Yatsenyuk biography nationality. Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk hide the fact that he is a descendant of the most famous interpreter of the Talmud? Blogs, personal pages

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Biography, life story of Yatsenyuk Arseniy Petrovich

Yatsenyuk Arseniy Petrovich is a Ukrainian statesman and political figure.


Arseny was born on May 22, 1974 in the city of Chernivtsi (Ukraine). Father - Petr Ivanovich Yatsenyuk, a figure of science and education, deputy dean of the Faculty of History of Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fedkovich. Mother - Maria Grigorievna Yatsenyuk (nee Bakai), a teacher of French. In addition to Arseny, another child was born in the family - a girl, Alina (born in 1967).

Arseny spent his childhood in his hometown, where he went to school with an English bias. Arseny was a very capable boy; his teachers praised him for his diligence, accuracy and thirst for knowledge. In 1991, Yatsenyuk graduated from school No. 9 named after Panas Mirny, receiving a silver medal.

Higher education

Immediately after school, Arseniy Yatsenyuk entered the Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovich. The young man chose jurisprudence as his specialization, believing that he could achieve success in this field. In 1996, Yatsenyuk graduated from a university with a degree in Law.

That year, Yatsenyuk again decided to get another education - he entered the Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University. In 2001, he received the coveted second higher education with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. However, he did not intend to stop there either. Arseny entered graduate school. In 2004, he brilliantly defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Organization of the system of banking supervision and regulation in Ukraine.”


In December 1992, Arseniy, teaming up with Valentin Gnatyshin, the son of the governor of the Chernivtsi region at that time, created a law firm called YurEk LTD. As a student, Arseny incredibly managed to combine study and work, and he did great in both.



At the beginning of 1998, Arseniy Petrovich left Chernivtsi and moved to Kyiv. In a big city, he began his career as a consultant in the credit department of the Joint Stock Postal and Pension Bank Raiffeisen Bank Aval. Having worked in this post for less than a year, Yatsenyuk was appointed advisors to the chairman of the board of Aval Bank. A little later, the enterprising young man became deputy chairman of the board of Aval Bank, but remained in this position for only a month. After this, Valery Mironovich Gorbatov, then Chairman of the Council of the Minister of Crimea, invited him to become Minister of Economy. Of course, Yatsenyuk happily agreed.

On April 29, 2002, Arseniy Petrovich, along with all members of the government, voluntarily resigned. The reason for this was the activities of the newly elected Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. However, he did not lose his post. On May 15 of the same year, Yatsenyuk again headed the Ministry of Economy, but this time he managed to hold out for less than a year, after which he left Crimea and moved to Kyiv.

In January 2003, Sergei Leonidovich Tigipko, chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, appointed Yatsenyuk as his first deputy. On the Fourth of July 2004, Sergei Leonidovich became the head of the campaign headquarters of the presidential candidate of Ukraine. Being engaged in such a responsible matter, Tigipko did not have any time left to work with the bank, so he instructed Arseniy Petrovich to head the National Bank of Ukraine during his absence. In November 2004, the Orange Revolution began in the country. Trying to prevent the bank from collapsing, Yatsenyuk issued a decree temporarily banning the early withdrawal of bank deposits. On December 16, by decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Vladimir Semenovich Stelmakh became the new head of the NBU.

On March 9, 2005, Arseniy Petrovich became the first deputy chairman of the Odessa Regional State Administration Vasily Petrovich Tsushko. On September twenty-seventh of the same year, Yatsenyuk became the Minister of Economy of Ukraine in the government of Yuri Ivanovich Yekhanurov. On May 25, 2006, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dismissed the entire government, however, instructing Yatsenyuk to carry out his direct duties until the election of a new minister. By decision of higher authorities, Yatsenyuk remained in the post of Minister of Economy for two more months.

On September 20, 2006, the president of the country appointed Arseniy Petrovich to the position of first deputy head of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine. Arseniy Yatsenyuk represented the interests of the president with dignity in a difficult time for the president, when the Verkhovna Rada removed all loyal ministers from their posts.

On March 21, 2007, Arseniy Yatsenyuk took over as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Having become such a high-ranking person in the government, Yatsenyuk also became a member of the National Security and Defense Council of Crimea.

On July 5, 2007, the party bloc “Our Ukraine – People's Self-Defense” nominated Arseniy Petrovich as a candidate for deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Political party "Front for Change" and attempt to become president

On December 16, 2008, Arsenia Petrovich announced that he plans to create a new political party based on the public initiative “Front of Change.” In November 2009, he became the leader of the party of the same name, which nominated him as a candidate for president of the country. For the 2010 presidential elections, huge billboards depicting Yatsenyuk in a militaristic style appeared throughout Ukraine. The politician assured that if he wins, he will dissolve the Verkhovna Rada, since, in his personal opinion, it will interfere with his activities aimed solely at improving the quality of life in the country. However, Yatsenyuk’s dreams were not destined to come true - he took fourth place in the elections, receiving only 6.96% of the vote.

Activities after the failure in the presidential elections

In June 2012, Arseniy Petrovich was elected chairman of the council of the United Opposition.

