. For the unemployed, such a vision promises a new position. According to the modern dream book, life changes are coming.

Holding a bunch of keys in your hands in a dream means being in charge. If in the dream another person had the keys, then you will have to submit to someone else’s will.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus the key was in the keyhole, then problems in your personal life are possible, against the background of which depression and apathy will develop. According to Azar’s dream book, you will buy something for your home, change the interior.

If in a dream you were handed a key that does not fit the lock, then beware of deception.

Video: interpretation of dreams about keys

Key material

Seeing a golden key in a dream means decent pay and profit. The dream books contain the following information on this matter:

  1. Idiomatic. Your wishes will come true, everything will turn out the way you want.
  2. Imperial. Joy and stormy emotions await you.
  3. Nostradamus. Your efforts will be noticed by management and appreciated.
  4. Esoteric. You'll be very lucky.
  5. XXI century. You will make friends with an important person who will help you move up the career ladder.

If the key in the kingdom of Morpheus was copper, then you will work a lot, but end result you will certainly be pleased. According to the American dream book, you will be lucky in love.

Seeing an iron key in a dream means a joyful event or the acquisition of valuable things. But the esotericist Tsvetkov reports that for a while it is better to refuse to solve serious matters and new beginnings. Now is not the most favorable period for this.

A silver key in night dreams tells you that you think logically, thanks to which you always achieve success and solve complex problems.

Collecting keys in night dreams is a sign of unexpected happiness.

Seeing many different keys in a dream - to dramatic changes and responsible actions

Interpretation of sleep by key size

A big key in a dream promises good opportunities. You will quickly find right decision and come out difficult situation. According toApostle Simon the Canaanite, you conclude good deal and you'll get rich.

If you see a medium-sized key in a dream, know that changes are coming. The main thing is not to sit idly by and expand your social circle, then you can achieve success in your endeavors. According to the modern dream book, waiting for you long journey in the company of an interesting travel companion.

If in a dream the key was in the hands of a stranger, then they are waiting for you from afar

Actions in a dream

The interpretation of a dream will not be complete if you do not remember the actions taking place in it.

Open the door

If you dreamed that you were opening a door inside a room with a key and wanted to leave the room, then in reality you are ready for changes. It's time to reconsider your lifestyle and make changes to it. The same goes for the people you interact with regularly. Perhaps there is a person around who makes you nervous or tires you with conversations. Keep contact with him to a minimum. Make friends with positive people who charge you with good emotions.

Open front door outside in night dreams - to a discovery that you will make in the near future. For a girl, such a dream predicts meeting a boyfriend. However, you should not trust him too much, otherwise he may deceive or offend you.

If in a dream you opened a secret door, you will soon find out someone’s secret. The information will hit you to the heart.

This is interesting. Turning the key in the lock means the successful completion of the work started. This is what the esoteric dream book says.

Seeing the key to the intercom in the kingdom of Morpheus means making important decisions. However, before you do this, think it over carefully.

Close the door

If in night vision you locked the door indoors, then you have secrets that your loved ones should not know. You hide secrets from relatives and friends in every possible way and are constantly afraid that they will find out the truth.

If in a dream you closed the door from the outside, then you will meet new love and formalize the relationship. For a girl, the dream promises marriage. According to Freud, the dream reports that the dreamer is dissatisfied sex life, and a woman who sees such a vision is in panic fear of an unwanted pregnancy.

Locking the bedside table with a key in the kingdom of Morpheus - to a creative discovery or an exciting journey. According to Grishina’s dream book, your cherished wish will soon come true, the main thing is not to tell anyone about it.

Knocking on a closed door in a dream means vain hopes and regret about missed opportunities.

Find the keys

Finding keys in a dream is a good omen. This is how vision is deciphered famous interpreters dreams:

  1. American dream book. Great luck.
  2. Vanga. Success in business.
  3. Grishina. The joy of motherhood.
  4. Denise Lynn. Quick Solution problems.
  5. David Loff. Self-affirmation and control over the situation.
  6. Miller. Happy marriage.
  7. Modern dream book. Boost in business.
  8. Freud. Success in love.
  9. Healer Akulina. You will have a great time in the company of your best friends.
  10. Gypsy dream book. It's time to start new things, success is guaranteed.

Did you happen to find car keys in a dream? This means that you will soon make a major purchase.

