What is the best name for a cat? How to choose a name for a male kitten of any breed and color

If there is a kitten in the house, then in any case for its owners it is positive emotions, joy and fun. But with the appearance of a pet in the house, worries and worries increase.

This is primarily due to the choice of name for him. The whole family is usually involved in this activity, trying out a variety of options. But this should be approached from the right side.


Nicknames for girl cats

At all times, in almost every home, cats were called Muskas or Murkas. These two nicknames are the most common and simple. But today most people have purebred kittens. But such a pet cannot be called an ordinary nickname. You just need to take into account a number of features when choosing a name for a kitten.

It is wrong to start thinking of a name for a pet without purchasing it. After all, you don’t always know who exactly - a boy or a girl - will appear in your house. In addition, a pre-invented nickname may not be suitable for your four-legged friend. For example, Baby may not be tiny at all, and Sonya may be a hyperactive kitten. And the breed of the cat also obliges you to choose the right nickname. But you can call a mongrel cat any name you like.

It is especially worth the effort for those pet lovers whose kittens will be popular at various exhibitions and championships. In such situations, special attention should be paid to the baby’s ancestors. Here the choice of nickname is based on the names of the ancestors, and it should indicate that this is an elite kitten.

Eastern breeds- Arabic Mau, Persian, Siamese and others are given nicknames with an oriental accent - Gulnor, Vanilla, Afra, Almaz, Aina, Aisha, Atifa, Sakura. It is very important to consider how the nickname is translated into Russian so that it matches and suits the pet’s character. The Persian cat can be either Weasel and Toffee, or Perseus and Madonna.

British breed kitties very often called by royal names - Francesca, Beatrice, Josephine, Elizabeth, Victoria. These names are suitable for purebred representatives of this breed. When choosing a cat of a rare and exotic breed, you should remember that it must also be named in an original and unusual way.

When choosing a name for a cat you need to pay attention to the following factors:

We must not forget that the nickname should not hurt your ears and be unpleasant to you.

Nicknames are funny

From childhood, the kitten’s character begins to manifest itself. And if you have already noticed a pronounced feature in her behavior, then you can express this in a name.

For a cat who loves to eat:

  1. Dumpling;
  2. Dumpling;
  3. Piggy;
  4. Bun;
  5. Bun;
  6. Sausage;
  7. Sweeney;
  8. Meat grinder;
  9. Fatty;
  10. Cutlet;
  11. Sharpener;
  12. Meatball;
  13. Saucepan and others.

If you find yourself in the house miniature cat, then the choice of nickname for her can be based on size:

For the owner of a “sharp” character you need to choose a suitable name. For example:

  1. Fury;
  2. Ursula;
  3. Lamia;
  4. Fairy Morgana;
  5. Shrew;
  6. Yozhka;
  7. Angry;
  8. Bully;
  9. Valkyrie;
  10. Barracuda;
  11. Bazooka;
  12. Bastinda;
  13. Chile;
  14. Shark.

And also when choosing a name for a cat, you can (and should) focus on its color:

And also to funny names The following may be included: Pistachio; Slice; Melon; Khukhrya; Coconut; Heap; Lushka; Syaba; Accident; Prostitute; Chip; Pike; sandal; Sprat; Chucha; Washer and others like them.

For some, diminutive forms of female names seem funny: Frosya; Dunka; Vaska; Grunya; Feklushka; Parashka; Lushka and others. They are both easy to pronounce and cute.

You can also call your pet based on the type of his habits. For example, a cat that takes every opportunity to rattle and purr can be called Mupchella, Murkisa, Singer, Murchalka, Tarakhtelka and others. A non-offensive, but cool nickname will be given by the owner who has a great sense of humor.

Beautiful names for female cats

Among the names of cats there are often those that sound beautiful and are very suitable for their owner. A cat with a white fur coat can be called by the following names: Lily, Blondie, Blanca, Jasmine, Pearl, Lina, Belyanka, Snezhka, Snowflake, Icy.

For owners of luxurious fluffy or smooth, shiny black wool, the following names are well suited: Creole, Africa, Onyx, Magic, Carmen, Selena, Noir, Find, Nochka, Sha Noir, Lady Knight, Bagheera, Bonnie, Blackie, Abel, Anabel.

The gray skin can be called as follows: Misty, Shady, Sheila, Heidi, Smokey, Freya.

And here are the red cats- these are solar creatures that fill your home with positivity and joy. You can call it like this: Suriya, Gustia, Aine, Zolotse, Zolotinka, Amber, Goldilocks.

The tricolor favorite can be called Fortune, Luck, Tortilla, Cherie.

But it should be taken into account that not only color affects what you name your four-legged miracle.

You can contact List of cat names in alphabetical order:

A: Alliya, Arlina, Adelina, Asya, Ashera, Athena, Antalya, Astoria, Arlette, Arizona, Ariadna, Arwen, Anika, Adriana, Anastasy, Amina, Alpina, Alicia, Acacia, Aisha, Arianna, Aina, Asia, Azalea, Adagio, Agnes, Ivory, Aurora, Augustina, Augusta.

B: Brittany, Bianca, Bettany, Bridget, Brianna, Bessie, Boheme, Basilica, Barcelona, ​​Bella, Beatrice.

IN: Warsaw, Virginia, Vlasta, Vereneya, Vittoria; Verianna, Vivienne, Vicky, Wave, Viola, Wendy, Vanessa, Venice, Venus, Violet.

G: Gabriella, Harmony, Guinea, Gamma, Glory, Gracie, Gerda, Gwinnett, Hyacinth, Gloria, Geisha, Gabby.