On July 14, 2012, Yatsenyuk left the “Front of Change” to participate in the parliamentary elections on the Batkivshchyna list. On December 11, Arseniy Petrovich became chairman of the faction of the all-Ukrainian association “Batkivshchyna”.


In the fall of 2013, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was the coordinator of protests in Kyiv that began after the Ukrainian government stopped the process of preparing for the conclusion of an association agreement between the country and the European Union.

On January 25, 2014, hoping to get out of the difficult situation, he invited Yatsenyuk to become prime minister, but he flatly refused. Already on the twenty-sixth of February 2014, candidates for the new government were nominated on the Maidan. Arseniy Petrovich was offered the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine. This time Yatsenyuk agreed.

Personal life

At one time, Arseny Petrovich married Teresa Viktorovna Guk. The wife gave birth to Arsenia two lovely daughters - Christina (born in 1999) and Sofia (born in 2004). The entire Yatsenyuk family unanimously decided not to live in the city center. The couple purchased a mansion in the village of Novye Petrivtsi.

Already an adult and wealthy man, Arseny Petrovich decided to become a parishioner of the Greek Catholic Church, and, as he has repeatedly stated in numerous interviews, he considers this a reason for incredible pride.


On February 7, 2008, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was awarded the Order of the Prince

Jewish army of Ukraine

You will laugh at them again, but the entire “Ukrainian” opposition is entirely consists of Jews: grandma Klichkov name was Tamara Efimovna Etinzon. Yulia's grandfather Tymoshenko– Abram Kelmanovich Kapitelman. Grandmother of the head of Svoboda Tyagnyboka bore a truly Khokhlyak surname Frotman. Rabbit mom Senya Yatsenyuk– Maria Grigorievna (nee Buckeye), belongs to an ancient Jewish family, dating back to the most authoritative interpreter of the Talmud, Rabbi Bakai. Oligarch Poroshenko was at birth Valtsman. has an Israeli passport. Former Odessa mayor, Klitschkov’s right hand, – Eduard Iosifovich Hurwitz.

Eduard Khodos: what is the nationality of the Klitschko brothers?

Rabbi Khodos Eduard Davidovich - Head of the religious Jewish community of Kharkov, author of 20 books, on the basis of which a unique “people's library” was created. About 1000 of its branches operate throughout Ukraine. Each cell of 15 founder-agitators who filled out the questionnaire, based on the book fund formed by the author, conducts educational work in the region. Thus, a multimillion-dollar army of readers has been created. Thus, through the efforts of tireless researchers of the “Jewish question,” I lost my national pride: two Ukrainian boys with a distinctly Ukrainian surname Klitschko overnight they turned into the grandchildren of a Jewish grandmother living in Germany and bearing a surname whose root is the word "Klitsch", which sounds the same in both German and Yiddish. Two heroic brothers - almost the only national treasure remaining in the once rich and strong Ukraine - suddenly turned into "the pride of the Jewish people" and began to personify the “Jewish presence in boxing”... ...

Jewish secrets of Arseniy Bakai-Yatsenyuk

The topic of Yatsenyuk’s Jewish roots has already set teeth on edge. However, given the fact that recently it has become popular again, we could not ignore the latest publications on this topic in the Ukrainian media. “How the hell does people’s deputy from the OU-NS Arseniy Yatsenyuk react to the topic of his nationality. As funny as it may be, looking at the face of Arseny Petrovich, who is panickingly denying his Jewishness, you remember the joke about “they hit you in the face, not the passport.” This begs the question: why does the obvious (you can see it) Jew Yatsenyuk so absurdly and so emotionally deny something that does not need proof?” – this is the question asked by DailyUa. Attempts to answer this question are devoted to the publication entitled “Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk hide that he is a descendant of the most famous interpreter of the Talmud?”... ...

Yatsenyuk offended the Jews with his renunciation of the nation

“It is also especially sad for us, Lubavitcher Jews and, perhaps, the entire Jewish people, that a representative of the family of one of the most famous writers of the Talmud, Rabbi Bakai, is terribly afraid of his nationality,” the Jewish community said. Read …

Arseniy Yatsenyuk(as the youngest speaker in Ukraine) was included in the book “Famous Jews of Ukraine”. Read …


...it’s enough to type the name of the now most important nationalist of Ukraine, and you can immediately see a lot of tags, such as: “Tyagnibok-Jew-Frotman”. For some reason, many Net users are sure that Tyagnibok is a Jew. “His grandmother’s maiden name is Frotman(for Jews, nationality is transmitted through the female line). The surname Frotman is quite common among Ukrainian Jews,” write dozens of users of the World Wide Web. They also did not forget Pan Oleg’s grandfather, or rather his great-grandfather: it turns out that he is also supposedly a Jew by name and surname: Lengin Tsegelsky. These are the pies...