Seeing an ancient key in a dream means receiving information that will affect future events


If you lost your keys in a dream, then get ready for trouble. Here is what dream books say about this:

  1. English. Bad outcome.
  2. Wangi. Failures in love and disappointment.
  3. Oriental. Unpleasant trips, hassle.
  4. Imperial. A dark streak is coming in life.
  5. Maly Velesov. Death of a loved one.
  6. Medea. Meet an old friend, communicating with whom you will feel like a failure.
  7. Russian. You'll get into trouble.
  8. Family. A relative will disappoint you.
  9. Modern. Problems in the family and at work.
  10. XXI century. Gossip, self-doubt, blues.

This is important. If a girl in the kingdom of Morpheus has lost the key, then her reputation is at risk. According to the modern dream book, quarrels with a loved one are possible.

Give or receive

If in a dream you gave the key to another person, then own stupidity ruin your reputation. By English dream book, if a girl gives the key to a man in her night dreams, then she will soon marry him.

Did you hand over the keys to a friend or relative in a dream? This person will need your help soon.

Giving the keys to the deceased in the kingdom of Morpheus means losses and frustrations. Such a dream also promises illness and disappointment in people. To avoid negative consequences, be sure to remember the deceased upon awakening. It doesn’t hurt to visit church and light a candle for the repose.

It’s good if the deceased asked for a key in a dream, but you refused him. You will avoid serious trouble.

Handing over a key to a rival in a dream is a bad sign. The vision prophesies problems in personal life, jealousy and betrayal.

If in your night dreams you received a key from another person, then the truth will be revealed to you. The information received will be useful to you in the future.

If you dreamed that a dead man gave you the keys, then get ready for trouble and a showdown. This dream serves as a warning. Don’t talk too much, don’t judge other people, otherwise conflict cannot be avoided.

Did you dream that your rival gives you the keys? This good sign. A man’s heart belongs to you completely and without a trace; he doesn’t even look at others.

Receiving the keys from the enemy in night vision means reconciliation.

If in a dream you saw a bunch of keys with a keychain, then your action will please your loved ones.


If in a dream you were busy looking for a key, then in reality you abandoned your work and are not fulfilling your obligations. Here is what is written in dream books about this:

  1. Wangi. Your behavior offends your relatives.
  2. Imperial. You are faced with many problems that you are unable to solve.
  3. Nostradamus. You are looking for a way out of a difficult situation.
  4. Ukrainian. You don't keep your word.
  5. XXI century. You neglect your official responsibilities.

If in a dream you were looking for a key and found it, then things will get better and you will achieve what you want.

If you saw a key holder in a dream, then look for allies in a new business, and then it will bring profit

Steal it yourself or have it stolen from you

If in a dream you stole the keys, then you will learn valuable information by dishonest means. By eastern dream book, the vision promises an unpleasant adventure.

Did you dream that you stole a key and then returned it to the owner? You did something bad that you regret. If you have offended someone, then ask for forgiveness, and your soul will feel better.

If your keys were stolen in a dream, then get ready for problems with the law. There is a possibility of imprisonment. It is important for interpretation what the stolen keys were from:

  1. From home. Problems in the family are guaranteed.
  2. From the car. Avoid long trips, driving in dark time days or in bad weather. The vision warns of a car accident. It is within your power to avoid it.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus thieves stole the keys to the safe, then your secret will be revealed. Prepare for judgment and gossip.

Breaking a key in a dream means receiving bad news.


Hiding keys in night dreams is a sign of the desire to be alone. You are tired of communication and want to relax. It matters where exactly you hid it.

  1. Under the pillow. You are exhausted by quarrels with your loved one, but do not rush to break off the relationship. Take a break, and when you get bored, continue communication.
  2. Under the doormat. IN lately Relations with household members became tense. The reason is simple - everyone pulls the blanket over themselves and does not listen to the opinions of others. We need to reconsider our outlook on life and make adjustments.
  3. In the shoe. A close friend has tired you out with his complaints and dissatisfaction. Stop communicating with him for a while.

According to the dream book of the white magician Longo, hiding a key in a dream is a sign that you are not sure of the correctness of your actions.

Many dreams about keys communicate the need to accept the right decision in one situation or another, foreshadow the onset of a new stage in life or the acquisition of knowledge that will be useful to you in the future. If the interpretation of the dream is negative, then do not despair, because now you have been warned about impending troubles and will be able to prepare for them.

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Dreams of clues to unforeseen changes.