D: Demeter, Delta, Daniel, Darina, Dolly, Jessie, Gina, Daisy, Devon, Daghira, Devory, Dolores, Dayna, Delilah, Diana.

E: Efimiya, Eliot, Blackberry, Elva, Yenna, Eleiya, Evitta.

F: Julianne, Geneva, Janelle, Jeanette, Jolie, Jasmine, Giselle.

Z: Zita, Zemfira, Zurine, Zafira, Zarina, Zabava.

And: Italy, Indira, Illada, Izel, Ingrid, Ilitaria, Indigo, Isolde, Isabel, Illiad, Iolanta.

K: Katie, Kerry, Caprice, Caramel, Claire, Camilla, Cocoa, Carmen, Calypso, Kayla, Candice, Clarissa, Cardelia, Cameo.

L: Legend, Lacoste, Lucia, Lulu, Lottia, Lilitt, Lyonesse, Lizzie, Loretta, Lila, Loreal, Linset, Lilianna, Leila, Lizabeth, Leia, Lady, Lucky, Lavender, Levretta.

M: Milena, Mirra, Modina, Monica, Melissa, Medea, Merlin, Maya, Magnolia, Mallorca, Madelena, Manuella, Mendi, Meina.

N: Narine, Nemmi, Nemida, Nalli, Nymph, Nemira, Nixia, Nalma, Neol, Nancy, Nonny, Nadine, Navarra, Naira, Nefertiti, Negel, Nivetta, Netta, Norjia, Nejia.

A: Olia, Ostia, Orly, Olympia, Audrey, Octavia, Oleria, Ophelia, Olivia, Odette, Olfi, Orlette, Ormella.

P: Paulina, Pamella, Patricia, Puma, Paola, Panni, Palermo.

R: Ramona, Roksolana, Rihanna, Rosita, Roxy, Ronnie, Rufina, Radianna, Regina, Rafaella.

With: Sibirika, Smokey, Cynthia, Savannah, Suzzy, Symphony, Sylvia, Selina, Stacy, Serafina, Sabina, Sabrina, Selena, Seini, Sybil.

T: Tracy, Torrie, Tiffany, Tyra, Tomika, Tiana, Tess, Thalia, Taya, Tivolia, Tunnels, Tobbia.

W: Winnie, Wallace, Whitney, Ursula, Unica.

F: Frida, Fergie, Freya, Floren, Violet, Philly, Ferrero, Fanny, Fleur, Fiona, Florence, Flora, Philadelphia, Fabiana, Fortuna, Frenny, Feonora.

H: Haris, Helena, Helly, Holly, Chloe, Hannah.

C: Cyania, Centia, Cercea, Queen.

C: China, Chara, Chile, Charitta.

SH: Shaylee, Shayna, Sharon, Charlotte, Chantel, Champagne, Shagane, Shenon.

E: Erina, Emmy, Emina, Eliza, Elzy, Esther, Ernia, Emilia, Elfa, Eilen, Elissa, Elite, Edri, Evelina, Abby, Eliza, Eilina, Edith.

Yu: Utah, Yunik, Yunessi, Juno, Yuzhanka, Judit.

I: Yalta, Ioannina, Yanette, Jamaica.

Easy cat names

Thinking about what to name your pet, consider his needs too. Experts advise calling your pet a name that consists of a maximum of two syllables. Even if you were given an animal with a very complex nickname, you can shorten it or come up with your own, easier to pronounce.

Cats are very different in character from dogs and do not always react quickly to their nickname. To improve your reaction, it is recommended to choose a nickname, with hissing sounds present in it. You don’t have to worry too much about this and figure out on your own how to name your pet: Shilo, Chucha, Chacha, Zita, Sozi, Zhuzha, Shutta, Shusha, Zhadi, Zizi, Sisi and the like.

There is one more hidden rule: the cat will like a nickname that ends in “and”: Ani, Molly, Chrisy, Zoe, Boni, Abi, Kitty, Sessy, Lussie, Winnie, Fanny, Shannie, Shadi, Essi, Yenny, Mickey , Tody, Issy, Libby, Lydie, Airi and others.

Cool cat names

Our life is developing rapidly. Almost every day new objects appear in it, which were previously unknown and without which humanity existed freely, but now cannot live a single day. And if it is possible to name small human children, for example, Matrix Ivanovna or iPhone Stepanovich, what can we say about how cool, but at the same time strange, pet nicknames can be. You can call the cat Galaxy, Spami, Windows, Acer, Smska, Skype, ICQ, Nokia, Klava, Simka, Flash drive and others related to the development of nanotechnology.

Car enthusiasts can give their pet a nickname based on their favorite brand and model of vehicle: Ferrari, Bugatti, Bentley, Audi, Lada-Kalini, Infiniti, Mercedes, Mazda, Toyota and others.

For sports fans a pet may appear named after his favorite: Ronaldin, Kournikova, Sharapova, Tayce, Fourcade, Ship, Koka.

Movie and pop celebrities and television stars can also inspire pet names. Possessor of charisma and outstanding appearance can be named Anfisa Chekhova, Renata Litvinova, Chloe Sevigny, Yolka, Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Marilyn Monroe. It will also be nice to have a cat in your home nicknamed Pink, Adele, Katy Perry, Electra, Beyonce, Bianca.

For a cat, its nickname is as important as its name for a person. It affects her behavior, life and characterizes the pet. You should not forget about this at the moment when you are thinking about what is the best and most correct name for your animal. The cat must like her nickname, and you can determine this only if the cat willingly responds to the nickname you have chosen.

When a fluffy little bundle appears in the house, you want to choose a beautiful and sonorous name for it. But choosing just one from the many available options is not so easy. Often this activity turns into a whole ordeal for kitten owners. Not everyone knows what to look for when choosing and whether you can use your imagination or whether you should choose a standard nickname.

