When do you have prophetic dreams? On what days do you have prophetic dreams? How to recognize a prophetic dream

Since ancient times, dream interpretation has been the most favorite activity of fortune tellers. Their prediction was based on the time and the object seen. Predicting dreams by day of the week will allow you to fully understand your dreams and, based on this, guide upcoming events.

Decoding dreams by day of the week

Each day corresponds to a certain planet, which means it affects what we will see in our dreams.

  1. Sunday-Monday. Patron - Moon. Dreams tell about the emotional and psychological state, show internal conflicts and with one’s environment. Short ones do not foretell problems; long ones, on the contrary, indicate upcoming troubles and a lot of work.
  2. Monday-Tuesday. Patron - Mars. Dreams are associated with your own aspirations; they demonstrate your dreams and desires. If the night was anxious, there is a possibility of a future conflict; a calm night, on the contrary, speaks of a favorable solution to a complex problem.
  3. Tuesday-Wednesday. Patron - Mercury. Dreams of this day are harbingers of major changes in life; they are difficult to remember. This planet is responsible for, if you do not experience difficulties at night, then everything will be fine in life.
  4. Wednesday-Thursday. Patron - Jupiter. Dreams will tell you how to correct any situations related to your financial situation and activities.
  5. Thursday-Friday. Patron - Venus. At night there are almost always prophecies. It has been proven that on this day the intuition of every person is very sharp. You can even see ways and timing of fulfilling your desires. The acquisition of something indicates the satisfaction of your feelings in reality, the loss warns of a limitation of needs.
  6. Friday-Saturday. Patron - Saturn. Dreams make visible the secret causes of life situations; it is on this night that one can really see the desired strategy of behavior. Today there is a chance to find out about fate.
  7. Saturday-Sunday. Patron – Sun. Dreams will represent people who light up your life. You can expect tips for finding happiness in life. A miserly dream speaks of the nervous tension that was experienced during the day.

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can learn about upcoming events.

  1. Monday is the first day of the week, which means dreams tell about situations that will happen over a long period of time.
  2. Tuesday – what you see this night shows all your thoughts and experiences, dreams are considered prophetic and will come true within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday - the night at the peak of psychological activity brings information about what will happen tomorrow.
  4. Thursday – dreams are ordinary and can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night what you see will definitely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday – after a difficult week, the brain rests, dreams do not foretell anything.
  7. Sunday is a holiday, information received at night will come true in the first half of the day.

Fulfillment of dreams by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true can be judged by the time when it was seen:

It is known that you can make a wish for what you see at night; now, knowing the decoding, you can easily make a prophetic dream on the desired day of the week.

People often have prophetic dreams. Some remember all the details one hundred percent, while others forget what real places the soul has visited. Visions that actually come true don't come every day. Prophetic dreams present their own versions of certain events presented by fate. According to some theories, it is possible to determine the probability that a dream will come true by the dates of the month and days of the week.

When dreams come true

Few people know on what days dreams come true.

At a certain period, you can see dreams that carry a special interpretation.

Each date has its own meaning:

  1. Dreams that occur on the night of the first always come true.
  2. A nap without much meaning.
  3. Everything you see will come true in the coming days. Everything said in a dream will serve as a very good parting word.
  4. Good visions that will not come true soon.
  5. Everything will definitely come true.
  6. Everything seen this night will come true in 12 days.
  7. If everything is kept secret, then happiness will come today.
  8. If you dreamed about something you wanted, then your dreams will come true.
  9. Dreams will come true for people who dreamed of achieving something in business.
  10. Critical situations - possible troubles at work.
  11. Visions promise only a holiday.
  12. What is observed in dreams on the 12th will definitely come true.
  13. A very evil number brings with it true news with troubles.
  14. Bad news will come to the house, but personal life will not be affected.
  15. The good news will come true very soon.
  16. We need to forget this dream.
  17. A successful dream will come true in 20 days.
  18. Joyful dreams for savings and for buying new equipment.
  19. This night warns of possible problems in the family hearth.
  20. Everything you see will come true if you don’t share it with anyone.
  21. The night will help make your wishes come true.
  22. Good, joyful visions that will soon come true.
  23. Very accurate visions that will soon be observed in reality.
  24. Spaniers interpret joyful events.
  25. The 25th brings with it lies and slander. You need to be careful, because everything can happen very soon.
  26. A lot of fun will be observed this night, but nothing will come true.
  27. Dummy dreams that you shouldn’t pay attention to.
  28. Dream events carry fulfillment throughout the month.
  29. Empty dreams, and not very interesting either.
  30. Fantastic visions, but may not actually happen.
  31. Victories in love affairs will come true in the next 15 days.

Visions on lunar days

In addition to the content of the dream, you also need to remember the pattern of lunar days. The closer the full moon, the greater the chances of seeing a significant dream. The more vivid the dream, the more likely it is to come true. Dreams that occur after three o'clock in the morning quickly come true. Before 12 o'clock the vision is unlikely to come true, and a sleepy vision before midnight never comes true. Information on lunar days should not be considered as dogma. Interpretation of dreams according to the lunar calendar:

Definitions by day of the week

In addition to the days of the month and the lunar calendar, you also need to look at the day of the week, because they are ruled by the patron planets.