And here’s TsIMES: it turns out that Tyagnibok does not like Hitler: On August 3, 2007, in response to a request to report his attitude towards Adolf Hitler as a “fighter for the Aryan race,” Tyagnibok stated the following: “The attitude towards Hitler is negative, because he did ... And in general, if you write to me in German from now on, then remember that I graduated from a Jewish special school and I can’t stand it...” Yes, that’s what I wrote, only in Ukrainian and with Tyahnybokov’s impudence... Read...

Among the richest Jews there are also Ukrainians!

Israeli Hebrew-language website of an international economic publication Forbes published a list of the 165 richest Jews in the world. In this list, along with the head of the corporation Oracle Larry Ellison ($43 billion), Michael Bloomberg ($27 billion) and Sheldon Adelson ($26.5 billion) and citizens of Ukraine are present - Rinat Akhmetov($15.4 billion, 47th place), Victor Pinchuk($3.8 billion, 56th place) and Petro Poroshenko($1.6 billion, 931 places). And if Pinchuk never hid his own affiliation with the Jewish tribe, then the appearance of Akhmetov and Poroshenko on the list is very interesting. Both domestic oligarchs have never publicly stated that they are descendants of Abraham... Read...

The secret in Russia becomes clear in Ukraine

As we have agreed with our wonderful and caring readers, the time comes when we must reveal what our analysts consider the most likely development of events in the triangle Ukraine, Russia, EU. This is not the first time that a man known to our readers under the pseudonym “Stork” spoke to me. This melancholy, long-nosed man with glasses has a special insinuating voice that can inspire understanding rather than denial. However, his past forecast also suggests that it is more profitable to listen to him than to argue with him. The first question to him was a request to clarify: is it true that on Friday in Sochi he sealed his signature on joining the Customs Union? This news, which appeared on the pages of the Web, practically polarized all Internet users. I really wanted an answer. This should be a real answer from an analyst, an answer with reasoning and detailed calculations. And in general, this time I decided that I would not give my analyst the freedom that he enjoyed in previous times.

I will ask him questions, let it be an interview. My questions and his answers, otherwise he is much more likely to get out of it. He will say something smart and seem to answer, but I see that he said this to illustrate his answer, but how he came to it, what is behind all this, what information he has - remains behind this an answer completely invisible to me and incomprehensible to me. I thought about this on the way to him. It's getting dark early in New York now, and today there's a fine nasty winter rain, in America the fine rain, almost fog, is called "drizzle" (Drizzle). For some reason, it always seemed like this to me since childhood, and then I never thought that in my adult life I would be driving on a winter evening to a strange guy in the city, yellow with a taxi even in the foggy night twilight.

The very first question asked at the beginning of the article made him smile, and I forgot about all my moods.

- Well, what do you think? There are two people in this story...

– Yanukovych and Putin?

- No, Putin and Lucas. The same Lucas who disseminated this information through. Luckily, I'm quite "familiar" with both of them. I watch a lot on TV about one and read materials about the other in newspapers. Although in this particular case, a forecast can be made even if you know just one person. If we talk about Mr. Lucas, then he is an intelligence journalist, a journalist provocateur. His first book was called The New Cold War. He worked in Europe and the post-Soviet Baltic region, then became editor-in-chief of the Moscow bureau. People like Lucas always launched ducks, but these ducks always flew in the “right direction.” Now, on the “declining Maidan,” we need to “rejuvenate the yeast,” and that’s why journalists like Lucas exist. However, even without knowing Lukash, but knowing Putin, one can understand that the agreement on joining the Customs Union didn't sign. We can say with some confidence that the two heads of state shook hands, but this does not mean that they have already signed all the papers. No, now we have only received agreement in principle.

- What does this mean?

“This follows from many things, but the most striking is that Putin will not sign an agreement behind closed doors. Suppose tomorrow someone says that Yanukovych did not enter into anything with Putin, and his signature was forged. In the case of closed doors, this is difficult to refute. In the case of widespread media coverage, it will not be possible to get away with it - the whole world saw how you signed the agreement together - Yanukovych and Putin. There is a second point: the signing of an agreement to join the Customs Union is a powerful blow to. It cannot be hidden. This is a huge foreign policy victory. Putin will not agree to sign the agreement and lose such a huge competitive advantage. If Russia signs such an agreement with Ukraine, the whole of Europe would become half a neck lower. Already now, with just rumors, everyone on the Maidan has become uncomfortable. The people see the futility of what is happening and...

– Speaking of leaders: What is their program?

- That's the whole point: the trinity has no plans. Disorganized crowds poke around like blind puppies, they follow events, move in columns back and forth between various buildings in the center of Kyiv, but they have no plan. Revolution is at least one step ahead. Revolution is an idea, a passion, as Lev Gumilyov said - passionarity ( passion- passion). So, the Maidanites are all right with their passionarity, but they have no plan of action, except for one thing - counteracting the authorities. This is a very bad sign. If the authorities speak badly, we will say good; the authorities will speak to the East, we will say to the West. The authorities will say winter, but what will we say – summer? Tymoshenko, of course, would quickly find a use for everything, and in Brussels she would be “rubbing” the European deputies for another tens of billions, which would eventually fall into her pocket. There is no idea in the “trinity”. What to do is unknown. And at this time the government came to its senses, and now, like a boa constrictor, it begins squeeze the rings.