How to choose a name for a cat

When choosing a name for a baby, you need to approach it carefully, taking into account the character of the new family member, his behavior, as well as who he is like and how he is unique. Perhaps the baby prefers to explore an unfamiliar environment on his own or prefers to relax more often in a soft chair. Assessing the kitten's personality is the main criterion in choosing a name.

Various specialized books, Internet sites and your own erudition will help you find a suitable nickname for your pet. Often interesting beautiful names come to mind unexpectedly. Fantasy won't hurt, but remember that kids learn best a name with one or two syllables. Shorten long words. For example, call Innocent Kesha, Tikhon - Tisha, Timofey - Tima. Also consider other recommendations:

  • cats like names ending with the letter “i” (Shandi);
  • it is desirable that the chosen name contain whistling or hissing sounds: it is assumed that they are better perceived by animals, cats respond to them faster (Barsik, Fluff);
  • the name should have more vowels (Murzik, Kuzya);
  • choose a sonorous nickname that is well remembered, but not irritating to the ear.

When choosing a name, some are guided by their hobbies, calling their ward Cheeseburger, Cosmos, or Fisherman. Others name kittens by the name of a friend, neighbor, or give the pet the name of a cartoon or television series character: Kitten Woof, Cholito. And there are those who choose names that are not subject to any logic - Musket, Beaver. Still, you should approach the choice of a baby’s name more responsibly and give something that really suits him, and not just something he liked. And to ensure that your pet’s name matches its image as best as possible, take into account 7 factors:

  1. The character of a kitten. When a baby’s nickname reflects his character and is also chosen with a creative approach and a certain amount of humor, it always evokes affection and positive emotions from those around him. And in order to choose the name as accurately as possible, the pet needs to be just a kitten for a day or two until it finally becomes clear what it is like. Affectionate names are suitable for a meek creature - Fluff, Snowball. If the kitten is a true beast and a real fury, call him Naughty or Lucifer.

    If the kitten is kind and calm, give him an affectionate name.

  2. Breed. For Siamese, Thai, and Abyssinian kittens, choose some unusual, exotic, oriental-style nickname. In the book of ancient Egyptian myths, look for a suitable name that was used to call gods and heroes. Cowboy names are suitable for kittens of the American Shorthair, Wirehair breed. Give your British Shorthair kitten an aristocratic name.

    An exotic and unusual nickname would suit an Abyssinian kitten, for example, the name of a character from myths

  3. Country of origin. In this case, choosing a name is similar to choosing it depending on the breed. For example, give a Siberian kitten the Slavic name Tikhon, give an American kitten the name John or Bob, and a Thai or Siamese kitten - Bun Mi. And also pay attention to the names of heroes known within the corresponding country.
  4. Appearance. This indicator is closely related to the baby’s disposition and his breed. One and the other certainly leaves its mark on the cat’s appearance, sometimes turning a graceful Siamese baby into an obvious hooligan. And the name given to him, for example, Osiris, will look very surprising. Do not forget about the length of the coat and do not call the short-haired animal Shaggy, which is clearly not true.
  5. Color, eye color. When choosing a name, eye and coat color also matters. The eyes of kittens of the Siamese and Thai breeds are blue or blue, their color is blue-point (seal-point), so the nicknames Sapphire, Bell, Onyx, Morion are suitable. Less sophisticated names are Chernysh, Belyash, Ryzhik.

    Call the ginger kitten simply Ryzhik, and the black one - Chernysh

  6. Age. Over time, the baby will turn into a mustachioed, important cat, with high self-esteem and an amazing sense of self-esteem in relation to his person. With an eye to the future, it would be nice to call it a serious name Boss or Porsche.
  7. Date of birth, character. There is an opinion that kittens born in winter have a tougher character, and a softer name, for example, Michael, will suit them. Summer kittens are often called by a more formal name, such as Tom. If the baby managed to be born on the eve of some holiday or on this day itself, name him in honor of this event. So, give the name Valentine to the animal that appeared on Valentine's Day.

For purebred kittens with a pedigree (metric), there are certain rules in choosing names. The document will contain a column including the name of the nursery and the name of the animal. The nickname is chosen so that its initial letter in the alphabet corresponds to a number that coincides with the ordinal number of births of the kitten’s mother. There are clubs where unified registration of litters has been introduced. The breeder is informed with which letter the kitten's name should begin. The first litter has the letter “A”. Babies from the same litter are given names starting with the same letter. In other clubs, rules are introduced for breeders, according to which they themselves choose which letter the baby’s name will begin with.

A kitten that has a pedigree, especially a branched and solid one, is often called an impressive name in accordance with its social status. So, Baron Oscar von Benjamin de Lacroix is ​​quite a significant name. I’m just wondering how to address a baby with such a long name and call him, for example, to eat. In reality, this long nickname is shortened to Benji, Baron, Donkey. In rare cases, an animal is given a nickname that has nothing to do with its pedigree.

When choosing a name for your four-legged friend, include music by different authors. When the kitten shows interest in one of them, name this composer or performer and name the animal - Mozart, Bilan.

Once the name is chosen, try calling the kitten. If he immediately responds to it and comes running to you, he obviously liked the name and will definitely stick. Remember that not only love, care and kindness are the main part of caring for a baby. The nickname is also very important. After all, the kitten is now an independent member of the family, and you need to address it by name.

Video: how to choose a name for a kitten

How to name a boy kitten

It’s not an easy task to choose a name for a kitten. The usual nicknames - Murzik, Barsik, Vaska - have long become boring. I would like to name my pet something special and beautiful, choose a serious or rare, funny or cool name.

