Is it worth taking a cat on a long journey? If your cat gets sick in the car

Our cats are usually very attached to the house, although the Oriental breeds are more attached to people than to places. But anyway traveling for a cat is stressful.

Nevertheless, sometimes we have to take them with us on trips, be it a trip to the veterinarian, exhibitions, moving, trips to matings, etc. How to prepare for a trip so that it goes without incident? This is what we will talk about today.

First of all, if you plan to take your cat out often, get her used to this from a very young age. Then she will get used to it and will be more comfortable with traveling.

You should also get yourself a carrier right away. Nowadays there is a large selection of these things in pet stores. If the carrier will always be in sight on the road, then you can take a soft fabric one with a zipper. These carriers are very warm and comfortable for the cat. Just choose the right size.

In addition, the carrier should fit a plastic litter tray, you can place it at the bottom of the carrier, put an absorbent diaper on top and any pillow or bedding that the cat could burrow into. Then you won't need to drag the tray separately. There is only one drawback to such carriers: cats can open it at the location of the zipper, so you can fasten the dogs with a lock.

Also, the animal can break through the mesh, so you need to carefully monitor the pet. There are also plastic carriers. They are especially useful if your cat travels in the luggage compartment or if you cannot keep an eye on it all the time, for example, when you are driving.

They, like fabric ones, come in different sizes, and there are even wheels for especially large breeds of cats. Their door is usually in the shape of a cage; an animal cannot open one. You can put drinking bowls and feeders in a plastic carrier for the comfort of your cat on the road.

But this type of carrying also has its disadvantages. The animal is poorly protected from the environment, and in addition, these carriers are very cold. But recently special cases have appeared. Although you can sew them yourself.

There are also special plastic baskets. They are good for traveling short distances in the warm season.

It is very undesirable to transport a cat in ordinary bags: there is a high risk that the animal will escape. It is also not recommended to transport the animal in your arms or in blankets. This is very inconvenient for the cat; such a trip is dangerous for both the animal and the owner. Out of fear, the animal may cling to you or run away. In addition, the carriers are inexpensive and will serve you for many years.

It is also worth purchasing a harness. You may have to get the animal, for example, on a train, and it may run away from fear, and the harness will allow it to explore the territory. There are different types of harnesses - both regular leashes and ones that fit on the cat’s body. There are also harnesses like T-shirts with a zipper, they are the safest.

It is better not to feed your pet before the trip. Usually cats do not eat on the road due to stress, and they also rarely go to the toilet. Therefore, it is better to invite the cat to go there before leaving. One of my cats did not go to the toilet during the three days of the train ride. In any case, if you have a tray with you, it is better to once again invite your cat to go there.

It is also advisable to give the cat water. Since this is not very convenient while moving, you can take a little water into a syringe and squirt it into the cat’s mouth.

If necessary, to prepare for the trip, start giving your pet sedatives in advance. Now there are a large number of drugs that can calm the animal, but basically they all have a cumulative effect. Start giving them a few days before departure.

It happens that a cat hides when it sees the carrier, sometimes it hides in hard-to-reach places. In such cases, I take the cat in my hands and, without letting it go, carry it to where the carrier is hidden and immediately put it in it.

So, on the road you may find it useful:

- toilet tray;
- harness;
- water and food;
- wet and dry wipes;
- disposable diapers;
- cat litter;
- scissors;
- needle and thread (if the carrier breaks);
- garbage bags;
- sedative;
- odor eliminator;
- disinfectant.

I always have a disinfectant spray with me, in case I have to get my cat out, for example, in a clinic or on a train. The surface on which the animal will have to be placed may turn out to be, to put it mildly, unsterile, and I treat it and my hands with this liquid before picking up the cat, thereby protecting the animal from infection.

To travel to other cities, you must obtain a certificate for the animal in Form 1 from the state veterinary clinic at your place of residence. The certificate costs about 150 rubles, but is issued only if your cat has a passport with all vaccinations.

