I dreamed that my new car was stolen. Personal car theft

What book can tell us the secrets of dreams? Interpret them, let them understand what this or that picture was about? Of course, a dream book!

A car was stolen - perhaps such a vision is the most terrible for those people who own a car. What could this mean? For a complete understanding, you should look into several dream books.

Meaning according to the Modern Book of Interpretations

So, what can this dream book tell? If a car is stolen, it means that a person should expect changes. The book also says that the car is a symbol of material wealth and financial well-being. And if expensive things(such as a car) a person dreams of even at night, which means well-being of this kind means a lot to him.

Sometimes such a vision is purely indirect. That is, the dreamer lives in hope, sets solid goals for himself, makes big plans and generally worries about whether he will be able to achieve what he planned or not.

In some cases, it is the personification of experiences related to unrequited love. Especially if the object of the dreamer’s adoration was sitting behind the wheel.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a stolen car in a dream means that soon a person will have to show a quick reaction. Such a vision warns of the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances in life. So a person will have to act and, accordingly, think quickly. Otherwise, there is a high probability of missing out on something of your own. In this case, the dreamer will not be the initiator of the events taking place. However, it may well be able to influence the course of their development.

The 21st century dream book advises to be active and not be afraid to take even the most radical actions. It will be much better to change the usual way of life and take risks than to give up and watch how other enterprising people take away what is dear to the dreamer from under their noses.

There is another interpretation given by the dream book. A car was stolen, and a man saw it and started chasing it with all his might? This means that in reality he is too preoccupied with some issue. Most likely, this is due to his work. And the project with which the person is puzzled has yet to be implemented. Therefore, you should not worry too much - everything is ahead. And the result will definitely please the dreamer.

Be a hijacker

When a person sees himself in a dream acting as a burglar and car thief, this is already a vision that carries a completely different meaning. If the dreamer in reality has enemies, competitors with whom he is associated personal accounts, then you can be sure that they will soon have to pay for everything they have done. And not with the help higher powers: the dreamer himself will successfully take revenge.

If a person stole a car and crashed it, this is truly a sign from above. Now it's time the right time in order to restore lost justice. And it’s better not to waste this chance, since it’s not a fact that it will be given again soon. In order not to be tormented by the feeling of unfinished business, you should take on it with your sleeves rolled up.

Interpretation of vision for girls

The dream book gives a completely different interpretation to representatives of the fair half of humanity. Did your car get stolen? Unfortunately, the girl will be disappointed in her chosen one or admirer. It is likely that he will soon show all his shortcomings. This might turn out to be something that will require an eye and an eye. Or an avid ladies' man, for whom a new relationship is just another frivolous adventure to which he does not attach of great importance. So a girl should be more attentive to the choice of her potential soul mate - so that it is a “good, reliable car”, and not “a car that can be easily stolen.”

Freud's Dream Book

When a person sees himself stealing an incredibly expensive car, this is a sign of career growth. A salary increase, or even a bonus or promotion, is possible.

Sometimes, though, similar visions are only a reflection of a person’s desire to buy a new powerful car. Probably the dreamer is so obsessed with his idea that he already dreams about it at night.

In a symbolic sense, a car means a business, a task, a project that will take huge amount time and effort. However, with all these disadvantages and costs, a person will receive a worthy reward.

But stealing a car and crashing it, getting into an accident, means a loud showdown. Moreover, most likely, a quarrel or scandal will arise due to the fault of the dreamer. Even if the reason for this is his unintentional, accidental action. So in the near future you should be more careful in terms of committing some actions or actions.

English dream book

If you stole a car in a dream, then this could be good sign. In any case, this is how the English dream book interprets this vision.

Seeing yourself getting into a vehicle means choosing your life path. It won't be simple. However, the result will definitely please the dreamer. You just need to be prepared for the fact that you will often have to face difficulties. But they will all turn out to be solvable.

What if a car belonging to the dreamer was stolen? In the event that a person did not close it himself, and because of this his car was stolen, this is a sign of trouble that may soon arise through the fault of the dreamer. So he needs to be more prudent and attentive, and this applies to all areas of life.