Beautiful nicknames

There are many beautiful names that are suitable for kittens (cats), among them: Alex, Aramis, Askold, Anatole, Benjamin, Walter, Wolf, Gabriel, Darius, Emerald, Leopold, Daniel, Marcel, Athos, Arthur, Amadeus, Oliver, Paul , Julien, Bobby, Bosun, Raoul, Best, Waltz, Orpheus, Harry, Web, Leader, Jerry, Vulcan, Miracle, Martin, Eric, Simon, Felix, Fakir, Hussar, Dai, Jem, Dai, Dar, Johnny, Denis , Jerry, Jem, Egor, Zhulchi, Zhivchik., Zephyr, Fervor, Get Started, Ignat, Karai, Case, Celt, Kuzma, Leopold, Lovelace, Lord, Love, Major, Marquis, Kid, Moore, Michelle, Mayor, Walrus, Nice, Raid, Newton, Ogonyok, Odysseus, Partos, Pegasus, Pif, Plakun, Price, Punch, Robbery, Rally, Rigi, Rumbik, Richard, Signal, Spartak, Sultan, Sandy, Teddy, Clubs, Trophy, Tolly, Timmy, Umka, Hurricane, Ursik, Furor, Harik, Hippie, Hobby, Citron, Charles, Chardash, Chizhik, Chief, Caricature, Sheik, Elegant, Ex, Andy, Yurchen, Eugene, Young, Yarik.

Rare cat names for boys

A kitten can be called not only a beautiful, but also a rare name:

  • Adonis;
  • Amaris;
  • Archibald;
  • Diamond;
  • Boomeran;
  • Daniel;
  • Jared;
  • Jardon;
  • Emperor;
  • Crystal;
  • Lancelot;
  • Lucius;
  • Mirage;
  • Morpheus;
  • Onyx;
  • Pacifist;
  • Sapphire;
  • Tabasco;
  • Centaurus.

Funny, cool names

Often, owners of small kittens choose a funny name for them in order to highlight the individual characteristics of their cat against the general background of Barsikov, Vasek, Murzikov. There are a lot of original nicknames. Choose them to your taste, but taking into account some features.

Select by color

If the kitten is white, name it:

  • Belyash;
  • Vanillin;
  • Dumpling;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Kefir;
  • Cocaine;
  • Dumpling;
  • Sugar;
  • Eskimo;

Suitable names for a black baby:

  • Dracula;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Moor;
  • Black person;
  • Shaitan;
  • Zanzibar;

For your red pet, choose a nickname:

  • Apricot;
  • Barbos;
  • Volcano;
  • Ginger;
  • Chestnut;
  • Honey cake;
  • Dandelion;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Citrus.

The nickname given to the striped babies can enhance their resemblance to the big tiger cat. List of funny nicknames:

  • Watermelon;
  • Mattress;
  • Sailor;
  • Telnyashkin;
  • Tigridze.

Different coat lengths

This sign can be identified by the corresponding nickname. These names are suitable for cats with long hair:

  • Shaggy;
  • Dandelion;
  • Kashemi;
  • Poodle;
  • Chewbacca.

Funny nicknames for short-haired babies:

  • Baldy;
  • Lunatic;
  • Lenin;
  • Lichen;
  • Pebble;
  • Kotovsky;
  • Rats;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Ratpaw;
  • Ramses;
  • Lucifer;
  • Jupiter.

Sometimes it is worth naming a kitten using the opposite option. The nickname Fluff will sound cool for a smooth-haired cat or without fur. Thanks to her, the cat, being bald, will attract attention.

You can come up with funny nicknames for kittens with long hair - Poodle, Dandelion, Pooh

Funny names of cartoon characters, fairy tales

It will be interesting to hear the name of some character. If a cat from a cartoon looks like a pet, its name will delight everyone in the household for a long time:

  • Basilio;
  • Behemo;
  • Boniface;
  • Leopold;
  • Matroskin;
  • Guidon;
  • Cheburashka;
  • Simba.

Celebrity names

Name the kitten Arnold, Bonaparte, Bush, Homer, Zhirinovsky, Columbus, Newton or Obama. When choosing a name, proceed, as in other cases, from the character of the kitten. If it hasn't established itself yet, perhaps a cool nickname will give it a new twist.

By brand name

An interesting idea is to name the kitten after a famous brand. Since such nicknames are rare, they are well remembered: Samsung, Philips, Adidas, Lexus, Orbit. A creative approach to choosing a name based on this criterion will allow you to find the desired name from existing brands of various products - vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, cars, televisions.

Computer nicknames

Cool names for kittens have also appeared in connection with the development of computer technology and the latest technologies. They are especially relevant when the cat likes to relax at the computer where his owner works. List of names: Android, IKat, Byte, Buffer, Widget, Google, Kaspersky, Xerox, Moderator, Processor, Server, Torrent, Trojan, Hacker, Yandex. Your imagination is limitless, and you can come up with your own version of your pet’s name by choosing what it is most associated with.

Serious nicknames

Serious cat names include:

  • Authority;
  • Diamond;
  • Master;
  • Baron;
  • Batiste;
  • Boss;
  • Babylon;
  • Valentino;
  • Jack;
  • Viscount;
  • William;
  • Knight;
  • Graph;
  • Dominic;
  • Image;
  • Emperor;
  • Kant;
  • Captain;
  • Loki;
  • Marquis;
  • Mozart;
  • Narcissus;
  • Nelson;
  • Neptune;
  • Oscar;
  • Professor;
  • Senator;
  • Sultan;
  • Phoenix;
  • Caesar;
  • Evan.