Those arrested have appeared and will now begin to testify; all this will result in confirmation of participation in the bloody deeds on the Maidan. Here the threads will lead to Freedom and to Europe. There are still those crazy people there. This is what people in Europe fear most. If the Ukrainian authorities manage to find evidence of financial support for extremism in Ukraine, Europe will be guilty of everything, and the issue of the active phase of the absorption of Ukraine will be removed from the agenda, but only until next time. However, it seems that now we will have to answer for what we have done, and here the opposition’s prospects are poor. As they say, “God’s millstones grind slowly but finely”. This is how the authorities will crush the opposition into powder. Now the rollback from the Maidan will begin. It is impossible to hold a rally for any length of time. Families will have to be fed in any case. And the “trinity” no longer has anything to pay for the Maidan. So you will have to return to your western regions with nothing but anger and centrifugal sentiments.

Two theories of one broom

– We have looked at what is happening around the triangle under study, but what should Putin do in order to break the pack ice in relations between the two countries? What, strictly speaking, should Putin do that could strengthen Russia’s position in the world and bring the Russian and Ukrainian peoples closer together? Putin understands that the synergy of the two states exceeds the simple sum of their capacities. And what do you think would be necessary to do for this?

– The question is quite simple if you find the answer to the question that lies underneath it. There are some fundamental issues, which determine the foundations of the state, its direction, its ability to develop and its ability to defend itself through the national idea of ​​its society. Today, listening to various political scientists, representatives of various foreign foundations, the communists who persecuted dissidents no longer seem so wrong, because today, among the opposition, it dominates, which is trying to impose its will on the moderate majority. The West, instilling some chimerical values ​​of the individual, is trying to destroy the communal way of life of Russians, realizing that the communal way of life is a much stronger social formation, in which it is impossible for Western “individuals” to destroy the existing Russian community. There is nothing unusual in this maxim - the individual and disunited West cannot successfully resist the communal East. For this you need destroy the Russian communal way of life. The question that Russia must decide for itself can be formulated as follows: Does Russia need to close itself within national borders and communicate with the outside world by selecting what is necessary and rejecting what is alien, as one option? The second option is to spread the necessary influence over bordering states to create a friendly belt, thus distancing the military elements of the infrastructure from their borders.

– The first option seems unrealistic. In today's open world, this behavior will not be successful, do you think this second approach is feasible?

– Once upon a time, back when we were forming in 2010, and only at the first stage of organizing the analytical department, we gave some kind of debut forecast; old-timers of our site will definitely remember this article (we ask readers who remember this article to respond in the comments) . So, that article said exactly what then began to happen in Russian foreign policy. The essence of the article and forecast is as follows. It is much more profitable for Russia to trade gas at a discount with neighboring states and through this draw them into its orbit than to keep troops on their border and confront the infrastructure located on their territory. In order for there to be interest in such trade and friendship, it is necessary to sell hydrocarbons to friendly states at a more reasonable price. In this case, there will be no need, in addition to border troops, to maintain deeply echeloned defense or strike units of the Armed Forces in the region. This is exactly what is happening now.

The article also said that for this mechanism to work correctly, something else would need to be done. So, we proposed some kind of discount mechanism for friendly states. That is, the contract is concluded at world prices, but to friendly states when calculated every month from the invoice minus a certain amount, then we talked, in my opinion, about an amount equal to 10-20% of the gas bill, for example. They receive this discount only because they are "friendly". As soon as a certain country begins to behave unfriendly, it simply loses the “friendly” discount, and in this case, it will have to pay the full tariff for gas, still under the same contract. There is no need to redo the contract.

“Friendliness” is confirmed once a year by the State Duma, so it is in the interests of border countries to maintain this “friendly” status. If a country begins to behave in a provocative manner, no one simply raises the issue of friendliness for this country, and the discount dies out by itself. Discount is a political tool interactions with neighbors. Interestingly, we were heard in the Kremlin, and a gas contract with Ukraine was born, where a discount of $100 per thousand cubic meters was provided for the location of the Russian fleet in Sevastopol. This is almost what we were talking about. So, to some extent, the dissatisfaction of Ukrainians with the Kremlin’s policies probably extends to us. However, Ukrainians should remember that in such cases they need to look for the culprits, starting with themselves.

First broom theory

– In the famous parable: “about sons at the bedside of a dying parent,” an example was given of a broom that the brothers could not break, but were able to do this by breaking one twig at a time. This is the Kremlin's policy. This also underlies the communal way of life of the Russian people. tries to make the broom thicker and, of course, it will be more difficult to break it. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that this applies not only to the countries around Russia, but also to the situation within Russia. Today migrants from neighboring republics should fill the country, and the Russian government can make migrants citizens of Russia. This means that in 20-25 years Russia may have up to 30 million new assimilated citizens. The thicker the broom, the less likely it is to break.