Your cat must be vaccinated against feline viral diseases and rabies, and this vaccination should be no more than a year old, but not less than 30 days old. If you are going to an exhibition in your city, then take a certificate in Form 4.

In addition, your animal undergoes a short examination. He is examined, shined with a fluorescent lamp to make sure there is no lichen, and he may be required to test his feces for worm eggs. It is also advisable to give your animal anthelmintics and flea and tick treatment before the trip, but not if you have given them recently.

Next, your actions will depend on the type of transport you use. If this is a car, then ensure the cat’s safety so that it does not fall out of the seats during sudden braking. Do not let your pet wander around the cabin while driving: he may get under the brake pedal or jump out through an open window.

If you are traveling by train, you will need to take a baggage receipt on the day of train departure - for this you need your ticket and a certificate for your cat. Such a receipt costs about 100 rubles. In addition, not all trains allow cats. For example, you can travel to the Baltics with a cat only in a compartment, and it must be completely purchased or occupied by people with cats or your relatives.

Also, you cannot travel with cats in a SV or luxury carriage. If you are traveling to St. Petersburg or abroad, the animal must be microchipped. The chip must be placed before the rabies vaccination. This quick and painless procedure is done in many clinics. Using this chip, your animal can be easily identified. All animals with a chip are entered into a single database.

Cats usually sleep on the train itself. Some people really like to look out the window or walk along a shelf. The main thing is that this happens under your supervision.

With an airplane, everything is a little more complicated. Not all companies take cats on board. For example, Aeroflot allows you to take only two cats or two dogs on board. Therefore, if you want to get into this number, buy your ticket as early as possible.

Traveling a cat in the luggage compartment is very stressful, but in extreme cases you can resort to such transportation. During the flight you can visit your pet. There are special companies specializing in transporting animals. They may come in handy if you want to bring a cat from another country.

Be calm during the trip so that your anxiety does not pass on to your pet.

And may the journey be a joy for both you and your pets!

Alexandra Vereshchagina, magazine "Friend for Cat Lovers"

Rarely does anyone risk leaving a pet at home alone for a couple of days. Usually cats or dogs are given to loyal friends, relatives or acquaintances. If the absence is planned to be a little longer, then they resort to the services of private foster care or pet hotels. Well, if the whole family goes to relax at the dacha for a day or two or, conversely, moves out of town for the whole season, there is a reason to take your pet with you. Of course, problems with animals cannot be avoided. And the first of them is how to transport a cat in a car without killing either it or your own nerves. Dogs usually tolerate travel easier, so let's talk about cats.

How to prepare your cat for a trip

Prepare for any trip in advance. This also applies to animals. Since they themselves are not aware of what awaits them, it is the owner’s job to mentally and physically prepare the pet to remain in conditions of discomfort. After all, any vehicle, and especially a car, is always vibration, new smells and sounds. And most animals react negatively to such changes. The pulse and breathing quicken, the animal may become aggressive, begin to “complain” loudly and try to escape. If he gets hot, he can go to the toilet under himself. These problems must be avoided.

You can start preparing by taking sedatives. It's a good idea to consult your veterinarian before doing this. But if you don’t want to visit an animal clinic, you can use homeopathic sedatives yourself. They are sold in pharmacies and pet stores. The essence of the method is to calm and dampen the cat’s reactions to stimuli in advance.

Shortly before the trip, the cat can be introduced to the car. The animal must be given the opportunity to smell, walk around, and feel the atmosphere of the car. This will make it possible to slightly reduce fear. After all, when she finds herself in the car as a passenger, the place will not seem unfamiliar to her, and it will be a little easier to get used to the vibration.