Pet names

Cute and affectionate nicknames are also often chosen - Cupid, Antosha, Bantik, Willie, Waltz, Roller, Nusik, Gummy, Tamsik, Zaya, Surprise, Tommy, Toshka, Umka, Venya, Olive, Balu, Fusik, Tail, Gavryusha, Chucky, Umka.

Simple nicknames

Names that are suitable for small male kittens: Vaska, Murzik, Barsik, Musik, Kuzya, Syoma, Fedor, Shurik, Poufik, Pushok, Fluffy, Jean, Busik, Cornflower, Grishka, Arkasha, Bonya, Dema, Erik, Fantik, Maksik, Mikhasik, Romik, Tishka, Kesha, Seva, Mishka, Yashka.

A serious approach to choosing a name for a small kitten implies that many nicknames correspond to certain characteristics. So, Agat is good and kind, Agap is beloved, Kuzma is a gift and peace. Felix is ​​interpreted as happy, Leopold as a brave lion, and Hassan as handsome.

Gray cat names for boys

For British and Scottish breeds of kittens, feel free to choose English classic names. It would be appropriate to call gray cats of the Scottish Fold breed:

  • Scotch or Scotty - words derived from scottish, which means “Scottish” in English;
  • Whiskas - after the name of the popular Scottish drink (whisky);
  • Kilt, Celt - after the name of Scottish clothing.

The names Wulf, Gray, Smoke, Chrome, Clyde, Velvet, Ashton, Mouse are suitable for such gray kittens.

The British know their nickname well and respond to it. The nicknames of British kittens can be:

  • Wolf;
  • Smoke;
  • Martin;
  • Mouse;
  • Steve;
  • Sultan;
  • Sheikh.

Gray kittens of any breed can be called Grey, Silver, Gray or Ash.

For gray kittens of the British breed, the nicknames Tom, Smokey, and Steve are suitable.

What can you call a black cat?

Color is often the main factor when choosing a color. The combination of name and color will highlight the kitten’s individuality. These options are suitable for kittens of any black breed:

  • Agate;
  • Noir;
  • Terry (associated with the dark color of the earth);
  • Coal;
  • Chernysh;
  • Schwarz (black in German);
  • Black;
  • Knight.

A black kitten can be called Black, Chernysh or Ugolyok

Names for white cats

White kittens can be called:

  • Belusik;
  • Belyash;
  • Blanche;
  • Blonde;
  • Blond;
  • Vaitik;
  • Weiss;
  • Pearl;
  • Casper;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Kefirchik;
  • Coconut;
  • Swan;
  • Lotus;
  • Marble;
  • Cloud;
  • Snowdrop;
  • Sugar;
  • Smy;
  • Snowball;
  • Snow.

White kittens are often named by color - Snow, Belyash, Sugar, Snowball

What can you call a ginger cat?

Sunny-colored babies are given nicknames:

  • Apricot;
  • Altyn;
  • Orange;
  • Mandarin;
  • Light;
  • Orange;
  • Sun;
  • Pomeranian;
  • Ryzhik;
  • Tiger (Tiger);
  • Yant (from the word amber).

Nicknames of tricolor cats: Bengal, Maine Coon, mongrel

You don’t have to worry too much about choosing a name for a Maine Coon kitten and use a derivative form from the name of the breed - Coon, Kunya, Kuni, Maine, Mainie. More interesting nicknames for this gorgeous breed:

  • Athos;
  • Archibald;
  • Bayun;
  • Bard;
  • Bogatyr;
  • Giant;
  • Giant;
  • Gulliver;
  • Sturdy;
  • Lucky;
  • Leopold;
  • Nice;
  • Mathis;
  • Nael;
  • Oliver;
  • Sunny;
  • Titanium;
  • Angel.

Tricolor kittens are white, red, black (brown) in color. It would be logical to name the kitten depending on the predominant color of the coat.

A Maine Coon kitten can simply be called Maine or Kunya

Name for the sphinx

It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that in the cat world, sphinxes are representatives of an exotic breed. With their mysterious appearance, they evoke associations with distant Ancient Egypt, the times of the pyramids and pharaohs. Give the kitten a name that reflects the characteristics of this breed and will correspond to the character and spirit of the pet. Usually kittens are given names related to ancient Egypt and Greece, or they are awarded the names of gods and great people:

  • Apollo, Venus, Zeus, Mars, Jupiter - in honor of the ancient Greek gods;
  • Napoleon, Celsius, Plato - named after great people;
  • Majestic, Proud - according to the strongest quality;
  • Mercury, Hyperion - by the name of the celestial bodies;
  • Romeo, Roberto are beautiful human names.

Sphynx kittens are called after great people, pharaohs, and Egyptian gods.

Watch your baby and choose the option you like, taking into account the recommendations described, or come up with a nickname yourself. Then you can only enjoy the pranks of the cute bully and rejoice at how suitable the name is for your four-legged friend.

A new pet appeared in the family, and a completely reasonable question arose about what to name the kitten for the girl. Well, the task is not easy, but interesting. Previously, almost all cats were called Muskas or Murkas, but now it is customary to take into account the appearance of the animal, its color, and character traits. An interesting selection of various cat names will help you solve the dilemma.

A new pet has appeared in the family, and a completely reasonable question arose as to what to name the kitten for the girl.

Coloring and nickname: what's in common?

First of all, the name for the cat should be memorable so as not to stand at a loss, wondering what name the person came up with for her a week ago. The color of the animal's fur and its color can help in choosing a name.