Second broom theory

– considers what is happening also according to the broom theory, but in its Kazakh version. Perhaps readers remember this parable. The dying father had to send an army to conquer some city. Who should be entrusted with leading the army? Then he called his three sons and also showed the same story with the broom and twigs, and then asked what each of them understood from this story. The two eldest sons said that everything is clear here, you need to stick together, and then no enemy will be able to overcome you. But the youngest son said differently: It’s clear that you need to pull out a twig from the broom, and only then break it. As a result, he received an army under his leadership. This is what he is trying to do today. That is, this example shows that when defending, it is more profitable to be together, but when attacking, it is more profitable keep enemies apart. This is a different interpretation of the “divide and conquer” principle.

– What developments do you see in the near future in Ukraine?

“Nothing special will happen, Yanukovych’s power will endure, and the opposition will continue to subside like foam on a gang, and this will happen exactly because this is happening to the gang - there is no recharge.” A sour product will turn away supporters for a long time. But the Ukrainian authorities now have very serious prospects in Russia. It is this expectation of the inevitability of the December 17 meeting with Putin that seriously depresses the Maidan activists. They understand that influence

The structure of the Ukrainian political system is peculiar: several months pass after the elections, and the people cease to love the government for which they recently voted. The disgraced 15th Prime Minister of Ukraine was no exception, who, after his resignation, ceased to be a public politician. Everyone is wondering - where is Yatsenyuk now? Today there are several versions about what Arseny Petrovich does and where he lives.

Yatsenyuk Arseniy Petrovich: where is he now?

April 14, 2016 - the Ukrainian parliament sends Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to resign. The disastrous two years spent in this position should have finally knocked out the winner of the elections to the Verkhovna Rada from the highest echelon of the country's politics. However, this did not happen, and Arseniy Petrovich feels great in the role of the “gray eminence” of Ukraine:

  • Party . As the head of the Popular Front, he constantly dominates party meetings and almost single-handedly decides how the faction should vote in the Verkhovna Rada.
  • Ministers . Despite the fact that Arseny Petrovich is now in the shadows, he still has his own people in the cabinet. And this is “profitable” lobbying for the requests of large corporations.
  • Key players . Three key players in the country's political structure represent Yatsenyuk's party: Avakov - heads the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Parubiy - dominates the Verkhovna Rada, Turchynov - the first person in the National Security and Defense Council. Key issues are resolved with their consent, which means, de facto, Arseniy Petrovich himself is involved in this.
  • Ambition . Despite his young political age, Yatsenyuk had already become Minister of Foreign Affairs, headed the Ministry of Justice, headed the NBU and served as Prime Minister. What remains? That's right - the presidency.

Where is Yatsenyuk and his family now?

After Yatsenyuk resigned as prime minister, rumors appeared that Arseniy Petrovich had left Ukraine. They even named specific countries: Argentina, Great Britain, USA. This was preceded by two scandals:

  1. Billionaire . In two years as prime minister, Yatsenyuk becomes a dollar billionaire. A civil servant, and according to the laws of Ukraine, Arseniy Petrovich did not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity, he physically could not earn the amount of two billion dollars, while living on a politician’s modest salary.
  2. Project "Wall" . We most likely will not find out about Yatsenyuk’s “dark” affairs, but his public promises are known to everyone. During the PR of the “Wall” project, which should be located on the border with Russia, Arseniy Petrovich thus raised his low rating. The result - for 400 million dollars, 30 km of fence was built, which strangely resembles an ordinary chain-link mesh.

But money decides everything, and criminal cases were not brought against the ex-prime minister. Now Yatsenyuk and his family live safely in Kyiv, and in any favorable case, he will return to big politics.

Friendship with the country's most influential oligarchs Akhmetov and Kolomoisky leaves no doubt - Yatsenyuk will definitely participate in the next presidential elections.

Yatsenyuk's real name

Ukrainian politics is quite unique - all key people do not have their own last names:

  • Petro Poroshenko . The President of Ukraine changed his initials in his youth. Real name is Valtsman.
  • Vitali Klitschko . The famous boxer, and now the mayor of Kyiv, used to be Etinson.
  • Yulia Tymoshenko . The oppositionist and head of the BYuT faction has Armenian roots. For the purpose of “Ukrainization”, Yulia Grigyan turned into Yulia Tymoshenko.
  • Semyon Semenchenko . The public deputy from the Samopomich party was formerly Konstantin Grishin.

As for Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the politician comes from an ancient Jewish family - Bakai. But what to do if, just recently, people with Jewish roots did not have serious job prospects? That's right - change the last name to something more consonant with the Ukrainian voter. So Arseniy Bakai became Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk: what next?

Whatever political experts say, Yatsenyuk’s future prospects in the political field are more than rosy. A superficial analysis of the current situation in Ukraine confirms this fact:

  • Rating . The former prime minister's current rating is very low. But time is on Arseniy Petrovich’s side. All current power is concentrated in one hand - President Poroshenko. All the country’s failures are also associated with Pyotr Alekseevich. In the event of early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, political strategists will be able to turn Yatsenyuk into a new people's “Messiah.”
  • Oligarchs . Knowledgeable people associate the “People's Front” with the name of the Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. On the other hand, and Yatsenyuk was once a member of Yanukovych’s government, no one denies Arseniy Petrovich’s friendly ties with another financial heavyweight, Rinat Akhmetov. From this we can conclude: the project called “President Yatsenyuk” has not been cancelled.