If a car was stolen in a dream from a person who at the moment has doubts about his personal life and close relationships with someone - then perhaps they are not unfounded. Soon the dreamer will discover the truth concerning his soulmate. It is possible that he will experience pain and for whom he felt something sublime and bright. Maybe it will turn out that the chosen one or chosen one had someone else.

There are also plenty of others different interpretations. But in order to understand why this or that vision occurred in a dream, it is necessary not only to look through dream books, but also to listen to your own feelings experienced in a dream.

What does it mean if a car is stolen in a dream? Maybe your car was stolen or you yourself stole someone else's car and are trying to figure out the meaning strange dream. Let’s try to clarify the situation and find out why you dream that a car was stolen according to dream books and basic interpretations.

A car is a means of transportation, transport. In a dream, transport is a way to achieve a goal.

The dream reflects your fears and most important dreams. At the same time, dreams are based on life realities. If you dream of a heavenly Porsche, but work as a turner or a security guard, your subconscious mind tells you that you can only steal the desired car. Even in a branded salon, arrogant clerks - managers will not allow you to take a test drive. A dream in which you steal a car has positive meaning. You are stubborn, determined, and strive for speed and efficiency. In reality, you won’t have to steal anything, it’s your own personal qualities will help without special problems make your dreams come true and achieve your goals.

If you stole a car in a dream, this does not mean that you are ready for a criminal career. It would be stupid and too cheap. You just want to have the right tools to move towards your dreams. Carefully inspect the stolen car, and you will be able to guess a lot about yourself from its characteristics and appearance.

Car parameters in a dream

Appearance and technical specifications a car can say a lot about the dreamer’s habits.

  • A fast car means the habit of quick success in everything, however, such success is often fleeting and does not bring pleasure.
  • Simple operation - love for transparent and understandable operating schemes, manual gearbox - high need for personal control. Large quantity switches - deliberate complication of the ordinary, tricks, workarounds.
  • The presence of tuning, xenon, chandeliers on the roof, body kits, eyelashes, contours - the desire for cheap chic, dust in the eyes.
  • Tinted or mirrored glass - suggests the possibility of dark affairs. Replacing the engine with a more powerful one hides your real capabilities.
  • Tough kangaroos - ruthlessness, desire for aggression.
  • The size of the car matters. Small cars emphasize practicality, huge SUVs try to add weight to the owner. Long limousines are a caricature of a gangster on the road.
  • If in a dream you stole a car simply because of its location and accessibility, you should hurry up to carry out your plan. You feel the need to rush, but you should think carefully about your actions. Real life is not a picture from an action movie, where the hero can irresponsibly dispose of other people's property and lives, without thinking about the consequences and without worrying at all about the secondary characters.

According to the main meaning, to steal a car is to appropriate someone else’s property, developments, merits, to take a spouse away from the family.

Stealing a car in a dream shows the pursuit of a dream at any cost. IN real life you may be forced to pay the maximum bill.

What does it mean if your car is stolen in a dream?

  • If a dream in which you steal a car shows dreams and aspirations in moving towards a goal by any means, then a dream in which your car is stolen from you demonstrates secret fears. Sleep can happen even if you don't have a car.
  • The main meaning is that if your car was stolen in a dream, you are afraid that you will be scammed at work, your developments will be stolen from you and your progress will be made impossible. It is likely that you have enough serious ill-wishers and enemies pretending to be friends. Try to chat less, don’t show official documents to anyone, don’t brag about your involvement in secrets, and beware of flatterers.
  • If your car was stolen in your presence, try to see the attackers in your dream. In reality, these people should be feared.
  • Stealing a car - you are in doubt and are not ready to repel enemies. Perhaps you cannot believe the treachery of false friends and betrayal.
  • Looking after a car as it drives away means regretting missed and unrealized opportunities.

Authoritative interpretations

  • Freud's dream book connects a car with family and unstable life situation. In reality, you are afraid that someone will take your wife or husband away. You may have to go through serious stress at work, but you will be able to solve the problem.
  • The women's dream book treats the dreamer's problem with poorly concealed malice. If a woman dreams that her car was stolen, it means that she has tired everyone with her power and desire for control. In a family, control may be annoying. But if a woman works for leadership position, control is a necessary part of the job.