  • Black girls can be called Nochka, Bagheera, Basya, Bianka, Maslinka, Gypsy, Chernyshka, Chorri, Chita, Chuchi, Chio, Yuzhanka, Yasmina (Yaska or Yasya).
  • White cats can be named Alaska, Jasminika, Isolde, Kefirka (Kefi), Marilyn, Rafaelka, Belka, Vanilla, Bella, Marshmallow, Snezhka, Ice Cream.
  • Gray kittens - girls will probably respond to the nicknames Cinderella (Zosya), Sarah, Simona (Sima, Simka or Simochka), Steffi (Stesha). The British Shorthair cat can be called Haze, Lavender or Forget-me-not. By the way, the bluish shade of the coat is called columbine, which means the name Columbine (Columbia) also suits them. And the gray fluffy Siberian girl can be called Tuchka or Tumanka.

First of all, the name for the cat should be memorable so as not to stand at a loss, wondering what name the person came up with for her a week ago.
  • Red cats are a rather rare phenomenon, most often only cats have red coloring, and yet there are names suitable for the goldilocks of the cat kingdom. These are Orange, Ognasya, Ananaska (Ananasya), Mandarin, Toast, Toffee, Iskorka (Isya). And also Chocolate, Cinnamon, Sun, Honey (translated from English as honey) and Persimmon.
  • Tricolor, tabby and tortoiseshell kittens - girls most often receive predatory variants of names: Leopard, Puma, Tiger, Cupid, Lynx or Predator. And there are also more affectionate names: Butterfly, Freckle, Bee, Flower (Tsvetik), Jasper or Fancy (translated from English as “patterned”).

Top 5 common misconceptions about feeding cats

How can you name a female kitten (video)

Name and character

How can you name a kitten a girl if from the first day of meeting her she has a bright personality, distinctive character traits or unusual behavior? Of course, it can be difficult to see such a highlight at first glance, but You can wait to choose a name for the kitten for at least a few days.

  1. The names Ladushka, Swallow, Nezhenka, Nymph, Charming, Otrada, Zabava, Sonya, Shynessa (Nyasha), Tiffany, Shusha or Happy (translated from English means “happy”) are definitely suitable for angelically calm and affectionate cats.
  2. Proud and independent girls can be called Amazon, Goddess, Baroness, Countess, Glamour, Pannochka, Princess, Tsesarevna, Tsarina, Scheherazade, Queen Margot, Queen (translated from English it also means “queen”). A British cat can be called Lady, Marquise, Elite.
  3. For naughty kitties with a prickly character, the names Rose, Nettle, Thorn, Hedgehog (Blackberry), Witch, Pepper, Hooligan, Spy, Drakosha are suitable. Proud British women can be called Beauty (translated from English as “beauty”), Mrs. or Shiny (“shiny”).
  4. A playful kitten who never sits idle for a minute definitely needs to choose equally bright and original nicknames. For example: Egoza, Anfisa (Anfiska), Aigul (eastern name), Flash. Or Gremislava, Zabava, Dragonfly, Yula.

Nicknames from the original owners

Many owners of furry purrs prefer to name their pets in a cool, original and creative way. It would take a long time to list all the conceivable and inconceivable cat names, but It’s better to give the most successful and funniest options:

  • I would like to name the large kittens Pyshka, Grushka, Sausage, Fiona.
  • Miniature pussies are often called Mini, Businka (Busya), Cherry, Thumbelina, Kroshechka, Pupsya (Pusya), Bean, Fenka (Fenya), Pistachio, Cherry.
  • What to name a gray kitten for a girl is a simple question for fans of cartoons, of course, Chloe, because that is the name of the cat - the glutton from the cartoon about the secret life of pets. And here are a few more popular nicknames from fans of TV series and cartoons: Masyanya, Khaleesi, Cersei, Demi Moore, Evlampia, Daphne.
  • Owners of newfangled gadgets, expensive cars or precious minerals choose appropriate names for their cats. For example: Toyota, Mazda, Nokia, Matrix, Rubina, Chanel, Prada, Baksa.

  • Keen astronomers and astrologers, avid fishermen, as well as polyglots choose a name for a cat based on their hobbies. Here are some examples: Alpha, Cassiopeia, Siren, Hera, Hellas, Zakidushka, Blesna, Lisette (instead of the Russian name Lisa).
  • If the owner has purchased a purebred kitten, it means that he already has a name, and it is probably quite pompous and long. Give your purebred cat a derivative abbreviated name. If the cat's name is Bellatrix, the shortened version will be Bella, Nathaniella - Nata, Gabriella - Gabby, Marisol - Masya.
  • Fans of gastronomy even call a cat a delicious name: Waffle, Slastena, Caramel, Cookie, Malinka, Dusheska, Marmaladka, Drying, Berry, Toffee.
  • Well, if you don’t want any inventions at all, you can choose a name from the following options: Apochka, Anfiska, Bosya, Grunya, Duska, Darling, Eva, Zuleika, Zyusha, Yokka, Kapa, ​​Cassie, Kat. Or from these: Lyusya, Marusya, Murkissa, Musya, Maska, Nyusya, Nyusha, Osya, Syau Meow, Tosya, Tusya, Ursula, Fimka, Frosya, Fekla. A gray kitten can quickly get used to the name Sherry, Steffi, Chucky or Ashley.

The tradition of letting the cat into the house first when moving has existed for so long that no one can restore its origin. From an esoteric point of view, the sign is explained by the high sensitivity of these animals to the presence of geopathogenic zones, and the ancient teaching of Feng Shui attributes to cats the ability to bring good luck to their owners.

Many peoples have a belief that a furry pet is a kind of talisman for the room in which it constantly lives. To attract well-being and prosperity into your home, name your pet with meaning.