The interpretation of dreams depends not only on what exactly a person saw at night. The meaning of dreams can be determined by the numbers and days of the week. The information received will tell you about some events of the present, and it will also allow you to find solutions to existing problems.

The meaning of dreams by day and date

To understand whether the dream you saw should be taken seriously and what it could mean, you need to take into account what day of the week it happened:

  1. Monday. Dreams will tell you about your psychological and emotional state. Long dreams promise troubles, while short ones, on the contrary, promise pleasant events.
  2. Tuesday. Night vision with a disturbing plot warns of approaching and troubles. If the sleep was calm, then in the near future it will be possible to successfully solve any problems.
  3. Wednesday. Dreams are difficult to remember, but they contain important information about impending changes in life.
  4. Thursday. The night visions seen will be related to work and financial situation. The plot will tell you how to solve difficult situations.
  5. Friday. Dreams are prophetic, since it is on this day that a person’s intuition is most acute.
  6. Saturday. Dreams will help you choose the right path in life. The plot will allow you to understand the causes of problems and warn you about taking rash steps.
  7. Sunday. Good dreams are harbingers of positive changes in life. If the dream has a negative load, this is a warning of impending problems.

Before using the dream book, you need to find out the meaning of dreams by numbers, that is, on what day of the month the dream was seen. Thanks to this information, you can understand whether what you see will come true and when exactly it will happen. The meanings of dreams by numbers are presented in the table for convenience.

On what night do prophetic dreams appear, and when do meaningless “dummies” appear?

Spring is the best time to take a closer look at night dreams.


Dreams seen on the first night after the weekend most often show a rather superficial picture of our psychological state. The more conflicts there are in your life - not only with other people, but also with yourself - the more difficult the visions will be. At the same time, such dreams, as a rule, do not bring anything fateful to life; you can calmly prepare for the upcoming worries of the week without paying attention to them. In other words, this is the one "dummy dream", futile and rather pointless. And if it does come true, then, most often, it can be interpreted through minor household chores.


On Tuesday morning, we more often see vivid, action-packed dreams that express our creative potential. If the dream was negative, then this week it is not recommended to start new business projects or sign important contracts. And vice versa, if it turns out to be pleasant and positive, then you should act decisively and immediately. Pay special attention to dreams in which you win - for Tuesday, which is under the auspices of Mars, such visions are not just symbolic - they can be considered prophetic. If they come true, then within the next 10 days. And if this did not happen during the specified period, then most likely it will never happen again.


Another night with exciting storylines. Unlike Tuesday dreams, such dreams are often contradictory in nature and contain the opposite meaning. In addition, it is unlikely that the dream seen that night will ever fully come true - only some of its aspects may appear in reality. Key meaning: vivid optimistic dreams during this period foreshadow the onset of a new stage in life, which will be full of various events.


Try not to forget this dream - it contains hints regarding your career. Is morning wiser than evening? It's about Thursday morning! Often by the early hour, a few minutes before waking up, you can clearly see ways to solve some important problem, dispute or conflict. Such dreams can even tell you how to get out of a financial impasse within a short time.


It is known that on the night from Thursday to Friday people see prophetic dreams, especially if they relate to love affairs. It is generally accepted that it is at this time that a person’s intuition is maximally enhanced, and all the dreams that you manage to remember are considered prophetic. Positive emotions and feelings indicate that you have a period of victories and achievements ahead of you. Those associated with fears and losses warn of possible troubles. Dreams from Thursday to Friday require special attention, since reflect real human experiences.


Let's call Saturday dreams “candy.” They do not guarantee big changes in life, but can bring a pleasant aftertaste to life like after a lollipop. Be sure to ask a loved one what they dreamed about today - the dreams of loved ones and relatives may contain valuable clues. Even dark and frightening dreams, in the end, promise good luck - even through hard work.


Another prophetic night of the week - such dreams can come true on the same day! Moreover, with a pleasant proviso: positive - in the same form in which they were seen; and negative ones are instantly forgotten, without affecting your life in any way.

The interpretation of dreams may not always be unambiguous depending on the images seen. Often the same dream, seen on different days of the week and month, can have different meanings and chances of fulfillment, and in the case of high chances, the predictions come true at different times. How to interpret dreams based on the dates of the month - numerologists have been solving this problem for years and found the answer to this question.

  • Do dreams come true on this or that day of the month?
  • How soon can prophetic dreams come true?
  • Will the day of the week affect the “come true” of predictions from dreams?

Let's figure out when "talking" dreams occur and how soon they can come true.

From one to thirty-one

There are dates when dreams will be prophetic and they will warn about good things. On other dates, the meaning of dreams will also be literal, but negative. And on certain dates of the month we simply dream of “funny pictures.”

1 - good dreams come true, negativity calls for paying attention to the situation in the family.

2 - dreams are “empty” visions, unpleasant dreams do not carry negativity.

3 - you can see prophetic visions, their fulfillment will be either very fast or very long.