Lost your keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events; if you found them, peace in your family and revival in business await you.

Damaged keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door that was not locked with a key, she would have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreams that she is locking a door, she will get married. Lost the key - her reputation is at risk.

Nostrodamus argued that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about a key as follows.

Opening a door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which you will try to find a way out.

If you found a key in a dream, great things await you. Most likely, you will move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

If you saw two keys in a dream, an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

If you saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys, you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials.

If you saw a golden key in a dream, your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve.

You were looking for the keys to your house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. Losing keys means losing control over the situation, losing the means of access to something. Losing keys means not being able to get something important to complete a task, reach people, or access information. Finding a lost key means establishing yourself in a given situation, feeling like a “smith” of your own happiness.

It's interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you can't find it direct application, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to discover your potential in yourself or in your relationships with others.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Key

Represents the search for an answer, the key to solving problems.

In a number of cases, the Freudian interpretation of the key as a phallic symbol is accepted.

As a rule, this meaning is chosen when the key is dreamed of in conjunction with a door well, which is the personification of the vagina.

Sometimes the door is opened not with a key, but with a screwdriver, nail, or other sharp objects.

Such plots, according to Freud, personify men's dreams unconscious desire for intimacy with a woman.

The key Symbolizes a certain knowledge that can reveal a secret, also, according to Freud, a male phallic symbol.

The key to keep is a happy chance, an acquaintance.

The key to losing is failure in love, disappointment.

A bunch of keys - get a responsible place, position.

The keys have a strong symbolic meaning. This is the personification of a mystery that cannot always be guessed. However, when starting to decipher what the keys are in dreams, you can come across different interpretations.

Dream Interpretation: seeing keys in a dream

Miller's Dream Book considers keys in a dream to represent drastic changes. It is impossible to predict them, all that remains is to adapt.

Losing keys means sadness. Unpleasant situations will cause this feeling.

According to Vanga's dream book You dream about the keys to making the right decision. Strangers mean that you won’t be able to get out of a difficult situation on your own.

Dream book of the 21st century suggests that there are many keys to good things. Collecting them on one ring is fortunate for families.

A bunch of keys in your hands means readiness for change. Decisiveness will do you good.

According to the alphabet of interpretations the key in the hand directly symbolizes a chance for good luck.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets the key as an answer to questions. Loss - problems in the house.

A dream about a lock with a key has a favorable meaning. Financial stability largely depends on the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena interprets a padlock with keys as a need to feel safe.

Who dreamed of the keys

Keys woman symbolize that she will soon become the object of close interest of a wealthy influential person. His patronage will literally “open doors” and contribute to the development of success.

Keys unmarried girl portend a new acquaintance. It will be quite pleasant and fruitful for future prospects.

A sign of a surge in business activity are the keys man. It’s especially good if it was a universal master key. All planned affairs will develop successfully.

Relationships are harmonious, that’s what the keys mean in dreams to a person in love if they look like new. Rusty or otherwise damaged warn that the partner may not be able to withstand constant manifestations of jealousy. The cause of the breakup could be a tragedy.

What keys did you dream about?

Dreamed keys from home- a good sign. This important item signifies prosperity and harmony in the family.

Keys to the successful completion of work appear in a dream from the apartment. Promising offers may come in that you should not refuse, even if the conditions initially seem difficult.

In the very general meaning key from the door represents new possibilities. Such a vision indicates that the solution to the issues that are tormenting in reality is very close. In addition, it is important to consider which door the key belongs to. In this case, the interpretation of the dream will be as accurate as possible. If you dream about the keys to the attic, you will have to give up your planned activities. Basement people personify internal fears and experiences. The keys to the home library are a wonderful symbol. The wisdom that comes with time, combined with experience, will help you overcome all adversity.

If you dream about keys from the car, an unexpected path will appear in life for further development. The main thing is to be able to take advantage of the opportunity.

It's good when it's been a long time lost keys found in a dream. Troubles will be resolved almost without effort.

broken key means that the solution important issue greatly complicated by external circumstances. Another obstacle is the dreamer’s constant changes in priorities.

Magnificent symbol - gold key. Soon dreams will become reality.

Dreamed stranger the key means that the dreamer will be able to unlock his inner potential. Thanks to this, many goals that previously seemed unattainable will be within your reach.