How to transport a cat in a car

The cat in the car should be in special equipment for at least the first few trips while you learn its habits. What you need to have:

  • cat collar and leash (in case the animal wants to run away)
  • carrying
  • clean drinking water in containers; you can purchase a special drinking bowl if such trips are planned on an ongoing basis
  • disposable diaper as bedding. This measure is necessary because quite often the animal’s reaction to discomfort is urination.

Transportation rules:

  • On the day before the trip, the animal does not need to be fed, so that in the worst case it does not vomit in the cabin.
  • It is highly advisable for the cat to be in a carrier at all times in the car. You should only pick up your pet if you are sure that he will not escape.
  • Even when in a closed carrier, it is advisable for the cat to be wearing a cat collar and on a leash. The animal must be accustomed to these items of clothing in advance, then staying in them will not cause him any unpleasant sensations.
  • Use a diaper as bedding in the carrier. Again, in case of unexpected reactions of the cat’s body.
  • Do not wrap or stuff the carrier in the luggage compartment between other things. It is better if the pet travels close to people. Their familiar smell will calm the animal at least a little. Be sure to provide access to air and the opportunity to give the cat something to drink on the road.
  • If the cat began to breathe faster and began to constantly move around the carrier, it means that the animal is still experiencing stress. Give your cat a chance to get some fresh air by moving the box to a slightly open window. Leave the carrier itself closed.
  • If the animal begins to loudly “complain” - meow and glance at neighboring people, there is only one thing left to do - endure it, this time for the owners. If possible, keep an eye on the animal so that it does not become completely ill, but do not be fooled by the volume of complaints. After a while, the cat, seeing the futility of its efforts, will stop talking so much. But turning on music or loud shouts, on the contrary, will only create additional discomfort for an already tired and frightened animal.

When you arrive at your destination, do not immediately rush to open the carrier and let the cat out. Let her recover a little in the shade of trees or in the house.

Cat's hearts absolutely do not require change! That is why your long-awaited vacation (or, for example, moving to another city) will be a great inconvenience for the furry family pet and will bring him only stress and nothing but stress. But abandoning your pets is unworthy of a person, so you should take care in advance not only of your own comfort, but also of the cat’s comfort - after all, you are responsible for the one you tamed, and you cannot escape this. Transporting a cat in a car, even over the longest distances, is no more difficult than traveling with a one-year-old child... Although, of course, no one will call your path easy in either case.

Prepare a special cat moving kit ahead of time, so your cat will survive the unpleasant journey with minimal stress for himself and for you.

Shortly before the moving date, visit your veterinarian and discuss with him all the possible (and impossible) problems along the way and in the new place.

Take the phone number of your veterinarian or veterinary clinic: everything that can happen on the road cannot be predicted in advance, and professional advice will never be superfluous.

Moreover, take with you an extract from your medical history, so that in case of some trouble you do not remember in hysterics the name of a painkiller that is dangerous for your pet.

Cat carrier

A cat carrier (a special closed container, not a bag or basket) must be! This is an axiom, the rest is details. Carrying will not only make the move safe for the animal itself, but will also save your nerves. Think for yourself: firstly, you won’t have to catch a frightened cat running around inside a car, especially at a speed of 100 km/h. Secondly, you won’t need to control your every movement: for example, when the cat is in a carrier, you can safely open the car door or lower the window, without the risk that the cat will jump out onto the highway at full speed.

When purchasing a cat carrier, keep two important points in mind. First of all, buy a “home on wheels” to grow. Your baby kitten will quickly become a decent-sized cat, and the carrier most often does not stretch. In cramped spaces, but no offense - this is definitely not about cats during road trips, so feel free to buy for your 5-kilogram pet a carrier designed for a 10-kilogram giant.

In addition, be sure to let the cat get used to the carrier: buy it in advance and place it in a place accessible to the animal so that he can independently examine the new thing. Try going out for a walk (briefly) several times in advance with your cat in a carrier. Also arrange a dress rehearsal and go for a ride in the car.