Seeing a car stolen in a dream is an indicator of high anxiety. However, a dream in which you yourself stole a car does not signal peace of mind. Before you begin to act, you should calm down, collect your thoughts, and have a good rest.

It might make sense to see a psychologist if anxiety bothers you a lot. Put things in order, eliminate possible errors and stop being afraid. As for the car, it would be a good idea to take care of safety and leave the car only in guarded parking lots or in a garage.

Fears about the safety of your car may be caused by your own behavior. If you leave your car on the sidewalk, footpaths, or on the lawn, you naturally irritate the people around you and test their patience. A car that bothers everyone can be stolen or damaged, and no one will take the owner’s side.

Losing your own car in a dream, especially its theft, promises little good, but in some cases dream books are ready to please us and even make us smile. Don’t rush to get upset, but find out exactly why you dream that your car was stolen.

Miller's dream book about hijackers

The struggle for owning a car reflects a clash of interests in competition or in other areas of life. If your car was stolen in a dream, then there is a high probability of losing to your rivals. If the carjackers threw the owner out of the car and sped off, Miller prophesies bad news.

I dreamed that after this they had an accident: misfortunes would befall their opponents. If you happen to catch the hijackers, you will bypass your opponents, leaving them far behind.

This is not the time to take risks

Driving your own transport represents prosperity and luck. Accordingly, if you dreamed of losing your property in some way, then this means a precarious situation and portends changes for the worse.

Why do you dream about your car being stolen? Dream books suggest that the project that was supposed to change your life will fail. In addition to collapse, other bitter changes are possible in the future.

Other people's problems

It’s a different matter if you dreamed that she was a stranger. For example, what lies ahead if it was stolen from a friend? In this case, it will be hard for the gossips who will try to annoy you. To dream that your friend’s face is wet with tears, or to hear her sobbing, means victory over your rival.

Witnessing how someone else's "six" was stolen means that a person will not be annoyed by petty intrigues. If a luxury car, but someone else’s, was stolen before your eyes, dream books predict that you will defeat a serious opponent and significantly strengthen your position.

Change is overdue

Why dream of finding your car without wheels in a dream? This picture can be interpreted in two ways. The loss of wheels foreshadows separation from loved ones, and dream books interpret the upcoming forced replacement of wheels as a need for new ideas. In both cases, you will be forced to reconsider your life.

Enjoy life

What's good about a dream in which the dreamer's car was stolen? The compilers of dream books know what it means to dream that a person’s attention is distracted by details: sometimes it is they who determine the interpretation of the dream.

  • Looking at a car means traveling.
  • Buying a new one means restoring lost status.
  • Engaging in the restoration of what was found leads to an active intimate life.
  • Seeing a garage means quality sex.
  • Finding your car in full working order means a successful outcome in a difficult life situation.

It is generally accepted warning sign warning of imminent serious changes in life, often with sad outcome. Don't rush to conclusions. For a more accurate and reliable interpretation of the dream, you will need to analyze everything related to the dreamed vehicle. Most of human dreams arise as a consequence of his real life. So, let’s find out in more detail why you dream about car theft.

Meaning of sleep

Interpretation for a woman

The interpretation of car theft by gender varies significantly.

A married woman, having seen such a dream, realizes that the time has come to put aside most of her household worries, relax and live for herself. For a strong-willed woman, such a dream will mean controlling everyone and everything, as well as the fear of losing her authority.

If a fellow traveler is nearby during the hijacking, in life the partner of such a woman does not show any initiative in solving problems, leaving everything to his own wife.

If you steal someone else's car and all family members are present in the stolen car, they will become victims of the rash and irresponsible actions of the thief.

She jumps out of the speeding car - trying to avoid responsibility and leave everything as it is. The glass is foggy - he doesn’t think about the consequences, he lives one day at a time. For a young girl, this will be interpreted as disappointment and distrust of her partner and his possible betrayal on the side. The possibility of snatching a guy from your rival can also be considered as a suggested interpretation.

Regretting and crying about a lost car means parting with tears in reality due to the fault of a rival, who is a close friend.

Wheels stolen: what does it mean?