Complete control over everything that can be influenced, and a clear life plan represents big key. The sleeper has a powerful character, and fate gives him a chance to show it.

Minor changes foreshadow small key in a dream.

Interpretation of sleep by action with keys

For unmarried girls the plot in which they had to close the door on the key foreshadows an imminent marriage proposal. For other categories of dreamers, the dream suggests that it is necessary to bring the things started to their logical conclusion.

Dream about new opportunities open the door key. If your own people managed to open someone else’s door, the interpretation is different. In reality, the dreamer will accidentally learn the secret of another person.

I dreamed that I had to open the lock the key to solving the assigned problems. If you fail to do this, difficulties will arise.

Embarrassment as a result of one's own less than prudent behavior foreshadows the plot lose keys to the apartment. Loss of goodwill can be avoided.

Search keys - an indication that in work the dreamer neglects to complete part of his work. You can suffer financially from this.

It's great if you had a chance find the keys were in my sleep and they were not rusty or bent. This is how an unexpected receipt of money is reflected.

Give away the keys are to friendly communication. To give to a person of the opposite sex is a sign of marriage.

Give keys in a dream - complete trust in loved ones.

In a burst of inspiration, I dream of a plot get key. A new interesting stage begins in life.

When deciphering what the keys are in dreams, it is worth taking into account all the details, and note that if the events the day before were associated with the keys, then look secret meaning no need for sleep.

Dreams of clues to unforeseen changes.

Lost your keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events; if you found them, peace in your family and revival in business await you.

Damaged keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door that was not locked with a key, she would have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreams that she is locking a door, she will get married. Lost the key - her reputation is at risk.

Nostrodamus argued that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about a key as follows.

Opening a door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which you will try to find a way out.

If you found a key in a dream, great things await you. Most likely, you will move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

If you saw two keys in a dream, an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

If you saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys, you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials.

If you saw a golden key in a dream, your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve.

You were looking for the keys to your house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. Losing keys means losing control over the situation, losing the means of access to something. Losing keys means not being able to get something important to complete a task, reach people, or access information. Finding a lost key means establishing yourself in a given situation, feeling like a “smith” of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that it is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to discover your potential in yourself or in your relationships with others.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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(See interpretation: castle)

Seeing keys in a dream is a sign of the discovery of a secret, a correct guess or responsibility. Receiving keys or holding them in your hands means that you enjoy the trust of an important person. For women, such a dream predicts that your lover completely trusts you. Try to justify the trust. Losing your keys in a dream is a sign of disgrace, shame and disgrace. Finding a key in a dream means that great honors, winnings or a major acquisition await you. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will find the right solution in a difficult situation. If you dream that the key does not fit the lock, then business failures and disappointments await you. Such a dream also means that your guesses are wrong. Give away the keys to a stranger in a dream - a sign that you will change your place of work or lifestyle. Scattering keys in a dream is a sign of loss; collecting them is a sign of gaining an advantage or winning.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams of clues to unforeseen changes.

Lost your keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events; if you found them, peace in your family and revival in business await you.

Damaged keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door that was not locked with a key, she would have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreams that she is locking a door, she will get married. Lost the key - her reputation is at risk.

Nostrodamus argued that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about a key as follows.

Opening a door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which you will try to find a way out.

If you found a key in a dream, great things await you. Most likely, you will move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

If you saw two keys in a dream, an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

If you saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys, you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials.

If you saw a golden key in a dream, your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve.

You were looking for the keys to your house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. Losing keys means losing control over the situation, losing the means of access to something. Losing keys means not being able to get something important to complete a task, reach people, or access information. Finding a lost key means establishing yourself in a given situation, feeling like a “smith” of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that it is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to discover your potential in yourself or in your relationships with others.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Key

Represents the search for an answer, the key to solving problems.

In a number of cases, the Freudian interpretation of the key as a phallic symbol is accepted.

As a rule, this meaning is chosen when the key is dreamed of in conjunction with a door well, which is the personification of the vagina.

Sometimes the door is opened not with a key, but with a screwdriver, nail, or other sharp objects.

Such plots, according to Freud, personify in men's dreams the unconscious desire for intimacy with a woman.

The key Symbolizes a certain knowledge that can reveal a secret, also, according to Freud, a male phallic symbol.

The key to keep is a happy chance, an acquaintance.

The key to losing is failure in love, disappointment.

A bunch of keys - get a responsible place, position.