Now the Popular Front is the second largest faction and is part of the coalition in the Verkhovna Rada. Until the situation changes, Arseniy Yatsenyuk remains a person who is able to influence the decisions of the country's leadership.

American trace

It will not be a secret to anyone that the US State Department was at the origins of the “Orange Revolution” of 2004 and the “Revolution of Dignity” of 2014. After an unsuccessful bet on Yushchenko, the American leadership began to promote new people, one of whom was Yatsenyuk. Facts confirming this:

  • Joseph Biden . The US Vice President is a good friend of Yatsenyuk.
  • Victoria Nuland . The Assistant Secretary of State in 2014 misspoke in an interview and called Arseniy Petrovich “her man.”
  • Barack Obama . At critical moments of Yatsenyuk's premiership, he met twice with US President Obama.

Did you know that:

  1. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who is Jewish by nationality, denies this in every possible way and claims that he is a pure Ukrainian.
  2. In 2015, Arsen Avakov awarded Arseny Petrovich a machine gun from the times of the first world wave “Maxim”.
  3. The ex-prime minister met his future wife while working at Raiffeisen Bank.
  4. As head of the NBU in 2005, it was Yatsenyuk who kept the hryvnia from devaluing.
  5. Arseniy Petrovich broke the anti-record for Yushchenko's popularity - in April 2016, the population's support rating for Yatsenyuk was 1.5%. The third president stopped at 2.5%.

Now you know exactly where Yatsenyuk is now. Today we can safely say that Arseniy Petrovich, after his disastrous premiership, did not run away anywhere, but lives in Kyiv and dreams of returning triumphantly to big politics. The next presidential elections will show whether he will succeed. And at the moment, Yatsenyuk remains one of the richest and most influential people in Ukraine.

Video about politics

This video will show an investigation of one popular Ukrainian channel, in which they were able to establish exactly where the ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine disappeared:

The topic of Yatsenyuk’s Jewish roots has already set teeth on edge. However, given the fact that recently it has become popular again, we could not ignore the latest publications on this topic in the Ukrainian media.

“How the hell does people’s deputy from the OU-NS Arseniy Yatsenyuk react to the topic of his nationality. As funny as it may be, looking at the face of Arseny Petrovich, who is panickingly denying his Jewishness, you remember the joke about “they hit you in the face, not the passport.” This begs the question: why does the obvious (you can see it) Jew Yatsenyuk so absurdly and so emotionally deny something that does not need proof?” - this is the question asked by the publication DailyUa . Attempts to answer this question are devoted to a publication entitled “Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk hide that he is a descendant of the most famous interpreter of the Talmud?”

Here’s what the newspaper writes, in particular: “Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk simply desperately insist that he is a third-generation Ukrainian, if the parental tribe closest to him is clearly of Jewish nationality. Moreover, Yatsenyuk’s mother, whose maiden name Bakai belongs to an ancient Jewish family, which is known to the world thanks to the most authoritative interpreter of the Talmud - Rabbi Bakai.

As you know, the nationality of Jews is determined by their mother. Why? The whole point is what determines this Halacha - traditional Jewish law, in the form of a set of laws and regulations of Judaism that regulate the religious, family and social life of believers (!) Jews. In a narrower sense, Halacha is the body of laws contained in the Talmud.

Maria Grigorievna with her husband Peter Ivanovich

As we see, it is necessary to distinguish between Jews “by blood” and Jews “by spirit.” Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk is afraid not so much to recognize his Jewishness in ethnic terms as to carefully hide his Jewish worldview and the moral guidelines associated with it, which were so clearly and so easily understood even by non-Jews by his ancestor, the famous Rabbi Bakai.

Below are quotes from Yatsenyuk’s progenitor (with links to sources), who openly explains to the Jews how they should live, how to act towards the “goyim” (non-Jews) and what to be guided by. We deliberately present Bakai's mentoring excerpts without comment. Just read Yatsenyuk’s spiritual heritage, which is the same for him as the Bible is for any Christian:

“Hypocrisy is acceptable in the sense that a Jew should appear polite towards the wicked, let him show them respect and say: “I love you. This is permissible only if the Jew has a need for the wicked, or has reason to fear him; otherwise it is a sin." (Sepher Cadha-Kemach, folio 30, a)

“To better deceive the goyim, a Jew can even visit their sick, bury their dead, do good to their poor, but all this must be done in order to have peace, and so that the wicked do not do evil to the Jews.” (Traite gittin, folio 61, a)

“Just as one can kill a wild animal and take possession of its forest with a clear conscience, one can also kill or expel a goy and take possession of his property. The property of a non-Jew is like an abandoned thing, its real owner is the Jew who will be the first to seize it.” (Baba Bathra, folio 54, b; Choschen Michpot, 156, 1)

“So, if a goy steals even less than half a ruble, then he is liable to death for that too.” (Traite Jebammot, folio 47, b)

