The State Duma Ethics Commission will evaluate Igor Lebedev’s statements about disabled children. State Duma deputy said that it is better not to be born to disabled children

Children's Ombudsman of Moscow Evgeniy Bunimovich called the words of the State Duma vice-speaker about people with disabilities “monstrous” and addressed the chairman of the lower house of parliament about this Vyacheslav Volodin.

“Since these are statements by a public person holding a high government position, statements are monstrous, outrageous, they must be given a clear public assessment. I sent a letter to State Duma Speaker Volodin, where I proposed to consider the issue of statements at the Duma Ethics Commission,” Bunimovich told Interfax.

Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Mikhail Terentyev(“United Russia”) believes that public condemnation of Deputy Lebedev’s statement will be the strongest punishment for the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma.

“It seems to me that condemnation from society will be the strongest punishment for such thoughtless statements, which indicate that there are still stereotypes in relation to the contribution, to the potential that lies in every person if barriers are removed,” - Terentyev is quoted by the press service of United Russia.

Vice Speaker of the State Duma from United Russia Peter Tolstoy commented to Pravmir on his colleague’s action in a short SMS message: “He was wrong,” but refused a detailed comment.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky stood up for Igor Lebedev, who, by the way, is his son. The LDPR leader told TASS that “all doctors around the world are able to determine what a child will be like and are able to determine his fate [for developmental pathologies].” “The mother herself decides whether to give birth or not.” The politician added that a born disabled child “must live.”

In response to message number 32 from! : Unfortunately, there are a sea of ​​such lomekhuz. Give birth to a child at any cost to achieve your goals. It doesn't matter which ones.
In terms of their social structure, ants are the creatures on Earth closest to humans. Every new discovery in myrmecology (the science of ants) only confirms this.
In an anthill there is a strict hierarchy and distribution of roles. The nest is controlled by the queen, the female who lays the eggs. Worker ants are also females, but they do not produce offspring as long as the queen is alive. The lifespan of a queen is 15-20 years, and that of a worker ant is up to 7 years. Males live only one season, do not participate in the life of the anthill and die immediately after mating.

In the immediate vicinity of the queen there is a retinue of 10 - 12 working ants, they take care of her: they lick her and feed her. These are, as a rule, young ants, since all inhabitants of the nest go through an approximately month-long courtship stage with either the queen or the larvae. Then they move to the farthest section of the anthill patrol zone (its radius reaches 5-6 meters) and there they search for food - foraging. The ant passes the food it finds up the chain of command, and only from there is it distributed throughout the anthill. Along with food, the anthill is fed with a special pheromone - a substance secreted by the queen. It contains information about the health of the queen and the condition of the nest. The ants from the retinue lick this substance from the queen, carry it in a special crop and pass it on to each other along the chain. Thus, all individuals of the ant society are included in a single information space.

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Moscow Region, Ksenia Mishonova, called the statements of State Duma Deputy Speaker Igor Lebedev “defiant and inhumane”; today she will send an appeal to the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics with a demand to assess the situation. Earlier, Mr. Lebedev commented on a video of a girl with a disability on social networks, asking the question “why are such children allowed to be born,” because “modern medicine determines pathology in advance.” The Duma commission told Kommersant that they are ready to consider the appeal of the children's ombudsman.

“Why are such children allowed to be born, because this is a martyr, not life?! Modern medicine determines pathology in advance,” State Duma Deputy Speaker Igor Lebedev commented on September 11 on a video posted on social networks in which a two-year-old girl without arms eats, helping herself with her legs. He then clarified that “it’s disgusting when people like this don’t live, but suffer,” and later posted a post on social networks, explaining his position: “It’s clear that the state should not interfere, for example, force an abortion. It is also clear that the state must take every possible care of people with disabilities, including those with congenital pathologies. But it is just as clear that such births should not be encouraged. That is, we need to work at the propaganda level.” Let us note that the girl was born in March 2015 in the Sverdlovsk region, her mother abandoned her, and now she is growing up in a foster family. There are four children in this family, two of whom are disabled.

Mr. Lebedev’s words caused a wave of criticism in the media and social networks. On Tuesday he told RIA Novosti that he “has nothing to apologize for”:

“Who should I apologize to and for what?... I didn’t insult anyone, especially this girl. Wonderful child, wonderful family, God bless them all. I expressed my opinion, but I did not offend anyone."

On Wednesday, also responding to the RIA Novosti agency, Mr. Lebedev said that he had contacted the girl’s mother: “On Friday she will come to my office, we will meet with her and with the help of all the resources that the faction has (LDPR.- “Kommersant”) and deputies, through the Moscow representative office we will resolve the issue of urgently installing a ramp in the entrance where she lives.” He also stated that he could install a ramp “at his own expense”: “Mom has become a hostage to this situation, she will come to me and we will talk: but in any case, I did not want to offend or offend her in any way.”

“You see, he not only offended her, he expressed the position that it is possible to kill children in the womb if there are violations,” Ksenia Mishonova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Moscow Region, commented on the situation in a conversation with Kommersant. “And to kill on a special basis - this is genocide. If we allow the destruction of people on at least one basis, then nothing will stop calling for destruction on some other basis. We must stop this now, at the initial stage.”

Ms. Mishonova said that she had already written an appeal to the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics with a demand to evaluate the deputy’s position: “It will be sent today.” The Children's Ombudsman noted that work to organize an accessible environment for people with disabilities, the introduction of inclusive education, when children with special needs study in general education schools, the organization of rehabilitation activities, resort treatment “are in vain if public opinion is not formed”: “Inclusion is not ramps or resources, inclusion are primarily in people’s minds. How did he (Igor Lebedev.- “Kommersant”), a person who has power, authority, the right to conduct legislative activities, instead of creating laws that would protect and help us raise these children, socialize them in society, make them full members of it, calls for genocide?” Mrs. Mishonova complained that “there are precedents when parents are against special children studying in the classroom with their children”: “Society is not yet tolerant enough towards such children and such people, since children grow up sooner or later.” She also recalled that on May 29, 2017, the President of Russia signed a decree on the “Decade of Childhood,” which should follow “the results achieved during the implementation of the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012-2017.”