Food and drink

Cats, like dogs, are very susceptible to dehydration, especially under stress. Lack of water can have an extremely negative impact on your pet, so take enough clean water with you and offer your cat a drink at every opportunity.

Food for a cat on a trip is a separate matter. Many people prefer not to feed the cat during the trip - they say, before leaving, he ate a little and that’s enough, there will be less hassle with the toilet.

What if you travel for a day? Or is the cat sick, old, or has he simply never missed lunch in his life? Be prepared for the fact that you will have to feed the cat.

Moving is not the time to wean your cat off his bad eating habits. However, remember, your cat can get poisoned in exactly the same way as you, so if you don’t have a refrigerator in your car, fish, sausages, and other gastronomic excesses will have to be canceled. The best option is dry food or ready-made portions in small packages. Feed the cat as often as he wants (within reason, of course), and you will raise him upon arrival.

If your furry pet has secret weaknesses - for example, he loves some special treats, then traveling is exactly the time when you can allow him this little pampering.

Be sure to take a small supply of food: it is unknown how quickly you will get used to a new place, and the cat needs something to eat.

By the way, don’t forget the dishes: you won’t eat spaghetti with your hands, will you? Don’t make a meal out of the world, take what you need, there’s enough room in the car.

Toys and good mood

Every cat will tell you that a little catnip on the go never hurt anyone. Moreover, mint will make your cat not only more tolerant, but even, if you’re lucky, playful. And don’t forget to take his favorite toys with you, where would you be without them?


Cats love everything soft and warm (bags and boxes don’t count), so take at least a blanket with you. It is advisable that this blanket was previously used by the cat for its intended purpose - for a cozy and safe rest. Throwing a blanket right into the carrier will add a little home and safety to an already travel-filled horror.

Toilet matters

It’s clear that after eating, that not-so-fragrant moment of visiting the restroom will definitely come. Take everything you need with you on the road: where (tray), and what to use (filler), and what to use later (scoop and plastic bags). All work must be done in a closed car, so brace yourself. Moving is not an easy task.

Think ahead, is your furry and wonderful pet capable of panicking in a new place and, for example, running away to another neighborhood or throwing itself into the sea in order to swim to get home? Most likely, yes: a rare cat feels at ease surrounded by other people's things and new smells.

If you don’t want to write announcements in tears from the series “The cat is missing, return it for a reward, children and adults are suffering” or rush around the area in hysterics shouting “kitty-kitty,” get an ordinary cat leash. This is definitely the lesser evil.

Heavy artillery

Special cat tranquilizers are often the only way to calm an animal after many kilometers of new, and therefore debilitating, experiences. Cats are always very nervous in unusual situations, especially in a car going somewhere. Of course, consult your veterinarian before using any medications. Some veterinarians are strongly against the use of any sedatives.

Let's talk in general about transporting cats, trips to the clinic, to the country, to the sea or to relatives in a neighboring city.

I propose to divide the article into several parts:

  1. In the first part we will talk about fears and stress and their effect on the body.
  2. In the second we will learn how to prepare the animal.
  3. What you need to take with you on the road.
  4. In conclusion, a few words about the necessary vaccinations and the preparation of accompanying documents.

What happens to a cat when it suddenly travels?

How are animals usually transported? In most cases, the cat is simply picked up and forced into a carrier, then taken to an unfamiliar place. Sometimes the journey takes several days.

What happens in this case? Imagine, a cat lived in an apartment for several years, saw the world around him from a window or balcony, and there are so many new things here. New smells, sounds, strangers, transport, screams, barking...

An animal from a familiar environment suddenly finds itself in another world, and everything unidentified causes fear. When there is danger, a natural mechanism is triggered: run away or defend yourself.

When a cat cannot escape, it freezes and practically does not react to others. If you have been to clinics where there is an inpatient facility, you most likely noticed how calmly the animals left for treatment behave. They can easily give an injection or connect a system, that is, an IV, or carry out other necessary manipulations.