Lucky names for cats

Standard “folk” names do not endow animals with any special properties. For example, “Barsik” is a derived word from the name of a large predator of the cat family - the snow leopard, and the nickname “Murka” was formed from the verb “to purr”. If you want to change something in your life for the better, instead of a neutral nickname, choose any one you like from this list:

  1. For those experiencing financial problems, esotericists advise bringing home a black or golden brown cat. Name it after any “strong” currency (Bucks, Euro, Yen, Franc) or precious stone (Diamond, Ruby, Topaz).

Pay attention to names that literally mean “wealth” or “gold.” The most sonorous: Rich (Richie), Harry, Heinrich, Goldie, Zlata.

  1. A gray or white cat with the name Hera (translated from Greek as “guardian”), Lada (the Slavic Goddess of the hearth and patroness of lovers), Gerda (from the Scandinavian “protector”), Bastet (the Goddess revered in Egypt in the form of cats, protector of home and family).

  1. Those who dream of strong love are recommended to get a red or silver-blue pet and name it in honor of the God or Goddess of love. Suitable options: Cupid, Eros, Venus, Aphrodite.

  1. A tricolor cat will help you find good luck and luck. Give your furry mascot the name Felix (translated from Latin as “happy”, “prosperous”), Laima (translated from Latvian as “happiness”), Nanda (from the Indian word “joy”), Fortuna, Lucky (translated from English “ lucky"), Tikhon (comes from the Greek “bringing happiness”).

When choosing a nickname, always pay attention to the meaning of the word and its history if it is associated with mythological characters. You should not be overly creative, call the animal too long a name or an obscene word. Remember that you cannot name a cat after a deceased pet. This is considered a bad omen.

Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “A”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “B”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “G”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “D”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “E”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “F”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “I”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “O”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “R”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “C”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “C”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “E”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “I”


When owners have a new furry family member, giving him a worthy name is one of the main tasks. After all, a name always characterizes a person and determines his fate. And because this choice is not always easy, we will help you choose a beautiful nickname for your pet.

And also in this article we will discuss some signs with names. The options can be very different, in this article we will offer you some, and then use your worldview.

What to call a kitten?

There are some rules that apply to choosing a name for cats:

  1. It should be simple, or better yet short; words of two syllables (Musya, Kuzya) are suitable for this;
  2. Experts say that it is easiest for kittens to remember those words that contain hissing letters (ts, ch, w, s, x);
  3. It is also believed that a suitable nickname would be one that ends with a vowel.

Therefore, we present for you a list of names that may be suitable for your pet: Tom, Miles, Dani, Archie, Richie, Santa, Kitty, Rick, Nikki, Mickey.

If you have a very tiny animal and you really want to name it tenderly and affectionately, then choose one of the names: Mini, Baby, Dwarf, Knopa, Baby.

When the owners have an animal that is quite large in size or fluffy, then nicknames are suitable for it: Snowdrift, Hippopotamus, Mister, Big, Fluff, Fat Man, Uncle.

Famous owners of their friends also call them funny names, for example, Anastasia Volochkova nicknamed her cat, a Neva Masquerade breed, Zhorzhik. And Evgeniy Plushenko (skater) gave his pet a nickname - Pukhlik.

In the same way, if you have two furry four-legged animals living at home, then you can give them funny nicknames, remembering the cartoon series. These include: Chuk and Huck, Timon and Pumbaa, Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, Tilly and Willy, Lelik and Bolik, Chic and Glitter.

Names for kittens

Since cat breeds have lived with people for quite a long time, humanity has already come up with a lot of things regarding nicknames for females. There are many familiar names that are already quite boring and tired of society, such as: Murka, Barsik, Mashka, Dashka, Musya, Bonya, Kuzya, Lyusya.

Therefore, in our 21st century, you can choose something original. Agree that even if you have a crazy cat, such respectable names make him more gallant: Bonnie, Daniel (Daniela), Chloe, Marilyn, Monica, Jessica.

If you had a special event in your life (or the cat itself brought a zest to your life), then giving it a suitable name, you will remember it all your life (see). These include nicknames: Champion, Moment, Surprise, Victory, Ballerina, Actress.

Why not choose a beautiful, elegant name for your girl? Malibu, Samantha, Rose, Mary, Alice, Elizabeth, Ava, Aphrodite, Lady, Lala.

And again, if you have two cats that need their own name, then choose something like this: Rikki and Tikki, Gerda and Bertha, Yin and Yang.

For those who have a male and a female, the following nicknames are suitable: Lilo and Stitch, Kai and Gerda, Lala and Po, Count and Countess, Tsar and Queen, Adam and Eve, Tinky and Winky, Bubble and Straw.

Funny and unusual nicknames

Cats usually always bring something bright and kind into the lives of their owners. With their tricks and inventions, they cannot help but make even the most formidable person smile. But, if you also choose a cheerful name for such a pet, then you will always have a positive feeling at home.

Usually such names are born by looking at the kitten’s appearance, its habits and characteristics.

Therefore, when a cat that won’t sit still appears in the house, give it a nickname: Bouncer, Scamp, Grumpy, Yula, Shuler, Ninja, Hurricane, Rogue or Spy. If the owners have a fluffy animal with pronounced cheeks, then the following names are suitable for it: Hamster, Garfield, Piglet, Sandwich, Sandwich, Dumpling.

Nicknames considered quite original are: Bucks, Dollar, Bearded Man, Mummy, Rarity, Masyanya, Chaplin, Gluck, Eggplant, Romeo, Pirate, Brick, Susanin, Gopher, Lucifer, Robber, Student or Cowboy. The following would be very suitable for girls: Lyalya, Fairy, Doll, Chocolate, Swallow, Carmelita, Caramel, Berry, Fantasy, Cutie, Pistachio, Marmalade or Gypsy. If such a female stands out for her tough disposition, then call her: Chimera, Podliza, Skoda, Shaggy, Monkey.