“A Jew is allowed to seize, at will, the property of a goy, for where it is written: “Do not harm your neighbor,” it does not say: “Do not harm a goy.” (Traite Sanhedrin, folio 57, a)

“If an ox belonging to a Jew hits a goyim’s bull, the Jew is not responsible for it, but if a goyim’s bull harms a Jew’s ox, the goyim must pay the Jew the entire loss, for God divided the land and gave the goyim to Israel.” (Traite Baba Kamma, folio 37, b)

“God ordered to give money to the goyim, but to give it only for interest; therefore, instead of helping them, we should harm them, even if this person can be useful to us, whereas with regard to a Jew we should not act in this way.” (Maimonide, Sepher Mizv., folio 73, 4)

"Their<гоев>life, O Jew, is in your hands, especially their money.” (Explic. du Pentat., folio 213, 4)

It gives me chills that “with a clear conscience you can kill a goy.”

In this regard, as noted Vlasti.net , Ratushnyak’s fears for the life of the “victim” Yatsenyuk apologist from Uzhgorod turn out to be quite reasonable.

Further in the text: “Well, attacks on their own agitators throughout the country, organized by Arseny Petrovich, are a complete nonsense. After all, at the same time, Yatsenyuk does not harm his neighbor, but uses the goyim as slaughtered animals “in order to have peace, and so that the wicked do not harm the Jews.”

And in order not to get dirty from the “wicked,” real Jews should marry exclusively real daughters of Israel. And in this regard, Yatsenyuk’s choice is simply impeccable. As the press dubbed Arseniy Petrovich’s wife, Teresia Gur, a “Hasidic princess,” since she is also a match for her husband. ancient Jewish family."

Arseniy Yatsenyuk with his wife Teresia Viktorovna

Now, as the publication notes, it becomes clear why the Jew Yatsenyuk so persistently proves his “Ukrainianness.” The problem is not that Yatsenyuk is Jewish by blood. There is and cannot be anything shameful in this. It would be ignorant in the 21st century to even raise this topic.

“But what is truly dangerous is what Arseny Petrovich believes in and is guided by, shamelessly hiding behind his supposed Greek Catholicism. True, it looks “shameless” to us non-Jews or goyim. But for Yatsenyuk, as we have seen, hypocrisy is quite acceptable and even obligatory. After all, in order to better deceive us goyim, he can even visit our sick, bury our dead, do good to our poor...” the publication sums up.


Jews: Yatsenyuk is ours

Appeal from the Jewish community to Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk

All Jews are ready to support you, Arseniy Petrovich, as a future candidate for President of Ukraine, as a pillar of our faith in a calm Ukraine. You should not shy away from Jewishness and, finally, officially declare that you are a Jew and proud of it.

We, representatives of the Jewish community of Ukraine, sincerely support the initiative of Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk to run in the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine.

Our nation has gone through difficult trials, we are proud of many of our fellow tribesmen, whose names the whole world knows.

As we know, you belong to the famous Jewish family of Bakai, which is officially recognized by Israel. After all, according to pedigree, in the case of mixed marriages, only the one whose mother is Jewish is considered a Jew. Your mother, Maria Grigorievna Bakai (nee), belongs to the oldest Jewish family of Bakai. Your deeply respected ancestor among all Jews, Rabbi Bakai, is the most famous writer of the Talmud, a multi-volume set of legal, religious and ethical provisions of Judaism.

In addition, your wife Theresia also belongs to our nation and comes from the most ancient Jewish family of Gur.

It is common knowledge that Jews were repeatedly persecuted and humiliated. Cruel confirmation - millions of victims and tragedies. That time left a deep, unhealed wound in our memory. However, today is a different time, and we can openly, without fear, say: “Yes, we are Jews.” Therefore, we urge you to move away from negative stereotypes and look at the historical values ​​of our nation. For many years, propaganda tried to discredit the Jewish nation. You, Arseny Petrovich, are a politician of a new time, a new generation. You should not be ashamed or hide your nationality. Today the Jewish people have national independence.

Ukraine has one of the largest Jewish communities. We support each other. We are grateful to you for expressing words of support and promises of protection to us, and we hope that in the future we will see that any prerequisites for the emergence of anti-Semitic manifestations and Judeophobia will be eliminated in Ukraine.

All Jews are ready to support you, Arseniy Petrovich, as a future candidate for President of Ukraine, as a pillar of our faith in a calm Ukraine. You should not shy away from Jewishness and, finally, officially declare that you are a Jew and proud of it.

On February 26, 2014, Yatsenyuk was appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine. On March 21, 2007, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was confirmed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and ceased his activities in the secretariat. In 2007-2008 he was Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. On September 17, 2008, Arseniy Yatsenyuk resigned due to the cessation of the ruling coalition. In June 2012, Yatsenyuk was elected chairman of the council of the United Opposition.

Yatsenyuk himself claims that he is a third-generation Ukrainian. The DailyUa publication writes: “Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk simply desperately insist that he is a Ukrainian in the third generation, if the parental tribe closest to him is clearly of Jewish nationality.