Any breakdown in a dream will certainly be associated with some worries in the future. The theft of wheels is a warning about impending betrayal and deception, as well as the need to be very careful when concluding any transactions. It could also mean possible problems with health in the near future.

According to Freud's dream book, such a dream means the revelation of secret intimate relationships . For a car without wheels, it symbolizes impotence and powerlessness. Longo's dream book refers to uncertainty and lack of ability to make important decisions both at work and at home. Stealing the wheels yourself is some kind of decision important issue will be delayed due to your fault.

Whatever the interpretation of dreams associated with car theft, psychologists say that most of them will be associated with the car owner’s real experiences about his vehicle and the events taking place in his life. Get rid of such dreams and discomfort the driver will be helped by the necessary care for the safety of the source of his experiences.

If you dreamed that your car was stolen, then you should prepare for trouble. The ideal option would be to see the one who did this, so you can find out from whom to expect betrayal, and perhaps you will be able to protect yourself from most of the troubles.

What if you dream about your car being stolen?

To dream that a car was stolen is a sign of betrayal. If a friend did this, then you should not take all his words on faith, since they may turn out to be lies. It is important to prevent deception, since the dreamer’s reputation and well-being will depend on this.

If a woman dreams that her husband stole her car, then in reality he will interfere with her independence. After all, it is not beneficial for him for her to act independently, since it does not please his pride. Perhaps, on this basis, a scandal will occur in the family, but the dreamer should not deviate from her plans, otherwise in the future she risks being left not only alone, but also without a livelihood. For this reason, you should insist on your own, and not be led by your husband, who will subsequently reproach her for unnecessary expenses and uselessness.

If a girl was told that her car was stolen, but she never had one, then in reality someone will encroach on her independence. She should confront this, otherwise she will blame herself for this all her life. The dreamer should not listen to the advice of relatives; it is better to go her own way, gaining invaluable experience.

A modern dream book does not bode well if a person dreams that his car was stolen close person. He promises the dreamer betrayal and deception. Of course, you shouldn’t suspect him of all sins, but you need to take precautions.

Looking for your car in a parking lot and hearing in a dream that it was stolen is a sign of trouble at work. So, perhaps some careless employee will weave intrigues behind the sleeping person’s back and spread unpleasant gossip. This state of affairs will require immediate intervention, since this could harm not only the dreamer’s reputation, but also interfere with his climb up the career ladder.

If you look spring dream book, a car was stolen - a bad omen. According to him, a terrible event awaits a person. Especially bad sleep It is considered when a car is stolen in front of the dreamer. This promises monetary losses and financial difficulties. In this case, you need to be more rational in your spending and try not to get involved in scams in the near future. If the car was stolen by your beloved girlfriend, wife, then you should be wary of her betrayal. The best solution will take a closer look at her and analyze her actions, so the blow will be less painful. But it will still be very unpleasant, since such a situation will bring suffering. After this dream he for a long time will not be able to trust women and will avoid them.

What does it portend?

If a person dreams that his boss stole his car, then most likely he will be fired. Moreover, the manager will try to do everything to avoid paying him the money due by law. In such a situation, the dreamer must decide what he will do? What risks will accompany his litigation? After all, the boss can fire him under the article, and this will affect his career. Perhaps you should accept it and look for another place.

If a man dreamed that his car was stolen, but it was found broken, then such a dream promises him a disruption in his plans. On this basis, he will fall into a terrible depression and will even be ready to commit suicide. It’s all because of his carelessness; you shouldn’t trust all the people around you, as there are many envious people among them who are trying to harm him.

When a person dreams that his car was stolen, but he was able to quickly return it intact, then he will have some troubles, but he will be able to quickly deal with them. However, he will need the help of friends and quick reactions. Also, don’t turn away from help. strangers, since later they can become faithful companions, whose friendship will be very useful in difficult times.

If a non-existent car is stolen in a dream, then you need to try to remember its color. So, if it was red, then you should expect troubles with your loved one, green promises expenses, blue means failure at work, black means the death of a loved one.

Stealing a car in a dream is not the most pleasant symbol; its interpretation in most cases boils down to the fact that one should expect failures in one area or another. You should also remember who exactly stole it, then you will be able to find out who will be the culprit of the negative events.