Beautiful and gentle names

Naturally, for every owner, a furry lady is always the best and most beautiful. You can emphasize your love by giving it a cute name. These include: Acey, Beauty, Barbie, Laska, Milka, Cutie, Nyashka, Rafaelka, Masya, Nezhenka, Snowflake. You can also name it based on your favorite pretty flowers: Rose, Jasmine, Orchid, Tulip, Violet, Lily.

Suitable nicknames for ladies would be: Samantha, Josie, Izya, Joselle, Matilda, Katie, Bella, Britney, Monica.

And for males the following names are suitable: Arnold, Archie, Richie, Dani, Mickey, Leo, Lamur, Sebastian. If your boy is too gentle for such names, then name him: Timka, Lyolik, Laskac, Fluff, Murko, Lyubimysh, Karapuz, Yashka, Snezhok.

Russian names for cats

Of course, if your friend is taken from a club, then often his name may already be indicated in the passport. Unfortunately, it can be complex, ugly or not ours. But many people want their animal to have a name in accordance with their country (see).

For some reason, it is accepted among people that if it is a British cat, then its name must be American, if it is a Siamese, it must be Oriental, and if it is Russian, then it must be Russian.

Sometimes the owners simply shorten the official names given in the passport, but they can also come up with their own.

When the owner has a Russian cat, he wants to give him an appropriate nickname. But, let's first figure out which cat breeds are considered Russian.

These include:

  • Russian Blue;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Ural rex;
  • Kurilian Bobtail;
  • Siberian;
  • St. Petersburg Sphinx;
  • Thai Bobtail.

However, it is not necessary for a kitten to be purebred in order to give it a Russian name. If any pet, even a mongrel one, lives in a family that is Russian by blood, then they can safely take their native name. Why not name the cat: Trofim, Philip, Zakhar, August, Julius, Anton, Boris, Veniamin, Evdokim, Bogdan, Vsevolod, Gregory or Makar?

And for a cat who lives in Russia, the following are suitable: Seraphima, Aza, Marta, Zoya, Gloria, Afanasia, Martha, Nika, Octavia, Faina.

But it is also worth remembering that by calling your four-legged pet by a human name, you may offend someone. Imagine that a person with the same name as your male or female comes to visit you. Will he feel uncomfortable?

Or maybe he will be offended, thinking that his name is not so attractive that animals are called by it. Therefore, this question is purely personal and it is up to its owner to make a decision about such a nickname for his cat.

Names that match your character

When a kitten comes to a new home, it is not immediately possible to determine its character. Often children are stressed from a new environment and new people, but after waiting just a little, he will still show his “I”. Therefore, if you see that this is a restless miracle, then call it: Shustrik, Flyer, Batman, Zhivchik, Runner, Bullet, Rambo, Adrenaline, Tarzan.

And if you have a female with such a restless character, then name her: Pulka, Dragonfly, Vertelka, Runner, Fidget, Squirrel. When the owner is a true lover and connoisseur of cars, an active cat can remind him of his favorite car. And therefore the names are suitable for them: Lexus, Bentley, Ferrari, Mercy, Gina (Lamborghini), Skoda.

In the same way, funny names are suitable for active kittens: Motorchik, Veselchak, Lightning, Snickers, Jumper, Thunder, Shocker, Brawler, Player. Nicknames that will be suitable for girls are: Star, Feather, Igrulya, Zabava. If the owners are the same cheerful people and jokers, then the clockwork pet can be given the opposite nicknames, for example: Snail, Ballerina, Turtle.

Naturally, not all owners have active animals, so if you meet a calm and gentle young lady, you can nickname her: Sonya, Nezhenka, Lyalya, Murlena, Knopa. And with such an unsightly character, a boy can become Quiet, Curdled Milk, Matroskin or Poslushaika.

If your female is too proud for a simple name, then choose a nickname: Aristocrat, Fifa, Goddess, Lady, Princess, Diva, Princess. And when your guy looks very elegant and behaves with dignity, then the following names will suit him: Major, Bucks, Boss, Dollar, Baron, Prince, Sultan.

Folk signs

For some people, traditions or signs are of great importance, so when choosing a name for their pet, they also take this into account.

One of the most important signs is that you cannot name an animal after a deceased cat or person. This sign suggests that if you name a cat this way, then the deceased soul, not having time to ascend to heaven, can move into the soul of your kitten. Therefore, it is believed that such males or females do not live long.

Therefore, if you want to protect your beloved animal from an unfortunate fate, then choose a worthy nickname for it.

For people who believe that names bring good luck, wealth or something else, there is a list of such names, for example:

  • Lucky, Rada, Happy, Lucky - names that bring happiness to the house;
  • Fish, Healer, Hottabych, Wizard, Genie, Magician - suitable for those cats that will be able to bring good luck or heal weak spots in a person;
  • Lyuba, Love, Venus, Lyubava, Love - pet names that will bring love to your home;
  • Kopek, Evrik, Rublik, Denezhka, Bucks are among those animals that are responsible for wealth in the family. Also, if you have a female and a male, then call them by combining these names, for example, Kopeika and ruble. Many believe that this is what will bring wealth to their home, because their cats correspond to the proverb “A penny saves a ruble”;
  • Bayun, Peace, Harmony, Peace - these are names for those who believe that they will bring peace and tranquility to the house.

Such lists with the names of cats and cats can be continued and continued. However, each person has his own fantasies, worldviews and desires. Therefore, after reading this article and thinking a little, we hope that you will be able to choose a worthy and appropriate name for your animal.