Yulia Tymoshenko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Vitali Klitschko and their origins

Yatsenyuk's wife Teresa (nee Gur, in Hebrew - Ger) is also of Jewish origin. Leonid Titov for the portal “Aloud” brought a lot of interesting information about Yatsenyuk’s school and student years. Hobbies: Yatsenyuk loves to drive a car, loves to work out in the gym. He is passionate about firearms and even has several pistols and shotguns in his collection.

Father: Peter Ivanovich Yatsenyuk. Born on July 12, 1941 in the village of Kostirzhivki, Bukovina. Mother: Maria Grigorievna Yatsenyuk. Born on November 21, 1943 in the village of Knyazhvir, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Yatsenyuk’s mother’s maiden name is Bakai. She worked as a French teacher at the university.

Has a daughter, Ulyana, who is Arseny Petrovich’s niece). Wife: Teresia Viktorovna Yatsenyuk (maiden name Gur). Born in 1970. Currently not working (according to other sources, he is on maternity leave). 2005 - Arseniy Yatsenyuk officially declared income of 3 million UAH. That year he sold his shares in Aval Bank. Since 2003, Yatsenyuk and his family have been living near Kiev (in the village of Novye Petrivtsi), which are located next to the residence of Viktor Yanukovych.

Why does the Jew Yatsenyuk hide the fact that he is a descendant of the most famous interpreter of the Talmud?

The fund was founded in 2007. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation is Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s wife, Teresia. Immediately after 11th grade, Yatsenyuk and his friends sold cars at the car market. September 1997 - Yatsenyuk became temporarily unemployed. In parallel with this, he moved to the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. Already in January 1998, he was hired as a consultant in the credit department of the Joint Stock Postal and Pension Bank "Aval".

However, Yatsenyuk found a common language with the new chairman of the council, Sergei Kunitsyn, and retained his ministerial chair. True, despite his resignation, which officially took place on May 25, 2006, Yatsenyuk, like other members of the Cabinet of Ministers, arrived in office with the prefix “i.” O." before August.

On the day of his appointment as minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk was included in the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. On November 23, 2007, Arseniy Yatsenyuk took the oath of office as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and on December 4, 2007, following a secret ballot, he became the eighth chairman of the Ukrainian parliament.

Since December 2012 - People's Deputy of the 7th convocation from Batkivshchyna (No. 2 on the list of the united opposition). Yatsenyuk belongs to that category of Ukrainian politicians who are difficult to catch in any illegal actions or in violation of moral standards - Arseniy is very careful.

Areny Yatsenyuk is suspected of homosexuality. Sergei told me that what Arseniy was most afraid of during his school years was getting into the army, because people like us are simply bullied there. The Yatsenyuk sect accepted Hubbard’s teaching about the endless transmigration of souls back in the “pre-Saganov” period - in 1998, when he worked as a consultant in the credit department of Aval Bank.

It is also curious that during his frequent trips to America, Yatsenyuk invariably meets informally with Mr. David Miscavige, a member of the leadership of the Church of Scientology. In addition, Yatsenyuk, appointed by the Verkhovna Rada, announced a possible budget reduction, which, as it seems to him, is based on unrealistic indicators.

And now American representatives are going to Ukraine to check what the funds were spent on, in connection with this, Yatsenyuk demands that Yarema quickly organize reports for American auditors. Thanks to Arseniy Petrovich, the special traffic police unit “Cobra” ceased to exist in Ukraine (though temporarily, with Yanukovych coming to power, everything became as before).

Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk (Ukrainian: Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk; born May 22, 1974, Chernivtsi, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian politician and statesman. In 2009-2012 he headed the political party “Front of Change”. In December 1998, he took the position of advisor to the chairman of the board of Aval Bank.

On November 21 of the same year, by decision of the Crimean parliament, Yatsenyuk was confirmed as Minister of Economy. In 2004, Yatsenyuk received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, defending his dissertation on the topic “Organization of the system of banking supervision and regulation in Ukraine.” Yevgeny Chervonenko noted in 2009 that Yatsenyuk “kept the currency and the National Bank during the revolution.”

The Verkhovna Rada is squeezing out Yatsenyuk

On March 9, 2005, the Chairman of the Odessa Regional State Administration Vasily Tsushko appointed Arseniy Yatsenyuk as his first deputy. On September 27, 2005, 31-year-old Yatsenyuk was appointed Minister of Economy in the government of Yuri Yekhanurov. Due to the parliamentary crisis, Yatsenyuk was forced to work as a minister for more than two months, until on August 4 he was dismissed along with the entire cabinet of ministers.

In the government, Yatsenyuk represented the interests of the president at a difficult time for him, since the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, one after another, fired almost all the ministers loyal to Viktor Yushchenko. Having become Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yatsenyuk also joined the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Almost the entire tenure of Yatsenyuk as Minister of Foreign Affairs occurred during the acute political crisis that began on April 2, 2007 with the dissolution of the Ukrainian parliament.

2004 - (from July) Yatsenyuk, thanks to the fact that Tigipko led the election headquarters of the presidential candidate of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, became the acting head of the National Bank.