4 - effective warnings of impending troubles may appear.

5 - a clear dream will be important and quickly “come true.”

6 - pleasant visions come true quickly, negative ones take a long time, you can have time to correct events.

7 - I usually have “trick” visions.

8 - a good dream promises pleasant events, a bad dream says it’s time to get to work.

9 - only colorful visions are important, they should be interpreted in terms of a career, they are fulfilled quickly.

10 - tips about obstacles in business, their implementation period is 10-14 days.

11 - a dream can only come true within three days.

12 - “fantasy” visions are dreamed, their fulfillment is not in danger.

13 - dreams of love and travel, there is a high probability of their fulfillment.

14 - positive dreams - almost prophetic, can come true with precision, negative ones - they will tell you about everything except love.

15 - night of “empty” dreams.

16 - health tips, executed quickly.

17 - prophetic dreams about success in work or social life, their “shelf life” is 20 days.

18 - pleasant visions, realized in terms of money and property.

19 - tips on what problems to pay attention to in the family circle, the deadline is long, there is time for “maneuver”.

20 - a dream comes true, but only if you don’t tell anyone about it.

21 - visions of achieving the desired results are fulfilled.

22 - you should pay attention only to favorable signs for the professional sphere.

23 - I often dream of warnings about problems.

24 - only favorable dreams come true - within 10–14 days.

25 - a dream this night often foreshadows deception, but it is very difficult to understand where it will be.

26 - visions of the little joys of life come true.

27 - bodily dreams or completely dummies.

28 - the visions of this night are not prophetic, but they speak about your state of mind.

29 - dummy visions.

30 - only visions of achievements can come true, the rest is empty.

31 - you can see tips on how to improve your financial situation.

Execution algorithm

It is clear that the given calendar for the “come true” of dreams is not the ultimate truth, but with its help you can discard most of the visions that do not require solving. A “talking” dream can appear on an “empty” day, but this will depend on your personal characteristics. And for sure, relying on intuition, you will not miss a vision that is of great importance to you.

But you can understand which dates are worth paying attention to if you dreamed of something memorable on these days. Often we do not remember dreams - this is how our brain “filters” information so that its excess does not interfere with its normal functioning. But even when we have prophetic dreams, they may not come true right away.

When, on what days, can those visions occur that are worth paying special attention to? To summarize the above, you can see that the nights of the 1st, 6th, 8th, 20th, 30th and 31st days of the month can bring dreams that speak of well-being, a possible increase in well-being or luck. Very often these dreams come true within a fairly short time.

A dream on the night of the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 22nd or 24th days of the month promises good fortune if the dreamer has patience and keeps his mouth shut . There is absolutely no need to share signs of your luck, and in this case you can enjoy good profits in the near future.

When you have fantastic dreams on the 3rd, 10th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 26th, 27th or 28th nights of the month, do not rush to assume that they are prophetic. Behind the beautiful wrapper of night dreams there may be no content at all for real embodiment. Consider yourself watching a free colorful movie.

But you should pay special attention to dreams on the 14th, 25th and 29th. They warn of difficulties that may arise in the financial sector. And, as a rule, they do not have a very fast period of implementation, so you can have time to take action to level out the problems.

Happiness and good luck, as a rule, promise dreams that occur on the nights of the 4th, 7th, 11th, 12th and 23rd days of the month. When can such vision-promises come true? As a rule, this takes quite a long time.

Over the next thirty days, predictions from dreams that occurred on the nights of the 16th or 21st days of the month may come true. But only if the images in your dreams were bright, colorful and memorable.

Calendar grid

It is also important how dreams are distributed by day of the week. If you combine the data from the dream book, the “dream calendar” and the days of the week, you can tell whether you are having prophetic dreams or not.

Dreams speak about the psychological and emotional state. The greater the tension of daytime life, the more strange and confusing the night visions will be. Even if these dreams come true, then mostly some small details will be fulfilled; these dreams should not be given much importance.

Dreams mainly reflect the creative capabilities of the sleeper. Dreams are very vivid and emotional, they should be analyzed carefully: pleasant visions indicate that you can take on new endeavors, negative emotions after sleep signal that it is better to postpone new projects. If you saw yourself as a winner in your night dreams, within 10 days you will be able to win in reality in an area that is important to you, but there is no point in waiting for the omen to come true later.

As a rule, we dream of very active visions, in the plot weaves of which it is very easy to get confused. There is almost zero probability that all the signs from the dream will come true, but some part of them, some piece of the plot, has a chance of coming true.

as the interpretation of dreams by day of the week says, significant images and plots are seen. On this night, while resting, you can find a solution to the problem and answer key questions. Tips regarding money and relationships are especially significant.

“” is mostly addressed to those for whom personal experiences are more important than their careers. Dreams - both good and bad - have a high probability of coming true with great accuracy.

A dream can come true if it carries positive emotions. As a rule, this night promises events not only for the sleeper himself, but also for his immediate environment.

- “dreams before noon”, in the sense that their period of incarnation is very short. More often on Sundays, good dreams come true. Author: Olga Inozemtseva