Yes, of course, they feel bad about it and already agree to everything. But if you compare a sick animal at home and in a clinic, these are two big differences.

In her apartment, a sick cat will defend herself to the last, sometimes the whole family has to hold her for a routine examination. And when it comes to complex manipulations, it becomes completely difficult.

Why am I making such a long digression and telling you different stories about the clinic and IVs? To draw your attention to some points.

It may seem to you that the animal bravely endures the trip, sits calmly in the carrier and does not even meow. This may be true, but most often the cat is under severe stress, it freezes and does not make any sounds. We see calm outside, but what is happening inside is not noticeable.

And inside the whole body is preparing to fight with all its strength or run as fast as possible. Adrenaline is produced, blood supply to the brain and muscles improves, sense organs are sharpened, more oxygen is supplied, and reserves are used.

An hour or two passes, but the causes of stress do not disappear - we continue the journey, we can still hear the noise of the crowd, foreign smells, and changes in temperature.

Exhaustion sets in, the body cannot constantly be in constant mobilization. In such situations, the cat may begin to make loud noises, scratch the carrier, urinate, and lick itself nonstop. Or he will completely stop reacting to what is happening.

Prolonged or severe stress can lead to serious complications. Neurosis, decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, allergies and other disorders are often observed.

It has been noticed that after a trip, a cat more often suffers from infectious diseases, digestive disorders, autoimmune pathologies appear, and chronic ones worsen.

How to prepare a cat for a trip?

You need to start with a comprehensive vaccination, if you have not done so already. For example, if your cat is not vaccinated, then you need to treat it for worms, wait 10 days and get the first vaccination. Then you wait 21-28 days and do a revaccination (repeat), everything is approximately according to the standard scheme.

And again you wait 10-14 days for immunity to develop after the second vaccine, but now you can go outside.

It is more convenient to carry out the first outings in a carrier, so that the cat gets to know the unusual surroundings, hears the sounds of the street, and smells. Leave for 3-5 minutes and go home. Let the cat out in a familiar environment, see that she has calmed down - give her a treat and praise her. The point of such small trips outside is to make it clear that it is not scary or dangerous.

A common mistake is to calm and pet an animal on the street when it is in an excited state. This will only reinforce the wrong reaction. I’m nervous - the owner praises me, which means it’s good. You need to praise and give treats in a calm state. In the future, when the street becomes a familiar place, then the desired behavior can be reinforced there too.

The next day, take a longer walk. I think you understand the principle: daily, in doses, accustom the animal to an unfamiliar environment. Then you can take a walk on a harness and go to places with large crowds of people. A little later, take public transport a stop or two.

Keep in mind that adaptation may take several months, so if you are thinking about how to transport a cat over a long distance, then prepare for this in advance.

Necessary items on the road

You need a durable cat carrier with a door that closes securely. If you are planning a flight, then I recommend that you check with the airline about the carrying requirements.

It is clear that you need a drinking bowl, clean water, food, a harness and a tray. Without the usual tray, there may be problems with the toilet on the road or in a new place.

Take your “favorite” medications, perhaps your pet has chronic diseases and needs certain medications, you can also take an emergency first aid kit.

Yes, they also often ask me what kind of anesthesia to give so that the cat sleeps the whole way. Unfortunately, there are no safe and effective drugs to immobilize and calm animals. Some people use “Cat Bayun”, “Novopassit”, but the results are different; for some it helps, in most cases it doesn’t.

Accompanying documents

In this chapter I will describe the most necessary things that are required almost everywhere when traveling with animals. But when you decide to travel to another country, check the requirements for transporting cats of that country. They are similar in most countries, but may have their own characteristics.

The first thing that must be done is a vaccination against rabies, with a mark and seal of the state veterinarian in the passport. It is important that the vaccine is given no earlier than 30 days before departure and no later than one year.