The Children's Ombudsman also called Mr. Lebedev's proposal to install a ramp “an attempt to pay off”: “What ramp? Let him make it for himself. Now he is afraid of losing his position. And I believe that he has no right to occupy it. How does a person with such a worldview occupy such a position?”

The Chairman of the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics, Otari Arshba, told Kommersant that “when the statement comes, it will be considered”: “If you are asking about my personal attitude to what happened, I would make a similar comment (about children.- “Kommersant”) didn’t.”

Statements by State Duma Deputy Speaker from the LDPR Igor Lebedev about disabled children caused a storm of indignation. Zhirinovsky’s son tried to justify himself, but, to put it mildly, it was unconvincing, and he refused to apologize at all. We can only guess where the line is that separates “private polemics” from calls for cannibalism and the practices of the Third Reich.

Despite his advanced age, Vladimir Zhirinovsky remains one of the headliners of Russian public politics, not inferior in terms of brightness and scandalousness even to show business stars. His Sunday participation is further proof of this.

However, journalists and political strategists who dealt with Zhirinovsky know that his public image and true nature are... With the cameras turned off and the public absent, the leader of the Liberal Democrats behaves quite intelligently.

Like most Russian parties, the LDPR belongs to leader-type structures and its leader has not changed for decades. But sooner or later it will change. Using the example of foreign leaders-type parties, we can conclude that voters are quite favorable towards the children of famous politicians as their successors.

And it is likely that the son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Igor Lebedev, who bears his mother’s surname, will lead the LDPR after its current leader retires for one reason or another.

It won't be easy for the successor. Zhirinovsky is a notorious brawler and an undeniable charismatic man who knows how to attract attention to himself and get away with it, whether we are talking about beating a woman or simply being rude to pregnant women, natives of the Caucasus, residents of the Urals, political and historical figures(both domestic and foreign).

But if no one has yet been able to instill charisma medically, then rudeness can be learned.

At the same time, Lebedev is not a private person, but a deputy chairman of the State Duma and, possibly, the future leader of one of the largest parties in the country. His words are not just hot air, no matter how hard he tries to declare his statement a “private polemic.” It is not far from statements about the moral duty of women to abort children with visible pathologies to a ban on the birth of those who do not meet certain criteria. In other words, before eugenics, the accompanying racial hygiene and other features of the policy of the Third Reich.

Many of Lebedev’s colleagues understand this very well.

“From the point of view of a person, a man and a father, such an opinion cannot be uttered, much less brought into public space. But it’s also obscene as a politician. Parents of children with physical disabilities can be hurt by such statements - they try to believe in the best until the last moment,” said deputy Oksana Pushkina.

“The deputy has no right to talk nonsense. This, unfortunately, is the position of the modern world, which has roots in eugenics. And it is a continuation of a certain liberal philosophy. When they say that it is easier to have an abortion than to give birth to a child if he has some kind of defect,” said deputy Vitaly Milonov, recalling that Lebedev’s father is an elderly man and needs constant medical care.

“He doesn’t want to apply these words to his dad. It would be inhumane. We would have condemned him if he had said about his dad that it would be better for him to die,” Milonov noted.

Zhirinovsky himself is reportedly aware of his son’s statements, but has not yet commented on them. I wonder if the thought occurred to him that at one time it was worth insisting on an abortion?

Leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky publicly supported the position of his son, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Igor Lebedev, who called for preventing the birth of disabled children. TASS reports this.

“All over the world there are pathologies, changes in human nature. This is how humanity will collapse. We must save humanity. Including [by] allowing doctors to identify [pathology] and recommend [terminating pregnancy],” the party leader told reporters.

According to Zhirinovsky, “all doctors around the world are able to determine what a child will be like and are able to determine his fate [for developmental pathologies].”

“The mother herself decides whether to give birth or not. But I am sure that in most cases [of pathologies] an artificial termination of pregnancy occurs, and in the next pregnancy a healthy child is born,” he told reporters, adding that if a disabled child has already been born, “he should live.”

“If you are so compassionate, take a disabled child from an orphanage and raise him. I didn’t notice a big queue,” Zhirinovsky emphasized.

Earlier, the deputy chairman of the State Duma, the son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and a deputy from his party, Igor Lebedev, left public outrage at a video posted online showing a one-year-old disabled girl Vasilina being raised in a foster family in Moscow.

“Why are such children allowed to be born, because this is torture, not life?! Modern medicine determines pathology in advance,” Lebedev wrote, then adding that, from his point of view, “it is disgusting when such people suffer and do not live.”

The politician refused to apologize for his words, insisting that they were justified. “This was a private correspondence, albeit on a public level,” he told the radio station “Moscow Speaks”. Lebedev later clarified his position by publishing detailed explanations on his blog. In particular, he said that he recognizes the need for the state to care for people with disabilities, including those with congenital pathologies, but at the same time he called not to force, but with the help of propaganda to induce mothers to have an abortion at the risk of giving birth to a terminally ill child.

As the portal was told at the Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children and Persons with Disabilities since Childhood (MGARDI), they are currently preparing an open appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to take the necessary measures in connection with Lebedev’s prank. The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Moscow Region, Ksenia Mishonova, also announced her intention to appeal to the State Duma Committee on Ethics in connection with the incident.