There must be a veterinary passport, issued with notes on preventive treatments for your animal.

Then, a few days before departure, you need to go to a state veterinary hospital, where you will be issued an F-1 veterinary certificate. In it, the veterinarian will record your data and indicate the route to follow.

At customs, the certificate will be replaced with an international certificate for entry into another state.

In addition, the animal must be microchipped in advance; basic information about the cat and owner will be recorded on it. In most countries this is a mandatory requirement.

Special rules apply when transporting by rail; for some time they required the purchase of a compartment or SV. The rules change periodically, so check this point in advance.


Friends, I have listed the main points, if you have anything to add, write in the comments below, share your experience of traveling with animals.

In hot weather, you should never leave a cat in the car while you run out to run errands. Even if it's for 5 minutes. In sunny weather, the air temperature in a closed car rises to +40 +50 degrees Celsius in a matter of minutes - and the cat dies or, at best, gets a heatstroke.

We always take the pet with us or leave someone in the car who will open the window or turn on the air conditioner.

In addition, in hot weather it is recommended to take a special cooling mat for cats and dogs so that the pet lies on it.

Give a chance to warm up

If the road is long, it will be uncomfortable for the cat to lie in the carrier all the time. By the way, the carrier must be large so that the pet can stand up and walk. To prevent the animal from getting nervous and its limbs from becoming numb, once every few hours you can stop and walk near the road or let the cat move around the inside of the car. If you go outside with your cat, it should be wearing a harness.

If your cat gets sick in the car

Some cats get carsick. Signs that this is happening to your pet include:

  • drooling and constant licking of the mouth;
  • vomit;
  • the cat breathes through its mouth.

2-3 hours before the start of the trip, do not feed the cat so that it has nothing to vomit. But if this does happen, you should always have a large amount of wet wipes ready to clean the interior.

In addition, you can use cat tablets against motion sickness, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

When a cat is afraid to ride in a car

Some cats are very sensitive and worry when they are put in a car. They may be frightened by an unusual closed space, noises, cars flashing nearby - anything. If your cat is like this, you need to prepare for the trip in advance.

  1. It doesn’t hurt to put a cloth over the carrier so that the cat doesn’t see cars and hears less noise. Just leave an open space on one side for air to flow through.
  2. If the animal is very nervous, consult a veterinarian: he may prescribe a sedative, the course of which should be started a few days before the trip.
  3. Place soft bedding in the carrier that your cat likes. Then the situation will be more familiar to her.
  4. Never put your cat in a carrier that he has not mastered at home. It must be purchased in advance and placed open in the middle of the apartment. Let the animal go inside on its own - this way it will begin to perceive the object as family.

If, despite pleasant measures, a cat screams all the time in the car and you are driving, first of all, try not to be distracted. Of course, you want to calm the animal down, at least by talking to it in a gentle voice. But at the same time, there is a high risk of losing vigilance and creating an emergency situation. Therefore, you can calm the cat only when there is another person in the cabin. Let him do this, not the driver.

It also doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the physiological needs of the cat. Perhaps he is screaming because... wants to go to the toilet or have a drink or something to eat. Stop the car and check this version.

In addition, try to periodically stop and calm the cat: hold him in your arms, talk to him, play.

And in order to minimize the risk of excitement during a trip, you must first accustom the cat to the car. Start doing this early. The first time, don’t go anywhere together at all, but just sit in the salon with the cat. Let him sniff everything and get comfortable. The second or third time you can take a short car ride: see how the cat reacts. Afterwards you can ride for an hour. Well, then, if everything is in order, a long trip will also be up to you and your pet. Have a nice trip!

The author of the article, Ekaterina Yugosh, is the editor of the Murkotiki website, a journalist and a felinologist instructor (a specialist who studies cats). She received her felinological education according to the WCF (World Cat Federation) system. Specializes in Scottish and British breeds. Her areas of deep interest also include feline nutrition and animal psychology.